Hydrangea pink does not bloom what to do. Blooming garden hydrangea

Landscaping and planning 13.06.2019
Landscaping and planning

Often even experienced flower growers are faced with the problem of lack of flowers in the garden. This plant is demanding on growing conditions. The slightest mistake in care can lead to the fact that its buds wither and fall off, or even do not appear at all.

To ensure long and abundant flowering of young and adult bushes, you need to know what factors most often affect their flowering. In this case, you can quickly fix the problem when it occurs.

The main reasons for the lack of flowering and their solution

Most often, novice flower growers make the following gross mistakes in caring for a flower. Why garden hydrangea does not bloom:

Often there are anomalies in the growth and development of the root system, especially in newly acquired plants. This leads to a violation of the development of the bush and the lack of flowering.

Consider the reasons why the hydrangea does not bloom in more detail.

Preparing for the winter

Hydrangea does not tolerate frost. Any decrease in air temperature below 0ºС can lead to freezing of flower buds. In this case, the plant will not bloom. To protect the bush from frost, it must be covered for the winter.

Without waiting for the autumn frosts, the leaves are cut off from the bush, the branches are pulled together with a tourniquet and wrapped with covering material. The bush is bent to the ground and covered with spruce branches. In the spring, it is gradually freed from spruce branches, but finally opened only with the departure of frost and the onset of heat.


In order for the plant to bloom, it must be cut correctly. In the spring, dry, old and weak branches are pruned.

All well-developed shoots of the previous year are not touched. Usually it is on their tops that flowers form. If an inexperienced grower cuts off these shoots, the plant will not form buds and will not bloom.

top dressing

Hydrangea does not respond well to excess fertilizer in the soil. It is especially harmful to apply nitrogen fertilizers to the soil in summer and early autumn.

They are used to enhance the growth of green mass and do not contribute to flowering. And the rapid growth of shoots in the fall leads to the fact that they do not have time to ripen for the cold and freeze.

Proper feeding of the plant is carried out several times a season. At the end of spring, nitrogen fertilizers are applied to enhance the growing season. In summer, fertilizing with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers is used to stimulate and maintain flowering. In early September, potassium-phosphorus preparations are applied to strengthen the shoots and prepare for winter.

Root development and flowering

For flowering, the bush must have a powerful root system. If the roots are poorly developed, there is no hope for early flowering. Bushes that are too young or overfed with fertilizers can take several years to form roots. And only after that such bushes bloom.

Choosing the right place for planting a bush and caring for it will allow you to overcome all difficulties and achieve annual flowering.

Also affect the flowering of the bush can:

  • Insufficient watering;
  • High air temperature;
  • Excess sunlight or lack thereof;
  • Heavy clay soil.

Reasons for the lack of flowering in some species and varieties

At various kinds hydrangeas have their own, peculiar only to this variety, reasons for the absence of flowers and buds. Among garden hydrangeas, the most popular are:

Consider the most likely reasons why they do not bloom.

Paniculata hydrangea - the most frost-resistant species. It tolerates cold so easily that it can not be covered at all for the winter. Its buds do not freeze over, as inflorescences are formed on the shoots of the current year. However, this species may not bloom for some other reason.

The main reason why panicle hydrangea does not bloom is the unsuitable composition of the soil.. For such a plant, heavy loamy soil with weak acidity is more suitable. Light sandy soils are not acceptable for this species.

Also very often the plant refuses to bloom due to lack of nutrition. Therefore, feeding should be given special attention.

Why large-leaved hydrangea does not bloom: most often due to freezing of shoots and buds. There are many varieties of this species, which have different winter hardiness.

If some of them can be grown in open ground, covering for the winter, then others freeze out even with careful shelter. These varieties can only be grown in enclosed spaces like potted plants.

Large-leaved hydrangea pruning should also be done carefully.. Flowers are formed on the shoots of the previous year, which cannot be touched during pruning. If they are shortened, then the flower buds will be removed and the plant will not bloom.

