Ondulin styling technology. How easy is it to cover the roof with ondulin with your own hands? Technical characteristics of ondulin

landscaping 26.06.2020

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Recently, ondulin is losing popularity among developers, the first passion for widely advertised roofing material has passed. Consumers were able to personally verify the veracity of the promises of manufacturers and draw their own independent objective conclusions.

In order to attract buyers, ondulin was called euroslate in advertising booklets, our compatriots trust foreign standards, and quite reasonably. But they did not know that ondulin in Europe was never used as a roof covering for residential buildings, only the cheapest and temporary structures were covered with this material: sheds, storage areas, etc. And then only in cases where it was not planned to use it for a long time such structures, they stood for a maximum of 5–8 years, and then were demolished.

In our country, inexperienced developers covered houses with ondulin, designed for many decades of operation. Ondulin loses its original properties after a maximum of ten years, then it must be dismantled. It is long and expensive, it is much more profitable to immediately cover the roof with reliable, high-quality and durable materials.

The base of the ondulin is made from paper waste or waste paper, then the sheets are impregnated with waterproof bituminous materials and paints, and the profile is attached to the flat sheets.

It is the physical properties of the base that have a decisive influence on the technical parameters.

The undeniable advantage is the low price. But the roof is not the architectural element of the house on which it is advisable to save. For its construction it is necessary to use the highest quality and durable materials.

Ondulin - one of the most budgetary roofing

Prices for various types of ondulin

How to distinguish the original ondulin from a fake

The original material does not have high quality indicators, fake roofing is much worse, it is not worth buying and installing them even on temporary structures.

This branded ondulin has several features that you should pay attention to before buying:

  • the reverse side with a corrugated black mesh, all veins are clearly visible;
  • there are only ten waves on the sheet, the edges for the joints are somewhat thinner to reduce differences on the roof;
  • the front surface is slightly rough, which indicates the basis of cellulose;
  • the last wave with the manufacturer's marking, date of manufacture, plant code.

Accessories are marked - ondulin

Upon request, sellers must provide quality certificates. If there are excuses that all the documents for the goods at the central office are trying to sell you a 100% fake, do not buy anything from unscrupulous sellers. Today, it is not a problem to purchase ondulin, all construction goods stores are filled with this product.

In practice, there are no two completely identical buildings, each has its own differences, which requires a slight correction of the generally accepted ondulin installation technology. But experienced roofers have developed some universal tips to follow regardless of the specifics of the buildings.

Preparation for work

No need to rush, you need to carefully prepare for the start of work. Count and buy a certain amount of materials. At the same time, there is no need to make a large supply, ondulin has a minimum amount of waste. Along with the sheets, you need to purchase additional materials for skates, wind and cornice boards.

Additional elements: ridge plank, valley, wind plank, nails

Additional elements for ventilation and connections

Ondulin is a modern material with good performance and qualities. Perfect for arranging the roof of private houses. With a relatively low cost, ondulin does an excellent job with all the tasks assigned to it. At the same time, the installation of an ondulin roof can be done by hand.

Ondulin is an environmentally friendly material, the manufacture of which uses the latest technological advances.
The ondulin leaf is based on cellulose and a variety of additives. To give the roofing the required indicators of water resistance and rigidity, it is treated with special materials - bitumen and resin, which have undergone preliminary processing.

Finished ondulin sheets are painted with special compounds that provide an excellent appearance of the material and improve its performance properties.

Externally, ondulin may look like a metal tile or slate. The quality of the roof is the same. Sheets for "slate" are produced in the size of 200x95 cm. "Tile" has a reduced size. The material in the form of tiles is better suited for roofs with a complex configuration - it's simply more profitable. waste is reduced to a minimum.

Ondulin in the form of slate is best suited for simple roof structures. Such sheets are easier to install and allow you to complete the work in the shortest possible time.

Advantages and disadvantages of ondulin

Ondulin perfectly tolerates aggressive atmospheric influences. It is easy to install, does not require large financial costs and allows you to get roof structures with excellent aesthetic properties.

