Slate painting, or how to make the roof of the house presentable. How to paint flat slate: how to make it aesthetically and more reliable is it possible to paint slate on the roof

Landscape design and layout 25.06.2019
Landscape design and layout

One of the most durable materials for the roof of buildings is slate. It is for this reason that he has not losing his popularity for several centuries. However, over the years it appearance It ceases to delight, since the material loses its presentability. Do not get upset if your roof has become pale and not attractive. There is an exit. It is enough to paint a slate roof, and it will win the paints again. There are some rules and recommendations regarding this process. In this article we will find out how to paint the slate, so that he does not inferior on the beauty of modern roofing materials.

Before painting a slate roof, you must prepare for this process. First, you need to think about what tools and materials will be useful to us. So, to fulfill the task, armed with the following means:

  • Prepare a special brush for working with metal;
  • Keep drill and grinder at hand;
  • You will use glasses, respirators and painting brushes;
  • Washing with a stream of high pressure;
  • Antiseptic of construction purposes;
  • Protective gloves;
  • Paint ( optimal option is acrylic or enamel paint);
  • Means for primer.

After necessary materials Acquired, you can proceed to the next step, namely to the preparation of the working surface.

Ways to clean the roof from slate

Before painting a flat slate, it should be cleaned of contamination and moss that appear during operation. To perform this task, you can use several effective options:

  • Cleaning with a metal brush. This method requires tremendous physical effort and large number time, and the result of the work is not characterized by excellent performance indicators. If you have chosen this cleaning option, you can make sure that the slate is flat on the roof was dry, otherwise the paint is badly lying;
  • Using a drill or a grinder. For cleaning, a special nozzle is used, with which the old roof can get rid of moss and dirt. Thanks electronic devices It is possible to achieve high quality and not lose the speed of execution;
  • For the third version, high pressure water pressure is commemorated. Perhaps this is the most efficient method. To perform work, it is not recommended to exceed the pressure indicator - 250 atmospheres. If you break this norm, then you can damage the coating. Such cleaning can be carried out under all weather conditions.

Attention! The third purification option demonstrates very high efficiency. So, working with an area of \u200b\u200b100 square meters., You can spend a maximum of two working days.

The processing process of slate

For your information! For reproduction of fungi, there is nothing better than the wet environment, so it is also necessary to apply waterproofing Working surface.

A slate surface with time is covered with porosity due to improving humidity, which leads to early damage and destruction. In order to improve the quality of the cover, hydrophobication should be carried out. These measures have a positive effect on the duration. operational period Roof. Return the tidy appearance will help painting a flat slate or any other of its kind. It is best to carry out the procedure immediately after laying the material, but many developers do not think about it immediately. They consider this option only in those situations where products have already lost aesthetics. In the next section, we will consider in detail this responsible and the final stage of work.

Criteria for choosing paint

The better to cover the Slate surface to return it and quality, and beautiful appearance? A modern range of paints makes developers make a difficult choice. But how to figure out what exactly is suitable for a particular surface? The answer to this question we will give in this section. The slate painting agents are produced both foreign and domestic producers. Basically, they are made on the basis of acrylic or silicone. Let's get acquainted with the most popular species of paints:

  • Acrylic or water-dispersion. Apply this paint. on a slate surface after its processing by means of primer. Due to this coating, protection against moisture and deformations increases, the sliding characteristic of products is improved, which contributes to the optimal flow of atmospheric precipitation from the roof. The painted slate will dry very quickly, thanks to the composition features. It should be noted that the product range is represented by a huge number of different colors and shades.
  • Enamel. The peculiarity of the coloring consistency lies in special binders and possessing a good indicator of moisture protection properties and resistance to atmospheric precipitation. After painting, the coating becomes stronger and better. The painted material is less susceptible to fading, so it will save the brightness of the color for many years.
  • Paint in the form of liquid plastic. This synthetic material is based on bitumen, polystyrene or polyvinyl chloride. Despite the low cost, it should be noted that this paint is characterized by low moisture protection properties and in most of its species contains components that can have negative impact on the human body. Therefore, before you paint slate, think twice about the choice of colorful material.
  • Rubber. To date, one of the most popular paints is considered. Its composition is absolutely safe for humans and all living beings. With the help of it, you can improve the resistance to wear, external corrosive and fungal lesions, ensure high protection against slipping products, and the elasticity of paint ensures stretching during the formation of small cracks. The use of this particular paint increases operational period for several decades. But it is best to create two layers of coating, which will prevent the deformation and destruction of roofing sheets.