This species is quite cold hardy. However, if the bushes are not covered, in a harsh winter most of flower buds will freeze. In summer, a frozen bush will not bloom. Therefore, the plant needs to be covered for the winter.

This species needs to be fed regularly., first with fertilizers for leaf growth, then with fertilizers for flowering. Without top dressing, the plant will refuse to bloom.

The reason why it doesn't bloom tree hydrangea, may be improper watering. In overdried soil, especially in the summer heat, such a bush develops very slowly and never blooms.

Garden hydrangea refuses to bloom for several years

Your garden beauty pleased with annual flowering, but for several years now there have been no flowers on it. What is the reason? If the bush was protected from frost, it was properly fed and watered, most probable cause lack of buds are diseases and pests. A plant that is sick or affected by harmful insects will not bloom.

On the garden hydrangea aphids settle, spider mites, weevils and many other pests. To kill insects, it is recommended to treat the bush with insecticides.

Hydrangea is most often affected by viral mosaic disease and fungal diseases.: downy mildew and gray mold. To destroy fungi, the bush is treated with fungicidal preparations. At viral infection all affected areas of the plant are cut out and burned.

Proper feeding of garden hydrangea for flowering

What to do if the garden hydrangea does not bloom - perhaps the reasons are in feeding. Top dressing of hydrangeas is a mandatory procedure for proper growth and flowering. Spring, summer and autumn fundamentally differ in the composition of the fertilizers used.

At the beginning of spring when there is an active increase in leaf mass, nitrogen fertilizers are required for the plant. Usually a mixture of urea and potassium sulfate is used. One tablespoon of these substances is diluted in 10 liters of water. For an adult hydrangea bush, about 5 liters of solution are needed. Sometimes slurry is used for irrigation, which is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10.

At the end of spring when the budding period begins, it is recommended to feed the plant with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers.

Superphosphate gives the best results. One tablespoon of this substance is dissolved in 10 liters of water. You can also use any other mineral complex fertilizer.

During summer period when the plant is actively blooming, it is fed 2-3 times with special fertilizers for flowering garden plants. It is also useful to acidify the soil in the place where the bush grows.

To do this, use whey or citric acid. Serum is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3. citric acid take on the tip of a tablespoon and dissolve in 10 liters of water.

At the beginning of autumn to strengthen the shoots and prepare for winter, potash-phosphorus fertilizers are applied. Dissolve 1 tablespoon of potassium sulfate and superphosphate in 10 liters of water and water the hydrangea bushes.

Now you know why the hydrangea does not bloom in the garden, but what if you have a houseplant?

Why hydrangea does not bloom indoors

AT room conditions The following reasons are possible due to which the hydrangea refuses to bloom:

  • Wrong choice of lighting;
  • Unsuitable soil composition for the plant;
  • Lack of moisture in the soil and in the air;
  • Sharp jumps in temperature;
  • Bush age.

For the plant in the room to bloom every year, it must be kept in a bright place, but direct sunlight should not fall on the leaves. With a lack of lighting or its excess, flowering most likely will not occur.

The plant loves acidic soil. Also for indoor varieties it doesn't have to be very heavy. Clay soil is not suitable.

It is better to choose a purchased fertile earthen mixture without clay, but with a small amount of peat. Also, we must not forget about the annual transplantation of the bush in new ground so that it blooms long and abundantly.

The flower does not tolerate drying out of the soil and too dry air. To create optimal conditions for its growth and flowering, it is necessary to keep the earthen ball in the pot always wet, and spray the leaves with settled water.

Do not allow a sharp change in temperature in the room where the flower grows. In such conditions, she does not grow buds. If the buds have already formed, then they can fall off from a sharp drop in temperature.

Over time, the plant, even with good care stops blooming. It is recommended to grow a bush for no more than 4-5 years, after which it is better to replace the plant with a young one. You can read more about caring for hydrangeas at home.

Very beautiful lush inflorescences of Hydrangea can be seen on summer cottages and in city parks.

But there are also lovers who breed this plant at home.

