How to propagate and grow a geranium flower at home. How to plant geraniums in a pot and in open ground in different ways Where to plant geraniums

The buildings 13.06.2019
The buildings

Geranium is known to experienced flower growers as pelargonium. This is one of the popular indoor plants that can be found in the apartments of many domestic flower lovers. With the onset of stable heat, pelargonium can be transplanted to a garden plot, however, in the fall it is returned to the house again, where it will be provided with a comfortable temperature regime. There is a version that geranium is a flower of aristocrats.

However, even among ordinary people There are many fans of this indoor plant. V modern conditions, when you can easily buy a wide variety of exotic plants, geraniums are no longer popular. However, due to its exceptional bright coloration, it indoor plant can compete with many modern exotics.

Pelargonium watering regime

Considering that summer is the hottest time of the year, during this period it is necessary to provide the plant with abundant watering. However, they must be moderate to avoid flooding the plant. Otherwise, it will not tolerate an excess of moisture and will die.

When growing geraniums in such conditions, its leaves become lethargic and rot. Subsequently, gray mold can be seen on them, the stem begins to turn black. When these signs appear, it is necessary to reduce watering faster.

Otherwise, the root itself will begin to rot pretty soon, which is very likely if there is rot. Geranium is considered drought tolerant plant, but still it should not be deprived required amount water, otherwise it will be difficult to wait for abundant flowering from it.

To determine the moment when you need to carry out the next watering, you need to monitor the condition of the earthen coma. The beginning of its drying is a good hint for watering.

In the summer season, the drying of the earth can occur at different intervals - sometimes every day, and sometimes every other day. V winter time geranium care should be somewhat different: given the cooler growing conditions of geraniums, watering should not be as frequent.

Light requirements

Geranium grows well if it does not lack light. Therefore, it is recommended place it on the south side. But, comfortable conditions cultivation can be provided in partial shade.

It is not recommended that the geranium be constantly under sunlight. Otherwise, it can lead to burns on the leaves. To avoid such an unpleasant phenomenon, it is recommended at lunch remove a flower from the window sill.

If you are going to transplant geraniums into the garden in the summer, then you should find a suitable place. It should be well lit by the sun and be protected from wind and drafts.

However, it is undesirable to grow geraniums in conditions of complete shading, since in this case you can be content with only small leaves. She will not be able to please you with flowering, even if you provide her with appropriate care.

Temperature regime

In order for geranium to grow well at home, it needs a temperature of at least + 12 degrees Celsius. Under cooler temperature conditions, she may have problems: the leaves become drooping, and the stems are bare.

If you do not change the temperature regime, then subsequently the pelargonium will die. Pelargonium is also depressingly affected by elevated air temperature. In such conditions, its flowering becomes problematic. This one is best indoor flower feels at normal room temperature.

Air humidity

If you believe experienced gardeners, then geraniums can grow well with any humidity. Therefore, regardless of what kind of air is in the room, this will not affect the development of pelargonium in any way.

While caring for pelargonium spraying is undesirable., since this negatively affects the condition of the flower. You can limit yourself to regular soil moisture in the summer.

For the normal development of geraniums, fresh air is needed, which makes it very hardy. Therefore, in the summer, it is recommended to keep more of it on fresh air or at least grow on a balcony.

Fertilizing indoor geraniums

To provide nutrition to geraniums, it is unacceptable to use fresh organic fertilizers. It is best to add rich nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in equal amounts of fertilizer.

Feeding geraniums with potassium in sufficient quantities, you are more likely to wait for its abundant flowering. But you need to ensure that these elements of top dressing are present in the composition of fertilizers in small quantities.

Proper care of pelargonium provides for its provision with various trace elements:

  • copper;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • zinc;
  • magnesium;
  • manganese;

For this purpose, fertilizers can be used for indoor flowers, which can be found in flower shop. Effective is the drug "Merry Flower Girl" for geraniums. In the absence of it, it can be replaced with fertilizer " For flowering plants».

You should refrain from feeding pelargonium if the weather is hot. Otherwise, after this event, the plant will experience stress. If you have planned top dressing, then it is recommended to carry them out after you transfer the plant to the shade.

