How to change the pipes in the bathroom yourself. Replacing pipes in the bathroom

Decor elements 20.06.2020
Decor elements

Replacing bathroom pipes is almost always required along with its repair. Old worn-out communications to avoid emergency leaks and simply for the efficient use of resources, they are periodically dismantled and replaced with new ones. Often, instead of old metal assemblies, more modern components made of plastic, polyurethane or other organic materials are used.

In addition to repairs, the decision to change the pipes in the bathroom arises when you want to expand the number of water intake points (water taps) or remove additional heating from the main pipe, which is often located in the bathroom. Many owners want to turn separate bathroom in a combined one, expand the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe washing territory or build in a shower cabin. In this case, you can not do without such an operation as replacing the bathroom pipes.

In addition, simply for the prevention of various breakdowns in water supply and sewerage systems, for constant effective work the bathroom in the apartment is best to take care of the integrity and good condition of all conductive pipes in time.

What is required in order to change the pipe in the bathroom

If you need to replace the pipes in the bathroom, how much it costs and how long the ordered specialists will be able to carry out this procedure - these are the first questions that arise. Of course, when looking for a suitable company, finding the most favorable prices is a big plus, but at the same time, one should not forget about the quality of future work. The layout of pipes in the bathroom and the subsequent launch of the water supply system should be such that in the coming years you can forget about problems in the bathroom. Reliability and durability of the work performed is perhaps the most important determining factor when choosing performers of this type. installation work.

Replacing pipes in the bathroom most often requires the temporary dismantling of all plumbing fixtures, sinks, furniture and household appliances, and other items that can be damaged and that can interfere with work. Naturally, do not forget about the preliminary shutdown of hot and cold water.

Pipes made of metal are usually connected in bathrooms either by threaded connections or by welds. In such cases, it is usually impossible to get by with only mechanical tools, such as a pipe (gas) or adjustable wrench, pliers and pliers. You will need a power tool: an angle grinder (grinder) and perhaps even a small welding machine. Accordingly, if a replacement is needed drain pipe in the bathroom, the power supply from the mains should be brought to the right place.

In the case of dismantling or installing plastic pipes, in addition to mechanical scissors and a knife, you may need a special soldering iron to polypropylene pipes. This is a very effective device, its use simplifies the whole process, and when installing plastic assemblies, replacing pipes in a bathroom can end up being an order of magnitude lower than when welding metal products.

Before starting such an operation as replacing pipes, the bathroom must be protected from damage by sparks, building dust, mechanical fragments of workpieces. This is especially true for new tiled materials floors and walls, PVC panels, lamps, ceiling coverings.

Important points when replacing pipes

If the pipe in the bathroom is leaking in an emergency or a slow modernization of the bathroom is required, then before starting work, you should perform a few more steps that are useful for installation work:

Stock up on rags for the timely elimination of possible leaks;

For the same reason, it is best to have a bucket, basin or other vessel on hand to collect unwanted effluents;

Installation is best done in such a way that it is possible to hide the pipes in the bathroom, this will improve the aesthetics of the interior of the room;

Therefore, it is better to have at least rough plan conducting all communications;

Effective order for replacing pipes in the bathroom - price and quality of work

Our organization has been providing plumbing services for more than three years. Our main activity is the replacement of pipes in the bathroom and toilet.

The cost includes the following:

  • Consumables - clamps, taps, pipeline sections, bends, fasteners
  • Dismantling - removal of faulty equipment and connected communications (if it is impossible to reuse them)
  • Installation - installation of new equipment with connection to central systems

The cost of replacing pipes in the bathroom and toilet (polypropylene)

What is included in the price of the service

The offer includes all expendable materials(manifolds, two ball valves, polypropylene pipelines, fittings, clamps, fasteners), as well as all installation work.

Installation of cold and hot water supply:

In the kitchen under one mixer;

In the bathroom under one mixer;

In the toilet installation of water supply to the toilet.

What is not included in the offer price

1. Replacing the sewerage system for all points in the house costs + 5,000 rubles. (price depends on layout)

2. In the service, replacement of pipes in the bathroom and toilet, the cost of cutting the strobe is not included. At the request of the client, a part of the pipeline can be laid in the wall. The cost of cutting the strobe in the wall is calculated separately at the rate of 520 rubles. p.m.

3. Connecting plumbing fixtures

Serial connection. AT this case all plumbing fixtures in the house are connected to one “output”. After central water supply one locking mechanism is installed for each of the systems - cold and hot water. Further, by means of tees, they are connected to the sink, sink, bath, etc.

savings on the cost of installation work and the amount of necessary materials.

all devices are interconnected, which in some cases can lead to inconvenience. For example, by turning on the water in the bathroom, its pressure in kitchen sink decrease. You can turn off the water supply only in the entire house or apartment.

