Slate painting. How and how to paint slate? How to paint a slate roof: what paint technology is better to paint slate on the roof

The buildings 25.06.2019
The buildings


Previously, slate was considered the most running material - more than half of the houses were covered with it. Today we can talk about serious competition - after all, manufacturers constantly improve the quality and assortment of roofing materials produced by them. However, all the same slate is among the leading materials. He possesses positive characteristics for long period time. For example, low cost, good water and frost resistance, long service life. These qualities are certainly important, but not always relevant when choosing a material. After all, over time, Slather acquires a gray-green color, and moss often forms on its northern side. In addition, the usual factory slate can simply not fit into the interior of your home.

But if you prefer the sector, then, for sure, ask yourself how to paint slate roofbefore.

We prepare slate to color

For this procedure, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • metal brush;
  • drill;
  • bulgarian;
  • construction S. high pressure jet of water;
  • antiseptic for construction;
  • brushes;
  • spray;
  • ordinary mask or respirator;
  • glasses;
  • gloves;
  • paint: acrylic and enamel;
  • primer.

Before painting, you need to carefully clean the slate. For example, if it is operated for many years.

To clean the slate roof, you can use various ways.

Note that the undoubted advantage of this method is that for cleaning the roof 100 square metersYou will leave 1 or 2 days.

Process slate before painting

The next stage in front of the slate color is the process of processing using the antiseptic.

Considering that the wet environment is perfect place For fungal dispute, process slate anti-wet.

Note that the old slate can be many pores - so it can quickly come into disrepair. Under these conditions, it is advisable to carry out hydrophobization - to eliminate the risk of this kind. This will significantly increase the life of the material.

In order for the processed roofing, it looks aesthetic, you need to paint it. The optimal option is painting slate roofs before start roofing work. But often many people are asked by this issue only after several years. During this time, the slate can seriously lose in aesthetic form and start decaying in the sun. Therefore, the point of painting the roof is a very important component. In addition, this final stage in work.

Inexperienced people can wonder how to paint a slate roof and is it possible to do it? Reply: Painting is an easy process. Paint is an additional protective layer. It is he who helps to strengthen the structure of slate from adverse effects. In addition, strong frosts are not afraid of the painted sector.

Choose paint for slate

It is very important to choose the right thing - because it is the key to the beauty and quality of the future roof. Today you can find paints from acrylic and enamel.

It is recommended to give preference to these types of paints, because they are specifically designed to eliminate all microcracks on slate. Moreover, the painting film will protect the material from the effects of atmospheric phenomena. Paints include in their composition binding components, thanks to which you can paint a slate roof. If your roof is in harsh climatic zone - It is best to use quick-drying enamel.

Do not forget that you can always ask the Council from specialists or even entrust them to all the paint activity of your slate. After reading the photo and video of the Internet, you will have an idea of \u200b\u200bthis form of work.

The quality is entirely dependent in addition to paint, also from the technology of its application.

Such a process can be divided into three components:

  • Slate surface is covered with primer.
  • Slate is painted in the first layer of paint.
  • The second (final) layer of paint is applied.

How to paint slate roof, details on video:

Before painting Slate, it is necessary to think through the priming process. Any priming involves the use of deep penetration compositions. It reliably strengthen the slate surfaces. You will notice that the processive roof is much easier. In the primer, the paint usually falls uniformly, and its consumption will be significantly less than when painting without preprocessing. It is recommended to use the separation consumption - about 100 or 150 grams per slate sheet.

The primer is most often applied using a sprayer at air temperature from +5 to +30 degrees. As a rule, at 12 o'clock the primer dries completely. This is a temporary minimum - only by its expiration, you can exercise. Safety for working with ground solutions It is necessary to use protection for hands (gloves) and eye (glasses). The painting of the slate roof involves proper preparation Slate surface before painting.

After you delivered the primer - let the roof dry. It usually dries a whole day, and already next day you can start painting it.

Slate painting: technology

Staining slate, remember that the first layer is the main layer. It is usually 2/3 of the entire paint and varnish material is usually consumed. After painting the first layer, check if there are no pass, unpainted ends or corners left. Carefully paint those places that are most difficult. Having left the first layer, you will see a completely different appearance His roof. However, it is only the beginning - and it is not necessary to relate to the subsequent layer.

You should not forget that you can apply the finish layer only after complete drying of the first layer. The second layer will allow the root of some monotony. In addition, at the final stage, you can remove the divorces that remained after the first layer. The second layer involves consumption of 1/3 of the paint.

How much slate on the roof ".

