Delicious preparations for the winter in contact. Vegetable preparations for the winter

landscaping 18.10.2019

Vegetable mix. Universal recipe for pickling vegetables Spices to fill a three-liter jar: 2-3 cloves of garlic, 1 Bay leaf, 1 pinch dill seeds, 3-4 black peppercorns. Pouring on a three-liter jar: water drained from a jar of vegetables (1.3-1.5 l), 2 tablespoons of salt, 3 tablespoons of sugar, 3-4 tablespoons of 9% vinegar. According to this recipe, you can pickle cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes, as well as vegetable mix, which includes all these vegetables, and in addition, Bell pepper, carrots, onions, cauliflower. Wash vegetables thoroughly, discarding substandard ones. Fill three-liter jars with prepared vegetables, adding garlic, bay leaf, dill, black pepper to each jar. Pour vegetables in jars twice hot water, each time holding for 10 minutes. After the water is drained a second time, proceed to the preparation of the marinade. Add salt, sugar to the drained water, bring everything to a boil. Pour the vegetables with the resulting brine for the third time. Add vinegar directly to the jar and immediately roll up the lids, previously scalded with boiling water. Carefully turn the rolled jars upside down for additional sterilization of the upper part of the jars and lids and allow to cool in this position.

Comments 19

Emotions 807

Gingerbread on sour cream Gingerbread on sour cream - incredibly tasty and fragrant - just like in childhood, try it yourself! In my family, these gingerbreads are called grandmother's. The recipe has gone deep into the past, and the taste still pleases us today. Grandmother cooked these gingerbread cookies with sour cream. She lived in the village and therefore did not know the shortage of dairy products. I don't have a cow, so I use store-bought sour cream. Fat content is minimal. Gingerbread bakes very quickly. I like this dough because it does not need to be frozen or allowed to rise. In a word - a very quick recipe! - 2 eggs - 0.5 cup sugar - 1 cup sour cream - 100 g margarine - 1 tsp. soda - a little salt - flour - how much dough will take (about 400 g) We prepare a container in which we will knead the dough for gingerbread. We break eggs into a bowl. Beat them with sugar. You can not be too active, the main thing is that the sugar melts. We introduce sour cream. Now mix well so that the sour cream is combined with the egg-sugar mixture. Add baking soda and salt to this mixture. Finely chopped margarine. Instead of margarine, you can use any fat (butter) Now we introduce flour, knead the dough. It should be medium soft. We roll out the dough not very thinly and with the help of a mold (or a glass) cut out circles. Use a fork or toothpick to poke holes all over the circle. We spread the gingerbread cookies on a baking sheet, grease them with an egg, bake at a temperature of 200 degrees for 30-35 minutes. These are the grandmother's gingerbread often makes us happy. They can be served with tea or milk. I love it with cold yogurt, but here I am not your adviser, the main thing is that the gingerbreads quickly disappear from the plate!

Comments 17

Emotions 545

Homemade Hard Cheese Making homemade hard cheese is not that difficult. Such cheese can be safely given to the baby, because it will not contain any aromatic additives and dyes. Ingredients: - 500 grams of fatty cottage cheese (at least 9%) granular - 500 ml of milk (the fatter the better, but I took the usual 3.2%) - 50 grams of butter - 0.5 teaspoon of soda - 1 egg - salt to taste (approximately 0.5 teaspoon) How to prepare homemade hard cheese: 1. Pour the milk into a wide saucepan. Pour the cottage cheese into the milk and begin to stir with a wooden spoon or spatula so that it does not stick. Bring the milk to a boil and continue to boil the cottage cheese in milk for about 10-15 minutes. The fire should be very small so that the cottage cheese does not stick and does not dry out to the pan. 2. Then we take a sieve, the finer the better, and pour our mass - filter through a sieve. If you have a large sieve, it is better to put an additional few layers of gauze on it. 3. We are waiting for the serum to drain. In the meantime, melt the butter in a saucepan and mix it with the egg and soda. When the oil is well "dispersed" with soda and egg, add boiled cottage cheese, from which whey is glassed. 4. On minimum heat, stir continuously and thoroughly to "brew" the egg-butter mass - about 5 minutes. If it starts to dry out a lot to the pan, you can add a little whey, as I did. When your cheese is tender yellow color(cottage cheese mixes well with egg, soda and butter), you can remove from heat. 5. Then we shift the finished mass into a mold, you can pre-line it with gauze so that homemade cheese it is better to move away and whether to shift the mass back into the sieve. And put the cheese in the fridge. 6. In a few hours, our hard cheese is ready at home. It can be cut and put on a sandwich. It doesn't get too salty, if you like it saltier add a teaspoon of salt and more. In terms of taste, it is no worse than store-bought, but in terms of useful qualities it is much better. Enjoy your meal!

