Layout of rooms in a one-story private house. Layout of a private house

garden equipment 13.06.2019
garden equipment

When planning a house, it is important to correctly distribute the area: even small rooms can visually appear larger. The room is a cube, the amount of air is the volume of the cube, so the parameters of the room must be calculated according to the value equal to 25-30 m 3 of air per person.

During construction Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to the location of natural light sources, while determining the sunny and shady side, it should be light during the day, and if the light interferes, then it is better to hide the rays of the sun with the help of curtains.

Ventilation is an important aspect. It should be natural, each room is a well-ventilated room, and for better air circulation, window and door openings are placed opposite each other.

We plan the location and number of rooms

Three is the optimal number of rooms for a standard family. Bedrooms should not be walk-throughs, but living rooms can be, and their area should be at least 18 m2. The layout of the rooms is carried out so that their long side is outer wall. For medium-sized rooms, a length of at least 6 meters is chosen, but if it is decided to build a building in traditional style, then the ratio of width and length should be 2:1.25, 1:2, etc., the main thing is that the multiplicity of 0.25 can be traced.

About the kitchen

The kitchen is at least 9 m 2. The width of the room should be from 2.5 m2, and the larger it is, the better, since it is more convenient to place household appliances and other paraphernalia along one wall. If it is decided to combine the dining room and kitchen, then optimal area the premises will be 16 m2.

Bathroom, terraces and hallway

The bathroom and toilet are essential rooms, their area should be from 4 m2, along with space, there should be everything you need. Most often they are located near the bedrooms or the kitchen, and, in some cases, they are combined with a laundry room.

Entrance halls and corridors are made at the request of the owner, their area is not regulated by construction standards, however, it is recommended to make them with an area of ​​at least 1.5 m2.

Terraces, verandas and others open spaces make up 20% of the total area of ​​the building. They are not required, but they create comfort and beauty, so it is recommended to provide them when building country houses.

Communications, foundation and basement: planning principles

The foundation is the basis of the building, the very first thing that is calculated is the load on its surface. Next, it is important to form the arrangement of elements relative to load-bearing structures. guarantees the stability of the building.

Basement or underground: a cellar for storing old things

Such is human nature - to feel sorry for the old rubbish. The underground is a place for seaming and rubbish, and to ground water did not spoil expensive things from childhood, it is important to study the geodetic features of the soil, to determine the flowability.

Houses 7x8: two floors in the country

Today is fashionable country houses perform from timber. It is convenient, the building breathes painfully native and forgotten antiquity. The binding of such houses is made from edged timber, and the walls and partitions from profiled. The assembly can be performed both on nails, current and without them, using special fasteners.

The advantages of such houses are environmental friendliness. But the tree burns well and rots well, so when choosing a material, it is recommended to think carefully about which one is preferable. Houses with an area of ​​7x8 m 2 are also being built for permanent residence. Unfortunately, the size of the rooms will not be very large, but enough for an inexperienced owner. On the ground floor there is a large living room, kitchen and hall. The last two rooms can be made the same, since the area of ​​\u200b\u200beach of them will turn out to be optimal. On the second floor there are bedrooms and, again, a hall.

The building will turn out to be comfortable, the peace of the household will not be disturbed by the guests, as they will be located on different floors, while it is important to use additional sound insulation so that even the most sensitive sleep is not disturbed.

Unfortunately, there is no garage here, so car owners must find a way out by building additional buildings.

House 10x10

If the design of the building is initially incorrect, then redevelopment cannot be avoided. The house should be as comfortable as possible, and its rooms should be arranged according to needs. For example, a toilet cannot be at the front door, while the bedroom is located on the top floor, it is better if there is a bathroom near the bedroom.

distributing usable area comfort must be taken into account. The room should be made with the highest possible ceilings, as the low ones "crush".

Houses with an area of ​​10x10 m are made in different modifications, we will consider one of the popular ones.

it spacious house with spacious rooms. The living room, dining room and kitchen are combined and represent a room of original geometry. The kitchen is placed in a small niche, as if hidden from prying eyes. Instead of a hall, a vestibule and a corridor are implemented here. Guests can always use a separate bedroom, while there is a bathroom on the ground floor. There are three rooms in the upper part of the building: two of them are bedrooms, and the third is a library: this room can be an office or additional room for relax.

There is a terrace for family dining outside. To get to it, you have to go through one of the bedrooms - this is not very convenient, given that the sleeping room should not be a walk-through. The total area of ​​such a house will be almost 140 m 2.

The garage is a space that should not be forgotten. Most often it is located on the ground floor, but not everyone likes this approach, and many owners prefer to use the basement as a garage. In some way, this is the right approach, but it is important to make sure that there is no groundwater in the place where the building is erected. The main disadvantage of the garage in the basement is a steep climb: in winter, exit can be difficult.

Most often, customers stop at garages in the form of a small outbuilding. The advantage of this approach is the convenient location of the entrance: having parked the car, the driver closes the gate from the inside and exits through a special door that leads to the house. Disadvantages - there is a high probability of poisoning by exhaust gases, while the smell of petroleum products can penetrate into living quarters, this will cause a lot of discomfort.

In order to eliminate the disadvantage, the doors are made double. The exit should not be in the corridor, but in the vestibule, thus the living and garage zones are separated, this allows you to use the area more efficiently and with great convenience.

If possible, then better garage count on two cars, and when designing the gates are performed large sizes- for all occasions.

How to plan the layout of rooms yourself?