It is advisable to refrain from applying liquid fertilizer to dry soil. Need to water the flower first. Otherwise, you will harm the plant, because when applied to dry soil, all fertilizers burn the roots.

Geranium transplant

A houseplant geranium can safely do without a transplant. But still, you need to regularly monitor its condition: a transplant may be required at a time when there is no free space left for the roots in a small pot.

Therefore, adult specimens usually have to be transplanted. In addition, geraniums also have to be transplanted in cases where it is too flooded with water. In any case, it is recommended to select for transplantation not very large capacity.

When choosing a pot, you need to consider that root system matched the size of the pot. Before transplanting, high-quality drainage is laid on the bottom. If you believe the flower growers, then geraniums can grow well in ordinary summer cottage land.

You can also prepare for it special soil mixture , which requires the following components:

  • Leaf land.
  • Sod land.
  • Mucky land.
  • Sand.

Be sure to maintain proportions - 1: 1: 1: ½. The most favorable period for transplanting geraniums is spring.

How to propagate geraniums at home

To obtain new pelargonium bushes, two main propagation methods can be used. Way propagation by seeds not so often used by flower growers. It makes sense to resort to it in cases where it is planned to grow new varieties.

A serious problem for the method of propagation by sowing seeds is that the seedlings grown from them usually have decorative qualities different from the chosen variety. Therefore, often young geraniums have different color shade and leaves. It also differs in length, height and bushiness.

Without great experience in growing indoor plants, it is recommended to use cheap varieties of geranium flowers first, since novice flower growers often fail.

For growing geraniums by sowing seeds, it is necessary prepare the ground suitable composition: it should have a loose structure, so be sure to include humus and sand in it.

Usually the sowing of seeds is carried out already in early March. However, it is allowed to do this in more early dates, but in this case, in order to eliminate the lack of lighting, it will be necessary to carry out supplementary lighting with the help of artificial light lamps.

Before sowing the soil needs to be disinfected. To do this, it is watered with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, which minimizes the risk of developing a black leg in plants. After sowing, it is not necessary to sprinkle the seeds with a layer of earth.

However, they must be sufficiently buried in the soil. To accelerate the germination of seeds, they need provide a greenhouse effect, for which a film is pulled on top, and the container itself is transferred to a warm place.

Reproduction by cuttings

Also, for propagation of geraniums at home, you can use cuttings that are harvested in the spring. To do this, prepared shoots must be placed in a container of water.

Usually the roots of the cuttings form quickly if the room temperature is high enough. After this, the cutting placed in a pot with earth. At the first sign of the beginning of growth, you need to pinch off the top of it.

Before planting the stalk in the ground, it needs to be given a little time to dry from the water. As a rule, when using the cutting method, shoots taken from the top of the plant are used. And they should have at least 3-4 leaves.

Geranium diseases and their treatment

Geranium is unpretentious plant which it confirms by its high resistance to diseases and pests. However, in some cases, it can still be affected by certain ailments:

In order to avoid negative manifestations, the processing of pelargonium is recommended to be carried out in strict accordance with the instructions.

Geranium more than deserves to have a place in the grower's house. Standing out with splendor and bushiness, it will look no worse than many modern ornamental plants.

However, their decorative properties she can only show with proper care, so she needs to provide not only watering, but also lighting. And in the summer it is very useful to take it out into the fresh air.

With development indoor floriculture more and more on sale exotic plants. Of course, it is interesting to grow a novelty on your own, but do not forget the usual flowers. One of them was grown by many generations of our ancestors. Even now, in almost every home you can find the most common geranium.

Yes today we will talk about her. Someone casually waved his hand, they say, why is there such a thing in pelargonium? Have you seen the latest breeding news? On a bush with three leaves there is a huge hat of double flowers. Coloring from white to purple, all shades. And what foliage! Carved, motley, multicolored! These beautiful plants bear little resemblance to grandma's geranium. If only the specific smell of the leaves. With proper care, you can enjoy flowering almost all year round.

How to grow geraniums at home? Agricultural technology of any variety is very light. A little effort, simple care and the secret at which pelargonium begins to bloom - that's the whole growing technology. But for those who are breeding this flower for the first time, we will describe everything in detail.

Growing geraniums from seeds

There is an opinion that geranium seeds germinate poorly. This statement only applies to self-harvested seeds. If by chance it was possible to purchase a bag industrial production, then they have almost 100% germination.

