Russian hygienic souls. Hygiene soul is the best way to get rid of diseases! How to get rid of ailments

Reservoirs 15.06.2019

We know about how important the shower in the morning, brushing your teeth and wash their legs before bedtime. We love to wear clean clothes, tasty smelling people, well-groomed women. We have learned since childhood that hygiene is very and very important. That's just hygiene we got only in the external manifestation. And sometimes it is strange enough - we are thoroughly shaking over your body, its smell and view, and inside we have a stinking garbage. Like, no one sees, and good.

But it feels. This smell penetrates even through the aroma of expensive perfume, if a person touch, come closer. And now the illusions of attractiveness will fall, leaving us alone with inner mud. Although this is not the worst. Not everyone can see this dirt, feel, especially since they will be seen all early only. And we live with it. All my life we \u200b\u200blive, every day!

How to be? In the same way daily engage in hygiene of his internally, not to launch him, not to throw, not ignore. On all four levels, only two simple steps:

  • Purge from already accumulated toxins
  • Do not accumulate

And that's it. Although it is easier to say than to do, right? Let's look at what it means specifically in practice. Toxins at each level of their own, and all of them are harmful.

Purification from toxins

Physical level

  • Shower in the morning, after awakening
  • Oil self-massage in the morning in the morning - with the aim of deeper withdrawal toxins
  • Clean practices for the body, for example, Panchakarma, enema, and so on
  • Bath, sauna
  • Physical activity before sweating
  • Medicinal starvation in different forms

Emotional level

  • Living blocked feelings
  • Forgive other people and do not carry insult
  • Release the already completed relationships and situations
  • Release the accumulated anger

Intellectual level

  • Release negative programs
  • Get rid of knowledge that you absolutely do not help you
  • Get rid of "I am the smartest"

Spiritual level

  • Pilgrimage in holy places
  • Confession, communion and their analogues
  • Communication with saints
  • Prayers, posts, abstinence
  • Spiritual holidays

Do not accumulate new toxins

Physical level

  • Observe the mode of the day, get up early and go to bed early
  • There is no different muck and especially fast food
  • There are the most natural products
  • There is moderately, because everything undigested will turn into toxins
  • Drink a lot of clean water
  • Do not drink alcohol
  • Quit smoking
  • Do not abuse sweet
  • Reduce the amount of diet of violence in their diet
  • Search for mental causes of their diseases and do not abuse drugs

Emotional level

  • Learn to work with your feelings - aware of them and living in time
  • Learn to pronounce your feelings
  • Learn to express feelings so that it is understandable to others
  • Learn to understand your partner
  • Learn to convey your own so to be heard
  • Take expectations from other people
  • Do not save anger, and immediately implement it safely for everyone
  • Learn to cry, withdrawing toxins in this way immediately and emotional, and physical
  • Solve problems immediately, not trying to convince and without ignoring them
  • Do not communicate with toxic people
  • Not allow yourself to use
  • Learn to take other people as they are
  • Develop compassion
  • Take on their responsibility for relationships and stop moving partner

Intellectual level

Spiritual level

The stage with cleansing is more or less understandable to us, we sometimes deal with this, once a year, conducting a body cleansing or passing special trainings. But the second part is much more complicated, it is necessary to change your life and your own.

Hygiene soul is much more complicated than the hygiene of the body we have mastered in children's garden. But if we want to be happy, it's time to learn how to keep in cleanliness not only the body, but also the soul.

Do you know that all diseases - the result of pollution of a thin body? Return health will help the soul hygiene! Test these proven ways!

Traditional medicine, affecting only on physical body Human, no power to heal people from a variety of diseases. All because doctors do not take into account the impact of negative energies on the human body.

All our diseases and psychological states are connected with each other!

And this connection is the negative energies that the person himself generates.

It is not by chance that all diseases are from nerves. These negative energies born by a person are the cause of most diseases.

We do not see the negative, but just as caused by the health of people invisible radiation, negative energy affects us, causing various diseases.

How to get rid of ailments?

This can be done only in the case when the physical body, the thin body and the soul are perceived as a whole. Observing the hygiene of the soul, a person clears the energy from the negative and prevents its cluster.

Many people are difficult to accept what cannot be seen and touch, so they simply do not think about the negative impact of negative emotions on their health. However, a person is not only a physical embodiment.

How do negative energy affect our health?

To understand this, you need to know: any psychological state is the manifestation of energies that are endowed with various properties. Any energy has its own density: positive - small, and negative - huge.

Dense negative energy causes contamination of the thin body. Negative emotions and experiences block the movement of vital energy, which is so necessary for a person. Because of this, many problems arise.