Typical projects are good, but all people are individual, their tastes and preferences are far from general solutions, so in most cases the arrangement of rooms is planned independently. Drawing a plan, you can proceed from:

  • The size of the area of ​​the room- if you want it to be fixed, then most likely the boundaries of the contours of the premises will go beyond each other.
  • base line- all rooms are located on the same line. In this case, the walls do not need to be zigzag, which greatly simplifies the life of builders. In this case, some deviations from the desired dimensions are possible, but they are insignificant. When planning a usable area, it is necessary to take into account the thickness of the walls. Based on this value, the contours of the building are determined. The room looks better if the number of external corners is minimized, because subconsciously they are perceived as deviations from the norm, therefore general form loses attractiveness.

How to plan a house?

The house is visually divided into two parts - front and back. Facades can differ in execution, their architecture is often different, as, indeed, the design. The front door always faces the main facade, so the entrance hall is located only in this part. The main facade and front door face the road, there are rarely exceptions to the rule.

Traditionally, the front door leads to a small vestibule, from where a person enters the hallway. Guests can take off their shoes and outerwear here. To save the vestibule is excluded, but it does not look quite aesthetically pleasing. If, nevertheless, such a decision is made, then we should not forget about thermal insulation, it is better to install a double door.

Living spaces

It so happened that the room is performed rectangular shape. Such a stereotype is the result of construction apartment buildings. In fact, it is not necessary to make the premises quadrangular. Another approach makes construction difficult correct calculations, but it is more comfortable to live in a room without corners.

If it is decided to build a building in the traditional style, then the size of the opposite rooms can be made different. During the construction of modern skyscrapers, the back and front of the apartment are the same, but in a private house there is no such need. The main thing is that the rooms have the correct aspect ratio.

If the room is rectangular in shape, then its length should not exceed the width by more than twice.
For example, a 6x4 m room is made correct form, but 3x7 m is a mistake.

Corridors and adjacent rooms should be small, and if possible, it is better to connect the rooms with the same rooms, so there will be more usable area, and the trash, which often becomes the property of the corridors, will be completely excluded.

When planning, it is important to correctly calculate the number of windows and their size. As already mentioned, the lighting should be natural. At the same time, the location of the furniture must also be taken into account, otherwise it will turn out that the only place for the bed will be the wall opposite the window and the rearrangement will become impossible. At home, it is necessary to change the situation; you cannot live for a long time in a room where the furniture is in the same places.

The area of ​​​​the rooms is chosen so that, along with comfort, they are well ventilated and warmed up. Excessively large rooms are not very good, so you need to proceed from practicality.

If you want something original, then you can make a room two stories high. Such a solution, of course, does not save space, but it looks impressive and even luxurious. Designers call this technique a second light. If it is decided to implement it, then infrared will be the optimal type of heating, otherwise the air in the upper part of the room will not warm up, and an air gap will not form near the ceiling.

The house, as they say, is a fortress. Build a home individual plan- the right decision, but we must remember that during the construction the norms and recommendations of specialists were observed. Trust is better experienced craftsmen, only they will erect a strong and reliable building.

Construction one-story house- a good choice in many respects. Such a solution provides sufficient freedom in design and the so often necessary security of the situation, but will not suit the owners of small plots of land with a large family.

Houses on one floor are now in vogue - buildings are perceived as a single architectural project with the adjacent territory. But the layout of a one-story home depends on its size and the needs of the residents and requires careful thought, so you need to consider many reasonable options before deciding to make a final decision.

  1. Cheaper laying of the foundation compared to multi-story buildings, because the load on the base of a one-story house is much lower.
  2. The ability to implement a single design concept throughout the house thanks to smooth transitions between rooms.
  3. Convenience in cleaning the house, because all the rooms are located on the same level.
  4. The safety of a one-story building for families with children and people with disabilities who do not need to use stairs.
  5. The building heats up quickly, and the heat in it lasts longer.
  6. Depending on the area of ​​the house, you can choose very interesting planning solutions, unusually using interior partitions.

The one-story house looks like a single whole with the landscape adjoining territory

How to increase the usable area of ​​a one-story house?

Choosing a one-story house, we already decide that it will not be so easy to increase its area, however, an additional couple of rooms is never superfluous, and it is possible to plan them in several ways:

  • Equip the basement for a billiard room, storage for drinks, a sauna, a gym or a living space. Even the already fairly detailed layout of a 10 by 10 (one-story) house, the photo of which can be seen below, will benefit significantly from this.
  • To install a mansard roof, which is financially not significantly more expensive than building a house with a gable roof, but the distance formed under the roof can be used to organize a bedroom, nursery or guest room.
  • mount shed roof, which allows you to organize a hanging platform or attic room.
  • Use flat roof as an additional area for a flower garden or a place to relax.

Flat roof of the house - a way to get an additional area for recreation

mansard roof allows you to increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house by one floor

An unusual design option for a small country house

Gable roof country cottage

Layout of small one-story houses

The layout of one-story houses made of wood or other materials depends on their parameters and shape. Square buildings are considered ideal in this regard, because the interior of rooms of this form of sufficient size is balanced. This is probably why most often the owners choose building projects with the same sides.

The layout of the house is 6 by 6 (one-story version) - a very small building, usually used as a country cottage. It will be much cheaper to build such a house than a two-story or wider one, and with the help of modern means The design makes it easy to fit everything you need in it.

