Which septic tanks are better for giving x. Homemade and purchased designs

Site arrangement 12.06.2019
Site arrangement

Living in your own home will be comfortable if the owners provide for this all the necessary conditions. Few people are already attracted to options with the delivery of buckets of water from a well, with a board toilet on the site. All this is acceptable for dacha conditions with periodic arrivals on weekends, but it looks like a complete anachronism if the family lives in the house permanently. And this means that normal housing should be equipped with water supply and sewerage. Well, if in the village there is the possibility of connecting to the central highways and collectors. But such cases are quite rare, and more often it is necessary to create completely autonomous systems.

How to choose a septic tank - detailed instructions

Water supply is a separate multifaceted topic, and in this case we are interested in the creation of an independent sewage system. Discharge of untreated wastewater into the environment is strictly prohibited. This means that it is necessary to install special structures or devices for collecting, settling, cleaning, clarifying wastewater. In the practice of private housing construction, the best solution to this issue is the use of special containers - septic tanks. Such an element of an autonomous sewer can be built on your own or buy already ready-made. This publication will discuss how to choose a factory-made septic tank, that is, what criteria for evaluating a product should pay special attention to.

A septic tank is the most important element of an autonomous sewage system or treatment plant. And, although it is not a complete wastewater treatment scheme in itself, its role is extremely important.

The main purpose of any septic tank is the collection of all sewage from a house (a group of houses), their settling and preliminary biological treatment of varying degrees of depth. The effluents that have passed such a cycle are discharged into ground filtration devices or structures, or are subject to regular pumping using special equipment. In any case, it excludes the ingress of polluted effluents into the environment, representing a chemical and bacteriological hazard to it.

In fact, a septic tank is always a storage tank isolated from the ground, and may consist of one or more chambers. The diagram of the simplest single-chamber septic tank is shown in the figure:

Sewerage from the house flows through the pipe (pos. 1) by gravity, for which a certain slope is observed during laying (about 5 ° or 20 ÷ 30 mm of difference for each running meter pipes). The septic tank (pos. 2) has reliable waterproofing or made of completely waterproof materials.

Solid inclusions under the action of gravitational forces settle to the bottom in the form of silt (pos. 3). Those impurities that have a density less than that of water, on the contrary, float to the top, forming a film or crust. Thus, there is a spontaneous stratification of effluents.

In the same chamber, processes of biological decomposition of human waste are constantly taking place. Special anaerobic bacteria help to activate these biochemical reactions, which process organic matter into inert mineral sediments, gases that are vented to the outside, and clean water. At the same time, this should lead to the death of all pathogenic microflora.

The water that has received such cleaning and clarification is transferred through the overflow pipe (pos. 4) to the filtration section. Water intake is organized so that it is produced from the central part of the layered liquid, preventing the floating crust from overflowing. To do this, the couple is supplied with a vertical section constantly immersed in water.

The final soil post-treatment can be organized in various ways. In this case, a filter well (pos. 5) is shown with a drainage layer from below. However, it can be an underground filtration field using special perforated pipes. and Filter or absorbent trenches are used. A special infiltration unit, the so-called "tunnel", can be purchased. The choice of a specific type of final soil filtration depends on the level of wastewater treatment, the type of soil, the height of groundwater, the depth of soil freezing, etc. - in any case, the recommendation of a specialist is required here.

The filtration module (well, tunnel, field, etc.) is no longer considered as a septic tank chamber - this is the final link in the autonomous sewage chain. Sometimes, when using septic tanks with multi-level cleaning, even storage tanks are used, the water from which can be consumed, for example, for irrigation of a personal plot.

Single-chamber septic tanks, I must say, do not have a high degree of wastewater treatment. They are usually used for small volumes of wastewater (not exceeding 1 m³ per day) and in the event that fecal sewage is not discharged into the septic tank. Otherwise, he simply will not cope with his direct task of full cleaning before infiltration, and the cesspool pumping machine will have to be called too often.

The optimal solution is multi-chamber septic tanks. An example is shown in the diagram:

Sewage flows through the pipe (pos. 1) enter the primary chamber (pos. 2), which in this case serves mainly to settling the liquid, separating it into light and heavy insoluble fractions. The bulk of the silty sediment accumulates here (pos. 3).

Through the overflow pipe (pos. 4) with a blocker system (hydraulic seal), the effluents that have partially passed the initial treatment enter the second chamber (pos. 5). This compartment (often called a methane tank) is designed for biological water treatment under the action of anaerobic bacteria. There is a decomposition of chemical organic components into a solid insoluble neutral precipitate (pos. 6), water and a gaseous component that goes into the ventilation pipe (pos. 10). This achieves a much higher degree of purification of any domestic wastewater, including fecal matter.

Further, through the overflow pipe (pos. 7), the purified water passes either into the infiltration device (in this case, a well is shown, pos. 8), with a filled drainage layer (pos. 9), or into the third chamber of the septic tank, where the final clarification takes place and subtle upholding.

Often the second or third chamber is used for finer cleaning with aerobic microorganisms, for which it is saturated with oxygen - aeration, that is, the periodic transmission of small air bubbles. For this, septic tanks are equipped with special compressor-aerators, which, however, will require a power supply.

To equalize the pressure in the compartments of the septic tank, they are connected by an air channel (pos. 11). Revision and cleaning necks closed with hatches are required.

If there are increased requirements for the level of water purification (for example, for the possibility of its reuse for technical purposes or if such conditions are put forward by the local sanitary and epidemiological service), then the septic tank can also be equipped with a biofilter, with a special mineral or polymer filler. The biofilter can be one of the structural elements of the last chamber of the septic tank, in itself be such a final compartment, or be a separate module that is installed after the septic tank in front of the filtration field or storage tank for treated water.

In septic tanks with a biofilter, the maximum high degree of water purification from sewage is achieved, and such systems can practically be classified as local treatment plants (VOCs). Naturally, the cost of such installations is very high.

In the conditions of individual construction, septic tanks were most often made of or built independently with the digging of the necessary containers and cementing their walls. Both options have a characteristic drawback - the difficulty in ensuring complete sealing of the septic tank chambers from the surrounding soil, the need for constant monitoring of the state of joints, pipe passages, etc.

But nowadays, a wide range of ready-made engineering solutions made from modern materials. Most often, this is a multi-chamber design, assembled in one housing, but there may also be a modular design.

Septic tanks differ from each other in terms of total volume, productivity, dimensions, material of manufacture, layout, and other parameters. All this is important to consider when choosing a particular model.

Where is a septic tank allowed?

Before purchasing a septic tank, it is necessary to determine in advance the place of its future installation. Not only is it very often - a very impressive design in size - the location of such a treatment plant must comply with certain rules prescribed by regulatory documents - SNiP 2.04.03-85, 2.04.02-84 and 2.04.01-85, SanPiN -00 and 2.2.1/ If desired, all these documents are easy to find on the Internet.

  • These requirements were not invented from scratch - any septic tank is an object of a potential environmental or man-made threat, which may be as follows:
  • Flooding of the soil and foundation of buildings and structures due to a violation of the tightness of the tank itself or pipe connections.
  • Pollution of the territory of the site in case of overfilling of the tank, for example, due to untimely pumping of accumulated sludge deposits or due to phenomena natural character- high water, heavy snowmelt, prolonged rains.
  • Penetration of liquid wastes and the microbiological cultures they carry into water sources or into nearby aquifers.
  • Penetration unpleasant odors to living quarters.
  • Organic poisoning of the fertile soil layer, leading to the death of plants.

So, when choosing the location of the septic tank, the following standards are followed:

  • The distance to the foundation of a residential building should be at least 5 meters, from other outbuildings - at least a meter. In exceptional cases where VOC is applied closed type with full biological processing of waste, the distance to a residential building can be reduced, but this issue requires additional coordination.
  • The most important parameter is the distance of the septic tank from the water source. If this is a well fed from the upper aquifers, then the distance should be about 50, and sometimes, with light sandy soils, even 80 meters. The distance to the deep water well is at least 25 meters. If the relief of the site allows, then the septic tank should be installed down the slope - so the likelihood of runoff penetration into the aquifers will be significantly reduced.

The exact distance should be determined each time individually, based on the study of the soil and the existing relationship between the aquifers and the layers that filter it.

