Pump for septica - types and principle of operation. Submersible fecal pump with chopper for septica How to properly install a fecal pump in septic

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If it is planned to reveal the contents of the septica with your own hands, for this purpose, special equipment should be used - the pump. Of course, you can take advantage of the grandfather-buckets, but such work will be very laborious and very unpleasant.

In addition, today there are many varieties of pumps intended for service. They are characterized by functionality, performance and price.

So the septic pump comes

By type of application

Initially, all the equipment is divided into two categories: drainage and fecal pumps. The features of the application of each model should be considered.

For the Septic, in most cases, it is used to pump already purified water into a waterborg or to the garden.

Such a feature of application is due to the fact that this species Equipment is designed to work with clean or weakly dilapidated water.

Otherwise, the device can simply break, requiring the cost of restoring the working condition or to buy a new pump.

Installation of the drainage pump in septic

It should be noted that choosing such a septica pump, you should pay special attention on the maximum size Fractions that may be present in water.

It usually fluctuates in the range of 5-10 mm. The equipment is also characterized by the installation method.

It can be superficial, submersible and semi-driving.

In the last two cases, the pump housing is sensitive, so it easily transfers the stay of the equipment in water.

Fecal sewer pump

Fecal sewage pumps They differ in that they can work with a liquid containing quite large solid particles.

Their size can reach 40-80 mm or more. At the same time, there are models equipped with shredders, such pumps recycle larger fractions, while maintaining their working condition.

Fecal pump Pumps the contents of the first chamber

A septic fecal pump is used in cases where the contents of the first chamber are required, where solid inclusions are present.

Submersible pumps and features of their use

The first thing should consider the submersible pump. It is installed on the bottom of the Septic.

The body of the equipment is sealed, so it works fine in such a medium, fully showing its specificationsis not affected by corrosion.

Usually the pumps of this type have cast iron or steel housings.

Submersible fecal pump

Liquid is absorbed by the pump through a special hole located on the bottom.

It is closed by a special grid that hinders inside the equipment of too large particles capable of bringing it out of order.

At the same time, the power of the device is so high that the pump can easily raise water to a height of 15-20 meters.

It himself is distinguished by high rates of reliability and durability, has small dimensions, which makes its operation as simple as possible and comfortable.

Principle of operation of the submersible fecal pump

Very often, such equipment is equipped with special floats that regulate its inclusion and shutdown, moving in a vertical plane along with a change in the liquid level.

Surface type pumps and their main characteristics

Such septica Pump in a private house Installed outside. It can be located next to the hatch, but most often it is placed in a special pit, which guarantees stability equipment.

Over the pump for septic

The pump is equipped with two nozzles. One - intake. It goes down to septicch or cesspool pitserves to transport the pumped fluid upstairs.

The second hose is the graduation. With it, the drains are discharged into the desired container or simply to the garden.

If we talk about technical specifications surface pumps, then they are inferior to other types.

The equipment body is much larger, but it is not equipped with waterproofing, so the device is not even desirable to use during precipitation.

In terms of power, such a fecal pump for sewage will also give up submersible. At the same time, the maximum size of solid particles usually does not exceed 5 mm.

Prices for surface fecal pumps are not high

The only advantage of such equipment is its affordable cost, which highlights it against other models.

Semi-duty pumps - what they differ

Such equipment is very similar to submersible pumps.

But, nevertheless there are some differences. For example, if the submersible pump is installed on the bottom of the tank, then the semi-duty goes into the liquid only partially.

Its engine is held on the surface due to a special float.

Vertical semi-duty pump

As for the performance characteristics, most of the semi-duty pump models cannot pump drain big sizes solid particles.

The maximum fraction size is 15 mm.

In addition, the capacity of the equipment is on average marks between submersible and surface pumps.

But for household use in country houses Such characteristics will be quite enough.

High temperatures work

An important advantage of the semi-duty pump is that it can work with a liquid, the temperature of which reaches 90 degrees.

But when it comes to shooting out the septica, this property will not play a special role.

What is the price of pumping equipment

If we consider the issue of pump prices, it will vary in very wide limits.

The cost of equipment depends on such indicators as:

  • country of Origin;
  • material used for the manufacture of housing and parts;
  • equipment performance;
  • pump installation type;
  • engine power;
  • availability of automation;
  • maximum size of solid particles.