The content of the article

The material that is used to cover the roofs for many years and characterized by excellent operational qualities is undoubtedly slate. It does not take away mechanical strength, good water resistance, resistance to different kind of influences, but, there is a significant drawback.

Compared to other modern roofing coatings, playing all the colors of the rainbow, slate seems to be non-primable, and after several decades, and it does not matter at all. But the situation can be corrected. This requires painting slate. With the help of modern paintwork materials This task is completely solved.

Selection of paint for slate

It is often necessary to hear that the painting of asbotic materials is short-lived, the colorful layer crepts after the first winter experienced, and in general, it is better not to get involved with this case. In response, I would like to say, with the wrong choice of material and non-compliance with technological requirements, even painted wooden door A year later, I will lose your shine. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly understand how and how to paint slate. Let's start with the choice of paint.

Today, paint designed to apply to asbetic materials, produce both foreign and domestic manufacturers. These are mainly an acrylic or silicone composition.

  • COLOSHORGANICAL PAST for Slate Co-Slate. It is a mixture of special fillers and dyes on a silicone basis. Forms a durable, mechanical-resistant coating, which, besides the decorative function, prevents the income of asbestos particles into the atmosphere.

The paint is incompatible with other types of coatings, applied to a pre-treated silicone primer surface. To obtain the desired result, it is necessary to apply two layers.

  • Paint for Slate Trior. Domestic slate paint on acrylic basis. Products under the TRIOR brand are distinguished by high operational qualities. Also applied in two layers on a pre-prepared surface. Old coatings (oil, silicone) must be completely removed. Paint has a more democratic cost, while possesses good light resistance, resistant to moisture . It can be sprayed by selecting the required shade.
  • Coating for teferric kilpi roofs from Tikkurila. Paint on a modified acrylate dispersion. Cost enough, but in this caseThe price is justified by the quality of the coating. The layer of applied paint remains elastic even in low temperatures. It is also applied after surface treatment with recommended materials.

Other companies from Russia, Germany, Poland are engaged in the release of such colors. Therefore, the choice of material is quite large. The main thing is that you should remember when choosing - paint should be intended for slate.

Surface preparation

Like any other surface, the slate must be carefully prepared for staining, such preparation is performed in several stages.

Painting an old slate, which has already been exploited by considerable time, begins with a thorough inspection.

Special attention is paid to the northern skates, they are possible the formation of the colonies of the moss, it must be removed.

This can be done with conventional metal brushes. Easy the process will allow the use of manual power tools with special nozzles. True, in this case, you need to act carefully in order not to damage the slate.

After removal of vegetation, it is required to check the entire roof for integrity. In case of detection of small cracks or breaks, they should be sealed using a special mixture. This mixture is prepared from:

  • diluted water glue plow,
  • cement
  • powered asbestos.

Only after the elimination of all defects will be able to paint slate.

The next step is the removal of garbage and dedusting the surface of the roof. You can make it ordinary brushes, and it is possible with water. In this case, the sector then need to dry. Excellent result It turns out when the slate washing with car washup machines, such as Kercher. After such processing, Slate looks like a new one.

It is advisable to treat the surface with antifungal drugs - this will increase the life of the future coating, and the slate as a whole.
The most important part of the preparation of the coverage is the primer recommended by the manufacturer of the composition. It is this processing that increases the adhesion of materials and provides reliable contact of paint and coatings in the future. Sub-quality processing is the main cause of the backlack of paint, so you need to ensure that there are no unprocessed areas on the roof.

In addition, the primer reduces paint consumption. Asbacement absorbs very well similar materials, Therefore, the sifer painting with their own hands, made on a poorly treated surface, can bring frustration (will be clearly noticeable spots with different color intensity).

Roof painting

It is advisable to carry out the color in the cloudy (cloud) weather, at the air temperature of about 15 devices heat. Such conditions are optimal for drying paint and the formation of reliable coating. Often you have to hear the question, is it possible to paint slate at temperatures close to zero? Some manufacturers assure that their material is suitable for such conditions for applying.

But is it worth risking costly material? Moreover, under such conditions, the period of acquiring its properties is significantly increasing.

Paints can be applied both manually and with sprayers, do as more convenient to you. It is worth noting that the paint consumption indicated on the tank is most often not true. In fact, he will be larger, almost twice. Consider this by purchasing paint.

After applying the first layer, he needed to dry. This period in different compositions is different, information can be found on the package. True, in this case, it is worth withstanding the painted slate a few more time before applying the second layer. The fact is that all this information is applicable only to ideal conditionsAnd with real work to it need to be treated with a corresponding understanding.

Slate is the most popular roofing material, although loses to others in decorative properties, and natural grey colour, over time, under the action of precipitation darkens, which makes the roof of the wrong one, besides, she starts to collapse.

