How to clean kitchen boards. We clean and disinfect a cutting board made of wood and plastic

The buildings 17.06.2019
The buildings

This kitchen accessory often turns into a source of dangerous intestinal infections. And all because of the fact that they clean it wrong!

Clean cutting board necessary is a fact. And it's not even about mixing smells and tastes, but about the danger that lies behind the use of old, poorly washed boards.
Cutting boards made of glass and other non-porous materials are safe and easy to handle. Rinse them enough. hot water with soap and wipe dry after each use.
A natural stone does not tolerate the effects of alkali and acids. Glass, on the contrary, is resistant to almost any active substances, so these boards perfectly tolerate washing in dishwasher.
There is an opinion that plastic cutting boards are easier to care for than wooden ones. This is not entirely true. Indeed, the new non-porous plastic is not afraid of water and any detergents, except for concentrated acids. But, unfortunately, this material quickly becomes unusable. The knife leaves scratches on the plastic, in which they get stuck small particles food - they cannot be cleaned either by hand or in the dishwasher.
Rinse plastic boards thoroughly with hot water using detergents every time after use. Disinfect the board on which you cut meat or fish with a solution of vinegar, baking soda or citric acid after cleaning the surface of impurities. If you find the first signs of damage to the plastic, replace the board with a new one.
Cutting boards from natural wood recognized as the most hygienic (according to a study by Dr. Dean Cliver, conducted in 1995). And although wood products cannot be washed in the dishwasher, there are other ways. effective cleaning surfaces. Dr. Cliver's study states: "Although the bacteria that disappeared from the surface were still found in the deeper layers of the tree some time after the cutting board was used, they are not active, do not multiply, and soon die."
Remove food residue from the surface with a stiff brush or wire mesh.
Wash the board with soapy water.
Rinse it under running water.
Optional: Disinfect the surface with a vinegar solution.
Pat the board dry with paper towels and then air dry it thoroughly before next use. Due to excess moisture, the tree may begin to crack.
Once a month, grease the wooden boards with edible mineral oil.

Cleaning the cutting board is necessary - this is a fact. And it's not even about mixing smells and tastes, but about the danger that lies behind the use of old, poorly washed boards.

Glass, granite and stainless steel

Cutting boards made of glass and other non-porous materials are safe and easy to handle. It is enough to wash them with hot water and soap and wipe dry after each use.

Natural stone does not tolerate alkalis and acids. Glass, on the other hand, is resistant to almost any active substance, so these boards perfectly tolerate washing in the dishwasher.


There is an opinion that plastic cutting boards are easier to care for than wooden ones. This is not entirely true. Indeed, the new non-porous plastic is not afraid of water and any detergents, except for concentrated acids. But, unfortunately, this material quickly becomes unusable. The knife leaves scratches on the plastic, in which small particles of food get stuck - they cannot be cleaned either by hand or in the dishwasher.

Wash plastic boards thoroughly with hot water and detergent after each use. Disinfect the board on which you cut meat or fish with a solution of vinegar, baking soda or citric acid, after cleaning the surface of dirt. If you find the first signs of damage to the plastic, replace the board with a new one.


Natural wood cutting boards are recognized as the most hygienic (according to a study by Dr. Dean Cliver, conducted in 1995). And although wood products cannot be washed in the dishwasher, there are other ways to effectively clean the surface.

Dr. Cliver's study states: "Although the bacteria that disappeared from the surface were still found in the deeper layers of the tree some time after the cutting board was used, they are not active, do not multiply, and soon die."

How to clean a wooden board:

    Remove food residue from the surface with a stiff brush or wire mesh.

    Wash the board with soapy water.

    Rinse it under running water.

    Optional: Disinfect the surface with a vinegar solution.

    Pat the board dry with paper towels and then air dry it thoroughly before next use. Due to excess moisture, the tree may begin to crack.

    Once a month, grease the wooden boards with edible mineral oil.

Wooden is an eco-friendly and convenient kitchen tool, but it has one drawback - it gets dirty too quickly.

