How to care for indoor fern at home. Indoor fern: home care

Landscaping and planning 20.06.2020
Landscaping and planning

How to care for Asplenium fern at home is briefly described below.

Kostenets- distributed throughout the globe, predominantly in the tropics. There are from 20 to 800 species.

  • Location: Bright place, no direct access sunlight.
  • Temperature: 16-24 °С, but not lower than 18°С in winter
  • Air humidity: Average.
  • Substrate: Flower soil mix with leafy compost.
  • Watering: plentifully, but it must be borne in mind that everything depends on the humidity of the air and the temperature in the apartment.
  • Top dressing: 1 time in 2 weeks with mineral and organic fertilizers in spring and summer period.
  • Transfer: Of necessity.
  • Pruning: remove dried leaves and petioles as needed.
  • Reproduction: Spores, dividing the bush.
  • Pests, diseases: spider mite, shield.

Caring for the Davallia home fern at home is quite simple and does not take much time.

Davallia- an exotic species of fern. A genus of perennial, fast growing plants.

  • Temperature: in summer 18-21°С, in winter not less than 16°С.
  • Air humidity: Low.
  • Watering: Moisten moderately in winter and abundantly in hot periods of the year.
  • Top dressing: Liquid fertilizer 2 times a month during the active growing season.
  • Transfer: As needed in the spring.
  • Reproduction: The division of the bush.
  • Pests, diseases: Shchitovka; the plant grows very poorly.

home care for indoor fern Polypodium (centipede) consists of adhering to a number of indicators.

  • Location: Likes coolness and shade.
  • Temperature: in summer up to 23-25°С, and in winter period not lower than 13°С.
  • Air humidity: High.
  • Watering: Autumn-winter period moderate, spring-summer period should be watered abundantly.
  • Top dressing: In autumn and winter without top dressing, and in spring and summer once a week with mineral and organic fertilizers.
  • Transfer: Spring.
  • Reproduction: The division of the bush.
  • Pests, diseases: Aphid, whitefly, scale insect, springtail, thrips, root rot.

How to properly care for indoor nephrolepis ferns is briefly described below.

  • Location: bright place with diffused light, without direct sunlight.
  • Temperature: In summer - 15-17°C, and in winter - at least 14°C.
  • Air humidity: High.
  • Watering: In the hot season, abundant watering is recommended, and in winter - moderate.
  • Top dressing: in the summer 1 time in 2 weeks with the help of complex organic and mineral fertilizers.
  • Transfer: 1 time per year in spring.
  • Reproduction: The division of the rhizome and cuttings.
  • Pests and diseases: Shield, root rot.

How to transplant an indoor fern (with video)

Before transplanting indoor flower fern should be aware that this plant is quite sensitive to changing germination conditions. Adapting to the new nutrient substrate can last up to 2 months. It is best to renew the soil and change the pot by transshipment - a method of transplanting indoor flowers, which preserves the old earthen layer on the rhizomes.

As a rule, this procedure is performed in the spring. The fern is a home plant that prefers loose soil mixed with needles, leaves, and peat. The most favorable soil acidity is 5-6.5 pH. For self cooking soil mixture the following ingredients are needed:

  • Peat.
  • Leaf land.
  • Humus.
  • Bone flour.

All components of the list must be mixed in a ratio of 1:1:1:1.5.

For transplantation, it is necessary to pick up a pot 2-3 cm larger in diameter than the previous one. Lay a drainage layer 2-2.5 cm thick on the bottom. Gently shift the plant without damaging the roots. After that, it is enough to fill the remaining space with fresh soil and pour water at room temperature.

Watch a video about correct transplant indoor fern, which shows the whole process in detail:

First you need to collect mature planting material. It is located in special formations - sporangia, which acquire Brown color during its readiness for seedlings. In some species, spores may be punctate.

The second step will be keeping planting material in a paper bag until dry and fully ripened. As soon as the mass becomes like a brown loose powder, you can proceed to the last stage of planting. To do this, it is enough to pour a thin layer of spores into moistened soil.

This method is very time consuming and painstaking. For greater efficiency, you can use the methods of creating a home greenhouse. For example, cover a container with spores with polyethylene, glass or plastic bottle with cut bottom.

How indoor fern reproduces by division

The easiest way to plant young shoots is to transplant young shoots during plant transplantation (in spring). To do this, it is necessary to carefully cut off the young parts of the plant with part of the root system. Then plant the seedling in a separate container, water and cover with a greenhouse.

