Canape with dried meat. Sandwiches on skewers: a step by step recipe with a photo

garden equipment 18.10.2019
garden equipment

Snacks in the form of canapes on the festive table are brilliant idea, with the help of which any feast or buffet can be turned into a holiday without the haughty expenditure of effort and time. This article reviewed various ideas recipes for delicious canapés at home using a wide variety of ingredients that can please any gourmet.

Very popular lately is the canape variant using a skewer. Ease of preparation, the possibility of combining a variety of ingredients will allow the appetizer to appear in many different types and ways of serving.

The most popular and proven by experienced housewives ingredients for canapés are:

  • Olives
  • Fish (especially red)
  • Shrimps
  • Fruit
  1. Usually serves as the basis for canapés cracker, puff pastry, crackers, chips or small pieces of bread.
  2. Fruit canapés can be combined with cheese, sweet fillings, honey.

Cut the ingredients to the same length and width, except for those that can be chopped whole.

There can be an infinite number of options for preparing canapes, it all depends on desire, imagination and taste preferences. When choosing a composition, one should only take into account the compatibility of products, but this is individual for everyone, so you should not limit yourself in your desire to try something out of the ordinary.

Canape with cheese

This canape variant is a very common and favorite dish on every holiday table. The versatility of combining cheese with a wide variety of ingredients makes this appetizer a subject for culinary and taste experiments.

Canape with different types of cheese

Suitable for this type of appetizer different kinds cheeses. Cut the selected cheeses to the same shape and chop on a skewer. You can embellish the cheese with various herbs (basil, tarragon are best suited) and seasonings.

Canape with grapes and cheese

This appetizer can serve as a dessert for children, and for adults an excellent appetizer with white wine and champagne.

For snacks we need:

  • hard cheese
  • light and dark grape varieties

Prick these ingredients onto a skewer in the desired order. You can add a taste of sophistication by using walnuts, chopped on a skewer.

Extraordinary and original taste can be achieved by combining blue cheese and grapes.

Canape with cheese, grapes and mango

Mango can be taken both canned and fresh. Delicate taste of this product will perfectly complement the cheese with its richness.

Canape with olives

Olives have a rather specific and non-standard taste that can add zest to many other products. Consider several options for canape recipes with photos.

  • Appetizer with olives, smoked sausage, cheese and champignons

We cut all the ingredients, except for the olives, into identical pieces (leave the olives intact). You can alternate them any way you like. We look at one of the design options in the photo.

  • Canape with salmon, melted cheese, bread and olives

To prepare this appetizer, salmon cut into small pieces should be spread with melted cheese and twisted together in the form of a roll. On a skewer we place slices of bread and olives (whole or half).

  • Canape with olives, lemon and cheese

  • Canape with pickled mushrooms, olives, sauerkraut and cheese

  • Appetizer with pineapple, olives and cheese

We take a salted cracker as the basis for this snack, grease it with liver pate mixed with finely chopped pickled cucumber. On top we place a boiled egg, cut into a circle. We also cut a small tomato in the shape of a ringlet. Decorate with olives on top different colors and greenery.

  • Appetizer with olives, mozzarella and salami

Canape snack options with olives on the festive table: photo

Video: Canape with shrimp

Canape with mozzarella and cherry tomatoes

This snack option is distinguished not only by an unforgettable taste, which gives a combination of selected ingredients, but also by a beneficial effect on the body and low calorie content.

For cooking we need:

  • Cherry tomatoes
  • a few basil leaves
  • Mozzarella

Mozzarella should be cut into cubes about 2 cm long and wide. On a skewer we place mozzarella, washed tomato, and between them - a basil leaf. Pitted olives can also be used if desired. Canape with cherry tomatoes and mozzarella is ready!

Another option for a mozzarella appetizer:


  • Homemade croutons
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Mozzarella in balls
  • Salt, pepper, basil


  1. Spread the bread fried in a pan with cheese and cut into cubes 2 cm long and 2 cm wide.
  2. We pierce mozzarella, lettuce, croutons and cherry tomatoes with a skewer, decorate with basil on top.
  3. Salt and pepper the appetizer as desired. Ready!

Canape with cucumber

This version of the canape is distinguished not only by an unforgettable taste, but also by its extraordinary usefulness and low calorie content. Perfect as a snack for weight loss.

For cooking you need:

  • Fresh cucumber
  • Crackers or breadcrumbs
  • Garlic
  • Cottage cheese
  • Greens, salt, pepper

Cooking process:

  1. Grind cottage cheese in a blender along with garlic and herbs, salt and pepper
  2. If the cottage cheese is too dry and the mass does not work out, adding sour cream or butter can correct the situation.
  3. Cucumber cut into thin layers along the entire length
  4. Bread rolls or cooked croutons of the same size are spread with curd mass
  5. We prick greased bread on a skewer, a cucumber laid in a zigzag shape, decorate with greens

Instead of bread and crackers, you can also take an ordinary salted cracker, while the skewer is no longer needed.

Canape with ham and pineapple

For this appetizer we need:

  • 250 g ham
  • Canned pineapple
  • Red pepper - 2 pcs.
  • toasted bread
  • oregano


  1. We string all the ingredients cut into pieces of the same size (length and width up to 3 cm) and heat them on a skewer
  2. Top the canapes with grated cheese seasoned with oregano
  3. Can be served both raw and baked

The second option has a more intense taste with an alluring smell. Bake the appetizer at 180 degrees for about 10 minutes, until the cheese is slightly melted.

Canape with fish

This appetizer is very quick and easy to prepare, and the taste impressions can remain in the memory of your guests for a long time.

For snacks we need:

  • red fish
  • cucumbers
  • Olives
  • Cottage cheese
  • Greens, salt


  1. We cut the bread into identical pieces, if possible making it a different shape (stars, circles, squares). This will give the appetizer an exquisite appearance, and the craftsmanship and not the banality of the design will surprise your guests.
  2. We cut cucumbers, red fish into circles of the same size.
  3. On toasted bread we spread curd mass mixed with dill.
  4. We form canapes in layers: bread with cottage cheese, red fish, cucumber and again fish with a cucumber ring. Ready!

Cooking options for canape with herring

This appetizer is distinguished by a more restrained variety of combinations of ingredients that have been tested by time and the experience of culinary masters.