Geraniums are sown in small cups, one at a time. Of course, if the matter is put on stream, then it is better to sow them in a bunch in one container. True, then you have to dive. But planted one at a time, it will be enough to slightly spud.

The soil should be of a classic composition. It is fertile garden soil, clean sand and peat. The proportions are 2 to 1 to 1. Large drainage is poured onto the bottom of the landing tank. Of course, these are not two cobblestones. The fraction size is about 1 cm. It should not be neglected, since the geranium root system begins to rot with excess water.

After drainage, fill the container with soil to half. Moisten it, put a seed, sprinkle with a layer of earth no more than 1.5 cm. Then you need to cover the glass with thick polyethylene or glass. Remove to a dark warm place (temperature about 22 ° C) and wait for shoots.

If everything is done correctly, and the seeds are viable, then the first sprouts appear after 9-11 days. After that, the cover is removed, and the glass is transferred to the light and the temperature is reduced to 18-20°C.

Care for young plants in the same way as for adults.

Suppose that one of your friends cut off his bush of varietal geraniums, and gave the cuttings to you. What to do with them? Here are two algorithms for your actions:

  1. We cut off the two bottom sheets, then put the stalk in the water. In a week, the beginnings of roots should appear. And after 14-16 days, it is already possible to plant the finished plant in a permanent place.
  2. We cut off a couple of lower leaves. Pointwise dip the cut of the stem into any root formation stimulator and immediately plant it in a permanent pot. We do not touch the flower for about 20 days, only occasionally moisten the soil. After this period has elapsed, independent plant ready to please you.

Absolutely any soil for geraniums, purchased or made independently, must be disinfected. It is preliminarily shed with a strong solution of potassium permanganate. After 12 hours, calcined in the oven at a temperature of 110-115°C. You can pre-freeze the soil for 3 days if it happens in winter.

These procedures will avoid the manifestation of many fungal and viral diseases.

About diseases and pests of geraniums

Despite the fact that the leaves secrete phytoncides that kill a large number of microbes in the air, the geranium itself is susceptible to some diseases. They usually arise from improper care. The main factors are insufficient lighting and excessive waterlogging of the soil. Often the sore begins with the root system, and then spreads to the leaves.

Most problems can be avoided by simply taking proper care of the plant. But, if trouble nevertheless arose, then it is fashionable to try to save the flower. Systemic fungicides will help here. They are used strictly following the instructions on the package.

Advice. If the plant cannot be saved, then try to save at least the stalk unaffected by the sore. From it you can grow a new flower.

Pests. With pleasure they settle on pelargonium. They are not embarrassed by the aroma or fluff on the leaves. Usually it is aphids, spider mites or whiteflies. The rest of the enemies are indifferent to the flower.

The first two can simply be washed off with water with the addition of potassium or laundry soap. But with the third misfortune, a long and stubborn struggle lies ahead. It is not easy to remove it, even using the strongest insecticides. Search the web for articles on how to get rid of whiteflies, you will learn a lot of interesting things.

Where to place geranium

The birthplace of this beauty - South America. Therefore, the flower loves a lot of light. At the same time, he is not afraid of direct sunlight. So you can safely place pelargonium on windows facing south. Lighting should be at least 14 hours a day all year round. In winter, this will have to use additional lighting. Geraniums do not have dormant periods.

The first sign of a lack of light is the appearance of a red border along the edges of the leaves. Of course, if this is not provided for by the feature of the variety. At the same time, lighting affects the duration of flowering, but only slightly. There is another secret for this, which will be described below.

The plant does not belong to the succulent family, but it can accumulate a little moisture in the leaves. It does not tolerate waterlogging at all, but feels absolutely calm in case of forced drought for up to 5 days. Then it begins to consume the moisture reserves from the leaves and discard them. He won't need them anymore.

So that your bush does not go bald ahead of time, water the geranium according to the scheme: the earthen ball is completely dry and plus another 2 days. In winter it is about once every 15 days, in summer more often.