And this individual differs from a large garden bush by dwarf growth, when an exclusively flower cap of a brightly saturated or pale color peeps out of the pot.

It is for the sake of this charm that this culture is planted on the windowsills. But it happens that the plant refuses to please others with its inflorescences. What is the reason why Hydrangea does not bloom?

Have you planted the flower correctly?

You brought home a small miracle and longingly waiting for it to bloom. But for some reason, Hortense is in no hurry to do this. First of all, pay attention to the flower pot in which the plant is located.

  • If this is a temporary shelter in which flower seedlings are planted in a store, then Hydrangea should be transplanted into a more suitable container. The pot should be wider than the one in which the flower is now. In this case, you should not choose a deep vessel, because. the roots of culture grow in breadth, not in depth.
  • If Hydrangea has been in the same place for more than 2 years flower pot, then God himself ordered to make a transplant. It is the annual change of pots that stimulates the plant to bloom.

Transplantation should be carried out in the fall, using turf and leaf soil, peat and sand.

Soil acidification

Experienced flower growers know that Hydrangea likes to accumulate aluminum salts in itself. The color of the inflorescences depends on the saturation of this element. The more acidic the soil, the bluer the flowers will turn out.

An alkaline environment gives a pink tint, and a neutral one gives a white one. When it comes to acidification, as a rule, soil additives in the form of sawdust, peat or pine needles are used.

For the same purpose, the plant is sprayed with water acidified with lemon juice or watered with alum.

And only an inexperienced florist introduces as nutrient nitrogenous fertilizers. Naturally, they stimulate the growth of plants well, but at the same time they suppress their ability to bloom - all the power goes into forcing.

Temperature and lighting

Despite the fact that Hydrangea is a plant of the southern type, you should not all year round bathe it in ultraviolet rays. Let the flower stand on a well-lit windowsill, where only diffused light from the street gets.

In the absence of such conditions, you should not rearrange the Hydrangea deep into the room - such a darkening will weaken the plant and cause it to refuse to bloom.

The temperature for budding plays an important role - room temperature is considered optimal (18-22 ° heat). But this is only during a period of active growth.

When the time has come for seasonal rest (from late autumn to February), at this time Hortense needs to create a cool environment (about 7-10 °) somewhere in the basement.

If the plant is left to winter on the windowsill in the warmth, then you should not ask the question “why does the Hydrangea not bloom in due time?”.


Flowers should be treated like women, endowing them with affection and attention. Do not ignore their whims, create the most optimal conditions for development.

And then Hortense will certainly reciprocate, presenting her master with a magnificent ball of inflorescences. And what color to prefer, it's up to you.

tree hydrangea

This type of plant is the most unpretentious. It is he who begins to grow inexperienced gardeners. Hydrangea tree can be of various colors. Usually in nature there are flowers of white and dark pink hue. Annabelle is a variety of this type of plant. He is familiar to everyone, and his bushes reach a 2-meter mark. Annabelle has large and fluffy inflorescences.

Paniculata hydrangea

Also found in nature. This plant is very cold tolerant. Usually it can be found in squares and parks. Hydrangea bushes can reach 1.5 meters in height. The flowers of this type of plant can be red, cream or lemon.

indoor hydrangea

This type of plant is considered the most capricious. It is unique, so able to change its color. This happens when the acidity of the earth changes. This type of hydrangea is intended for indoor cultivation. Coloring can be very diverse.

climbing hydrangea

This type of plant can be grown near arches. Its bushes reach 2 meters in length and can stretch along the entire arch without support. But the plant is not able to tolerate cold climates.

The plant does not bloom

Many novice gardeners often wonder why the hydrangea does not bloom, but only leaves? If this happens, then first of all it is necessary to identify the cause.