  • Water pipes should not run closer than 10 meters from the septic tank.
  • The minimum distance from a stagnant body of water (lake, reservoir, pond) is 30 meters, from a surface stream or river - 10 meters.
  • If a highway with busy traffic passes near the house, then minimum distance 5 meters from it.
  • There should be no trees or shrubs around the septic tank within a radius of 3 meters. Firstly, plants can get intoxicated from oversaturation of the soil with organic matter and die. Secondly, such a distance prevents the possibility of damage to the container by the root system of trees or bushes.
  • A distance of at least 2 meters from the border of an adjacent site should be provided. And at the same time, of course, all of the above listed norms must be observed, regardless of the fact that the buildings, trees, water intake points are not yours and are located behind the fence. In general, of course, in order to avoid misunderstandings in the future, the installation of a septic tank should be "amicably" coordinated with the neighbors.

As you can see from their listed requirements, finding the best place to install a septic tank may not be so easy. At the same time, it should also be taken into account that for regular pumping it is necessary to provide an access road for a sewage truck.

If the optimal place is found, then this does not mean at all that you can immediately proceed to the installation of a septic tank. The arrangement of a structure of this type necessarily requires the preparation of a project, which is agreed upon in the local sanitary and epidemiological service. When drawing up a project, specialists must take into account all the features of the site and the nature of the soil in order to accurately determine the required distances to other objects.

Construction must be carried out exactly in accordance with the project - the "amateur" of the owners revealed later will be considered as serious administrative offense with all the ensuing consequences.

How much septic tank will be needed

The next defining stage in choosing the required septic tank is to determine its volume in order to ensure maximum purification of sewage, complete decomposition of organic components, and exclude rapid overflow of the tank. At the same time, reasonableness should also be observed in the approach to choice - too large septic tank will cost much more, it takes up much more space, its installation will require serious labor costs.

There are several methods for calculating the required capacity of a septic tank, but all of them take into account the time required for the full process of settling and primary decomposition of organic matter. For example, we can give such a rather “heavyweight” formula:

W- the required volume of septic tank chambers per person;

Q- average consumption of wastewater, cubic meters per day;

t- the time required for cleaning and settling of wastewater (days);

FROM- the concentration of unsettled suspensions at the outlet of the septic tank, mg / l .;

N- normative indicator of water disposal for each family member, l. per day;

T is the average temperature of the effluents, °C.

In this case, the concentration of suspensions is taken from the table, based on the average wastewater temperature and the average water consumption per person per day:

Concentration of not settled suspensions at the outlet, mg/lAverage temperature of drains, °CThe required period of settling wastewater (days) depending on the rate of water disposal for 1 person (l./day)
50 100 150 200 300
50 7 11.1 6.4 4.6 3.5 2.4
10 10.3 5.8 4 3 2
15 9.5 5.2 3.5 2.6 1.6
20 9 4.8 3.2 2.8 1.4
70 7 7.7 4.5 3.2 2.4 -
10 7.2 4 2.8 2.1 -
15 6.6 3.6 2.4 1.8 -
20 6.2 3.3 2.2 1.6 -
100 7 5.2 3 2.1 1.6 -
10 4.8 2.7 1.9 1.4 -
15 4.47 2.4 1.6 1.2 -
20 4.2 2.2
1.5 1.1 -
150 7 3.3 2 - - -
10 3.1 1.7 - - -
15 2.9 1.6 - - -
20 2.7 1.4 - - -

The formula looks "intimidating", includes raising indicators to complex powers, which requires a special engineering calculator, and it is very doubtful that at least one owner of a private house will be found who will resort to such calculations. But it is quite possible to go the simplified way.

Sanitary regulations require that effluents in a septic tank go through at least a three-day cleaning cycle. This means that the chambers of the device must contain three times the amount of water consumed by all family members.

W=3×n× Qn

n- the number of family members.

Qn is the average cost per person.

There is another formula that is often used to calculate the volume of two-chamber septic tanks, which also takes into account a certain probability of maximum use of the entire planned flow by all consumers (this, you see, also happens not so often).

W = (n × Qn+Qn) × 2

This means that everything is calculated simply if you know the base value - how much water each person spends per day. But this is already a value - quite “unsteady”.

It is generally accepted that in the average reality daily intake is 200 liters per person. However, this figure is not always correct. Consumption can be even lower, for example, in houses not equipped with bathtubs or showers. And if the house has all the “amenities”, and in addition to all this, modern household appliances that use water (washing machines, dishwashers) are installed, then consumption will be much higher.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the likelihood of an increase in the number of consumers, temporary (arrival of guests or even permanent (extension of the family. The septic tank is laid down for many years to come, that is, a certain reserve, at least by 30% - one way or another, is necessary. In addition, a reserve is needed and because in the period between pumpings, the capacity of the septic tank is gradually reduced due to settled silt deposits.

Below, the reader will be offered a convenient calculator that allows you to quickly and with a sufficient degree of accuracy determine the required volume of a septic tank. It will be necessary to indicate the number of water consumers, and in one of the fields of the request, check the initial data necessary options- the presence of certain types of plumbing or household appliances and an example of their use.

Calculator for calculating the recommended volume of a septic tank for a private house

Specify the requested values ​​and click the button "Calculate the volume of the septic tank"

Indicate the number of living water users

Plumbing, household appliances and approximate modes of their use

Such a calculation is applicable for a septic tank built on its own, and for a ready-made one purchased. If an independent construction is planned, then it is necessary to take into account that the calculated volume must be correctly distributed between the chambers. With a single chamber - everything is simple. In a two-chamber chamber, 75% of the volume should fall on the primary chamber, the remaining 25 - on the second. In a three-chamber, 50% of the capacity is given to the first chamber, and 25% each to the second and third.

In purchased septic tanks, of course, this ratio has already been taken into account by model developers.

The question of the number of cameras is usually approached as follows:

BUT- a single-chamber septic tank, with subsequent output to the filtration fields or to drainage well, will be sufficient for a total daily water discharge not exceeding 1 m³.

B- a two-chamber septic tank is usually purchased if the daily volume of wastewater lies in the range from 1 to 10 m³.

AT- a three-chamber septic tank is required for large volumes of drains, over 10 m³ per day.

This is a recommendation, and in the case of small volumes, it is not considered a rule. That is, even with a not too high level of water consumption, you can purchase a compact two- or even three-chamber septic tank, also equipped with a biofilter - such models are on sale. The quality of water purification from this will only increase. In addition, it is quite possible that local requirements of the sanitary-epidemiological or environmental service may directly indicate the mandatory use of septic tanks of one design or another.

Additional criteria for choosing a septic tank

The dimensions of the septic tank and its layout

Of course, the dimensions of the septic tank primarily depend on the required volume of chambers. However, it is often possible to choose from those offered for sale, with approximately the same volume and the same number of chambers, a vertical or horizontal model.

First of all, it is necessary to proceed from the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site, which can be set aside for the installation of a septic tank. Naturally, a horizontal septic tank will require more space. But for installation vertical model you will have to dig a deeper pit.

Here, the depth of winter freezing of the soil is also taken into account. It is clear that in order for the septic tank to function year-round, it is necessary to prevent the freezing of the liquid in it, that is, place it so that the accumulated drains are located below the freezing level (this value is easy to find out in any local construction or hydrometeorological organization).

If the soil freezes to a great depth, then, of course, the best option will be a vertical model. But if a high location of aquifers is noted on the site, then, of course, horizontal should be preferred.

A common problem of volumetric septic tanks is “floating”, pushing them up during seasonal temperature changes. In order to avoid this phenomenon, it is recommended to install treatment plants on concrete slabs laid from below and connect them with anchor ties. The vertical septic tank wins in this regard - it is more stable due to the smaller cross-sectional area in the plan.

When choosing a model, especially a horizontal version, the required height of the inspection necks must be taken into account - when installing a septic tank to a great depth, they must reach the level of the ground surface.

Accounting for soil features on the site

The choice of a septic tank is seriously influenced by the nature of the soil on the site.

  • With light sandy soils, with a deep location of aquifers, the best choice would be a septic tank with the withdrawal of the water that has passed the initial purification to the filtration fields. This is the most economical option.

