Overview of the campaign in the Cossacks 3. A brief overview of the nations

Landscaping 20.09.2019

The beloved mechanics in its original version, new story campaigns, a conveniently redesigned interface and, of course, a significantly improved visual component - these are the main features of the new "old" game. The detail of the maps has increased significantly, the buildings have become more accurate, and the three-dimensional engine allows you to use scaling and a free camera.

Time of action - XVII-XVIII centuries. Gamers have at their disposal 12 unique factions with their own advantages and disadvantages. According to the players' reviews, such a variety brings its zest to the battles: for example, Ukrainian farmers cannot be captured, and huntsmen from Austria-Hungary shoot more powerful and more accurately than any other musketeers.

It is enough to watch the video review of the Cossacks 3 Empire and it will become clear that all campaigns are completely new story missions, performed in the same style:

  • the French campaign takes place mainly at sea, so you will have to learn the basics of fleet management;
  • playing as the Austrians, get ready for the development of the economy and endless construction;
  • Ukrainian Cossacks will teach how to plan robberies and daring sorties.

It's nice to note that not all missions boil down to clearing the territory from enemies: one day you will have to make a march through the cities in order to get ahead of the enemy and be the first to gather the militia.

Advantages and disadvantages of the new Cossacks

The video game Cossacks 3 Empire posted by streamers allows you to comprehensively assess the pros and cons of the project. The trademark distinction of the entire series - huge armies - remained. Formations have been added that give a bonus to attack and defense. The winner is the one who knows how to adapt to new challenges and quickly change formation on the battlefield.

The video review also demonstrates the charms of a well-functioning economy - if the armies of two opponents are smashed to smithereens, then victory will go to those who can mobilize resources and gather a new army as soon as possible.

Of course, not a single review of the Cossacks 3 Empire can do without mentioning the shortcomings. In particular, it is required to refine the AI, fix many technical problems, and regularly add content. But the developers are not standing still: they added a link to Steam, although initially for multiplayer it was necessary to create a special account.

"War" damp, too boring for the realities of the new time or even slow - the army will have to "grow" for hours, and it is not a fact that the soldiers will survive the first battle.

But the potential interest of fans and admirers of the genre clearly justifies the game, especially since GSC Game world announced regular updates, additional missions, and even new factions.

Do you want to keep abreast of new products? Visit us often: RBK Games closely monitors the success of the game and publishes fresh guides, reviews and reviews in a timely manner.

Once "Cossacks" competed with the cult strategies of their time. Let's see what the game has become with the release of the new part.


The first part of the series, titled "", was released on April 2001 evening. For that time, the product of the Ukrainian company Gsc game world(by the way, the first letters in the name repeat the full name of its ambitious leader) looked very decent and was popular with many players due to the ability to conduct global battles not only with computer opponents, but also in multiplayer.

"Cossacks 3" is in many ways similar to the first part of the series. This is a historical strategy in real time, covering the events of the late 17th and early 18th centuries. Looking ahead, let's say that the turn of the century is included in the functionality of the game and adds more tactical opportunities to the development of the sides.

Empires are not built with blank slate, and development requires resources. There are traditionally six of them: wood, stone, food, gold, iron and coal. Each is required to build a city and build an army. Food is one of the most important and comes from the mill or fishermen. It is needed for the recruitment and maintenance of soldiers and peasants who will begin to starve to death if there is a shortage of it. Precious metals, as well as ore and coal, are mined in mines that require improved technology for greater productivity. Without iron and coal, firearms become useless scrap metal, and entire regiments of shooters are no longer useful. The tree in the game is obtained by cutting down nearby forests in huge numbers, which helps in the construction of additional buildings for your workers.

By the way, many buildings are interconnected: some buildings cannot be erected while others are absent, and other buildings lose their meaning when the accompanying ones are destroyed. Your workers will not be able to build a barracks without a working forge, and training new soldiers will be impossible if the forge is destroyed.

With all the seeming abundance of units, the troops in "Cossacks 3" can be combined into just a few groups: infantry, cavalry, artillery and navy. Within each group, there is a division of units into three types (two for some nations).

At the heart of any army are heavy infantrymen, who are commonly called pikemen. Most often, these guys are good against good against infantry and cavalry, chained in strong cuirasses and armed with melee weapons. Rifle units, on the other hand, are armed with muskets and hit the enemy with fire at a distance, do not fight hand-to-hand and are forced to run away from opponents who have come close, so you cannot leave them without cover. To fire, these soldiers need coal and iron, without which the shooters will no longer be able to reload their muskets and will become completely helpless. Some nations also have a light infantryman, which is cheaper than a heavy one to train, light and fast, which makes it possible to successfully use it against shooters.

