Canape recipes with meat. Fruit canapes for every occasion: for children, adults and sophisticated gourmets

The buildings 17.10.2019
The buildings

Canape is a very convenient form of a festive table. The word canapé means tiny in French. That is, these are small sandwiches that you can take with your hands and put entirely in your mouth. If you need to bite off a canape - this is already. Today it is a separate section of cooking, which, in terms of the complexity of cutting and laying out, can sometimes compete with confectionery.

I think that when cooking canapes on skewers, the main thing is to see, to look at the sequence of ingredients .... And the process is usually quite simple. Although there are some secrets. And I posted 2 of them at the end of the recipe. Descriptions made for each canape recipe on skewers, because. I think maybe not everyone will understand the ingredients from which it is assembled specific recipe. Most of the ideas are not mine, but "dug" on the vast culinary Internet. Canapes on skewers recipes at home.

Canapes on the festive table recipes with photos

Sausage cubes can simply be alternated with cucumber and the same cheese. Or you can add a cube of bread.

A simple version of the canape recipe on skewers - with smoked sausage. Sausage should be bought small in diameter and thinly sliced. And the top is decorated with pieces of potatoes boiled in their skins.

From a series of simple and elegant - canape with grapes. It's strung with cheese and grapes. Such neat and small pieces of cheese can be made using a part from a children's designer or a lid from plastic bottle. But the cheese should be a bit rubbery. store-bought cheese has this property. She even creaks a little on her teeth or cheese health.

And here is a whole range of small canapes and all simple ones. At the base is a piece of cheese, but each is decorated with: half a cherry tomato, fig or .... Although you can just rinse the cherry jam and add to the cheese. Salty hard cheese goes very well with sweet. Just a piece of cheese rolled in nuts or sesame seeds looks very nice. It turned out almost a popular cheese plate.

And here original way serving to the table. The body of a hedgehog is formed from it, and the needles are made from canapés on skewers.

Just ingenious option canape recipes. It's a classic Russian snack. AT Soviet times herring was served festive table in a long special glass dish with sunflower oil and onions. But today it's so banal. And here is such an original and tasty solution. I especially like the recipe on the right - herring with a piece of fresh figs. Exotic. And in the photo on the left, the herring is sprinkled with coriander seeds. An amazing combination, especially with black bread. This is a real fusion: Russian herring with Russian bread in French design.

The next series of canapes is. In this recipe, the ham is fried. A pate is wrapped in it and all this is nailed to a small piece of bun.

Thin slices of bacon, fried and stuffed with prunes.

Another slice of fried bacon. Then a piece of cheese is laid out on it and it is fried again in a frying pan to melt the cheese. Very effectively served on fresh leaves (you can take basil leaves or lettuce leaves).

Here you can dream up and put a surprise inside: half an olive, the same prunes or sprinkle cheese with sesame ....

By the way, you can sprinkle all three canapes - rolls very beautifully with sesame seeds. Sesame will refresh the taste of meat and decorate canapés.

Another version of the roll: cheese in ham. Here the products are very simple and it's all about the design. The ham should be cut thin and long so that it wraps around the cheese several times.

A special chic is the shrimp canape. This is a delicacy and there is usually not much of it. Not everyone has the opportunity to pour a whole plate of shrimp. But to demonstrate these beauties on skewers is easy. In this photo, a piece of salami is pierced into a shrimp. A delicacy within a delicacy. Then, for beauty and even more piquancy, it is rolled in grated cheese, lemon zest and very finely chopped greens.

These are shrimps with a piece of mango inside and marinated in a sauce with red sweet pepper and olive oil. It turns out very colorful on the table and appetizing.

Pieces of mango are pre-fried a little in olive oil. I thought that canapeshka with a piece of pumpkin instead of mango could be quite interesting. There will be sweetness bright color. Although the tropical exotic will be lost.

Incredible simplicity and yummy. A piece of apple is wrapped in a ham leaf. A very refreshing snack. Especially on when everything is fatty and satisfying. And then the freshness in the meat.