Popular delicious options spreads on black bread with herring:

  • Butter with dill. The butter needs to be softened a little and mixed with finely chopped dill.
  • Spread with mustard beans and butter. Proportions: for 1 teaspoon of mustard, a spoonful of butter.
  • Mass from mayonnaise, mixed with finely chopped greens and fresh cucumber.
  • Cheese spread: mix cottage cheese and hard cheese in proportions 1:1 and 1 boiled egg.

The next ball could be:

  • boiled egg
  • Red pepper
  • piece of apple
  • Chopped onion
  • A circle of boiled new potatoes

Top decoration options for canape with herring:

  • Pickled onion
  • Ring of thinly sliced ​​lemon or lime
  • Olives
  • lettuce leaves
  • spinach with mashed potatoes inside
  • Cumin, coriander or sesame.

Snacks canapes with herring on the festive table: photo

Recipes for canapes with fruits on the festive table with a photo

This snack option will take a minimum of your time and amuse the stomachs of both adults and children. As ingredients, you can use a variety of fruits available in your kitchen. If you have imagination and aesthetic taste, you can come up with a lot of design options, but it is still better for beginners to use ready recipes, gradually changing over time.

Option 1

Compound: mango, bananas, pineapple, lemon juice, honey, mint.


  • Cut the mango in half lengthwise and remove the pit. We remove the skin from it.
  • Sprinkle banana and pineapple a little with lemon juice, cut into squares, identical in size.
  • We string the fruit on a skewer and pour over with honey. You can decorate the appetizer with a mint leaf.

Option 2

Compound: oranges, pears, banana, grapes, lemon juice, powdered sugar.


  • Cut the orange and pear into slices, and slice the bananas without removing the peel.
  • From a pear and an orange, you must first cut the core and remove the seeds.
  • We prick fruit on skewers, sprinkle with lemon juice and leave to cool.

Option 3

Compound: pear, apple, grape, banana.


  • We clean the pear and apples from the core and cut into squares up to 3 cm wide and long.
  • We string a pear, an apple, a banana on a skewer and decorate with grapes on top.
  • You can pour the dessert with honey, and decorate with mint.

More options for light snacks with fruits:

The preparation of these small snacks is an excellent basis for the development of imagination and creativity, as well as the search for options combination of products. Having learned some features of the combination of ingredients for canapes, you will never feel monotonous on your table, and the ability to serve an appetizer in different ways will make every holiday always special and unique!

Video: Canape on the festive table. Snack Recipe - "Penguins"

Canapes with olives are perhaps one of the most popular buffet dishes. Their beauty lies in the fact that they are sandwiches for one bite, which makes it possible not to overeat and at the same time try many different variations of products.

For the preparation of canapes with olives, in the vast majority of cases, salted products are used. It can be cheese, sausage, meat, salted vegetables and more. There are several recipes that combine olives with sweet foods, such as canapés with olives and marmalade. Such dishes cannot be called particularly popular, since they are not to everyone's taste.

If it is supposed that canapes with olives will be one of the dishes of the table, then it is worth remembering one rule. Olives without liquid dry up, shrivel and lose their appearance.

Cooks recommend using toothpicks to form canapés. In this case, the canapes can be completely assembled, just do not string olives on them. They should be attached to the canapes just before serving, so that they retain their moisture for as long as possible.

How to cook canape with olives - 15 varieties

For such canapes, cheese and sausage are used. In order for them to really live up to their name, you should choose a raw-smoked sausage with a special spicy taste, such as “Finnish”.


  • Hard cheese - 200 gr.
  • Raw-smoked sausage - 100 gr.
  • Black olives - 15 pcs.


We clean the sausage and cut into thin slices. Cheese cut into cubes. On a toothpick, or a culinary skewer, we prick one olive, then a piece of cheese, and then a sausage. The sausage should be folded into an envelope, and then pricked, so the canapes will look more elegant.

For the preparation of tender canapes, use pork ham and cheese without spices. Only in this case canapes will turn out as they should.


  • Ham - 150 gr.
  • Cheese - 200 gr.
  • Olives - 1 jar


Cut the ham into thin strips.

It is very important that the meat strips are free of veins. If there are any, they should be cut out.

Cheese cut into cubes. Drain excess liquid from olives.

On a toothpick we prick a piece of cheese, a rolled up tape of ham and an olive. Enjoy your meal!

Anyone, even the youngest culinary specialist, will cope with such a recipe. Indeed, for such canapes, you just need to cut the products and chop them on skewers in the desired sequence.


  • Canned pineapple - 1/3 can
  • Olives - 1 bank
  • Hard cheese - 100 gr.


Cheese cut into medium-sized cubes. Drain excess liquid from olives. Drain excess liquid from pineapples. If they are in the shape of rings, then they should be cut into cubes, about the same size as the cheese. When everything is prepared, we proceed to the assembly of canapes. To do this, we stick products on toothpicks in the following sequence. First we prick a piece of cheese, then an olive, and then a piece of pineapple. Canape is ready!

These canapes are very satisfying. Only 2 - 3 pieces are able to remove a slight hunger, despite the fact that it is very simple to cook them.


  • Black bread - 5 slices
  • Meat (ham, juicy beef etc.) - 150 gr.
  • Hard cheese - 200 gr.
  • Pickled cucumber - 2 pcs.
  • Black olives - 80 gr.


We make circles from bread using culinary molds. We do the same with cheese. Cut the meat into thin rectangles. Wash cucumber and cut into thin slices.

Now you should chop the products on skewers in the following sequence:

  1. The first product is an olive;
  2. The second product is cucumber;
  3. The third product is meat;
  4. The fourth layer is cheese;
  5. The fifth layer is bread.

Canape is ready!

Such canapes are a real festive dish. They have a very specific taste and inimitable appearance. Canapes with cheese and marmalade are wonderful as an appetizer for light alcoholic drinks.


  • Hard cheese - 100 gr.
  • Lemon - ½ pc.
  • Marmalade - 100 gr.
  • Green olives - ½ can


Cheese cut into cubes. My lemon and cut into small slices. If the marmalade is large, larger than pieces of cheese, it should also be cut. All products must be approximately the same size.

For such canapes, it is better to use colored marmalade, then the dish will look much brighter and more spectacular.

Now let's start forming canapes. To do this, we put a slice of lemon on the cheese, marmalade on top of it, and, finally, an olive. Ready-made canapes are pricked on beautiful skewers.

Light and delicate - these canapes will appeal to many. They do not require a lot of time and special skills for cooking.


  • Shrimps - 8 pcs.
  • Cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Olives - 8 pcs.
  • Lettuce leaves - 2 pcs.