Important! As we see, each type of paint has special characteristics. Can we cover slate? The answer is simple: even necessary. However, not all of them are safe for health, so do not forget about it.

Most popular paint brands

The market of paints for construction purposes is shot by the names of brands from the most famous manufacturers. However, which one is best suited for staining slate? To date high demand Enjoy such manufacturers:

  • Dhabeshitund. Paint from the German campaign characterized by excellent properties of operation. Of course, its value is significantly higher than domestic analogues, but the quality makes it the leader. It has high adhesive properties, good strength, long-term operation. It is recommended to use it for the tiles of natural type and slate.
  • Polyfarb. Product of Polish production made on a variable basis. One of the features is the ability to dry quickly, which significantly speeds up working process. Also, due to staining, resistance to moisture and ultraviolet radiation increases.
  • Aqua. The creators of paint is the joint work of Finland and Sweden. It is easily dissolved in water. A distinctive feature It is a resistance to an alkaline environment. In practice, Aqua is used not only for painting a slate surface, but also for concrete base.

Attention! These are not all paint manufacturers that offer a quality product. We introduced you three most famous brands for working with slate. The choice is always yours!

  • Many people want to update the kind of roofing their homes. Thanks modern technologies Make it is not so difficult. Transform the unprecedented look of gray asbetic sheets in bright, beautiful and unusual allows the most common procedure - painting with special compositions.

    For a long time, Slate was completely self-sufficient roofing material, which has proven its reliability for not one decade. However, if you recall his unattractive gray color, then the question is whether it is possible to paint - all this time did not lose its relevance. Decorativeness is only one aspect.

    Painting decides in practice purely protective tasks. The paint protects the surface of the roof from destructive atmospheric influences, it helps to reduce water absorption and an increase in frost resistance. That is, it can be argued that, depending on which paint to paint slate, you can significantly increase the operational term of the asbotic roof.

    Is it possible to paint and

    Often it is possible to hear that the paint for a flat slate is quite short-lived - just one winter and it will turn. Undoubtedly, it is impossible to exclude it, but only for those cases when it is chosen wrong. Let's try to figure it out than and what paint is better to paint.

    Types of paint

    Usually asbestos are painted by one of the following materials:

    • containing acrylic;
    • quick-drying;
    • liquid plastic.

    The last of them is perhaps the least suitable for asbetic roofing. Unlike the other two, it is less atmospheric, it is also characterized by a rather sharp indous smell.

    Enamel with quick-drying composition gives the roof of exceptional decorativeness. Such a finish is resistant to atmospheric phenomena and UV radiation. The consumption of this material is 100-150 g per square. m. Performance features Coatings are preserved for 3-5 years.

    It is no coincidence that mainly for painting ACL is used acrylic compositions. It is considered the most durable and safe from the above. After applying the composition on the surface of the roof, a moisture-proof film is formed, which, being competently applied, is not destroyed by the fastest decades. Acrylic coatings Create smooth surfaceon which rain and melt water flows freely and snow comes down, reducing the load on carrying construction Roof.

    The latter is very important, given the substantial load from the asbotic sheets themselves.

    The coating unit of the area is more acrylic, rather than quick-drying composition - about 0.3 kg per square meter. m. Acrylic compositions

    • eco-friendly
    • do not have harmful discharge,
    • wear-resistant
    • quickly dry
    • provide increased adhesion.
    • fully fill all cracks, and the resulting rather durable layer effectively protects the material from destruction.

    When applying paint on the roof, it is necessary to clearly adhere to the manufacturer's recommendations - they are usually marked on the package.

    List of materials, much wider.

    • Bituminous compositions are distinguished by moisture and frost resistance, a democratic price. However, they are toxic, easily abrade, low-nesthetical, require a long time to dry.
    • Silicone compounds prolong the operational period of the roof, not toxic, resistant to weathering, but it is quite expensive and this is with significant paint consumption.
    • Special oil enamels are distinguished by a wide variety of shades and stability. They dry for quite a long time, about six o'clock, the operational period is about three years, which is undoubtedly not very much.
    • Siliconian paint is a mixture of dyes and fillers. The basic component of this composition is silicone. This is a durable material resistant to mechanical loads. A similar protective layer prevents the emission of asbestos particles into the atmosphere. Such formulations are suitable only for this type of coatings and require careful processing of the base using silicone primer. To give greater strength, the paint is applied the smaller in two layers.