Very simple set: bread, butter, cheese and sausage. The main thing is a very sharp knife. Everything is cut into the shape of a boat, and sails are made from cheese. It will look amazing on the table. Especially if you are celebrating a children's holiday.

Making such a canape is not at all difficult if you have a heart-shaped mold. All products are thinly sliced, stacked one on one. You can use butter or mayonnaise as glue. Then extruded with a mould. It turns out very romantic!

Super simple idea and again fusion: the combination of several cuisines. very, very small pancakes, stacked and connected with a skewer. Drizzled with sauce. Such small ones can be prepared by pouring the dough into the pan with a teaspoon.

It seems like a simple canape, but an amazing combination of flavors. 1st - olive, 2nd piece of cheese, 3rd layer of pita bread, 4th - sun-dried tomatoes. Incredible Italian canapes. All these products are the favorite food of Italians. And about - I have a completely different story.

Another interesting combination of flavors: cheese and kiwi.

I especially want to highlight this photo. Although neither canapes nor skewers are visible on it, the idea is ingenious. Layers are made from various products, which are connected under the gelatinous mass. Then, with any cookie cutter, cut out squares, circles and connect with a skewer. a very bright canapé should work. Such an assortment!

A very pretty appetizer. Culinary minimalism. Similar sprigs of greens can be made from leeks by twisting them with a knife.

This is already a masterpiece of culinary art. But still available. In any case, the products - everything is in the supermarket. It is only necessary to delicately cut out the belly of a penguin from an olive and fill it with white cheese. And then also thinly cut the legs and beak from boiled carrots. And there will be joy for children and admiration for adults.

Roll recipe. A sprig of rosemary in the form of a skewer looks very beautiful. Plus, it also smells great. I would not write if rosemary did not appear in the supermarkets in the greens department all year round. It is sold cut fresh sprigs in plastic boxes, made in Israel. And it's not expensive at all.

A very simple canapé recipe on skewers: a boiled quail egg and half a cherry tomato. You can also do an inverted version. Stick a skewer into the egg, and decorate the tomato hat with small white dots of mayonnaise. If you insert such beauty into hedgehog puree, it will be very beautiful!

Ham and stuffing wrapped in cabbage leaves. The leaves must first be slightly boiled. And since they become completely tasteless during the cooking process, be sure to grease with a layer of sauce or mayonnaise.

The layers of canapeshka consist of thinly sliced ​​and toasted bread. These are mini toasts. Still of course -. It is not difficult to make it, in order for the stuffing to keep its shape better, add an additional 1 egg. Although with everything miniature you have to tinker. But this is a holiday.

Canape on skewers in a neat round shape. We select cucumbers with radishes of the same diameter. Well, cut the bread to the size of vegetables

Canape fruit belongs to the family of sandwich snacks, which in themselves have interesting story occurrence. The creation of the classic sandwich is attributed to the young Copernicus, who, during the siege of Allenstein Castle by the Teutons, noticed that those soldiers who ate the bread that fell on the floor were more likely to suffer from stomach disorders. The future scientist (and during the siege - the commandant of the castle) came up with the idea of ​​spreading butter on bread, and not to improve the taste sensations, but to make the adhering rubbish and dirt visible. Oil and mud began to be cleaned off, diseases were reduced, the Teutons retreated.

The sandwich was perfected by an aristocratic gambler

Light snacks on skewers appeared much later than the classic sandwich invented by Lord Sandwich. He was an avid gambler and preferred to eat without leaving the gaming table. Since bread with meat put on it greasy hands and cards got dirty, the English nobleman came up with the idea of ​​covering the meat on top with another piece of bread. Mini-versions of sandwiches in our time are tartinki and canapes. The first of them are small pieces of bread with, as a rule, one side dish on top, while the second ones are based on tiny bread croutons (up to 80 grams in weight), interspersed just on skewers with other products. Canapes are snacks that can be prepared without bread, but in large quantities (up to a dozen per person).