My cucumber and cut into circles. Boil shrimp in salted water. Cool them down and clean them up. My lettuce leaves, dry and tear into small pieces, which will correspond in size to cucumber circles. On a skewer, we alternately prick a shrimp, an olive, a lettuce leaf and a cucumber. It is necessary to prick so that the olive is, as it were, inside the shrimp.

Such canapes with full confidence can be called a related dish Greek salad. For their preparation, you need the same products as for him.


  • Black olives - 1 can
  • Fresh cucumber - 3 pcs.
  • Cherry tomatoes - 200 gr.
  • Fetta cheese - 200 gr.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Olive oil - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Balsamic vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Greens - 1 bunch
  • Black ground pepper - to taste


Cheese cut into large cubes. My cucumbers and cut into large rings. Wash and dry tomatoes. Drain excess liquid from olives. On each skewer we prick a tomato, an olive, a cucumber and a piece of cheese. In a separate container, combine finely chopped greens, balsamic vinegar, olive oil, black pepper. Mix everything thoroughly. We serve the sauce to the table in a separate deep bowl.

Herring is the product that has a whole army of fans. It is quite natural that herring canapés are a favorite dish of many.


  • Marinated herring - 240 gr.
  • Black bread - 6 slices
  • Cucumber - 2 pcs.
  • Olives - 40 gr.
  • Mayonnaise - to taste
  • Parsley - for decoration


Bread cut into squares and dried in the oven. Then it should be smeared with mayonnaise. My cucumber, cut into thin slices and put on top of the greased bread. Place the herring on top of the cucumber. On the surface of the herring lay out half an olive and a parsley leaf. We pierce the resulting design with a toothpick. Canapes are ready.

Canape with red fish and olives can be attributed to the festive dishes. They have a simply unique taste, and thanks to the fat content of the fish, they are perfect as an appetizer for strong alcoholic drinks.


  • Black bread - 5 slices
  • Green olives - 120 gr.
  • Dill - 1 bunch
  • Lightly salted salmon - 200 gr.
  • Fresh cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Avocado - 1 pc.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tsp


Bread cut into cubes of the desired size.

Previously, the bread should be cut off the crusts on all sides to make the canapes more tender.

We clean the avocado, remove the pulp from it and knead it with a fork until it becomes a puree. Now the pulp of the avocado should be watered lemon juice and mix everything. We clean the fish from the skin and cut into cubes of the same size as the bread. Wash dill, dry and finely chop. My cucumber and cut into thin slices.

Brush each slice of bread with avocado puree. Then we put a piece of fish on the spreaded bread and sprinkle everything with dill. We prick an olive on a toothpick, and then a cucumber slice folded several times. Now we pierce the bread with the fish with the same toothpick. Canapes are ready. Enjoy your meal!

"Pearl" - a very spectacular variety of canapes.


  • Baguette - 1 pc.
  • Olives - 1 bank
  • Lightly salted salmon - 200 gr.


We clean the salmon from the skin and cut into large squares. We wrap each olive in a piece of salmon. The fish should close the olive about 70%. Cut the baguette into circles. Now with a toothpick we prick the olive wrapped in fish and a baguette. "Pearl" is ready.

Such canapes will be a real find for seafood lovers. You can include other seafood in their composition, depending on your own preferences.


  • Shrimps - 10 pcs.
  • Green olives - 10 pcs.
  • Cherry tomatoes - 10 pcs.
  • Hard cheese - 80 gr.
  • Salt - to taste


Boil shrimp in salted water, cool and clean. Cheese cut into medium-sized cubes. My tomatoes. On the skewers we impale in turn the shrimp, olive, tomato and a piece of cheese. We serve ready-made canapes to the table on a beautiful dish.

These canapes are not in vain received such a name. They are really very satisfying, because they include real fried meat.


  • Meat - 200 gr.
  • Olives - 1 jar
  • Tomato - 3 pcs.
  • Greens - to taste


My meat, cut into large pieces. Then it should be fried depending on your own preferences. My tomatoes and cut into slices. Wash greens and dry.

Wrap each slice of tomato in a piece of fried meat. Lay a leaf of your favorite greens and one olive on top. Now we pierce the entire resulting structure with a toothpick.

These canapes are best suited for New Year's table. For their preparation it will be very appropriate to involve children. After all, it will turn out to combine a useful process with a pleasant pastime.


  • Cherry tomatoes - 10 pcs.
  • Olives - 10 pcs.
  • Fetta cheese - 200 gr.


My tomatoes, dry and cut off their bases. We cut the cheese into plates, and then, from half of the plates we make circles using culinary molds. Cut the remaining cheese into cubes. Drain excess liquid from olives.

On skewers we prick one olive, then a circle of cheese, then a tomato and, finally, a cube of cheese. Canapes are ready.

Such canapes cannot be called standard dishes. of this type. This is due to the fact that they differ large sizes, but canapes are sandwiches for one bite.


  • Baton - 1 pc.
  • Olives - 1 jar
  • Bacon - to taste
  • Tomatoes - 4 pcs.


Baton cut into pieces. Drain excess liquid from olives. Wash the tomatoes and cut them into 4 pieces. Bacon cut into thin slices. Lay bacon slices on each piece of loaf. You can even put a few of them. Place one piece of tomato on top of the bacon, and one olive on top of the tomato. We pierce the resulting sandwich with a culinary skewer.

Nowadays, crab sticks have become an integral part of the daily diet. In most cases, they are used to prepare all kinds of salads, however, they can also be used in canapes.


  • Crab sticks - 2 pcs.
  • Pickled cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Green olives - 6 pcs.


We clean the crab sticks and cut into 3 equal parts. My cucumber and cut into rings. We prick the products on the skewer in this order. Olive first, then crab stick and then cucumber. Canapes are ready!

Canape is a mini version of sandwiches, very tiny in size and weight. They are distinguished by their aesthetics and are harmoniously suitable for serving at receptions, parties and, by the way, at any celebrations. It's simple perfect option snacks on hastily, which will help out any caring hostess. This version of the dish will delight even culinary gourmets.
On a note. In Europe, this snack is very popular. Most often used for its preparation exquisite varieties fish, pieces of real Parmesan or Roquefort.

What are the benefits of this kind of snack?

Firstly, this is an opportunity to show your imagination, experiment with combinations of various ingredients. It can be both meat, vegetable canapes, and fruit. It all depends on personal taste preferences.

The next point is the size of these sandwiches, they are quite small, and, as a rule, they are put on skewers or toothpicks, which greatly facilitates the process of consumption for guests.

