How to prepare soft and juicy beef chops in a pan. Chops of beef in a frying pan recipe with photo step by step

Landscape design and layout 18.10.2019
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Beef chops in a pan Similarly, as well as chops from pork or chicken fillet can be prepared by different recipes. From the very name of the dish it becomes clear that the meat is beaten before burning so that it makes it softer and juicy. Some recipes provide marinization and chopping meat with his subsequent root, but most often it is fried in a grain or breading. Most often, chops from beef in a pan in a grain are prepared in a frying pan, but if the clarity is not used in the recipe, then they can baking in the oven.

Today we will look at how to prepare beef chops in a frying pan. Crawr options for many. In any of the klyar recipes, which you would always take always used eggs and flour. Additionally, milk, beer, mineral or simple water can be added to the clarity.

So that fried beef chops in the pan are juicy, it is important to choose the right meat. Give preference to young and fresh meat. About how to choose the right meat for chops or any other meat dishes, I will not sharpen attention, because this is already a lot written on the Internet.


  • Beef - 400 gr.,
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.,
  • Mineral water - 0.5 glasses,
  • Wheat flour - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • Sunflower oil,
  • Salt to taste
  • Black pepper - pinch,

Beef chops in a frying pan - recipe

Prepare all the above products, you can begin to prepare chops from in a frying pan. Meat wash. Conduct. Cut the piece of prepared beef across the fibers of thin slices of 7 per 4 cm.

Slices of meat Remove the hammer for chops from two sides.

Patch and salt beef.

Prepare purple. In this recipe chops from beef, we will use the easiest and most widely used type. In the bowl of the eggs. Add mineral water. Unlike simple water, mineral water will make a pungent more air. Becut the mineral water with an egg for a fork. After that, add flour and salt and mix the clarity again to a homogeneous state. It should not have any flour lumps.

Heat the pan with a sufficient amount of vegetable oil. Pulk the pieces of beef batted.

Fry for 2 minutes chop from beef in a pan on both sides.

Finished chops lay out on the napkins to get rid of excess oil. Serve hot after cooking. Enjoy your meal. I will be glad if this beef Chille Recipe Did you like. I recommend cooking also

Many hostesses are preparing chops exclusively from pork, because they doubt that soft, juicy and gentle products will get out of beef. I hurry to inform you that, knowing only a few secrets of proper cooking beef chops, you can diversify your daily menu with very appetizing and delicate products.

Such chops are famous not only with excellent taste, but also an amazing aroma. Today I will open you a few secrets of family recipes, allowing you to quickly and easily prepare excellent beef chops in a frying pan.

Let's enjoy the process of cooking this uniquely fragrant dish!

Recipe for cooking beef in a cat in a frying pan

Kitchenware: Long knife and wooden cutting board; hammer for chopping meat; polyethylene package or food film; Capacities of various depths and sizes; frying pan with a large diameter and teflon or ceramic coating; wooden blade; a whisk or a regular fork; paper towel.


How to choose the ingredients

  • In order for the chops to be juicy and soft, choose fresh beef cutting. I do not recommend using beef, which was subjected to freezing, otherwise the chops will turn out to be slightly raw or frires and dry.
  • Remember that fresh beef tenderloin is distinguished by a pink tint, and the fat layer should be white.

Prepare meat

  1. We begin with the fact that we carefully promo beef under cold water. After that, we remove the film and excess fat from meat.

  2. Next, cut the meat into pieces with a thickness of approximately 1 cm.

  3. Then we slightly beat each piece of beef on both sides.

  4. In a small bowl mix salt, sugar and pepper. After adding dried spices there and mix thoroughly.

  5. Now we rub the damp meat on both sides of the spiced mixture.

  6. Next, lay out the prepared meat into a deep bowl.

  7. Then pour the chops with milk so that the liquid completely covers the meat.

  8. After that, we cover the bowl of the food film and send it to the refrigerator for three hours so that the meat is picky.

Fry chops

Final stage

Video recipe for cooking beef chops in a frying pan

The roller, which is presented below will tell you in detail how to fry chops from beef in a pan so that they get juicy and soft.