To make the service life as long as possible, perform painting slate roof Thus protecting it and give the house with an original appearance.

In the latter case, the result will also be positive, but we will have to carry out additional work.

Since slate is made of asbestos and concrete, then its structure is partly similar to the plasterboard and concrete slabsSo all work on painting is carried out similarly. It is recommended to use the following types of paint:

  • Acrylic;
  • Polymer;
  • Organic paint for slate.

Only these solutions will help to give a roof. new aesthetic appearance And at the same time, it is protected from the malicious effects of ultraviolet and precipitation.

Slate surface is necessary clear thoroughly With the help of metal brushes from moss and mud growths, if necessary, rinse with water if there are holes in the roof, then these areas should be replaced, and if there are small cracks, they are closed with cement.

After drying the surface of the roof, each next to apply after drying the previous one, and then apply paint. Painter is better than a conventional tassel or sprayer, in three layers.

Since the roof, including slate, constantly perceives any weather phenomena, and this is not only rainfall in the form of rain or snow, but also hard ultraviolet radiation, then she must be securely protected.

Used to be used for these purposes oil paintWhy the positive effect was minimal and such a coating was withstanding only a few seasons. Now, homeowners are offered self various solutions , with a wide range of colors, allowing to protect Slate for a period of five or more.

The bulk of them is performed on acrylic or silicone basis, such as Kohlikhnika Ko-Slate paint, the composition includes various fillers and dye. After drying, forms durable coating Sustainable damage, in addition to the removal of particles of asbestos into the atmosphere.

One of the most famous - paint "Trior" on an acrylic basis, It is applied in two or three layers, while it is possible to select a shade, by composing.

Tikkurila coating - a modified acrylate dispersion is taken as a basis, this brand it is considered the most expensiveHowever, the resulting coating is able to maintain elasticity even at very low temperatures.

Slate can serve for a long time and even if it is covered with moss and blackened, it can be painted, giving a building and roof in particular absolutely a new look.

Most. the ideal option would be painting slate sheets on Earth, followed by mounting upstairs, but this is possible only if it is carried out overhaul stropil structures, in the other cases, paint lead, being directly on the roof.

Slate should be cleaned from dirt With the help of a metal brush, if necessary, rinse with a sprayer, special attention to pay special attention to the passage of nails, as if fasteners with homemade washers and without rubber pads, then a lot of garbage and dust accumulate.

It is necessary to carefully examine the roof for cracks or sampleins, in the presence of the last, fragment will have to be replacedAnd cracks are eliminated by cement plaster.

After surface preparation, her it is necessary to progress in three layers Special composition, applying the next layer after drying the previous one. Paint is applied with a spray at big Square Roofing or a wide square brush for small areas.

Also look interesting video roller about painting slate

The period of operation of asbestos-cement slate reaches 50 years. However, with proper care, the service life of the roofing material can increase significantly. One of mandatory conditions Slate durability is its painting. As a result of staining, a protective layer is formed on the surface, and the roof itself acquires an attractive appearance.

  1. Do I need to paint slate?
  2. What paint is better to paint slate: tips for choosing
  3. Phased painting Slate with your own hands
    • Calculation of paint volume
    • Surface preparation
    • Schifer painting technology
  4. Practical recommendations of specialists

Do I need to paint slate?

Asbesto-cement slate for a long time was considered the most popular option for arranging the roof due to its good performance characteristics and price availability. And today, many prefer precisely this material when the buildings of various purposes are erected.

Easy in installation and inexpensive slate has some drawbacks:

Slate - a porous material predisposed to the appearance of microcracks. The moisture accumulated in the pores at the first frost turns into ice and gradually "breaks" the material from the inside. The same deformations are inevitable and when expanding on the surface of lichen and moss.

The listed problems will help solve the painting of asbestos slate. After staining on the surface of the roof, a solid film is formed, covering access to water and microorganisms. As a result, the processes of destruction are suspended, and the service life of the slate is extended for several years.

Thanks to the protective layer, slate becomes smooth, the atmospheric moisture is not held on it, and the snow and fallen leaves quickly go. Copy pollution can easily wash off the minisoy for the machine or water under pressure from the country hose.

In addition, painting decides another question - the theoretical harm of slate. This version is mainly distributed by manufacturers of improved and expensive roof materials. The essence of the problem is that the slate coating highlights asbestos dust that has negative impact on the ecology and health of people. There are numerous refutations of such a version. However, for doubters optimal solution - Slate painting, which will completely prevent the output of asbestos dust.