    Stages of painting asbetic roof

    Before painting the coating, a rather laborious preparation is carried out. First of all, each of the sheets check for the integrity and reliability of their fixation.

    Sheets on which cracks and damage are detected must be replaced.

    The next stage of the roof is neatly cleaned from any contamination, moss, etc. Asbic cement sheets are cleaned with an old laid with a grinding skin and treated with an acrylic primer containing a special anti-grapple component. As a result of the primer, the pores of the roofing material are filled.

    After drying the primer on asbestos-cement sheets apply cement mortar. According to the consistency, he must resemble kefir. For applying a solution use a brush. Other tools, let's say, the roller is not suitable for this.

    Daving cement mix Fully dry, the roof is loaded, after which the roof is stained.

    When it is better to work

    Is it possible to paint into crude weather when it is better to paint? Questions that are worried about many, especially those who intend to handle root themselves. Painting ACL is necessarily performed on a dry warm season.

    Paint is applied in two layers using ordinary painting tools, For example, sprayer. The second layer is applied to the completely dried first. Practical experience shows that it is painting in the spring that provides them with durable protection, gives roof decorativeness, prevents the appearance of moss.

Slate even in an unpainted state is a material that is sufficiently resistant to negative external influences.

It is characterized by a low price, immunity to corrosion and simplicity of installation and repair.

But Schifer's painting significantly increases its operational potential, although it requires additional costs and time. In this article we will analyze what paint to paint slate on the roof and how to do it.

The main disadvantage of slate is the possibility of growth of moss and algae on it. Plant activity leads to an increase in the sizes of pores and the appearance of microcracks, which reduces the operational potential of the roof. The growth of MHOs negatively affects the appearance of the roof.

Another disadvantage of slate is its fading over time. The material is seated, the initial structure of the coating is disturbed.

Proper painting slate roof Allows you to eliminate these disadvantages. It will increase its moisture protection properties and give it a pleasant appearance, prevents the sealing of the material, the appearance of moss and fungi on it.

Asbestos is considered hazardous with carcinogen. From the unwrapped slate asbestos dust constantly proceeds into the atmosphere and poisoning it, painting the material allows you to minimize this process and make the roof more environmentally friendly.

Initially painted slate can be purchased from the manufacturer, but it is not so economical as an independent committing this process.

Functions of paint

Paint for slate - how to choose the optimal paint for the sheet?

Asbestos fibers are compatible with all kinds of paints. Oil and enamel products are less common to arrange slate roofs. Oil and enamel products are applicable. A simple enamel after a few months after application begins to peel and hang, but specialized enamels are actively used to arrange slate roofs.

How to paint slate? In addition to specialized enamels for slate staining, the following types of products are used:

  • Acrylic. Refers to a group of water dispersive products for which a high degree of waterproofing is characterized. Acrylic fills even the smallest holes in slate and prevents the fungi and plants in them. The paint is represented by such brands as "acrylakma", "Trior", "Novbythim".
  • Modified acrylate.
  • Silicone paints. Extend the life of slate on average for 5 years. They are distinguished by good adhesion (clutch with the surface of the roof). The main disadvantages - have a high price and for 10-15 years completely burn out on sunny side roofs
  • Acrylic Silicone Products. Combined in me top Qualities Both varieties of paints. Manufacturers: "Penta", "Sofexyl".
  • Polyurethane products.
  • Liquid plastic. High-tech material, characterized by low price and high resistance to mechanical and atmospheric influences. But liquid plastic is toxic, which increases care requirements when it is installed.

One of best Materials Regarding the price, quality, simplicity and safety color is acrylic.

Surface preparation

If slate has already been exploited a certain time, it is impossible start its painting without preparatory procedures.

It is necessary to clean it from the accumulated plants, fungi, dust and asbestos - The paint will not be properly not applied to the crude slate.

All cracks and faults should also be seen.

Small cracks close up with a cloth impregnated with waterproof glue. Larger faults need to fill with mastic from the loose asbestos, PVA and cement glue.


If the roof is covered with large and numerous cracks, large pieces of material are chipped from it, then it makes no sense in her paint, it is better to purchase and install a new slate. Optionally installed new design From scratch, it is enough just to replace the sheets that came into disrepair.