Be sure to drain excess liquid from the sump completely. In order not to climb your finger inside the pot each time, feeling the soil, purchase special beacons for measuring the level of humidity. They will change color when the ground is dry enough. By the way, the water should be at room temperature.

top dressing

Geranium loves to eat. From February to November, she needs a regular dose of mineral fertilizers with a high content of potassium. But nitrogen can be added quite a bit, otherwise you will get mighty foliage without a single bud. It is strictly forbidden to add organic matter, pelargonium does not tolerate it at all.

The plant is fed no more than once in 20 days, strictly on the second day after the main watering.

geranium shaping

Pelargonium grows in height with space speed. If you miss even a little time, then it can grow into a hefty tree. It is not very attractive aesthetically. In addition, the buds appear only at the ends of the shoots. Therefore, the bush must be formed from a very early age.

To do this, pinch the central shoot over the 4th leaf. They wait for the appearance of stepchildren, then tear off the tops of their heads, also above the 4th leaf. So do with all the shoots. Thanks to this formation, you will get a lush spherical bush with large quantity buds.

If during the winter the plant stretched out, or the moment of formation was missed, then it is better to cut the entire bush up to 3 leaves in the spring. So stepchildren will appear and you can again form geraniums beautifully.

By the way, don't throw away the scraps. You can try to root them for later planting. Or dry in the shade and arrange in cloth bags. It is good to lay out such blanks in cabinets; this specific aroma repels moths well.

And now the one promised above valuable advice. We created all the conditions, care for, feed, illuminate ... but the geranium does not want to bloom. What to do? We open main secret. Geranium begins to bloom only when there is practically no room left for the roots in the pot. Sometimes the owners see that the roots are braiding the whole lump of earth and are in a hurry to transplant the pelargonium into a larger pot. And she, ungrateful, instead of buds, begins to build up the root system again.

How to do it right? In the spring we do not transplant a bush. It becomes crowded, it begins to bloom. At good care does this until the end of the summer. When the last bud has faded, cut it off and only then transplant the plant. Moreover, the pot should be only 1-1.5 cm larger than the previous one. During the winter, the root system will again completely braid the soil clod and the cycle repeats.

That's the whole trick.

  1. If the climate allows, then you can plant pelargonium in the garden in the spring. In this case, it is advisable not to remove it from the pot, but to drop it directly with it. Otherwise, in the fall, you will have to call an excavator to dig an overgrown root system.
  2. Geranium absolutely calmly tolerates direct contact with leaves. sun rays. But at air temperatures above 35 ° C, it is better to shade it a little. Still, this is excessively hot weather, burning the leaves and tops of the shoots.
  3. By the way, in winter, geranium content is sufficient at + 16-18 ° С. From spring to autumn, it is desirable to adhere to at least + 21-22 ° C.
  4. The first sign that the pelargonium does not like something is the yellowing of the lower leaves. But what exactly does not suit the beauty, you will have to determine on your own. Overfeeding with fertilizers, excessive watering, beginning disease - any of these factors is reflected first of all in the color shade of the foliage.
  5. If you have any difficulties with the choice of fertilizer for pelargonium, then pay attention to those products on the packaging of which it is indicated “for balcony plants". It's hard to go wrong here.
  6. Starting from the age of 2 years, when transplanting, the size of the pot is not increased. By the way, a flower can grow up to 10 years, or even more, if it is provided with suitable conditions.
  7. Old dried leaves and wilted flower stalks are not recommended to be cut off by hand, because there is a high probability of damaging the stem of the plant. It is better to do this with a sterile sharp knife.
  8. Self-collected seeds do not transmit the decorative qualities of parents to children. But don't despair. Maybe you can develop your own unique geranium variety?
  9. There is an interesting observation: if a person likes the smell of geranium leaves, then he is not all right with nervous system, and it would be desirable to be checked up at the corresponding doctor. Those people who find the aroma unpleasant have a strong healthy nervous system.

How to grow geraniums at home? Completely simple and effortless. Do not treat pelargonium with disdain and she will thank you clean air in the house and long bright flowering.

Video: how to grow indoor geraniums

Geranium (many know it under the name of pelargonium) - the most reliable plant which even novice gardeners can grow. It begins to bloom in May, and blooms, depending on the variety, until September. It can be grown both in the house and in the garden, but since most people prefer to grow indoor geraniums, we will talk about them later. Consider how to plant a geranium in a pot.

