Ondulin or slate: which is better, reviews. What is better to choose - slate or ondulin Comparison of Ondulin and slate

Landscaping and planning 29.08.2019
Landscaping and planning

The assortment of roofing materials in hardware stores has hundreds of items, it includes both traditional materials, as well as innovative ones that are only gaining popularity. Ondulin is a modern analogue of the usual slate with improved performance.

Professional craftsmen note the wide possibilities of using this coating in private housing construction. Most buyers did not have time to appreciate the benefits of the material for 5-10 years from the moment it appeared in stores. Therefore, in this article, we will compare the qualities of these coatings and find out which of them is better - slate or ondulin?

Slate is a material made from shale or asbestos cement by molding. For the production of this coating, asbestos dust is mixed with cement, water, obtaining a thick mass, which is poured into molds and left to dry completely.

There is a wave and flat slate. A roof is constructed from a relief material, and a flat one is used for wall cladding. Roofing material made of asbestos cement is sheets standard sizes, whose weight reaches 36-39 kg. The slate has the following performance characteristics:

  • Resistance to temperature extremes, to ultraviolet radiation, to moisture, frost resistance.
  • Big weight. Each sheet roofing material from asbestos cement weighs at least 23 kg, which causes certain difficulties during transportation and installation. In order for the rafter frame and crate to withstand the weight of the coating, they are reinforced with additional elements.
  • fire resistance. Slate does not burn, does not melt, therefore it is used for the construction of roofs through which the chimneys of solid fuel stoves are brought out into the street, heated to a temperature of 300-500 degrees.
  • High noise reduction. Unlike metal roofing, asbestos-cement material does not resonate, therefore it dampens sounds when drops fall during rain.
  • Ease of installation and maintenance. is done by laying sheets on a slope overlapping with respect to each other.
  • Wide color palette . Unpainted slate has an expressionless grey colour. To give the coating the desired shade, a special pigment is added to it during production.

Note! Most of world abandoned the use of slate because of the detrimental effect of asbestos dust on human health. However, research shows that slate roof completely harmless during use. Hazardous dust is released only during cutting or installation of the material, so all work with it is carried out with goggles, a respirator and gloves. To make the use of slate even safer, it is better to cover it with paint, which will prevent the release of asbestos, and also protect the roof from the growth of moss.


This roofing material is lightweight but durable sheets with a wavy surface. Ondulin is easily cut with a sharp knife, so laying on a slope does not take much time and effort. It has the following properties:

  • Resistance to temperature changes, tightness, resistance to fungal and mold microorganisms, strength. Ondulin, with a small weight, has a high degree of reliability and serves no less than the traditional one.
  • Little weight. It is considered the lightest roofing, the weight of this material is several times less than that of tiles or profiled sheets. Therefore, for flooring, it is not necessary to equip a massive truss frame and crate, and you can transport and install it without the help of an auxiliary worker.
  • Low thermal conductivity. Ondulin almost does not heat up and does not let heat through, which saves on thermal insulation of the slope and heating. In addition, condensation does not form on the lower surface of the material, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the truss frame.
  • Easy to install. Light weight and cut with a regular knife, you can even lay it on a slope alone large area.
  • Low fire protection. Ondulin can withstand temperatures up to 30 degrees, therefore, to bring chimneys through it, it is better to make a fire-resistant box, and install a spark arrester around the pipe.

Important! Produce offer a variety of colors of ondulin. The necessary shade is given to the material by adding a coloring pigment to the cellulose-bitumen mass. However, this staining method does not have a stable effect, since ondulin burns out unevenly under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. This adversely affects the appearance of the roof, but the situation can be corrected by painting.