  • It is possible to clean the slate as manually using a rigid brush for metal and with a sink that creates a strengthened water strength. The first option is very laborious, cleaning the roof with a brush can take several days, and a good result will not be guaranteed, since not all formations can be deleted manually.
  • Instead of brush, you can use an electric door with a special nozzle, the disadvantage of this method is the risk of slate damage with such a rough tool.
  • Cleaning with the help of washing is simpler and fast, but it is important to choose the right water pressure. Too low pressure will be insufficient to remove sprouted plants if it is too high, the jet will be able to damage slate. The optimal pressure is 200-250 atmospheres.
  • After cleaning the roof it needs to be disinfected. Antiseptics are used for this purpose. They are applied along the entire roof surface with a brush or sprayer, the second option is more preferred.


Everything preparatory work Performed in the respirator and glasses In order to avoid asbestous crumbs and cleaning materials in airways and eyes.

The last stage of preparation is primer. It improves the adhesion of paint and roofing material. It is worth it with a roller or brush throughout the slate area. Some types of primer are additionally antiseptics.

Asbacement has a high permeability, therefore almost any primer will suit it. It should be applied at air temperature from 5 to 30 degrees above zero. The average drying time of the primer is 12 hours, after this period, you can start painting.

Cleaning slate

How to paint slate with your own hands

Soviets of craftsmen recommend painting slate in two layers. The first layer is the main one, 2/3 of the materials are consumed. The break between the application of the layers is from one to two hours.

The slate painting is carried out with the help of brushes and spacing. The pulverizers speed up the process make it more convenient. But to work out the corners and other hard-to-reach places on slate sheets you need to manually brush.

Most best time For painting are warm and moderately cloudy days.

At low or high air temperatures, when it high humidity Or under the scorching sun, work will be impracticable. It is desirable that the favorable weather is and the next day after their completion.

Average paint consumption for one square meter With a two-layer application is 100-200 gramsBut buying materials should always be addressed, since the situation is not excluded when their additional consumption will be required. The paint should be applied in the direction from top to bottom.

If the result of two-layer painting is not satisfactory, then it is possible to apply additional layers until the coating becomes smooth and pleasant in appearance.

Paint application for the new slate is relatively simple, since work can be performed on Earth before installing sheets on roofing pie. If slate sheets are in an inclined position, then achieve their uniform filling with paint materials will be difficult.

If slate paint on Earth, then when climbing the roof, its coating can be scratched. To avoid this, only the first layer of paint is applied to the roofing pie, and the second layer is applied after the installation is completed - it hides the scratches.

The abundance of modern roofing materials sometimes makes it thinks that slate is irretrievably out of fashion. Some one is gray and dull. And according to the design, it is not to please the multicolored sheets of bitumen ondulin, roofing plastic or polycarbonate. However, the thoughts on the unbelief of slate - the usual error arising against the background of advertising agitation manufacturers of expensive coatings for the roof.

In fact, to bring closer decorative properties Asbestos-cement sheets are also Ondulina, enough them ... paint. It's not hard. Moreover, the paint for slate - the material is deffficient and you can meet it in any construction supermarket. We will deal with how you can paint the roof from slate and how to do it right.

The fact that the use of paints allows the sewer to find the desired color is clear. But, besides the decorative function, the coloring compositions possess more important properties. Recall that slate - the material is porous, prone to the formation of microcracks. They easily get into them, which, with the onset of winter cold, turns into ice and begins to "tear" the fibers of the material. The same deforming processes occur when moss and lichens are growing in the pores. The problem of premature destruction of slate decides painting. The coloring compositions form a solid film that closes access to asbestos cement with water and microorganisms on its surface. As a result, the deforming processes are suspended and slate receives additional years to its operating deadlines.

Painted slate, thanks to the paint film, becomes smooth. It is not delayed atmospheric moisture and easily comes with snow. And when the dirt is accumulated on the roof, it can be simply washed with water from the hose or automotive minisy.

Another problem is solved by painting, the theoretical harmfulness of slate. The version of non-environmentality asbestos-cement sheets came to us from the West and successfully cultivated by many producers of more expensive and modern roofing materials. Its essence is that slate during operation allocates asbestos dust, harmful to human ecology and health. There are many evidence of the injustice of this opinion, however, if you do not give rest, this aspect applied to Slate Paint will completely block the possible output of asbestos dust and will save your health by 100%.