Appearance. Thanks to a beautiful presentation, canapes turn into a work of art. However, there are some nuances here. It is worth considering on which dish the appetizer is served. The best option can serve as special serving shelves. But if there is no such dish in everyday life, you don’t need to be upset, you can completely get by with large plates. In addition, it is preferable to serve sandwiches of the same size and color, which will undoubtedly delight the invited guests.

Announcements related to the request

What are the canapes and with what?

Cooking options vary. As a rule, various combinations are used for the main part of the buffet, which include several main components.

Fish. Most often they use salmon, and other types of smoked products. Cream cheese, olives or olives are in perfect harmony with it, and the base can be chosen to taste. For example, a piece rye bread would be a good addition.
Meat, ham. It has the right flavor properties. The range of compatibility is great, you can choose what you like.
Seafood, shrimp. This ingredient gives piquancy and aesthetics.

Always a popular choice cheese snacks. You can choose cheese of the same variety, or you can try to mix it in one plate. In addition, this product is great for wine.

Separately filed vegetable canapes many people like it. It's hard to guess here.

But for dessert, a mix of fruits, beautifully chopped and skewered, is perfect.

Bread is often taken as the basis, most often white. Or a cracker, not a sweet cookie, can serve as a good substitute for a bakery product.

Many people have a completely logical question: “But how do you eat this kind of snack so as not to look stupid?”. Everything is very simple here, you don’t need to think about how to bite off this miracle sandwich with different parties, or try to eat it in stages. It's best to just put it in your mouth entirely and that's it.

And here are some secrets, cooking canapes that will help make the appetizer just perfect. Tips to help any cook, both beginner and experienced:

Original canape recipes

Canape "Ham with peach"

For cooking you will need:

  • bread;
  • canned peaches;
  • ham;

On a slice of bread, carefully place a slice of cheese, then ham. Place half a peach on top.

Canape "With curd cream and salmon"

You will need:

  • soft cottage cheese;
  • salmon;
  • bread (can be to taste);
  • olives;
  • greens;

Bread cut into small squares, bake in the oven, let cool. Meanwhile, cut the salmon into cubes. Mix soft curd cheese with greens, and carefully place on a bread base. Top with salmon and olives.

Canape "Chicken breast with mushrooms"

For the recipe you will need:

  • cracker;
  • Champignon mushrooms);
  • smoked chicken breast;
  • cheese-hard varieties;
  • olives;
  • greens;

Mushrooms clean then the legs. Cut into large pieces and fry in a pan. Put a piece of breast, fried champignon, cheese and olive on a cracker. Decorate with greenery on top.

Canape "Mozzarella with cherry tomatoes"

You will need:

  • white bread;
  • Cherry tomatoes;
  • cheesemozzarella;
  • basil green;
  • arugula;
  • olive oil.

Cut the cherry tomato in half, cut the cheese into cubes. Put a slice of cheese on a slice of fried bread, greens and a tomato on top. Sprinkle at the end olive oil. And the snack is ready.

Canape "Shrimp with Avocado"

To prepare this delicious appetizer you will need:
- boiled shrimp;
- French baguette;
- cream cheese;
-lemon juice;
Baguette cut into pieces, bake in the oven. Cut the avocado, sprinkle with lemon juice so that it does not darken. Get a baguette, spread with cream cheese, sprinkle with herbs, pepper. Put the avocado and at the end the shrimp.

Canape "In Greek"

You will need:

  • Chees Feta;
  • Bulgarian pepper;
  • tomato;
  • olives;
  • olive oil;

Cut the feta cheese into cubes, drizzle with olive oil for taste. Dice the tomato and pepper as well. Put alternately on a skewer, add an olive on top.

Fruit canape "Cheese and fruits"

You will need:

  • peach;
  • kiwi;
  • seedless grapes;
  • hard cheese.

Dice fruit and cheese. Gently put on a skewer.
Fruit canape "Pineapple sweetness"

You will need:

  • mango;
  • banana;
  • canned pineapple;
  • mint;

Peel and cut mango and banana. Cut the pineapple slices in half. We take a skewer and put on fruit. Top with honey and garnish with mint. The meal is ready.

Step by step canape recipes

Turkey meat canape.

Cooking time for canapes is 10-15 minutes.

Since canapé fillings are nothing more than turkey fillets, these delicious canapes will decorate your table, regardless of the celebration, and will not leave indifferent any gourmet.

Required ingredients for canapes:

Turkey fillet - 150 grams

Bread for toast.

Pickled corn (optional)

Barbecue sauce - one package.


1) Cut the turkey into not very small cubes 2x2 centimeters.

2) Each cube is wrapped in a thinly cut strip of bacon and baked in the oven until cooked.

3) We get ready-made canapes from oven, dip in barbecue sauce and pin to bread toast with a canapé skewer. Pickled corn will also complement our canapes.

Canape with ham

Food is what a festive event of any kind needs. The festive table should be beautifully and appetizingly decorated. An excellent option that does not require large expenses and time-consuming is to prepare canapé sandwich snacks.

Canapes are snacks for the festive table on skewers, but no one forbids cooking them at any other time.

You don't have to be a chef to make canapés. top level, you just need to follow all the instructions below step by step.

The composition of canapes and the necessary ingredients (for 50 servings).


Ham - 200 grams.

Borodino bread, or any other to taste.

Processed amber cheese - packaging.

Cherry Tomato - 25 Pieces

Dutch or Russian cheese (or another to taste) - 200 grams.

So, we cook canapes at home.

1) Cut the bread, ham and cheese into cubes of the same size.

2) Cut the cherry tomatoes into two equal halves.

3) Lubricate pieces of bread with melted cheese and put on skewers.

4) We also put on skewers slices of tomatoes, chopped cubes of cheese and ham.

Canape with red fish

Cooking time - 10 minutes.

Recipe Description:

Since red fish itself is very contrasting in taste, it does not need an abundance of other ingredients. Cooking will take you little time, and you will be satisfied with the result.

Ingredients needed for cooking:

2) Red fish - 100 grams.

3) Bread - no more than two or three slices.

4) Fresh lettuce leaves - 100-150 grams.


1) Cut the bread into thin triangles. If time permits, fry it a little in a pan (be sure to dry it).

2) Spread each slice of bread with mayonnaise.

3) After washing the lettuce leaves, divide them with your hands into small pieces, a little more than bread, and then spread them on top of the bread.

4) With kitchen scissors, we cut the red fish into narrow strips, after which we wrap these strips into rolls and put them on the salad.