Take a look at the photo of the shoots of the fern houseplant and its name for reference:

Most probable cause- dry air. Ferns love moisture and dark places, water it more often, put it in a dark and cool place. Remember, they do not tolerate direct sunlight.

If the fern does not have enough moisture, put the pot with your "green pet" on a pallet of wet sand. This will increase the humidity level.

Cut off yellowed and spoiled branches - they will no longer turn green, but will only take away the strength of the plant.

Another reason why the indoor fern flower turns yellow is watering with cold or too hard water. it tropical plant does not tolerate such temperature changes. Therefore, watch carefully for the water used for irrigation.

The last common reason why the leaves of an indoor fern flower dry is too low a plant temperature and drafts. Any type of this vegetation reacts negatively to such environmental conditions.

Try to protect the flower pot from the winds by moving it away from the window or by insulating the opening with specialized means.

Another sign of a violation of the health of the plant is the dryness of its leaves. The main reasons why an indoor fern flower dries are described below.

Due to errors in caring for a plant, its leaves may dry and curl. A similar problem is encountered most often in the autumn-spring period. The reason for this is too high a temperature and dry air, this can harm the fern. First, the tips of the leaves will dry out, and then the entire leaf as a whole.

The second reason why an indoor fern flower dries is an insufficient amount of moisture. In this case, you should draw up an irrigation schedule. It is very important to monitor the condition of the land in which the fern grows, it must always be moist, but not overflowing.

Pests can severely damage your plant. Their vital activity on the fern leads to the fact that its leaves simply die off and crumble. In this case, the reason that the leaves of the home fern dry is the harmful effect of insects.

To solve this problem, it is enough to remove the affected parts of the plant and remove pests using specialized or folk remedies(alcohol, laundry soap etc.).

The most banal reason why the leaves of an indoor fern dry is a disturbed light regime. Prolonged exposure of vegetation under direct scorching sunlight is detrimental to the flower. Remember that ferns need soft diffused light and moisture for healthy growth and development.

The legend about the fern that blooms on the night of Ivan Kupala is directly related to our family. My grandfather once in his youth went exactly at midnight from July 6 to 7 in the forest to see how the ferns bloom. And he claimed that only devilry did not allow him to do this: the wind rose, horses appeared out of nowhere, reared up. Grandfather got scared and ran away from that place.

The fern is indeed one of the most mysterious plants on Earth, if only for the reason that its history spans millions of years. Archaeologists are still finding fossils with imprints of fern leaves.

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Indoor fern - environmental inspector

indoor ferns, like their wild relatives, are considered unpretentious plants. But, nevertheless, not in any conditions they will grow well and look attractive. In the forest, ferns feel great on sandy, and especially on peat soils. And without daily watering, in the heat, without transplanting or pruning. But in an urban environment, even in good land, they can wither away. Why? Because ferns are a kind of indicator of the purity of the atmosphere.

Ferns do not tolerate gas and smoke in the atmosphere very well, they react to dry air, and if you decide to start indoor Fern at home, then first of all provide it with access to fresh air. But on the other hand, if you bought this flower, and at home it began to wither away, this is an occasion to think about whether everything is in order in your apartment. Maybe there is a gas leak somewhere or it's time to install a hood in the kitchen. In addition, indoor Fern can dry out from low air humidity - this is a hint for you that it's time to buy a humidifier or at least put a couple of vessels with water in the house for evaporation.

Indoor fern - care

Nephrolepis at home is more suitable for apartments than other Ferns, as it is the most hardy species. In addition, they are decorative and beautiful. The leaves can have both light green and dark green saturated hue. It depends on the level of illumination and composition. land mixture.

As for the rest indoor Fern is unpretentious in care. It is a shade-tolerant plant, so you can decorate with it the furthest corner of the room from the window. Fern should be watered moderately and fertilized infrequently. We will consider the rest of the nuances of caring for indoor Fern in more detail.


As I said, this is a shade-tolerant plant. But indoor varieties Nephrolepis still need diffused sunlight. So if you have free corners opposite the windows or there is a place near the southwest window, place the flowerpot with indoor Fern there.

Adult Fern - Pretty large plant, and needs a lot of free space: the leaves grow both in height and to the sides, so it is unlikely that you can put a pot of Fern on the windowsill. Look for a spacious place for him.