The longer the negative, the more energy channels and chakra² are clogged. In places of these energy pollution, physiological disorders arise. Most often it is manifested in the form of spasms.

Why increases pressure?

Everyone knows that at the time of strong emotional experiences, the person rises pressure, but not everyone knows what the reason is. In fact, everything is simple: negative energies that the person gives rise to the moments of unrest, cause vessels spasms.

If negative psychological states are prolonged, then in the structure of the fine body, energy blocks arise, which causes hypertension.

Various degrees of arterial hypertension ³ are certain stages (levels) of energy clogging.

Due to the fact that the negative causes spasms in tissues and organs, their blood supply is disturbed, as a result of which the tissues and organs cease to function properly.

As a result, diseases arise. Of course, the disease does not appear immediately. Initially follow the signals to which people usually do not pay attention.

What signals the emergence of energy blocks?

The first signals are the exchange of energy is disturbed, there may be sensations of gravity, tingling, spasms, the appearance of minor pain.

Do not underestimate these hints of the body and postpone treatment for later when the disease is launched.

To avoid illness, it is necessary to follow the purity of your energy, to carry out a timely cleaning of a thin body, respect the hygiene of the soul.

How is the contamination by negative?

To understand how negative emotions clog the body, it is necessary to realize that the energy sent to the space always returns to the one who created it.

The charge of the negative penetrates the physical body through the chakras and blocks them. The upper chakra is especially suffering ( Sakhasrara), since it is the main channel through which energy passes.

Below in the picture is black, energy pollution of groin chakras, which lead to diseases of the urogenital system, infertility and other problems are noted.

However, the person and his negative thinking is not always to blame in their diseases. Other people can have a negative impact on his health. To avoid such an influence, it is recommended to put energy protection and observe the hygiene of the soul.

Hygiene soul - the basis of good health

By bad thoughts, we harm with negative states first of all. Everything in the world has root cause, and illness is no exception. Our ailments do not come just like that. Observing the hygiene of the soul, you can prevent the accumulation of negative energies, avoid energy blocks and, as a result, diseases.

How to keep the soul hygiene?

  • timely carry out energy purification;
  • generate positive thoughts;
  • follow your emotions and relatively refer to other people;
  • control their desires by analyzing possible consequences their incarnation;
  • clean the soul with prayers, mantras or other spiritual practitioners.

You want this or not - disease and negative thoughts and desires are related directly. Understanding the cause of his ailment, a person can easily find a way of healing. It is worth cleaning the essential body from heavy energies, as a person immediately begins to feel improvements on physical Plan. This is the basis of any healing.

It is after cleaning against negative energies "wonderful healing" occurs. However, to cleanse from negative energiesSometimes it is necessary to significantly, although this is really worth it!

Notes and thematic articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Find out what diseases there are certain negative emotions, it is possible in the article:

³ Arterial hypertension - persistent increase arterial pressure from 140/90 mm RT. Art. and higher (

IN small bathrooms It is difficult to place all the desired plumbing tools to care, but this is not a reason to abandon them. Many are not solved to set home the system of the bidet, as there are not enough free space in the bathroom, although this is a necessary tool. But the online store plumbing offers a compact alternative replacement of cumbersome classical Installation - hygienic shower.

Its design is very simple: watering can, long hose for mobility and convenience practical use, holder, mixer for temperature control, as well as water supply button on the watering can. Since the system is easier and smaller in size, its cost is also lower. Due to the simplicity, functionality and compactness, the hygienic shower is preferable to the classic bidet.

Different types By installation method

The system is attached to the toilet, to the sink or bathroom, it all depends on the conditions of the room, the remoteness of the location of the toilet from the pipeline, as well as personal desires. The method of attachment also depends on the selected type of system. By installation method are distinguished by:

  • Wall hygienic souls open type. The hose is connected to the pipeline, and the holder with watering can be attached to the wall at a comfortable place, the nearest to the toilet. The peculiarity is that the connection mechanism is open on the wall. Minimalism lovers can find a disadvantage that creates inaccurability, but in general the functional system is even more practical, as it is easier to repair, you can install when the repair has already been made.
  • Built-in hygienic souls closed type. Fastened next to the toilet in the wall, the entire connection system is hidden, only a neat panel is visible for controlling water supply and its temperature, as well as watering and hose. Plus, in a stylish, careful form, but minus in the impossibility of mounting after the repairs made, as it will be necessary to partially destroy it.

The design has small differences, there are models:

  • FROM wall mixer Next to the watering can, and not at the place of attachment to the pipeline, and vice versa with the combined mixer for installation in the sink. This option is universal, as there is a crane for the sink and water supply to the watering can.
  • With thermostat - equipment, which always supplies water at a given temperature, do not have a mixer.
  • For mounting to the toilet.