Parallel plumbing. From the common water riser, two main pipelines for hot water and cold water supply are provided with one inlet and a given number of outlets. The number of outlets is equal to the number of water consumption points. Each water point has an individual pipeline running from the collector.

More expensive to install, and by the number of building materials.

1) The drop in pressure does not entail a sharp change in temperature. 2) The ability to block a single point (for example washing machine). 3) Concentration in one place of the water supply system of the apartment, ease of operation, repair. 4) Opportunity operational installation additional visible pick-up equipment ( hygienic shower, Dishwasher)..

Why do other organizations have rates of 12,300, and we have 14,200 rubles?

Our company included in the price an additional connection of water supply to the washing machine. As a rule, 99 percent of customers have it in stock. If you remove the connection of the washing machine in the order, the price will also be 12,300 rubles.

Materials used to replace pipes in the bathroom and toilet

Before starting work, you should decide on the type of building material. The best option when the drain is made of plastic, and for supplying cold and hot water - metal-plastic or copper, but they have a high price. You can use galvanized steel for water supply, which works fine with all the parameters of the water that moves through them, but again they have a high price.

Pipeline meter rates

When replacing pipes in the bathroom and toilet, the price of the materials used is of great importance to the client. Our company uses polypropylene products, they have a long service life, low prices for consumable building materials, it is easier to install than metal plumbing. At your request, we will make water pipes from metal-plastic, metal or polypropylene.

Order and payment procedure.

1. the client calls, or leaves a request on the site. We verbally discuss the details.

2. a plumber visits the place free of charge for inspection and conclusion of a contract;

3. inspection, determination of the location of equipment, types and schemes of laying;

4. disassembly of the old, and installation of a new water supply, performance check;

5. signing of the certificate of performed services, warranty card and payment.

Why order from us

With more than three years of experience, we specialize in the field of plumbing and know the subtleties and features.

1 year installation warranty. During the warranty period, specialists will free of charge eliminate the problems identified by the client resulting from the operation of the system.

Insurance. Plumbing works performed by Gorkomservis are insured. In case of damage to third parties due to incorrect installation, the insurance company will pay for the damage caused to third parties.

Staff. Muscovites and Slavs employees have at least three years of professional experience in the field of plumbing.

Reliability. We use only high quality products from trusted manufacturers. If you need to replace pipes in the bathroom and toilet, the price indicated on the site suits you, call us. Gorkomservis - we do it quickly and professionally.

Replacement of pipes in the bathroom and toilet cost (price) of work and materials

The Gorkomservis company replaces pipes in the bathroom and toilet; the price of services in Moscow is from 10,000 rubles on a turnkey basis. The cost is from 10 200 rubles.

How much does it cost to change pipes in a bathroom? Repair and redevelopment

During scheduled repairs, fixing leaks or adjusting the pressure in the system, it may be necessary to replace the pipes in the bathroom and toilet.

To keep pipes in good condition and eliminate failed systems, their preliminary diagnostics are required. As a result of checking the system, it may be necessary to replace the mains in certain areas, or a more rational solution would be the complete dismantling of the old water supply.

How to calculate the cost of labor and materials?

Price additional services depends on the scope and complexity of the work:

  • corrugation replacement;
  • toilet installations;
  • installation of a mixer, water meters and filter systems;
  • redevelopment of wiring;
  • connecting a bathroom with a bath;
  • installation of the "warm floor" system;
  • implementation of design solutions.

Required for the bathroom standard set material: 20-30 m pipeline, 20-30 pcs. corner connectors, 15-20 pcs. standard fittings, wall fixings - about 20 pcs. It is possible to use wraps. Described below approximate cost installation work.

Open and closed piping

The closed laying of the water supply system consists in the preliminary gating of the walls and the preparation of the place for the future pipeline. Then the room is finished: puttying, decorating with tiles, etc. The key advantage is space saving due to the placement of pipes in the walls. With closed installation, pipes are laid inside the walls, which increases the amount of work, and, accordingly, the cost.

In the case of an open option, less work is required, which determines the ease of installation and low cost. The open version of the gasket provides access to all parts of the system, which will further simplify repair work. Pipes are placed outside along wall surface. The main disadvantages include a violation of the aesthetic appearance (pipes are clearly visible) and the need to cut holes in furniture installations for mounting highways close to the wall.

