Do you need a septic tank in the country? How to choose a septic tank: tips on which one is better to choose a septic tank for a private house

Encyclopedia of Plants 20.06.2020
Encyclopedia of Plants

In the process of landscaping a residential facility, a sewage disposal system is necessarily built. If this is a standalone system, you will need to select a local installation. Now there is a fairly wide selection of ready-to-install models, so many owners have to decide what will work best - a septic tank or an autonomous sewer?

To answer the question of what is better to install on your site - an ordinary septic tank or a modern autonomous biological treatment plant, you need to find out what is the difference between these two options for local sewer installations. Only by examining the pros of both options and evaluating the potential inconveniences of using them can an informed choice be made.

What is a septic tank?

A septic tank is usually called a system of overflow wells in which effluents are settled, and organic sediment is subjected to biological fermentation without oxygen.

Advice! Settling wells can be located separately, or be placed in a single building. The second option is used more often today, as it is more compact.

The quality of water treatment in septic tanks is low. In conventional settling tanks, the percentage of pollution extraction is 50-60%. In modern anaerobic plants, the level of purification can reach 75-85%.

However, even the improved quality of treatment is not enough to allow water to be discharged without additional treatment. Therefore, septic tanks are always mounted complete with post-treatment plants, most often these are:

  • filter wells;
  • irrigation domes;
  • filter fields, etc.


Despite the low quality of treatment and the need for additional treatment of wastewater, septic tanks have a number of undeniable advantages. This:

  • Autonomy. The operation of the septic tank does not require power supply, the station operates offline.
  • Easy installation. Installation of ready-made septic tanks, as well as the construction of home-made tanks, can be done independently;
  • Variety of options. Septic tanks are available in different capacities, you can choose a mini model that is designed for summer cottages or baths, but there are also quite productive models that can serve a large house.
  • Peak load resistance. In most cases, in residential buildings, sewage flows are formed unevenly. The peak load occurs in the evening, a large amount of effluent is formed in the morning, and at night and during the day, effluents may not flow for several hours. Septic tanks do a great job with this mode of operation.
  • Affordable price. Ready-made models have an affordable price. And if you wish, you can build a treatment plant almost for free, using such waste material as worn-out car tires.

Advice! Primitive septic tanks such as a tire or old barrel septic tank can only be used with a very small amount of effluent. Such primitive designs cannot provide a sufficient level of water purification.


Such treatment plants also have disadvantages, in addition to the insufficiently high level of purification already mentioned. This:

  • Long processing cycle. The main cleaning method in such installations is settling. In order for the liquid to settle well, it must be inside the installation for at least 72 hours. And to ensure that this condition is met, it is necessary that the capacity of the septic tank is large enough. Therefore, with a large number of drains, the installation of septic tanks of impressive size is required.
  • The need for the construction of installations for post-treatment. These are additional costs, and additional areas that the installation will occupy. In addition, under difficult geological conditions at the construction site, it is necessary to use schemes with the inclusion of drainage sediments, which deprives the septic tank of one of its main advantages - autonomy.
  • The need for cleaning with the involvement of special equipment. Cleaning of sedimentation tanks from accumulated sediments is carried out using a sewage machine. This is due to the fact that the sediment must not only be pumped out, but also safely disposed of.
  • The presence of an odor. In the process of anaerobic fermentation, unpleasantly smelling gases (methane, hydrogen sulfide, etc.) are released, so a characteristic smell comes from the septic tank.

What is an autonomous sewer?

This name is given to modern stations in which a complete cleaning cycle is carried out. The water supplied to the output does not need additional treatment, it can be sent to the nearest reservoir or even used on the farm for a second time for technical purposes (for irrigation).

Such a high degree of purification is ensured using the aerobic purification method. This process differs from the anaerobic one in that it proceeds in the presence of oxygen, which is artificially injected into the environment. To ensure air supply, the station is equipped with the following equipment:

  • aerator;
  • compressor;
  • sensors for controlling the operation of electrical equipment.


The advantages of this option include:

  • high degree of purification, it reaches 98%;
  • high speed of the processes, which allows to reduce the size of the equipment;
  • no need to organize soil post-treatment, which allows you to install stations in any soil;
  • absence of unpleasant odors;
  • the ability to pump out the sludge independently. Sediment in such stations does not pose a danger to the environment, so there are no difficulties with its disposal.