Comments 14

Emotions 582

Homemade kvass We make kvass with our own hands - the recipe is still "Soviet" - proven. Half a loaf of rye bread (any); 3 liters of boiled water; half a pack (25-30 grams) of dry yeast; half a cup (125 grams) of sugar; raisin. Cut the bread into pieces and fry on a baking sheet in the oven until golden brown. Rather dry, because without oil. Pour the crusts with boiling water in 3 liter jar and wait for cooling to a temperature of 36-38 degrees. After cooling, add half of the cooked sugar and yeast diluted in a glass of warm boiled water. We cover the jar with a lid and put it for 2 days in a warm place, but not in the sun. After 2 days, filter, add raisins and the remaining sugar. We pour into plastic bottles, twist the corks and refrigerate for a day. Everything! You can drink! And one more thing - what you filtered out can be stored in the refrigerator in a closed jar, and next time you can use it instead of yeast sourdough.

Comments 41

Emotions 2.5K

WE PREPARE THE FOUR-FOUR FLUICE 4 cups of sugar 4 cups of water 4 cups of berries 4 cups of vodka Pour sugar with warm boiled water so that it does not settle to the bottom, but disperses evenly. Then we fall asleep washed and dried berries whole, not mashed. Feijoa is the only berry that needs to be cut into halves, and if large, then into quarters. Now it remains to add vodka and be patient. This amount of liquid is poured into glass jar(a three-liter should be enough butt), cover with a nylon lid and hide in dark place. We train willpower for 10 days, no less. Better yet, 2 weeks. That is, if on December 15, for example, you make a liqueur, then the New Year will be damn tasty in every way. During this time, the fruits will share both color, aroma, and juices, and will settle to the bottom. Carefully, so as not to disturb the sediment, pour the pouring, clear as spring water, into another bowl. You can pour it into anything, but best of all it retains its properties in glass containers. Pot-bellied bottles with massive ground-in lids will come in handy. Ultimately, the strength of such a liqueur will be in the range of 18-22 degrees, depending on the berry. Rowan softer will turn out, cherry, if the cherry is with a stone, it will be stronger. Homemade alcohol in any company will be accepted with a bang: it pleases the eye, delights the taste buds. And most importantly - no matter how much you drink, the next morning is fresh as a cucumber. By the way, if you like stronger drinks, you can use alcohol or well-purified homemade moonshine. The proportions should remain the same, but the degree will noticeably creep up. On the hastily you can make a tincture. For example, throw a handful into a bottle of vodka orange peels slightly dried in the open air. No worse than Cointreau liqueur, a drink is obtained! And if you add a couple more tablespoons of honey, it will be a pleasure to drink.

Comments 41

“Cheesecakes with cottage cheese” The dough is unrealistically soft, and the filling is tender 😍 Ingredients: Dough: 📌 flour about 600 gr 📌 milk-1.5 cups 📌 yeast-1.5 tsp. 📌 sugar-4 tablespoons with a slide 📌 a pinch of salt 📌 butter-100 gr 📌 Egg-2 pcs Filling: 📌 cottage cheese-500 gr 📌 sour cream-2 tbsp. 📌 flour-1 tbsp. 📌 yolk-2 pcs 📌 sugar-5 tbsp. 📌 vanillin 📌 butter-30 gr Preparation: 1. Mix milk and yeast. Milk should be warm, but not hot ❗️ leave for 15 minutes. 2. Add Egg, sugar, salt, 5 tbsp. flour, Mix. Pour in the butter. Mix again. 3. Add the rest of the flour. Knead the dough. It should not stick to your hands. 4. Grease the dough with oil on top so that it does not become weathered. Cover with a towel and leave for 1-1.5 hours. 5. Divide the dough into 12-15 parts and roll up the balls, Put them on a baking sheet. Leave for 15 minutes. 6. We mix all the ingredients for the filling. 7. We take a faceted glass and with the bottom in the center of each ball we push a recess in the core a little. 8. We fill the middle of the “plates” we received from the dough with the curd filling. And the edges of the dough “plates” are best greased with mixed yolk and milk. 9. We put a sheet with cheesecakes in the oven and bake for 25 minutes at a temperature of 200ºС.