The cost of the submersible pump will be approximately 9000 rubles

Consider on the example. Submersible fecal pump from the firm Djilex costs about 4000 rubles. At the same time, its power is 550 W, the height of water lifting is 7 meters, and the capacity of 150 liters per minute. At the same time, the same pump from the company Enermash has the same price, but its capacity is 900 W, the height of the lift is 12 meters, and the performance of 233 liters per minute. For 9000 rubles you can buy a pump from brand Vortex. It is capable of lifting waste at a height of 18 meters, has a power of 1500 W. The performance of such equipment is also worthy of attention - the pump can pump 400 liters in one minute.


Country house can not always be connected to central system Sewage where the disposal principle is provided wastewater. In this case, an individual septic is designed, which is a waterproof design of two or three cameras. If there is no possibility to arrange the chambers for pumping the drains of the Self, then for the normal operation of the entire system autonomous sewage It will take a pump for septic.

Drainage or fecal pumps with chopper are used for septic

What is a pump for septicism and choices

The pump is designed to clean the septicity from wastewater and fecal inclusions. His principle of operation is similar to the work of an ordinary pump, but has a number of features. They are associated with the need to function in an aggressive environment and the ability to cope with rather large garbage.

There are several parameters in accordance with which the optimal type of equipment is selected.

    Duration of work, inclusion frequency. If the pump is needed for giving, and it will be used on the case of the case, you can choose a simpler and cheap pump model. When choosing equipment for a private house with permanent accommodation, you should pay attention to more powerful and reliable models.

    Volume of the tank. There is no need to give preference to a compressor with very high power, if the septic tank has modest sizes. The weak compressor will be ineffective if it is necessary to drive water from a large septic.

    Sewage depth. Compressors do not possess universal power, so different models can lift water from different depths. For right choice You should know the vertical length of the well and take into account the length of the hose-binding septic tank with the place of transportation.

The power of the pump is selected depending on the depth of the well

    The consistency of the pumped fluid (exclusively water with a minimal inclusion of sand or with the presence of large solid fractions).

    The aggressiveness of the environment in which the equipment will function. Not all models are equipped with a reliable body resistant to an aggressive environment. Incorrect selection can lead to an early breakdown of the aggregate.

To orient in the range of pumping equipment, manufacturers use different marking. For example:

    "F" suggests that the compressor is designed for septics with dirty waters and is able to remove solid fractions up to 3.5 cm.

    "H" means that the pump housing is made from of stainless steel. Therefore, it can be operated under the aggressive medium of sewer unclean.

    Digital designations It is suggested that the pump can pump out exclusively water with a minimal admixture of fine sand.

Types of pumps

To remove dirty water, there are drainage and fecal pumps.


Drainage pump For septic, it is used to drive water with a minimum number of solid fractions. He will cope with sand or snack particles. So that the equipment does not fail due to the mechanical breakage, it is protected by a grid that does not allow large garbage to fall inside the mechanism.

On drainage pumps at the bottom of the case there is a protective mesh

The drainage pump will not be able to pump up the sediment's bottom. With the assignment of fecal masses will not cope. It is designed to pump water from the accumulative well, where the purified water from the septic, storm and drainage sewage gets.


Equipment of this type is intended for cleaning septic and cesspool. They perfectly cope with the tap of water and solid fractions. The size of the solid parts with which the pump can cope depends on the models, but does not exceed 5 cm. To clear the septic tank from larger garbage, the pump is often equipped with a shredder. It is a shaft with cutting blades.

Fecal pump for septicity with grinding mechanism

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Pumps for septicity by type of application

Fecal pumps are divided into submersible, surface and semi-feed.


Pumps for septicines submersible are equipped with a hermetic case. The material serves stainless steel or cast iron. The working mechanism is fully protected from negative influence Waste liquids.

For proper work And long service life, the equipment must be completely immersed in the liquid. Therefore, it is installed on the bottom of the sewer well.

There are 2 methods of installation of pumping equipment:



Regardless of the selected installation principle, it is necessary to envisage the possibility of lifting the compressor for maintenance and repair.

The bottom of the submersible pump housing is equipped with special holes. The liquid and fecal masses are absorbed through them. Their rise to the large height is carried out due to the power of the pump, which creates the necessary pressure in the system. To protect the motor, a special filter is installed, which does not allow too large garbage to get inside.

Submersible fecal pump for septic







    Mounting complexity.