Square house layout

Having saved on heating (it is not difficult to do this with one low-power boiler, a fireplace with radiators) and on arranging the inlet and outlet for water and drain, you can perform good finish such a house.

A space of 36 square meters can be organized by planning a ten-meter living room, a nine-meter bedroom, a small bathroom of 3 square meters. m., a kitchen-studio of 8.5 sq. m., a small boiler room and a four-meter hallway.

It is not wise, however, to spend a small distance on the vestibule, because you can make a walk-through kitchen or living area by combining them with the hall. This is the main possible correct option organization of space, no matter how other parts of it are conceived. Separating the kitchen and living room will seriously reduce the usable area.

The hallway and living room can be completely donated by organizing a small workplace as reflected in the layout below. In this case, everything is focused on the convenience of the owners.

Two bedrooms in small house planning is also possible. They are small but comfortable.

The kitchen corner can make it very small, like the picture below. But the house will accommodate two places to sleep and a fairly large living room.

A little more choice elongated shape- at home 6 × 9 - justified, because in this way a few additional meters appear at the disposal of the owners and there is a corner for guests who stay overnight.

An interesting option is to divide the house into 2 parts with a vestibule and a bathroom. node by arranging two entrances with different parties: place a sauna and a small utility room on one side, a living room with a kitchen and a bedroom on the other.

lovers modern interiors they can simply abandon the idea of ​​dividing one large room with partitions - in current trends, combine these two zones together.

Try to combine almost all areas of the house - now this is a current trend

Or, as in the illustration below, you can organize a full-fledged house with three rooms of a slightly reduced size and a garage.

The layout of an 8 by 8 house, the one-story construction method of which is becoming increasingly popular, is a more convenient option than 6x6, although it is more suitable for suburban housing, where it is not planned to live all year round.

64 sq. m - this is the area on which you can place the same range of rooms, but they will be much more spacious and comfortable. You can add some rooms (kitchen, bathroom) with storage rooms or plan a large niche with a compartment door in which you can store all the things you need in the house, and you won’t need more cabinets.

The layout of a 9 by 9 house (one-story) also does not differ much from the plan of smaller square-shaped buildings, although due to the expansion of the area, the possibility of using decorative and design elements in such an interior also increases.

So in a house of 36 sq. m. interior doors better to use in sliding version, and in a cottage 9 × 9 you can afford their classic version.

The presence of an attic significantly solves the problems of small residential buildings. By placing a bedroom with a large bed on the second floor, you can provide enough space for a chic living room and kitchen on the ground floor. True, in this case you will have to find a place for the stairs.

The layout of a house with an attic is much more practical than simple one-story project

Layout of the first floor of the house with stairs

By placing utility rooms in the basement of the building, it will be possible to save space and not spend money on an additional floor, so this option is often preferred to the attic.

Layout of large one-story houses

A one-story house 10 × 10, the layout of the rooms of which turns out to be almost perfect, is chosen by the owners of rather large land plots. It will comfortably accommodate several people, and all rooms can be square and quite spacious and comfortable in terms of lighting and furniture arrangement.

Such a house with an area of ​​79.8 sq. m. suitable for living in the comfort of a family of 4-6 people with children different ages. The interior of such a dwelling can be made similar to the furnishings of a medium-sized three-room apartment. When organizing space, it is better to avoid corridors of any length, and plan a common hall, from which the doors will diverge into all other rooms.

In addition to the necessary premises in a house with such an area, the owners can afford and working area- an office, to expand a dignity. node, setting there not a shower, but a wide bath or jacuzzi.

The main properties when planning a house should be ingenuity and originality. The experience of many specialists has proved more than once that the location of decor elements, interior in the house should be based on certain rules and principles, and not at the call of fancy.

Of course, you can rely on the traditions of other countries, such as England. This is the separation of the dining room from the kitchen by means of a staircase. Therefore, when you set the table, you have to make a lot of effort to carry food, tea and other preparations from one room to another.

In order for the layout of the house to be as convenient as possible, you need to make a careful layout of the house for each room. For example, in country houses it is customary to make the corridor small, taking into account the fact that there are many more rooms that combine several functions. Optimal layout country house.

For example, the kitchen also serves as a dining room, the veranda may well serve as a hallway, and the bedroom can become an office for the owner.

The kitchen must have, in addition to artificial light, natural light. It is recommended to place this room on the outside of the country house, to be more precise - closer to the exit. In the event that the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house allows you to do something more, you can perfectly create a second exit from the kitchen, since its scale easily allows this.

The presence of a fireplace in the living room gives a special wealth, sophistication to a country house. Usually it is attached to an outer or inner wall so that niches for fuel can be nearby.

The attic floor usually contains the bedrooms. A home layout such as building shelves and cabinets under the roof slopes will be very economical for the owners.
Attention! Only if your country house has all the conditions for a basement, then such utility rooms are most often used for pantries and boiler rooms.
Thus, you have learned the main secrets, in the implementation of which the layout of the house can be more than successful. So, if you follow your designer's basic guidelines, you can make great strides in having not only the main rooms in your home, but also the gym, the library, and even the billiard room.

layout country houses.

A successful layout of a country house is comfort and good mood, unsuccessful - a constant source of irritation and fatigue. There are general planning principles, and there is your individuality. Only in the event that the layout of a country house was not partly an art, then all house designs would be typical. Sometimes, and quite often, the individuality of the customer is manifested in the planning of a country house so strongly that one can easily guess his character, hobbies, tastes and priorities from it. However, we will start with general principles country house plans. Basic rules for planning rooms.
General principles for planning a country house.