  • Meat on chops advise chop across fibers There are about 1-2 cm with a thickness of a thickness of about 1-2 cm, so the products are still softer and will simply melt in the mouth.
  • Do not beat the meat too much, approximately 4-6 shots. Make sure that holes appear on the billetsSince otherwise the dishes will be lost.
  • Fry the chops on the hot oil, the egg mixture, enveloping meat, will quickly come up and create a dense barrier for the juice that appeared during frying. As a result, the juice will not follow, and the dish is juicy and fragrant. Also remember that the fire plate with frying chops should be slightly above the average.
  • In order for chops from beef to be soft and gentle, be sure to pick them up for several hours. Beef meat in itself is quite tough, so without marinating it will have to fry long, risking to get too dry meat.
  • Instead of flour you can use a semolina camp Chops in such an interesting breading will turn out soft and with a crispy crust.

Recipe for cooking beef in a frying pan

Time for preparing: 1 hour 30 minutes
Number of chops: From 6 to 9 pieces.
Kitchenware:well-sufficient long knife and cutting board; Cheschnodavka; bowls of different size and depth; hammer for chopping meat; frying pan, preferably with a diameter of 26-28 cm; wooden blade; Frying pan or schill with high sides and large diameter.


Phased cooking chops

Prepare meat

Prepare chops

Final stage

Bon Appetit!

Video recipe for cooking beef chops

This video shows the entire process of cooking juicy and amazingly delicate beef chops according to the recipe, which is described above.

Other cooking options

  1. It is perfect for festive events, because they differ in an incredibly attractive species that will not allow products to remain unnoticed.
  2. Be sure to prepare, this dish is not only famous for the amazing taste, but also a delightful aroma. Moreover, such chops will become an excellent option for both hearty dining and a friendly picnic.

Beef in this sense is a kind of raw material for chops. Some cooks consider beef perfect meat and use it not only for the preparation of chops, steaks and beefstoganov, but also burgers, meatballs and dumplings. Others dislike Beef for rigidity and prefer more fuel grade meat (pork, chicken) or at least veal. But, if you do not confess the Hinduism, we suggest you to cook beef chops and make sure that all the efforts spent are the result.

The composition, benefits and rules of cooking beef
Not all beef is suitable for cooking. More precisely, you can, of course, try to press them from the beef of the Bible or sternum, but the most delicious chops are made of cutting. This part of the carcass is distinguished by a special tenderness of meat, because during the life of the animal it receives the smallest muscle load. It is almost impossible to confuse the clipping with other parts of the carcass, but if you are not very well versed in meat, focus on the elongated smooth muscle cut off from the spine. In the extreme case, you can replace the clipping another part, but no less fleece.

Suitable for chops beef has a uniform and bright red color, without gray shade, yellow and spots. If there are fat and films on a piece of meat, they are thin and white, translucent. Veal for chops must match the same parameters, but be lighter, dark pink. Yes, this meat is expensive. But you have to choose: savings or delicious chops. But with the right choice of meat, except for taste you will receive a considerable benefit from beef. Firstly, the cutting is a source of a full-fledged protein with a complex amino acid composition, which is necessary not only to the bodybuilders and fitness to lovers, but also to children, teenagers, recovering after illness, men and women.

In addition to the "building material" for muscles, beef contains elastin and collagen - proteins that form bundles between joints, epidermis and vessel walls. Fresh beef does not accidentally possess red: the hem iron in its composition prevents anemia, increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood. Accordingly, cells and tissues are better feeding with oxygen to assimilate and inclusion in the metabolism of magnesium, zinc, vitamins A, RR and group B, also in the supply of incoming beef. In general, chops from beef tenderloin is a really useful and no less tasty dish that you need to be able to prepare correctly.

How to chop beef for chops?
Delicious chops are prepared from fresh beef, only a little chilled after slaughter. If necessary, you can use a frozen piece, but the chops will be less juicy. Prepare meat for chops:

  • Frozen meat Do not defrost 100% to make it easier to cut it with thin slices.
  • Split meat first in the refrigerator, then at room temperature. Do not use hot water, battery, microwave.
  • Two small pieces of meat for chops are preferable than one volume.
  • Fresh or frosthed meat cut a sharp knife with a thin straight blade across the fibers.
  • Observe the same thickness of chopped pieces: no more than 1.5-2 cm.
When the meat is cut, blot it with a paper towel, cover the food film and take a slightly on the cutting board, from one side. Do not dilute not to spend chops.