Among the main advantages of ondulin are the following:

  • excellent indicators of environmental cleanliness;
  • impressive service life;
  • beautiful appearance;
  • richness of colors;
  • simplicity and good speed of installation;
  • convenient dimensions that help reduce the amount of waste and increase the speed of installation work.

These characteristics have made ondulin very popular among private developers. The absence of harmful components in the composition of the sheets allows the use of ondulin even for arranging the roof of wooden houses.

In addition, ondulin allows you to repair the old roof without first dismantling the existing coating. The sheets weigh relatively little - about 3 kg per 1 m2 of coverage, so you don’t have to worry about a significant increase in the load on the rafters, walls and the whole house.

The manufacturer provides a 15-year warranty for ondulin. In practice, it has been established that a well-equipped roof structure has been serving without any problems for more than 50 years, without requiring repair.

Additionally, the ability of the material to retain its original external data for almost the entire service life can be attributed to the number of advantages - the paint does not crack or peel off.

The main advantage for private developers is the ability to lay ondulin with their own hands.

The technology of laying ondulin sheets is in many ways similar to the process of installing slate. However, ondulin is superior to slate in terms of mass, strength and environmental friendliness.

However, with all the advantages of ondulin, he has a big disadvantage - high flammability. True, modern materials in the production process are treated with special flame retardant compounds, which significantly reduces their combustibility.

Also The disadvantage of modern roofing sheets is their tendency to lose color saturation with prolonged use.. This is especially true for sheets of dark shades.

How to distinguish high-quality ondulin?

Many unscrupulous sellers will try to mislead you by passing off completely different materials as high-quality branded ondulin. Remember these simple recommendations, and you will be able to choose a truly high-quality roofing material.

You can distinguish the original from a fake by the following features:

  • the reverse side of quality sheets is covered with a black mesh;
  • the original sheet consists of ten waves;
  • wave height - 36 mm;
  • the outer side of the sheet is rough to the touch, somewhat similar to gauze;
  • high-quality sheets have a rich matte color;
  • on the extreme wave there is a seal with the marking of the spruce manufacturer;
  • the material is accompanied by a brand certificate and a warranty card, the validity of which is 15 years.

In order for the installation to take place at the lowest cost and in the shortest possible time, and for the finished coating to perform all the tasks assigned to it for the longest possible time, follow a few simple recommendations.

First of all, remember: ondulin cannot be laid if the outside air temperature drops below 0 degrees or rises above +30 degrees. When hot, the bitumen softens, and the sheets can be deformed. In the cold, ondulin can simply crack under the weight of the installer or when pierced with a nail.

Although the manufacturer allows the possibility of laying the roof at a temperature of about -5 degrees, it is better to refrain from such experiments.

When laying in hot weather, make sure that the sheets are mounted without stretching. Ignoring this requirement will lead to the fact that in cold weather the coating will simply deform and even become covered with cracks at the locations of the fasteners.

For cutting ondulin, it is best to use a hacksaw for wood, previously lubricated with oil - with this treatment, the hacksaw will not get stuck. Ondulin can also be cut with a circular saw. You can’t use a grinder - the sheet coating will melt, and it will fail very quickly.

To fix the sheets of the coating to the crate, only nails specially designed for fixing this material can be used. It is better to buy them immediately with ondulin. It should take 20 nails to fasten one whole sheet: 10 pieces from the bottom, 5 from the top and 5 along the middle part.

When choosing the design of the crate for ondulin, one must take into account such an indicator as the slope of the slope. If the roof slope is not more than 10 degrees, make a solid and reliable crate from tongue-and-groove boards or plywood sheets. If the slope is 10-15 degrees, a crate with the placement of elements at a distance of about 45 cm is suitable for you. And if the slope of the slope exceeds 15 degrees, fasten the elements of the crate in increments of 60 cm.

Regardless of the chosen type of frame for slopes, the crate on the ribs, valleys and skates must be strictly continuous. These places need especially careful insulation, so a thinned crate will not work.

Step-by-step instructions for installing ondulin

First step. Attach the battens to the rafters. Pre-fix the vapor barrier film. Also, the vapor barrier can be fixed from the side of the under-roof space.