Firstly, the reason for the plant not flowering may be incorrect work on pruning shrubs in the spring.
Secondly, insufficient soil nutrition could be carried out. Gardeners, due to their ignorance, could poorly water the soil and poorly illuminate the growing areas of the plant.
Thirdly, it might not have fully developed root system.
Fourthly, the buyer may notice that the plant bloomed well in the store, and upon arrival home it quickly wilted. In this case, most likely the seller used flowering stimulants. Because of these drugs, the plant may not bloom for many more years. In this case, we advise you to use a plant growth activator to feed the flower.
And finally, hydrangea may not bloom due to freezing in winter.

The flower may not bloom due to the wrong land. It is very important to find your soil acidity, because for different plants she owns. Another reason for non-flowering hydrangeas is considered an incorrect transplant. The gardener, due to his inexperience, transplanted the plant into a cramped container or, conversely, into a too wide one. When transplanting, the gardener could slightly damage the roots.

Often gardeners wonder why it does not bloom paniculate hydrangea, and gives only foliage. This may happen due to malnutrition. That is, if the plant is overfed with a large amount of nitrogen fertilizers. Many varieties of plants require rest in order to gain strength before flowering in the spring. Some plants try to put on sunny side and some in the shade.

The reason for the lack of flowering in hydrangeas may be dry air. If the air temperature is too high, then spraying the plant, you help it stay fresh for a short time. Hydrangea is able not to bloom and not tie buds if it is affected by pests. At first, the plant may bloom, but with a strong spread of pests, it will lose buds.

Due to improper pruning, hydrangea may not bloom. Incorrect watering process also negatively affects the flowering of the plant. For the successful flowering of paniculate hydrangea, you need fertile soils. The plant likes a clay structure, but does not like sandy ones. When planting hydrangeas, if the soil is not acidic, then you will need to add sawdust and coniferous greens. The plant needs moist soil.

It is also not a big secret that hydrangea prefers making. It is the top dressing that is ready to have a beneficial effect on the flowering of the plant. You can feed the hydrangea with instant coffee, scattering it on the surface of the earth.

Hydrangea does not bloom due to the fact that it is young and its root system is still poorly developed. It is very important to properly care for the plant. Knowing everything possible reasons not flowering hydrangeas, it is worth making a conclusion and continue not to make such mistakes.

Among amateur flower growers, hydrangea is especially popular. This is due to a number of factors. First of all, hydrangea flowers are collected in inflorescences and form large "caps". And the color range varies from pale white to bright red or purple.

Such a plant will decorate any flower bed. A feature of hydrangea is that you can grow it at home. However, it is quite whimsical and sometimes it is difficult to answer the question of why the hydrangea does not bloom. How do you need to care for this plant so that it pleases the eye during flowering? Hydrangea can be grown both outdoors and in a pot. Let's consider each case separately.

Hydrangea garden

This shrub does not tolerate the sun well. Therefore, when choosing a landing site, it is necessary to choose a shaded area, on which direct sunlight practically does not fall. You need to constantly make sure that the soil is moist. Hydrangea with a lack of moisture not only blooms poorly, but also slows down the growth rate. A prerequisite for flowering hydrangea is the presence of soil with an acidic reaction.

Fertilizer and care

Like any other shrub, hydrangea needs fertilizer, top dressing and pruning. It is advisable to feed the flower several times a month with special substances.


As for pruning, the situation here is somewhat more complicated than with top dressing and fertilizer. Pruning is done:

  • in the spring, if during the winter the branches of the bush suffered from the cold;
  • autumn, to rejuvenate the plant.

To avoid damage to the branches, you need to cut off all the inflorescences every autumn. The exception is the macrophile, which does not need pruning. Such a need exists only when there are branches affected by frost. At the same time, care must be taken not to remove branches with flower buds during pruning. Often this is the reason why the hydrangea does not bloom.

Features of care

You also need to make sure that the soil is loose. If you want to avoid constant work on loosening the soil, you can add mulch. And it is desirable to water the plant with warm water. Hydrangea can hardly be called a frost-resistant plant. Therefore, for the winter it needs to be covered or dug up.