The disadvantages of this option include:

  • The dependence of work on the availability of electricity. The entire operation of the station depends on the operation of the compressor, therefore, in the absence of electricity, the installation will not function.
  • High cost compared to conventional septic tanks.
  • Higher chance of breakage. If there is practically nothing to break in septic tanks, then there is a possibility of failure of an autonomous sewer. Most often, the electrical part of the equipment fails.

Which option to choose?

Thus, it is impossible to say unequivocally which of the proposed options is better. Each option has its own advantages. Therefore, in order to decide which is better to buy, you need to answer the following questions:

  • how much waste is generated in the house daily;
  • whether the house is used for permanent residence or people come there only occasionally (for example, on weekends);
  • what kind of soil is on the site and at what level the groundwater is located.

So, if it is planned to build a large cottage equipped with several bathrooms, in which the family will live permanently, then it makes sense to purchase an autonomous sewage system.

But before buying, you will definitely need to find out how far the service center serving this brand of VOC is located. This is necessary for the timely maintenance and repair of equipment.

In the event that a model is chosen for a summer residence or for a house that will be used only periodically, then it is better to buy a cheaper version of a treatment plant - an ordinary septic tank.

To decide whether it is better to buy a conventional septic tank or a modern VOC, you need to carefully consider the assessment of operating conditions. In some cases, it is more profitable to purchase an autonomous sewage system, while in others it is more advisable to purchase the most common septic tank.

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Choosing the type of wastewater treatment plant in a private house and deciding on their location on the site is half the battle. It is also necessary to decide when to engage in work on their arrangement. Let's try to figure out what is the optimal time for installing a septic tank. As an addition to the material, we note that most likely you will want to learn about the advantages and construction of Tank septic tanks, the link provides this information that is useful to you.

The best time of the year

It is desirable to install a septic tank at a minimum level of groundwater. And this is typical for the summer-autumn period. However, there are some advantages in performing work on the installation of an autonomous sewer in the winter or in early spring.

In regions with cold winters, freezing of the soil will allow you not to worry about the level of groundwater at all, which is especially valuable for areas where their level is high throughout the year. Again, subject to the freezing of the soil, it will not be necessary to carry out measures to strengthen the walls of the pit so that they do not crumble.

You don't have to worry too much about damaging plantings on the site, and the amount of dirt from excavation will be relatively small. In addition, some types of soil, such as sticky clay soil, will be even easier to work with than in other seasons.

Another issue is financial. In winter, the number of people who want to equip a septic tank is minimal, so there is a chance from the contractor to get a discount or at least promptly completed work. On the other hand, it is often difficult to work with frozen ground; this requires the involvement of more powerful equipment, nullifying all the savings. And in conditions of severe frosts, the question arises about the comfort of specialists.

In short, you can find the pros and cons of installing a septic tank in any season. Therefore, the decision should be made based on the specifics of a particular site and the significance of all the pros and cons in a particular situation.

At what stage of the construction of the house to do a septic tank?

Bring all the main communications to the site, and then start building a house or equip the “box” of the building, and then pay attention to everything else? There is no ideal and universal answer, it is a matter of personal preferences of home owners and their financial well-being.

It is very good if it is possible to arrange a wastewater treatment system along with the arrangement of the foundation. This will allow, firstly, to make the work of the builders of the house a little more comfortable, and secondly, to move into the building as quickly as possible, as soon as the box is more or less ready. However, the reverse situation has its advantages - while the house is not actively used, the septic tank will stand idle and, albeit a little, but still wear out. Therefore, it may make sense to invest in the beginning, for example, in a good fence or in some work on the construction of the house itself.

However, no matter which option is chosen, what should definitely be done is to determine at least the location of the septic tank on the site even before the foundation is laid. This will allow laying technological holes in the foundation in the right place, so that subsequently the finished structure does not have to be drilled. The septic tank should be located at the maximum distance from the water well (if any) and below it along the slope in order to avoid contamination of clean water. If the design of the septic tank involves its periodic emptying by pumping, you should also consider the issue of convenience of access to it.

Summing up

Although the optimal time for arranging a septic tank is summer and autumn, in some cases it may be justified to transfer these works to the winter. But spring is definitely the least favorable period due to the highest level of groundwater. But at what stage of construction work to deal with the cleaning system is up to the owners to decide.