From the point of view of construction technology and budget savings, the layout of a country house should take into account the location and length of utilities. Water supply, sewerage, main gas consumers should be placed as compactly as possible. It is convenient if the kitchen is adjacent to the bathroom, and the boiler room is nearby. When planning bathrooms and bathrooms on different floors, the most economical and technically competent option is to place these rooms on top of each other, which makes it possible to get by with one common water riser and one Fan pipe.

Although the technological rules for planning a country house are important, it is much more important to ensure proper comfort and cater to your preferences and habits. Comfort, first of all, is associated with a sufficient number of rooms in the house. In addition to the master bedroom, separate room should be in every family member; only small children of the same sex can be accommodated together, but it must be remembered that the children will grow up and very soon they will need their own premises. Guest bedrooms should also be provided, as many as may be required in accordance with your hospitality. In extreme cases, guests can be accommodated for the night in the living room, library or study. Bathrooms should be located near the bedrooms.

It's good when at least one bedroom is on the ground floor. This is convenient for the elderly, and even if the house is being built for a young family, it will serve it for many decades. By the way, when moving into a new house with one child, you should think in advance about whether another one or two will soon appear. In other words, it is best to plan a country house "for Growth".

The public area - living room, kitchen - dining room, recreation room, etc. - can be planned by the most different ways. Here a lot depends on the preferences and creative imagination of the customer. It must be borne in mind that it is far from always necessary to partition off common rooms with walls and doors; a single space, zoned by means of furniture, a fireplace, different stylistic and color interior solutions, creates a feeling of spaciousness and community, different angles and perspectives allow you to create very beautiful, unusual interiors.

The creation of a single public zone makes it possible to do without corridors, thus saving the usable area of ​​the house. In general, the abundance of corridors indicates a not very successful layout.

Many people like the second light in the living room. Using vertical opens additional features designer. There is something to dream up here: windows, balconies, stairs, a sloping ceiling with protruding beams and rafters, height differences, lamps on different levels… however, the second light is a reduction in the usable area of ​​your home. In small houses, you should think and calculate what is more important for you: a second light in the hall or a couple of extra bedrooms on the second floor. In multi-level houses, a compromise is possible: to arrange, so to speak, a "one and a half light" hall under a sloping roof, descending to the level of the first floor.

Life in a country house should be as close as possible to nature. This can be achieved with the help of the layout of a country house. They play a big role open terraces where you can breathe fresh air in any weather, and in the summer - read, drink tea, play chess or dominoes. Big square glazing in the living room, dining room and other public spaces brings the interior of the house closer to the surrounding landscape, creates a feeling of spaciousness and freedom. For amplification this effect in the living room you can make a bay window, as, say, in the popular projects "Nakhabino", "Forest", etc.
Various options for planning a country house.

A country house can be planned on one, two or three levels. The most popular are two-level options with a second attic floor.

Most often, public premises are located on the ground floor: a living room, a kitchen - a dining room, a rest room, as well as office premises: a furnace, a boiler room, a switchboard, a laundry room, a pantry. front door in our climate, it is advisable to separate with a vestibule; a dressing room can adjoin the hallway; There is also a bathroom on the first floor. There may also be a guest bedroom or a bedroom for elderly family members, sometimes the master's office.

The second floor is given, as a rule, to private rooms: bedrooms, children's rooms, sometimes - an office. Equipped required amount bathrooms (say, for four bedrooms, one bathroom is already not enough.

What are the options for planning a country house? On the first floor, in one engineering block with a bathroom and a furnace, you can place a sauna with a relaxation room. Or, on the contrary, you can take the bath out of the main perimeter of the building, connecting it with a covered terrace. In some cases, the sauna is even placed on the second floor, in a private area!

In the basement you can arrange a garage, swimming pool, workshop and even a wine cellar.

On the second floor, you can make a second small living room. In it, for example, children can receive their guests, while adults gather in a large living room on the ground floor, or in one living room - a male company, and in the second - a female company.

Both on the first and on the second floor it is possible to equip a billiard room.

But, if a magnificent view of the distance opens from the windows of the second floor, then nothing prevents you from swapping the functions of the first and second floors: let the bedrooms and children's rooms be located on the first, and the living room with the kitchen - dining room - on the second!

In country houses, as a rule, the living space of the attic under the roof is fully used. At the same time, the height of the room under the ridge can reach 5-7 meters or more. Perhaps it would seem reasonable for you to arrange a kind of "Mezzanine" there, equipping a children's play (and guest) area, a kind of "captain's bridge", where children will feel quite comfortable, independently and autonomously.

Let's name some projects of two-level country houses with the most successful layout: "Nakhabino" (107.4 sq. Meters, wood), "Podlipki" (178.7 sq. Meters, wood), "Zagorye" (157.7 sq. Meters, wood), "Pushkino" (197.3 sq. Meters, brick), "Dom Chalet" (321.5 sq. Meters, combined.

Interesting, well-planned options for three-level country houses are the projects "Golitsyno" (317.5 sq. Meters, wood), "Mytishchi" (298.7 sq. Meters, combined.

One-story country houses are also in demand. Some of them gravitate in style to the Scandinavian wooden architecture, others - to the Russian "Huts on Chicken Legs". Being less economical in terms of material consumption for square meter usable area, they, nevertheless, allow for interesting architectural and planning solutions.