Ondulin - installation by technology

Fill the cells of the crate with insulation, and on top of it, attach a waterproofing film to the rafters.

Stuff counter-battens over the lathing to create a technological ventilation gap.

Second step. Start laying ondulin. Fasten the first row, starting from the bottom of the roof slope. Choose the side opposite to the prevailing direction of wind movement - so air flows will not blow under the roofing.

Fasten the sheets so that their lower edge extends a little further than the eaves board. Select the length of the protrusion individually. It should be sufficient for the normal removal of moisture approximately in the middle of the eaves gutter. At the same time, the protrusion should be no more than 7 cm.

Lay ondulin with an overlap in one wave. The end overlap depends on the slope of the roof deck and can be from 17 to 30 cm.

Lay the first row of ondulin completely.

Third step. Lay the second and each subsequent even row, starting with half a sheet. So you "dissolve" the joints of the roofing elements in adjacent rows.

Lay out the rows in this pattern until you reach the roof ridge.

Fourth step. Before mounting the finishing rows, fix an additional crate for the ridge profile. The skate is best designed with standard profiles from the same manufacturer whose ondulin you are using. The profiles should overlap each other by 12.5 cm. Nail the roof ridge to each wave of the sheet.

Fifth step. If there are joints between the wall and the roof structure, arrange them using standard profiles from the same manufacturer. Also, the profiles form the joints of different planes of the roofing (valley).

Sixth step. Ensure reliable waterproofing of the joints of the roof and gable board. This can be done in two ways. The first is to bend the edge of the ondulin sheet and nail it to the gable board. The second is to apply an ordinary rectangular profile, also known as a gable element, to the roof edge.

Finished roof care

The roof structure made of ondulin does not need special care. All that is required of you is to remove excessive dirt in a timely manner in order to extend the life of the coating.

After some time, ondulin may lose its original color. To restore an attractive appearance, it will be enough to cover the sheets with special paint.

Thus, the ondulin roof is laid without any problems with your own hands. Follow the given technological recommendations, and the finished coating will serve you faithfully for decades.

Video - Do-it-yourself ondulin roofing

Ondulin is a lightweight and durable roofing material in the form of corrugated sheets with a high degree of protection against the effects of adverse natural factors. Ondulin roof installation is a reliable and durable solution for the roof of any building, regardless of its type, purpose and climatic region of operation.

Ondulin roof installation is a reliable and durable solution for the roof of any building, regardless of its type, purpose and climatic region of operation.

If you have chosen ondulin, the installation of the roof will not take much time and effort. Roof covering with ondulin is an easy and economical roof construction.

In addition to a house or a cottage, you can lay ondulin in a bathhouse, on outbuildings, cover a gazebo with it. Unlike other roofing materials, ondulin can be installed on the old roof, which significantly reduces the cost of repair work.

The ondulin installation scheme is quite simple. The main thing is that before you cover the roof with ondulin, carefully study all the manufacturer's recommendations. And we, in turn, will try to answer many questions that most buyers of ondulin have: how to properly cover the roof with ondulin, how to lay ondulin, how to cut ondulin, what kind of waterproofing and vapor barrier is needed for ondulin, how to make a roofing cake for ondulin? Below is an illustrated step-by-step instruction describing how to properly lay ondulin.

And here is a video instruction for installing ondulin on an old roof:

Ondulin roofing: how to install?

The ondulin installation technology is described in some detail in the instructions that you receive when you purchase roofing material. It also serves as a manufacturer's and supplier's warranty card. The specified rules for the installation of ondulin and their observance during the construction or repair of the roof is the main warranty requirement of the manufacturer. It must be remembered that the warranty applies only to that ondulin, the installation technology of which is observed in full compliance with the established recommendations.

Before you cover the roof with ondulin with your own hands or call a team of professional roofers, pay attention to the following features of roofing with ondulin.

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Basic rules for laying ondulin

If the roof is being installed with ondulin and you need to step on already laid sheets of roofing, we strongly recommend that you put your foot only on the crest of the wave, but not between adjacent waves!