Despite the widespread use of modern cutting boards made of silicone, glass and plastic in the kitchens, wooden boards are not going to give up, remaining as popular as they were several centuries ago.

Due to the porous structure of wood, a wooden board absorbs their juice after cutting food on it. The point is not only and not so much in the smell that the board is impregnated with after cutting or fish.

Microscopic particles of food remaining on the surface of the cutting board serve as an excellent breeding ground for germs and bacteria, which pose a real threat to human health.

Many cases of food poisoning are known, the cause of which is poor-quality cleaning of a wooden cutting board after its use.

Cleaning the cutting board

The most common way to clean a wooden cutting board is to wash it thoroughly with hot water and dishwashing detergent.

It would seem that here you can do wrong? However, many people make the mistake of wiping dry a clean cutting board. kitchen towel transferring germs and bacteria from it to the board.

Quit this bad habit! After washing and rinsing the cutting board clean, leave it to dry in an upright position without wiping it with a dish sponge or kitchen towel.

If the board needs to be dry right now, wipe it off with a paper towel.

Wooden board disinfection

Most effective method disinfection - soaking the cutting board in a detergent containing chlorine.

Do not overdo it with chlorine liquid! For 5 liters of water, 1 tablespoon of the product will be enough.

After 30 minutes, remove the board from the disinfectant solution, rinse and leave to dry in an upright position.

Prepare a safer disinfectant solution using baking soda. Dissolved in 0.5 l hot water 1 teaspoon of baking soda, moisten the surface of the board with the resulting mixture.

After 5-10 minutes, rinse the board thoroughly and leave to dry.

You can use hydrogen peroxide instead of soda, in this case, to prepare a cleaning solution for 0.5 liters of water, you will need 2 teaspoons of peroxide.

Each of us has a cutting board in the kitchen, on which we cut vegetables, bread and other products. It often happens that this much-needed item gets dirty, stained and becomes bad smell. We will tell you how you can clean a cutting board made of wood or plastic so that it retains its beauty for a long time. appearance and was suitable for further use.

Materials and Features

Like any thing, a board made of wood has its pros and cons. Among the positive aspects can be noted:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • strength;
  • ease of use;
  • low cost.

As for the cons, they are obvious:

  • subject to wear;
  • gets dirty quickly;
  • the porous structure of the tree tends to absorb the juice of vegetables and fruits;
  • knife marks may remain after cutting food.

As for the plastic board, it is characterized by the following qualities:

  • ease;
  • strength;
  • color variety;
  • odors are easily dissipated.

Of the minuses can be identified:

  • no antibacterial coating;
  • the material is not environmentally friendly;
  • often a sliding surface.

The inevitability of pollution is the most a big problem, which housewives usually encounter when using a board in everyday life - both wooden and plastic. This feature leads to the formation of microbes that contribute to the development of infections. To prevent the penetration of bacteria into the body, you need to learn how to clean the surface of food debris.

Cleaning rules

Most often this kitchen item clean with hot water, as well as all kinds of detergents. At the same time, it is worth remembering that it is not worth soaking a dirty board in water, since the wood from which it is made can begin to rot, and the number of bacteria will only increase.

It is undesirable to wipe the board with a towel, as the fabric may contain germs. In contact with it, bacteria can get on the wooden or plastic surface and washing will be a waste of time.

The best option after washing is to simply dry this household item in limbo. But if you urgently need to use it, then gently blot the board, both wooden and plastic, with a napkin or disposable paper towel.


From time to time it is necessary to carry out disinfection of the cutting surface, and this process must be given Special attention. If you are thinking about how to remove the smell and food debris, weigh the pros and cons of each method.

The "thermonuclear" Soviet version - purification with chlorine. For this purpose, you need to mix five liters of water with one tablespoon of this substance. Thereafter wooden board dipped in the mixture for half an hour. You need to act very carefully, work only with gloves and do not forget about your own safety. After using chlorine from the board, it is necessary to carefully remove all remnants of this chemical with hot water. But no one can guarantee that no toxic compounds remain in the porous structure of the surface. Since the board is used for cooking, using this method is still highly undesirable.