It is better to take wheat bread than rye bread

How are snacks prepared on skewers? Recipes indicate that wheat bread is used more often than rye bread, or puff pastry. The latter is rolled out quite thinly, figures are cut out no larger than five centimeters in size, and baked. A classic slice of bread for canapes should be no thicker than half a centimeter, about 12-15 cm long, and about 3-4 cm wide. It is fried and oiled. After topping is applied to the bread, it is cooled, pierced with skewers and cut in portions into smaller pieces.

Sharp taste sensations

Cold appetizers on skewers great amount recipes, including exotic ones. You can surprise guests with an unexpectedly burning taste if you take one white loaf, two cloves of garlic, 120 grams of cheese, one hundred grams of smoked bacon. And peppers, many different peppers: one sweet, Bulgarian, half a red hot pepper, non-burning paprika - a couple of teaspoons. The bread is cut into cubes (3 cm), sprinkled with paprika and left for 10 minutes. At this time, the bacon needs to be melted, peeled from the seeds. spicy pepper chop finely and add to bacon. After that, the garlic passed through the press is put there, which must be fried very quickly. Bread is placed in the resulting "sauce" and fried for about 5 minutes until golden color crusts. Bell pepper cut into pieces of 2-3 cm, cheese - cubes (about 20 pcs.). Products are put on alternately on sticks.

To the table "a Christmas tree was born"

Snacks on skewers, the recipes of which are diverse, can be more sparing for taste perception. For example, you can take two varieties of cucumbers - fresh and pickled, boiled egg, apple and olives. From a fresh cucumber, you need to make a “base” - a fairly thick bottom layer of canapes, then place a piece of egg, then a pickled cucumber, an apple and green olive. Pierce all products with a skewer. Sometimes this configuration of a sandwich is called a "herringbone" for its green color.

A similar set of products is used in another, exclusively vegetable small sandwich. It is based on a French loaf, which is buttered. A green lettuce leaf, a circle of tomato and a circle of cucumber are placed on top, on which a black olive is attached to a skewer. Food consumption is low - a third of a loaf, a couple of tomatoes, a few lettuce leaves and olives, and the aesthetic component of such a sandwich is quite large. He looks beautiful.

Useful for cognac

What other snacks can be on skewers? Some recipes include literally three ingredients, but have an interesting taste. Such an appetizer can be served with a certain class of spirits. To prepare it, take a lemon, wash it thoroughly and cut off part of the zest from it in strips (for beauty). Then this fruit is cut into thin slices, the slice is sprinkled with sugar on one side, and not on the other. large quantity instant coffee, stick a skewer and serve. This must be done quickly so that the coffee and sugar on the lemon do not begin to melt.

Based on available products

Many people think that it is expensive to cook canapés. Snacks of this plan can be made from more than available products. In particular, small potatoes, which are inexpensive, are suitable for the base of two of them, as well as a can of sprat, pickled cucumber, pickled mushrooms, paprika, black pepper and cumin to taste. For frying, you need a little vegetable oil. Potatoes need to be boiled in their skins. For one option, you need to fry paprika, pepper and cumin in oil and fry potatoes in the resulting sauce. Next, the tubers are cut into three parts. In addition, you should fry the pepper without the skin. Canape is easy to assemble - sprat, bell pepper, cucumber slice and fungus are placed on a potato slice, which are fastened with a toothpick or skewer.

For the second option, the canapé will need sprat, chives, a little mayonnaise and flour, vegetable oil. Boiled potatoes need to be grilled, finely chopped chives. Spread potatoes with mayonnaise and lightly roll in flour, garnish with onions and sprats. The fish is taken spicy salted.

Can be made hot

In Russian cuisine, there are also hot snacks on skewers, the recipes of which also consist of quite ordinary products. So, for one of them you need to take three potatoes, one onion, one hundred grams of lightly salted chum salmon, green onion for decoration and a little vegetable oil. The potatoes are peeled, cut in half, while rounded “bottoms” are cut off a little for stability, watered with vegetable oil, salted. The onion is cut into rings. Slices of potatoes are placed on a baking sheet, on top of which slices of onion are placed and all together it is poured over with the oil left after the potato has been soaked. The baking sheet is placed in the oven for 25 minutes (200 C), for baking. Next, a slice is placed on potatoes with onions fish fillet, everything is sprinkled with finely chopped onion and pierced with a skewer.