The presence of a wastewater collection system is one of the most important conditions for the comfort of living in a country cottage or in the country. Designing and assembling sewer lines usually does not cause great difficulties, but here the installation of a septic tank in a private house, a key task in creating a local sewer system, is associated with “linking” solutions to several problems together. And the solutions are sometimes mutually exclusive!

A modern septic tank is a rather technically complex installation, easy to maintain and durable in operation. However, these features are retained only if the installation and connection of the installed treatment equipment is correct.

Each septic tank is connected differently, so professionals should do the installation. Source

Types and features of septic tanks

The simplest and most primitive septic tank is a two-chamber cesspool, the primary chamber of which must be periodically cleaned. Its disadvantages are well known - not the most pleasant smell and practically untreated sewage entering the soil. Plus - the relative complexity in the technical implementation.


It is with the cesspool that great difficulties arise when choosing its location - after all, from the point of view of financial costs and effort, it is most convenient to place the pit as close to the building as possible. But the presence in such a sump (which is practically not a sealed container) of a considerable amount of pollution, with a high degree of probability falling directly into the ground, dictates the need to move the septic tank as far as possible.

Cesspools will need to be cleaned frequently. Source

Factory-made septic tanks

The most acceptable option for including wastewater in the local ecosystem is to install an industrial septic tank. Such equipment, due to the peculiarities of its design, is characterized by almost ideal operational qualities:

    light weight;

    ease of installation;

    strength of the body made of polymeric materials;

    high degree of purification of polluted water;

    complete processing of mud masses;

    complete autonomy;

    minimal maintenance.

If it is not possible to use special equipment, then, if necessary, modern septic tanks can be installed manually, but without knowledge of the technology, you can still do it

The hardest part of the job is to dig a hole for a septic tank and a trench for sewer pipes. Source

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of design and installation of sewerage and water supply. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

Criteria for choosing a septic tank installation site

The choice of installation site for a septic tank, even if it is completely sealed, is determined not only and not so much by the convenience of construction work and maintenance. Sanitary and epidemiological standards and rules are decisive here - for example, those displayed in SNiP 2.04.03-85. According to these rules, the location of the septic tank must meet the following conditions:

    the distance to the nearest source of drinking water (well, well) should not be less than 30 m;

    to a stream, river or other natural reservoir should be more than 10 m;

    to the outer walls of a residential building, the distance should not be less than 4 m;

    the boundary of the site should not be closer than 3 m;

    the nearest public road should not be less than 5 m.

In addition, a septic tank in a private house should not be located close to trees - a minimum distance of 2 m.

General rules for choosing a place for a septic tank Source

Additional terms

It is necessary to take into account not only these mandatory norms (in case of violation of which considerable sanctions are possible from the supervisory authorities!), but also take into account local conditions. These include both the characteristics of the soil (the depth of groundwater and soil freezing, the relief of the site), and the presence or possibility of supplying related utilities - some types of factory-made septic tanks are energy-dependent and need a three-phase power supply.

The design and dimensions of treatment plants are not standardized, however, when choosing the location of treatment stations, it should be borne in mind that the main drain pipe must approach the septic tank with a slope of at least 2 degrees. In other words, take into account the magnitude of the required depth of the pit and the technical feasibility of observing it.

Selection of the performance of a septic tank

The main technical characteristic of any septic tank is its performance, which characterizes the volume of effluents received and processed over a certain period of time; usually within a day. It depends, first of all, on the volume of the settling chamber, and secondly, on the technology used in the treatment unit for treating polluted waters.

Inside, the septic tank consists of several divisions, so its real performance cannot be determined based on an external examination. Source

The peculiarity of the work of septic tanks is that high-quality wastewater treatment cannot last less than three days; accordingly, the volumes of the chambers should be sufficient to contain a three-day discharge of sewage. That is why it is advisable to choose the volume of the treatment plant with a margin - but with a reasonable margin, since there is one more rule: for efficient operation, the septic tank chamber must be filled at least a third ...

According to existing standards, one person produces about 200 liters of wastewater (0.2 cubic meters) per day - this is a fairly average indicator, but it is quite acceptable as a baseline for calculating the performance of a septic tank. It should only be borne in mind that if you like to soak in the bath every day (one-time discharge of water from which can exceed 300 liters) - this calculated rate should be at least doubled.