So, painting a slate roof allows you to:

  • improve the appearance of the roof and betray her desired color;
  • smooth slate roughness;
  • prevent crack formation;
  • protect the material from the growth of vegetation on it;
  • prevent dustiness;
  • to increase the service life of the roofing material by 1.5 times.

Slane paint must comply with many requirements. The main selection criteria are resistance to temperature fluctuations, burnout and atmospheric precipitation. An important indicator is the level of adhesion with asbestos-cement.

The following groups of LKM are used for slate staining:

  • acrylic enamel;
  • alkyd;
  • silonyorganic;
  • "Liquid plastic".

The most sought-after acrylic compositions . They are distinguished by saturated tones of various levels of mattness. Types acrylic enamel: Water soluble or on organic solvents.

Water-dispersed acrylic paint for slate has a number of advantages:

  • no sharp odor;
  • fire and explosion-proof due to water basis;
  • does not release toxic substances;
  • in the process of applying does not need a special solvent;
  • drying speed - about 2 hours;
  • formation of waterproof film;
  • coverage service period - 5 years.
  • Alpina Dachfarbe (Caparol) - enamel of green, brown or red, resistant to frost and weather conditions.
  • "Roofing paint in Schifer" (Novbyhim) - forms a matte coating, resistant to the development of microorganisms. Produced in five colors.
  • AKVAGEL AK-1SH (styrene) - LKM creates a smooth film on slate, with which water flocks. Distinctive feature - Easy to care for the roof.

Latex paint- A variety of acrylic paint materials on a water basis. It looks like a thick mastic, and after drying it is converted into a flexible, elastic film. Such a "rubber" coating does not crack, does not pass water and has excellent adhesion with slate. Of color Gamma. The most in demand paint for slate acrylic 6005 (green matte), 5005 (blue matte) and 3009 (red-brown matte). Nomenclature of colors according to RAL.

Acrylic enamels on organic solvents differ:

  • more high strengththan in water-friendly paints;
  • elasticity;
  • high water repellent characteristics;
  • light-resistance;
  • more for a long time Drying - about ten o'clock;
  • caustic odor;
  • moderate toxicity and fire hazard.

Important! If the organoramatic acrylic paint is too thick, it must be diluted with the solvent that is part of the enamel. Work on staining must be used from open sources of flame using individual protection.

Alkyd slate paintsquietly dry and form an elastic film on the roofing material, which is not prone to the appearance of cracks. An additional advantages of alkyd enamel include:

  • high hitch with slate;
  • good moisture resistance;
  • resistance to natural phenomena;
  • before painting, it is not necessary to primer the surface;
  • the service life is at least 5 years.

Examples of high-quality alkyd paint:

  • "Quick-drying enamel" (impulse) - fast drying (for 1 hour at temperatures ambient 20 ° C), no sharp odor.
  • "Emale for roofs" (EMPILS) is the strength of the protective layer, 10 colors.

Silicone paints- the most durable and reliable option For staining the roof. Silicone betrays elasticity enamel. Some types of silicone paints can fill microcracks with a thickness of up to 2 mm.

Important! Silicone enamel - optimal option For processing the old roof.

Qualitative characteristics of silicone paints:

  • high elasticity;
  • the ability to perform the restoration of the roof and close up of cracks;
  • fungicidal qualities block the reproduction of microorganisms;
  • excellent mud- and water-repellent characteristics;
  • silicons are fireproof and non-toxic;
  • durability - service life up to 15 years.

Examples of high-quality silicone enamels:

  • "Co-slate" (silicipolymer) - forms a deep color and durable coating, produced in two main colors with the possibility of tinting;
  • "OS-5103K" (silicopolymer) - used for decorative protective painting of various building materials. It is distinguished by increased resistance to chemical gases, alkaline and acidic medium. Thanks to such characteristics, paint can be used at industrial enterprises.

Polymer paints on the surface of the material form plastic film Matte or glossy texture.

Qualitative indicators of "liquid plastic":

  • 100% moisture resistance - the polymer film does not make moisture to leak to the sector;
  • speed drying;
  • harmlessness for ecology and the absence of the danger of fire;
  • resistance to the effects of UV rays;
  • the possibility of applying silicone enamel without the use of deep penetration primer;
  • permissible to apply enamel in frost weather (up to -10 ° C);
  • durability - service life about 15 years.

Options for good polymer paint:

  • Liquid Plastic (Denalt) is available on a polyurethane-alkyd base that gives the coating sufficient strength;
  • PPG-1 (KOMOIL) contains polystyrene. In the process of drying, a durable layer protecting on moisture is formed.

Important! Polymer paints dry very quickly. Therefore, staining is desirable to perform a spray gun.