Laying ondulin is possible only at positive temperatures. If the roofing of the roof with ondulin is carried out at a negative (up to -5 ° C) temperature, then work should be carried out with great care. Ondulin roof construction at lower temperatures is prohibited! Installation of ondulin at an ambient temperature above +30°C is also not recommended.

How to fix ondulin? Ondulin is fastened to the crate with the help of special roofing nails, which are the roof frame. Ondulin laying technology is 20 nails per sheet. Remember: this is a warranty requirement, and if this roofing technology with ondulin is not followed, then there is a high probability of destruction of the coating in strong winds: your roof can simply “fly away”. Make sure that the builders you hire know how to properly lay ondulin.

The crate for ondulin is made of wooden beams with a section of 40x60 mm. The step of the crate for ondulin depends on the slope of the roof:

  • up to 10° - solid (board, plywood, OSB);
  • 10-15° - no more than 450 mm;
  • more than 15° - no more than 610 mm.

Onduline coating technology categorically prohibits overlapping in one corner of four sheets. Such an ondulin flooring can lead to "raising" the edges of the material. Onduline roofing technology recommends starting the second row of roofing with ½ sheet, so that an overlap of three sheets forms at the corner joint. In other words, before putting ondulin, it is necessary to cut in half in the vertical direction the 1st sheet of the 2nd row, and lay the 2nd sheet with a minimum overlap (in one wave) on the first one.

Working with ondulin is a simple process. Ondulin coating is light, flexible and slightly stretchable sheets, which some builders are trying to take advantage of. They strive with all their might to “hold out” the edge of an unevenly fixed sheet. And at the very beginning, everything looks quite beautiful, but after a short time your roof will go in waves.

This table will help you decide when choosing a roofing material.

So how to put ondulin? When performing ondulin fastening, it is extremely important to follow the linearity of horizontal and vertical joints over the entire roof area. The ondulin laying scheme does not allow stretching of sheets, like accordion bellows. Before nailing ondulin, make sure that the coating sheets lie flat.

And, of course, no one has canceled the old statement "measure seven times - cut once." How to make a roof from ondulin, how to properly lay ondulin, what overlaps and overhangs must be done, is indicated in the instructions attached to the material. So, if you make the overhang too long, it will bend, make it short - precipitation and debris will clog under it. An incorrectly chosen step of the crate, and the repair of the ondulin roof is guaranteed to you, since the coating can literally fail. And the repair of ondulin is a rather complicated process. Dismantle the fixed ondulin sheet (dismantle the damaged area), without violating its integrity. almost impossible.

Before working with ondulin, carefully study the instructions. After all, not only the 15-year warranty will depend on how to properly cover the roof with ondulin. It is also your costs, your time and your strength! We study the instructions, cover the roof with ondulin and do not worry about anything!

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Ondulin: styling technology

How to mount ondulin with different roof slopes? The main requirement for covering ondulin is the step of the crate and the size of the overlaps. If the angle of inclination of the roof is:

  1. From 5 ° to 10 °, then, before laying ondulin, a continuous crate is made of edged boards, plywood or OSB boards. The overlap at the ends of the sheet is 300 mm, the side overlap is in two waves.
  2. From 10° to 15° - a sparse crate is performed with an interaxal distance of not more than 450 mm. Overlap at the ends of the sheet - 200 mm, side - one wave.
  3. From 15 ° - a sparse crate is performed with an interaxal distance of not more than 610 mm. Overlap at the ends of the sheet - 170 mm, side - one wave.

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Ondulin: laying battens

The bars of the crate are nailed to the rafters at the required center distance from each other. To maintain the parallelism of the crate, it is recommended to use a wooden jig (a piece of a bar of a given length). When marking ondulin, the laying method does not matter. The main thing is the accuracy of marking the wavy surface. To do this, you can use a cut sheet and a colored pencil (but not a marker!).