Thus, slate coloring allows:

  • increase the decorative roof;
  • give asbestos-cement sheets with color with the desired degree of mattness (matte, semi-conventional, glossy);
  • smooth the slate surface;
  • protect the slate from growing moss and lichen on it;
  • prevent cracks;
  • block slate dusting process;
  • increase slate durability by 1.5 times (subject to periodic renewal of the paint layer).

Types of colors for slate

Slane paint makes a lot of requirements. Its resistance to burnout, the effects of high and low temperatures, atmospheric precipitation is valued; The degree of clutch with asbestos cement.

In any case, paint slate as you like, the first LKM, it is impossible. The following options for suitable colors are distinguished:

  • acrylic paints;
  • creamyorganic (silicone);
  • alkyd;
  • enamel "Liquid plastic".

Consider the properties of each type of LKM separately.

The most extensive group consisting of paints on acrylic basis. Their color is intense, with different degrees of mattness (possible both matte and glossy effect). There are two varieties of such compositions: water-soluble (water-dispersion) and organic solvents.

Type # 1 - Water acrylic paints

Water acrylic paints:

  • non-toxic, do not have a sharp smell, explosive and fireproof (due to water-based);
  • easily applied, do not form drowshes;
  • do not require a special solvent;
  • it is possible to use dissolved paint as soil;
  • quickly dry (one layer in 1-2 hours);
  • increase the frost resistance of slate;
  • form a waterproof film;
  • prevent migration asbestos dust from slate;
  • the service life of the coating is 5 years.

Among the most famous and reliable water acrylic paints can be allocated:

  • Alpina Dachfarbe from Caparol (Germany) - silky matte acrylic paint, giving the sector deep red, brown or green. Resistant to weathering, frost-resistant.
  • Kilpi from Tikkurila (Finland) - Elastic matte paint. With a wide range of colors (Tinting on the Tikkurila's own directories). It is easy to apply, long does not fade into the sun and until the end of the service life retains the color intensity.
  • "Roofing paint in Schifer" from Novbythim (Russia) - matte paint, resistant to atmospheric influences. Forms persistent protection against the appearance of moss, lichens, algae on slate. Available in 5 colors, a tinting is possible on existing systems.
  • Aquagel AK-1SH from TM Sticolor Concern "Stirol" (Ukraine) - dispersion paint With matte structure. Forms a smooth film with a flat surface, with which water is easily flowed, the dirt is not delayed. Produced in red and green.

Special variety of aquatic acrylic LKM - rubber (latex) paint. It presents the same acrylic latex, pigments and additives as in the usual water-dispersion materials. But, unlike them, latex paint resembles a thick mastic, which, after drying, forms an elastic film, flexible as rubber. It absolutely does not miss water, it does not crack, has a high adhesion to porous materials, including to the sector. Latex film paint tightens cracks up to 1 mm wide and prevents new ones. Bright representative This group of LMK is "rubber paint" from Novbythim (Russia).

About the properties of acrylic paints for slate on the example of a particular coating of Eurostil Nova from Supraten (Moldova) in the following video:

Type # 2 - Acrylic paints on organic solvents

These paints are diluted not with water, but organic solvents. As part: Acrylic resin (synthetic latex), colored pigments, additives, organic solvent (most often white spirit). The degree of mattness of such paints depends on the resin content. What is more, the greater the gloss of the dried film of the composition is expressed.

The paint on organic solvents is different:

  • more durable film than water dispersion formulations;
  • high water repellent properties;
  • elasticity;
  • light-resistance and long conservation of color intensity;
  • sharp odor.

Organo-preserved acrylic paints are presented in the market with a small range. Thanks to the excellent quality in Wednesday of Masters, Mattaya paint "ETERNIT" from Polifarb (Ukraine), manufactured in red, brown and green gamut, has established itself. Thanks to wear resistance, the color of this paint is practically not changing even by the end of the operational period. Another popular option is the paint "Schicryl" from "Krako" (Russia). It is easy to use and high degree of covers.

Type # 3 - Creamyorganic (Silicone) Paints

Silicon inks are rightfully considered the most reliable and durable for slate. They are suspensions of pigments and fillers in silicone (silicone) binding. Thanks to the presence of silicone, this species The paints are distinguished by increased elasticity, so some of them are capable of overlapping cracks, up to 2 mm thick!

