How to make a snow slide in the yard. How to make a snow slide: workflow

Landscaping and planning 12.06.2019
Landscaping and planning

Winter is coming and for our children we need to prepare a winter ice slide. In this article I would like to help you with the answer to the question "How to make a slide with your own hands?",

Naturally, to build a slide you need a large number of snow and cold weather. Then, you need to choose a convenient and safe place to create a slide. It should "grow up", away from the roadway and, preferably, not rest against the sides of the entrance door and all kinds of buildings.

It is best to make a hill with a friendly company, one carries snow, another works with a shovel, the third rams the applied snowdrifts.

So the work will be argued, and things will go faster. So, how to make a slide with your own hands? Just.

First you need a large wide shovel. The next step is to apply snow, the more the better. It is worth deciding for whom the slide is being built. If for small children, then it should not be too high. And the width of the slide, as they say, is done "to taste" - from one to two meters. Well, you can not save on the length of this snow creation - all five meters! If, of course, the free space around the slide allows the "builders" to swing like that.

How to make a children's slide without steps? No way, because the steps are necessary for the slide. They are made from its highest side. As for the sides, you should not particularly focus on them, since they can be made later, when the slide is filled with water.

1. So, the main part of the construction of the slide is completed, now the most important part is pouring. The hill is poured cold water from a hose, but you can actively use watering cans and buckets. Only the steps do not need to be poured, otherwise you will not be able to climb up the hill later on them.

2. How to make a snow slide so that it is smooth and slippery? It is necessary not to be too lazy and fill it in at least three times. In order for the slide to be thoroughly frozen, without unnecessary tubercles and dents, it must be constantly trimmed and smoothed with a wide shovel.

3. It is recommended to fill the hill in the evening. At night it will freeze, and in the morning the kids will have fun riding with it. You can ride on ordinary cardboard, so to speak, in the old fashioned way, or use modern ice sleds for greater speed.

4. The most convenient time to make a slide is in the thaw, when the snow is heavy and sticky. The snow "mound" you made will need to be trampled down and left for a while so that it settles and compacts to a denser mass. The height of the slide will depend on what age children will ride on it - for kids no more than a meter, for older children - 1.5-2 meters in height. The surface of the descent must be flat, the curbs must be made high enough. Pay attention to the angle of descent - if it is more than 40 degrees, the slide will become traumatic.

5. It is necessary to fill the hill in frosty weather. Just pouring it from a bucket and a hose is a bad idea, a large mass of water, especially under pressure, will simply wash the snow, forming holes. A laborious, but win-win option is an ordinary garden watering can. You can pour water on a flat surface from which it will drain onto the snow - on a piece of plywood or a wide shovel. Sometimes it is recommended to cover the hill with a large rag and pour it through it - the water will be more evenly distributed over the snow. If you don’t have anything like this at hand, collect snow from the nearest snowdrift in a bucket of water, mix with a stick and evenly cover the hill with the resulting snow slurry. Level the surface and leave the hill for the night to freeze, and the next day coat it with snow porridge again and let it freeze completely. From the descent, you can make an ice path with water or the same snow porridge so that the skiers drive further away.

The surface of the descent will need to be kept in order, making sure that potholes do not form on it.

You also need to make steps, make them 10-15 centimeters in height.

Reading time ≈ 6 minutes

What is winter without snow slides, ice sculptures and snowdrifts! On a frosty winter day, you just want to take an ice cube and run to ride on fresh air, but often there may not be an ice slide nearby at all. It is not surprising that many are interested in how to do it yourself without outside help build a hill of snow. This is a real joy not only for kids of all ages, but also for adults. Consider several ways to properly build and fill a snow slide with water so that it freezes.

Choosing a place in the yard

Let's first figure out what kind of slides exist at all, and what kind of snow structure you can build in your yard.

Types of slides:

The ideal place is a play area where the kids are used to spending time. Here are some tips for where the children's slide should be:

  • In a safe area away from the roadway, as well as from walking paths;
  • In an open area, so that it was free and easy to ride;
  • Far from various buildings, structures, poles, trees and other plantings. Sliding should occur smoothly until it comes to a complete stop;
  • The slope should be gentle and not too steep ( optimal angle high part - 40-50 degrees);
  • The rollout must be directed to a flat area, without obstacles and ledges, so that children do not get injured;
  • The place should be well lit in the evening, as riding with flashlights is not only inconvenient, but also unsafe.