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Ondulin roofing: material cutting technology

It is best to cut the sheets with a hacksaw for wood with a small tooth, lubricating the blade with oil to prevent the tool from jamming. It is also allowed to use circular or reciprocating electric saws. How to cover the roof with ondulin? Easy! Ondulin is one of the lightest sheet roofing materials. One sheet has a mass of about 6 kg. As a result, even one person can lift and stack sheets.

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How to cover the roof with ondulin: the order of laying sheets

Laying sheets should begin from the edge of the roof, located on the opposite side of the prevailing winds. The second row starts with a ½ sheet to create an overlap of three instead of four sheets at the corner. This method greatly simplifies installation.

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The construction or overhaul of buildings requires significant material investments, most domestic developers are looking for various ways to save money. Modern building materials and technologies can significantly reduce the estimated cost of work and at the same time obtain high-quality houses with a long service life.

Developers are offered a huge range of materials for building walls, finishing their external and internal surfaces, arranging floors and ceilings. There are budget materials for roofing, among them ondulin occupies a special place. The technical parameters of this material have a significant impact on the installation algorithm, knowledge of the characteristics will help to avoid annoying mistakes.

It is impossible to describe all the possible situations encountered during the installation of the roof. There is only one way out - to carefully study the technical and operational characteristics of ondulin and, based on this knowledge, independently make a decision during roofing work.

Ondulin parameterMeaning and brief description
DensityThe material is made from waste paper production or recycled materials. Cellulose is pressed, due to which a density of 0.9–1.2 g / cm3 is achieved, the parameters comply with the provisions of the current GOST 8747. These are the lowest values ​​among all roof materials. Low density indicates low bending resistance, which negatively affects the service life. At the same time, low density reduces the weight of the roof, the rafter system can be made from cheap lumber, this is a positive difference.
Temperature stabilityThe main binder of ondulin is ordinary or modified bitumen, and this material reacts very negatively to temperature changes. When it rises above the limit values, the bitumen becomes critically soft, the roof almost loses its resistance to mechanical stress. At sub-zero temperatures, bitumen becomes brittle and cracks with little effort. Laying of ondulin is prohibited when the values ​​of +30°С and -10°С are exceeded. But even in the zone of permissible temperature, the installation of the roof must be done very carefully.
Frost resistanceA very important parameter for the northern regions of our country. It is characterized by the number of freezing / freezing cycles without deteriorating the initial performance of the material. For ondulin, frost resistance is only 25 cycles. But this does not mean that it can be operated for 25 years and can easily withstand 25 winters. Night temperatures in spring and autumn drop to minus values, the roof can freeze several times during the month. Such phenomena significantly reduce the warranty period of operation, on average for various types of ondulin it is 15 years. Frost resistance depends on water absorption, in ondulin it is the highest and amounts to 1.5%. The more moisture - the more ice, respectively, the more significant damage to the material during its formation.

Ondulin is considered a cheap option for roofing roofs, the quality is the same. It is not used to cover prestigious buildings, it is often used as a temporary roof.

Due to the low strength of ondulin during long-term storage or transportation, the geometry of the sheets is broken, which significantly complicates the installation process: it is difficult to align the sheets, the waves are not the same, the ridges can mix, etc.

Recently, the most responsible manufacturers have been releasing new DIY and SMART models, they have smart locks that increase the tightness of coatings.

For constant control of the position of the sheets and to facilitate the selection of fixation points on the surface, there is a factory marking. The locks are two convex strips with a width of approximately 15 mm each, which makes it possible to precisely align the sheets, control their position and completely exclude the ingress of water or snow in the overlap areas. The cornice overhang is even, all sheets lie on the slopes exactly in parallel lines. Another plus of the grooves is that the recommended amount of overlap is reduced, thereby increasing the usable area of ​​the sheets.

Prices for various types of ondulin

The laying technology does not belong to the category of particularly complex, the material is easily cut, fixed with nails, due to the presence of special elements, the sheets are easily leveled over the entire slope area. But experienced craftsmen have their secrets.

What you need to know before you start styling?