The layout of a one-story country house has its own characteristics. The division of premises into public and private zones in one-story houses is carried out not vertically, but horizontally. It is possible to place a living room, a kitchen - a dining room, a rest room, a guest room, a billiard room in one wing of the house, and the bedrooms of family members, an office - in the other. It is quite possible to install two fireplaces - one in each wing. Another planning solution: place the public area in the center of the building, and space the living quarters along the edges.
What questions will the architect ask you?

The customer, turning to a construction company, usually has in his head (or on paper) a certain layout of a country house that he wants to build. The task of the architect is to turn this plan into technical task. To do this, he will want to know how many floors will be in your house, including the attic? How many bedrooms, for which family members? How many guest rooms? How many bathrooms? Will there be open terraces, balconies in the house? Do you want a double-height hall in the house? Do you intend to combine the living room, dining room and kitchen into a single space? Do you need a bay window? Will there be a fireplace? Will there be an office, a billiard room, etc.? In the event that the house is two-story, where should the stairs be located: in the living room, where it will serve as one of the main interior details, or in a separate vestibule? Do you want a garage, sauna, swimming pool, etc. under one roof?

Perhaps, having received answers to all these questions, the architect will offer the closest model project of a country house to your plan with an already thought out, proven layout. This project can always be modified to suit your requirements and preferences.

House planning options.

The layout of the house is part of the design documentation, which displays the location of the main structures of the house, partitions, bathrooms, windows and doors. Among the additional information for displaying which the house plan is used, one can single out the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises, the dimensions, the material of the walls, the layout of the rooms in the two-story home plumbing devices, the binding of the axis, as well as marks, for example, on stairwell. In this article, we will look at how a house plan layout is created, as well as its most common variations.
House layout.

Architects carefully study the needs of people so that the layout of the house is the most comfortable for them. In this regard, there are two types of house design: first create a volume and then fill it necessary premises or first arrange the premises correctly, and then create a three-dimensional model of the house from them - preparation for the development of a house layout. House plans are developed at the design stage - see how a house layout is developed in a specialized program. Quite often, a house needs several house plans:

ground floor;

They differ due to the peculiarities of the location of the living area. For example, on the attic floor there is no need to install all the main walls. In addition, part of the useful area will be lost due to the low height of the ceiling near the enclosing walls of the house. So we will consider the plans and layouts of a 6 x 6 house; 6 x 8; 6 x 9; 7 x 7; 8 x 8; 8 x 10; 10 x 10; 10 x 12; 12 x 12.

You can also focus on the configuration of the house, for example:

Layout of a two-story house;
Layout of the house with a basement;.
Layout of the house with an attic floor;
Layout of a house with a garage.

The drawing up of this drawing, also taking into account the standard sizes of prefabricated elements, is underway. Such a calculation will help reduce the number of places where there is a shortage of foundation blocks, floor elements, etc. The process begins with drawing the axes of the house and linking the walls to them. After that, partitions, windows and doors are applied - see the drawing lesson additional elements on the plan of the house. The final stage is the signature of the premises, their area, as well as the application of dimensions - the designation on the drawings of the layout of the house. Once a house is built, bti will draw up floor plans for the premises to account for changes that the owners will make.
House plan, popular layouts.

Incorrect design leads to the need to carry out redevelopment - work related to changing the space-planning decision of the house. A building may have several large rooms or only 2. their number and area are determined by the overall dimensions of the house: 6 x 6; 6 x 8; 6 x 9; 7 x 7; 8 x 8; 8 x 10; 10 x 10; 10 x 12; 12 x 12.
It is important to correctly arrange the usable area of ​​the building. In the process of this work, attention is paid to two coefficients that help to estimate the area occupied by corridors and utility rooms and compare it with residential.
Layout examples interior spaces houses.
Country real estate is a great opportunity to realize all your dreams by creating a unique, comfortable, cozy estate for your entire family. Everyone who starts building their own home dreams of this. To create the right atmosphere, you need the right interior layout a private house, because the well-being and convenience of all household members depend on this.
As a rule, the layout of the interior of the building is carried out even when designing the foundation for dividing and load-bearing partitions. This approach will help you save a lot in the future. financial expenses at the work of the construction team, plus to reduce the time. It also takes into account the fact that the house is being built for more than a dozen years, so you need to take into account the fact that in the future more than one family may live in it, which means it should be spacious and as comfortable as possible.

Rules for planning future rooms:

The house must have at least three rooms, for each family member a room.
The bedrooms are planned to be closed, not passable.
Doors from all bedrooms should open to one room - a hall or a living room.

When planning, special attention should be paid to the kitchen, since with successful design, you can also make room for the dining room in it. 9 m? - this is best option kitchen room, which will contain all the most necessary attributes: furniture, refrigerator, stove, hood, shelves and more. etc. It is also worth considering the acceptable width of the kitchen, which is considered 2.5 m. With such parameters, not only all kitchen paraphernalia will harmoniously fit into such a room, but also Appliances, which is necessary for the daily use of any hostess. As for the children's room, it should be separate, not combined with the parents' room, so that in the future a teenager could easily settle in it.

More information about the interior of a small apartment in the section

At the initial stage of construction, the main and responsible occupation is house layout. A beginner who has not tasted all the hardships of construction may have an erroneous opinion that the correct layout of the house is not so important and very easy to implement. Unfortunately, it is not!