Pipe layout

Distinguish between serial and parallel wiring diagrams. In the first option, the main circuit is used with liquid supply to consumption points through tees. To positive characteristics Such a system includes saving time for installation work and reducing the consumption of materials for installation work. But in the case of damage to one of the circuits, it is required to completely shut off the water supply in the room.

The collector wiring option consists in installing a collector (comb) for hot and cold water. This is facilitated by a sanitary cabinet. The number of collectors is commensurate with the number of consumers. The collector can be installed with several outputs, determined by the number of consumers. If there are extra leads, they are closed with special plugs. This allows you to later connect additional devices, if necessary. As a result, the number of pipes exceeds the indicators of serial wiring, but in an emergency, it remains possible to block a failed pipe while maintaining the fluid supply to the apartment line.

Material selection

Polypropylene lines

Polypropylene pipes are ideal for forming systems with cold and hot water. They are easy to install on the inside or outside of the grooved walls. The choice of pipes is justified by resistance to plaque and rust. The structures are reliable and have increased strength in the connecting areas. After soldering, the pipes form monolithic structure, capable of withstanding pressure, similar to a solid section of the highway. Racks for overheating (up to 95 gr.) and defrosting, available in price.

PP pipes are characterized by large operational life- close to 50 years and low thermal conductivity, excluding the use of thermal insulation. To connect to metal systems polymer fittings with threads placed in them are used. Additionally, polymeric taps are used (metal is placed in the inner part, plastic is placed on the outer).

Fixation on the walls is carried out by means of latches that secure both circuits (for hot and cold water supply) nearby. Fastening is made every 0.5 m, which avoids deflection under the action of its own weight.

During installation work, high thermal expansion rates are taken into account, which requires the use of a "pipe-in-pipe" or "pipe-in-sleeve" system, placing structures in the wall.

Polyethylene pipes

Key features of PE pipes are:

  • Plaque resistant.
  • Low thermal conductivity and resistance to low temperature conditions.
  • Ease of installation in the harsh period of the year (up to -20 ° C).
  • Resistance to working pressure (up to 10 atm.).

Copper pipes

  • Quality indicators for hot and cold pipelines.
  • Duration of operation.
  • Resistance to high temperature conditions (up to 2500 gr.).
  • Low susceptibility to wet environments and chemicals.
  • The possibility of painting to match the walls, plumbing fixtures.

Metal-plastic structures

Good for plumbing and heating systems. Their active use is explained by the high performance properties of structures. They are resistant to corrosion and plaque, bend well and retain their shape. They are characterized by low constant hydraulic losses due to the smoothness of the inner coating and the retention of shape with increasing temperature.

If piping is provided with compression fittings, 2 spanners, in the case of using press fittings, pressing equipment is used. The resulting connection is reliable and monolithic, which is taken into account in the hidden installation of pipes.

Steel systems

The advantages include their strength and low cost. They cope well with pressure surges in the system and temperature, have a low coefficient of expansion during overheating.

The negative point is the complexity of installation using welding equipment, big number threaded connections that reduce the reliability of operation and the flexibility of devices. Pipes made of steel act as conductors of stray currents. They are characterized by low resistance to action chemical compositions, which leads to a decrease in the internal section of the pipeline, contamination of filter systems and other plumbing fixtures with rust.

Lack of water in the system leads to rust formation. Many people notice that the flowing liquid changes its taste.

Below is the pricing of works, based on the type of material:

How are installation works carried out?

After receiving an application for the replacement of pipes, it is required to find out the scope of work, taking into account the preferences of the client. Then an estimate is drawn up, an agreement is concluded and a copy of the license is attached.

Before calling the master, you should take care of the maximum freeing of the working space and turning off the water (in the absence of a shut-off valve from the riser, you should submit an application to the Housing Office).

  • Dismantling of old pipes.
  • Installation of shut-off valves (ball valves).
  • Installation of a pressure reducer (as required).
  • Installation of a coarse filter, a water meter, return valves.
  • Installation of collectors (with a collector scheme).
  • Shtrobleniye of walls for the hidden installation.
  • Laying pipes to tapping points.
  • Connecting plumbing fixtures.
  • Performing pipe inspections.
  • Start-up of highways.
  • Providing guarantees.

After replacing pipes in a bathroom or toilet, a mandatory check of the connections is required. Sewer and plumbing systems are checked for leaks.

Dismantling of plumbing fixtures, plasterboard partitions and other materials is carried out for a fee. Based on the volume, work on the replacement of cold and hot water pipes is carried out in a period of 1 hour to 2-3 days.