Features of geranium care

This flower has been grown for many decades, so almost everything is known about its character and preferences. But new information is constantly appearing on how to make pelargonium bloom with large flowers and for a very long time.

Plant a pelargonium new pot required by certain rules.

Here are a few observations obtained when caring for this type of flower, which it would be useful to know about even for specialists.

  1. The best fertilizer is an extract from the ashes. To do this, you need to insist a spoonful of ash in a liter of water. Then the liquid is drained and used for irrigation. Thanks to this, the roots will be healthy, and the leaves will become dark green. If an aphid has started on the flower, you can dilute a spoonful of liquid and sprinkle the flower. Read also the article: → « «
  2. Potassium salts can be used to fertilize pelargoniums, but in microdoses.
  3. When planting several plants in one container, upper layer land needs to be replaced periodically.
  4. It is not necessary to force pelargonium to bloom in winter, then it will delight in a lush color during the warm period.
  5. Royal geraniums cannot be transplanted into open ground or taken out to the balcony - this plant blooms only indoors.
  6. The lifespan of a geranium is 5 years, in a very good conditions- 10. But over time, the bushes lose their decorative effect, so you need to rejuvenate them every 2-3 years
  7. To get lush strong bushes, you need to take them out into the fresh air for the summer.
  8. The soil in the planting containers must be periodically loosened. This will ensure the penetration of air to the roots, and will prevent them from rotting, as the moisture will evaporate faster.
  9. Throughout the growing season, geraniums should be watered abundantly, and moderately in autumn and winter. Spraying and washing the leaves is not necessary. Due to excess moisture, the plant changes the appearance of leaves and flowers.

You can carry geraniums around the room for as long as it takes, but after flowering begins, you can’t touch it. It is unacceptable even to change the position of the leaves.

Annually, a maximum of a year later, young pelargoniums need to be transplanted. This must be done before they begin to grow. If transplanting is not possible, you can simply remove the top layer of soil and replace it with a new one.

The first rule of planting is choosing a pot that should not be bulky and cramped for the plant.

Every 3-4 years, geranium bushes need to be replaced with new ones, growing new sprouts from them by cuttings or seeds. If the cuttings were rooted at the end of summer, then they do not need to be transplanted for the winter. This can be done in April by planting in pots with a diameter of 9-10 cm.

Pruning and pinching geraniums is an important part of care

by the most difficult period in the life of many indoor plants, including pelargoniums, are the autumn months, as well as December and January, so it is not advisable to cut them at this time. Because of autumn pruning the young growth will be frail, and the flower itself will weaken. After winter pruning, the flower will die and is unlikely to be saved.

Tip #1 If geraniums overwinter in warm rooms, during this time they will grow rapidly. The shoots obtained at this time will be elongated and secured, therefore, during spring pruning they must be removed - nothing good will come of them.

Note: Geranium flowering is pushed back due to pinching and pruning of bushes.

To enhance branching and the formation of bushes and crowns, pinching can be applied. Its height depends on the method of obtaining a sprout: if it grew from seeds, pinch it after the 6-7th leaf, if from a cutting, then after the 8-9th.

During pinching, the growing point is removed. Sometimes this does not help, then the procedure is repeated. Sometimes, after pinching, shoots begin to grow from the axils of the leaves on the top of the bush, and not from the root. Such shoots will have to be removed or allowed to grow a little and again pinch above 2-4 leaves. This procedure is carried out in February or March.

Choosing a container for transplanting geraniums

After breeding, geraniums should be carefully planted in a new spacious pot.

As for the size of the capacitance, it should not be very wide and deep. There are several reasons for this:

  1. In wide containers, the roots will be at ease, and in this position, geraniums will never bloom. They throw out the buds when the roots are completely entwined with an earthen ball in a pot, and if it is very large, it will not be possible to wait for budding soon.
  2. Too deep a container is a guarantee that the soil will remain moist for a long time, and geraniums do not like this.

Tip #2 A pot for planting geraniums should be taken such that its diameter is 3-5 cm larger than the diameter of the root with the ground. If young plants are transplanted, then the diameter of the planting container is 10-14 cm.

Several plants can be planted in large pots, then it will be possible to form their height and control growth.

Soil for planting: what components to use?