Selection criteria and conclusion

It can be difficult to decide which of the roofing materials is better, because each of them has undeniable advantages and features. Slate and ondulin are equally durable and reliable coatings that will cope with both rain and hail. Choice of the most suitable material do based on the following factors:

  1. Roof complexity. To cover roofs of complex geometry or shape, with valleys, bay windows or multi-gable structures, ondulin is used, since it is easily cut.
  2. Roof slope. Minimum allowable slope the roof on which you can lay ondulin is 6 degrees, and slate - 19 degrees.
  3. Reliability of the truss frame. Slate, the sheet of which weighs 23-39 kg, is mounted only on a solid rafter system designed for such a load. If reconstruction is in progress old roof or a new one is being built without performing calculations, it is better to use a light ondulin.
  4. Price. Slate is 30-40% cheaper than ondulin, therefore, when covering slopes of a large area, possible costs must be taken into account. With a small budget, it is better to use inexpensive, but high-quality slate.
  5. Life time. Ondulin provided quality installation, competent operation has more long term service, amounting to 40-50 years. Asbestos cement slate is operated for no more than 30 years, and then must be replaced.

Comparison of the characteristics and scope of use of slate and ondulin

Important! Experienced roofers note that ondulin and slate can equally long and effectively protect the structure from moisture penetration, provided that the material is of high quality. When purchasing roofing, pay attention to the product's compliance with quality standards, as well as appearance products.

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V late XIX century, roofing material was invented - the first soft roofing material, which began to be produced in industrial scale. The principle of its production - the impregnation of fibrous materials with resin - is still used to obtain modern soft roofing materials.


The name of this material, produced by the company of the same name, is known to many people, even those who have nothing to do with construction. He is also called euroslate or bituminous slate.

This is one of the most common modern soft roofing materials. They cover houses in many countries on different continents. Let's try to understand its properties and compare it with other roofing materials.

From what and how is ondulin produced?

The raw material for the production of ondulin is natural cellulose fiber which is obtained from waste paper. First, the waste paper is cleaned of debris and soaked, turning into paper pulp (pulp). A dye is added to the pulp, giving color to the finished material.

Next, the pulp is sent to a machine in which a corrugated sheet is formed. This sheet is dried and then sent to the impregnation department, where it is impregnated with bituminous resin under pressure and heating. Since the resin impregnates the mass after dyeing, the color of the sheet is preserved. long time. This original material different from fakes.

The finished material is packed with shrink film in pallets. The material is stored in pallets and delivered to the consumer.

Material composition

Although the technology for the production of ondulin is not much different from the technology for the production of roofing felt, there are some differences in the composition of the material that significantly affect its properties. The main components of the composition are:

  • cellulose fibers;
  • purified bituminous resin;
  • mineral fillers;
  • synthetic resin.

Thanks to additional components, the roof of this material is heated by the sun's rays much less than the roof of roofing material.

Synthetic resin makes the material stronger and harder, its softening temperature is significantly increased. Substances that reduce the combustibility of the material are also added to the composition.

Ondulin properties

Since ondulin is pretty solid material, it is produced not in rolls, like roofing material, but in the form of corrugated sheets. One so wavy a sheet 2000 mm long, 950 mm wide and 3 mm thick weighs approximately 6.5 kg. In other words, this material is one of the lightest among roofing materials (3.4 kg/m²).

To destroy the roof of this material, you need to create a pressure of more than 960 kgf / m². At the same time, the sheet of material itself only bends, and the crate and rafters break. This happens if the roof is going a large number of snow.

Due to changes in the composition of the material, its resistance to heating by sunlight has increased. So, ondulin sheets remain elastic, retaining their shape up to 110 ° C. Soundproofing properties are also not bad: when sound passes through a sheet, its intensity drops by 40 decibels.

To assess the resistance of roofing materials to temperature fluctuations, they are subjected to repeated freezing and thawing. Ondulin withstands 25 cycles of such tests without changing its structure and appearance.

However, in order to objectively assess the advantages and disadvantages of any material, it must be compared with others. Let's try to compare ondulin with other roofing materials and determine its scope.

What is better ondulin or metal tile

If ondulin has been used in Russia recently (about 15 years), then metal tiles have been used for more than 20 years. Thus, its properties are already known not only in theory, but also in practice.