We stick skewers for canapes and our dish is ready.

Canape Monkeys for the New Year's table

New Year one of the most important holidays of the year. As you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it, and you need to celebrate the New Year in the circle of relatives and friends, for good table full of food. I offer you a canape recipe that will brighten up your New Year's feast.

Recipe Description:

To prepare this canape, you will need cheese, mayonnaise, white bread, sausages and cucumbers. Also, for cooking, we need a form for cooking butter cookies, or some other.

Ingredients for 4 servings:

1) One third of a loaf white bread.

2) Sausages - 2-3 pieces.

3) Packing of processed cheese (amber light) - 50 Grams.

4) Half a large pickled cucumber.

6) Form for cutting.

7) Skewers for canapes (optional).

1) We prepare all the products. For the convenience of slicing, it is better to take yesterday's bread, the main thing is that it is not too stale.

2) We take round shape for cookies, and we begin to push bread through it to make circles, they will serve as the basis of the canapé.

3) With the same mold, we cut the melted cheese into circles, after which we cut it into thin slices

4) As for sausages, everything is simple, just cut them into rings.

5) Before proceeding with the assembly of canapes, we coat the pieces of bread with mayonnaise, you should not make a too thick layer, as the cheese may not look neat.

6) Lay cheese slices on top of bread with mayonnaise.

7) We lay out the faces of our future canape-monkey from whole rings of sausages, and lay out ears from their halves.

8) We adjust the sliced ​​​​cucumber in size and put it between the rings of sausages.

9) The final part of the recipe can be called decorative. Mayonnaise draw the eyes, nose and face of the monkey.

New Year's canapes are ready!

Enjoy your meal!

Canapes for kids recipes

It is necessary that all components of the canape for children be hypoallergenic and do not cause any allergic reactions in children. Growing gourmets will appreciate small and tasty snacks. As in any other children's dish, in canapes for children, serving and beautiful decoration. Small sandwiches can be used in a variety of children's activities, whether it's a matinee or a birthday, our little comrades will surely be satisfied.

fruit canape

For such canapes, bananas, pears, apples, kiwis, peaches and mangoes are very often used, as well as seedless grapes. When cooking, you should also pay attention to the fact that it is necessary to choose fruits for canapes so that a certain set of fruits does not cause food allergies in children.

The general procedure for preparing canapes for a children's table:

1) Thoroughly wash all fruits in cold (preferably boiled) water.

2) We spread the fruit in a bowl or on a paper towel and leave them a little to make the water glass.

3) We clean the washed fruits from everything superfluous (remove the peel from them, take out the bones).

4) Cut the fruit at your discretion, into slices or cubes, you can also use decorative means cuts.

Recipe for children's canape "Edible Rainbow" (for 20 servings)


1) Pineapple - 1 piece.

2) Mandarin - 5 pieces.

3) Kiwi - 10 pieces.

4) Raspberries.

5) Blueberries.

6) Red grapes (necessarily ripe).

1) Cut pineapple, tangerines and kiwi into slices or cubes (at your discretion).

2) We string them together with raspberries, grapes and blueberries on skewers in such a way that an alternation of rainbow colors is obtained.

This recipe successfully combines ease of preparation with a very bright appearance that does not leave anyone indifferent.

Recipe for children's canape "Pineapple sail"

Recipe Description:

Half a slice of canned pineapple is put on multi-colored canapé skewers, it will serve as a sail for our edible frigate. The role of the deck will be played by banana or kiwi slices, which can be carefully cut out using a 20 cubic syringe with a pre-sawn spout or in another way known to you.

Bon appetit!

Good afternoon, dear readers! I present original, various canapes on the festive table, recipes for all occasions.

All kinds of canapes, small snacks on skewers, mini-sandwiches - a great idea for a festive feast or buffet. But come up with ideas on how to make your own simple canapes not everyone can do it. Scroll through the canapé recipes below, get inspired and cook at home.

Canape on skewers is a convenient form of tiny food on the festive table. These are small sandwiches, sometimes fastened with a skewer, which are taken with hands and completely put in the mouth, as they say "one bite".

We cook from the products that you find at home, in the refrigerator. The main thing is to skillfully collect beautiful composition, which does not always work. Therefore, it is important to know the basic technological principles, helpful tips and tips for making canapés.

  • More often, an appetizer is served on a small slice of fresh bread 0.5-1 cm thick. Sometimes it is dried in a toaster, oven or fried in a pan. Add spices and oil.
  • The basis of mini snacks is biscuits or unleavened crackers, puff pastries, even slices of cheese or fresh vegetables.
  • In the middle of each mini-sandwich, you can stick a small fork, a colored skewer.
  • Convenient snacks measuring 3×3 cm, weighing 80 grams. Therefore, the components are cut very finely.
  • Each product is cut so that it completely covers the bottom layer without protruding beyond the base.
  • Any products are used for cooking: hard-boiled eggs, various oils, sausages, processed cheeses, cheese, cheese. Herring, sprat, vegetables, pates, olives, grapes, red fish, radishes, boiled carrots, fresh cucumber, lemon, etc.
  • Bread is cut out with a metal mold for squeezing cookies on dough. But in order to avoid waste, the buttered crumb is cut into squares, rhombuses, rectangles.
  • You can decorate the dish in an original way by smashing the oil with a blender with herbs, nuts, boiled yolk, lemon juice, horseradish, cheese, mustard. Depending on the adding products, the mass will acquire beautiful colour. They precipitate it on the cut out figures using a confectionery syringe or a bag with a nozzle.
  • A good combination of whipped cheese pasta, boiled eggs, garlic and mayonnaise.
  • Serve food, 5-6 pieces, laid out on a dish or placed in a vase. Sometimes the dish is decorated with leaves fresh lettuce, greens or napkins.

Video - canapes on the festive table

  • A similar principle applies to sweet and fruity canapes. In this case, sweet cookies, fruit or chocolate butter, all kinds of fruits, marshmallows, marshmallows and other sweets are allowed.
  • If the fruit is too juicy, then excess juice is removed from them first.
  • Economical options for sandwiches are made from leftover products. From the remaining slices of meat, cheese, eggs, prepare pâtés. Grind cheese slices with eggs with a blender to a paste, add mayonnaise and garlic.
  • Similar masses with two dessert spoons are formed into a ball and rolled in coconut flakes. Secure with skewers with cheese and cucumber. Harmonious canapé sandwiches are obtained.
  • Canapés are served on a plate or tray. You can stick it in a zucchini, then you get a hedgehog with needles. The appetizer looks beautiful in glasses or bowls.

