What does linear meter mean. How to convert square meters to running meters? What is the difference between a running meter and a square meter? What is 1 running meter in meters

garden equipment 16.06.2019
garden equipment

We are all accustomed to consider the unit of measurement of distance or length - a meter. Then what is running meter? How is it different from the usual? Yes, basically nothing. In running meters, it is customary to measure the length of any material. At the same time, its width or height is not taken into account. They are either standard, or, when measured, they do not have a significant value.

What is measured in linear meters

In running meters, you usually measure the fabric in the store. With a width of 1.5 m, a running meter will be considered a piece of fabric 1 m by 1.5 m. If you buy pipes, then, regardless of their thickness, the length of the pipe will be measured in running meters. So is the electrical cable. It doesn’t matter at all what its cross section is, whether it is thick or thin, the price for it is indicated per linear meter. The same situation with skirting boards, linoleum, various heaters and seals, etc. And when the cost of a kitchen is calculated in running meters, what do you mean?

What is a running meter of a kitchen

In this context, the linear meter is used, rather, as a conditional value. For the convenience of calculations, it is considered that a running meter of a kitchen is the furniture that is installed along a wall 1 m long from floor to ceiling, according to design project. It can be tables, shelves, cabinets and other modules. Usually, the cost of the kitchen is indicated as such - per linear meter. It is so convenient to immediately calculate its approximate price by multiplying the length of the wall along which it will be located by the cost of one linear meter of the kitchen.

One who does not deal with sewing or furniture production, often asks the question: "1 linear meter is how much?" In fact, this is the same unit of measurement that everyone is used to dealing with every day. Most often, such a measure is used for orientation in the length of materials, most often fabrics.

Method of measurement with a running meter

Running meter - how much? In order to answer this question, you should know that such a measure has the same 100 cm. The only thing is that if it is used to count the fabric, then only the length is taken into account, while the width is not taken into account.

By the way, the same applies to the purchase of pipes or electric cable. The direct length of the product is taken into account, without taking into account the diameter or section. The same system can be used for building materials such as linoleum or skirting boards. That is, a linear meter is used when other indicators do not matter, for example, for rolls.

But here you can often find on the price tags that the same sealant or insulation has a cost per 1 square, and not a running meter. How much does it come out then? Let's consider the difference between them.

A few words about the square measure

An area is called a square meter, for example, land plot, premises, building and other materials measuring 100 x 100 cm. If the area has different digital values sides, then the length and width indicators are multiplied by each other and get a measurement, which is indicated by square meters.

This measurement system is most often used specifically for living space, since rooms rarely have equal sides. Purchase facing material for the floor or ceiling, and for walls too, it is calculated from square meters.

What is the difference between a running meter and a square meter?

Square and running meter - how many in centimeters? In fact, the common moment in such measurements is only the length, which is 100 cm, and then there are differences. The fact is that the square value is intended to calculate the area, while the linear value affects only the length, without taking into account the other sides of the material.

You can only convert from one unit to another if you have a width value. Then, for example, if the fabric has a length of 1 linear meter (how many in centimeters? - 100), and a width of 2 meters, then these two numbers must be multiplied together. The result is the area of ​​such a piece of matter.

Measuring for kitchen areas

As for the kitchen, it also applies here. this system. A running meter of a kitchen is how much? And what can be measured there? AT this case the measure is applicable not to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room itself, but to the furniture set.

In this case, all elements that are located along the walls are taken into account, for example, a table or shelf, a cutting surface or a cabinet, and other modules. The price is indicated with the calculation for the entire set, with how much it will take up space in linear meters. But there may be a cost of a separate unit, then in this case the figure is multiplied by the number of elements in the headset, and the final cost is obtained.

It’s worth mentioning right away that not all sellers indicate the full price. Therefore, you should immediately clarify whether furniture fittings are included in the indicated price, otherwise you may not calculate your finances.

Measure for tubular materials

Running meter of pipe - how much will it turn out? In this option, the weight of the products is often used, therefore the price tag has the appropriate designations. In fact, few are interested in why there is such a system of measurements.

Depending on the purpose, each pipe can have its own cross-section and wall thickness, in addition, the execution material itself can be different. But if you take two identical pipes with the same circumference, one meter long, but with different wall thicknesses, it turns out that they will weigh differently. Usually the weight category is assigned according to GOST. But rarely when the seller has such documents.

It is logical that the question arises: “For pipes, a running meter is how much? Will this information help calculate the weight? There is a formula for this:

The thickness of its walls is subtracted from the diameter of the product, then this value is multiplied again by the wall thickness, and then by 0.025 kg, as a result, the mass of the 1st running meter will become known.

For calculations, linear measurements are made in millimeters.

Rebar measuring system

Reinforcement serves to create a more reliable structure, especially with regard to country houses. It is also calculated using the running system.

To do this, all the necessary rods are measured in length (if they are different) and the resulting amount is multiplied by the mass of the 1 linear meter. To determine this value, there is a special table that will allow you to calculate in what percentage the building will be reinforced. For independent calculations, the formula is used: 1 m x (0.785 x diameter x diameter) = reinforcement volume. The numbers indicate the geometric area of ​​the circle. The diameter is taken in meters. The resulting value must then be multiplied by the specific gravity of the reinforcement, which is equal to 7850 kg / m 3.

Often, wanting to acquire certain Construction Materials and studying their prices, we are faced with the fact that different suppliers indicate prices in various systems units. For example, the question is often asked how many square meters in a running meter?

Let's say you're buying lumber. In one square meter of different lumber (edge ​​board, floor board, lining, block house), it is likely that there will be a different number of running meters. Why? Because the number of square meters also depends on the width of the material.