Once I thought that blanks were not mine. But when I tried to make some homemade preparations for the winter with my own hands, I was amazed at how delicious it was. I don’t know if my assessment is objective, but for some reason it seems to me that my pickled tomatoes and my pickled cucumbers are the most delicious. There must be some magic at work here. Which, by the way, I owe to this site. With the advent of the section “Home-made preparations for the winter”, I managed to overcome my prejudice towards preparations. Pictures well remembered from childhood full bath cucumbers, rows of cans, which for some reason were boiled empty in huge pots, after which it was absolutely impossible to approach them at a distance of a cannon shot. All these realities of homemade preparations: basins with gurgling syrup, a tired mother's figure, bent over a giant basket of butter. In general, when I grew up, I decided for myself: “No, no blanks!”

But everything flows and everything changes, and now, starting with cabbage fast food, I, imperceptibly for myself, reached the jam and marmalade. I also make jam now. And I am happy to share with you my mother's recipes for homemade preparations for the winter. Everything about her is delicious and wonderful. So enjoy the process and tea parties on long winter evenings.

Zucchini marinated for the winter

Step-by-step instruction for harvesting zucchini for the winter. The marinade is delicious! Recipe with sterilization - jars are guaranteed to stand all winter.

Zucchini for the winter in circles

One of the most simple ways prepare zucchini for the winter, make them in the same marinade in which “Bulgarian” cucumbers are made. Bright sweet and sour taste, a minimum of ingredients. Added garlic for spiciness.

Bulgarian pepper lecho recipe

Lecho recipe without using a meat grinder. The number of products is given exactly for 1 half-liter jar. In the composition, except for pepper and tomatoes, onion, garlic, parsley and sweet paprika.

Zucchini in tomato for the winter

Nice and very easy recipe. Ingredients: zucchini, carrots, tomatoes, tomato juice, apple cider vinegar, garlic and a set of fragrant seasonings.

Zucchini caviar for the winter, the recipe is simple and delicious

Simple and very tasty squash caviar for the winter. In the composition, in addition to zucchini, onions, carrots and tomato paste. Caviar without the addition of vinegar.

Cucumbers in tomato for the winter

Sliced ​​cucumbers are boiled in a sauce of fresh tomatoes, garlic, with the addition of vegetable oil, vinegar, sugar and salt. Very tasty preparation for the winter. Close at least one jar, you won't regret it!

pickled cucumbers

If you want to try pickling cucumbers for the first time for the winter, use this recipe. It is very successful and absolutely simple, in just two fillings, does not require sterilization, cucumbers are ideal.

Pickled cucumbers crispy sweet

Unusual way preparations for the winter of pickled cucumbers - vinegar is not added to jars, cucumbers are soaked in it before canning. It gives an amazing result - crispy, smooth cucumbers.

Cucumbers with red currants for the winter

I don’t know who came up with the idea of ​​pickling cucumbers with currants, most likely it developed from the tradition of using a currant leaf for canning. If a leaf is possible, then why not try adding berries? The result of the experiment turned out to be more than successful; it is not for nothing that the recipe is gaining popularity from season to season.

Tomatoes in their own juice recipe for ages

A masterpiece in simplicity recipe for cooking tomatoes in your own juice without vinegar. Tomatoes retain their natural flavor and stand well at room temperature.

Adjika with horseradish and garlic from tomatoes for the winter without cooking

This adjika is prepared without cooking. Tomatoes, garlic, sweet and hot peppers are scrolled through a meat grinder, mixed with spices, salt, sugar. Two storage options are allowed: in the refrigerator, if vinegar is added to adjika, and in the freezer, if adjika is without vinegar.

Pitted apricot jam "Five minutes"

A real apricot "five-minute". Fruits are boiled in juice, which is released for several hours, while they are covered with sugar, and then quickly boiled. Sunset recipe. Storage in a regular kitchen cabinet.

Blackberry jam

Chokeberry is a berry from which you can make excellent jam, but only if you follow a certain technology. Then the berries will remain whole and juicy, and the tart taste will practically not be felt.

Blackberry jam with apples

Delicious jam - a combination of juicy, absolutely not tart berries chokeberry with transparent apple slices soaked in ruby ​​juice. If you decide to add cinnamon, get a delicacy jam.

Pumpkin jam with dried apricots

interesting recipe pumpkin jam with lemon and dried apricots. Those who have already tried pumpkin jam with various additives - orange, lemon or cinnamon, will definitely appreciate this recipe. For my taste, he is the best.

Sauerkraut for the winter in jars

When I was still at school, my mother fermented cabbage in a huge saucepan, which was placed on a glazed balcony and hibernated there until spring. True, the older I got, the faster the cabbage ended in the pan - it was eaten by my many friends and acquaintances, whom I had increased with admission to the institute. Instead of tea and buns, I greeted guests with an impressive bowl of sauerkraut, which went well with strong drinks (and student gatherings were rarely complete without them). No wonder we were so slender and sonorous then.