Replacement of pipes in the bathroom and toilet - the price of work

Replacement of pipes in the bathroom and toilet - the price of services for the repair of plumbing, heating or sewerage systems, redevelopment of wiring (serial and parallel).

They say that any battle plan collapses at the first collision with reality. This can be said about the repair of the bathroom, especially if the replacement of pipes in the bathroom is planned.

The field for errors in this case is very wide, and rework can be quite expensive. It is better to get acquainted with the most common mistakes in advance in order to minimize possible troubles.

Pipes in the bathroom are usually changed in two cases:

  • if communications are out of order, clogged or leaking;
  • when a significant redevelopment of the bathroom is performed.

Sometimes the breakdown becomes a good reason do overhaul and completely transform the look of your bathroom. In any case, quality preparatory work should be carried out. To begin with, you should draw up a plan for a new environment, consider the location of plumbing and furniture.

On the basis of such a plan, another plan is being developed, which reflects the layout of new pipes.

A common mistake during renovations in the bathroom is the lack of free access to the pipes. Small openings can be hidden behind neat doors with beautiful decor. Such holes are needed to provide free access to stopcocks, meters, junctions, where leaks are most likely to occur.

In addition, you should consider the location of metering devices so that you can freely take readings from them.

Sometimes, in an effort to improve the aesthetics of the bathroom environment, homeowners install counters too low or high. Another problem is related to the fact that access to metering devices is blocked by plumbing or furniture. Needless to say, you should not place counters under the bathtub.

By the way, you can not install counters below the level of the toilet, in which case they may not be taken into account.

Access to water and sewer pipes in the bathroom can be provided using a hinged door decorated with ceramic tiles

The bathroom, hidden behind a decorative screen, looks very attractive, but you need to provide access to the communications hidden under it. If the screen is decorative panels, one of them can be turned into a neat hinged door.

If used in the decoration of the bath ceramic tile, one of the elements easily turns into a hatch, which is mounted above the hole with magnets.

It looks spectacular, but this solution is not always practical. Sometimes such a tile falls off at the slightest touch, over time it can simply crack. If there is a possibility of such an outcome, it is still better to put the door on hinges. It can also be decorated with tiles, but this is a rather laborious installation option.

It is easier and more convenient to use decorative plastic doors for technical hatches.

Lack of a clear execution plan repair work- a common mistake when replacing water and sewer pipes. Sometimes the owners of a house or apartment connect plumbing before all the preliminary work has been completed. This can lead to accidents or adversely affect the quality of the repair.

You can agree with neighbors on the use of their bathroom during the repair, purchase or rent a compact dry closet, install on the site Summer shower etc. Inconvenience can be an additional incentive to reduce the repair time.

Before starting work, you should draw up a plan for the placement of plumbing and furniture, a piping layout and consider the procedure for performing pipe replacement operations.

You should also not try, for the sake of economy, to perform complex stages of work on your own in the absence of the necessary experience.

Better to contact professional master for advice or completely entrust the implementation of some stages to specialists. Alteration will cost much more.

Errors when replacing drain pipes

Almost always old metal pipes replaced with new plastic structures. They are more convenient to work with, they are lighter in weight, easier to install and cheaper.

The most common mistake made is related to calculations. Experienced craftsmen recommend taking pipes with a small margin in length so that during the repair process you do not have to drop everything and run to the plumbing store.

It is better to take pipes, fittings and other related elements not only from the same material, but also from the production of one company. Minor differences in the composition of the plastic affect when the parts of the structure are heated. When connecting PVC elements with the same composition, a stronger connection can be achieved.

Sewer pipes usually hidden from view, but this does not mean that their installation can be treated inattentively. When installing a sewer, you should follow a number of rules:

  • Existing diameter sewer drain and the new pipe must match.
  • You should not make sewers from improvised pieces of PVC pipes, especially if they are of different diameters or are made of materials of different composition.
  • Narrowing of sewer pipes in any of their sections should be avoided to reduce the likelihood of blockages.
  • The number of knees, turns, corners and other similar elements should be kept to a minimum.
  • Be sure to provide the slope provided by the technology.

If it is planned to lower the level of the floor in the bathroom or toilet, it must be taken into account that the angle of inclination of the drain pipe may change significantly. In order to properly install plumbing and comply with existing standards, the toilet and bath are placed on a small pedestal.

Then the floor can be made a little lower, and the operation of the sewer system will remain correct.

When replacing sewer pipes, it is important to observe the correct slope, otherwise you will have to face frequent blockages, and the likelihood of breakdowns will increase.

When replacing the pipes of the sewer system in the bathroom special attention requires the procedure for caulking the bell of the tee on the house riser. Cast-iron structures rust and become significantly dirty over time, pipes “stick” at the joints.