Whatever the option is chosen, it has all the advantages of a compact mini-bidet and its multifunctionality.

Advantages of the hygienic soul

The equipment has many advantages:

  • The possibility of mounting anywhere in the bathroom, it allows you to maximize ergonomically use space.
  • Simple installation without harm to repair.
  • Cheaper than a classic bidet.
  • A large selection of designs so that the bathroom was not only practical, but also pleasant, stylish.
  • Watering can be saved, since most systems are made with a minimum water supply mode even at maximum pressure.
  • Multifunctionality. Mini-bidet allows not only to monitor your own purity, but also have an additional source of water, you can clean it with it dirty water And immediately wash it off in the toilet, wash your pets.
  • The main advantage is the practical device does not occupy a place for a small room.

Hygienic shower is a profitable acquisition that facilitates life. In the catalog of the plumbing online store, you can find a universal and quite budget model for your conditions.

Just enjoying sanatorium-resort benefits. Our fellow citizens are often completely wrong. In particular, the healing shower. By contacting the specialists, we decided to make a memo to those who like this type of spa treatments.

Therapeutic souls are distinguished by the degree of impact on the body with jets various shapes, directions, temperature and pressure.

Circular souls

From vertically arranged in a circle metal pipes With holes, the water jets are supplied under pressure in 1-1.5 atmospheres from all sides to the body of the patient. The water temperature decreases gradually from 34-35 ° C to 25 ° C. The duration of the procedure is up to 5-6 minutes. with heat and heat, 2-3 minutes. - When cool.

Stroki's joil shower

The patient's body actively affects a compact jet of water under pressure from 1.5 to 3 atmospheres. The patient is located 3 meters from the shower department, substituting the nurse to the front, rear or side surface Body. Water jet is moved from below the top installed mannerStarting with legs.

Ferry shower Flery

The patient's body directs a scattered jet, imitating the form of a fusion. The technique of performing the procedure is the same as with a shower shower. The action of the fan soul on the body is mitigated due to the dissection of the jet of water, although the main conditions do not change. The water temperature is reduced from 35 ° C to 25 ° C, the pressure rises from 1-1.5 to 2.5-3 atmospheres, the duration of the procedure does not exceed 3 minutes.

Shower Vichy

This procedure is something similar to the circular souls, but when it is applied, a milder effect on the skin occurs. In this case, the set of warm and small filamentous pips falls on the body in the form of rain. Finding on the skin, thin, weak jetings form a zone of increased ionization, improve oxygen exchange. The shower contributes to the removal nervous tension, performs a soft massage of reflex zones, improves blood circulation, has a lymphatic drainage effect. In case of comprehensive application with body masks and wraps beneficial features The soul contributes to the treatment of metabolism, cellulite, correction of the figure.

Underwater (hydromassage)

Common or local underwater souls-massage are carried out in a bath with a water temperature of 35-37 ° C. Massage starts after a 5-minute adaptation of the patient to the water. The average duration of the procedure is 10-20 minutes., Maximum - up to 45 minutes.


Ascending jets of water at temperatures in accordance with the testimony are sent to the crotch area.

The duration of the procedure, depending on the temperature of the water - from 2 to 5 minutes.

Indications for use

They are the same. It:

hypotonic disease;

Slow metabolism;

neurosis, neurasthenia, depressive states, vegetative dysfunction;

chronic gastritis, ulcerative disease in the remission stage, chronic colitis and intestinal functional disorders;


At hydromassage:

diseases of the musculoskeletal system;

metabolic disorders;

diseases of cardiovascular and nervous systems;

Violation of motor functions, rehabilitation after injuries;

sluggishly healing trophic ulcer;

Vegeta dystonia;

Hypertensive disease I degree;

Diseases of digestive organs.

At rising:


sexual weakness;


gynecological diseases (regulation of the menstrual cycle, infertility, etc.);

chronic constipation;

urinary incontinence;

Diseases of a small pelvis.


At the circular, fan shower and soul:

coronary artery disease;

angina stress;

diseases of the respiratory system;

urolithiasis disease;

calculous cholecystitis;

The second half of pregnancy;

atherosclerosis of brain vessels;

Moching dermatitis;

malignant neoplasms;

infectious diseases.

For underwater:

urolithiasis disease;



acute inflammatory processes;

Hypertension III stage;

acute heart disease;


Brain circulation.

For ascending:

cracks of the rectum;


Therapeutic effect:

Toning, vasodilator, immunostimulating, sedative, antispasmodic, trophic.

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