Properties of silicone paints:

  • high strength;
  • maximum elasticity, the possibility of "repair" works and sealing with a silicone composition of sufficiently wide cracks on slate;
  • fungicidal and algicide properties that prevent the reproduction of microorganisms (in the pores and on the Slate surface);
  • high water and dirt-repellent properties;
  • the possibility of exclusion from the paint process of the stage of priming;
  • silicons are not toxic, do not have an aggressive smell, fireproof;
  • the service life is 10-15 years.

Receivedly tested for coloring slate enamel "Co-slate", the production of the plant "Silic Polymer" (Ukraine). She impresses upper layer Slate, providing deep durable color. The company produces "Ko-Slafer" of two colors - red-brown and green, but there is a possibility of tinting to order.

At the same plant, the "silicipolymer" produces EMAL OS-5103K (green - green), intended for protective and decorative staining of many materials, including asbestos cement. Material has increased heat resistance, acid and alkaliiness, resistance to chemical gases. Due to this, the sifter painting enamel OS-5103K can be performed at industrial enterprises.

Type # 4 - Alkid Slaft Paints

Alkyd composition composition slaftic colors consists of alkyd resins, pigments, fillers in organic Solvent. Alkid enamels, as a rule, quick-drying, form an elastic, not prone to cracking film.

Properties of alkyd slate enamels:

  • high moisture resistance;
  • increased adhesion to the sector;
  • resistance to atmospheric influences;
  • does not require the mandatory use of primer before painting;
  • durability - 5 years.

As an example of high-quality alkyd enamel, a "quick-drying enamel for slate" from Impulse (Ukraine) can be given. It is characterized by very fast drying (at 20˚C, the layer dries in 1 hour), does not have a sharp smell. Produced in the most suitable for the roof of red, brown, blue and green colors. Another product on an alkyd basis is "enamel for roofs" made by Empils (Russia). In addition to high protective qualities, paint has a wide caloring base consisting of 10 colors.

Type # 5 - Polymer paints "Liquid plastic"

They are a suspension of polymers (polyurethane, vinyl or polystyrene), pigments and solvent additives. After drying the composition and evaporation of solvents, the paint forms a thin plastic (polymer) layer with a glossy or matte surface onto the slate.

Characteristics of "liquid plastic":

  • absolute moisture resistance (fully blocks water access to the sector);
  • chemical inertness
  • high drying speed;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • fire safety (after drying it does not burn);
  • resistance to burnout;
  • applying pre-priming;
  • high frost resistance, as well as the possibility of applying for small negative temperatures (up to -10˚C);
  • the durability of the coating is 10-15 years.

Liquid Plastic Polymer Paint Releases Denalt (Canada). This paint is produced on an alkyd-polyurethane basis, which gives the composition of particular strength.

Polymer paint of PPG-1 production "Komoyl" (Belarus) - another reliable selection. In its composition there is a polystyrene, which, after drying, forms protective and decorative coating A variety of colors. Polystyrene base has and PS-160 TM paint « Sticolor. » (Ukraine). It is an atmospheric enamel, forming an elastic surface with a glossy effect.

Variety of colors and caller capabilities

The most running colors of colors for slate - red, brown, green. They appear in the assortment of most paints. At the same time, the color base of a particular material may include both 5 and 100 different colors and shades. But what to do, if you want to paint the slate, let's say, in a light yellow color, and in the assortment of the selected paint there is no such shade? Tweets will come to the rescue. Most paint manufacturers provide for the ability to dye their paints into any tones corresponding to the color catalogs - RAL, NSC, Symphony. Tinting at the enterprise is produced on special devices, with the help of caloring pastes and paints.

Also, the tinting can be performed independently by adding a color paste into purchased paint, and stirring a mixer mixture.

The choice of paint and its colors is the responsible process. But, unfortunately, even the most expensive and high-quality enamel cannot guarantee the preparation of a reliable decorative protective coating on a slate. If you do not comply with painting technology, then almost certainly a pigmented film will behave unpredictable. For example, it will begin to crack, remove or overwrite a much earlier ending of the operational period (maybe even a few days after painting). Therefore, Colfer to paint, too, you need to be able to correctly!

The slate coloring process is performed in several stages:

Stage # 1 - Slate surface preparation

The slate surface to be painted should be cleaned of dust, dirt, fungal and plant sediments, unstable (or incompatible with the selected paint) coatings.