Watering indoor ferns

When watering the Fern, one should be guided by the principle of moderation. An earthen ball in a pot with indoor fern should not dry out, it should always be in a state of light moisture, but not swampy. And if you first dry out the earthen ball, and then pour it abundantly, then you have every chance to rot the roots of the Fern. So the main thing in watering is regularity and moderation. It needs to be watered 2-3 times a week and can be sprayed at the same time. Both watering and spraying should be done with soft, settled or rain water.

Spraying indoor fern

I have already mentioned above that dry air is detrimental to indoor Fern. Therefore, you need to spray it often. If the air in the apartment is very dry, then every day, and if the dryness is moderate, twice a week is enough. Spraying can be combined, or alternated with watering.

fern soil

Do you remember what kind of soil is in the forest? Loose, with a large number of rotted leaves, sometimes needles, peat residues. This is the kind of land that indoor Fern needs.

The soil should be slightly acidic. It is good if the composition of the land mixture for the Fern includes peat, turf and leafy soil, humus and sand. The soil must be loose and permeable. Water should not stagnate in the pot, otherwise the roots of the Fern will rot, and the plant will start to hurt and may die. The first sign of waterlogging the soil is brown or brown spots on the leaves. Then they finally dry out. However, Fern behaves in the same way with very dry air and drying of the soil.

Fern feeding

Indoor fern, in my opinion, does not need frequent feeding. Many advise to fertilize it every 2 weeks. I do this once a month with a solution of mineral fertilizers of a weak consistency. Can also be used organic fertilizers, for example, an infusion of mullein, but it’s easy to overdo it, so I chose ready-made concentrated mineral potash fertilizers for feeding Fern, which I dilute in accordance with the instructions on the bottle to feed Fern in spring and summer.

Transplantation and propagation of indoor fern

Nephrolepis or other types of indoor fern can be transplanted annually. But it is better not to transplant, but to transfer it, so as not to injure the roots.

For transplanting, we select a pot 2-3 centimeters in diameter larger than the previous one, and carefully transfer the flower there, trying not to shake off the soil from the roots. Then add fresh earth mixture. It is better to do this at the beginning of the growing season - in the spring. If you make a transshipment in the fall, the Indoor Fern will take root and get sick for a long time.

During transplantation, you can divide the bush. It is the lightest and reliable way breeding Fern room. This is done if small root rosettes have appeared near the main bush. You can try to separate them along with part of the rhizome and plant them in a separate container. After transplanting, a small bush needs greenhouse conditions. True, not all children take root, some die, and nevertheless, this is the most convenient way breeding ferns.

The method of reproduction using seeds (spores) is very complicated. I would say that it is almost impossible to grow Fern from spores at home.

Fern diseases and pests

If indoor fern care is correct he is unlikely to get sick. But the main mistake is not proper watering- can cause various diseases and infections.

I have already mentioned: if you water the Fern incorrectly, brown spots immediately appear on its leaves. It all starts with the tips of the leaves: they turn brown, dry out, and then the entire leaf disappears.

Ferns are among the oldest representatives flora, they survived the dinosaurs, witnessed the evolution of man, and today they successfully grow not only in nature, but also indoors. Attention to the plant on the part of flower growers can be explained by the beauty of figuratively cut leaves and the fact that caring for an indoor fern at home is not at all difficult.

Around the planet today there are about 10 thousand species of ferns, but in the collections of amateurs indoor plants Of course there are fewer varieties. The most unpretentious fall on the window sills and at the same time ornamental plants. Among them are davallia, pteris, nephrolepis and other species from different parts of the world.

The structure of ferns

Occupying an intermediate position between mosses, algae and gymnosperms, ferns have retained the features of the most ancient representatives of the flora and at the same time have successfully adapted to life in conditions that have changed over millions of years.

This feature becomes apparent when considering the structure of the fern. Leaves, or more correctly, fronds, make up the aerial part of plants and, as a rule, are distinguished by a curly, pinnate, or repeatedly dissected form. Young, not yet opened leaf plates of ferns are tightly folded into a spiral.

As they grow, they unwind, become darker and denser. Under a layer of soil are the rhizomes of ferns.

How to care for a fern at home?

When caring for indoor ferns at home, they try to create a microclimate that is as similar to natural as possible. This fully applies to:

  • air temperature in different time of the year;
  • environmental humidity;
  • lighting;
  • frequency and volume of watering;
  • fertilizing;
  • transplants.