  • If the site has clay soil with low drainage capacity, then most likely you will have to think about purchasing a full-fledged biological or biochemical treatment station. Water that has passed the full cycle of such additional purification may already be drained to the surface, for example, into a drainage ditch, or accumulated in an accumulation tank with periodic pumping to the ground or for household needs.

The cost of such complexes is quite high, and they usually provide for the installation of additional pumping equipment.

Another option is the independent organization of the filter field, but this is a very time-consuming and costly option. A large volume of clayey soil has to be removed and replaced with sand and gravel backfill - the work is extremely large-scale and expensive. This approach is resorted to only in cases where it is impossible to use a septic tank with biochemical treatment.

  • If the area has a close location of aquifers, then soil filtration of wastewater without prior biochemical treatment is completely excluded.

The septic tank must be completely sealed, have a special valve system that prevents groundwater from entering the chambers, equipped with biofilters, pumping equipment for pumping purified water from a well to an irrigation dome or an artificially made surface filtration field. Surely, all these requirements will be presented to the owner of the site when drawing up project documentation.

Material for the manufacture of a septic tank

Commercially available septic tanks can be polymer or metal. Each variety has its own advantages and disadvantages.

  • Protozoa metal septic tanks are quite affordable. Their main advantage is considered to be a large mass - such a tank is less prone to “floating” than others. However, massiveness also creates a number of difficulties associated with transportation, loading and unloading and installation work - in most cases, special equipment will be required.

A metal septic tank must necessarily have high-quality waterproofing and anti-corrosion treatment, both outside and inside, otherwise it will not last long under aggressive operating conditions.

Another drawback is that due to the pronouncedly high thermal conductivity of the metal, such septic tanks are more at risk of freezing, even if they are located below the freezing level of the soil. This means that it will be necessary to think over the issue of their effective thermal insulation, for example, using mineral wool. All this is an additional cost of material resources and time.

Nevertheless, metal septic tanks are quite widespread, especially among summer residents, apparently due to the simplicity of design and low price.

  • Plastic septic tanks are currently the most popular. They are a complete structure, usually reinforced with strength ribs, relatively small in weight, which greatly facilitates its transportation and self-installation.

1 - polyethylene septic tanks low pressure(HDPE) - the lightest of all, relatively inexpensive. They are cast using almost seamless technology, in any configuration. which ensures the guaranteed tightness of the containers. There are restrictions on maximum temperatures drains.

2 - cleaning stations made of polypropylene - more resistant to abrasive abrasion, to accented impacts. The density of the material is even slightly lower than that of HDPE. They have excellent resistance to high and low temperatures - they can be used for cleaning hot drains.

3 - fiberglass septic tanks, the most different and reliable among all polymers. The material of manufacture has a pronounced chemical resistance even to aggressive organic solvents, therefore, such containers may well be used for the treatment of industrial effluents. The price of fiberglass septic tanks is the highest (other things being equal).

We have prepared a special Just make a calculation and compare the price with your contractors.

All modern plastic septic tanks are designed for long-term operation - up to 50 years or more. Their common disadvantage stems from their dignity - the small mass of the container makes it more likely to "float" to the surface, that is, the issue of fixing the septic tank in the ground should be comprehensively considered.

A brief overview of septic tank models

And at the end of the post - short review models of the most popular manufacturers among the Russian consumer.

Series "Tank"

Probably, these are the leaders in popularity, due to the low price, simplicity of device and operation, high rates of wastewater treatment.

Septic tanks of the "Tank" series

Septic tanks have a characteristic ribbed shape to increase the rigidity of the structure, and the thickness of the HDPE walls reaches -10 mm in flat areas, and up to 17 mm at the peaks of the ribs. This guarantees long-term trouble-free operation of the septic tank, for a period of at least 50 years.

The product range includes models designed for both small families (1 ÷ 3 people) and a large number of water consumers (up to 9 ÷ 10). In addition, the modular scheme allows you to assemble general systems any desired performance.

If desired or if necessary, a biofilter is easily integrated into the septic tank, it is possible to install pumping equipment.

The minimum volume is 1.2 m³, with a capacity of up to 600 liters per day. At the same time, the mass of such a septic tank is only 85 kg, that is, it is not at all necessary to use construction equipment to install it.

Series "Biotank"

Biotank septic tanks are a full-fledged autonomous treatment plant, the water from which can simply be diverted to the relief.

Septic tank "Biotank" in the context

This is a four-chamber design of vertical or horizontal design, with a full cleaning cycle, including aeration and a biochemical filter. It is produced in various modifications, both with forced pumping of water, and with its movement by gravity.

The product range includes models with a capacity of 1000 to 3000 liters (from 3 to 10 consumers).

Septic tanks "Triton T"

Inexpensive, simple in device, but at the same time - productive and reliable septic tanks of the Triton T series. They are a three-chamber horizontal container, made of durable polyethylene, with a wall thickness of 14 to 40 mm.

Simple, relatively inexpensive, but very reliable septic tanks of the Triton T series

The centrally located neck provides access to all three compartments of the container. The neck can be extended with cylindrical segments 500 mm high. Installation provided special well for the pump.

The model range is from 1 to 40 m³, that is, such a septic tank of the required volume can be used to create a sewerage system for several houses at once.

Cleaning stations "Topas"

Topas septic tanks are full-fledged autonomous sewage systems that conduct deep water purification, after which it can be discharged to the ground, to filtration fields, or even to natural flowing reservoirs.

Sewage treatment station "Topas"

Four chambers of the installation are equipped with all levels of purification - from conventional settling to biochemical filtration. Aeration with complete oxidation of organics is provided. It is possible to independently regularly clean the chamber from silt deposits using an airlift or drainage pump without resorting to calling a sewage truck.

The produced range includes models designed for a different number of consumers - from 5 to 20 people.

Video: installation of a local treatment plant "Topas"

It is characteristic that all the models discussed above are Russian-made.

It is very difficult to pay attention to all manufacturers on the scale of one publication. We can mention the septic tanks of foreign production "Uponor Bio", "Alta Bio", "Fast", "Evo Stok Bio", domestic "Unilos", "BIOzone", "Poplar", "Chistok" that deserve positive reviews. Septic tanks of the Tver brand show themselves well in everyday operation, but, however, their installation should be carried out exclusively by specialists - there are too many nuances for installing and debugging equipment.

And the last. If a family lives outside the city only occasionally, on weekend trips, then a full-fledged septic tank is most likely not needed, especially since biocultures in it can die simply due to insufficient nutrient medium. In this case, it would be more reasonable to install a so-called storage septic tank, otherwise, just a sealed storage tank of the required volume. an example of such a model is the Triton N septic tank, with a capacity of 1000 liters or more.

Just look at any catalog of an online store offering septic tanks for country house or cottages, and have to face challenging task choice. In fact, along with dealers in this area, there are enterprises that have only recently entered the market, or successful manufacturers that have been working for a long time and have won success, but decided to develop a new direction of their activity. Therefore, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with what septic tanks are for summer cottages and compare them so that you decide which one is better.

Septic tanks for summer cottages: which one is better? What to consider when choosing them?

The model range of septic tanks is quite wide, which allows you to choose the best septic tank for giving, which will meet individual requirements. When choosing such a cleaning system for a country house, cottage or cottage, you need to consider the following factors:

  • The number of permanent residents (consider possible guests).
  • The number of sanitary points (showers, toilets, jacuzzis, bathtubs, sinks) and household appliances (dishwashers and washing machines), the volume of their drains.
  • Groundwater depth.
  • Soil type on the site.
  • Discharge option for treated water (gravity or forced).

How is the installation of a septic tank in the country:

  • Pit preparation.
  • Arrangement of supply trenches for pipes and wires.
  • Installing a septic tank in the pit and sanding around.
  • Filling the chambers of the septic tank with water.
  • The pipe crashes, the power supply is connected.
  • Start-up and adjustment works are being carried out.
  • The outer part of the septic tank is being prepared, taking into account the peculiarities of landscape design on the territory.

The principle of operation of septic tanks

A septic tank is a facility that is used to treat sewage. The scheme of its device implies the presence of a multi-chamber system. Wastewater enters the first tank (sump) through a pipeline from the house. Bacterial decomposition of sewage takes place in it. In some devices, usually industrial production, facilities are installed here that are responsible for filtering contaminated water.