Reasons for the lack of inflorescences

Based on the foregoing, the answer to the question of why garden hydrangea does not bloom may be as follows:

  • wrong place for landing;
  • incorrect pruning;
  • damage to shoots by frost;
  • underdeveloped root system.

Due to the fact that there are more than 80 types of hydrangea, each of them has specific features. Consider the possible reasons for the lack of inflorescences for the most popular varieties.

Paniculata hydrangea

There may be several reasons why panicled hydrangea does not bloom. This species is frost resistant. Unlike many other varieties, it can not be covered for the winter. However, it is no less, and perhaps even more whimsical, to soils than other hydrangeas. The plant feels good on loamy soils that have low acidity. But on sandy soils, paniculate hydrangea, most likely, will not bloom. Another reason for the lack of inflorescences in the summer may be a lack of nutrients. Therefore, hydrangea must be fed.

pink hydrangea

The answer to the question of why it does not bloom pink hydrangea, simple. This type of hydrangea does not tolerate frost. Therefore, the reason for the lack of inflorescences may be the freezing of flower buds. Plants should also be pruned carefully. Since you can cut shoots with flower buds already laid. Also, the reason for the lack of flowering may be an insufficiently strong root system. We must not forget that hydrangea loves acidic soil. And insufficient acidity of the soil can be the reason for the lack of flowers.

Why does the hydrangea large-leaved not bloom?

The main reason for the lack of inflorescences is improper pruning. It is advisable to produce it in the spring and remove only branches affected by frost. Otherwise, you can lose the shoots on which the flower buds are laid. Also, large-leaved hydrangea will not bloom in conditions of insufficient watering.


Why does the hydrangea tree not bloom? First of all, this shrub needs systematic feeding. In severe winters, the plant may freeze, which may be the reason for the lack of flowering. Like other species, this hydrangea needs abundant watering.

Hydrangea room

Like garden hydrangea, home during flowering does not tolerate direct sunlight and drought. Therefore, you need to choose a cool, sun-protected place. However, with the onset of winter, this plant must be rearranged to the sunniest place in the apartment. As for the temperature regime, it should not exceed 20 degrees Celsius. In addition to maintaining the required temperature, the hydrangea should be watered abundantly, and the leaves should be sprayed. For the winter, the plant sheds leaves, so watering can be reduced, but the complete drying of the earth is unacceptable. Indoor hydrangea, like garden hydrangea, needs to be fed. It needs to be done several times a month. After winter, weakened and damaged branches need to be cut.

Reasons for the lack of inflorescences

Here are some facts that may be the answer to the question of why room hydrangea does not bloom:

  • wrong place for a flowerpot;
  • insufficient amount of moisture;
  • incorrect temperature regime;
  • incorrect cutting.

In order for the hydrangea to please with lush inflorescences, it is necessary to monitor temperature regime and regular watering. These are the most important factors. Be sure to cover the plant for the winter. If the shoots were damaged in winter, then the likelihood that the hydrangea will bloom in the next few years is very small.

Making hydrangeas bloom luxuriantly is easy

Why the hydrangea does not bloom, we figured it out, but what needs to be done so that this plant begins to delight with lush inflorescences? You can try to find a better place. However, when transplanting, the plant may suffer. Therefore, you need to dig out the hydrangea carefully so as not to damage the root system. Otherwise, it will not bloom until it recovers. And this can take about two years.

It will also be useful to increase the acidity of the soil. This can be done using coniferous humus or peat. In no case should chalk, ash or lime be used for feeding. These substances reduce the acidity of the soil, and therefore, will cause a lack of flowering.

One of the main enemies of hydrangea is frost. Therefore, for the winter, the plant needs to be wrapped up, and the soil mulched. Damage to flower buds from residual frost will be the answer to the question of why hydrangeas do not bloom.

You also need to remember to water the shrub at least 2 times a week. If the plant is an adult, then it will need an average of 40 liters of water. It is better that it was rainy. If this is not possible, then the water must be defended.