Most of the indoor ferns grown indoors, as in the photo, come from the tropics or subtropical regions of the planet. But there are also indigenous inhabitants of the zones with temperate climate. To adapt to the needs of plants, all ferns are provided with protection from drafts and sudden changes in temperature, and are also protected from the scorching sun.

Depending on the species grown, they try to maintain an acceptable temperature. AT summer time plants withstand heating up to 28–30 ° C, but subject to other conditions of care and increased attention from the owner.

How to care for a fern if this maximum is exceeded? The plant will need not only the usual protection from direct sunlight, but also frequent irrigation on especially hot days. It will help to fill the entire free volume of the pot with wet sphagnum or place the flower in a wet florarium. useful solution will be the relocation of the fern for the entire warm period under the open sky.

But with the onset of autumn, even before the first frosts, the grower will have to find a cool place under the roof for a green pet. Some species are content with keeping at normal room temperature not lower than 17 ° C. But there are those who are more comfortable being at 14-16 ° C. Minimum allowable temperature content - +10 ° C, if the air is colder, it threatens with hypothermia of the rhizomes, which is especially dangerous in wet soil.

At home, indoor fern care will be greatly simplified if the pot is placed on the east or west window. Here the plants do not threaten sunburn, and the incoming lighting is sufficient for active growth and maintenance of decorative effect.

Do not forget that all members of the family react negatively to air pollution, smoke, car exhaust. Therefore, not the most the best place for a flower, it is a smoker's room or a balcony overlooking a noisy street with heavy traffic.

The frequency and intensity of watering varies depending on the season. When an indoor fern, as in the photo, is actively growing, it is watered more often, a decrease in growth rates signals the need to moisten the soil less often.

For ferns, both excessive and poor watering is harmful. The first case threatens with compaction and acidification of the soil, a decrease in the intensity of respiration and nutrition of the plant. Although the roots do not die, the flower quickly passes into an oppressed, weakened state.

The dryness of the substrate leads to the death of the leaves. Do not expect that those who have lost turgor and bright color fronds will come to life after renewal Even when renewed proper care they die, which negatively affects appearance flower.

How to care for a fern that has lost its entire aerial part at home? It is possible to reanimate a plant affected by drought by knowing the intricacies of the development cycle of ferns. Both dead and still green fronds are removed from the plant, after which the pot is transferred to a well-lit windowsill. With regular, but not too abundant watering, the fern will be able to recover quickly. And a sign of awakening will be tight green spirals of new foliage that have appeared above the substrate.

Complex top dressings with the inclusion of organic matter and minerals effectively help to maintain plants. They are carried out on a regular basis from mid-spring until autumn.

Transplanting an indoor fern

The best time to transplant indoor ferns is spring. Depending on the type home plant the procedure may have its own characteristics.

Since among the ferns there are not only terrestrial plants, but also epiphytes, you will have to prepare for this stage of caring for indoor ferns at home in advance. To do this, select:

  • a suitable pot, basket or piece of wood for epiphytic varieties;
  • a loose, necessarily light substrate that meets the needs of the culture.

Although stores offer ready mixes, for most home-grown plants, it is better to additionally inquire about the needs of your pet. For example, for epiphytes, it is preferable to add large fragments of fallen wood, steamed bark, moss to the soil, and people from the tropics require inclusion in the soil more nutritional components.

Fern reproduction

Everyone is well known folk tales about the fern flower that brings wealth and good luck. You can find an unprecedented miracle only during one, the shortest night of the year, when the fern blooms. And although the heroes of fairy tales managed to get a magic flower, in reality no one is destined to repeat their feat!

Due to their structure, ferns do not bloom. But how does a fern reproduce? The fact is that ferns have preserved one of the oldest methods of obtaining offspring with the help of spores.

At home, it is used extremely rarely due to the laboriousness and long wait for tiny plant primordia to hatch and mature. But reproduction by spores cannot be replaced when it comes to growing especially rare species.

Reproduction of ferns by spores begins with the formation of sporangia containing haploid spores on fronds. When ripe, they scatter on nearby soil areas, are carried by wind and animals, and, once in a favorable environment, germinate. After fertilization, the life of a new fern begins, but depending on the species, it can take up to several years before the formation of a self-feeding plant.

AT room conditions carry out the division of adult specimens. It is best to undertake a procedure that is rather unpleasant for the plant in the spring, combining it with transplanting into fresh soil.