Buffet snacks on skewers can also be prepared with meat products. For one of them, you need to take products in the following proportions: one sweet pepper and pickled cucumber, 30 grams of butter, 60 grams of ham and boiled pork, three hundred grams of wheat bread. Sliced ​​into squares, rhombuses, etc., the bread must be fried in butter and attached to it with sandwich skewers pieces of pepper and cucumber meat products. Set the canape on a dish and decorate with herbs.

Tongue and pumpkin are unusual

Next, a snack is offered on skewers, the options of which include a product that is quite rare on our tables. This is language. You need to take a little of such a delicious and expensive boiled product - 6-8 slices. One hundred grams of bread is taken to it (larger in size than for ordinary canapes), twenty to thirty grams of butter, pickled pumpkin or apples - about 50 grams. The bread is covered with butter, a chopped apple or pumpkin is placed on top, and a slice of tongue rolled into a tube is placed on top, which must be fixed with a skewer.

Fruit snacks for children and adults

Fruit canape is a welcome snack on the table at any time of the year, as it is tasty, dietary and contains vitamins. Children and adults eat it with pleasure. For one variety, you need to take a banana and cut it into slices 2 cm thick. Sprinkle the resulting slices with lemon or orange juice (so that they do not darken and an interesting aftertaste appears). This will be the base for the canapes. Next, washed and peeled strawberries, mint leaves are taken, which are placed one after another on a banana and fastened with a skewer. For beauty and additional taste, you can put dots on strawberries with whipped cream or make some kind of small drawing.

On skewers, an appetizer, the options of which overseas cuisine offers us, can be very spicy in taste. Such recipes, in particular, include canapes in Italian. For him, they take mini mozzarella, sun-dried tomatoes, Pesto sauce and dark basil. Slices of mozzarella are inserted inside the slices of sun-dried tomatoes and fastened with a toothpick. The skewers are stacked on a dish and sprinkled with fresh chopped basil. Bon appetit!

Snacks on skewers are very common in restaurants. Catering. Any event with a large number of guests is most often accompanied by a feast, where snacks take pride of place. And among them - canapes, or snacks on skewers.

Such an appetizer is formed from several ingredients - as a rule, three or four, which are well combined with each other and create an interesting flavor range. Products are cut into small pieces and alternately strung on special skewers or simply for toothpicks.

It is convenient to take canapes - after all, there is something to hold them for, they are convenient to eat - just for one bite. Such snacks look elegant and festive - both because of the skewers themselves, which are sold in a huge variety of all colors, and because of the range of products - very often chefs select products based not only on their taste, but also on color.

There are canapés based on bread, meaning it is a must - and usually the first - part of the appetizer. It is customary to combine it with something salty - for example, ham or fish. There may be simple vegetable compositions, as well as more sophisticated ones, using seafood or expensive varieties cheese.

As part of one canape, it is customary to use products of the same shape and size. For example, only squares or only circles. This makes the snack more beautiful and reliable.

How to cook snacks on skewers - 15 varieties

Snacks with light ingredients, which makes them very attractive for everyone who watches their figure. Besides, they are very tasty.


  • Boiled chicken fillet - 100 g
  • Boiled shrimp - 100 g
  • Cherry tomatoes - 10 pcs.
  • Feta cheese - 100 g
  • Canned pineapple - 100 g
  • Cucumber - 2 pcs.
  • Sweet Bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs.


Ingredients pre-cut the same size circles or squares. Cherry tomatoes are enough to cut into two halves. Thread food onto skewers or toothpicks in the following order:

cheese - shrimp - pineapple; cucumber - tomato - chicken; tomato - pepper - cucumber - shrimp; pineapple - chicken - pepper.