There are also several types of cavalry. Heavy horsemen fight hand-to-hand, and horse-drawn riflemen are armed with muskets and are extremely effective against heavy infantry, which simply cannot catch up with them. There is also light cavalry, which moves the fastest and is great for a surprise raid against enemy riflemen.

Artillery can bring confusion to any battle, bringing truly enormous destruction. Cannons and mortars shoot at long distances and hit not only the enemy's manpower, but also buildings, and for conducting artillery fire, in addition to coal and iron, they need gold. Some guns can shoot at point blank range with buckshot, and at long distances with cannonballs, which makes them useful in any battle. The main drawback of artillery is that it is easily captured by the enemy, it is only worth leaving the guns unguarded for a moment.

Troop formation became a key feature of the series. With trained officers and drummers, the player has the opportunity to bring the scattered army into regiments, which will improve the combat effectiveness of the soldiers and add beauty to the upcoming battle. The infantry is formed in one of three formations: column, line and square. The regiment takes one or another formation depending on the task at hand.

Users familiar with the mechanics of the first "Cossacks" can remember about the system of improvements. In combat buildings, the attack or defense of the units being created is separately improved, and by building an academy, the player will be able to choose technologies that will benefit the entire nation as a whole. Technologies can increase the strength of buildings, speed up the extraction of various resources, or increase the effectiveness of artillery and some types of troops.

The launch of the game begins with an icon on the desktop, and in "Cossacks 3" it evokes nostalgia for the times when the grass was greener, and the girls were more beautiful: huge pixels make it difficult to make out the image of a typical Cossack of those times on the icon.

The gameplay for 15 years has not changed a bit, just as the location of the interface buttons has not changed compared to the previous parts of the game. During the attack, the units, as before, rush to one point, creating a large incomprehensible heap of people and horses, which completely breaks the meaning of beautiful structures and seriously complicates the ability to use field weapons.

Protracted battles in "Cossacks" take place approximately according to the same scenario: even at a low level of difficulty, the computer enemy constantly throws more and more forces into battle, and as the duration of the game grows, such waves go almost constantly. Even the most modernized units on your side will not help here; at best, a stalemate will result. Therefore, do not drag out the party in order to maximize the development of your nation: the consequences can be fatal.

The uniformity of development is very frustrating: the same research for different nations evokes sadness. Is this what a game should be like in 2016? Each faction has the same number of buildings, differing only appearance, and the difference in the troops lies in the absence or presence of an additional type of unit, the need for training which is quite rare. Of course, the units of all nations look unique, and also have their own animation, and are named in accordance with historical realities in different ways, but the feeling that you are fighting with your twin brother does not leave for a moment.

A huge number of bugs discovered by users have already been fixed by hastily released fixes. I am glad that the developers listen to the players and do not let the project die in the first days after the start.

Only the deaf and blind have not yet heard of a bug in the game related to copying an army. In the first days after the release, players could significantly increase the size of the army using the standard Windows commands (Copy-Paste). Now this bug has already been eliminated, but it will be extremely difficult to cleanse the damaged reputation. In addition, a selection bug prevents you from seeing all the selected units if some of them are located within an object: for example, a forest or a mill.

Cossacks 3 should be called a remake of the first game in the series. Almost nothing has changed here since then - apart from updated models, high-quality textures and an improved graphics part. It seems to us that the price of such a product on Steam is too high, so we advise you to wait for discounts or the opportunity to buy all parts at once for that amount.

Hi, my name is Andrey, in the game “Cossacks 3” you could repeatedly see me on the first line of the rating. Before we start, I want to note that this review is intended exclusively for beginners and is relevant for the patch version
Link to my youtube channel: LiptonVpaketike Have driven!

This nation takes the leading position due to its lightning-fast start. City centers are built 3 times faster, which allows you to win the first exchange on the market, as well as build a diplomatic center, overtaking your rivals by 10 seconds. Instead of standard pikemen, it is better to use the unique Rundashir unit. Fast build speed and a number of cheap upgrades allow you to outstrip almost all melee units in strength and gain full control over the map in the first 10 minutes of playing time. Perhaps the only drawback of this nation is the need to build two iron mines. In the 18th century, the Rundashirs also do not lose their relevance and withstand the onslaught of enemy shooters well. In addition to all that has been said, Austria has 2 more unique units: "Croat" - the weakest representative of the light cavalry and "Pandur", inferior in strength to the standard musketeers of the 18th century. Of course, you shouldn't hire them.