The advantages of metal tiles in comparison with ondulin:

  1. Ease. Weight 1 sq. m metal tiles about 5 kg. This is about 2.5 times less than that of slate, but in comparison with ondulin (3.4 kg / m²), the metal tile loses. One way or another, under both of these materials a powerful rafter system not needed, saving you money.
  2. Durability. The metal tile of the European quality serves from 25 to 50 years. The manufacturer of ondulin gives a guarantee of 15 years, although it can serve up to 40 years (according to European practice). Thus, in this parameter, ondulin is inferior to a metal tile.
  3. Simplicity of laying technology. The metal tile is mounted quickly enough and without large labor costs, but it requires special tools for cutting (nibblers, hacksaw, electric jigsaw) and protection of the cut from corrosion. Self-tapping screws in the metal tile must be screwed with a screwdriver. Ondulin can be cut with a sharp knife, and it is fastened with nails using a hammer. No other tools are needed.
  4. beautiful appearance. Metal tiles are produced different colors and shades that do not change over time. Ondulin is also available in multi-colored, but the choice of colors is limited.
  5. Resistance to temperature fluctuations. The metal tile well maintains temperature fluctuations for many years. Ondulin is also resistant to temperature fluctuations, but at high temperatures it softens, and in the cold it becomes brittle, therefore, such a coating cannot be repaired either in the heat or in the cold.
  6. Damage resistance. Both materials withstand the pressure of snow and the impact of falling branches or stones quite well. A slightly damaged sheet of metal tiles can be easily painted over with paint, and in case of significant damage, replace the sheet with a new one. In the same way, you can replace the ondulin sheet.
  7. fire safety. The metal does not burn and does not support combustion. As for ondulin, it lights up at a temperature of 230–300 ° C.

Disadvantages of metal tiles compared to ondulin:

  1. Insufficient soundproofing. Metal makes a loud thud when hit by hailstones and raindrops. This disadvantage can be eliminated with the help of fibrous insulation. Ondulin, due to its elasticity, dampens the sounds of impacts well, and weakens street noise.
  2. Metal tile gives off heat easily, therefore, requires reliable thermal insulation of the roof. Ondulin retains heat better, but roof insulation is still required.
  3. The cost of metal roofing is very high.. Ondulin is much cheaper, although it has to be changed more often, it can be laid on top of the old layer. The metal tile during repair needs to be removed and replaced.

What is better ondulin or corrugated board?

Decking - corrugated (profiled) steel sheet coated with zinc or aluzinc, as well as polymers on both sides. This material is also used as a modern roofing material. Its protective coating system is approximately the same as that of a metal tile. Let's try to compare it with ondulin.

Advantages of corrugated board in comparison with ondulin:

  1. Decking from different companies a little cheaper high quality metal tiles. However, in comparison with ondulin, it loses significantly in this indicator.
  2. Life time corrugated board is the same as that of a metal tile, and reaches 50 years if protective coatings not damaged. Ondulin can last at best 40 years, which means that it is inferior in this indicator.
  3. Decking- nearly universal coating for roofs. It is suitable for various types roofs. However, such a roof weighs about the same as a metal tile. It should be noted that the corrugated board is mounted in sheets large sizes, trying to cut it less.

    This is both good and bad: fewer joints, higher labor productivity, but working with long sheets is harder. It is much easier to work with light ondulin sheets. It is necessary to cut corrugated sheets in the same way as metal tiles with special tools, protecting the cuts from corrosion, and ondulin is well cut with a knife and is not subject to corrosion.

  4. Incombustibility. According to this indicator, ondulin, of course, is inferior to corrugated board, as well as metal tiles.


  1. Soundproofing. Decking is the same "loud" roofing material as metal tiles. Eliminate this drawback in the same way - a lining of fibrous insulation.
  2. Decking hard to use if the roof complex shape. Ondulin is a more elastic material. It is easy to bend along the wave with a bend radius of 5 m or more, so it has an advantage here.