All ingredients are combined with each other, so they can be combined in any order, it all depends on your taste preferences.

To speed up the cooking process for cutting products under the canapes, it is better to use a template (form). A regular grill from a vegetable cutter can serve as a square, but a round one will have to be made from something. It can be a cut syringe, a cookie cutter or even a thimble - the main thing is that it has relatively sharp edges and a small size. In addition, ready-made forms for making canapés are sold in many stores.

Beautiful and hearty snack. It uses different types cheeses and fragrant garlic croutons.


  • Hard cheese - 100 g
  • Processed cheese in slices - 50 g
  • Sausage - 100 g
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Lettuce leaves - 5 pieces
  • Bread - 1 pc.


Cut the bread into slices and fry it in a pan. While still hot, rub with a clove of garlic.

Processed cheese cut into the same shape as the bread. Cut hard cheese into cubes.

Cut the sausage into thin slices.

Roll up a circle of sausage and string it on a skewer, followed by melted cheese, bread, melted cheese again, another circle of sausage, a piece of lettuce. Stick a skewer into a cube of hard cheese.

Two types of appetizers: with ham and cheese. A simple composition and the same preparation.


  • Herring - 300 g
  • Ham - 200 g
  • Hard cheese - 100 g
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Bread - 1 pc.
  • Olives or olives - by the number of skewers


Cut the lemon into thin circles, and each of them into 4 parts. Bread and herring cut into cubes. Place a slice of lemon on the bread, then the herring and secure with a skewer.

Cut ham and cheese into cubes. Put olive, ham and cheese on a skewer.

A hearty and spicy appetizer will go well with any table.


  • Radishes - 10 pcs.
  • Boiled pork tongue - 200 g
  • Soy sauce- 1 tbsp. l.
  • Teriyaki sauce - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Pickled cucumber - 2 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise, spices - to taste


Cool the tongue and cut into slices. In a bowl, mix two sauces, pepper and soak the tongue pieces in the mixture. Leave for 15 minutes.

At this time, finely chop the radish and cucumber. String on skewers alternately: radish - tongue - cucumber - tongue - radish - cucumber. Top with mayonnaise.

The size of the strung pieces is not recommended to be more than two centimeters wide for a square or 1-1.5 cm in diameter for circles. Larger size make the snack uncomfortable - because it may simply not fit in the mouth, as well as unstable - it is likely that the snack will end up on the floor. If a long piece of the product is used, then it is folded several times (into a roll).

An appetizer that uses not only sliced ​​​​food, but also a mass made from cheese and crab sticks. The use of such a mass makes canapes more tender.


  • Boiled chicken egg - 2 pcs.
  • Cheese - 50 g
  • Fresh cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Crab sticks - 1 pack
  • Mayonnaise - to taste
  • Garlic - to taste
  • Small pickled mushrooms - by the number of skewers
  • Greens - to taste


Egg, cheese and crab sticks grate, mix with mayonnaise. Add crushed garlic to it. Mix everything well.

Cucumbers cut into circles (without removing the peel). Put a mushroom on a skewer, lift it up. Apply the resulting mass to the circle of cucumbers and gently pierce everything together with a skewer, on which the mushroom is already put on, and arrange on a dish.

A touch of Italy on your table. Mozzarella, tomatoes and basil - a unique combination of flavors.


  • Mozzarella mini balls - by the number of skewers
  • Fresh basil leaves - a few pieces
  • Olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Balsamic vinegar - 1 tsp
  • Spices - to taste


Cut tomatoes and mozzarella balls in half. In a bowl, mix vinegar, spices, olive oil. Soak tomatoes and cheese in it and leave for 40 minutes.

Thread the tomato, basil leaf and cheese onto a skewer. The tomato and cheese ball should be cut to each other.

An option for preparing an exquisite and sophisticated snack. celery and Tiger shrimp- rare guests on our tables, which means there is a reason to surprise guests.


  • Boiled tiger prawns - according to the number of skewers
  • Celery - 2 stalks
  • Olives - by the number of skewers.