When dismantling old structures, in no case can the tee be damaged, so remove old pipes with extreme caution. In case of damage to the tee, you will have to disassemble the entire riser and replace part of it completely.

The caulking of the tee of the sewer riser should be carried out very carefully. If it is damaged, you will have to replace the riser completely or a significant part of it.

Inexperienced craftsmen are advised to seek the help of professional plumbers to complete this stage of work. After dismantling the old sewer communications, the tee should be thoroughly cleaned of various types of contaminants.

These may be the remnants of sealing materials, pieces of old cement mortar etc. As an adapter between the sewer riser and plastic pipes, a rubber cuff is usually used. If the joint is poorly cleaned, the joint will not seal properly and leaks will increase.

When replacing sewer pipes, it is logical to prefer plastic. However, it should be noted that plastic structures transmit noise much better than metal. To prevent this problem, it is recommended to schedule additional sound insulation for sewer pipes.

If a sewer riser in the house requires replacement, it makes sense to agree with the neighbors on the repair. It is extremely unpleasant when a sudden leak spoils the results of a fresh finish in the bathroom.

Features of replacing water pipes

An important point when installing plumbing and replacing water pipes- the height of the sink. It is necessary to decide which model will be used initial stage in order to correctly calculate the height to which the water and sewer pipes will be brought out.

Typically, manufacturers calculate the installation height based on the average height of an adult, which varies between 1.60-1.80 m. If the height of the majority of those living in the apartment is more or less than this level, the installation height of the wall-hung washbasin can be adjusted accordingly.

Then you should make adjustments to the dimensions of the pipes that will be connected to connect the sink.

During the installation of the bath screen, care should be taken to have a door that will provide free access to existing communications

A good idea when replacing water pipes is to install or replace filters that purify the water that goes to the boiler, automatic washing machine, shower, etc. It is worth considering the installation of other devices, for example, pressure sensors in the system.

These small devices are more convenient to install or replace at the repair stage, and not at the moment when Finishing work already finished. Filters and sensors improve the quality of water entering the household appliances, allow to make its work more correct.

As a result, prudent homeowners are less likely to experience breakdowns and their appliances last longer.

Meters, filters, pressure sensors and other similar elements should be installed at the stage of pipe replacement, since it will be more difficult to do this later

When replacing water pipes, when new plastic structures are used, the dimensions for each section should be correctly calculated. The thermal expansion of PVC water pipes differs from the reaction to heat of metal communications.

If length straight cut plastic pipe exceeds two meters, its length should be slightly increased, by only five millimeters. This small distance compensates for the expansion of the pipe when heated and its contraction when cooled.

A few words about errors when soldering PVC pipes

Soldering plastic pipes is a fairly simple process. Many novice masters quickly master this technology and replace pipes in the bathroom on their own. For soldering pvc pipes all you need is the pipes themselves and a special soldering iron. Parts of the pipes are heated and connected.

When the plastic cools, a strong and reliable construction is obtained. Despite the simplicity, beginners almost always make a number of mistakes during soldering that degrade the quality of the connection. Flaws can appear already during the operation of the pipes, so it is better to do everything right from the very beginning.

  • Dirt and/or water in the place of soldering when heated can cause significant deformation of the material. Work must be carried out in a clean room, and immediately before soldering, the pipes should be thoroughly wiped.
  • As soon as the pipes are removed from the soldering iron, they must be connected immediately, literally within a couple of seconds. Otherwise, the material will cool down, which will weaken the strength of the connection.
  • Allow the material to cool before removing the streaks. Careless handling of a freshly welded pipe can cause significant deformations.
  • Excessive force when connecting the heated parts of the pipes can lead to the formation of a large slush inside the structure, which will prevent the free movement of the fluid flow.
  • Insufficient force when connecting pipes can also lead to disastrous results. In this case, the thickness of the pipe at the soldering point will be inhomogeneous: too thick in one place, and not thick enough in another, which reduces the resistance of the structure to water hammer.

Overheating PVC pipes during soldering is a common mistake. The warm-up time depends on the diameter of the structure and must be strictly adhered to.

Another important point when soldering - heating time. It varies depending on the diameter of the pipe. If the material is not heated enough, it will not work to connect the pipes correctly. But more often there are cases when the material is overexposed on a soldering machine.

As a result, its fluidity increases, while the risk of pipe deformation increases several times during their connection. Proper soldering of PVC pipes requires precision and accuracy. Inexperienced craftsmen should take the time to watch the professionals at work, or practice a little first.