The decomposition of wastewater occurs under the influence of anaerobic or anoxic bacteria. They convert the liquid entering the sump into clarified water, gas and mineral insoluble sludge or sediment.

All anaerobic septic tanks include several chambers. In the first, wastewater is cleaned, as well as partial filtration. In the second and in all others, the purification process continues.

The formed gas as a result of the decomposition of wastewater is discharged through the ventilation pipe, and the water goes into the overflow hole in the second tank. In this case, anaerobic bacteria do not stop cleaning the drains. Further, the clarified water enters the next tank or is fed to the filtration fields. After soil filtration, the liquid is absorbed into the soil. This structure belongs to anaerobic type systems or non-volatile septic tanks.

There is also a variety of devices that require electricity to operate. These are aerobic septic tanks with biological treatment. In such devices, wastewater treatment is carried out by aerobic microorganisms that simply cannot exist without oxygen. For this reason, the compressor automatically turns on after a certain time, supplies air into the tanks. The process of decomposition of wastewater in these plants is very fast. The level of purification of polluted waters is 98%.

The principle of operation of an aerobic septic tank requires a constant flow of oxygen, since the bacteria contained in the activated sludge die and the cleaning stops.

One of the most common structures is a storage septic tank. It is a single-chamber hermetic device used to accumulate wastewater, as a result of which it is pumped out using a sewage truck. Additionally, the tank is equipped with a filling level sensor. This option is the best for those who often appear in a country house, and for various reasons it is impossible to equip an effective wastewater treatment site.

Septic tanks for summer cottages: which one is better?

  1. Energy independent septic tanks.

Models that work without electricity and are not tied to the presence of power grids are suitable for small dachas houses. In a remote area and garden partnerships, there is a possibility of a power outage for a sufficiently long period, so you should decide in advance on the equipment for small country houses. In remote areas and garden partnerships, there is a risk of power failure for a sufficiently long period, so it is worth choosing equipment for sewage in advance.

Of course, users have a question whether a septic tank is needed at all in the country, if it is possible to equip a cesspool. We will not convince the owners of dachas, but simply remind them of aesthetics, sanitary requirements and basic amenities. We offer you to get acquainted with the best non-volatile septic tanks.

  • "Tank".

Septic tank "Tank" is made of high-strength plastic having a thickness of 10 to 17 mm with stiffeners. The design itself provides resistance to high loads, which are formed under ground pressure in summer and winter period. The estimated service life of the product is at least five to ten years, subject to the operating conditions. A conventional septic tank works on the principle of wastewater treatment by settling or further biological decomposition of the material with a high-performance biofilter. The infiltrator is responsible for the distribution of purified water that enters the ground.

The unique shape of the body protects the design of the septic tank from being squeezed out by the soil, and the possibility of equipping it with a high neck allows you to place them at the required depth. A special design, including block modules, allows you to collect almost any volume of a septic tank, and overflow pipes act as connections.

The operating conditions of a septic tank imply its periodic cleaning of accumulated solid residue. With proper operation of the equipment and the use of bacterial colonies, the tank is cleaned every four to five years. But it is recommended to do this at least once a year. In the case of periodic use of a septic tank, for the winter, when it is not supposed to clean sewage for sewage, approximately a third of the water is removed from the tank.

Table of characteristics of the septic tank "Tank"

The price of a septic tank "Tank"

It is worth noting that the price of this septic tank is more than affordable for many owners of private housing. This is one of the main advantages that causes a huge interest in the products. The price largely depends on its volume and therefore increases with the increase in capacity.

Reviews about the septic tank "Tank" for giving


“The septic tank filters perfectly, there are no comments. There were no problems with its installation, since everything is described in detail in the instructions. Convenient, environmentally friendly, economical. I leave positive feedback.

“I studied a lot of reviews, the opinions of buyers differ, but, as a rule, negative emotions arise only for the reason incorrect installation and operation of this septic tank.

“The septic tank does not consume electricity and works completely autonomously, but I would not take a very large volume, as unfavorable conditions for the development of bacteria may form.”

“Two years ago we installed a Tank-1 septic tank, from which we use water to irrigate the garden. It is very convenient, since there is no source of water on our site, including a technical one.”

  • "Triton".

Three chambers that are responsible for the implementation of the process of removing various suspensions from polluted water, anaerobic decomposition of biological material, as well as supplying treated effluents to a special filtration site. This septic tank is produced in several versions, which makes it possible to choose between models with a volume of 2 to 40 m 3.

Once a year, or in case of intensive use twice a year, it is worth cleaning the container of accumulated solid sediment. The service life of a plastic container is approximately 50 years. When installing equipment, it is necessary to provide an “anchor”, a monolithic concrete surface or concrete slab, which ensures good retention of the septic tank at the required level.

For small baths and country houses, it is better to use the Triton-mini models, which are compact septic tanks for the summer, designed to receive wastewater of small volumes.

Table of characteristics of the septic tank "Triton"

The price of the septic tank "Triton"

Despite the low cost, treatment plants are popular both for small cottages and for country cottages for permanent residence. The septic tank provides the necessary level of wastewater treatment.

Reviews of the septic tank "Triton"

“The summer before last, I installed a Triton N-1 septic tank at my dacha. Works perfectly, fully copes with the declared function.

“Easy installation, low cost, simple maintenance. The quality and cost are fully justified. My parents installed this septic tank last summer and were very pleased. The first cleaning went quickly, without unpleasant odors.”

“I installed this septic tank for my parents at the dacha in the village. Used for three years, father is happy. A great option for giving, where there is a small amount of drain water.

"At correct installation, with a Triton septic tank, neither severe frosts nor other typical problems are terrible. Two years have passed since the installation of the septic tank, everyone is happy. The guests who came to our dacha also seriously thought about installing such a septic tank.”

  • "Aqua-bio".

The septic tank is intended for a summer cottage, where you can create a filtration field or another type of soil purification of water discharged from the tank. A simple septic tank system consists of passing contaminated water through 5 chambers. Initially, solid suspensions are deposited in 3 compartments of the tank, then in the remaining 2 chambers, processes of anaerobic decomposition of organic matter occur due to the development of anaerobic colonies on the surface of a special load.

The main advantages of this septic tank are a large number of chambers, which increases the efficiency of wastewater treatment. As a result, you will not need to reconstruct the filtration fields, which will be clean for a long time, which means you will not face additional costs during the operation of the septic tank. The tightness of the durable plastic housing eliminates the possibility of contaminated wastewater entering the soil.

The performance of different models can vary in the range from 600 to 1300 liters per day. It is from this indicator that the price of a septic tank for a summer residence depends. A simple calculation allows you to decide on the most suitable model, but do not forget that such a septic tank is not suitable for the area where high level ground water.

Models of the septic tank "Aqua-bio" differ from each other in performance and volume. Today containers are produced with a volume of: 3600, 3000, 2500, 2000 liters. Accordingly, with the productivity of l / day: 1300, 1100, 900, 700.

Prices for the septic tank "Aqua-bio"

If we talk about the cost of the Aqua septic tank, then, in comparison with similar solutions, such facilities cannot be classified as budget ones. You can verify this by carefully studying the table below.

Reviews about the septic tank "Aqua-bio"

“Not disappointed, works reliably and stably. In severe frost, once "grabbed" with ice by three centimeters. I had to resort to insulating covers.

“I ordered, completed the installation and have been operating for several years now. Everything is fine, I can say with confidence that he is not afraid of even severe frosts.

“I did a thorough installation, we wintered well, I leave a positive review and recommend this septic tank for a summer residence.”

  1. Energy dependent septic tanks.

They need a constant connection to electricity, they can work on the principle of forced oxygen supply to the batteries, namely aerobic wastewater treatment. Such models of a septic tank are a real deep cleaning station, allowing you to bring it to the required level, when the drain can be directed to storm sewer, reservoirs and ditches without any risk of disturbing the ecological balance. Among domestic septic tanks, it is worth highlighting the five most common models.

  • "Tver".

Such a septic tank belongs to local treatment facilities, where wastewater treatment takes place in a complex manner. The device uses several different technologies at the same time, which are combined into a single system and provide excellent results when used. small area land plot.

It should be noted right away that such a solution is volatile and adapted for use in houses intended for permanent residence. But it is also great for giving, if they are respected simple rules conservation.