    Need to raise a pump for its service.

Surface type

Some types of septicists do not require constant scaming - cleaning must be carried out once every six months or even once in one or two years. In such cases, it makes no sense to establish a stationary pump and surface devices are used. Such a pump for pumping septica is not removed inside the septic, but is installed on top. Usually they make a special ass. Fluid pumping occurs through the hose, descended to the bottom of the well. The pump itself is equipped with nozzles, one of which is designed to suck the liquid from the septic, and the second to remove it from the tank.

Surface Pump for Shinking Septic


    Fast and easy installation.

    The device is always available for technical and repair work.



    Less efficiency than submersible analogues.

    Low level protection of the housing from precipitation and frost.

    Allows you to skip rubbish the size of no more than 0.5 cm.


The engine of this type of equipment is located above the water, and the pumping part falls under water. This type of equipment is equipped with a float that reliably fixes the engine mechanism on the surface, and the pumping part under water. So that the engine does not fail, the housing is made of steel, and additional protection provides the end seal. Such equipment can work with high temperature fluids without the threat of engine overheating.


    Easy maintenance.


    The ability to pump solid fractions of a small size (up to 1.5 cm).

A feature of the semi-duty pump is the possibility of working only with septic sizes. They are used exclusively for individual sewers of cottages. IN industrial scale They are ineffective.

Septic septic pump

Popular pump brands and their cost


Danish pumping equipment manufacturer is one of the market leaders. The company does not stop on the achieved and constantly working to improve its pump. Their products are characterized by high quality materials and assembly used. Such pumps choose those who appreciate quality, efficiency and advanced technologies. Large assortment row pump allows you to choose needed equipment Based on individual needs.

Equipment belongs to the expensive segment. Depending on the model, the cost of the septica pump varies from 15 to 60 thousand rubles.

Video Description

Example of work grundfos pump With a grinding device, see the video:


The pumping equipment of the Italian manufacturer is in high demand. It is distinguished by high reliability and the ability to choose a compressor for any needs. The range of sewage equipment includes several hundred items. The disadvantage of the equipment of this manufacturer is that fakes are found on the market. Therefore, it should be carefully referring to the acquisition of the pump.

The cost depends on the model and is 16-100 thousand rubles.


The Russian manufacturer produces compressors for septic, which work reliably in almost any complex conditions. Models do not differ large number Functions do not contain multiple innovative solutions. They are simple and unpretentious. Due to this, they work for a long time. In case of breakdown, they are easily and quickly repaired.

The price depends on the model and is 3-6 thousand rubles.


Russian company producing equipment in China. Despite this, their pumps are in demand and get good feedback from the owners. They do not possess some superpowers. But buyers attract them low price (Compared with world leaders), quality materials and reliability.

Cost fluctuates from 6 to 11 thousand rubles.

Video Description

Overview of the Vortex Feecal pump, see the following video:


Pump for septicism in a private house is an integral element of individual sewer system. It is necessary to choose it with regard to the features of the septica, frequency of use and budget.

Septic pump needed if on country plot There is no possibility of constructing samotane sewage. So that the equipment worked properly a long period time required to choose it correctly and install. How to choose a pump yourself and make it install, read further.

How to choose a pump

When choosing a pump to install in a septicch, the following parameters should be taken into account:

  • product type;
  • type of pump depending on the installation;
  • operating parameters of equipment;
  • manufacturer.

Main types of pumps for septic

For septic, the pumps of the following types will be suitable:

  • fecal.

The drainage pump is different:

  • the ability to pump drain with particles with a diameter of up to 10 mm;
  • the possibility of operation at temperatures up to + 40ºС;
  • the presence of a special lattice protecting equipment from large particles of contaminants.

The fecal pump, in contrast to the drainage, can recycle larger particles found in wastewater (up to 80 mm in diameter). It is for this reason that the device is used most often to pump the effluent into a septic tank.

In addition to the pumps required for pumping drains, equipment that is installed directly inside claiming. The air pump for septicism performs the following functions:

  • fill the capacity of the sewage treatment with oxygen for the active work of the bacteria;
  • contribute to the work of the cleaning structure.

The air pump is established exclusively in the treatment facilities, the work of which is based on the biological method of cleaning (the operation of bacteria).

Varieties of pumps depending on the installation method

Depending on the installation method, pumps can be:

  • submersible;
  • semi-driving;
  • surface.