From the washed celery stalk, cut out boats according to the size of the shrimp. On a skewer, string an olive, a shrimp with a tail up, and then stick it into the boat (bulge up).

Nutritious snack with potatoes and meat. A good and satisfying start to dinner.


  • Potato - 500 g
  • Fresh cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Slightly salted herring pieces - 100 g
  • Soft cheese - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Salad onion - 1 pc.
  • Fresh dill - to taste
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Horseradish ready - 1 tsp.
  • Spices - to taste


Cut potatoes into slices and bake in the oven. Onion cut into cubes. Cut the cucumber into rings three to four millimeters thick. Chop greens. Mix cheese with garlic, horseradish and herbs, mix.

Put cucumber, herring, onion on a piece of potato. Secure everything with a skewer, put a ball of cheese mixture on top.

Very simple, well tasty and healthy snack.


  • Hard cheese - 50 g
  • Bread - 1 pc.
  • Cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Lightly salted salmon - 100 g
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.
  • Olives - by the number of skewers


All ingredients are pre-cut into equal circles. Then an olive, fish, cucumber, bread, pepper, cheese are strung on a skewer.

That's for sure unusual combination sweet dates and salted bacon.


  • Bacon - per serving
  • Dates - by number of servings


Cut bacon into thin strips. Put a date on each and roll into a roll. Fasten with a toothpick, put on a baking sheet and put in the oven for five minutes.

Remove and serve.

Delicious, bright and savory snack from the simplest products.


  • Wheat croutons - by the number of skewers
  • Smoked bacon - 150 g
  • Cherry tomatoes - by number of skewers
  • Mustard - to taste
  • Parsley - to taste


If the croutons are large in size, pre-cut them into pieces no larger than 3x3 centimeters. Lubricate the croutons with mustard. String a tomato on a skewer, roll a slice of bacon into a roll, put it on a toast, top with a piece of parsley and pierce everything with a skewer with cherry tomatoes.

Sweet canape made from fresh fruits. Delicious, easy and simple.


  • Kiwi - 2 pcs.
  • Strawberries - 5 pcs.
  • Pineapple (fresh or canned) - 100 g
  • Melon - 150 g


Cut all fruits into equal cubes (if possible). String on skewers in the order: melon - pineapple - melon - kiwi - strawberry.

It is better to cut fruits for canapes immediately before serving, otherwise they will release juice, wind up and lose appearance and taste.

A bright and healthy snack. Many are not indifferent to herring, especially when combined with dark bread. Two varieties of canapes in one recipe.


  • Lightly salted herring - 1 pc.
  • Fresh carrots - 1 pc.
  • Walnuts- taste
  • Rye bread - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Fresh cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Processed cheese - 50 g
  • Mayonnaise - 3 tbsp. l.


Grate carrots, push garlic to it, add 2 tbsp. l. mayonnaise and mix well.

Bread cut into thin squares and dry in a pan.

Cut the herring, remove the bones and cut into slices according to the size of the bread.

Grease the bread lightly with mayonnaise, put a little mass of carrots on top. Pour some crushed nuts on it, on top - a piece of herring. Pierce all layers with a skewer.

For the second version of the canape, put a little cheese on slices of bread, then a piece of cucumber, herring and string everything on a skewer.

Delicious and very nutritious snack. Liver cutlets are a very unusual ingredient for canapés.


  • Beef liver - 500 g
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Bulb - 1 pc.
  • Cherry tomatoes - 10 pieces
  • Cream cheese - 150 g
  • Basil - to taste
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Hard cheese - 50 g
  • Sour cream - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • Flour - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Pine nuts - 40 g
  • Olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Spices - to taste


Grind the liver and mix it with sour cream, egg, flour and spices. You should get minced meat, from which you need to bake pancakes.

Grate the carrots, chop the onion and fry together in a pan. When they have cooled slightly, mix with Mascarpone cheese and beat well in a blender.

Separately grate hard cheese, squeeze garlic, add basil, nuts and oil. Grind everything in a blender.