Photo example of a fun New Year's slide

Choose a size and prepare inventory

It is important to remember that the higher you plan to build a snow slide, the more free space should be for a smooth descent. Consider the basic requirements for their manufacture:

  1. The top of the slide should be fenced with sides with a height of 40 centimeters. This is done to protect against accidental falls and stability if the sole slips;
  2. The stairs to the top should be non-slip and not steep (the dimensions of the steps in depth and height are 20 * 20 cm). It will be useful to sprinkle the steps with sand, but not too much, as it will fall on the slope and slow down the movement;
  3. The ratio of the height of the slide to the length of the entire descent should be in proportions of 1:6;
  4. The width of the slide depends on the intended purpose: for small children, for tubing, for riding alone or together in a crowd, etc.

Most the best time for the construction of the structure - a clear sunny day, since there is a slight thaw during the day, and at night the frost gets stronger. It is easier to work with a little wet and pliable snow, and at night the result will be fixed by itself.

What tools are needed:

  • Warm mittens and gloves to protect hands (it is advisable to wear rubber gloves on top);
  • Large metal shovels;
  • Broom;
  • Metal buckets, ladles and watering cans;
  • Sprayers, atomizers or rubber hoses;
  • Unnecessary rags and mops;
  • Flat hard devices (tabletops, long plywood, shields, etc.) for leveling snow on the descent;
  • Wide spatula or construction scraper;
  • Quick access to water.

Remember: you should only use pure snow! It should also be free of foreign objects: stones, sticks, branches, leaves, etc.

The video below shows how you can build a snow slide with your own hands in kindergarten or backyard of your house.

We begin to sculpt a hill of snow

Once you have decided on the location and dimensions of the structure, prepared all the equipment and called assistants, you can safely get to work:

If desired, you can use a ready-made frame, for example, wooden stairs, railings, shields, boards, countertops and even car tires, which are subsequently covered with snow.

Let's start filling

Filling is the most crucial stage, it is important here not to spoil all the work done. The main thing is to never use warm water to fill the slide - it will only leave holes in the snow and melt it. The water should be ice cold - mixed with snow in a metal bucket.

Fill options:

  1. Spraying from a garden watering can or hose;
  2. Pouring water onto a wide shovel and then onto the mountain slope itself;
  3. Flooring on the slope surface with a wet rag;
  4. Pouring up the hill ice water from a bucket of snow, tamping and grinding with spatulas.

All hills, irregularities and defects are knocked down and leveled until the structure accepts necessary form. During the night, the form should “grab”, and the very next day you can try out the slide and ride with your friends!

It is necessary to build and fill the slide at sub-zero temperatures

News of Tyumen and the Tyumen region - 21.12.2015

The most pleasant memory from childhood is, of course, winter fun. Games in the snow, sledding, skating, skiing and slides. We will talk about the latter in more detail and describe how from the snow and how to fill it correctly.

How to build a slide with your own hands in Tyumen

In practice, many faced a serious problem when. It either breaks up, then collapses, then pits form on it after pouring. We will teach you how to make the right slide yourself without any extra physical effort.

So, let's begin. To blind the slide yourself, you will need:

- Pure snow

- Water is cold)

- Shovel or stretcher

- Bucket, watering can

- Broom

To make a hill of snow, you need to start from a few simple rules:

Choose a safe place

1) If you build it in a kindergarten or in your yard, then you do not need to beware of the nearest roads. And if you are making a slide in an unfenced area, then you need to choose a safe place. Away from the roadway, away from various obstacles, bushes, trees, fences, and so on, so as not to harm the child.

You need to build a hill from pure snow

2) After the place is determined, it is necessary to drag a lot of clean snow. The average and safest slide for children is from two to four meters. You can drag snow either with a stretcher or with a large shovel. We used a shovel. Let's say in advance to build a meter slide, it took us half an hour. Most of the time it took to bring to the place required amount snow. Then we collected the snow in one heap and formed a base from it - a hill.

How to make steps and sides of a snow slide

3) After the base, we make steps. They are easy to make with a shovel. It is necessary to compact first with your feet, and then form with a shovel. It is important to make them comfortable and small so that the child can easily climb to the top. By the way, the safe width of the steps is from fifty centimeters. Let's not forget about the sides. They can also be made with a shovel and hands. Choose the height based on the height and weight of your child. On average, the sides are made 10-30 centimeters.