Slate or ondulin

Well-known since Soviet times, slate is still a popular roofing material. Its advantages and disadvantages are known to us very well. Let's try and compare it with ondulin.

Properties of slate when compared with ondulin:

  • Price. Slate is the cheapest roofing material after roofing material. In this, ondulin, of course, is inferior to him, although not by much.
  • Ease of installation. Slate is one of the heaviest materials. In this he is hopelessly inferior to almost all materials. In addition, slate is very fragile. Holes for nails for its fastening have to be drilled, otherwise it will crack when punched with a nail.

    It is necessary to cut slate sheets with a grinder with a cutting wheel for working with stone, be sure to water it with water so that dust does not form. All this complicates its installation. There are no such problems with ondulin. It is cut with a knife and nailed.

  • Durability. Manufacturers give a guarantee for slate for 15 years, and it serves 40 years or more. In this respect, the materials are equal.
  • The slate bears the load well under the pressure of a thick layer of snow. Ondulin is not inferior to him in this. But upon impact, the elastic ondulin withstands, and the slate cracks.
  • Slate does not burn unlike ondulin. But in case of fire slate roof shatters with a deafening crash.
  • During rain and hail, slate muffles sounds, like ondulin.

The word "slate" for many of us is associated with dullness and despondency. For several decades, gray (asbestos) slate was almost the only material for roofing. But progress does not stand still, and now it's time to break stereotypes. For example, soft slate is very qualitatively different from its gray predecessor.

The main features of soft slate - objectively about ondulin

Unlike asbestos, soft slate (ondulin) is made from mineral raw materials and is safe for environment. It may be based on cardboard, cellulose and other mineral additives. The material is impregnated with a bitumen composition with the addition of other components that can increase the strength and specifications sheet. It has another significant advantage - a variety of colors. The era of monotony and dullness is gradually leaving, giving way to beauty and diversity.

It is not yet as well known as gray (asbestos) slate, but its popularity is growing rapidly. And for this there are several weighty arguments:

  • Firstly, the optimal price-quality ratio. Many prefer this particular material, since, at relatively low cost, considerable benefits can be obtained from its use;
  • secondly, durability, strength and environmental Safety. The material has an increased resistance to mold and fungi, does not overgrow with mosses. Practically does not pass moisture. These criteria are important and for many buyers are of great importance;
  • thirdly, it has low thermal conductivity and good soundproofing properties. Agree, these are significant advantages. To all other, ondulin light, which allows you not to experience special difficulties during its transportation and installation.

With all the advantages, there are also disadvantages. One of these is its low resistance to combustion, already at 300 degrees it ignites, so its use in facilities with high requirements fire safety impossible. Yes, and the neighborhood wooden rafters also significantly reduces trust. And such an advantage as a variety of colors turns into a disadvantage in a few years.- fades in the sun and fades.

For some regions with a harsh climate, the disadvantages of soft slate can be a good reason to abandon this material. So, being exposed to high sub-zero temperatures, increases the fragility of the slate. Too high positive temperature is also unfavorable for him - in this case, he gets very hot, becomes soft and begins to emit a certain smell. The stronger the temperature drops, the shorter the life of the ondulin - with the declared 20 years, it will be good if it lasts at least half the life. Therefore, the use of soft slate is most optimal in latitudes with temperate climate.

Soft slate (ondulin) - dimensions, features of choice

Your further comfort depends on how responsibly you approach the choice of material. Pay attention not only to the variety of colors and textures - everything is not difficult here. Coloring depends only on the personal preferences of each. And the texture is of two types: matte and glossy. The matte surface has a rough structure and a dull noble color.

But a glossy surface is more preferable, as it is slippery and precipitation falls off it faster. And this effect should be highly appreciated - the load is reduced not only on the slate itself and the rafters, but also on the walls and the foundation as a whole. When choosing ondulin, the main thing is to pay attention to the manufacturer. Preference should be given only to reliable and trusted manufacturers. Those who have proven themselves well and have acquired many positive reviews.