The equipment contains a multi-chamber container and high-quality plastic. The first chamber acts as a sump that holds most of the sparingly soluble inclusions. Some of them will sink to the bottom, while the rest will float on the surface. Anaerobic decomposition processes take place here, continuing in the second chamber on biofilters. Then comes the chamber-aerotank, where the water is saturated with oxygen. This activates aerobic water purification by microorganisms. The liquid is further purified in several chambers, where it flows by gravity. In one of them there is a limestone load, where it is associated with harmful products decomposition, namely with compounds of nitrogen and phosphorus.

The addition of chlorine-containing reagents can increase the efficiency of water disinfection.

Models are installed on different types soil, even if the dacha is located on former peat mines, which are characterized by an increased aggressive environment. Durable plastic does not corrode, and an additional “anchor” pre-installed in the pit will not allow the tank to “float”.

The main distinguishing feature of the Tver septic tank is the reception of a large volume of wastewater. Therefore, if you need to drain the bath, then he will cope with this task without deteriorating the quality of the water at the outlet and without the release of untreated effluents.

Table of characteristics of the septic tank "Tver"

Reviews and price of the septic tank "Tver"

If you look at all the reviews about this product, you can come to the same conclusion: in most cases, such a treatment plant fully satisfies the needs of every modern person. There were no complaints about difficulty during operation or cleaning. One cannot but rejoice that this septic tank is a development of our specialists. At the same time, the price for it is affordable, as you can see by examining the information in our table.

Model name Dimensions L×W×H, mm Productivity, m 3 per day Weight, kg approximate price
0.75P 2250×850×1670 0,75 120 67500 rub.
0.75PN 2600×850×1670 0,75 140 77000 rub.
0.75PM 2250×850×1970 0,75 78000 rub.
0.75PNM 2600×850×1970 0,75 170 88000 rub.
1P 2500×1100×1670 1 150 86000 rub.
1PN 3050×1100×1670 1 180 96000 rub.
1RM 2500×1100×1970 1
1PNM 3000×1100×1970 1 210 100000 rub.
1.5P 3500×1100×1670 1,5 250 107500 rub.
1.5PN 3850×1100×1670 1,5 280 119000 rub.
1.5PM 3500×1100×1970 1,5 280 119000 rub.
1.5PNM 3850×1100×1970 1,5 310 128000 rub.
  • "Leader".

Such septic tanks use electricity to remove sediment from the septic tanks and to run an aerator that saturates the water with oxygen for the development of aerobic microorganisms that eat organic matter. As you can see, this is a volatile solution. Thanks to integrated approach and the presence of six chambers, the process requires the use of special biological additives, and the system is highly resistant to temporary overloads due to wastewater pollution.

Wastewater treatment is carried out according to the principle that the discharge can be carried out in a convenient place: ditches, a reservoir or a drain well. As you can see, there are no violations of the norms for the discharge of pollutants, full consistency with the ecology of the surrounding nature.

Local wastewater treatment occurs according to the principle of passing through all the stages of the tank with pumping out the activated sludge that has accumulated. The first chamber is used for the mechanical stage of purification - primary water clarification and sedimentation of suspended particles. The manufacturer indicates that the efficiency of this chamber is 2/3 of mineral contamination.

As for the second stage, a bioreactor is used here, in which anaerobic bacteria initiate fermentation (the conversion of substances that are difficult to oxidize into simple ones for the oxidation process). Moreover, bacteria develop on a polymer fishing line that imitates algae. In the subsequent blocks of the septic tank, namely in the third, fourth and fifth, wastewater is purified by aerobic bacteria. For them, all the conditions for life are provided, which are created with the help of two aerotanks with aerators.

The bacteria themselves multiply on the porous material, form entire colonies, turning into activated sludge. As a result of the victorious battle with drains, the last stage of the septic tank emerges. Here, phosphates are neutralized in an alkaline environment.

Table of characteristics of the septic tank "Leader"

The price of a septic tank Leader

The cost of a septic tank with a turnkey installation directly depends on its dimensions, power, weight, as well as connection to the sewer. Also, septic tanks differ in price, which depends on the chosen model of the cleaning device.

Nowadays, the price of a Leader septic tank may differ, so below we will understand not only the price category, but also different models of a septic tank.

  • "Poplar".

The design of this septic tank allows it to be used in the following temperature range - from -30 to +40 0С. It works on the principle of sewer water passing through four compartments (aerators are installed in two of them). Regular supply of oxygen to the contents has a positive effect on the development of bacteria that are responsible for the decomposition of the biomaterial. The necessary oxygen pressure is provided by compressors, and the process of fluid circulation between different compartments is carried out by airlifts.

When human waste is decomposed by bacteria, the wastewater enters the sump, where activated sludge is deposited, and the liquid is sent through the filter to the collection system. All pumps are located in a sealed compartment, as a result of which the ingress of moisture on the contacts is completely excluded and reliable protection of the equipment is provided.

The body of the septic tank is made of polymers that do not corrode, and the average life of a septic tank is approximately 50 years. As for deposits, they are removed independently or with the help of a sewage machine.

Table of characteristics of the septic tank "Poplar"

Septic tank "Poplar": reviews and prices

If a installation work are carried out in strict accordance with all requirements, then there will be no questions during the operation of the Topol septic tank. We got acquainted with the numerous reviews on the operation of this treatment plant, which we could find on the Internet, and came to the following conclusion: the reviews are mostly positive, without harsh criticism of the septic tank and its characteristics. The main thing is to choose the installation that is appropriate in terms of performance and carry out its correct installation.

If we talk about prices, they are competitive, not cheaper and not more expensive than other options. Of course, they grow as the capacity and capacity increase. In the table below, you can see average cost installations "Poplar" of various productivity.

Model Price in rubles. Electricity consumption, kW/day Maximum one-time discharge in liters Daily processing, m 3 / day Number of conditional users
"Poplar 3" 70000 rub. 0,9 170 0,65 1-3
Topol 3 PR 76000 rub. 1,2 170 0,65 1-3
"Topol 5" 80900 rub. 1,5 250 1,1 up to 5
Topol 5 PR 87900 rub. 1,2 / 1,5 250 1,1 up to 5
Poplar 5 Long 103500 rub. 1,5 250 1,1 up to 5
"Topol 5 Long PR" 110800 rub. 1,5 250 1,1 up to 5
"Topol 8" 99800 rub. 1,6 / 1,9 470 1,9 6-8
Topol 8 PR 119000 rub. 1,6 / 1,9 470 1,9 6-8
Poplar 8 Long 115500 rub. 1,6 / 1,9 470 1,9 6-8
Poplar 8 Long PR 120900 rub. 1,6 / 1,9 470 1,9 6-8
"Topol 10" 125000 rub. 2,3 / 2,6 790 3,3 9-10
Poplar 10 PR 135000 rub. 2,3 / 2,6 790 3,3 9-10
"Poplar 10 Long" 144000 rub. 2,3 / 2,6 790 3,3 9-10
"Topol 10 Long PR" 153000 rub. 2,3 / 2,6 790 3,3 9-10
  • "Topas".

In the Topas septic tank, sewage water is cleaned in several directions: the process of decomposition of organic materials, the reduction of wastewater salinity, as well as the removal of mechanical impurities. The principle of operation of such a septic tank cannot be considered innovative, but be that as it may, it provides purified water (98%) that you can use for irrigation.

The first stage of cleaning is carried out in the receiving stone, in which mechanical impurities are deposited. Then the airlift pumps partially purified water into the aeration tank to resolve organic compounds as a result of the vital activity of bacteria (their colonies are in activated sludge). Silt suspensions coming with water have a deeper cleaning, which are deposited in the next compartment. The fully purified water will then be removed from the system and the sludge returned for later use.

Service maintenance of equipment occurs when checking the operation of the compressor and diagnosing a septic tank.

Table of characteristics "Topas"

Model name Calculated for the number of people Dimensions, mm
  • Ecopan.

The Ecopan septic tank has been designed for use on heaving soils with a high clay content. The destructive effects of the soil are compensated by the two-layer design of the septic tank with a huge amount of internal partitions between the first polymer layers. For light soils, it is better to use Ecopan L series. It is resistant to various mechanical damage, as it has a wall thickness of up to 8 mm.