About how to properly adjust the size of PVC pipes when corner connection detailed in the following video:

What you need to know about replacing your heated towel rail

If a water heated towel rail is installed in the bathroom, it may need to be replaced or rearranged during the repair process.

To begin with, it should be remembered that the transfer of this element must be agreed with the relevant authorities. The second point is the model of a water heated towel rail. Its characteristics must match those of the previous device.

It is advisable to take care of the shut-off valves, if there were none before. All modern heated towel rails are also equipped with a Mayevsky tap so that excess air can be removed from the device and air locks can be avoided.

An inattentive attitude to these small points can significantly complicate the operation of the heated towel rail in the future.

Another important element, which should not be forgotten when replacing a heated towel rail - bypass, i.e. a special jumper through which water is supplied if the device is removed. If there is no bypass in the old plumbing system, it must be installed.

The jumper is mounted in front of the stopcocks. After that, to remove the heated towel rail for replacement, repair or cleaning, it will be enough just to close the stopcocks. Water through the bypass will continue to flow into the system and it will not be necessary to shut off the water throughout the riser in the house.

When installing or replacing a water heated towel rail, one should not forget about installing a bypass - a jumper that provides continuous water supply to the house during the dismantling of the device

If there is no bypass, and it can take a long time to replace the heated towel rail, a special jumper is installed so that the water supply can be turned on. Such a jumper is usually made from pieces of plastic pipe and fastened with threaded connections.

Of course, this is only a temporary construction, a new heated towel rail should be installed as soon as possible.

There are many pipes in the bathroom and toilet of each residential apartment. Some of them deliver water inside our home for our sanitary and hygienic needs, while others, on the contrary, transport waste water with waste to the sewer.

As a rule, communications passing through your bathroom are connected at a centralized water supply and sewer systems which makes them work great. However, most of the houses on the territory of our country are still of Soviet construction, they have not seen a major overhaul for a long time, and therefore these systems are gradually becoming unusable.

Replacement of pipes in the bathroom and toilet can be carried out according to different reasons: due to wear and tear, due to the transition to more modern materials or due to redevelopment in the bathroom. In this article, we will figure out how difficult it is to replace communications with your own hands, and also how much it will cost.

Why change the pipeline?

Many homeowners wonder if old bathroom pipes need to be replaced if the water and sewer systems are working properly. On the one hand, it seems that you should not go where everything works, but on the other hand, most often communications in apartment buildings more than 50 years old are very worn out.

Buzzing or rattling in pipes, water with rust, small leaks that we are used to, we do not notice, one day can result in one big communal tragedy. Experienced plumbers advise replacing plumbing and sewerage in the bathroom in the following cases:

  1. At heavy wear communications. If the age of the house exceeds the agreed 50 years, it is necessary to carry out a major overhaul of the water supply and sewerage systems with the replacement of risers. Pipes over the years of operation inside are overgrown with a layer of rust, dirt, due to which their diameter decreases, and the pressure in the system increases, this often causes accidents.
  2. When switching to new materials. Progress, as they say, goes by leaps and bounds, more and more perfect, durable, safe for human health materials appear in the arsenal of masters. Modern products are made of metal-plastic or plastic, while the bulk of old houses are equipped with cast-iron ones.
  3. When remodeling a bathroom. More than modern materials gives new opportunities: apartments are often re-planned, sinks, toilets or even bathtubs are moved, new equipment is connected. In order for this whole system to work, water to flow to the taps, and the sewerage system to go where it should, it is necessary to replace the pipes in the toilet and bathroom.

Note! If you started a bathroom renovation, you must also completely replace the plumbing and sewer pipes in this room. Many people forget about these things that are not obvious at first glance, as a result of which they become hostages of situations when a repair that has just been made, in which a lot of money has been invested, deteriorates due to a banal leak or pipe rupture.

What are the pipes?

If you go inside your bathroom, you will see that there are many pipes that differ in diameter, function, and perhaps even material. In a global sense, all pipes in the bathroom are divided into plumbing and sewer. Water enters the apartment through the plumbing, and leaves it through the sewer.

Sewer pipes are usually much larger in diameter than water pipes, since not only water passes through them, but everything that we flush down the toilet. According to the materials, the following types of pipes are distinguished:

Please note that the replacement of pipes in the toilet and bathroom is now mainly carried out using plastic or metal-plastic products, as they are more hygienic, lightweight, durable, resistant to corrosion and chemical attack. Since the pipe is more flexible, it is much easier to work with it.

Preparatory work

Sometimes it seems that the pipeline in the bathroom was laid at random, obeying the will of an unknown plumber. However, all pipes are installed in accordance with strict standards, due to which water enters the taps, and then flows by gravity into the sewer.