When purchasing ondulin, be sure to ask for installation instructions and carefully follow all manufacturer's recommendations. Remember that this manual is also a warranty card. True, in practice, there are still no cases of a positive resolution of consumer complaints about the inappropriate quality of the roof. The document has definitions of all additional elements, advice on the proper arrangement of chimney pipe bypasses, sealing of valleys, fixing sheets in places of cornices and side junctions.

You can start work only after materials and additional elements have been purchased, fixtures have been prepared, there are tools, and a drainage system layout has been drawn up. It is necessary to cover the roof as quickly as possible, any technical delays increase the risks of worsening weather conditions. And this always has extremely negative consequences.

Another important point - check the weather forecast for roofing work. At the same time, keep in mind that for ondulin, the problem is not only rain, as for roofing with other materials. It is forbidden to work with it at an air temperature of more than + 30 ° C. Avoid prolonged heating of sheets in direct sunlight. Ondulin is most often of dark shades, the sun quickly heats the surface to high temperatures, the material not only loses its physical strength, but also changes its linear dimensions and geometric shape. You can not lay ondulin and at temperatures below -5 ° C.

For marking, use a colored pencil or marker, and replace an ordinary flat ruler with a cut sheet with one even factory edge. With it, you can draw a solid line on the waves of ondulin and constantly control the quality of cutting. But do not waste a lot of time following this recommendation, inaccuracies during marking or cutting within 1–2 cm are not considered critical. The fact is that the cut edges according to the installation technology are always overlapped with additional elements, their dimensions cover all the irregularities.

It is recommended to cut ondulin with an ordinary wood saw with fine teeth; for better glide, the canvas must be periodically moistened with water. As practice shows, the use of various electrical tools does not give any positive results. The speed and accuracy of cutting remain the same as when working with a hand saw, but there are additional problems. It is necessary to have extension cords, to keep track of the position of electrical cables, etc., and this is difficult to do on the roof. Along the waves, the material is perfectly cut with a simple construction knife.

Each sheet should be nailed with at least twenty nails. This rule must be strictly observed. Ondulin is a soft material, an insufficient number of fixation points causes its deformation, violation of linearity, bending of the edges. Another problem is that the risks of undermining the coating by strong gusts of wind increase. Most companies designate fixation points on the front surface, follow the manufacturer's recommendations.

First, the extreme nails are nailed, due to this, the stretching of the soft sheet is prevented. Then, in turn, in a checkerboard pattern, all the others are fixed. You need to score carefully, the hats should not push through the sheets. But you can’t leave gaps either, the ondulin will move a little and increase the diameter of the inlets, leaks may appear in these places. The nail enters the crate at a right angle. If the tip does not hit the tree, then it is allowed to slightly tilt the body of the hardware, do not worry that water will enter through a small gap. First, the probability of a drop falling exactly into this slot is small. Secondly, there are never significant flows of water on the crest of a wave. Thirdly, if a few drops get under the roof, they will dry quickly and will not harm the truss system of the house.

Sheets on slopes must be laid with offset rows, due to this technology, four corners are not concentrated in one place.

A large number of corners raises the places of overlap, the roof becomes uneven, and the likelihood of water or snow getting into the cracks increases. To offset, each even row must be laid from half the sheet. Installation starts from the bottom rows. If there is a need to move through the stacked sheets, then this should be done very carefully. You should step on several ridges at once, if the ondulin is very hot, then it is recommended to use special devices. How they are done, we will describe below.

If the roof of the building has lost its original attractive appearance and has ceased to be functional, then it is necessary to equip a new floor using special material for this. On the building products market, you can find a great variety of those, but ondulin is considered one of the most popular today. This material is in demand for many reasons, among them are strength, resistance to deformation processes, as well as moisture. The roof after completion of the work will not crumble when the weather changes, exposure to ultraviolet radiation, and will also perfectly show its noise-absorbing abilities. During operation, the surface does not fade, and in the store you can choose the color that suits you.

Ondulin, the installation of which implies the need to comply with the technology, will not require repair for a long time. This building material is great for any roofs. Installation is quite simple, which is why any master will be able to handle this kind of manipulation. Before starting, it is not at all necessary to get rid of the old covering material. This will not only reduce costs, but also reduce the time of work. After the process is completed, the surface of the ondulin is painted.