Although geraniums are unpretentious to the ground, this does not mean at all that you can simply collect land in the nearest park or in a flower bed and plant flowers: the soil for these plants should be fertile, drained and loose, but not light. In addition, certain types of geraniums prefer soils of different acidity: some grow well on neutral soils, others on slightly acidic soils, and others on acidic ones. For example, ash and blood-red geraniums, as well as Jendras and Dalmatian geraniums, bloom well in lime-rich lands with a pH of 8.

For beginners, in order not to take risks, it is best to purchase land in a specialized store, and for those who have at least a little experience in floriculture, they can prepare the substrate themselves. To do this, mix in equal amounts:

  1. Sod humus.
  2. Peat land.
  3. Leaf humus.
  4. Silty soil from the river bank. It can be replaced with clay.

Due to this composition, the substrate retains moisture in the amount necessary for pelargoniums and at the same time does not turn sour.

The flowering of home pelargonium can be the most colorful, depending on the variety.

Very often on the balconies you can see how in one container or color box there is not one plant, but many. How to plant flowers so that they do not interfere with one another, and how does the process of planting them take place?

Geraniums need to be planted so that the distance between individual bushes is at least 15-20 cm. Their transplantation into a container / box is as follows:

  1. The container is being prepared. It is cleaned if previously used, then washed and disinfected. You can spill boiling water or a warm solution of potassium permanganate. The containers are then allowed to dry.
  2. Next, you need to fill the container with drainage a quarter.
  3. Pour the soil mixture into the container so that it is half full. It is not necessary to compact the earth.
  4. Release the geraniums from the pots. If necessary, carefully spread the roots and place them all in a container in a checkerboard pattern.
  5. Carefully fill up the ground, filling the voids between individual plants and free space so that the roots are covered, and there is still a couple of centimeters left to the top of the container for watering.

Since pelargoniums will bloom in a small area, they need to be provided with all the necessary nutrients. There are fertilizer balls on the market today. Thanks to a special coating, they do not dissolve in the soil immediately, but gradually, over several months, which makes it possible to provide plants with the entire flowering period.

Feeding geraniums: what do plants need?

Geranium responds well to fertilizing with organic or mineral substances. But this is only when you know how to apply them. The tips in the table will help you use the right drugs correctly.

Time Features of the necessary drugs Impact
flowering period Should gain potassium and phosphorus, and nitrogen only in a small amount. Stimulates flowering.
The entire growing season Means containing nitrogen. Provide abundant greenery.
In early spring Microelements and macro-substances. Growth and rooting.

Today, the industry produces a lot of different fertilizers. Which one to choose? Best of all - complex, they contain everything that flowers need to grow and bloom. Therefore, when buying, you must definitely read the instructions and composition in order to choose exactly the drug that is needed in a certain period for a particular plant.

This is how homemade pelargonium blooms

Popular types of fertilizers for pelargoniums

The table below provides information on the most common products, but there is no need to look for them in stores: every flower fertilizer company develops and manufactures preparations for all types of ornamental plants, so you can always buy what is on sale - it nothing worse.

Name of the drug Release form Impact
Bona Forte Liquid Provides complete and balanced nutrition.
ROYAL MIX crystals Promotes absorption nutrients. Ensures correct and healthy growth. Raises protective properties plants against adverse conditions.
"Multi product for geraniums" concentrated liquid Contains all the necessary and organic components. Acts quickly. Increases the fertile functions of flower soils.
"Greenworld Spezialdunger Geranien" Liquid Accelerates plant growth. Promotes the formation of many peduncles. Promotes a bright, rich and juicy color of the buds.
"For pelargoniums and surfiniums" Dry fertilizer Compensates for the lack of micro and macro elements in the soil. Promotes abundant and long flowering. Increases the quality of budding and the number of peduncles.

Problems with geraniums and solutions

Very often, not only for beginners, but also for those who have been growing pelargoniums for more than a year, flowers begin to hurt. How to determine what happened?

Manifestation Cause Solution
The edges of the leaves began to turn yellow and dry lack of moisture Over the course of several days, gradually increase the amount of water poured under each bush.
The leaves withered and began to rot overflow Reduce watering
fall off lower leaves, the trunk is exposed lack of light The plant needs to be rearranged to a more lit place.
Flowers fade Too much light Shade the plant or move to a less sunny place.