A very bad choice. The early stage of the game is, in principle, no different from standard European nations. We have at our disposal 3 unique units: "Royal Musketeer" - a weak analogue of the 17th century dragoon, "18th century Dragoon" - merging dragoons of the 17th century and "Huntsman" - a nedomusketeer of the 18th century. I think now you yourself understand why you shouldn't play with France.

If you love to suffer - then this is your choice! Standard 17th century, expensive stables, useless unique unit "Scottish shooter" in the barracks of the 18th century and ATTENTION! Cheap ship upgrades. To the ships, CARL! You will save as much as 1000 gold playing on the islands ... I hope you understand this sarcasm.

Not a bad nation. Its advantage is the unique Coselet unit, one of the best pikemen of the 17th century. Inexpensive pumping and good performance, allow you to win close encounters and successfully resist enemy shooters with artillery. The downside is the mandatory presence of two iron mines from the start.

Worse than average. At first glance, it seems that a large number of barracks gives an incredible advantage, but unfortunately this is not the case. Barracks require a large number wood and the presence of as many as 3 iron mines, which at the start of the game is an unaffordable luxury and leads to the loss of the most important resource - gold. On dry tests, the spearmen prove themselves like kings of melee, but in a real game, the constant lack of houses, lack of food and the bulk of the city turn all the pluses into a living hell. The same thing happens with the cavalry. It seems that the knights are an order of magnitude stronger than the reitar, but many forget that leaving the cavalry at the early stage of the game leads to defeat, and in the late stage this unit is not needed by anyone for nothing. Walls and towers seem to be stronger, but they take 2 times longer to build. The diplomatic center is the most expensive in the game, which means there is a high probability of letting in the early raid of the Sich Cossacks to your base.

V good hands above the average. The difficulty of playing for Ukraine lies in the start. It seems that the academy is being built quickly, there is a free improvement + 180% to the production of food, the peasants are produced 10% faster, but something is missing ... The Achilles heel of this nation is the absence of pikemen in the barracks. If you manage to repel the first attack of your opponent, then you can safely assume that you have won. There are two simple rules games for Ukraine - to accumulate a critical mass of Serdyukov and make the rate of fire. Further, no matter how foolishly you control your soldiers, it is simply impossible to lose them. Many will say that vulnerability to multi-barreled weapons will help contain the onslaught of Serdyukov, but these are only delusions of players who have driven themselves into the framework of certain options and play without a diplomatic center. In the realities of the standard game, Ukraine rolls out everyone who gets in its way. On this moment I know only 5 people in the game Cossacks 3 who are able to impose a competent fight from the very beginning, from the rest you can easily defend yourself and realize all the advantages of this nation.

An excellent choice for players of all skill levels. The production of pikemen does not require iron, which allows you to focus on gold mining from the start. The fast construction speed makes it easy to place guards and scout nearby areas. Well, the cherry on top is an additional increase in defense on the fifth (+1), sixth (+3) and seventh (+1) upgrades. The advantages do not end there. Musketeers of the 17th century are among the top 5 strongest shooters in this category, and the variety of strong cavalry allows you to play with absolutely any tactic.

A typical representative of Europe with three unique units. The Swedish reitar is slightly superior in strength, but as I wrote earlier, this advantage is extremely doubtful. Haccapellite is useless, and 18th century pikemen are almost never used.

Situationally. When playing at default (no non-aggression time), your chances of winning are close to zero. Pikeman upgrades are too expensive. In the 18th century, you gain a tremendous advantage in both rifle units and cavalry. The Prussian musketeer is the strongest marksman in Cossacks III, and the famous “black hussar” is the best light cavalry.

Golden mean. As if grown from a test tube, by crossing nondescript everyday life and gray... Just like alive. As you probably already guessed, the nation has no unique units, but there are 2 small bonuses: a cheap improvement on the speed of building cavalry and saving 1000 gold when you enter the age.