What else does a master need to know?

Ondulin is a bituminous material that is made in the form of sheets. There are no harmful substances among the components, and cellulose and fiberglass do not pose a risk to human health at all. In the production process, cardboard is used, which is coated on both sides in the form of bitumen. Quite often, modern consumers pay attention to environmental friendliness, this parameter in some cases is the determining factor. It is worth mentioning that the described roofing material meets these requirements.

Ondulin is very easy to install, this fibrous material is rough to the touch, in the store you can choose one of four shades. Ondulin, which can be installed on a steel floor, is elastic. This indicates that the sheets can be easily bent, laying on any surface.

Preparatory work

At the first stage, the master must prepare the necessary materials and tools. Among other things, you should enlist the help of another person. For work, you need to purchase canvases, the size of which is 200 x 95 cm. Next, the roof is measured and the number of sheets to be purchased is determined. Add 10-20% to this value, this is necessary for trimming and protrusions at the edges. Among other things, you will need a beam, which will go to the arrangement of the crate. In cross section, this material should have dimensions of 40 x 40 millimeters.

Ondulin, the installation of which must be carried out according to the technology described below, is strengthened with special nails. Their shade should match the color of the covering material. In shape, such fasteners resemble screws that have a rubber frame. This allows you to get an additional layer of waterproofing, which prevents water from leaking after installing ondulin. You will need a corner for the ridge, the waterproofing for which should be done very carefully. This element is also used at the junction of a vertical wall with a roof.

Around the circumference of the chimney, aprons based on rubber should be used. When ondulin is used as a covering material, installation must be carried out taking into account the above requirements. In the process, insulating tape should be used, it is installed at the border of the roof with the window. These components can be used as a valley. Having visited the store, you need to ask about the presence of a special pipe that is used for ventilation.

Instrument preparation

In the course of the work, you will certainly have to cut the sheets; for this, the master must use a hacksaw. Use a pencil for marking. Manipulations cannot be carried out without a hammer, ruler or building centimeter. Purchase a screwdriver and cutter. In order to mark the boundaries of the crate system, a rope or thread should be used. A special ladder will also be useful, with the help of which the fastening will be carried out.

Roof preparation

Installation of ondulin should be carried out only when you are sure that the old roof is capable of withstanding a load of 100 kilograms or more. This is required to ensure that the surface is capable of withstanding the load of snow. If you are not sure about the strength of the old coating, then you need to get rid of it. The roof must be cleaned, for this you can use a regular broom. The base is freed from branches, debris, and leaves.

Arrangement of the crate

Installation of ondulin is recommended to be carried out on continuous sheathing sheets. This will guarantee resistance to deformation as a result of exposure to ultraviolet radiation. But you can install individual elements of the frame. They can be made independently, for this you should use a beam, the cross section of which is 5 x 5 cm. The length of these elements should be quite impressive.

Initially, a longitudinal crate is installed, after which the beam should be fixed to the old one, using self-tapping screws for this. Initially, you need to deal with the elements that will be located on the edge. Then the thread is pulled across. In its direction, it is necessary to fix the remaining components of the frame.

Now you can start laying horizontally oriented crates. Bars should be installed across existing ones. It is important to fix the intersection points with self-tapping screws. If the roof is sloping, then the crate should be located along. In the process of work, plywood should be used, which is not afraid of moisture. It should be noted that do-it-yourself installation of an ondulin roof requires an extremely durable frame system. Due to the fact that ondulin is pliable, significant gaps between the components of the crate can cause the material to sag. Initially, this will cause a not very aesthetic appearance, which will subsequently lead to leaks.

Features of mounting ondulin

Installation of a roof made of ondulin involves strengthening the wind board. This detail decorates the gap and prevents wind from entering the under-roof space. It is necessary to start work on laying ondulin from below. As a rule, this is done from the edge that is not exposed to strong winds.

The material must be reinforced to the transverse bars horizontally. For one canvas, it will be necessary to spend 20 nails. After the first row has been completed, you can proceed to laying the second. In some cases, when preparing the base, a metal crate is used, while the technology remains the same, however, fastening should be done using self-tapping screws.