Shchi for the winter

Those who have already tried borscht dressing for the winter, for sure, they will also appreciate the recipe for cabbage soup in jars. A liter blank is enough to prepare a hefty pot of ready-made cabbage soup - just put the canned food in the broth with potatoes cooked until tender. Five minutes - and cabbage soup is ready!

Mother-in-law's tongue from eggplant for the winter

Popular recipe. It is unlikely that there will be pantries with preparations for the winter, in which there would not be several jars of spicy and spicy "mother-in-law's tongue". It is made from zucchini and eggplant. The taste is very different. And the recipes are different.

Zucchini caviar according to GOST

Authentic recipe for zucchini caviar from Soviet times. The recipe is given with an accuracy of 10 grams, the taste of caviar is exactly the same as the one that was on the shelves of grocery stores in the 70-80s of the last century.

Beans in tomato sauce for the winter

The simplest recipe harvesting beans in tomato for the winter. It turns out very tasty, it's nice to open a jar of such beans in winter.

Tasty lecho for the winter

One of the most popular lecho recipes, where aromatic vegetables are stewed in fresh tomato juice - peppers, carrots, onions, garlic. Recipe with hot peppers.

Lecho from bell pepper and tomato for the winter

A simple and understandable recipe for lecho for beginners. Detailed explanations of all stages of preparation.

Lecho for the winter

Classic recipe lecho with the addition of onions, which pickle in the preparation and become sweet. (Secretly, I even like it more than peppers.)

Eggplant caviar for the winter "Lick your fingers"

This eggplant caviar delights with its festive color, fascinates with a fresh aroma. The secret of preparing such caviar is in a special way of preparing eggplants. They are baked in the oven, thanks to which the caviar is tender and not at all greasy.

Beet salad for the winter

The original snack salad for the winter of beets, apples and carrots. It can be served as an appetizer, a side dish for meat dishes or added during the preparation of first courses. Sterilization is not required.

Eggplant caviar for the winter

A classic recipe for eggplant caviar with onions, carrots, tomatoes, garlic, sweet and hot pepper and a bouquet of fragrant spices. Very tasty and keeps well. I recommend trying this recipe. You will surely like it.

How to freeze peppers for the winter for stuffing

How to freeze peppers for the winter for stuffing - all the subtleties and nuances with step-by-step photos.

Tomatoes in their own juice for the winter

A simple recipe for preparing for the winter from tomatoes in their own juice. No meat grinder or blender is required - chopped tomatoes give juice themselves during the sterilization process.

Lecho from bell pepper for the winter

A simple lecho recipe without vinegar, includes only two types of vegetables - peppers and tomatoes, tomatoes go into the harvest along with the skin, very light and tasty homemade.

eggplant like mushrooms

This is a recipe for those who love culinary tricks, but are just starting to take their first steps in this field. A simple way to disguise eggplant as mushrooms will surely please you. Prepare a detachment of small jars for the winter to put them up as a snack on festive table, and then see if anyone guesses that instead of mushrooms, he eats super-healthy vegetables, which he would never volunteer to try. Yes, yes, that's how people become fans of eggplant. :))

The most delicious homemade adjika

Adjika is made from sour green apples with large quantity tomatoes, onions, garlic are also added. Cinnamon has been added to the traditional set of spices (pepper, lavrushka). A very simple recipe.

Crispy Pickled Cucumbers

The original way pickling cucumbers, which is suitable for those who immediately make large batches of workpieces in one go. Cucumbers are first soaked in cold water, and then for three minutes are immersed in hot vinegar. Vinegar is no longer added to jars. Only salt, sugar and spices. Banks are filled with boiling water and immediately rolled up.

Plum tkemali recipe for the winter

A basket of sour plums, garlic, coriander, pepper, salt, sugar and a bunch of greens - that's all you need to prepare a fragrant and extremely tasty plum sauce that will delight you all winter.

Zucchini caviar with mayonnaise and tomato paste

This preparation for the winter is usually made in large batches, because it is eaten very quickly. The taste of such zucchini caviar is indistinguishable from the store.

Yurcha from zucchini for the winter

New recipe preparations from zucchini with vegetables for the winter, which has become a hit in recent seasons. Very simple and delicious salad with tomato-vinegar-oil filling. Try to close at least a couple of jars.

Homemade preparations for the winter: the most popular recipes

Harvesting vegetables, fruits and berries for the winter has already become a tradition. Long winter in severe frosts just not to do without salads and appetizers. With the onset of autumn, caring housewives rush to collect the best cucumbers and tomatoes, zucchini and eggplant, juicy peppers, mushrooms, berries and sweet fruits to make the most delicious food for the whole family.