A phased cleaning process is carried out by six sections of the septic tank. In the first compartment, heavy and light suspensions are deposited, which differ in terms of accumulation through the hatch provided by the manufacturers. Then follows the aerobic process, which is carried out inside the next compartment. Brush loading guarantees fast development bacteria that decompose organic compounds. In the next chamber, oxygen is supplied to oxidize with a compress and deepen the decomposition process.

Suspensions are settled and mixtures are settled in the next compartment, from where the sediment is pumped to the first chamber for subsequent removal. To treat wastewater to the required values, the penultimate compartment is used, in which colonies of organisms on a ruff load bring the decomposition of biomaterials, and limestone ensures a normal pH of the environment. Purified water from the last chamber is discharged from the system by gravity or by means of a pump.

Table of characteristics of the septic tank "Ecopan"

The price of the septic tank "Ecopan"

Septic tanks for giving "Ecopan" are not too expensive - their prices are comparable to the cost of similar VOCs. Below we provide a table with the cost of the most popular models of local septic tanks.

Model of the septic tank "Ecopan" Average price in rubles
L-2 63000
T-2 78000
L-2D 70000
T-2D 86000
L-3 70500
T-3 85000
L-3D 81000
T-3D 95000
L-5 90000
T-5 108000
L-5D 100000
T-5D 119000
L-7 116000
T-7 140000
L-7D 130000
T-7D 140000

Living in a country house allows not only to take a break from the bustle of the city, but also to enjoy nature, clean air, and find peace. But so that nothing interferes with a good rest, you have to take care of arranging the benefits of civilization - plumbing, electricity and sewerage, isn't it?

Are you trying to figure out how to choose a septic tank for a summer residence, so as not to overpay and not miscalculate? We will help you in this matter - our article discusses the types of septic tanks, their structural and functional differences. Indeed, in order to select the optimal utilizer, it is desirable to get acquainted with existing options.

Manufacturers of sewer equipment offer a variety of options designed to make suburban life easier.

Equipment options include both simple and inexpensive models, and rather complex biological wastewater treatment plants.

It is quite difficult to choose one thing, especially if the owner of the dacha faced this issue for the first time.

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Types of utilizers and their features

In order to choose your ideal option among all the offers abounding on the market, you will have to get acquainted with the main features of the existing equipment in more detail.

All septic tanks can be divided into 2 main types, which differ in the principle of operation:

  • accumulative;
  • cleansing.

Consider each of these types of septic tanks in more detail.

Option # 1 - storage septic tanks

The first - storage septic tanks - are the simplest. They are a container designed to collect waste from a person living in a country house. It can be made from any material.

The size of such a septic tank can be selected depending on the needs. It is optimal when the storage tank holds about 10 m 3 of wastewater.

A storage septic tank filled with sewage can be installed underground or left on the surface

In other words, such a septic tank resembles a cesspool in a modern design. Periodically, as it is filled, it is necessary to carry out cleaning by calling a sewage machine.

It will not be possible to perform such an operation on your own. This is the main disadvantage, because the cost of the services of sewers is not small.

Therefore, all storage type septic tanks are ideal for small families or single summer residents who rarely visit the house.

The daily volume of effluent from all residents should be kept to a minimum to reduce the frequency of pumping out waste from the storage tank.

Tanks for collecting wastewater in small volumes are especially popular among seasonal gardeners. As a rule, they take plastic models

Option # 2 - cleaning septic tanks

Cleaning septic tanks are more complex equipment that allows not only to collect, but also to clean drains.

The cost will directly depend on:

  • on the level of final cleaning;
  • working principle;
  • container volume;
  • additional features.

The level of purification can vary between 50-98%. Moreover, if at the outlet you need to get from the dirty liquid entering the septic tank along sewer pipe, technical water with a degree of purification up to 75%, then a septic tank-sump will be enough.

If the liquid component of the wastewater needs to be disinfected and cleaned by 95-98% for free discharge into the ground or a sewer, a biological treatment plant will need to be installed.

Biotreatment stations for home use Lightweight, compact, easy to install and maintain

Such a container has three or more chambers, into which waste flows in turn. In each compartment, mechanical or biological processes take place, which make it possible to obtain a liquid with the smell of pure river water.

Moreover, it is completely safe for dumping on the terrain or watering trees, plants, shrubs.

Material for the manufacture of containers

All septic tanks are classified according to the type of material used for their manufacture.

It could be:

  • brick;
  • concrete;
  • plastic;
  • metal.

Let us consider in more detail the features of the application of each of these materials.

Using bricks to build a septic tank

Accumulators are installed on a clay base or a sewage system is arranged with the removal of the purified liquid component of the sewer masses into the sewers. Disposal into the ground under such conditions is prohibited.

The second good reason for diversion through the pipeline into the ditch is the too small distance between the groundwater table and the conditional bottom of the filtration field or absorption well. There must be at least 1 m between them.

With a small area of ​​​​the site, it is not possible to arrange filtration fields. For these purposes, it will be necessary to allocate at least 30 m 2 and maintain the standard distance from the house and other residential buildings.

For the organization of filtration fields, free space is required on the site. Not all gardeners can afford it.

The number of people permanently residing in a summer cottage directly affects the choice of the required volume of a septic tank. Moreover, it is important to correctly calculate the volume of sewage waste for 3 days.

In order for the treatment facility to be able to perform its functions with high quality during salvo discharge, its optimal load is required. This is especially true of biological treatment plants.

After weighing all the factors influencing the choice, you can safely proceed to the purchase ideal model for your dacha.

Having figured out how to choose the right septic installation, you should listen to useful tips coming from professionals. First, it is best to choose equipment that requires minimal maintenance.

Many septic plants with biological treatment offer the possibility of maintenance by their owners themselves.

The simpler the system is and the less it needs control and intervention, the easier the life of its owners will be. Perfect option when the owner of the dacha himself can do everything necessary manipulations with cleaning plant.

Secondly, one should try to choose energy independence. Many owners of summer cottages of permanent residence, having settled on dependent models, immediately take care of generators and spare batteries.

After all, such foresight will be needed not only for the functioning of the sewage system, but also for other consumers of electricity - microwaves, televisions, computers and other equipment.

Unfortunately, some summer residents do not think about groundwater pollution by arranging an absorption well instead of a local sewer at their summer cottage.

The filtration (aka absorption or absorption) well is designed for ground treatment of wastewater treated in a septic tank.

As an independent structure, it can serve to receive and filter gray sewer masses - water contaminated during hygiene procedures, during cleaning, working in the kitchen, coming from dishwashers and washing machines.

Thirdly, one should try to organize the discharge of treated effluents into the ground, and not onto the terrain. Otherwise, the exiting liquid must be 98% clean so as not to create an environmental disaster on the site.

After all, untreated pollution is not only capable of infecting groundwater - they will create an unbearable stench in the entire area.

To organize filtering fields, there are certain rules and recommendations to follow

Fourthly, the service life of the selected septic tank should be equal to the life of the house itself. This is at least 50-80 years old. Accordingly, it is better to immediately discard the metal container as a drive.

You can focus on other materials - they can last 50 years or more without being corroded.

No matter how high-quality the anti-corrosion coating is, it will not last 50 years. This is fraught big problems for the owner of a septic tank made of metal

Fifth, you should take seriously the choice of the installation site of the future cleaning system. Here it will not be superfluous to focus on the norms and sanitary requirements for sewage equipment.

Sixth, you need to read reviews about the septic tank you like on independent resources, for example, on construction forums. Studying all the information about him, you should rely on serious regulatory literature, and not on advertising.

Seventh, having settled on the option of buying a station, it is more expedient to immediately order the installation. After all, from correct installation depends on its smooth functioning.

It is worth remembering that the purchased septic equipment can perform its functions of at least 50 with high quality. It is better not to save on its installation in order to avoid negative consequences from errors.

Correctly installed septic tank not only will it not interfere with Everyday life, but also save its owner from sudden breakdowns and failure of the sewer system Video for home craftsmen who prefer to build a septic tank on their own:

Having studied all the nuances of choosing a septic tank, you can choose the most good option for your dacha. A well-maintained plot with a well-functioning sewerage system will allow the whole family to be on fresh air in comfortable conditions. Moreover, local amenities that are not dependent on local authorities will please the next 50-80 years with their uninterrupted operation.