If the hydrangea did not bloom in the summer, then do not prune in the fall. Perhaps it was during the autumn pruning of branches that you got rid of shoots with flower buds. After the winter, you will need to get rid of the affected branches, and from the flower buds you will get lush "caps" of inflorescences.

Another reason for the lack of flowers can be pests. These include mosaic leaf disease, downy mildew, gray rot, aphids, weevils, sharp noses and spider mites. If you find signs of a disease, then you must immediately take measures to combat them.

There is another detail that sellers are almost always silent about. The variety of varieties is very large. However, not all of them are suitable for our climate. If hydrangeas do not fit climatic conditions, then no matter how you care for the plant, it will not bloom.

Finally, I would like to say a few words about one feature of this marvelous shrub. Hydrangea is able to change its color. In order for the plant to change color, aluminum alum can be used. In a pre-prepared container, you need to put 5 grams of these alum and pour 1 liter of water. If there are several plants, you need to do large quantity solution. However, the ratio of water to aluminum alum should remain the same. It remains to water the soil with the resulting liquid. A change in color occurs due to a change in the acidity of the soil and the amount of iron in it. If you have iron filings on hand, you can safely replace alum with them. In extreme cases, old nails will do.

You can show imagination, and feed the bush only on one side. The result is a hydrangea with inflorescences of different shades. It is obvious that miracles do not happen and bright red will not work from white flowers. However, you can pink color turn into rich lilac, and white - into pale blue. Take care of the plant correctly - and you will never need an answer to the question of why the hydrangea does not bloom.

Blooming hydrangea is a real decoration of the garden landscape: with the help of this flower, you can make a picturesque and any original plot. However, sometimes gardeners are faced with the fact that bloom ornamental plant refuses. Why the hydrangea does not bloom, what the problem may be connected with and how to solve it - we learn from the article.

In most varieties of hydrangea, the root system "grows up" 2-3 years after planting: then flowering occurs. But there are varieties that take about 6 years for the roots to grow and develop. If the hydrangea does not bloom at all, the following reasons for this phenomenon are possible:

  • wrong choice of variety;
  • incorrectly chosen rooting site;
  • adaptation period after planting / transplanting;
  • insufficient watering;
  • improper pruning - usually too radical;
  • illiterate bush feeding;
  • freezing of kidneys during the winter;
  • damage by pests, diseases.

Variety selection

Today, scientists know about 70 species and varieties of plants. There are hydrangeas in the form of herbaceous low shrubs, there are tree-like varieties, creepers, evergreen and deciduous varieties. And although the choice is extensive, in our climate, many of the varieties can not be grown normally in open ground.

There is a fairly large part of hydrangeas that simply do not have time to bloom in a short summer. And if you have purchased just such a variety, you can never wait for flowering.

For our climate, only a limited part of the hydrangeas from all the diversity that exists is suitable. Well suited tree-like variety, ground cover and paniculate. These are the most unpretentious and hardy species, which can also bloom in the conditions of a short cool summer.

Poor choice of rooting site

About to land in open ground hydrangea, a place for it must be selected taking into account all the specific requirements. So, the plant feels extremely uncomfortable in places completely open, especially under scorching sunbeams. In such conditions, if the hydrangea has bloomed, then this period will not last long: the delicate petals will simply burn out, fade and fall off.

If the site is all sunny, plant paniculate hydrangea: this species tolerates the sun better than others. However, do not forget about abundant regular moisture: only under this condition will the plant bloom well.

Planting a flower in a shady place is also not worth it. In conditions of almost complete absence of sunlight, it is unlikely that large-leaved (and any other) hydrangea will please with abundant flowering. AT this case the plant will also develop poorly.

Under shady crowns big trees planting hydrangea is therefore not worth it. In addition to the fact that the crown of neighboring trees will create a significant shadow, almost impenetrable by the sun's rays, the roots of powerful plants will also take away water.

The optimal landing site will be an area illuminated and heated by the sun in the afternoon. A hydrangea planted in such a place will please you with a particularly long, abundant flowering. Optimal lighting in this way is partial shade or diffused.