Preparations for the winter: pickled cucumber recipes

The most popular pickle for the winter in Russia, without which not a single feast is complete, is pickled cucumbers. This masterpiece of culinary art can be safely attributed to national cuisine. Pickled cucumbers are a unique delicacy that can be used in salads or as an addition to a hot garnish, or the best appetizer you just can't find it under vodka!

There are many ways to prepare this simple dish. Pickled cucumbers with garlic are very popular. Many lovers of spicy tastes prefer to use red pepper for the marinade. And cucumbers for the winter with mustard seeds and fragrant spices will not leave anyone indifferent.

Cooked hot or cold, they go well with lemon juice, vinegar or tart rowan berries, and these products not only give the vegetables a special taste, but also act as a preservative.

Salted and canned cucumbers: unusual recipes for the winter

Recently, it has become popular to mix different vegetables and fruits. Incompatible at first glance, products can create unforgettable flavors and emphasize the finest features of each of them. For example, canned cucumbers in tomato juice or marinated with apples after the first tasting will become a favorite exotic dish of the whole family.

Cucumbers are used to prepare various salads, pickled whole in barrels and harvested even in the form of cabbage rolls, wrapped in cabbage leaves. And the taste of cucumbers in lemon juice with a beam it is impossible to describe in words.

Cucumbers marinated in vodka with citric acid are ideal for any feast. Crispy fragrant vegetables will scatter in an instant at any holiday for adults. Each housewife can create her own masterpieces according to her imagination, combine unusual products and experiment with fragrant and spicy spices.

Harvesting tomatoes for the winter: the best recipes with photos

No less iconic delicacy are canned tomatoes. Recipes for winter preparations from tomatoes are striking in their diversity. Being engaged in cooking, many women prefer to create not only a culinary masterpiece, but also a real picture. Juicy and colorful tomatoes look so beautiful in a jar that inspired hostesses create whole still lifes.

Thus, you can not only feed your family and guests with goodies, but also show off an unforgettable picture in the closet with blanks. How nice to put on New Year's table a jar of "tomatoes in the snow", a festive mood and a good appetite will be provided to the whole family.

Incredibly tasty are sweet tomatoes with honey for the winter. Jams, salads, sauces are prepared from them, dried and dried, and salads from zucchini or eggplant are not complete without their participation. The unique taste of pickled tomatoes is emphasized by spicy and fragrant spices.

Paired with garlic and chili peppers, tomatoes make for a favorite accompaniment to a hot baked potato or meat dish. A masterpiece of culinary art can be safely considered green stuffed tomatoes in the bank.

Delicious homemade preparations for the winter recipes with photos

Before you start cooking, be sure to look at making preparations for the winter recipes with photos, they will help you choose the most suitable delicacy in terms of composition and cooking time. In any case, you can not do without pickled eggplant. This spicy dish is especially loved by men. The strong sex also likes burning homemade adjika and fried zucchini with garlic.

Cooking caviar from zucchini or eggplant for the winter is a whole art. Steamed vegetables brought to full softening are combined with fragrant herbs, onions, carrots and hot spices. Pasty mass is in perfect harmony with both hot and cold dishes. And caviar spread on bread will become an indispensable quick breakfast for the whole family.

Preservation methods: cold or hot

If you want to stock up on as many vitamins as possible and preserve the fresher taste of vegetables, then cold pickling is your best bet. Using a small amount of preservative, the vegetables are left to ferment for several days, and then stored in a cool room.

Undoubtedly, it is much better to use such recipes for winter preparations with a photo, since cucumbers, tomatoes or zucchini prepared in this way will retain maximum amount useful substances, but the shelf life of such preservation, unfortunately, is not very long (1-2 months).

Preparations for the winter, prepared in a hot way, are able to maintain freshness throughout the whole year. Most reliable way canning is sterilization in a water bath. Products are treated with high temperature and sealed in sterile jars. Most vitamins and minerals are lost during the cooking process, but any day you can open a jar and enjoy juicy vegetables or fruits.

Salads for the winter: recipes with photos

In a separate group of home preservation can be attributed the most delicious salads for the winter. Being engaged in their preparation, many are not limited to the recommended method, but use their imagination and boldly experiment. Juicy products are chopped, cut into cubes and strips, creating an unforgettable picture of colors, shapes and aromas. There is no limit to the variety of food combinations; in one jar with cucumbers or tomatoes they can get along as spicy eggplant and sweet berries.