Cleaning can be performed in two ways: dry mechanical (manual or mechanized) and using water jets under pressure. Sometimes these methods are combined and performed alternately.

For manual mechanical cleansing, wire brushes are used, which will be scraped by zapol, dirt, moss and lichens. Work requires considerable effort and accuracy, while the cleaning speed is very small. It is possible to clean the slate with the tools faster and better. To do this, on the Bulgarian or Drill put on the nozzle representing, in fact, the same brush for metal. When the instrument is enabled, it starts to rotate, considering the surface defects of slate.

The second purification method consists in washing slate with water jets high pressurewho create automotive ministers (Wagner, Karcher, etc.). At the same time, the pressure created must be within 100-250 atmospheres. The minisy, producing water with lower pressure, will not be able to remove contaminants, and higher pressure mechanisms - not only defects destroy, but also slate itself.

Stage # 2 - Priming

For the impregnation of the top layer of slate, special compositions are used - primers. Choose them in accordance with the instructions for using a specific coloring composition. For example, the silicone paint co-slate is combined with Silicone primer KO-011C. However, silicone paints, as well as the compositions of "liquid plastic" and alkyd enamels can be applied without prior priming. Acrylic paints, on the contrary, require mandatory use of primer. It can be both special compositions (for example, DUPA-GRUND for Alpina Dachfarbe) and diluted according to the instructions of the paint. To get a soaking ground under acrylic paint Alpina Dachfarbe is enough to dissolve it with water up to 10% of the volume.

Soil is applied to slate in 1-2 layers using a brush, roller or spray gun.

Stage # 3 - directly painting

On top of the dried primer, direct staining is performed. As a rule, it is enough to apply 2 layers of paint, the first of which will be the basic, and the second one - the finish. The base layer is the main one, it should carefully block the entire surface of the asbestos cement, including ends, angles, joints, skate and angular parts. After drying the first layer, painting is repeated again. The task of the second (finishing) layer is that the painted slate got a bright homogeneous color, without divorce.

Processing is performed by brush, roller or sprayer.

Here is such uncomplicated technology give a seifer color and high decorativeness comparable to the beauty of the tiles, bituminous or metal roof. In addition, staining (with periodic paint updating) will be reliable protection Roofs from environmental impact and for decades will increase its life.

As one of the popular roofing materials today is slate. It belongs to the coatings of the economy class. If for the construction of a canopy suit ordinary Slate, then painted material should be laid on the roof of the private house. Therefore, quite often consumers are asked about what kind of colather paint will suit the best.

Selection of paint

Many consumers believe that choosing an imported product for slate staining, they will get an excellent result. But this assumption may be erroneous. Therefore, the question should be taken seriously. If you decide to purchase a product of foreign production, you should pay attention to DachBeschichtung. This paint is made in Germany and is the most expensive product among imported proposals.

According to technical indicators, paint is quite attractive: it is durable, has high adhesive properties and durability. However, the application of such a mixture can be carried out only on a natural slate or tile. Another paint for slate is Kilpi. It is made in Finland and contains acrylic. This indicates that application can be carried out almost any roofing material, eg:

  • professional flooring;
  • slate;
  • metal tile.

For the price, this product is somewhat more attractive compared to the German analogue.

Alternative solutions

If you want to reflect a slate roof, you should also pay attention to the POLIFARB / AKROFARB paint, which is the product of Polish production. These acrylic compositions are based on dispersion substances and are good in that dry in the most short time. As a result, it is possible to achieve saturation and brightness of color. Joint product of manufacturers from Finland and Sweden - ETER AKVA. It is a water-soluble acrylate-based paint. The mixture is resistant to aggressive alkaline media and can be used for staining not only slate, but also concrete.

Color paints from producers of the countries of the former CIS

If you have a slate painting, you can choose products produced under the "Polyfan" brand. This russian paint. Used to apply to slate, brick and concrete. As basic advantages:

  • wear resistance;
  • water resistance;
  • color resistance;
  • durability.

Ukrainian paint "Acrylam-slate" is used exclusively for slate and is a viscous acrylic fluid on a water-dispersive basis. The base for Belgorod paint "Unisal" is acrylic elements on a water-dispersion basis. It is possible to achieve the desired color by adding painting pigments.