Thus, for a family of three, the required volume of a septic tank can vary from 1.8 to 3.6 cubic meters. m. Taking into account the stock - from 2 to 4 cubic meters. Moreover, the number of chambers in the treatment plant does not matter - what matters is the volume of the first of them, the receiving (“settler”).

Septic tanks are made on the basis of plastic containers of various sizes. Source

Scheme of the treatment system

Having decided on the volume of the sump, it is necessary to think over and draw up a scheme of the treatment plant, in which all local features should be taken into account. Since installing a septic tank correctly means ensuring its long-term operation without unnecessary headaches, it is necessary to calculate all possible options.

The simplest version of the treatment system includes the following main elements:

    a pipeline connecting the outlet of the home sewer system to the receiving chamber of the septic tank;

    receiving (septic) chamber;

    pipeline from the chamber to the soil treatment plant (if its installation is planned);

    aeration fields for the final treatment of wastewater and their transition to the ground.

The scheme for the withdrawal of treated wastewater from the septic tank through the filtration field - if the level of wastewater treatment is low, then about once every 10 years you will have to dig up the filtration field and wash or change the rubble Source

Material selection

The main part of the septic tank is the chambers for drains, which can be made from a variety of materials:

Plastic septic tanks

The most common material for pipelines is a polypropylene pipe of a suitable diameter. It is inexpensive, light in weight, has a very high strength and is easy to process. If desired, you can use asbestos-cement, cast iron or other metal pipes - but their service life is significantly less than that of polypropylene, and the cost is much higher.

The septic chamber is usually made of plastic or reinforced concrete, in simple cases brick can be used. Using iron barrels of a suitable size as a container is a bad idea: they not only rot quickly, but pollute the soil in the process of rusting. The ideal option is industrial septic tanks, easy to install and reliable in operation.

A septic tank device for a private house - a plastic version of a septic tank Source

Septic tanks from reinforced concrete rings

A common version of septic tanks is made of reinforced concrete rings. Their cost is quite high; in addition, for the delivery and installation of such rings, due to their considerable weight, special equipment is needed. However, for large-volume chambers, the use of reinforced concrete products can be fully justified.

Installation diagram of a septic tank from reinforced concrete rings Source

Monolithic structures

The most time-consuming and expensive version of a septic chamber is a monolithic structure, when a formwork is assembled in a prepared pit to fill the walls and bottom with concrete. Due to its high cost and the need for large physical costs, this method is justified only with very large volumes of drains, which are practically unrealistic for a private courtyard.


General terms

In any case, the materials used in the construction of the treatment plant must be resistant to aggressive media. Polymers ideally meet this requirement, but they have one drawback: they are very light ... the low weight of the camera, of course, facilitates its installation, but at the same time greatly increases the likelihood of its ascent, especially at low groundwater levels. Therefore, together with such containers, it is necessary to use "anchors" of any available type.

Since the installation of a septic tank in a private house does not always mean that the most purified water will go into the soil, in some cases filtration (aeration) fields are included in the treatment system. Of course, they take up quite a lot of space, but they allow you to dispose of wastewater as efficiently as possible.

Installation of septic tanks

The installation of a septic tank always begins with digging a pit of the right size. When installing ready-made "tanks" of factory production, it is imperative to provide a concrete cushion to which it will be necessary to fix the septic tank so that heaving forces do not push it out.


In addition to the pit for the septic tank itself, it is necessary to dig trenches for the supply of sewer pipes and the removal of treated effluents. If the septic tank will be operated all year round, then the pipes must be laid below the freezing level of the soil.

The septic tank is connected to the sewer.

Completion of earthworks: the gap between the walls of the pit and the outer side of the walls of the box is filled with any available material; usually - the soil taken out when digging a pit.

Video description

How the installation of a septic tank is carried out, see the video:


To date, a local sewer system is an indispensable element of a country cottage or summer cottage, and if necessary, it may well be mounted independently. But, given the large number of factors that must be taken into account when designing it, it is better to contact specialists for drawing up a specific scheme of treatment facilities.

When asked about the best time to install a septic tank, each specialist gives his own answer. We can agree with the experts, because at any time of the year there are "+" and "-". And the final decision, when it will be mounted, will have to be made by you. To do this, you need to "weigh" all the advantages and disadvantages of each season, and choose the most favorable time.