How to fill a hill of snow

4) When the base of the slide is formed, go to the very complex process: fill. The slope is filled only with cool water from a watering can, a hose with a spray nozzle or a bucket. It should be remembered that it is necessary to fill in at a low temperature - on average from minus 10-20 degrees. Otherwise, all your efforts are down the drain. Important! It is necessary to fill in a hill in three-four stages. To make the slide smooth, without holes and bumps, you need to use an ordinary broom when pouring. Yes, yes, a broom! With a broom we level the surface of the slide, and your children can easily slide down the hill with great pleasure!

When pouring a slide, you need to slam the surface with a broom

5) A hill of snow is poured with water several times. After the first, a thin and brittle crust forms, after the second - a rough frost, and the third time can be poured for the greatest strength and smoothness of the surface. When you fill the hill for the first time, slam the surface with a broom! If you follow all these rules, then you will get a great homemade slide!

  • Choose pure snow! If you neglect this rule, then when it gets significantly warmer outside, your children may get dirty!
  • Try to make the hill more even, without holes, depressions and bumps. If there are sharp bumps on the slide, children may tear their clothes.
  • A good and best height for children is two meters, and for older kids - three, four meters or more. For small children, it is better to make the necessary supports to avoid falls.
  • You need to ride the hill on the ice. Ice can be bought in a store for an average of 100 rubles or made by yourself. You can make an ice cube from linoleum or use a simple piece of cardboard.

Winter is just around the corner, and for the kids it's time for school holidays. Any parent wants their child to have fun and usefully spend time during this period. Of course, outdoor activities and family leisure are also important for children and adults. So that they do not turn into a boring pastime, you can entertain yourself. For example, together with the children, build a snow slide, after which it is fun to ride from it. We will tell you how to do this in this article.

snow Hill

Since ancient times in Russia it was customary to ride a sleigh from the hills. It was a favorite pastime of both old and young. Those who live in hilly or mountainous areas are lucky enough to wait for snowy weather and the slide is ready. And most importantly, no effort is required. Well, if there is no hillock near your house, or you live in apartment building the hill can be built with your own hands. How to do this we will tell further.

do-it-yourself snow slide

Making a slide with your own hands is not so difficult. For this you will need:

  • prepared site;
  • snow;
  • several shovels;
  • water.

Firstly, you need to choose a place for the future slide. It is best to place it on open area further from the roads. This is primarily a question of the safety of the children themselves. If necessary, free the area from debris. The size of the slide is also important; from a small slide, it will be inconvenient for children to ride, and a very large one may not be safe for children. The height should be comfortable and preferably below the height of an adult. So you will be more comfortable to follow and help the child. The length is best done 5 m, this is the most optimal length. The shape of the slide is also important.

Show your imagination and make it with a twist, or decorate with an arch at the top. Children will have a lot of fun riding a non-standard slide. The place is marked, now it is necessary to sketch the snow in the form of a hill and compact it. Everything must be carried out evenly and in several stages. The angle of the slide should be between 30 and 50 degrees. The slope angle can be adjusted by adding material. If the slide is intended for young children, then it must be made flat from the very beginning of work. For convenience, it is necessary to provide steps along which the children will climb the hill. So that they do not slip, you can lay them out with planks. Along the length of the slope itself, you can make a small side of snow so that children who ride do not fall. After completing the main work, it is recommended to fill the slide with water. To do this, you can take a bucket of water, and gradually water it from the steps. Then let the water freeze, and repeat the procedure several more times until the surface becomes smooth. If cracks and pits appear on the slope during the pouring process, they must be filled with snow and poured with water. After that, it is recommended to leave the slide for the night, during which time the water will freeze and in the morning the children will be able to ride from it.

How to make a snow slide

Making a snow slide is quite simple. This will require a minimum of inventory, just a couple of shovels, pieces of plywood and snow. The snow slide has a number of positive aspects:

  1. children can be involved in work, regardless of age;
  2. no material costs;
  3. malleable material gives a great flight for imagination;
  4. the ability to add new items at any time.