The coating has high resistance to ultraviolet and atmospheric precipitation. As part of the Moscow paint "Butanit", polymeric substances to which mineral silicon ingredients are added during the production process. The main feature The composition is frost resistance.

How to paint slate roof

Slate painting should be carried out on special technology. If the roof is only planned to be covered, then the material can be painted on the ground, and after, waiting for the layer drying, to be used to the crate. If the roof is already arranged, you will have to sweat. When Slate was operated for several years and never stained, then his surface could be covered with fungal formations. Unpainted slate with time is covered with a raid green colorwhich absorbs moisture and creates a load on the roofing design.

In order to achieve a positive result, you must remove the top layer. Use for this better:

  • a brush with a metal pile;
  • car wash;
  • drill;
  • bulgarian.

With the help of a metal brush, you can remove fungal sediments on a wet or dry surface, everything will depend on the severity of the tax. If you decide to use a corner car or drill, then it is necessary to provide one of these tools by a brush by a scab. The most versatile solution is the car wash, with which you can prepare a slate roof with water for staining, the jet will be supplied under high pressure.

As soon as the roof is cleaned from the plaque, its surface should be treated with an antiseptic, which will exclude the likelihood of fungus and mold. Slate painting provides for the preparation of the roof of the roof as a primer. Its applying is carried out at the next stage. This layer will improve the quality of the clutch of materials. With the help of primer, you can fill the pores, which will reduce the consumption of paint, in addition, the slate surface will be smoother.

The most faithful method of staining will be paint in 2 layers. The first layer will perform the basis. Works can be carried out by the following tools:

  • roller;
  • brush;
  • sprayer.

Slate painting must necessarily provide for the need to prepare the surface of the underfloor material. It is important to inspect the web to eliminate the presence of damage. Special attention is recommended to pay specialists to northern skates, because it is most often the moss colonies are most often formed from which it is necessary to get rid of. If you decide to use for this manual power tools, It is important to show caution so as not to damage the slate.

Cleaning, the slate painting is the main stages of the refinement of the described material. Once all microorganisms are removed, the roof surface should be checked again for integrity. If you have noticed small cracks or breaks, they must be sealed with a special mixture. You can prepare it yourself using:

  • cement;
  • pVA glue;
  • powered asbestos.

The glue is pre-diluted with water. The preparation process necessarily provides for the removal of garbage from the roof surface. It is important to dive the painted base. This is done with the help of a conventional brush and water. Slate after that is left before drying. Painting slate on the roof will make it possible excellent resultIf the preparation use car washers. After that, it will look like a new one.

Slate painting

Painting of the flat slate is carried out along the same technology as wavy. Work is better to start in cloud cloudy weather, when the air temperature rose above +15 ° C. Such conditions are the most optimal for drying the applied layer. Quite often consumers are wondering whether it is possible to apply paint at temperatures close to zero. In the instructions, you can meet the recommendations that the paint behaves perfectly under such conditions. However, specialists are not recommended to risk costly materials. In addition, reduced temperatures can increase the dying period of the applied layer. After the formation of the first layer it is left until the moment of drying. This period may differ from different materials. Full strength will reach the layer for several days, it is important that the roof surface is not soaked.

Methods of work: reviews

If you decide to update the roof, it is recommended to read the reviews about the slate painting. Consumers claim that to apply antiseptics it is best to use a sprayer or wide brush. The master is important to use the means of protection:

  • glasses;
  • gloves;
  • respirator.

When choosing a primer, it is important to pay attention to the compositions that contain ingredients protecting the surface from the formation of moss and mold. Applying the primer, according to buyers, it is better to carry out in several layers. When the slate painting is carried out with their own hands, it is best to purchase the primer of the same manufacturer as decorative materialwhich will be used at the final stage of the roof refrigeration.

It is best to start work early in the morning when the weather is not too hot. The ideal level of humidity is considered to be the limit of 40 to 60%. This combination with a temperature at 20 ° C is quite rare, so it is recommended to follow the instructions.

It is important to draw attention to the processing of ends, hard-to-reach areas and corners. The base coating will take about 60% of the total paint.


Consumers claim that in the end there may be an inhomogeneous layer. In order to avoid this, applying the second and subsequent layers should be carried out on dry basic layer. Typically, paint consumption is greater than the one that is specified by the manufacturer. Therefore, it is recommended to acquire a material with some reserve.

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