In fact, competent and correct planning is a rather complex process that requires careful thought, because. the happiness of your family is at stake. The complexity of planning lies in the fact that, with limited material resources, you need to manage to draw up such a house plan that would suit all future residents, please with comfort, spaciousness, and coziness. You can go the easier way and build on already finished project. To get acquainted with some of them, you can visit this site. However, you can get the full range of amenities and positive feelings while living only by making a project for yourself, and not by cloning the neighbor's one. Yes! It is the independent layout of the house that is a big advantage.

How does the process of planning your house usually go? Imagine this picture: Vasya and his wife Natasha sat down in the kitchen of their "beloved mother" (mother-in-law), drew a square of an imaginary home on a piece of paper and began to shove it into this square:

  • five rooms,
  • kitchen,
  • bath,
  • toilet,
  • furnace,
  • vestibule and
  • closet.

They shoved, shoved, and completely quarreled, went angry to the architect and, without delving into the details, they found the first project that came across there.

It's funny, but that's how it usually happens. And, all because the shape and volume of the future house is chosen as the basis for the drafting of the project, i.e. The planning takes place from the outside in. While it should be the other way around, you need to plan from the inside out. If translated into simple language, then the planning of the house should begin based on the number of residents and their needs, as well as the necessary functions of your home.

Planning the premises of a residential building

About what should be the premises and their optimal size has long been known. Clever minds tried and wrote it down in all sorts of building codes and regulations. So you don't have to come up with anything new:

Porch- a platform in front of the entrance to the house. The porch must have a minimum size of 1.2x1.2 m, as well as a ladder with a width of at least 1 m. Above the porch, including steps, a canopy (canopy) is required.

Tambour- a room for smoothing the temperature difference between inner space and external environment, to cold air did not get a draft directly into warm house. Its role can be played by a closed unheated veranda. As a rule, the entrance to the hallway is planned from the vestibule, and it is also very rational to place the entrance to the boiler room (furnace) in it, especially when using solid fuels. If the vestibule of the main entrance is with a turn, it should be planned with dimensions of at least 1.65x1.65. The width of tambours and tambour locks without turning should be taken greater than the width of the openings by at least 0.5 m (0.25 m on each side of the opening), and the length - more than the width of the door leaf by at least 0.2 m, but not less than 1.2 m.

Hallway(front) - a kind of distribution hub through which all movements are carried out. The area of ​​the hallway must be at least 3m2. Its minimization, as a rule, leads to the appearance of corridors. A very rational solution would be to plan a spacious hall or expand the front space by integrating it with the living room.

The corridor- a passage limited on the sides connecting separate parts of the dwelling. The width of the corridor should not exceed 1.4 m. Although the corridors do not have norms for their area, their excessive number indicates an irrational layout of the house.

Living room(hall) - common room for day stay families, as a rule, living quarters with a maximum area. The minimum area of ​​​​the living room is within 15 - 18 m. Making a living room over 24 m 2 is irrational, and this decision cannot be called a show off. Without prejudice, the dimensions of the common room can be increased by adding other functional elements conditionally isolated from each other: a dining room, a hallway, a writing and computer workplace, a flight of stairs, etc.

Bedroom- room for personal use. If bedrooms are considered only as rooms for sleeping, then they are planned with a minimum area: for 1 person - 8-9 m 2, for 2 people - 12-14 m 2. In the case of using bedrooms as living rooms with developed functions, they should be large. The bedroom, unlike other rooms in the house, should be an impassable room.

Kitchen- room for cooking. In the case of using the kitchen only for cooking, its minimum area should be within 8 - 10m 2, and when adding a dining room function, it rises to 12 m 2. Given that the kitchen is increasingly overgrown with all sorts of machines, mechanisms for cooking, storing food, and also that some family members often spend a lot of time in the kitchen, these standards are not enough and should be increased.

Stairsfunctional element, providing vertical connections of the premises of the house located at different levels. A staircase can have one, two, or even three flights. Intermediate platforms should be arranged at the turning points of flights of stairs. The width of the march is planned to be at least 0.9 m, and the slope of the stairs is not more than 1: 1.25 (not steeper than 40 °). When constructing a single-flight staircase between two walls, its width must be at least 110 cm.

Toilet- a room for natural needs and hygiene procedures. Depending on the planning solutions and the size of the house, two types of sanitary facilities can be located in it:

With separate placement of the bathroom and toilet, the minimum internal dimensions toilet room 0.8 x 1.2 m or 0.8 x 1.4 m are accepted if the door opens inward. The dimensions of the bathroom depend on the dimensions of the bathtub, washbasin and other additional elements of sanitary equipment. The area of ​​combined bathrooms is smaller than the area of ​​separate ones. But, as you know, you have to pay for everything. The smaller area of ​​the combined nodes pays off inconvenience and reduced operating comfort.

Quite often, it is practiced to install two sanitary facilities in the house:

  • for daily use - only with a toilet bowl and a washbasin;
  • complex bathroom - complemented by another bath, shower. As a rule, for greater convenience, it is located next to the bedrooms.

Garage- room for storage Vehicle and various useful household tools. Garage can be:

  • built-in;
  • attached;
  • standing separately.

The minimum garage area for a car should be 18m 2 and for a motorcycle 6m 2 .

Boiler room(furnace) - a room in which the working fluid (heat carrier) of the heating or hot water supply system is heated. The volume of the boiler room intended for heating equipment with a total thermal power of up to 60 kW, should be at least 7 m 3, and for boilers with a power of 60 to 200 kW, the volume of the furnace should already be at least 11.5 m 3. Please note that the volume is regulated, not the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

Auxiliary premises- these include corridors, pantries, balconies, loggias. The dimensions of balconies and loggias are calculated within 20% of the total area of ​​the apartment.