When the roof is installed from ondulin, it is necessary to cut the sheets. It is recommended that the place of the proposed cut be preliminarily treated with oil, as well as the working surface of the saw. Such work should be carried out with a hacksaw. This approach will prevent the decay of the material into individual elements. Professionals quite often use an electric circular saw. Do not start working at an excessively high ambient temperature. This will lead to the fact that ondulin will acquire the quality of flexibility and will become difficult to mount. When carrying out work, do not move on the surface of the laid covering material.

Features of the crate device

If you are installing a roof from ondulin with your own hands, then it is important to take into account the slope of the surface. If it does not exceed ten degrees, then the lattice should be equipped using thin boards and plywood. First, rafters are fixed to the roof, the distance between which should be somewhat less than half a meter. This will allow the sheets to be placed on a solid support. When installing the crossbars, the same step should be followed.

In order to ensure the drainage of liquid from the surface, an overlap should be made, the width of which is 200 millimeters. As for the side overlap, its width can be equal to one wave. If you chose ondulin, you should definitely follow the installation rules. With a slope that exceeds 15 degrees, the distance between the frame elements should be less frequent, this parameter is 600 millimeters. The side overlap must have the same width. The crossbars must be fixed in such a way that they are parallel to the ground and to each other. To do this, you can make a template from a bar of the desired length.

Determining the amount of covering material

If you are installing ondulin with your own hands, then you will first need to carry out the calculation. Ondulin sheet repeats the dimensions and configurations of gray slate. If the roof has old slate as a covering, then it will be enough just to count the number of sheets. All these manipulations, including sizing, are done on the ground. In order to ensure the evenness of the line, a whole sheet of material should be applied to the surface.

Proper installation of ondulin involves laying the sheets in such a way that the joints between the sheets are in the center above another sheet, which is located below. This should allow you to get something that looks like brickwork. In this case, the formation of continuous vertically oriented seams should not be allowed. This approach guarantees the strengthening of the side joints, which will consist of three canvases instead of four.

The installation of fasteners should be carried out on the crest of the wave through one. Initially, the lower end of the material is fixed, only after that it is possible to switch to the transverse crossbars of the frame. In order not to deviate from the intended line, the extreme nails that are visible are first nailed. After the rope is pulled from edge to edge. It will be convenient to nail the rest of the nails along it.

External conditions

It is possible to install ondulin on roofing material. In this case, as in any other, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules. Thus, work should not be started if the air temperature exceeds 25 degrees in the shade. With such indicators, the air is heated in the sun to 30 degrees, which is equal to the melting point of bitumen. Installing ondulin under such conditions is inefficient. It will melt at the attachment points where the gaps are formed. The finished roof perfectly endures any heat, this is due to the fact that the nails are already fixed, and the material is not subjected to mechanical stress. The same recommendations should be taken into account at low ambient temperatures. At zero degrees and below, the material becomes brittle and rigid. If ondulin was chosen by you, the installation technology eliminates the possibility of influencing the space between the waves. This load causes deformation. As for the crest of the canvas, it is able to withstand such loads.


The instruction assumes the use of a certain number of nails, which was mentioned above. If you decide to save money, then this can cause a turn and tear the canvas after the first gust of wind. The same rule applies to self-tapping screws that fix the Euro-slate when using a metal crate. In those areas where dissimilar materials are located, namely the roof ridge, gables, and valleys, additional waterproofing should be used. Such work can be done by using a special self-adhesive tape, it is called onduflash. You can buy it in stores where ondulin and other building materials are sold.

If you carry out the installation of euroslate according to the above technology, then the roof will be ready to serve for many years, declared by the manufacturer. During this period, the surface will not need to be repaired, and will also guarantee perfect tightness. If you want to choose a material for your roof, then perhaps you should also pay attention to ondulin. It wins in many ways when compared with similar materials. Among other things, it is worth considering that it is not always possible to mount the covering layer on your own, sometimes this requires the help of specialists, which cannot be said about ondulin.

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