Better take advantage ordinary soda available to every hostess. To do this, dilute a teaspoon in 0.5 liters of hot water and stir thoroughly. It is enough to hold the board in the solution for 5-10 minutes, then wash it thoroughly and leave it to dry in an upright position. By the way, you can also clean a plastic board in the same way, since soda is a universal cleaner for many surfaces.

In addition to alkali, hydrogen peroxide is also suitable for this purpose. To do this, two teaspoons are mixed with 0.5 liters of water, after which a board is placed in the resulting composition. This method helps to get rid of the smell and residues of products.

Folk ways

If there were no detergents at hand, you can use the methods that our grandmothers helped out more than once.

One of great ways removing contaminants is a lemon. Just half of this citrus is enough to clean a plastic or wooden board from food debris. The surface is rubbed with lemon, after which the cleaned object is thoroughly washed with water.

Another folk recipe can be a combination of citrus and salt. As in the previous case, the board is rubbed with lemon and then sprinkled with salt. After 10-12 minutes, the surface is again rubbed with half a citrus, after which it is washed with water.

If you need to remove the smell of herring or meat from the board, vinegar will do just fine - you can wipe the cutting surface with it.

If you notice that the board has cracks or scratches, get rid of it as soon as possible. Even if you really like this thing, remember that if it is deeply damaged, it is no longer usable.

Many are wondering how to quickly and easily clean kitchen utensils. After all, there are so many of them in the apartment. And they all have such a not very good property get dirty.

And now, the recently bought teapot no longer shines, the pans are covered with a layer of fat, and the cutlery has darkened from time to time.

How to deal with such unpleasant changes. Let's figure it out together.

If the board has darkened over time, and has become somewhat greasy to the touch, then you can clean it using the following method. And this can be done quite easily and simply.

We will need:

  • a little coarse salt
  • half a lemon
  • the board we want to clean.

How to clean:

  1. Pour salt onto a damp cutting board so that it covers the entire surface fairly tightly. Leave for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Take half a lemon, and with light pressure, begin to rub the board. It looks like you're rubbing salt.
  3. Now rinse the board with water and dry with a clean cloth.
  4. That's all! Your board will be like new.

How to clean old fat from pans

We will need:

  • dry mustard

How to clean:

  1. Mix baking soda with mustard powder in a ratio of 1/3.
  2. Pour into an old jar with holes in the lid
  3. Use as you would normally use detergent.

Very optimal, and at the same time safe remedy for dish washing.

How to remove scale from an electric kettle

We will need

  • vinegar

How to clean:

  • Mix water with vinegar, in a ratio of 2/1. Pour the mixture into the teapot.
  • Close the spout of the teapot with a paper stopper.
  • Boil the kettle for as long as necessary to remove the cork.
  • Pour out the rest of the water and rinse the kettle well under running water.

The scale will fall off and be washed off with cold water.

How to clean cutlery

We will need:

How to clean:

  • Prepare a solution. A tablespoon of soda and the same amount of salt are added to a liter of hot water, mix everything.
  • Aluminum foil is laid out in an enameled pan at the bottom. Above it are cutlery.
  • Pour the prepared solution into a saucepan with appliances and put on fire.
  • Boil for 5-10 minutes.
  • Further, stainless steel spoons and forks are washed with ordinary dishwashing detergent and a sponge. In the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe drawings, you can use a coarse brush with polymer bristles.

And here is another way. For him you will need:

  • Lemon acid
  • Or a glass of vinegar

How to clean:

  1. Half a glass of vinegar or 100 grams of citric acid is poured into a liter of water.
  2. Dip spoons and forks into the solution, bring to a boil. As soon as it cools down, all this can be washed in running water and wipe dry with a towel.

You can just clean with one soda. How to do it.

  1. Dilute three parts baking soda with one part water. You will get the simplest cleaning paste.
  2. It remains only to rub the forks and spoons to a shine and rinse in clean water, wipe dry.

Baking soda is a strong enough abrasive and not aggressive enough to damage the steel surface.

This method is also used to clean silver cutlery.

These are just some examples of how you can quickly and efficiently, without using chemicals, clean household utensils.

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