General requirements for installation, regardless of the season, when to install a septic tank

First of all, you should know when the experts agreed and do not recommend installing a system for treating domestic wastewater. Early spring is the time when you should not make a septic tank. There are several important reasons for this, which complicate the work and increase their cost for the client:

  • The groundwater level rises as high as possible.
  • There is a high probability of collapse of the walls of the pit.
  • Waters can wash and carry out a newly installed septic tank, change its position or flood it. This, subsequently, will require work to correct these violations.

Installing a septic tank in winter or summer, which is better, you can decide on your own, or with the help of persons competent in this matter. A specialist on site will accurately determine the best place to dig a pit for installation, assess the quality of the soil, and analyze all important factors. You can read more, and the main components of successful work.

When is the best time to install a septic tank?

Based on the experience of specialists who carry out work on the installation of domestic wastewater treatment systems, the most favorable period is from mid-May to December. It is summer and autumn that are the best time to install a septic tank, and there are many reasons for this:

  • The minimum level of groundwater, which negates the risk of flooding the pit.
  • The land is malleable for excavation and this work can be done by hand without the need for special machines. This not only reduces the cost of the process, but also does not damage the plantations, if any, on the site.
  • Long daylight hours, which significantly reduces installation time.
  • Comfortable conditions for workers.

Clue! If you have not yet decided when it is better to install a septic tank on the site, then keep in mind that for the period July-September, as a rule, there is an increased demand, both for the tanks themselves and for the installation teams. Therefore, there may be delays in the delivery of equipment and installation.

Everyone individually chooses the period when it is better to make a septic tank and install it on the site. In the warm season, if you perform the installation work yourself and make a mistake, then you will have the opportunity and time to eliminate them, while in winter it will be more expensive and more difficult. Comfortable living in a summer cottage also largely depends on whether you could do it right. It is better to take the advice of experts who have many years of experience and can help you choose the best option.

Installing a septic tank in winter: pros and cons

Despite the prevailing stereotype that the cold season is not the best time for construction work to improve the site. But it is not so. It is winter that is considered a favorable season when it is better to dig a septic tank. Despite some difficulties associated with weather conditions, there are such advantages:

  • Frozen soil is a guarantee that groundwater will not be an obstacle, and the walls of the pit will not fall from washing.
  • Do not be afraid of subsidence, dirt.
  • Those wishing to install the system in the cold season at least. That is why you can find a biotreatment station and a team that will perform the entire amount of work, cheaper than in summer. Winter is the season of discounts and low prices.
  • It is highly likely that all installation will be done quickly.

Installing a septic tank in winter has minor drawbacks - a short daylight hours, harsh weather conditions for workers and the need to use special equipment to dig frozen soil.

You can find out more so that the installation of the treatment system is quick, at an affordable price, and at the highest level. Contact the managers of the Septic North-West company, and we will be happy to make your life in a country house as comfortable as possible. We look forward to collaborating!

We have prepared for you instructions for installing a septic tank with your own hands in just 7 simple steps.

Step 1. Choosing a location

When choosing a place in the country for a septic tank, consider the following:

  1. Possibility of access to the septic tank at the dacha of the tank-pump for pumping sludge. And although modern sewage trucks can pump out the contents from a distance of 50 meters, for reliability, the distance should not exceed 6-10 meters.
  2. Since KLEN-5 and KLEN-5N septic tanks provide for the possibility of pumping the contents into the compost pit (using a fecal pump), in accordance with sanitary and hygienic standards, the septic tank should be located at a distance of 5 meters or more from any well, well or reservoir (preferably 10 meters).
  3. The distance from a country house to a septic tank should be from two to twenty meters. The optimal distance is 3-6 meters.
  4. Normally, the pipeline from a country house to a septic tank should be laid in a straight line. If this is not possible, an inspection pipe must be installed in front of the bend during its installation.
  5. We recommend installing a septic tank slightly below the level of a country house, and along the natural slope of the area - this is important for a good outflow of wastewater.

Step 2. Preparation of the pit

Before you start digging a pit in the country, purchase the cleaning system itself, pipes and sand (3-4 cubic meters). Otherwise, a dug pit in a day or two may be flooded with water or its walls will shed.

Below is a summary table of the dimensions of the pit for KLEN septic tanks, taking into account the depth of 0.5 meters and 1 meter.