If the place is chosen incorrectly, and the flower has already taken root, there is nothing left to do but transplant it. However, first think about whether there is any other way to correct the situation: after all, the hydrangea does not tolerate transplantation very well.


Hydrangea hardly adapts to a new place, and therefore it is transplanted only in the most extreme cases. Often, the first time after planting, the shrub wilts, stops developing, its flowering either slows down or stops. In most cases, after a certain period, the flower adapts on its own, takes root, and continues the growing season at a normal pace.

If the hydrangea has drooped after being transplanted into open ground after purchase, most likely it is the lack of the usual abundant top dressing, which was supplied to the plant in the store / nursery. Often sellers overfeed a flower so that when selling it looks more beautiful and magnificent: it is natural that after getting into ordinary land, hydrangea wilts.

AT severe cases perhaps not only the absence of flowering, but also the death of the plant. In order to avoid these sad consequences, it is necessary to make the adaptation of the plant more comfortable. For this:

  • do not cut the roots during transplantation and do not shake off the old substrate from them;
  • mix the soil remaining in the store container with garden soil and pour into the hole.

The first time after planting, feed the flower more abundantly to facilitate the adaptation process. But gradually reduce the dosage: in this way, getting used to a normal diet will go unnoticed.

lack of moisture

Hydrangea is an extremely moisture-loving flower; it will not last long without water. Even its name is translated from ancient Greek as "a vessel with water." If there is not enough moisture, the hydrangea will refuse to bloom, and its leaves will wither and wither. The roots should always be moistened: their drying is unacceptable.

Let's say more: if the hydrangea is not watered during the dry season summer heat She may even die. You understand that in this case there can be no talk of flowering. Recommended watering frequency: once a week during normal weather and every three days during dry weather. Special attention we recommend giving a young hydrangea, which is not yet a year old: at this tender age, the plant is especially sensitive to a lack of logs.

If the soil contains a large number of clay, water less often. In a dense substrate, water often stagnates, which is also harmful to the plant, causing roots to rot.

Incorrect cropping

Hydrangea should be cut very carefully, understanding what and how to do. If at autumn pruning remove the rudiments of future buds, next season the flowering will either be less lush, or it will not happen at all.

Young hydrangeas are not pruned until the first flowering, and adults - only when necessary. AT autumn period far from all varieties and types of hydrangeas can be cut, and in the spring we recommend postponing the procedure to a later time so that the buds are not damaged by return frosts. If, in principle, the pruning of a perennial is neglected, the buds may not form at all;

The procedure requires experience and skills:

  • it is necessary to thin out the bush - otherwise the inflorescences are crushed and become more rare;
  • small branches growing inward require mandatory removal, since they do not bloom, but only thicken the crown;
  • for abundant flowering it is necessary to shorten last year's shoots, leaving no more than 1-3 healthy, strong buds on them;
  • shoots older than 4-6 years no longer produce inflorescences, so they must be removed when pruning.

Important: if the shoot is strong and thick, you can leave three buds on it, if thin, weak - only one.

At spring pruning no need to remove the shoots of last year's distillation - strong and healthy. It is on them that the bulk of the inflorescences will be formed in the current season. In autumn, remove only dried buds or leaves, broken, damaged branches. Formative pruning after flowering is not necessary.

top dressing

Garden hydrangea reacts extremely negatively to overfeeding. Excess nitrogen in the soil causes particular harm to the flowering of the plant. This mineral is useful for the rapid growth of greenery, but negatively affects the formation of buds.

How to feed properly:

  • at the end of spring, apply nitrogen for the fastest set of foliage and growth of young shoots;
  • in summer, exclude nitrogen and use potassium-phosphate additives that activate the formation of flower buds;
  • in autumn, focus on potassium, which will protect the roots of the plant from freezing in winter.

We recommend using urea as a nitrogen-containing preparation. It is best to dilute the preparation with water and potassium sulfate and apply in the spring. If there is no urea, slurry diluted with water (1:10) is also suitable. As a source of potassium and phosphorus, it is better to use mineral complexes.