In my opinion, the most powerful nation in the game at the moment. Excellent strength indicators for 17th century pikemen, the presence of light infantrymen in the barracks, saving 3000 gold at the start, fast construction of the third barracks, archers when playing without a dip, top2 arrows of the 17th century, imba cavalry both in construction speed and in their performance, cheap improvements for food, building durability and the fleet. Of course, Turkey does not have an 18th century, but this is just a pimple on the ass that your enemy gets into.

The complete opposite of Prussia. The early stage of the game is insanely strong, but still inferior to Turkey and Austria, but the later stage leads to inevitable defeat. Lack of light cavalry and vulnerability to spinner cannons forces you to take action, and after 15 minutes of playing, you simply become a sweet pig.

Like food on an airplane - neither fish nor meat. Pikemen upgrades are slightly more expensive than all the others. Development is slower by a few seconds, and unique units are useless.

As Gogol wrote - at the bottom ... If you saw the Mariinsky Trench, then Denmark is located right below it. Expensive rush upgrades and uniquely useless 18th century units give you the opportunity to lose in any era you wish.

King of the seas. A strong statement, of course I will not check it. Shooting ports can hardly be called a huge plus, and the game on land does not stand out at all from the general number of European countries.

Sucksonia. But seriously, the nation is above average. Peak upgrades are a bit cheaper, although the difference can only be seen under a microscope. But the excellent performance of the troops of the 18th century makes it easy to win in protracted battles.

Situationally. An analogue of Prussia, only with the peculiarity that in the 18th century it loses to Prussia itself almost dry and is almost on equal terms with Saxony.

Slightly above average. Decent prices for pikemen upgrades, although there are no other bonuses in the early game. Unique musketeers of the 17th century (“Hayduks”) show themselves well in games with a short non-aggression time and share the silver medal with the Turkish janissaries in strength. But it is better to refuse to buy unique soldiers of the 18th century and cavalry. And in principle, the Hungarian hussar can be attributed to the minuses, rather than the pluses. It is impossible to apply in the early game due to insanely expensive upgrades, and in the late game it is put in superposition by ordinary hussars.

One of the top nations. Strong enough pikemen, the construction of which does not require iron, which allows you to focus on gold mining from the start. In the mill, the + 180% food production improvement is available, which gives a huge advantage in the middle of the game. The peasants of Scotland cannot be captured, in fact, like the peasants of the Ukraine. 17th century cavalry and musketeers are also playable. Castles are another imbalanced element of the game, which is essentially not countered by anything other than the late game, to which your enemy most likely will not survive. Clan swordsmen improve quite simply, and no nation in the game has analogues capable of doing something to them.


In my opinion personal experience games in Cossacks 3, I would like to highlight the following nations from the general row:
1. Turkey. Honorary Gold. Excellent early game, insanely strong midgame and decent late game.
2. Austria gets silver. The best start in the game, good mid-game and late game.
3. Scotland. She is insanely strong in midgame, and at the start she is second only to a few.

Strategy Cossacks 3 is a new (and last at the moment) game in the Cossacks series, released in 2016. Outwardly, she is very similar to. A lot of things migrated from there: the actions take place in the same 17-18 centuries, the game modes have not changed, the same winning strategy (building your own settlement with a strong economy, creating a powerful combat-ready army).

The difference between the 3rd part of the Cossacks from the old game

So how does it differ from other publications?

Beautiful modern graphics... The strategy of Cossacks 3 is built on the same type as,. However, in the third Cossacks, each object on the map is perfectly detailed - you can even look at it in close-up, zoom in or look at it from different angles. Thus, three-dimensional graphics first appeared in Cossacks III.

Naval battle

Convenience for the beginner... The developers added several minor improvements that fixed bugs that made it inconvenient to play.
For example, when it was necessary to build a mine, it was necessary to specially allocate to look for and allocate 5 peasants, so that they would build it and immediately enter there.
Or a bug with an attack by a detachment of units. When a detachment of, for example, musketeers goes on command “forward, killing everyone in the way,” then instead of starting fire from muskets, they go hand-to-hand. After this, all the advantages of the squad are only lost. And also, even if this detachment destroyed someone, then after that he stops going somewhere. It just stands and that's it.
Well, it also began to show your population in the upper left corner and the number of peasants engaged in the extraction of a particular resource. This was taken from.

Now you can scout the area, while almost not losing your units as before. The thing is that if you place them in the forest, it will be more difficult for the enemy to shoot them, due to the fact that the squad in the forest receives less damage from shooting. By the way, this is also taken from
Well, the relief now influences the outcome of the battle much less.