Salads for the winter, the recipes of which were used by our grandmothers, will always be an integral part of the culinary culture of Russia. They perfectly complement the festive table and diversify the usual lunch or dinner. Having spent a little energy on cooking, you can enjoy fresh and fresh food throughout the year. delicious pickle by just opening a jar of pickles.

The most popular salad recipes for the winter in Russian cuisine are, of course, lecho. Juicy bell pepper, sweet tomatoes and hot onions create a unique dish, and fragrant greens perfectly complement the flavor range. But these are only the main ingredients, many cooking methods involve the use of various vegetables and spices for every taste.


Various homemade preparations for the winter salads, pickles, marinades occupy a whole niche in nutrition modern man. Many dishes and a rich assortment of products allow you to create the most delicious masterpieces without leaving home, and delight your loved ones with new delights.

From fish trifles, and not only from it, you can cook a chic appetizer that just flies off the table. These are homemade canned fish, which for some reason are always compared with store-bought ones. Even the names of the recipes are sure to sound something like this... ›

Sauerkraut is perhaps the easiest recipe for preserving this healthy vegetable. When cabbage is boiled, almost half of this beneficial vitamin, like B9 ( folic acid), but during fermentation, all vitamins remain intact and are even added! The amount of vitamin C, for example, increases many times, reaching 70 mg per 100 g, and vitamin P in sauerkraut 20 times more than fresh. ›

Perhaps no New Year is complete without tangerines. This is not only a tradition that cannot be changed, but also a great pleasure from contemplating bright, mood-boosting fruits, and a fragrance that instantly immerses us all in the atmosphere. new year holidays. How do you want to prolong all these sensations longer! Everything is possible - cook tangerine jam! ›

Pumpkin is perfectly stored in its natural, so to speak, form. And everything would be fine, but not everyone has the opportunity to put a dozen or one and a half orange balls for storage in an apartment, so most often city housewives prefer to preserve a pumpkin. One option for preserving pumpkins for the winter is pumpkin jam. Those who have never tried this jam should at least try to cook a couple of jars of amber delicacy for the purpose of the experiment. ›

Cook a wonderful cone jam, it's not difficult at all even for a novice hostess. There are many recipes for its preparation, among them you can choose both simpler and more sophisticated. The main thing is to do it right, following the technology of your chosen recipe and listening to our helpful tips. ›

Crispy pickled cucumbers are the dream of every housewife. To achieve the desired result, many of them have to go through a difficult path of trial and error. But in fact, it’s not at all difficult to cook crispy pickled cucumbers for the winter, you just need to know a few important secrets. ›

Each housewife strives to keep in vegetables harvested for the winter, a maximum of vitamins that will provide such a necessary benefit to our body in winter. Pickled garlic is just one of the ways to get both benefits and a wonderful preparation, which can be seasoned with a variety of dishes, served at the table in addition to meat dishes. ›

Some 20 years ago, only a few people heard about ketchup, and store shelves were occupied by half-liter jars with Krasnodarsky tomato sauce. As children, we ate it almost in jars - with bread, to heartburn, how delicious it is! And then ketchup appeared - oh, this is bliss ... You could eat literally everything with it. But here's the problem - the more types of ketchup appear in stores, the less likely you are to buy a real one. tomato sauce with spices and seasonings, more and more starch, and dyes, and preservatives ... There is only one way out - to cook ketchup yourself. ›

If corn is the queen of the fields, then the pumpkin is the queen of the vegetable gardens. That's it, no more, no less! And it’s not for nothing that this huge miracle is called that. Pumpkin contains a lot of carotene - almost as much as carrots! - which normalizes metabolism, accelerates cell renewal, maintains the strength of teeth and bones. And she is also the leader among vegetables in terms of iron content. Pumpkin contains vitamins C, B6, B2, E, micro and macro elements. ›

Excellent mushrooms - mushrooms! If you're lucky, you'll take off a couple of buckets from one stump, and you'll be free, and you won't have any troubles like worms. The beauty! Why such a mushroom was assigned only the 3rd category is not clear. Delicious, fragrant mushrooms are always welcome guests on our table. ›

Salted cucumbers have long become a primordially Russian product, in the preparation of which there is undoubtedly no equal to us, and the brine accompanying them is also ours, a Russian drink, the surest remedy for a well-known ailment. ›

With the advent of spring, a new harvesting season has begun. But what preparations can we talk about when the snow has just melted, and the first greenery has just begun to appear? Together with the first greens, wild garlic begins to appear - a plant familiar to many for its light garlic taste and a whole list of vitamins and nutrients. ›

To date, preparations for the winter allow not only to stock up on summer or autumn vegetables and fruits, but also to diversify your daily and holiday menu savory snacks, juicy salads, vitamin juices, sweet compotes and delicious jams.