The fern is divided into separate outlets so that each has:

  • several leaves;
  • own point of growth;
  • sufficient area for growth of the rhizome.

There are many ways to propagate ferns. Individual varieties are easy to propagate by dividing underground shoots. Others give growth on a kind of mustache. And the third ferns, in order to accelerate growth and provide their offspring with a better chance of survival, became viviparous. They form child sockets right on the fronds. When the fetuses are old enough to lead own life, they crumble and take root.

The subtleties of caring for a fern at home - video

Fern is a well-known plant that can be easily grown at home. Caring for indoor fern at home is not difficult. The fern does not require much attention, and if the plant is properly looked after, it will delight you with its beauty. Indoor fern is a wonderful decoration for any home, as it fits perfectly into the interior of any room.

Fern is a herbaceous plant. It is a green stem with pinnate, dissected leaves. This is a very ancient and popular plant. In nature, fern thickets can grow both in swamps and in forests.

The stalk of the fern grows underground, and in the spring, leaves begin to appear on its surface, which grow and unfold. Unfortunately, the fern never blooms.

There is a legend among the people about a fern that blooms once a year on the feast of Ivan Kupala. People try to find this flower in the hope of finding happiness, but no one has ever seen it.

Ferns can grow in a variety of places: swamps, trees, meadows and forests. More than 10 thousand species of this flower are known worldwide. Ferns can survive in any conditions, even the most difficult climate, if we are talking about the natural environment.

Among indoor ferns, nephrolepis is considered the most popular.

Nephrolepis: home care

The fern nephrolepis is beautiful plant and it is very easy to grow at home. Although this flower is unpretentious, but with improper care he may die. Any plants need timely watering, fertilizing and transplanting.

Nephrolepis loves shade, but he needs diffused light, so you need to think carefully about where you put the flower. If the air in the room is dry or smoky, then the fern will start to get sick, as it loves humidity. A fern is a large plant and it needs a lot of free space, because its leaves will eventually grow both in length and in width, so it is necessary to find a spacious place for it in the house. The most suitable place for a fern is the corner opposite the window, where direct Sun rays, but enough air will flow.

The color of your plant depends on the lighting and the composition of the earth in the pot. The ground must be moist, but not wet, otherwise the roots will begin to rot. It is necessary to water the flower as the earth dries up, it is not recommended to overdry.

Caring for a fern at home is much easier than, for example, a flower Ficus benjaminas it is less capricious flower and there is no need to prune the plant for better growth.

Nephrolepis: proper watering and spraying

Watering any home plant is done only with settled water, soft, without chlorine. Water must stand for at least 12 hours. The water temperature should be at room temperature. If you have the opportunity, sometimes water the nephrolepis with rainwater. You need to water two to three times a week and sometimes put the fern under the shower.

If you water the indoor fern incorrectly, its leaves will begin to dry, the flower will become covered with brown spots and may eventually die. The soil in the pot should be moist, but not wet.

It was already mentioned earlier that nephrolepis really does not like dry air, so you need to regularly spray its leaves. If the air in the room where your bush is located is very dry, the fern must be sprayed every day. If the air humidity is normal, spraying is done two or three times a week.

It is also necessary to spray the bush with settled soft water at room temperature.

Indoor fern: reproduction and transplantation at home

Propagating an indoor fern is quite simple, this process is a bit like propagating a flower. Women's happiness is that root system need to be divided and then transplanted into new pot.

Before you start transplanting, water the plant well, then take a larger pot and transfer the flower to a new pot. Such a transplant will save the roots of nephrolepis from damage.

You can repot the fern every year. The transplant is done mainly for the reason that the roots grow and they become cramped in a small pot. If you transship your fern in the autumn, the plant may get sick and have to recover for several months, so the best period for transshipment is early spring.

If you want to not only transplant, but also propagate nephrolepis, then this is not difficult process. For propagation during transplanting, you need to pull the bush out of the pot, after which you will see young basal rosettes. They must be very carefully separated from the parent bush, so as not to damage and mature plant and little kids. Then plant the children in a separate container.

In order for the young bush to take root faster, it needs to create greenhouse conditions. Take a plastic or film shelter and cover it with a container with a transplanted fern, this will facilitate and speed up the survival process of a young plant, since there will be enough heat and humidity under the plastic or film.