Clash of two armies

Disadvantages of the 3rd part of the Cossacks

Powerful computer required... Unlike the Cossacks Again War, which go on almost any computer, laptop, netbook (!), To achieve optimal FPS in new game The Cossacks will need a very productive iron. Personally, on my laptop Lenovo IdeaPad Z580 2012 ( Intel Core i3 2.4 GHz, 4 GB of RAM, NVIDIA GeForce 630M) is very weak, without hard lags pulls the game only 1 on 1. Well, I also have another new laptop, but with a weak integrated video card, I could play on it even with 3 computer rivals , however, when the number of units on the screen approaches 1000, then everything starts to freeze. Naturally, all this was played at the minimum screen resolution, minimum game settings. But if you have a more or less new personal computer, then most likely you do not care.

Turks entered the captured Swedish city

Price... Although so many good things have been done, I personally believe that such a game cannot cost 949 rubles. The price is too high only for the reanimated Cossacks. But if you follow the news on their website, VK page, or Steam, you can catch a 50% -70% discount on the cost of the game.

Yes, GSC is not doing very well. The company closed in 2011, discontinuing development of Stalker 2, and the latest game, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. : Call of Pripyat was released in 2009. And after a long hiatus, in May 2015 it was announced that the company had not closed and was developing new Cossacks. The 3rd part of the Cossacks was released in September 2016. Therefore, so far in this regard, Cossacks III are losing to competitors. Although recently there was a pre-New Year discount that reached 70% - the game could be bought for more than three hundred rubles.

System requirements for a PC for the third part of the Cossacks

Minimum system requirements:

    • OS: Windows XP / 7/8/10
    • CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 3.0GHz / Core i3 1.6GHz / AMD Athlon II X2 280
    • RAM: 3 GB RAM
    • Video card: nVidia GeForce 9600 GT / Radeon HD 4830 / Intel HD5000
    • DirectX: Versions 9.0c
    • Network:
    • Disk space: 6 GB
    • Additionally: Screen resolution 1280 × 768
    • OS: Windows XP / 7/8/10
    • CPU: Intel Core i5-3470, 3.20GHz or AMD FX-6300, 3.5Ghz
    • RAM: 6 GB RAM
    • Video card: nVidia GeForce 560 / ATI Radeon HD 7900 Series
    • DirectX: Versions 9.0c
    • Network: Broadband internet connection
    • Disk space: 8 GB
    • Additionally: Screen resolution 1920 × 1080

Screenshots of strategy Cossacks 3

The priest tells the peasants about the new campaign
Prussian city from a bird's eye view
Russian village
Ukrainian army

Video review on Kazakov 3

This video review is devoted to the main innovations that are thrown at the player. The author of the video review has a long experience of playing Cossacks, so he constantly finds in the game the old features that he remembered after so many years of playing. He is not an avid gambler and evaluates the game from an amateur's point of view.

Glorified all over the world Ukraine, as a country in which, it turns out, in addition to vodka and the notorious Cossacks, there are also game developers.

Against the background of some kind of general violent hysteria in the spirit of "wow, cool game from ours!", The overwhelming majority for some reason refused to pay attention to the fact that we are faced with a banal, repainted in national flavor and devoid of a limit on the creation of troops. Only in the second game did the developers move away from senseless gigantism in favor of tactics ...

And now, fifteen years later, the fall and resurrection of the developer, we are again offered to lead numerous regiments into battle, repainted in the national flavor.

War Again

The 17th century turned out to be very difficult for the old European lady. In the Thirty Years War, the Protestant and Catholic leagues clung to each other's throats. Broke out Civil War in a frustrating France. Bohdan Zinovy ​​Khmelnitsky lit the flame of the uprising on the lands of the Dnieper region of the Commonwealth. England and Spain began a naval war for domination of the West Indies, and the Sublime Porta, it seems, decided to place the entire Christian world under the green banner of Islam. In this difficult time, you will have to personally lead your regiments into battle, and prove to everyone that the coolest commander is not the one who has the largest army, but on whose side the Save-Load function.

For those who are too lazy to read - right away short summary... This is simply a re-release of the 2001 game with improved graphics. I like it - go, buy, play. Weren't you a fan of the Cossacks in that bearded year, or weren't you born at all? You'd better avoid it.