Recipes for preparations for the winter were carefully thought out by our grandmothers, who accurately verified the proportions of ingredients and experimented with methods of heat treatment. Today, preparations in jars for the winter are no less, if not more, popular than a few decades ago. Despite the emergence of other ways to stock up on berries, fruits and vegetables for the winter, as well as the appearance of all kinds of preservation on store shelves, homemade preparations for the winter will always be in demand by housewives.

After all, delicious preparations for the winter are obtained only at home, while industrially canned cucumbers most often turn out to be excessively sour, mushrooms are sweet, tomatoes are salty, jam is sugary, and compote “pleases” with a chemical aroma. Therefore, absolutely all preparations for the winter: compotes, salads, jams, preserves, pickled or salted vegetables or mushrooms - it is better to do at home. If you are new to cooking and have never prepared preserves, we will help you learn how to do it at the highest level!

On the pages of our site you will certainly find photo recipes for winter preparations that will satisfy any requests and gastronomic preferences. Our preparations for the winter from vegetables, berries and fruits will conquer you with their variety, ease of preparation and availability of recipes.

Tomato and cucumber preparations for the winter, which are unofficially considered “classics of the genre,” you can safely serve on a festive or everyday table when your family asks for something tasty.

Also, after reading our recipes, you can make delicious preparations for the winter from zucchini: caviar, salads, snacks and even jam. And currant preparations for the winter will not leave indifferent any sweet tooth.

And for those hostesses who avoid unnecessary hassle when rolling cans, blanks for the winter without sterilization are just perfect, which differ delicate taste and speed of preparation.

The best preparations for the winter from our experienced chefs will help you conquer your family with delicious preservation!


Peppers with eggplant for the winter

Ingredients: pepper, eggplant, garlic, dill, oil, vinegar, salt, sugar, seasoning, water

Peppers and eggplants in a fragrant marinade - such preparation for the winter will definitely be a great success in the cold season. Do not forget about this recipe in the season when vegetables are the most delicious and juicy.
- 1 kg of bell pepper;
- 1 kg eggplant;
- 5 cloves of garlic;
- 100 gr of dill;
- 100 ml of vegetable oil.

For marinade:

- 30 ml of apple cider vinegar;
- 20 grams of table salt;
- 15 grams of sugar;
- pepper;
- coriander;
- Bay leaf;
- grain mustard;
- water.


Salad "Paramonikha"

Ingredients: onion, carrot, tomato, salt, sugar, vinegar, oil, pepper

Salad "Paramonikha" with peppers, onions, carrots and tomatoes is one of those successful preparations that housewives, having tried once, close from year to year. We hope you enjoy this recipe as well.
- 1.3 kg of sweet pepper;
- 0.5 kg of onions;
- 1 kg of carrots;
- 1.5 kg of tomatoes or tomato puree;
- 40 grams of salt;
- 250 grams of sugar;
- 100 ml of vinegar;
- 250 ml of sunflower oil;
- ground red pepper to taste.


Marinated porcini mushrooms for the winter

Ingredients: porcini, water, salt, sugar, vinegar, laurel, pepper, cloves

If you want to close porcini mushrooms for the winter, but don’t know how to do it correctly, then our master class will come to the rescue. It details how to cook wonderful pickled porcini mushrooms.
- 500-800 gr of white mushrooms;
- 0.5 liters of water;
- 0.5 tbsp salt;
- 0.5 tbsp Sahara;
- 1.5 tablespoons vinegar 9%;
- 4 pieces of bay leaf;
- 3 pieces of black peppercorns;
- 3 pieces of allspice peas;
- 2 cloves.


Pate from mushrooms for the winter

Ingredients: mushrooms, carrots, onions, oil, salt, sugar, vinegar, pepper

Excellent preparation for the winter - pate from mushrooms. This is a hearty and interesting, tasty and mouth-watering preservation that absolutely everyone likes!

- 1 kg honey mushrooms;
- 350 gr carrots;
- 350 gr of onions;
- 100 ml of vegetable oil;
- 25 grams of salt;
- sugar;
- Apple vinegar;
- black pepper.


Delicious green tomatoes for the winter in a hot way

Ingredients: green tomatoes, bay leaf, garlic, dill, water, salt, sugar, vinegar, peppercorns


- 1 kg. green tomatoes;
- 2-3 bay leaves;
- 2-3 cloves of garlic;
- 3-4 sprigs of dill;
- 1 liter of water;
- 1 tbsp salt;
- a third of st.l. Sahara;
- 1 tbsp vinegar;
- 4-5 black peppercorns.