To repair pipes in the bathroom does not cause stagnation sewage water, you need to carefully consider the location of all plumbing fixtures in the bathroom, and then create a piping layout. Wherein experienced craftsmen recommend to adhere to the following rules:

Important! After you decide on the number of appliances and their location, you can sketch out an approximate scheme for laying pipes in the bathroom. After that, according to the scheme, if the scale is observed on it, you can calculate how many meters of pipes you need, how many fittings, clamps, gaskets and other auxiliary elements are needed.

Dismantling of old communications

Before changing the pipes in the bathroom, it is necessary to completely dismantle the old communications. Often this operation takes more time, effort and nerves than the direct laying of new pipes. To remove the old plumbing and sewerage, the following steps must be taken:

Remember! If you are going to change not only the pipes that run exclusively through your apartment, but also the riser, you must completely shut off the water supply in the basement of the house, this also requires consent management company. In addition, you need to change the riser from the apartments of neighbors from below and from above, so you will also have to agree with them in advance.

Do-it-yourself pipe replacement

Before you replace the pipes in the bathroom with your own hands, you need to make sure that the water is shut off and there is a whole essential tool. Useful for work: a grinder with a metal cutting disk for dismantling old communications, a puncher for making holes for attaching new pipes, a pipe cutter for fitting pipes, a soldering iron for connecting them, tape measure, marker, fum-tape, fittings and seals.

Installation is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. First you need to cut off the old metal pipes. This task is performed using a grinder with a metal disc. You can also use a puncher and a chisel. You need to act carefully, and also remember about safety precautions, use eye and respiratory protection.
  2. Then it is necessary to withdraw from the riser and put a sewer pipe. Do not forget that when laying it, a slope in the direction of the riser entry point of 1-3 degrees must be observed.
  3. Next, you can proceed to the installation of the plumbing. We put the pipes as straight as possible, avoiding sharp turns. You can solder them yourself using a special soldering iron that securely fastens the edges.
  4. After the soldering of the pipes is completed, the toilet should be installed, and the sinks.
  5. Then you can turn on the water supply and check the tightness of all connections between the pipes. There is no need for water to drip or drip anywhere.

Please note! If you change the layout of plumbing fixtures a lot or connect additional complex fixtures, you need to contact a professional plumber to replace the piping so that the equipment works adequately.

Video instruction

Sooner or later, the time comes to replace the pipes in the bathroom and toilet. This does not always coincide with the day of the salary or just want to save money. Therefore, we will figure out how to change the pipes yourself. Consider step by step each installation step. We also pay attention to important details on which the quality of work depends.

How to dismantle

Do-it-yourself replacement of pipes in the bathroom and toilet takes place in four steps.

The first step is the preliminary work.

Step two. Dismantling process.

Step three. The installation process itself.

Step four. result diagnostics.

Step 1. Preliminary work.

One of the important parts of fruitful work is preparation. When you clearly imagine what you want to see as a result, you have prepared all the tools for this, then the rest of the process will go quickly and “painlessly”.

First, let's decide what the final look should be for your bathroom. In some apartments, guests do not see the pipes, but that's all, because they are hidden. If you want just such an option, then the question arises, how to hide the tubes?

Masters offer several ways. They directly depend on the parameters and characteristics of a particular room.

Places where pipes can hide:

  1. In the space under the sink in the kitchen.
  2. Under the bath.
  3. You can also hide the pipes in a special faience stand under the sink (sewer pipes are also located there).
  4. In special drywall constructions, which are later sheathed with plastic.

The last one is especially good. After all, it does not involve parsing the wall or laying decorative tiles in the event of an accident or breakdown.

Tools for replacing pipes in the bathroom and toilet

To simultaneously replace polypropylene pipes in the bathroom and toilet, you need to arm yourself with:

  1. Bulgarian with a disc for cutting metal.
  2. Electric soldering iron with nozzles.
  3. An impact type electric drill (but a regular one may also work).
  4. An adjustable wrench suitable for the parameters of the pipe.
  5. Pipes of the required length (do not forget to take into account losses when cutting metal).
  6. Fittings and fasteners (there are not enough of them).
  7. Shut-off valves for all nodes.
  8. Special cutter for smooth and precise cutting.
  9. Technical vaseline and tape.

To replace pipes in the bathroom and toilet in standard apartments, you need to buy:

  1. From 20 to 30 meters of pipes. This is the total length.
  2. Up to 20 end fittings.
  3. Up to 20 corner fittings.
  4. Sufficient wall mounts.
  5. Bypass pipes (not always).