Have you made a homemade septic tank for a summer residence? Or have you chosen a ready-made design among the models offered on the market? Please tell us about your experience of using a septic tank and the nuances of maintenance in the comments under our article.

Which septic tank is better for giving - an overview of septic tanks and choosing the best

One of the many types of treatment facilities, used mainly in areas where it is not possible to install a stationary sewage system or it is too expensive, is called a septic tank.

The principles of operation of a septic tank and its types

In areas where, for some reason, it is impossible to equip a centralized sewage system, a septic tank is used as a full-fledged substitute, from a technical point of view, and as a cheaper type of sewage tanks. The septic tank is produced under different brands, in fact, being two kinds that differ in principle.

The first of these types is called anaerobic septic tanks , which is a sump consisting of several chambers. By and large, this is a modernized view of the usual cesspool, the discharge of water from which into the ground is prohibited, therefore, it is necessary, throughout the operation of the septic tank, to constantly pump out the contents. Degree of water purification from 30 to 40% (maximum).

The second kind is these are aerobic septic tanks. More modern version autonomous treatment plants or equipment that can be installed in a ready-made septic tank.

Septic tanks of the second type are distinguished by the fact that they are able to thoroughly purify water, which can be drained, then into a special ditch or even into a reservoir, since the water does not have a characteristic odor and does not pose a danger to environment. Aerobic septic tanks do not require, unlike anaerobic, frequent pumping.

Aerobic septic tanks - general scheme of work

The dependence of the type of septic tank on the type of soil

Model of a concrete septic tankDescriptionVolumeThe weightPrice
Septic tank with overflow "Economy"Suitable if you have a small family of 3-4 people, for which you want to solve the problem of sewage for many years to come.
With a volume of about 5 cubic meters and a crushed stone cushion 40 centimeters deep, this septic tank has a high throughput and will not require pumping for 2-3 years.
4.59 m35 400 kg25 800 rub.
Septic tank with overflow "Standard"Suitable for a large family of 6-7 people. Two one and a half meter wells allow the septic tank to cope with the simultaneous operation of the kitchen, bathroom and toilet.
With the addition of bacteria, such a septic tank can not be serviced for up to 5 years.
9.54 m39 100 kgRUB 36,750
Septic tank with overflow "Premium"Suitable not only for big house, but also for a hotel, car wash or other public establishment or service.
Huge wells give together more than 15 cubic meters of volume, which, for example, allows several hotels in Altai to work comfortably and receive guests.
If you want to be firmly confident in your sewage system with any influx of residents (visitors), then the Premium septic tank is your choice!
16.96 m313 800 kgRUB 52,800
Septic tank with overflow "Standard Plus"Septic tanks of the "Plus" series are designed specifically for the most comfortable living and use.
Wastewater treatment up to 98%.
Lack of pumping out the septic tank up to 10 years.
Connection of up to 3 sources of discharge - cottage + sauna + guest house.
14.31 m313 900 kg56 900 rub.
Septic tank with overflow "Premium Plus"Wastewater treatment up to 98%. Connection of up to 5 sources of discharge - cottage + sauna + guest house + swimming pool + car wash. Volley discharge up to 10 cubic meters.25.44 m321 200 kgRUB 81,950
Sewerage well "Dachny"Highly economical solution, the cheapest concrete well.
Ideal for summer living in the country for 1-2 people.
1.41 m31 800 kgRUB 9,320
Sewerage well "Standard Mini"Convenient and practical solution for summer living in the country or country house families of 3-4 people.
Thanks to a total depth of 4 meters and a crushed stone cushion, it is ideal for small volumes of wastewater.
2.12 m32 550 kg11 950 rub.
Sewerage well "Standard"It is simple in design, but roomy. Suitable for year-round residence of a family of 2-3 people or summer residence of 4-5 people in a country house or cottage.
Well-established as an inexpensive solution for the installation of an autonomous sewage system in Siberia.
4.77 m34 200 kgRUB 16,550
Sewerage well "Standard 2"This well has a volume of more than 11 cubic meters and a depth of about 5 meters. This is combined with large area filtration makes it the most efficient in its class.
It can be recommended for soils with poor filtration, as well as an inexpensive solution for small businesses (cafes, gas stations, small hotels).
11.3 m37 800 kg27 100 rub.
  1. If your site is dominated by soil with a significant percentage of sand, then it is considered that this is a light version of the soil, since water freely penetrates through the soil. In such cases, they usually manage by installing the simplest septic tank made of concrete rings.

  2. You will have to tinker with the predominant clay segment in the soil. In this case, you will have to dig a ditch along the extreme boundary of the site or make a direct drainage of water into the nearest body of water or into the forest, if any.
  3. The most difficult type of soil is the so-called quicksand. Here it will be necessary to carry out work on installing a septic tank, waiting for stable frosty weather or winter, since work in other climatic conditions is extremely difficult.

Principles for choosing the optimal septic tank for a summer residence

The market, as always, when a product gains real fame, based not on advertising tricks, but on real utility, begins to offer its various modifications and types, "come out of the pen" of different manufacturers. This is also done to objectively study the demand in the market, freed from intrusive and aggressive marketing. Among the septic tanks, the following are considered the most popular.

Table. Model range of Helyx fiberglass septic tanks

volume, m3Dimensions, mmPrice from*, rub.Weight, kg
1,5 1000x210046 400 90
2 1100x230058 000 105
3 1200x2800; 1400x215077 800 150; 160
4 1200x3800; 1500x250092 800 180; 190
5 1500x3050106 200 270
6 1600x2300144 500 290
8 1600x4200165 300 350
10 1600x5200216 350 470
12 1800x5100255 200 580
15 1800x6200314 400 750
20 2000x6500359 800 920
25 2300x6300435 000 1100

To do right choice type of septic tank, you must first identify the range of requirements for its work and determine the properties of the soil and conditions on the site. After that, you can conduct a comparative analysis of the types of septic tanks offered by various manufacturers and from the whole variety choose the one that best meets the requirements and conditions of your site, is quite easy to install and suits the price.

The main criteria for finished septic tanks

There are two criteria. This is the material from which the septic tank is made and the performance indicators of the sump itself. The industry tries to meet the most diverse requirements and demands, producing units capable of servicing single or two-person houses and models that meet the needs of large summer cottages.

As for the material from which septic tanks are made, plastic remains the most common and sought-after material. Also, models made from of stainless steel, fiberglass and concrete.

Classification of septic tanks according to the principle of operation

Septic tanks can be a type of settling tanks based on the use of activated sludge or energy-consuming installations. In order to correctly determine which of the septic tanks is really needed on your personal plot, you need to find out the hydrological and geological features site, take into account the climatic features of the area, calculate the average daily volume of active effluents and the number of people using the services of a septic tank.

The simplest principle of operation of a septic tank is its use, taking into account the ability of the environment and the soil to self-clean. Treated effluents are already entering the soil, which then enter the scattering fields or into the well. Being treated at least twice, wastewater does not harm either human health or the environment.

What to do - buy a ready-made septic tank or build your own

There is always not enough money for construction, therefore, if the funds allocated for the construction of a personal sewage system suddenly become scarce quickly, then it is most profitable, of course, to build a septic tank for own house, by yourself. Financial expenses will decrease significantly, but the share of own labor will increase in direct proportion.

In our conditions, self-construction of sewer drains is often the best way to solve the problem. But also, do not discount the opportunity to acquire finished model a septic tank, keeping in mind that buying it is not a very cheap pleasure, especially for households with a fixed income (meaning pensions and government salaries).

Video - how to choose the best septic tank for a summer residence or home

Septic tank made of concrete rings - scheme of work

Aerobic septic tanks - general view of work

Anaerobic septic tanks - inside view

Long gone are the days when a wooden detached structure was used as a restroom, usually smelling not the best. Today, when building new houses, it is usually carried out autonomous sewerage. Yes, and in old buildings during repairs, they try to reschedule the rooms so as to allocate a separate room for a bathroom. And this implies the mandatory arrangement of a cleaning device on the territory of the site.

At the same time, a reasonable question immediately arises: “What better septic tank for a summer residence? After all, on modern market There are so many options available that it's really hard to choose from. However, before deciding on a cleaning device, it is necessary to consider in what mode it will be operated.