What are the Cossacks in general, and in particular? In fact, this is such a big mod for the game. Age of empires 2 with a claim to historicity. The main distinguishing features of the game are the ability to build an army of 1-2 thousand units. The second distinguishing feature of the series is the realistic infantry health meter. So, one successful shot strikes even a very tough grenadier on the spot, so for conducting battles, as in real life, you should recruit, say, about five hundred infantry and one and a half hundred cavalry. Finally, the third highlight is combat formations, which, as in the series, can significantly affect the outcome of the battle, sometimes even breaking it. For example, pikemen lined up in squares can hold their own for a long time against cavalry waves rolling on them. The musketeers lined up in three rows briskly process any number of spearmen and swordsmen in the mince of meat, cloth and lead. The cavalry works well if you use the "hit and run" tactics, and the artillery battery sends the enemy's manpower to the next world in hundreds.

Just a remake

Another one distinctive feature series - live economic model... All units constantly consume food and gold, each shot spends a certain amount of coal and iron, buildings cost quite serious money, and not the conditional "50 credits for an infantryman." Thus, with the proper skill, the superior forces of the enemy can simply be cut off from the rear and wait until the enemy army dies of hunger or turns out to be unable to fire a single shot without coal or iron. On the other hand, because of all these tricks, the winner in the game is the one who can gather a new army faster than others to replace the old one, which we have safely ditched, destroying the main impact force enemy.

All of the above comprehensively describes the entire gameplay. The first hour and a half, you are engaged in building farms and mills, mines and quarries, fishing, chopping wood and time after time clicking on all available economic improvements. All this longing is required so that at the most crucial moment your army does not die of hunger and could fire from its dilapidated muskets or ship cannons. Having spent the first hour of the game, you begin to churn out regiments, which, having beautifully lined up in tactically the most favorable orders, you send towards the enemy. After a short but brutal meat grinder, where ninety percent dies personnel, you build a new army and conduct a new meat grinder twenty meters closer to the enemy's fortifications. Wash off, repeat. Here is a short description of all missions, all campaigns, and in general all possible game sessions. Why was this game so popular? God knows ...

The already boring gameplay aggravates the intelligence of both your charges and enemies. The cavalry at any time can, without an order, launch an attack on the artillery crew and quickly begin to fertilize the damp earth. Your gallant soldiers are able to move in formation very conditionally - the marching squares quickly mix and turn into a herd bristling with lances and sabers. Animations from those primeval times have not been corrected - the outwardly prettier galleys still float without moving the drawn oars, the cannons, clearly possessed by demons, themselves crawl across the battlefield, the moral mechanics, which the priest supposedly should strengthen, remained unrealized ( last time it was connected only in the second part). Finally, as before, the soldiers different countries and epochs are very conditionally different from each other.

Bad old game

What looked pretty decent in 2001 looks just pathetic today. invite us to play one of five campaigns, executed in the worst traditions of the decrepit Age of empires 2... Fifteen years later, the developers are still submitting their story in the form of long sheets of small text. Each mission of the campaign requires the player to build a base, stamp an army and destroy everything "in-oh-he on that point of the map." And yes, here you can still pick up the fortress with lances - even if it will take much more time than shooting stone walls from the cannons. If during the game you get the feeling that this is just a popular HD remake, then this is because we have just a popular HD remake in front of us.

Unlike game designers, artists have done a great job. The troops and buildings are drawn very nicely, even if we abstract from what you are building luxurious palaces, academy and, for a minute, the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra in the middle of the wasteland. The sound in general is not annoying either - the game is full of colorful bravura marches, the shots of muskets and cannons are quite convincing. However, a closer look notices that the soldiers completely ignore the stones and trees, and the beautiful and dense vegetation is more annoying, because often you cannot see the buildings behind it, let alone the troops on the march.

A multiplayer game is no different from a single-player game - only you play against a person, and not a dumb computer, which has not grown wiser at all since 2001, trying to put pressure on the masses. However, it is very difficult to play calmly, the connection is difficult to establish, and constant disconnections are unlikely to allow at least one game to be completed.

Not surprised. It's just a remake of a dumb old clone Age of empires 2, which received almost a cult status. It's a hopelessly outdated, pathetic and clumsy game with poor management and a boring campaign. Thousands of armies, which seemed such a "mega-twist" in 2001, are only infuriating today - until you build the economy and stamp this horde, the desire to play completely disappears. Only the craziest fans and the most curious newbies will want to take the time to the project. Fans of strategies, please do not worry.

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