The original material must be marked, as well as the manufacturer's code printed on the extreme wave. The original cut lines are uniform, without pronounced layers. The dimensions of a real ondulin are standard. Sheet thickness - 3 mm, length - 2 meters. An important feature of the original, high-quality sheet is the number of waves. Should be 10 waves. Fakes often sin with a smaller sheet thickness and the number of waves.

Ondulin - features of calculations and installation

Before buying slate, calculate the quantity required material. For the calculation, of course, you will need measurements of the roof. When planning, you need to consider that the sheets should overlap. And the more severe the climate in the region, the more waves new sheet should overlap the previous one.

Installation work begins with manufacturing. It is made either wooden or metal, or a combination of materials. In a horizontal position (do not forget to use the level), at a distance of 60–80 cm, the bars are attached to the rafters. To attach the slate sheet itself to the wooden crate, special nails with a cast head are required. TO metal crate the sheet is fixed with self-tapping screws. The first row should be fixed in each wave, in next rows- through one.

It will not be superfluous to lay a layer of waterproofing under the slate. Before starting laying, you need to trace where the wind is blowing from - work should begin from the side opposite to the wind. You need to start installation from the bottom corner of the roof, moving from bottom to top, from left to right. Do not forget that the wave of the new sheet should fall on the wave of the previous one, and so on all the time. The second row is laid with an overlap of 10-12 cm on the previous one. The resulting gaps, at the junction of the sheets, are sealed with foam or sealants.

Upon completion of the installation, you can proceed to the design of the roof. For these purposes, along with slate, additional parts are purchased for arranging the roof ridge. Lastly, the edges of the roof are sewn up.

And a few more tips. The sheet must be fastened securely, make sure that the nails enter the crate. Purchase long nails, they are much more convenient to fix the sheet. Nail heads, as well as gaps at the junction of sheets, need to be lubricated protective agent. Also, for installation, you will need a hacksaw with a fine tooth or a more comfortable option - an electric saw. Installation soft roof possible only at positive temperatures and no precipitation.

Work must be done carefully, without haste. In the event that something goes wrong, removing the ondulin and then re-laying it again will not work without serious losses and spoiled results. Quite often, ondulin is chosen to replace the old roof. It is very comfortable. If the existing rafters and lathing are in good condition, and the fastening of the old roof is reliable, you can not dismantle it, but simply cover the roof with new, light and durable slate on top. Such a roof will last for more than a dozen years.

Summarizing the above, we can confidently state that the new kind slate is quite a worthy receiver. The ratio of price and quality makes it popular and competitive among the mass consumer. To achieve the best possible result, you need to purchase high-quality ondulin and install it according to the rules.

Today, there are a large number of roofing materials and choosing the most suitable one from it can be quite difficult.

Difficulties arise due to the fact that roofing materials differ from each other in terms of service life, cost, complexity of implementation. installation work and other properties.

Let's try to determine which is better: ondulin, metal tiles, corrugated board or slate. For this, consider main advantages and cons of each of these roofing materials.

This material is manufactured by the French company of the same name. made from natural cellulose fiber, which is made from waste paper.

It is produced in the form of corrugated sheets, which have the following parameters:

  • Length - 200 centimeters;
  • Width - 95 centimeters;
  • Thickness - 3 mm;
  • Weight - 6.5 kilograms.

Ondulin sheets have the following advantages:

  1. Long service life (under the guarantee it is 15 years, but in fact it can be up to fifty years);
  2. Ecologically pure material(only natural ingredients are used in its production);
  3. Strength (easily withstands a layer of snow);
  4. Many colors and shades;
  5. Low cost of the material;
  6. Ease of installation (largely due to the low weight of the sheets).