Here's an example:

The edged board has parameters: 40x120, that is, its thickness is 40 mm, and its width is 120 mm. You need to calculate as follows:

Divide 1 square meter of edged board by 120 mm (product width), we get the value - 8.33. This is the number of linear meters.

1 sq.m. / 0.120 m = 8.33 l.m.

We multiply the number of running meters by the width of the product and get the number of square meters in a running meter.

For our example:

8.33 p.m. x 0.120 m = 0.9996 sq.m (1 sq.m.)

It turns out that for a given width of the product in one square meter there are 8.33 running meters.

Another example:

The floor board has the parameters: 28 x 130, then:

1 sq.m. /0.130 m = 7.69 l.m.

Linear meter - indicates the length of the product, and square meters measure the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe product. Therefore, to determine the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe product, two parameters are needed - length and width.

Igor Voropaev

Expert comment

Igor Voropaev - leading lawyer of "Prosper-Consulting"
PropertyExperts Portal Consultant

I worked for a finishing firm for several years, and I can say that at first, measurements were our biggest headache. Several times in a row, customers not only didn’t know what design they were interested in, they also didn’t want to hear about measurements, giving the standard answer “we will calculate everything ourselves and buy it.”

Since we couldn’t come to someone else’s apartment on our own and measure the amount of necessary products, the problem of constant errors in the volume of the room, the height of the walls and ceiling, the weight of the putty, the width of the linoleum roll, the size of the coating led to sad results - we already got used to it. Out of the first ten times, the results, equal to the accuracy of the cubic centimeter to those that exist, were obtained by the customer only two times.

There were also those who bought five meters more pipes than was necessary, also of a different diameter (they said that they measured conditionally), as well as those who brought a piece of fabric half as much as the designer requested (the furniture seller advised so, actually decided to save). The apogee was the case when customers managed to purchase rebar for the site per hectare more than they needed. After that, the concept of "independent measurement" for us immediately ceased to exist. We decided to accept orders only according to our understandable measures and we advise everyone to do so!

Inexperienced or novice builders do not know how to calculate a running meter.

These settings apply when performing repairs or construction works even when purchasing furniture.

The calculation of a linear meter occurs when it is necessary to facilitate the calculation of the amount of products, for example, linoleum, curtains, carpet, and the like.

This concept is almost no different from the concept of length, only the width of the material is taken into account.

Most often, the width of a certain product or floor covering is considered a standard value and if it is necessary to calculate a running meter, then they are not taken into account.

To calculate the running meter of flooring for rooms, it is worth measuring its width and length.

Measurement tools

To measure the width and length of a room, use a tool such as a tape measure, and if there is no tape measure, you can use a regular centimeter tape.

In order not to forget the results, it is best to write them down in a notebook or on a piece of paper, only then can you go shopping in the store. Having all the measurements, you can make a choice yourself or you can ask for help from sales consultants.


For example, if your corridor is two meters wide and its length is four meters, then you will need to buy four linear meters of flooring, which is two meters wide.

If the store does not have the flooring width you need, you can purchase two linear meters of flooring with a width of four meters. But in this case, you will have to cut the material in half and cover the floor with two coating sheets.

  • Take measurements very carefully and carefully, this is necessary so that there are no errors in the calculations. If the calculations of the running meter of the material are not correct, then it will not be possible to return it to the store.
  • For calculation the right amount flooring, all calculations can be done in square meters. For example, linoleum is made 1.5 - 4 meters wide.
  • In shops or in the markets of building materials or finishing materials indicate the cost per linear meter, this will not depend on the width of the building material.

So it will be easier to carry out calculations and determine the price of the required amount of flooring.


If during flooring, for example, joining of the material is permissible, then when laying carpet, joints are not recommended. For this reason, when buying carpet, you need to buy required amount running meter of material.

The cost of the material will directly depend on its width and the greater the width, the greater the price of the material. To determine the amount that you will have to pay for the material, you need to multiply the amount of running meter received by the price of one running meter of material.

Calculation of running meter

For furniture

It is often necessary to calculate the running meter for cabinet furniture.

If the furniture is made to order, this is necessary so that the furniture manufacturer can give you the price of the furniture.

Also, a linear meter is necessary when buying ready-made furniture, with the help of it you can determine the number of cabinets and other necessary details.

Cost calculation

The price of a running meter of furniture will depend on the material taken for its manufacture, as well as on the fittings used, design and dimensions. For example, to calculate the cost per meter kitchen set, it is necessary to divide its cost by the length.

In the event that the outlet has the price of a ready-made headset, then you can calculate the price of one running meter yourself.

When you know how much furniture you need, you can multiply the number by the number of meters, so you will find out the cost of furniture for the room.

Please note that the price of a kitchen set does not include the price of a sink, hob. Often sellers in stores do not include pens and other accessories in the price of a running meter. For this reason, per linear meter finished product have to pay more than originally. It is best to discuss such nuances with the seller in advance.

For cornices and pipes

They also calculate with a running meter a large number of building materials, such as cornices, various pipes and other materials. Another running meter measures metal fences, which are used to make a fence.

And if there are no problems when purchasing a floor covering, then in order to purchase, for example, a film for covering a greenhouse, it is necessary to take measurements of the roof and walls, because they will need to be covered with a film and then perform calculations.

As you have already seen, it is not so difficult to perform calculations per linear meter.

In order not to make a mistake when buying, you need to go to the store with already ready plan rooms and if you have any difficulties, you can ask the seller for advice.

And so, in order to make calculations of the parameters you need, you need to have a tape measure or centimeter tape on the farm, and you can do all the measurements and calculations yourself, without the help of specialists.

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