Phased painting Schifer do it yourself

Most often, slate is painted with acrylic paints. Therefore, we will analyze the order of work using this type of enamel.

Calculation of paint volume

The flow rate of the LKM depends on the area covered and the absorbency of the material. As a rule, for staining 1 sq.m. Slate is spent about 300 grams. paints. To determine the general litter enamel, it is necessary to calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe roof.

The procedure for calculating the area of \u200b\u200bthe duplex roof:

  1. Measure the length and width of the construction. The data is taken to take into account the allowances for the eaves (about 50 cm).
  2. Complete the calculation by the formula: S \u003d 2 * (A * B), where S is the desired roof area, and the bottom of the roof of the roof, B is the roof length.

The resulting value should be multiplied by the average consumption of enamel. When determining the total paint, it is necessary to consider that two layers will have to apply for high-quality staining.

Surface preparation

The longest and time-consuming stage - preparation of the surface to conduct painting work. The set of events includes:

Important! To apply paints to slate, it is necessary only after drying the primer layer - at least after 12 hours.

Schifer painting technology

Preferably preferably to prepare brushes different sizeTo handle the ends, corners and hard-to-reach places of the roof. The paint is applied in two layers - the main and finish.

Important! Paint flat slate Permissible to perform with a sprayer. When processing the wavy material, it is better to refuse it - there is a risk of uneven staining.

The main layer is applied with special care, capturing all areas from top to bottom. After that, the basic coating must be left to dry and re-apply the paint.

The finishing layer "lines" sharp paint transitions and creates a monophonic, saturated color of the roof.

Features of the painting of the new and old slate

Color the new slate is better at the bottom - before the roofing. There is an opinion that basic layer It is necessary to apply on Earth, and finishing - after installing slate. Supporters of this method are arguing their opinion possible damage Enamel when installing sheets. However, many experts believe that the risk of paint layer is bounded primarily with the non-cellionismism of the workers and the complexity of the roof structure. To paint the local scratches upstairs is much easier than applying a completely layer of paint.

Old slate is more complicated in treating in view of a number of factors:

  1. Design wear. The elements of the crate with time weaken and bend. Roof Walking can lead to cracks on slate.
  2. Partial destruction of roofing material. Before painting the old slate, it is necessary to check it for defects. Related sheets are replaced, and minor breaks to repair.
  3. Change the structure of the slate coating. Under the influence of precipitation and temperature drops, the material becomes loose - it creates a danger to workers performing slate staining.
  4. The need for surface cleaning from accumulated dirt and various growths.

Thanks to modern painting materials, it will be possible to avoid sadness and severity of slate. The main thing is to choose the paint and stick technological processthen the result will delight for many years.

Slate painting with your own hands: video

Slate painting. The article describes how to prepare an old slate under painting.

Many owners of private houses, especially those who were built back in soviet timesYou can see slate on the roofs. Indeed, slate is very durable and high-quality material that serves 50 years or more, if it was good. The only thing that spoils his appearance is a long dirt and mold. Moreover, the slate itself is in quite suitable condition and can still serve. Do not dismantle it because of the mud. To solve the problem there is a good solution - repair and painting of slate. And how to do it, we will tell in the article.

Very often, people place to change old roofing material, prefer to update it. It would seem of this certainly more profitable from the material side and less hassle. But, however, often repainted old slate after the winter begins to climb. Why is this happening?

Slate painting, what is needed for this?

Just cover the slate paint is not enough. In order for the paint the paint, it is not necessary to squeeze it from slate, it must be prepared. The slate preparation process for painting will require no less effort than changing the roofing material, but cheaper. How to prepare slate to paint, without removing it from the roof is quite difficult.

Of great importance is and high-quality paint For slate, reviews about which you can learn from the neighbors who made such a repair or even easier to read on the Internet. In short, let's say that the paint should be frost-resistant, not crack, well, well, it is desirable to be ecologically clean. Read the instructions on the jar and do not buy too cheap paint, it will fit in three months.

  • The first stage of preparation is the slaughter of slate from the old climb formed on Slate. Clear the old slate can be mechanically using sandpaper.
  • After the slate is cleaned, it must be treated with antifungal primer. After drying the primer, the slate is covered with a liquid cement.
  • Dry dry cement in water. In the thickness, the resulting solution should be, not thick, for example drinking yogurt. Cover the slate with a mixture with a brush. Do not use the roller for this work. After complete drying of the solution, slate slate again.
  • For the final phase of training, use the facade primer concrete contact. Then, after drying the primer, slate can be painted. Just prepared in this way and painted old slate will not get out at least seven years.

Successful repair and beautiful roofing!

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