What to do if there are no such tools in the house? Put on gloves and do the same operations only with a hammer and chisel.


Never start using the grinder without special protection. Namely, without a respirator, goggles or mask. Otherwise, the dust will get not only into the eyes, but also into the respiratory organs.

Step 2. Dismantling process.

Replacing old pipes in the bathroom begins with dismantling. So that this process does not take much time, use the grinder. But everything must be done wisely. Therefore, we will consider point by point what and in what order should be done so as not to flood the neighbors from below.

  • We turn off the water in the riser. This is also necessary in the case of replacing shut-off valves.
  • If possible, unscrew inlet taps from the old inlet pipe. It doesn’t work, we cut it with a grinder.
  • We wind new stopcocks.
  • Now we close the new inlet taps and let the water in the riser.
  • Now you need to drain the water from all pipes and turn off washing machine with mixers.

In exactly the same way, sewer pipes should be dismantled.

There are cases of fastening pipes with dowels. They are almost impossible to pull out of concrete, but it is easy to cut off the heads. Subsequently, close the flat place with tiles.

In the case of strobing with a grinder, you need to change the discs. They are for stone, concrete, brick. If you come across a rebar in the wall, just put a disc designed for metal.

In old apartments, pipes were located at a high height. Now there are all the possibilities to make the installation below. This will save you from strobing during installation.

Step 3. Let's start the installation process.

After finishing preparatory work need to rest and fresh eyes» inspect everything, and also check the availability of materials again. Suddenly something needs to be bought.

Now we start replacing the pipes in the bathroom.

  • The coarse filter is installed first. It is located after the counter and stopcock.
  • Now we turn to the installation of hot water input. If there are different risers in the bathroom and kitchen, the operation is done four times.
  • Next, we set up counters. The direction of the arrows must be identical to the flow of water. Position the body as desired. Useful advice. So that the readings of the meters can be easily taken later, place them in a sufficiently lit place.
  • Soldering pipes. This process is worth considering in more detail.

How to solder downpipes

Properly soldered polypropylene pipes are not difficult to access with keys or a soldering iron.

You can buy various accessories in the shop. For example, elbows, angles with 45 and 90 degrees, tees, couplings that can connect two elbows of different material. They can be easily assembled using a blueprint.

Before starting assembly, mark with a marker. We do this based on the three-dimensionality of the turns and taking into account the connection at the right angles.

In the soldering iron, one of the fittings and the mounted polypropylene pipe are simultaneously heated. The heating time depends on the diameter of the particular pipe. Its parameter can be found in the instructions for the soldering iron.

Why is it important to monitor the temperature of the plastic when soldering? If this is not done, then the polypropylene pipe can be accidentally soldered tightly. Such a marriage is difficult to quickly detect. Therefore, when the soldering has cooled down, make sure that everything is in order and proceed to the next stage of installing polypropylene pipes in the bathroom.

Features of the removal of pipes to the mixer in the bathroom

After soldering all parts, it is necessary to wait for complete cooling. It's not long, only 15 seconds.

Now let's move on to holders. Pipes through which hot water flows should not be rigidly fixed. Therefore, in the store we buy standard plastic clips. They have a sliding mount.

Attach them to the walls with plastic dowels and screws. The advantage can be called the fact that such clips have the ability to mount, both immediately and after laying the tiles. You just need to drill a hole in the right place and hang it as it should be.

When installing pipes, consider the thickness of the tiles that will lie in this place.

Still worth buying in the store Ball Valves and install them on all plumbing fixtures. Namely, on the washing machine, toilet bowl, shower and everything else. If you turn off such a tap, then you can easily make repairs in a certain place of breakdown, while the rest of the devices will not be deprived of water.

Step 4. Diagnosis of the result.

After changing the pipes in the bathroom, it is still worth checking the reliability of the design. This is necessary in order to once again make sure that there are no leaks.

How to make a diagnosis correctly:

  1. Turn on cold water. Let it run for at least 10 minutes.
  2. Let's start checking the pipes. First, in all places of soldering, then in connection with the thread, and finally along the entire length. If everything is done correctly, then everywhere should be dry, no moisture.
  3. Fix the leak if there is one.
  4. Now turn on hot water and do the same.
  5. Sewer pipes from each plumbing fixture are checked separately. To do this, pour at least 2 buckets of water into each device. And then eliminate leaks, if such have made themselves felt.

This completes the replacement of old pipes in the bathroom and toilet. If you are attentive to trifles and details, strictly follow the instructions, then the work will be done perfectly, and the finished new pipes will last for decades.

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