But at the same time, ondulin also has disadvantages. These include:

  1. Over time, the ondulin coating loses its brightness;
  2. It ignites at a temperature of two hundred thirty - three hundred degrees Celsius;
  3. Surface roughness, as a result of which a layer of snow does not roll off the roof;
  4. At very low temperatures, the material becomes brittle;
  5. At high temperatures, ondulin begins to melt.

metal tile

Produced from sheet steel 0.4 - 0.5 mm thick. A layer is applied to the sheet polymer materials, which give it color and enhance anti-corrosion protection.

The main advantages of metal tiles:

  1. Affordable price;
  2. Long service life (50-80 years depending on);
  3. Ease of installation work;
  4. light weight (one square meter weighs four to five kilograms);
  5. It has many colors and shades;
  6. Can be used for different types roofs, provided that the angle of the roof slope is not less than 12 degrees;
  7. The material is sold together with the accessories necessary for laying;
  8. Not affected sun rays, precipitation, fungi, mold. It is also well protected from chemical and mechanical attack.

The disadvantages of metal tiles are:

  1. High thermal conductivity, tk. the metal tile is made of steel;
  2. Low ;
  3. High consumption for roofs with a complex structure, since too many scraps of material remain;
  4. WITH inside condensate accumulates on the roof. To prevent this, it is necessary to make a gap between the metal tile and the waterproofing film;
  5. In a place where the metal tile has been scratched, corrosion may occur.


This material is, in the manufacture of which galvanized steel is used. The cold profiling method gives the profiled sheet a wave-like shape.

Also, this method increases the rigidity of the material. In the manufacture this material for roofing, the steel sheet is covered with several layers. The first coating protects the sheet from corrosion. The second layer is applied with a primer. Then the outer side is varnished, and the inner side is coated with a polymer.

Advantages of corrugated board:

  1. A small number of joints during installation;
  2. Long service life (up to fifty years);
  3. The polymer layer makes the material resistant to mechanical damage;
  4. Profitability;
  5. Environmental friendliness;
  6. Resistant to corrosion;
  7. Many forms of material;
  8. A large number of colors and shades;
  9. Versatility.

Disadvantages of corrugated board:

  1. Low sound insulation;
  2. Accumulation of condensate on the inside of the roof;
  3. Difficulty in laying in hard-to-reach places (slope corners and roundings).

Asbestos-cement slate

For manufacturing, a mixture is used, which includes cement, water and fibrous asbestos. To obtain a durable roofing material, this mixture is molded and then waited until it hardens.

An important role is played by asbestos-cement fibers. They form a reinforcing mesh, which increases the mechanical strength of the slate. It is important to note that the dimensions of the slate sheet can be different.

The thickness of the sheet is in the range from 5 to 9 millimeters, and the width directly depends on the number of waves. There may be six or eight. The difference between the sizes of a six-wave sheet and an eight-wave sheet is negligible, but on an eight-wave sheet the waves are more compact.

The advantages of asbestos-cement slate include:

  1. Low price;
  2. Practically does not heat up under the influence of the sun's rays;
  3. Does not corrode;
  4. The material is not combustible;
  5. Has good sound insulation;
  6. Ease of repair work.
  7. Sometimes used to make a fence or fences for garden beds;
  8. Long service life;

The disadvantages of slate are:

  1. The composition of the mixture from which slate is made includes asbestos. It negatively affects respiratory system person;
  2. After a few years, the roof may become covered with moss;
  3. The material is quite fragile, so care must be taken during transportation and installation;
  4. Material weight. It will be quite difficult to perform installation without an assistant;
  5. Limited colors and shades. But if you wish, you can paint the slate yourself without removing it from the roof.

In this article, we tried to find out which is better: ondulin, metal tiles, corrugated board or slate. Each of these materials has its pros and cons and it is difficult to single out the best one.

Therefore, when choosing a material, it is necessary to take into account the complexity of the roof structure, its angle of inclination, the climate of the area, as well as the funds allocated for the purchase of roofing material and installation work.

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