There is only one drawback - it's seasonal. The slide will delight everyone only during the winter. Most importantly, adults and children can show their imagination and create something original. To simplify the work, you can build a frame from pieces of plywood. Secure them firmly and decorate with snow. Having made the descent and steps, it is worth taking care of safety. Along the edges of the descent, make bumpers and provide small handrails for the convenience of climbing the hill. After that, the entire hill must be covered with water to form an ice glaze. It will give the whole structure strength. For convenience and safety, the uppermost platform of the structure can be covered with plywood. Then you have to wait until next day and feel free to start testing.

How to fill a hill of snow

It would seem that it could be easier to fill snow slide water. But, and here there are some nuances, the implementation of which will greatly simplify the work. For proper filling, the following rules must be observed:

  • you need to protect your hands from cold and moisture, for this we put on warm gloves, and rubber ones on top;
  • it is best to fill the surface in frosty weather;
  • it is best to fill it with warm water, it will harden faster.

It's not all that difficult. For pouring, it is best to use an ordinary garden watering can. With its help, the water is more evenly distributed over the hill and the surface will be smoother. This process is quite labor intensive. But a few hours of work are worth happy children's eyes and ringing laughter. This will be the best reward for your efforts.

Snow slide

The snow slide can be made in different form and size. For example, you can build wooden frame with two slopes. One is steeper and longer for adults and older children, and the other with a smaller angle and length of descent for toddlers. After that, the frame is filled with snow and the slide is ready. This building will be strong and safe. And most importantly, it can be used in the warm season. By placing sheets of tin or other sliding material on the slopes for the amusement of the kids.

If you have imagination and free time you can build a slide for children with arches in the form of a log hut. On such a hill there are several descents. Children will be very interested to ride from such a slide. The main thing is that they will have a fun and active time.

If desired, you can beautifully decorate even the most ordinary mountain. To do this, you need paints and brushes. On the side surfaces of the slide, you can draw Christmas trees, snowflakes and winter birds (for example, a bullfinch). Such uncomplicated patterns will appeal not only to children, but also to adults. Toddlers will enjoy rolling down the slide and admiring the drawings on their way to the climb. As you can see, making a slide is quite simple, and with a little imagination, you can make even the simplest model beautiful.

This article talks about snow slides and how you can build them yourself. Advice is given on filling the resulting structure with water. Describes how to arrange appearance structures. Using the tips of the article, you can quickly build a safe slide for children using improvised materials. Correctly fill it with water and, if desired, decorate it in an original way. Successful work.

To make a hill of snow, you need to choose the best place for it, away from the roadway, away from various obstacles, bushes, trees, fences, and so on. After the location of the slide is chosen, you need to bring a lot of snow and make a big mountain out of it. The future height of our ice slide will depend on the height of this snowy mountain.

A good height for small children is two meters, and for older kids - three, four meters or more. The length of the snow slide can be from three to five meters, it also depends on the length of the snowdrift. To carry snow faster, use a stretcher and a wide snow shovel.

Before you make a hill of snow, you need to try to give the desired shape to our artificial snowdrift so that it is flat by two-thirds and not by one-third. Now we move on to the formation of steps, on the one hand of our snowy mountain, and a smooth slope, on the other hand.

The steps are formed with a shovel and compacted with feet, while unnecessary and excess snow is thrown away. It is more convenient to form steps with a narrow shovel, as it is much more maneuverable in operation. The safe width of the steps is fifty centimeters. The slope is filled with cool water from a watering can or a hose with a spray nozzle.

In the process of filling the slide with water, ice sides are formed along the edges, which will prevent children from falling out during winter skiing. A hill of snow is poured with water several times, after the first a thin and brittle crust forms, after the second - a rough ice, and the third time can be poured for the greatest strength and smoothness of the surface.

Please note that the water should be exactly cool or very cold, but not hot, it can ruin the entire slide. If the surface of the slide is covered with bumps, fill it four or five times until it is perfectly even and smooth. Here is a slide of snow with your own hands and is ready, you can happily ride on it with a breeze.

If such an ice slide needs restoration, it is necessary to bring more snow, re-form a snowdrift of the desired shape, fill in the slope and update the steps. If deep grooves have formed in the slope, you can cover them with snow and moisten them with plenty of water, after which you can ride on the hill again.

It is best to build a snow slide at temperatures up to eight degrees below zero. At higher temperatures, the snow begins to melt, and at lower temperatures, it is very hard and cold to work. You can drive down the ice slide on a piece of cardboard or special bright ice cubes. Children under three years old at a snow slide require close supervision, attention and guidance from their parents, riding on a slide can be a very dangerous activity for them.

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