Tip: when planting a plant in the ground from a store container after purchase, be sure to feed the flower with a root growth stimulator. This measure will help the plant to more easily adapt to a new place and take root.

Keep in mind that certain minerals can control the color of hydrangea buds. So, lime is useful if the hydrangea is pink: the flower petals will become brighter. The addition of alum will give the buds a blue tint.

Shelter for the winter

If the hydrangea is not properly prepared for winter, its buds and roots may freeze. Flowering in the next growing season, therefore, can not be seen. To avoid problems, in the fall, even before the cold weather, they begin to prepare the flower for winter. If the climate is relatively warm, it will be enough to trim the inflorescences, and then cover the shrub with agrofiber. If the winters in the region are frosty and long, the hydrangea should be covered more warmly and the roots must be spudded.

It is unacceptable to leave a flower without any shelter for the winter: freezing in this case can be critical, fatal. Even frost-resistant paniculate hydrangea should not remain unprotected: it is better to take preventive measures than to allow the roots to freeze.

Damage by pests and diseases

The reasons for the lack of flowering can also be associated with diseases, pest damage. Usually, most infections are transmitted through planting material. That is why hydrangea seedlings are best purchased from proven and reliable nurseries, and not from private traders on the market.

In addition, diseases often occur if the plant is kept in conditions high humidity. Although hydrangea is a lover of water, but excess moisture inevitably leads to the development of rot, the reproduction of fungus. The situation is exacerbated by the density of landings.

Chlorosis is one of the most common diseases affecting hydrangeas. Pathology manifests itself as yellowing of foliage, but in advanced cases it can lead to a lack of flowering. Chlorosis occurs due to metabolic disorders in plant tissues: this usually happens due to a lack of iron. To cure a flower, it is necessary to feed it with iron-containing fertilizers, spray it with the appropriate preparations. Such processing, although it gives an effect, is not instantaneous: you will have to wait for some time until the shrub acquires its usual color.

It can affect hydrangea and a harmful fungus: fortunately, this happens quite rarely. Usually, fungal diseases are associated with certain rots: root, stem. Prevention and treatment are based on the use of copper-containing preparations (for example, HOM).

For abundant flowering hydrangea is very important good development its root system. If the roots are weak, it is unlikely that in the near future it will be possible to enjoy beautiful bright buds. The longest roots form plants after planting and overfed with fertilizers.

Carefully select a place for planting, as in case of an incorrect choice, flowering will not be seen. Well, hydrangea transplant is extremely difficult.

You should not plant a flower under the roof of the house: in spring, falling snow or icicles can break its branches along with the embryonic buds. Thus, flowering will turn out to be much less abundant.

The area in the garden where the hydrangea is planted should have a fairly loose, permeable soil. Clay dense substrate in this case is not suitable: it must first be loosened with sand and peat.

If you are an inexperienced gardener, we advise you to start with the Grandiflora hydrangea variety. This variety has stood the test of time: its flowering is quite predictable, expected and, with proper care, is almost guaranteed. In addition, Grandiflora can be both paniculate and tree-like - choose any kind to taste.

When planting or transplanting, be careful with the rhizome of the plant. The hydrangea root is fragile and brittle: if it is damaged, the adaptation process will be greatly delayed. More significant harm is possible in the form of illness, death. Remove the bush from the ground only together with an earthen clod and support the latter from below.

It is necessary to water the flower regularly and quite plentifully. Particular attention should be paid to this procedure in the first year of the flower's life, as well as in conditions of severe summer drought. After watering and rains, we strongly recommend loosening the soil in the garden. Thus, the permeability of the soil will be restored, which is important for the flower. At the same time, there will be fewer weeds.

We learned why the hydrangea refuses to bloom and what to do about this problem. As you can see, the reasons are probably different: first you need to understand exactly what exactly caused the absence of buds in a particular case. And only then decide what action to take. Such an approach will yield positive results in the most shortest time, and will return the flowering to your pet.

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