Submersible pump Installed directly into the septic tank. The equipment is different:

  • the presence of a solid housing, which is made of stainless steel or cast iron;
  • the high power required not only for the transfer of effluents, but also raising water from the bottom of the cleaning structure;
  • functional features. Equipment can be used to pump the ral, drainware with large pollution and so on;
  • high cost.

The only disadvantage of this type of pumps is the inability to work equipment at a water temperature of more than 40ºС.

Semi-duty pump appearance It is practically no different from the submersible, but significantly different with its characteristics:

  • this type of pumps can work in the medium, the temperature of which reaches 90ºС;
  • the pump is capable of grinding particles whose dimensions are not more than 40 mm.

Semi-grade and can be supplemented with chopper, which allows you to pump up the strokes with pollution of larger fractions.

Surface pumps work near the septica, that is, the device itself does not require immersion in drains. The advantages of surface pumps are:

  • portability - the ability to install equipment for dirty water in the separation from the septica (distance not more than 9 m);
  • a small cost compared to submersible and semi-driving.

Among the most significant drawbacks can be allocated:

  • the possibility of pumpinglas, which contain only small fractions of particles;
  • small capacity of equipment;
  • high probability of breakdowns when using equipment in adverse weather conditions.

Submersible and semi-submerged pumps are predominantly used inpatient, that is, installed in a septic tank and work as needed, and superficial - apply to emergency pumping of the cleaning structure, for example, when overflowing the capacity and after work, removes storage.

Selection of operating parameters

The pump selection should also be based on the main operating parameters, among which you can allocate:

  • equipment performance;
  • head.

Performance is determined depending on the volume of septic tank and pumping speed. For household needs, models that have a capacity of 25 m³ per hour are maximally.

To determine the optimal impact indicator of the equipment, it is necessary:

  • calculate the depth of immersion in the septic tank;
  • determine the distance to which you want to pump the drains.

All major technical characteristics of the pump can be found by reading the marking applied to the equipment.

Pump manufacturers

What is the best pump? When choosing equipment, it is recommended to pay attention to the following manufacturers:

  • Jielex. Manufacturer produced different kinds pumps with different performance characteristics. Each consumer can choose the most suitable equipment for parameters;
  • Aster. Such pumps, as a rule, are completed with the same names. Equipment durable;
  • Tver. The company produces predominantly fecal pumps with shredders, which in fixed work and proper maintenance can be served for more than 3 years;
  • Topman. The most common brand of septic sptic pumps, as excellent equipment characteristics are complemented by a low cost.

Install pumps

Installation of surface pumps does not require special knowledge. The equipment is connected to power, and the hose is lowered into the septic tank.

Installation of submersible and semi-duty pumps is made in the following way:

  1. in the first stage, equipment is assembling. The power supply cable and a discharge hose (cutting section) are connected to the pump housing.

The fixation of the elements of the system is performed using an insulating tape or special clamps.

  1. a special elevator made of metal guides for lowering and holding the pump is installed in the capacity of the sewage structure. To reduce the cost of installation, the elevator can be replaced with a strong cable;
  2. the pump is fixed in septic on the selected design and connects to the power supply.

Review of the drainage pump and its installation are presented in detail on the video.

Any pump requires periodic service that mainly consists in cleaning the equipment. Cleaning the device should be made at least 2 times within 12 months.

The drainage or fecal pump is designed to disrupt polluted stock waters entering the septicity from the dwelling as a result of human livelihoods.

For the arrangement of private houses and cottages use household aggregates for drainage, which are divided into:

  • External. The fluid fence is made through the pipe and connecting hose, and the housing is not in contact with contaminated water. This type of equipment is designed for the depth of septicity to 5 meters.
  • Semi-grade. When working only partially immersed in a pumped fluid, which allows them to be used at high sewage temperatures.
  • Submersible. For normal operation, they are completely immersed in the pumped fluid. In most cases, equipped with a special chopper, which allows pumping waste water with solid inclusions of natural or domestic origin.
  • Where and how are used?

    Outdoor facal pumps are distinguished by low price, compactness, ease of transportation, mobility and low power. Such aggregates are not recommended for stationary work, since the housing has insufficient isolation from precipitation and minus temperatures.

    This species is widely used in irrigation systems and pools, as well as to dry the storm sewers.