In order for your new plants to take root well, create them all the necessary conditions and take proper care. The air must be moist, the soil must not be overdried. If you do not adhere to these not at all complicated rules, then your children will most likely die.

Soil for house ferns

Before transplanting a fern, you need to prepare the land for transplanting. Now there are no problems with this, such land is sold in flower shops. The main thing is that the earth should be with high acidity, it is also desirable to add sand, humus to the ground, it is advisable to add leaf ground. The earth should be almost like in natural conditions.

In the forest, the ground is loose, with the remains of peat. It is desirable to bring the soil as close as possible to that in natural natural conditions. If the earth is not loose, the fern will not absorb water well, then the roots of your plant will begin to rot. If the earth does not allow air to pass through, then the leaves will dry and become covered with brown spots.

Fern diseases and home treatments

With improper care of the fern and non-compliance with the growing conditions, the flower begins to hurt and appearance changes drastically for the worse.

Causes of diseases of nephrolepis:

  1. If you water the flower with cold, not settled water containing a large number of chlorine, that is, the likelihood that a pest such as a nematode may occur in nephrolepis. Signs of the appearance of a nematode are yellow dry leaves. In order to cure the plant, it must be urgently transplanted. Before transplanting, the fern must be treated with an insecticide. Such a treatment can be purchased at flower shops.
  2. Insufficient humidity and very dry air can lead to the appearance of insects such as thrips, thyroid glands and aphids. If you often spray nephrolepis, this can be avoided. Do not forget that it is also desirable to spray the plant with settled soft water. To get rid of the insects that have appeared, the plant needs insecticide treatment.
  3. If the leaves of the fern begin to turn pale, lose color, and the tips of the leaves begin to turn yellow, then there is not enough nutrients or the cultivation of nephrolepis takes place in a cramped small pot.
  4. If the leaves begin to wither and dry, then strong sunlight falls on the plant. Ferns love the shade, so they need to be urgently placed on a darkened window sill.
  5. Drafts can also cause fern diseases. Drafts lead to lethargy and yellowness of the foliage, after which the plant dies.

For better care, fern growth and disease prevention, complex mineral fertilizers can be used. Frequent feeding of a flower can be harmful, it is necessary to moderately feed the fern with fertilizers. Be sure to follow the instructions on the fertilizer package, otherwise the plant may get burned.

With proper care for nephrolepis, your fern will always have beautiful, bright and healthy foliage.

Used for landscaping different cultures: flowering, decorative leafy, exotic and other greens that can grow at home. Fern belongs to unpretentious and spectacular bushes. It is not destined to see its flowering, but to revive the office or living room thanks to him it is quite real. Especially considering that caring for the plant will not bring trouble. It is enough to create optimal conditions.

Types of indoor ferns

In nature, there are about 10 thousand varieties of ferns. All of them are perennials, but differ in appearance and habitat conditions. Differences are manifested in the shape and density of the foliage, the saturation of the shade, the size of the flower. Many varieties grow in swampy areas, have a bright salad color and delicate leaves, while others, which are tougher, more dense, resistant to drought and the sun, can be found on the lawns of fields and forests.

There is also a place for home floriculture. There are many varieties collected from around the world. But the following types are most in demand:

  • Nephrolepis is a thick and lush bush with openwork leaves up to 50 cm long.
  • Davallia (hare's foot) - originally from China and Japan, is a wedge-shaped leaves on red shoots with a superficial root system.
  • Platicerium (flathorn) - unusual shape makes the fern popular, but when growing it, you should follow certain rules.
  • Asplenium (bone) - looks spectacular and resembles a fountain of whole light green leaves with waves along the edge. Needs humid air(at least 60%).
  • Blehnum (derbyanka) - sprawling bushes resembling a palm tree. The leaves are long, pinnately dissected.
  • Dixonia is a giant fern that gradually turns into a palm tree. The woody trunk has a thick cap of leaves at the top and reaches 3–6 meters.
  • Polypodium (centipede) is an epiphytic plant that can grow without soil. Often found on the surface of trees, rocky areas.

The list below shows the most popular indoor ferns grown as indoor decor. But each of them requires individual approach and special conditions. Nephrolepis is considered the most stable and non-capricious. It is most often found in home floriculture.

The riot of colors and the size of the foliage directly depend on the proper care of the fern.

How to care for a culture - the main rules

In order for the plant to show its decorative effect as much as possible, it is important to follow all the recommendations, do not overfeed or flood it. Everything should be in moderation and as needed, because wild relatives grow in forests without fertilizer and regular watering.