Factors affecting the choice of a septic tank

When determining which is the best septic tank for a summer residence, it is necessary to take into account a few of the most various factors influencing his choice.

Of paramount importance is the purpose of the dwelling, whether it is used all year round or only during the warm season.

In addition, it is necessary to approximately calculate the average volume of effluents, which depends on the number of people living in the house. And also on the number of various plumbing units, for example, such as a washing machine or dishwasher.

It is very important to know the type of soil in the area where it is planned to equip the septic tank, this is necessary to justify the choice of a treatment plant. Will it be a storage septic tank or with a filtration system. It is also necessary to know the depth and location of the passage of groundwater, so that runoff does not accidentally poison the water in nearby wells and water intakes. The mobility of the soil also affects the shelf life of the septic tank, if the soil is prone to movement under the influence of environmental conditions, a container made of material of inadequate quality and thickness will soon become unusable.

It matters, when choosing which septic tank is better for giving, of course, and its cost, which can vary between 20,000-500,000 rubles. The more advanced filtration system installed on treatment plant, the higher the price of such a septic tank.

The device of septic tanks

There are two main types of cleaning devices operating on completely different principles: a storage and cleaning septic tank. It is up to you to decide which is the best for giving, but first you need to understand what is the fundamental difference between these types, and consider the pros and cons of each.

The storage device, in fact, is an improved cesspool, with all the ensuing consequences in the form of an unpleasant odor. In addition, the capacity of the septic tank has a limited volume, and the liquid has nowhere to go from it, you will have to control the consumption of water flushed into the pit.

Of the advantages of such a device, one can note its extremely simple design which provides for easy installation. And also more than affordable price when buying. A similar septic tank of a small volume can be purchased even for 10,000-12,000 rubles.

Unfortunately, subsequently, the operation of such a septic tank requires quite a lot of expenses for calling vacuum trucks and pumping out the contents of the tank.

According to customer reviews, for arranging a site that is visited only in summer, it is better to choose a storage septic tank. Which one is good for a summer residence? Basically, a volume of up to 10 cubic meters is considered optimal. Depending on the dimensions of the tank and the manufacturer, the cost of plastic septic tanks ranges from 15,000-35,000 rubles.

Septic tank with filtration system

A cleaning septic tank is a more expensive cleaning device when purchased, but more economical in operation, since with the correct installation of all components, it will be necessary to call vacuum trucks much less frequently. In addition, you will be spared from unpleasant odors, and the volume of water consumed per day increases significantly. Basically, such cleaning systems are used for operation in houses with permanent residence, where the volume of waste is quite tangible.

Water purification and decomposition of wastewater is carried out due to the activity of anoxic bacteria (anaerobic septic tanks) or microorganisms that still require oxygen for normal functioning (aerobic treatment facilities).

Therefore, choosing septic tanks for summer cottages (which one is better for use on winter cottage or in a country house), be guided by the conditions of its operation. Owners who already use this device note that with good insulation, it is preferable to choose an aerobic septic tank, although the cost of such a treatment plant is quite high, starting from 60,000 rubles. and higher.

How does a septic tank work?

A septic tank is a sealed container with separate tanks, passing through which polluted water goes through several stages of purification. In the first section, preliminary screening takes place, when heavy fractions settle, and lighter fractions float. In the second chamber, sedimentation continues, and additional purification is carried out with the help of bacteria. In the last third compartment, the final stage of purification takes place, after which the clarified water is discharged into the ground, passing through which it undergoes final complete filtration.

When deciding which septic tank to choose, which is the best, study the filtration system in the tank. Today, the most popular septic tanks have a biological filter element of deep cleaning, which allows filtering water by 98%.

According to reviews, such a system practically does not require the call of sewers, but the cost of such a septic tank reaches 500,000-600,000 rubles.

Types of containers for cleaning septic tanks

Such septic tanks differ in the filtration system and the material of the sewage tank.

The tank can be made of stainless steel. Surprisingly, such a popular material in this case is not the best choice.

Firstly, it is expensive (about 120,000-150,000 rubles), and secondly, under the influence of aggressive substances in polluted water, even this material is susceptible to corrosion, which leads to a quick failure of the device. But it definitely will not emerge and is little susceptible to damage during seasonal ground movements.

concrete tank

Such a septic tank is made of reinforced concrete, which has been used for a long time for arranging treatment facilities due to its strength and reliability. A controversial choice, since its installation will require a lot of costs, both monetary and time. However, this option is still popular with many people when solving the question: "Which septic tank is better?" - reviews on concrete execution are the most positive.

There are two different ways to make a septic tank. A simpler method, but requiring the use of special equipment, is the installation of concrete rings of the required diameter. Either a formwork is performed under the cleaning device and the concrete solution is gradually poured. Which is the best septic tank for a summer residence of these two options is up to you.

plastic septic tank

A good option is a plastic container, which has an affordable price of 50,000 rubles. and has a fairly light weight, allowing you to independently mount the device in a short period of time. However, when installing such a device, there is one small nuance: it is precisely due to its low weight that it must be anchored or simply concreted. Otherwise, after a certain time, part of the septic tank may appear above the ground.

These rules must be followed when choosing a septic tank. Which of the above options is good for giving? Pay attention to the thickness of the walls of the tank, the presence of stiffening ribs and the grade of polymer used to make it.

Choosing a septic tank according to the volume of the tank

Returning to the issue of the number of people living in the house, it must be taken into account that, according to the rules, the purification device should without problems contain the amount of drains formed within three days. In order to be clear, let's calculate the volume of a septic tank for a family of four.

For the average water consumption per individual, it is customary to consider a volume of 200 liters, which means that four will need 4x200 \u003d 800 liters per day. In three days it will be spent and fall into the septic tank 800x3 = 2400 liters. Since the volume of cleaning devices is calculated in cubic meters, one unit of which is 1000 liters, it turns out that for a family of 4 people, a septic tank with a tank of 2.5-3 cubic meters is needed.

As a rule, such small structures have two purification chambers, which are quite enough for the full disinfection of water. Tanks with a volume of up to 1 cubic meter usually have only one compartment, but more than 10 cubic meters require three sections already.

What soil is your cottage on?

The answer to the question posed in the subheading determines which filter should be installed on the septic tank.

For loose loose soils, such as sandy, it is quite enough to use anaerobic closed septic tanks for summer cottages, since the absorbent and filtering capacity of such soils is quite high.

If your site has heavy clay soils, swampy or peaty soils, you must choose a sealed design with biological or biochemical treatment. The same applies to the variant with a high occurrence of groundwater. If this is not done, it is likely that the entire contents of the septic tank will be under your feet after a while, with all the ensuing consequences in the form of smell and dirt.

You need to choose your septic tank carefully. Which is better for giving, taking into account the specific type of soil on which it is located? In some cases, you can adjust the terms of use.

If in the territory suburban area loam, this problem can be solved by additionally backfilling sandy soil, but this will require unaccounted for cash investments.

The influence of climatic conditions on the choice of a septic tank

This factor should also be taken into account when choosing a treatment plant, since soil subject to swelling under the influence of low temperatures can damage and disable the septic tank. What would be a good septic tank for a summer residence in this case?

According to reviews, with a large heaving of the soil, it is better to choose concrete structure which is less prone to breakage. However, if the septic tank is properly insulated, it is quite applicable to use plastic containers that can serve all year round. At the same time, backfilling of a dug pit with a structure is carried out not with soil removed during excavation, but with sand.

The most famous manufacturers of treatment plants

Today there are a fairly large number of different septic tanks from different manufacturers. Therefore, it makes sense to consider the most famous brands of cleaning devices and decide which septic tank is best used in specific conditions.

Most widely on Russian market cleaning devices "Tver", "Topas", "Topol", "Triton" and "Leader" are presented. Companies that manufacture products under these brands, as a rule, produce cleaning septic tanks for summer cottages. It is difficult to say which is better, "Topas" or, for example, "Leader", since each of the manufacturers has its own advantage. When choosing a specific brand, first of all, be guided by the conditions of its use and stop at the most suitable option, taking into account all the above operating requirements. To date best reviews received Triton and Topas septic tanks, thanks to their affordable price of 20,000-30,000 rubles. for a storage device and 80,000-90,000 rubles. for a septic tank. Which is the best? We leave it to your discretion.

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