0.5 meters1.6 x 2.0 x 1.51.6 x 2.3 x 1.51.6 x 2.8 x 1.52.0 x 2.0 x 1.72.0 x 2.3 x 1.7
1 meter2.1 x 2.0 x 1.52.1 x 2.3 x 1.52.1 x 2.8 x 1.52.5 x 2.0 x 1.72.5 x 2.3 x 1.7

We fill the bottom of the finished pit with a layer of sand - a pillow of 5-10 cm and level it with a level.

The photo shows a finished pit for a KLEN septic tank.

Step 3. Installation of a septic tank

Please note that to install septic tanks you will need ropes, foam and sand.

We tie the ropes to the technological ledges on the sides of the septic tank and lower it into the pit. This will require 4 people.

We level the septic tank according to the level - for this we stand on its upper part and swing it, or you can add sand under the septic tank itself. A slight slope towards the drive is allowed - 1 cm by 1 m.

After installing and leveling the septic tank, insert the neck extensions and completely fill all sections with water.

Attention! According to the instructions, it is not necessary to attach the septic tank to a concrete slab in order to avoid extrusion to the surface of the earth, because. this will not happen in any case - the septic tank is constantly filled with water and has a special shape.

Now, along the edges of the septic tank and on top, we lay the foam - for this you need a sheet of 1x2 meters 5 cm thick. See photo, the foam is indicated by a dotted line.

On all sides up to half with sand, which is then spilled with water to compact the backfill.

Step 4. Installing the pipeline

To lay the pipeline in the ground, we need plastic pipes Ø110 mm - they are red-orange in color and gray pipes for wiring inside the house.
We dig a trench between the septic tank and the house - its depth is 0.6 m (according to SNiP, the norm of the sewer pipe is 0.3-0.7 m), and the width is 0.4 m. The diagram reflects the type and size of the trench.

(Only for KLEN 5N and KLEN 7N) Together with the pipe, we lay an electric wire in the corrugation (its section is 1.5x3), which we pull from the drive where the pump will be located to the electrical outlet inside the house, and put a plug on it.

Attention! It is necessary to lay the pipe under a slope to the septic tank - its value is 1.5-3 cm per meter. If the slope is less, blockages will form due to poor outflow of water, if more, the water will leave faster than feces, which also leads to blockages.

It is not necessary to insulate the pipe - the water in it does not stagnate and does not freeze, because. a sufficiently warm liquid flows out of the house, which immediately enters the septic tank, before it has time to freeze. The rest of the time the pipe is empty, so there is simply nothing to freeze.

Attention! If it is necessary to lay a pipeline with bends, try to keep them as few as possible, but at the same time it is better to replace one 90° bend with 2 45° bends. If the angle of rotation is 45° or more, it is necessary to install an inspection pipe (before the bend).

Step 5. Ventilation device

Septic tank ventilation is very important to maximize the potential of the septic tank and get rid of stagnant processes and unpleasant odors.

To install ventilation, you will need a gray sewer pipe Ø 110 mm and a length of 2 meters.

The photo shows examples of ventilation installation.(click on the photo you are interested in)

Step 6. Arrangement of drainage

There are several options for removing treated water from a septic tank, such as a drainage well or surface drainage, with the latter having a huge advantage both financially and technically.

Since the most commonly used model of KLEN septic tanks is KLEN 5N, we will consider a drainage device specifically for this septic tank. The most practical and convenient scheme for installation and revision is surface drainage, and we will consider it.

Surface drainage

Since the resorption area of ​​the discharged water during surface drainage is 5 times the area of ​​the drainage well (5 sq/m vs 1 sq/m), a surface drain 10 meters long can be located above the groundwater level. To do this, we will use a flexible corrugated pipe with holes. You can also purchase a ready-made kit (set) for surface drainage. (click on the photo you are interested in)

We dig a trench 0.5-0.6 m deep and 0.4 m wide, the length is 10 meters - it will run in the direction from the septic tank along the ditch or parallel to the fence. If there is a natural slope, you need to use it, otherwise we lay the pipe with a slight slope - 1 cm per meter of trench.

In the dug trench, we first lay a special non-rotting fabric made of polypropylene (geo-textile), the edges of which are fixed with pegs to the ground.

The diagram shows the laying of the pipe. (click on the photo you are interested in)

Other methods of wastewater

In order for you to see the full picture, we have also prepared for you diagrams of other drainage options. (click on the photo you are interested in)

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