Skillfully preparing canapés is half the battle, you still have to eat right. At receptions, there is a common mistake when they are eaten in several stages, even if the snack is small.

Do not bite a piece of bread or cookies from all sides. Place whole in mouth and chew slowly. Keep in mind that some types of sandwiches cannot be eaten beautifully.

If you want to try a similar snack, step aside. Then you will shake off the crumbs not in front of all the guests.

So, having talked about the design, subtleties and use of such an appetizer, it's time to learn how to cook.

Read more articles on the site:

Canape for birthday

Products for birthday canapes, take whatever your soul desires: meat, fish, vegetables, fruits. Having the opportunity to prepare for the holiday in advance, give preference to small products that are entirely strung on a special skewer or toothpick.

These can be dishes with salmon, cherry tomatoes, quail eggs, olives, olives, gherkins, cocktail cherries, pitted cherries, etc. These products look good at the base and at the top of the skewer.

Cut large foodstuffs into thin plates or circles and fold them into an accordion. For example, fresh or pickled cucumbers, bacon, ham, sausage, bacon, salmon, lemon, apples.

Such an "accordion" is strung between the ingredients that begin and crown the canapes. Then it will look beautiful and keep its shape.

So that miniature sandwiches do not get weathered, collect immediately before the arrival of guests, this is a matter of minutes. It is only necessary to prepare the ingredients in advance and arrange them in sealed containers, and then only build a snack.


  • Pitted olives - 12 pcs.
  • Cheese - 50 g
  • Cucumber - 1 pc.


  1. Cut the cheese into cubes with sides of 1-1.5 cm.
  2. Wash the cucumber, dry it, cut off the tips and cut lengthwise into thin plates 2-3 mm thick.
  3. Turn the olives on a sieve to drain the brine.
  4. Put an olive on a large skewer, a cube of cheese on top.
  5. Then string the cucumber slice with an accordion.
  6. Finish the composition with cheese and olives.

Canape for children

A delicious treat for a children's holiday is an important component. To make the event a success, prepare magical French canapés for children.

This is a real find: tasty, healthy, beautiful, and hands do not get dirty. However, when preparing a mini snack for a children's party, consider the following:

  • Make the size of the canape smaller, for one children's bite.
  • Consider the age of the child, as Not all products are suitable for small children.
  • replace sausage chicken breast, turkey or beef.
  • Cheese use soft varieties.
  • Be careful with mayonnaise and ketchup. Dyes can cause allergies.
  • Small children should not be given lightly salted fish.
  • The snack should not fall apart. To do this, fasten the filling with butter.
  • Cut fruits into shapes: flowers, hearts, stars.


  • Turkey fillet - 200 g
  • Grapes - 1 bunch
  • Cheese - 100 g
  • Baton - 1 pc.
  • Butter - 50 g


  1. Cut out figures from bread, which are greased with a thin layer of butter.
  2. Put a cube of cheese on the bread.
  3. Then place a slice of pre-boiled turkey fillet.
  4. Put the washed and dried grape.
  5. Secure the sandwich with a skewer.
  6. Serve a snack on a festive children's table, laying out on a flat dish

Canape for the new year

Having prepared several types of canapes for the New Year, you can satisfy the tastes of all guests and decorate the festive table with food. After all, mini-snacks on skewers are in demand at parties.

The owner of 2017 - the Fire Rooster will approve simple canapes from vegetables, fruits, fresh herbs, fish, lamb, pork, beef. It is not recommended to use relatives - chicken meat, eggs. We replace the latter with quail eggs.

The main thing is that the festive mini-snacks meet the requirements of the symbol of the coming year. We make dishes bright, simple and light.


  • Baton - 1 pc.
  • Red caviar - 1 bank
  • Red slightly salted fish– 100 g
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Butter - 50 g
  • Greens - for decoration


  1. Cut the loaf into slices and brush with butter.
  2. Place a thinly sliced ​​red fish on it.
  3. Then apply a teaspoon of red caviar.
  4. Cut the lemon into thin half rings, which will decorate the appetizer figuratively.
  5. Finish the composition by placing a small sprig of greenery.

Canape with herring

To prepare canapes with herring, the main thing is to be able to properly cut the fish so that not a single bone remains in it. To do this, follow the instructions below.

  • Cut off the head of the herring. Cut open the belly and carefully remove the fins along the body.
  • Gut the insides. Rinse the inside of the fish and wipe with a paper towel.
  • Make cuts on the back and slowly remove the skin so as not to damage the fillet.
  • On the back, extend the incision, reaching the vertebrae, and separate the fillet from the bone.
  • Remove the remaining bones, cut the fish into the desired shape and use for sandwiches.


  • Black bread - 6 slices
  • Dill oil - 50 g
  • Boiled quail eggs - 10 pcs.
  • Herring - 1 pc.
  • Cherry tomatoes - 10 pcs.


  1. Cut the bread into rectangles and brush each slice with dill oil. To prepare, beat the butter with chopped dill with a blender.
  2. Peel the herring and cut into slices equal to the width of the bread. Put on bread.
  3. Top with boiled quail egg and cherry tomato.
  4. Fasten the composition with a toothpick and serve.

Variants of herring canapes.

  • Spread mustard oil on bread (50 g of oil - 1 tsp mustard), mayonnaise with chopped herbs, cheese cream (mix melted cheese with a boiled egg).
  • Put a slice of pickled green apple on top of the herring. bell pepper, ringlet onion, boiled potatoes.
  • You can complete the canapes with olives, a head of a small pickled onion, a slice of lemon.

Canape with cheese

Cheese canapes are bright miniature snacks that are suitable for both adults and children's parties. Any kind of cheese will do. Cut into small pieces various shapes: round, square, triangular, curly.

Take crackers, croutons, bread, toast as the basis of cheese canapes. You can combine this product: with sausages, meat, fish, fruits, vegetables, olives, herbs. Serve canape with cheese, laid out on a flat dish, garnished with lettuce leaves.


  • Cheese - 12 slices
  • Smoked chicken - 150 g
  • Olives - 6 pcs.
  • Pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs.
  • Bread - 6 square slices
  • Mayonnaise - 30 g
  • Greens - for decoration


  1. Cut the chicken into 6 equal pieces.
  2. Cut off a thick crust from the bread.
  3. Peel the peel from pickled cucumbers and cut the vegetable into slices 5 mm thick.
  4. Grease each piece of bread with mayonnaise, put a cube of cheese on top. Place on it smoked chicken and more cheese.
  5. Secure all ingredients with a skewer, put on olives and garnish with herbs.

fruit canape

Fruit canape can be a separate snack, and combined with a more satisfying product. Bananas, grapes, apples, oranges are more often chosen. Berries are not suitable, because. they are small. The only exception is strawberries, it can be safely used as an ingredient.