Minimum room dimensions, taking into account the population of an apartment or house and the number of rooms are reflected in the table. It takes into account the important proportions of the premises. it recommended floor plan.

Number of rooms Population, persons Total area, m 2 Living space, m 2 Area, m2
living room bedrooms cuisine auxiliary premises
1 1-2 30 18 18 - 8 4
2 2-3 40 25 15 10 9 6
3 3-4 50 35 15 8, 12 9 6
4 4-5 62 45 18 8, 9 and 10 10 7
5 5-6 75 55 19 8, 8,
8 and 12
12 8

House planning procedure

Armed with the above data and the wishes of your household, you can easily make a list of all the rooms with the dimensions necessary for the further comfortable living of the whole family. Based on this list, you should draw up a diagram of the connections between the premises, indicating possible movements around the house. Further, when planning the premises should take into account:

  • placement of a house on the site;
  • orientation relative to the cardinal points;
  • fire breaks with neighboring buildings.

Only now you can decide on the possible building area and the number of levels (the presence of a basement, attic ...). To ensure a favorable climate and light regime, it is preferable to place the main living rooms on the south, east, southeast side, and the kitchen, dining room on the north, northeast.

Optimal dimensions premises. When planning the premises, one should adhere to the optimal ratio of length and width. The most suitable values ​​will be from 1:1 to 1:1.5. That is, if the width of the room, for example, is 4 meters, then its length is planned within 4 - 6 meters.

Functional zoning when planning a house

Depending on the functions, the total area of ​​the house and the wishes of future residents, the house can be divided into certain functional areas, parts. There are several functional zoning schemes:

  • two-part zoning;
  • three-part zoning.

two-part zoning- the house is divided into two parts:

  • daytime area- has the function of a family purpose, includes an entrance hall, a living room, a dining room, a kitchen, a toilet, an office;
  • night stay area includes bedrooms, nurseries, bathroom, wardrobe.

When planning a house with one level, it is recommended to place a daytime zone at the entrance, and a night zone at the back of the house. In the case of a layout with two levels, vertical zoning of the house is used, where daytime premises are located on the first floor, and nightly on the second or attic.

Three-part zoning- divides the house into three parts:

  • family-wide;
  • individual;
  • household.

When planning a single-level home, the family and individual areas include the living room, dining room, and bedrooms. The household area includes an entrance, a kitchen, pantries, bathrooms, work rooms, etc. The utility zone is located in the center of the house and serves as a buffer between the premises of the family and individual zones, as well as the entrance to the house. When planning a house with three levels, a utility zone is placed on the lower level, a family zone on the middle one and a personal zone on the upper one.

Layout of window openings

The ratio of the floor area of ​​living quarters or kitchens to the area window openings should not exceed 5, otherwise it will be dark in the house during the day, i.e. window area should not be more than 5 times less area gender. For attic floors this ratio is 8, although 10 is allowed. The recommended sizes of window openings, depending on the area of ​​​​the premises, are indicated in the table.

Room area, m 2 Minimum area of ​​window openings, m 2,
at room depth, m
2,5 3,0 3,5 4,0 4,5 5,0 5,5 6,0
8 1,4 1,4 - - - - - -
9 1,5 1,5 1,5 - - - - -
10 - 1,6 1,6 1,5 - - - -
11 - 1,7 1,7 1,6 - - - -
12 - 1,8 1,8 1,7 1,6 - - -
13 - 1,9 1,9 1,8 1,7 2,5 - -
14 - 2,0 2,0 1,9 1,8 2,55 - -
15 - - 2,1 2,0 1,9 2,6 3,5 -
16 - - 2,2 2,1 2,0 2,65 3,55 -
17 - - 2,3 2,2 2,1 2,7 3,6 -
18 - - 2,4 2,3 2,2 2,75 3,65 4,9
19 - - - 2,4 2,3 2,8 3,7 4,95
20 - - - 2,5 2,4 2,85 3,75 5,0
21 - - - - 2,5 2,9 3,8 5,05
22 - - - - 2,6 2,95 3,85 5,1
23 - - - - 2,7 3,0 3,9 5,15
24 - - - - 2,8 3,05 3,95 5,2
25 - - - - 2,9 3,1 4,0 5,25

When planning the size and location of the doors, it is imperative to take into account the width of the future tenants and the possible dimensions of the furniture, so that later you do not puzzle over how to drag the sofa inside: either through the window, or through the roof.

Coordination of the house plan with the dimensions of the floors

A kind of adjustment of the distances between the bearing walls, taking into account, as well as the depth of their support on bearing walls. Elements of interfloor overlapping have their own standard dimensions, as well as indicators of the minimum depth of support on load-bearing walls, and these indicators depend on and may differ. In order that at the stage of laying floors do not cut concrete plates, and not to throw away pieces of sawn beams into the waste, one should take into account the dimensions of the planned elements of interfloor ceilings and the depth of their support on the walls, adjusting the distance between the bearing walls.

Placement of ventilation and smoke ducts

ventilation ducts should be provided for bathrooms, boiler room, kitchen. Smoke channels are planned for each individual piece of heating equipment: boiler, fireplace, stove, gas water heater.