Start folding the appetizer: on the pancakes, a little first carrot sauce, then another pancake, the second sauce (with basil), another pancake and then half the cherry.

Beautiful, attractive appearance snack. Light foods make it a great start to dinner.


  • Lightly salted herring - 1 pc.
  • Quail eggs boiled - 10 pcs.
  • Butter - 50 g
  • Rye bread - 1 pc.


Cut herring, free from bones. Cut into thin long strips. Spread slices of bread with butter. Peel and cut the eggs lengthwise, put on the prepared bread. String a piece of herring lengthwise onto a skewer to make it look like a sail. With the resulting skewer, pierce the bread with the egg.

A snack on skewers is an ideal dish for corporate parties, festive and business receptions, children's matinees and birthdays. They are convenient to eat, as they are prepared for "one bite". Guests can try several canapes and choose their favorite. The advantages of such snacks are obvious: they are prepared quickly, they do not cause heaviness in the stomach and heaps of dirty dishes. Even a child can make them, as it is very simple, a minimum of time is spent, and as a result a beautiful festive dish is obtained. That is why snacks on skewers are so popular both at student parties and at receptions of heads of state.
There are an incredible variety of snack options: anyone can come up with them themselves, relying only on their own taste and the list of products that are in the refrigerator. Most often they are prepared on the basis of dried rye bread or French baguette, cookies, crackers, chips or baked baskets.
The most popular types of snacks on a skewer are tarts and canapes. They have become a more advanced mini version of the multi-tiered sandwich that Lord Sandwich came up with. He was a fan of playing cards, so he ate without leaving the card table. To keep his hands clean and free of meat grease, Sandwich decided to cover the sandwich filling with another piece of bread. Everything ingenious is simple.
The sandwich was reduced in size by the French, who decided to make mini snacks with skewers. This design was not only convenient, but also hygienic. Tartinki and canapes - tiny sandwiches weighing about 50 grams - were served at receptions, consumed on the go, so many guests did not have the opportunity to wash their hands.
Do you want unusual, original and very tasty snacks on skewers to appear on your table? Recipes with photos of cooking the most popular options for canapes and tarts will help you with this.

Recipe number 1. Greek salad on skewers, recipe with step by step photos

In this original buffet appetizer, it is easy to recognize the popular Greek salad. The ingredients are so perfectly matched in it that modern culinary specialists connected their imagination and served it in unusual shape, gathering vegetables and cheese on skewers, preserving the taste and recipe of a dish beloved by many.

Taste Info Buffet snacks


  • Feta cheese - 100 gr.;
  • Tomatoes of the "cream" variety - 2 pieces;
  • Cucumber;
  • head of red onion;
  • Bulgarian pepper;
  • Vegetable oil- 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. the spoon;
  • A clove of garlic;
  • Pitted olives;
  • Salt;
  • Pepper.

How to cook salad appetizer on skewers

Cut the pepper in half. Remove the seeds, rinse with water and cut the halves again into two parts to make boats out of them.

Cut the tomatoes into neat slices. The "cream" variety is ideal for snacks. You can take cherry tomatoes. In this case, they will need several times more. Cherry is easy enough to cut in half. Arrange the tomatoes on top of the peppers.

Cheese cut into cubes 3 by 3 centimeters. Prick a piece of cheese and one olive on a toothpick.

Wash cucumber. If it is not bitter, the skin can not be cut off. Cut it into thin slices along.

Prick a cucumber on a toothpick with cheese and olives so that it is on both sides. Stick a toothpick into the pepper and tomato.

Mix finely chopped onion, minced garlic, lemon juice, salt, pepper and oil. Pour this dressing over the boats and serve them to the table.

Recipe number 2. Appetizer on skewers of bacon and olives

This buffet appetizer will surprise guests with its originality and satiety. It has a rich, slightly salty taste, so it is best served on arugula leaves, known for their bitter nutty taste, with a fresh baguette.