The rest of the berries will be a decoration, laid out on top of the snack. Fruit canapes are decorated in a variety of ways: in the form fruit bouquets, sliced, on skewers, set in a vase, etc.


  • Grape
  • Mandarin
  • Pear


  1. Wash the grapes, dry and remove the berries from the vine.
  2. Peel the washed and dried pear from ponytails, hearts, peel and cut into cubes.
  3. Cut the cheese into small squares.
  4. Peel the mandarin and divide into slices.
  5. On a skewer, first string a grape, then a pear, followed by a tangerine and complete the composition with cheese.

Canape with olives

Small canapés with olives are an original and perfect addition to cheese, ham and other products; without bread, the snack will be easy.


  • Pitted olives - 100 g
  • Pitted olives - 100 g
  • Dor-blue cheese - 100 g
  • Camembert cheese - 100 g
  • Cucumbers - 100 g
  • Yellow Bell pepper-1 PC.
  • Red sweet pepper - 1 pc.


  1. Gut the peppers from the seeds, cut off the partitions and remove the stalk.
  2. Cut peppers, cheese and cucumbers into rectangular equal pieces.
  3. Thread the ingredients onto skewers.
  4. Add cheese and black olives.

Canape with shrimps

Canape with shrimp is always solemn. This seafood is suitable for a festive feast, and to this day is considered a restaurant delicacy.

To save time, it can be boiled and cleaned. But it has to be done right. The main rule is not to overcook. Otherwise, the product will become rubbery and hard.

Frozen shrimp should be thawed in the refrigerator first. After lowering into boiling water, where, if desired, we release spices and bay leaves.

They are boiled depending on the size, 5-10 minutes. Readiness is determined by the shell - pink or Orange color time to take it out of the water. The product, ready and frozen, is thrown into boiling water, where it is boiled for 3 minutes.


  • Shrimps - 10 pcs.
  • Hard cheese - 100 g
  • Olives - 10 pcs.
  • Cucumber - 1 pc.


  1. Boil shrimp in salted water until tender and refrigerate.
  2. Cut cheese into 1 cm cubes.
  3. Cut the washed and dried cucumber into slices like cheese.
  4. Put a cucumber on a skewer, then a cube of cheese, an olive and complete the top of the appetizer with shrimp.

If you have not yet prepared canapes for the festive table, our recipes will help you decorate the festive event.

Video - five New Year's canapes

Wish Have a good mood and may there always be a place and time for a holiday in your life! With respect and love, Alevtina

Canapes are called such mini-sandwiches, which are often put on a skewer.

In Europe, they are consumed every day for a quick snack. Canapes are prepared at home or ordered in cafes, where they are very popular and are presented in various variations.

We have this more festive dish, without which it is difficult to imagine a buffet table.

Most often, holiday treats for children are thought out by mothers or holiday organizers. Ingredients for children's canapes are preferred neutral that do not cause allergic reactions.

Little gourmets will appreciate delicious light snacks. Beautiful design and presentation is important.

Canape on skewers

This is a tiny treat that weighs 60-80 grams. Ingredients different shapes, planted on a small stick, it is convenient to send the whole thing into the mouth.

The skewer serves not only for the aesthetic appearance of the dish, but also allows you to make the process of eating more convenient. Holding onto a skewer, food can be easily eaten. This will keep your hands clean.

Below are various options canapes that will help, among other things, to give children's table elegant look.

Fruit canapes on skewers

For them these fruits are great: apple, pear, kiwi, banana, peach or nectarine, grapes(seedless). The choice should be stopped on those fruits to which children do not have food allergies.

To prevent the fruit from turning too dark, cut them before serving. Longer save beautiful view You can sprinkle ready-made canapes with lemon juice.

The procedure for stringing pieces on a skewer:

  • Rinse fruit under cool running water.
  • Let them dry a little in a bowl or on a paper towel.
  • Remove skins and seeds.
  • Cut into circles, cubes, and even funny figures using molds (dog, duck, mouse, Christmas tree and much more).

Below are the most interesting recipes children's fruit canapes on skewers.

pineapple boat

A half ring of canned pineapple is strung on multi-colored plastic toothpicks - this is the future sail. Banana rings and ripe nectarine will serve as the deck.

You can carefully cut them out using a regular 20 cc syringe with a cut end on the side of the spout.

sweet rainbow

Mandarin, pineapple and kiwi cut into slices or cubes. String them along with raspberries, blueberries and grapes on a long skewer according to the colors of the rainbow. Lay canapes next to each other for greater visibility of the rainbow.

It's beautiful bright and healthy treat looks expressive on the festive table.

Merry strawberry

Cut the peeled banana into slices 2 cm thick and sprinkle them with lemon or orange juice so that they do not darken. On a skewer, string a leaf of fresh mint, a medium-sized strawberry and a banana, which will be at the base of the canapé.

Draw smiling faces on strawberries with cream. Children will be delighted!

tailed peacock

The lower part of the tail of our peacock will serve as a pillow of tangerine slices and banana circles. On top there will be grapes, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries strung on skewers.

The body of a bird can become a pear. Make paws and beak from tangerine peel, and eyes from pieces of blackberry.

Meat canapes on skewers

At the core meat canapes can be sausage, ham, boiled pork, baked or boiled pieces of chicken, duck, beef. In addition, you can use greens, lettuce, various vegetables, olives.

Such original sandwiches on skewers will be the best treat for children at a birthday party.

It is interesting that on a beautifully designed canapé, the child will even eat the product that he does not really like - onions, carrots, sweet peppers, and so on.

Canape with boiled pork

Fry slices of wheat or rye bread in butter until golden brown. String sweet peppers, pickled cucumber circles, diced boiled pork, hard cheese, croutons on skewers.

Garnish with dill and parsley.

flight of fancy

Marinate duck meat in orange juice for a day, and then fry for vegetable oil. Cut into thin slices. Cut the persimmon into slices.

Thread onto a skewer along with blueberries and mint leaves. It turns out beautiful, juicy and appetizing.