How to make beef chops in a frying pan?
The frying pan is the traditional and most affordable tool for frying chops at home. It is advisable to use a heavy frying pan with thick bottom and high sidelights. Such dishes optimally heats the meat and protects against splashing oil. Beef chops are prepared in the batter:

  1. It will take 3-4 large chicken eggs, grams of 100 minor breadcrumbs, 1 teaspoon of sugar, along a pinch of salt and ground pepper and vegetable frying oil (refined).
  2. Mix pepper and sugar with breadcrumbs.
  3. In the second bowl, slightly sweat the eggs with salt: not to foam, but before the uniformity of the protein and yolk.
  4. Each piece of meat is completely dip in the egg, then shift in crumbs and panic from all sides. You can repeat both stages so that the breading is more dense.
  5. Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry chops under the lid for 5 minutes on each side. Outping them with a shovel, try not to remove breading.
You can additionally decorate chops, causing a mesh on top of a layer of superstars before roasting. It will not affect the taste, but will make a dish more appetizing. Ready chops hang on a plate with a paper towel and serve hot on the table.

How to cook chops from beef in the oven?
Beef chops in the oven make juicy easier than in a frying pan. They are soft and fragrant. Therefore, this recipe is ideal for novice tools and those who want to diversify the standard homemade menu:

  1. On the sheltered clipping, take 4 raw eggs, half a liter of milk, a large bulb, a 200 grams of solid cheese, a half-cup of flour, 1 tablespoon without a slide of sugar, along a pinch of salt, ground pepper and dried herbs to taste.
  2. Mix salt with pepper and sugar and soda this mixture of meat slices.
  3. Fold meat into a deep non-metallic bowl, pour herbs and fill with milk. Remove in the refrigerator at 3 hours (you can longer).
  4. Eggs to take the formation of a homogeneous liquid.
  5. When the meat wakes up in milk, dip each chop to the egg mixture, then cut in flour.
  6. Leek Clean and cut the rings. Cheese soda on a coarse grater.
  7. Fold the uniform layer into the shape or onto a sheet with sides, lubricated with oil. Lay onions on top and pour with cheese.
  8. Heat the oven to 160 ° C and bang chops for 15-20 minutes.
When the cheese forms a ruddy crust, remove the dish from the oven and serve on the table by sprinkling with lemon juice and sprinkled with a chopped fresh greens.

How to make beef chops in a slow cooker?
The Multicooker is a relatively new device in the kitchen, but the intelligent hostesses were convinced that with its help you can prepare chops of beef simply and quickly, and the result is excellent:

  1. Take 1 large or 2 medium bulbs on the shelter, 50-75 ml of vegetable oil, 50 grams of finished mustard, garlic teeth, thumbling salt and ground pepper.
  2. Start cooking meat in advance. To do this, mix the mustard with a half oil, add a peeled and crushing garlic and soda with this mass every chop. Cover the film and remove in the refrigerator for 3-5 hours (you can at night).
  3. Pour the remaining oil into the multicooker's bowl and distribute evenly for its bottom. Heat for 1 minute.
  4. Put a part of chops into one layer on the bottom of the bowl and fry on each side to the rosy. In the same way, remember all chops.
  5. Onions Clean and cut half rings. Return all the roasted chops in the slow cooker, put onions onions on top of them, save and cook in the "quenching" mode for 15 minutes.
You can optimize this process, roasting chops in a pan, and only then swipe them with a bow in a slow cooker. In any case, the beef chops in a slow cooker are obtained juicy and gentle, which is difficult to achieve with the help of a pan or oven.

All these beef chops recipes are traditional and simple enough to use them daily at home. In addition to them, there are methods for making chops of beef on a bone, a dry grill pan, a grill and other fittings for frying and extinguishing meat. Whatever you use, the main thing is not an appliances and not even marinade for beef. The main thing is to choose the right meat and not to remember, do not overcover the chops in the cooking process. If the chops turned out to be juicy, fragrant and not tough, it means that you did everything right and you can safely argue that you know how to prepare beef chops.

Do you need to feed a man dinner? What to please him? Of course meat! Beef fillet - a truly male product, from which not a single representative of the strong sex will be refused. And if the steaks can cook correctly not every hostess, especially the steaks of beef - the meat can not be that root, dry or tough - steaks need to be prepared, then with chops it is difficult to miss, they are preparing quickly and easily precisely because meat is repeated before hot .