Checking the quality of the completed project

The quality of the completed layout of the house can be judged by the ratio of the area of ​​​​residential premises to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bauxiliary:

where K 1 is the ratio of the area of ​​​​residential premises to the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe building;

S w - the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bresidential premises;

S o - the total (total) area of ​​​​all the internal premises of the building.

The optimal value of K 1 is in the range of 0.6-0.7. Having performed such a calculation, you can evaluate both your project and the project completed by the architect according to your order.

The main indicator of the comfort of a private house is the amount of living space per person and a set of rooms. common use and their sizes.

In the process of designing a house, the following factors must be considered:

  1. the number of family members and the possibility of changing its composition in the future (it is recommended to consider the entire period of operation of the house);
  2. the possibility of using all the premises for their main purpose when circumstances change;
  3. the possibility of home renovation.

Norms and rules for planning a private house

There are basic technical and economic indicators of individual houses that determine the size of the living and total area for various categories of comfort:

1st level of comfort:
number of rooms - 3-4 (number of bedrooms 2-3);
living area - 45-60 sq. m;
total area - 80-120 sq. m;

2nd level of comfort:
number of rooms - 4-6 (number of bedrooms 2-5);
living area - 65-100 sq. m;
total area - 120-170 sq. m;

3rd level of comfort:
number of rooms - 5-8 (number of bedrooms 3-5);
living area - 100-130 sq. m;
total area - 180-280 sq. m.

The minimum height of residential premises is 2.5 m, for residential attics permissible height - 2.3 m, in areas with a hot and dry climate - 3 m, height ground floor- not less than 1.8 m. According to the norms, the minimum area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe living room is 12 square meters. m, kitchen - 6 sq. m, bathroom - 1.8 sq. m and a toilet - 0.96 sq. m.

On average, one person should have 30-40 square meters. m of total area. With a larger value, the transition time from one room to another will be more than 30-40 seconds, which can cause fatigue and discomfort.

Features of the location of the rooms

Any house consists of two separate zones: residential and household, which, according to the rules of hygiene, must be separated from each other.

The residential area is conditionally divided into night and day. Usually in two-story or attic houses the night zone is located on the second floor and is rarely visited during the daytime. It includes: bedrooms, children's rooms and dressing rooms.

For greater comfort, it is recommended to place bathrooms (showers) and a toilet on the second floor. They should not be located above the living quarters in order to protect the rooms from water in case of leakage. Balconies for relaxing in the evening can also adjoin the night zone.

The daily zone is arranged on the first floor and includes: a hall, an entrance hall, a common room, a kitchen and a dining room. Hygiene rooms (toilets and bathrooms) are duplicated, a veranda or a terrace for relaxing in the warm season is attached to the living area.

If there are elderly or disabled people in the family, then it is necessary to provide for them a night zone within the ground floor. If there is a basement tier, it is assigned to a recreation area: a billiard room, gym, studios, etc.

Household rooms (furnace, storerooms, garage, swimming pool, sauna, etc.) are located in the basement or in attached parts of the house.

If necessary, provide space for gas boiler, then it must be at least 2 m high and with a volume of at least 7.5 cubic meters. m.

Stairs are most often placed in a corridor or hallway. If it is installed in a corner, then it is advisable to choose a design with a turn along the walls and an intermediate platform between marches.

Layout of rooms and stairs

When planning a house, the following rule is followed: each family member is given living room while the kitchen is not considered a room. When designing premises, depending on their purpose, it is recommended to choose the following area values:

  • for common rooms - from 16 sq. m;
  • for the bedroom - from 12 sq. m;
  • for the kitchen - from 8 sq. m;
  • for the corridor - from 4 to 8 square meters. m;
  • for a bathroom, toilet, pantry, dressing room, laundry room - from 2 to 6 square meters. m;
  • for utility rooms - from 3 sq. m;
  • for an office, library, work or game room- from 10 sq. m;
  • for a garage - from 10 sq. m.

The width of the corridor should be at least 0.9 m, the front one - at least 1.8 m. The dimensions of the rooms are calculated within the internal walls and partitions. When determining the attic area, only that part is taken into account, in which the sloping ceiling has a height of 1.6 m, for the rest of the zone a coefficient of 0.7 is used.

Moving between floors should not require significant effort, so when designing stairs, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • the width of the steps of the stairs should allow you to stand on it with a full foot;
  • the height between the steps should not be more than 17-19 cm;
  • the slope of the stairs must be within 30 degrees (the ratio of the height of the march to its horizontal projection is 1:2);
  • the distance from the upper plane of any step to the ceiling must be at least 2 m, if necessary, the slope of the stairs increases to 45 degrees;
  • the minimum width of the flight of stairs is 90 cm.


The comfort and convenience of living in it depends on the correct organization of the functional-spatial structure of the house, therefore, it is necessary to take into account the following design features:

  • when planning a house and calculating the number of residential and non-residential premises the entire period of operation of the house is taken into account;
  • on average, one person should have 30-40 square meters. m of total area;
  • the minimum height of residential premises is 2.5 m, the residential attic is 2.3 m, the basement floor is 1.8 m;
  • for a comfortable stay, it is recommended to design common rooms- from 16 sq. m, bedrooms - from 12 sq. m, kitchens - from 8 sq. m, bathrooms and toilets - from 2 sq. m;
  • bedrooms, children's rooms and dressing rooms should be located on the second floor; kitchen, dining room, common and utility rooms - on the ground floor;
  • the staircase is placed in the hall or corridor; in small rooms, corner structures are used with an additional platform between the marches.

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