String pieces of white loaf with mayonnaise spread, lettuce, slices of ham, kiwi and halves of physalis berries (or any other) on skewers. Ideally, if the mayonnaise is homemade.

Quite bulky for a canape, but it turns out very tasty. Juicy green and yellow colors canapes kids will love.

Fragrant ham rolls

You need to cut the ham into very thin slices so that it rolls well into a tube. For the filling, you can use hard cheese (or cottage cheese), homemade mayonnaise, some garlic.

Lubricate the ham with the filling and roll up. Pierce each roll with a pitted olive skewer. Simple and satisfying!

Other canapes on skewers

If you need simple and tasty canapes, there are many products to use.

You can combine meat, seafood, mushrooms, vegetables, cheese, olives, herbs, etc. in every possible way. You don't need a lot of ingredients to get an excellent taste.

The main thing is to combine them correctly.

exotic fish

Cut salted salmon into thin strips and wrap around a black olive. Prick such a roll on a skewer along with a slice of mango.

It turns out extraordinary tasty snack, quick to prepare.

Senior Tomato

Cut small cherry tomatoes in half. Inside put a cube of melted cheese or cheese.

Prick such a stuffed tomato with a toothpick along with a basil leaf.

Instead of cheese, you can use another white lightly salted cheese.

edible fly agaric

Beautiful mushrooms on skewers are sure to attract the attention of children. The hat is made from half a cherry tomato, and the leg is made from a boiled quail egg with a slightly cut off top. You can decorate with parsley.

Dots of sour cream or mayonnaise are applied with a toothpick.

pancake tower

Portion cut with a sharp knife thin pancake spread with curd cheese. Top with another piece of pancake. Put a slice of slightly salted trout.

Alternate such layers to the desired height of the turret.

Canape without skewers

A canape without a skewer is a small sandwich. It is based on toasted toast or oven-dried bread. golden on the outside and soft on the inside. The shape of a piece of bread can be different to make it more interesting for children: round, square, curly.

Anapa can be like a festive dish on children's day birthday, and an alternative to morning porridge.

A sandwich can also be made tasty and healthy for a child.

Can be used:

  • wholemeal bread;
  • cereal bread;
  • oil;
  • cottage cheese and cheese mass;
  • cooked meat;
  • vegetables, fruits, herbs.
  • sweet bun;
  • mayonnaise, ketchup;
  • canned fish;
  • overly salty or spicy foods.

The design should be approached creatively, but so that the sandwich is easy to pick up and eat. The filling should not drain and fall out. The curd mass will help glue the vegetables to the bread.

Kids love helping make simple canapés with just a few ingredients. You can entrust them with such an exciting activity, and then enjoy the result together.

Sweet holiday sandwiches

Interestingly decorated mini-sandwiches on children's holiday much prettier and more appetizing than store-bought sweets. They are easy to prepare, turning into real culinary masterpieces.

fruit and nut happiness

Smear a loaf slice with sweet jam. Put banana and pear cut into slices or slices on top.

Decorate with a peach flower. Sprinkle with chopped hazelnuts or other nuts.

strawberry heart

Cut the white loaf at a right angle into slices of one and a half centimeters. With a special cookie cutter, make hearts out of these slices. Gently apply boiled thick condensed milk along the edge with a pastry syringe. Put strawberry jelly inside.

To harden, put in a cold place for 20 minutes.

Magic bread

Spread slices of white bread with a thin or medium layer of sweet curd mass.

Sprinkle multi-colored decorative food powder on top.

Get a decent holiday sandwich!

Meat mini sandwiches

The kids like it very much sandwiches with different "edible" animals: Luntik from sausage, cheese Smeshariki, funny monkey or dog. Meat sandwiches for completeness colors should be supplemented with vegetables and herbs.

Sausage cartoon characters

All children love cartoons. A sandwich can be decorated in the form of a favorite character.

For example, Nyusha from Smeshariki can be done like this: put a lettuce leaf and a slice of cheese on toasted toast, and recreate the look from boiled and smoked sausage with tomatoes.

Mini pizza on a loaf

Cut a slightly stale loaf into slices and dip into a mixture of ketchup and water. Lay out on a baking sheet. Put the filling on top: sweet peppers, tomatoes, boiled meat, grated cheese with herbs.

Bake until cooked in the oven (you can also use the microwave).

Appetizing roses

Brush slices of crispy French baguette with oil.

Roll up the rosettes from the ham and lay on the prepared bread slices.

Decorate with a boiled egg circle, asparagus stalks, cucumber and herbs.

Other sandwiches

Cooking children's canapes is limited only by imagination and products that are at hand. It is enough to make a little effort and any banal sandwich will become a real work of art!

summer butterfly

Wings will serve as two eggs, cut in half each. Garnish with cucumber and radish slices. Make the body from a strip of red bell pepper, and the antennae from green onion feathers.

Such a butterfly looks great on a lettuce leaf laid on toast.


Spread a piece of bread with homemade mayonnaise or cream cheese. Make a feather bed from a piece of lightly salted salmon. Top depict ladybug from half a cherry tomato and a quarter of a black olive.

Draw eyes with mayonnaise, and make black dots on the back from tiny pieces of olive. Decorate an improvised plate-glade with a delicacy with a parsley leaf.

sunny hawaii

Simple, effective and juicy! Put a circle of ham and a ring of canned pineapple on bread circles.

Put an olive or cherry tomato inside.

Decorate with any greens.

Decoration of children's canapes

Do not wait for a special holiday to try out your unrealized talents for decorating children's dishes. Any breakfast can be made more pleasant by decorating a sandwich and a plate under it.

In addition, the plate itself can be bright, colorful, decorated with cartoon characters. And mothers who know the technique of carving can carve beautiful figures from fruits and vegetables.

Effective presentation and decoration of children's sandwiches is a feasible task if you make an effort.

And finally, the main tips that may come in handy in the preparation of children's canapes:

  • Products must be thoroughly washed and cleaned of skins, seeds, etc.
  • It is best to cut the food just before serving, so that they do not lose their appearance.
  • All ingredients should be cut into small pieces so that it is convenient for children to eat them without the help of a knife and fork.
  • To better hold the filling and decoration on the sandwich, use a spread (preferably homemade).
  • Pre-ground butter is easier to spread.
  • You can do without sausage by replacing it with chicken breast, turkey fillet, and beef.
  • Hard cheese can be replaced with mozzarella or health cheese.
  • Canapes should be beautifully decorated and presentable on the platter.
  • In order for the child to develop an aesthetic taste, ask him to help in cooking.

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