Salted mushrooms in a hot way

Ingredients: mushrooms, salt, dill, horseradish leaf, tarragon, parsley, currant leaf, laurel

Salted mushrooms in a hot way are very easy to cook. You will spend a minimum of time harvesting delicious mushrooms.


- 1 kg. honey agaric,
- 35 grams of salt,
- 1 dill umbrella,
- 1 sheet of horseradish,
- 2 branches of tarragon,
- 5 grams of dry parsley,
- 2 currant leaves,
- 4 bay leaves.


The most delicious pickled mushrooms

Ingredients: mushrooms, salt, sugar, vinegar, pepper, laurel

Pickled mushrooms for the winter are my favorite preparation. Cooking mushrooms is not difficult at all, you will spend a maximum of an hour of time. In winter, you put the most delicious mushrooms on the table.


- 500 grams of mushrooms,
- 1 tbsp salt,
- 2 tsp Sahara,
- 1 tbsp vinegar,
- 6 peas of allspice,
- 2 bay leaves.


Salad "Hunter" for the winter

Ingredients: carrot, onion, cabbage, cucumber, carrot, tomato, sugar, oil, salt, vinegar

For the winter, I often cook this delicious vegetable vitamin salad "Hunter". Preparing this dish is very easy and fast enough.


- 0.5 kg. carrots,
- 0.5 kg. Luke,
- 0.5 kg. cabbage,
- 0.5 kg. cucumbers,
- 0.5 kg. carrots,
- 1 kg. tomato,
- half a glass of sugar,
- half a glass of vegetable oil,
- one and a half tablespoons salt,
- 70 ml. vinegar.


Watermelon compote for the winter

Ingredients: watermelon, sugar, water

From one kilogram of watermelon today we will prepare a very tasty unusual compote. The recipe is very simple and fast enough.


- 1 kg. watermelon,
- 1 cup of sugar,
- 1 liter of water.


Cucumber slices with garlic for the winter

Ingredients: cucumber, garlic, dill, sugar, vinegar, pepper, salt

For the winter of cucumbers, I make this every year delicious preparation. The recipe is very simple, I have described it to you in detail.


- half a kilo of cucumbers,
- head of garlic
- 6 sprigs of dill,
- 1 tbsp Sahara,
- 1 tsp salt,
- 2 tablespoons vinegar,
- peppercorns.


Fig jam with lemon

Ingredients: fig, lemon, water, sugar

From figs and lemon you can make a very tasty jam. The recipe is very simple and fast enough.


- 1 kg. fig,
- 1 lemon,
- half a glass of water,
- 600 grams of sugar.


Fig jam for the winter

Ingredients: figs, water, sugar

I suggest you cook a very tasty fig jam for the winter. The recipe is very simple and fast enough.


- 1 kg. fig,
- half a glass of water,
- 600 grams of sugar.


Cowberry jam with apples for the winter

Ingredients: cranberries, sugar, apple

From lingonberries with apples, you can make a very tasty jam. How to do this, I described in detail in this simple and quick recipe.


- 500 grams of lingonberries,
- 500 grams of sugar,
- 3 apples.


Watermelon pulp jam

Ingredients: watermelon pulp, sugar, vanilla sugar, lemon acid

When choosing a watermelon, focus on it appearance so that the tail is dry, and the peel is dense and sonorous. Consider a cooking recipe with a photo delicious jam from the pulp of watermelon, we hope that it will come in handy for many.


- watermelon pulp - 500 grams,
- sugar - 700 grams,
- vanilla sugar - half a teaspoon,
- citric acid - a pinch.


Chopped cucumbers with mustard

Ingredients: cucumber, mustard, salt, dill, horseradish leaf, garlic, pepper

Today I will tell you how to cook delicious chopped cucumbers with mustard in just 15 minutes. The recipe is very simple and fast.


- 2 kg. cucumbers,
- 1 tbsp mustard powder,
- 2 tablespoons salt,
- dill umbrella,
- horseradish leaf and root,
- a leaf of currant, oak and cherry,
- head of garlic
- a third of a chili pepper.


Marinated porcini mushrooms

Ingredients: mushroom, juniper, cloves, tarragon, thyme, garlic, herbs, salt, sugar, vinegar, water

Today I will tell you how to cook delicious pickled porcini mushrooms. The recipe is very simple and fast.


- 600 grams of white mushrooms,
- half tsp juniper,
- 4 cloves,
- a sprig of dry tarragon,
- 2 sprigs of thyme,
- 3-4 cloves of garlic,
- 3 sprigs of parsley,
- 2 sprigs of dill,
- 2 tablespoons salt,
- 1 tbsp Sahara,
- 80 ml. vinegar,
- 800 ml. water.

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