Many recipes offer us to prepare chops in the batter or, but I prefer not to add difficulties - the food must be simple, easy cooking and, of course, delicious! I propose to prepare beef chops in a pan, a recipe without a klyar and breading.


For chops:

  • beef fillet - 500 grams.
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • salt and spices - to taste.

For a side disk:

  • bow blue onion - 1 piece.
  • wine vinegar - 1 tbsp. the spoon.
  • potatoes - 4 pieces.
  • egg - 1 piece.
  • creamy butter - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • basil - 1 twig.
  • pepper black ground - to taste.
  • salt to taste.

How to prepare beef chops in a frying pan:

1. Preparing potatoes. My potatoes, clean, put in a saucepan, pour water, salt, pepper and put cooking to a soft state. The degree of potato coil can be estimated, pushing potatoes with a knife, if the knife enters the tuber without effort and the tuber starts to fall apart, the potatoes on the puree are ready.

2. Blue onions clean, cut large half rings, put in a bowl and pour it with 1 tablespoon of wine vinegar.

3. My beef fillet, cut across the fibers on the steaks with a thickness of 1-1.5 cm. Of 500 gr. Beef you should get 4 steaks size with palm. For each portion of 2 steaks.

4. We lay the steaks on the cutting board, cover with the food film, carefully disappear with kitchen hammer. The film will help us to keep cleanliness in the kitchen, so drops of blood and pieces of meat will not scatter on the walls and countertop, and also, will help repel meat without breaks.

5. Digged steaks of salt and pepper.

6. On a heated frying pan, we pour 2 tablespoons of olive oil and fry our chops without a cory from two sides, about 3 minutes from each side to a golden crust.

7. Chops remove from fire and put on a plate relax. In a pan, in which meat roasted, on a strong fire, constantly stirring, fry the marinated bow for 5 minutes. Finished onions lay out on chops.

8. From boiled potatoes drain all the water (if you like liquid puree, then leave 0.5 cup of broth to return it in mashed potatoes and make it more liquid consistency). The key to a good potato mashed potatoes consists in a homogeneous consistency, which can be provided by 2 factors: 1. Do not use a blender, it is better than potatoes with a pusher or fork. The blender creates a sticky consistency, and the barley is crumbling. 2. Be sure to drain all the water so that the potatoes are dry, then there will be no lumps in the puree, it will be homogeneous.

Step 1: Disable meat.

Meat clipping, if it is frozen, defrost, then wash in cold water. Next, beef, cut along meat fibers with layers with a thickness of 1 cm and divide into pieces of approximately 7x7 cm. These pieces are wrapped into a plastic disposable package or food film and swell the hammer on the cutting board. Discipled meat must grasp salt and pepper from all sides.

Step 2: Cooking breading.

Eggs should be rinsed, then split into a bowl, salt, pepper and beat a good wedge to the formation of a homogeneous mass. In one small plate, pour breadcrumbs, and to another - flour. Flour should be salted and gently mix the tablespoon.

Step 3: Farm chops.

Put on a strong fire, warm up, burn fire. Pour the oil and wait a bit. Meanwhile, each piece of meat must be inacked by the first thing in the flour, then in whipped eggs, and only then in breadcrumbs. On a prepared frying pan, we lay out pieces of meat and fry to 2 - 3 minutes on each side.

Step 4: Something Beef.

In a large saucepan or best in Kazan, we will lower the chops, they will plump them with 3 glasses of water. On slow heat under the lid we will stew meat for 15 to 20 minutes. After this procedure, the chops are removed from the broth formed and put in a plate or a bowl of one layer - the meat should dry a little.

Step 5: Feed beef chops in breadcrumbs.

Beef chops in bread leaves better to serve hot, although you can eat them and cold. This dish can be both independent, and also go well with a side dish of potatoes, raw or stewed vegetables. Beef chops put on the portion plates, on the side decorate vegetables or place them on a separate plate. Enjoy your meal!

Bread crushers are best prepared independently from ordinary bread. For this it is necessary to cut it into pieces and put it in the oven and add them there before the formation of a blush, then get it, cool and crowned into the mortar.

Remember, excessive meat chopping can lead to the fact that it will become dry and "lifeless."

So that fried meat does not work dry or undergraduate, it is necessary to accurately show time when it is prepared.

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