    Semi-duty pumps are perfectly suitable for removing household waste and bathrooms, as they are able to pump high temperature waste liquid. This type of aggregates are used to remove liquid drain and fecal masses.

    Submersible fecal pumps are used in systems where the creation of self-sealing canalization is impossible. The use of such an aggregate allows to pump significant weights of wastewater into the sewage system forcibly. The presence of the shredder makes it possible to pump out of the septicity contaminated mixture with long-fiber and solid impurities.

    How to choose?

    The main criteria for selecting the drainage pump are the frequency of use, the volume of the pumped liquid, the degree of contamination and temperature. For example, for rare use in the country, you can choose a low-cost illegible outer pump, and for permanent operation in the sewer drainage system It is better to purchase a powerful submersible aggregate with a shredder.

    Given all the parameters, you can choose and buy a fecal pump with a shredder, which is ideal for the needs of your home.

The septica pump is a device that will help to quickly and effectively pump out the dirty recycled liquid from the pit located near country house. Sometimes an inexperienced person is quite difficult to choose equipment suitable for such purposes. How not to be mistaken when buying - Consider in more detail.

Pump for pumping septica - types and descriptions

Equipment for cleaning septics is slightly different in their functions from other instruments intended for pumping water. The main difference lies in the possession of an indifferent attitude towards the high content of high particles. The difference also consists in the ability to pump the contents of one particular sewage treatment plant and in the ability to clean the volumetric cellar and other major underground rooms.

Each fecal pump for septicity refers to a specific type of equipment. All devices with similar features are divided into such types:

  • Submersible - when working completely lowered into the liquid. The submersible pump has a durable case and high power, in most cases comes on sale with chopper included;
  • Semi-grade - engines such aggregates are located above the water, and the working chamber is in its thicker. Due to this, the pump housing is not exposed to moisture and is protected from corrosion formation;
  • Drainage - these aggregates have good performance, high power and can absorb liquid, as part of which solid fractions are present. Drainage pump for septica is used to pump water from the cellar in case of its flooding;
  • Surface - pumps of this kind are completely out of the thickness of the liquid. Pumping water is pumped out by means of a fence pipe located under its thickness;
  • Air - each air pump For septic, it is an integral part of the entire autonomous sewer system. Aeration Pump Septic is designed to regularly maintain an acceptable level of wastewater pollution.

Such a classification helps to distribute the pumps for their purpose and the type of location in the septic. This must be remembered by buying an aggregate for domestic use.

Purchase of the pump for septicity is often conjugate with the risk of purchasing an inappropriate device. In this case, you should follow certain rules. The buyer should examine a number of such factors:

  • The ability to pump a liquid having a certain amount of solid fractions in its structure - this function will help to get rid of not only from the recycled liquid, but also from various impurities in it as a result of domestic use;
  • The presence of a protective lattice - this element is required if the possibility of falling into the water of foreign fractions is completely excluded. The grille will not allow dirt inside the pump;
  • The temperature of the pumped liquid - this indicator should be as much as possible, because the temperature of the liquid can reach 5-10 ° C, and the hot summer - 25-30 ° C.;
  • Cable length - it is better to always buy a cord with a small margin. This may be useful when creating another septica;
  • The ability to work in extreme conditions - if abundant precipitation often falls out in the region, the pump with this function will be required to regularly pump out water from the cellar and other underground rooms.

Each factor is of great importance and helps to choose a pump that is well cope with tasks assigned to it.

The main pump septica is scored - a simple solution to a complex problem

Often the reason for such a malfunction of the pump is the wrong selection of the unit for cleaning the septic. If you chose a device that is not capable of pumping water with solid impurities, foreign substances began to get into it, it means that the pump repair is not avoided. Fortunately, make it very easy at home.

The work algorithm looks like this:

  • To start, turn off the pump from the power supply and pull it out of the septic;
  • Remove the receiving nozzle and remove the pump housing cover;
  • Gently remove third-party substances from the housing - dirt and garbage;
  • Thoroughly rinse the receiving nozzle;
  • If possible, set a small grid into the housing, which will play the role of the filter;
  • After that, the part of the pump should be dried, collect and run the unit at idle so that it began to suck the air.

Mounting the filter can only be mounted if it does not interfere with the rotation of the movable elements of the engine and the pump itself. Otherwise, it is better to refuse to refuse this refinement.

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