To prepare the dish, you will need 200 grams of bacon and a jar of green olives stuffed with lemon, anchovies or without additives. Cut the bacon into small pieces. Wrap them around each olive, fasten with toothpicks or skewers. Arrange on a plate garnished with arugula and sliced ​​baguette.

Recipe number 3. Italian appetizer with cherry tomatoes and sun-dried tomatoes

This dish is prepared for hastily yet it has a refined taste. Dried tomatoes are a truly Italian dish, reminiscent of the hot rays of Tuscany. You can buy them at the store or cook them yourself in the oven or microwave oven. To do this, select the variety "cream". Mozzarella cheese perfectly sets off the sourness of a tomato with its creamy taste on one side of the skewer. And the original “sandwich” will be completed with a juicy note of fresh cherry tomato on the other. You can decorate the skewer with a leaf of arugula or spinach.

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Recipe number 4. Cold appetizer in the form of a boat

Cold appetizer on skewers in the form of a boat will fit perfectly for any holiday. It is easy to make, and the ingredients are, as a rule, in the refrigerator of every woman.

To prepare it, you will need mayonnaise or any other sauce, brisket or ham, hard cheese, Rye bread, olives, cucumber and grapes of any white variety.
On a small piece of bread, spread with mayonnaise or sauce, place thinly sliced ​​\u200b\u200bbrisket and cheese. Divide the cucumber into two halves across, cut into thin slices that will become a sail. Pierce one edge of the cucumber slice with a toothpick, string the olive and the second edge of the cucumber on it. Decorate with grapes on top. It turns out beautiful and satisfying!

Recipe number 5. Canape for men

This quick snack will please any man. It is especially well suited for strong alcoholic drinks. To prepare it, take Borodino bread, preserved herring (you can cut the salted herring into pieces yourself, but carefully choose the bones), lemon, mayonnaise, black pepper, green onion feathers.

Cut the lemon into rings, which are then divided into 4 parts. Cut the onion feather obliquely into several pieces.

On small pieces of Borodino bread smeared with mayonnaise, put a piece of herring, a quarter of a slice of lemon, a green onion feather. Pierce the canape with a skewer in the middle. Sprinkle black pepper on top for extra piquancy. Brutal men's snack is ready!

Recipe number 6. Appetizer on skewers of crackers

This tasty snack prepared on the basis of crackers. They can be neutral, cheesy or with salt. To prepare, take grated cheese (or granular cottage cheese) mixed with chopped garlic and mayonnaise. If desired, you can salt this mass, season with dried Italian herbs or pepper. Spoon the cheese onto the crackers. Top with finely chopped bell pepper and a sprig of curly parsley. The multi-colored pepper looks beautiful. Pierce with a skewer or toothpick.

Recipe number 7. Fruit snack on skewers

A fruity snack on skewers is ideal for champagne. It is often prepared for children's matinees. Fresh fruit is delicious and contains vitamins, so it's always a great option. To prepare it, take long skewers or barbecue sticks. Preparing a snack is simple: cut the fruits in the refrigerator into small pieces - no more than 3 by 3 centimeters - and string them on a skewer. In this option, chop grapes, kiwi, tangerines, pears and peaches. fruit cut different shapes, they can be alternated with pieces of cheese. For children's parties, you can prepare an appetizer by interspersing fresh fruit with canned peaches, pineapples and apricots. This dish will turn out much sweeter.

Recipe number 8. Mini caprese

Mini caprese appetizer looks very picturesque. She is the daughter of a famous Italian appetizer who was born in Capri and resembles her colors flag of Italy. To prepare an appetizer, take cherry tomatoes, arugula, and mini mozzarella. It is prepared in an elementary way: stick a toothpick into a cherry tomato, string a leaf of arugula on it and finish with a small ball of mozzarella cheese. Season with salt and pepper and drizzle with balsamic vinegar.

The perfect combination

We have listed only a few popular recipes. festive snacks on skewers. In order to assemble your individual dish, as a designer, we suggest studying win-win combinations of products:

Tips for preparing appetizers on skewers:

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