The condition of the fern leaves can determine the quality of the air in the room. If the room is dusty, smoky, gassy, ​​or too dry, the flower will start to hurt. This is the first bell that the cause must be eliminated and the living conditions improved not only for plants, but also for the residents of the house.

Location selection

A resident of the tropics needs warmth, comfort, diffused lighting and space, especially considering its size. The perfect place for its location there will be a wall or corner opposite the window (east, south or west). Large pots are best placed directly on the floor or on a low stand. Ampel varieties look great in hanging planters.

Small "kids" for a while can be put on the western window, avoiding direct sunlight, especially in the summer. Otherwise, the leaves will get burned. In general, the fern tolerates partial shade well in the center of the room, but the best indicator of growth is bright, diffused light.

The air temperature must meet the standard - + 15-22 degrees Celsius.

Soil composition and capacity

Before placing a flower in the house, it must be transplanted after purchase. To do this, use a purchased soil mixture or make it yourself from the following ingredients:

  • Sod land.
  • Humus.
  • Leaf soil and needles.
  • Large river sand.

Mandatory requirement for soil: friability, airiness and hyperacidity(it is increased with the help of needles).

You can take land in the forest, but it is important to make sure that all the components are present..

For transplantation, plastic or clay pots are used, annually increasing their diameter by 2-3 cm. At the first stage of the procedure, the container is filled with drainage, it is mandatory and will save the flower roots from rot during overflow, enrich with oxygen and accelerate growth.

Clay pots are preferred. They absorb excess moisture and give it away as needed, the disadvantages include the tendency to form fungi and mold, which are quite difficult to remove. The diameter of the container is chosen two times smaller than the crown of the plant itself, but you should remember about the stability of the container and fill it with heavy drainage.

Watering and spraying

For proper growth and preservation of the decorative effect of the fern, it is necessary to monitor the level of moisture in the pot: the ground should always be moist, but not wet. Overwatering is very harmful to the plant and will easily lead to its death. This is one of the reasons for yellowing and falling leaves.

Moderate watering gives high-quality drainage, which releases excess water from the pot and takes care of the airing of the roots. The procedure is carried out 3 times a week, while paying attention to the air temperature. In winter, once is enough.

For cleaning from dust and additional moisture, daily spraying is carried out. Maintain air humidity during heating season a wet towel placed on a hot radiator will help.

Water the fern with rain or settled, soft water.

top dressing

During the growing season, the flower needs strength to grow, form foliage and new shoots. This can be achieved with the help of ready-made liquid fertilizers for indoor plants, which are diluted in settled water according to the instructions and applied after the main watering in certain portions.

Mineral supplements alternate with organic ones and are applied every 2 weeks - from early spring to autumn. In winter, during the dormant period, they are removed, and watering is reduced to 1 time per week.

About the disadvantage nutrients yellowed and pale foliage will report. If the problem is not solved in time, the shoots will dry out, and the plant will die altogether.

Is a transplant needed?

Need! Annually! Fern is a flower that quickly thickens and grows, therefore it needs an annual transplant. The procedure is carried out in early spring, before the start of sap flow (in March-April). In order not to damage the roots, use the transshipment method.

Fern transplant step by step:

  • The soil in which the flower grows is watered abundantly to soften and excavate the roots without injury.
  • Prepare a new container 3 cm larger than the previous one.
  • The pot is filled a third with drainage.
  • The fern is carefully, loosening from side to side, removed from the flowerpot along with the soil and transferred to a new container, sprinkling free space earth.
  • The root area is lightly tamped and watered.

Transplanted plants take root quickly and easily. But if the procedure is carried out in the wrong time, then long-term adaptation or death of the flower is possible.

Reproduction is carried out in the same period as transplantation. To do this, the plants removed from the pot are cleaned of an earthy coma and examined mother bush. The shoots are carefully separated and planted in a separate container.

It is almost impossible to propagate a fern with seeds (spores) at home, therefore, division of the maternal outlet is used.

Separated children should be provided with greenhouse conditions for a speedy and successful growth. This can be done by covering the seedling with a plastic or glass cap (jar or cut bottle).

Caring for a fern is not difficult at all, the main thing is moderate watering and spraying, loose, acidic soil, timely transplanting and top dressing. By following all the recommendations, you can grow a beautiful bush that will become the highlight of any room.

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