In order not to lose a flower, it is necessary to solve all problems in a timely manner.

It is best to choose ceramic pots for pelargoniums

How to make a plant bloom?

At proper care and timely feeding of pelargonium bloom in 3-4 months. But sometimes it happens that, despite all the efforts of the hostess, the flower does not want to throw out the flower stalks. But even this can be eliminated if we remember that all plants strive to continue their kind when their lives are in danger. There are several ways to create the desired "danger":

  1. Hard cut the plant in the fall, leaving only a couple of eyes. This can be done with all varieties, but for royal geranium this method is unacceptable - after pruning, it may not bloom for several years.
  2. Leave for the winter in a cool room, limiting watering and nutrition.
  3. In the spring, take the plant to the veranda or balcony to get a temperature difference.
  4. Transplant pelargonium for the summer in a flower bed and dig just before the frost.

Experts say that sometimes you just need to water the plant with water with iodine and it will bloom. To do this, add only one drop of iodine to the water, but in no case should this amount be increased, otherwise the roots will burn.

Answers to common questions

Question number 1. What pot is needed for pelargoniums?

The best pot material for pelargoniums and many other plants is ceramics. Firstly, in such a pot, the roots of the plant can breathe, and secondly, such matter maintains the temperature necessary for pelargoniums in different time of the year. The size should be 3-4 cm larger than the roots.

Question number 2. Is it possible to often change the place of residence of geraniums?

You can transfer geraniums from one place to another at any time you want, except during the flowering period. During this period, the plant is better once again do not worry, because it can cause deterioration appearance plants.

Question number 3. Is it possible to feed geraniums with special fertilizers?

Of course, it is possible and even necessary. Geranium is a plant that responds well to fertilizing with various kinds of fertilizers, including mineral ones. Therefore, you can use ready-made fertilizers, which are best purchased in specialized stores, so as not to harm the plant once again.

Geranium is one of the most beautiful flowers, which can grow both in a room, planted in a pot, and planted on personal plot. Very often the plant is called pelargonium, although this is not entirely true, since pelargoniums are varieties of indoor crops, while geranium usually grows in open field.

Be that as it may, in order for the flower to grow and develop, you should know the rules of planting, which will be discussed below.

How to plant a geranium in a pot

Considering that most gardeners do not have the opportunity to plant a flower in the garden, they use an ordinary pot for this purpose. If everything is done correctly, then the plant will delight with its violent flowering. The flower does not like to be left with a lot of space in the container, so the pots for pelargoniums should be small.

When planting a cutting, you can take a small jar (be sure to make drainage holes in it), and when the roots go, then you can buy a small pot. As for the material from which the product is made, the soil will dry out much more slowly in a plastic pot than in a ceramic pot, but the second option is preferable because ceramic is a natural material.

Planting geraniums at home is very simple. True, first you need to take care of the substrate. The flower is quite "capricious", so it will not grow in soil that does not meet certain requirements.

The soil mixture may be as follows:

  • Purchased soil, which will need to be mixed with some components (vermiculite, perlite and river sand).
  • Land taken under trees or bushes (before use, it must be disinfected using a solution of manganese).
  • Mix eight parts of soddy soil, two parts of humus and 1 part of coarse river sand.

Important! Geranium shoots are best planted in the spring. This is the period when the young plant will quickly grow, and by winter it will be a small flower.

If for some reason it was not possible to land in the spring, then September can still be considered. At other times, it is better not to start rooting the process, because there is a high probability of its death.

General rules for planting a flower

There are rules that should always be followed when planting pelargonium. In this case, you can count on happy outcome Affairs.

These rules are:

  1. If the pot has become small, then the plant should be transplanted into a larger container. Manipulation is carried out in this case by transshipment. That is, an earthen lump is taken along with the root and placed in the prepared soil mixture. After that, soil is poured to the edges of the pot and rammed. Next is watering.
  2. When the plant takes root, it will be necessary to pinch it from time to time so that the pelargonium stretches upwards.

How to plant geraniums outdoors

When deciding to plant a flower on the street, it is important to know how to properly plant geraniums in open ground so that the plant does not die.

This is done like this:

  • First of all, you need to choose a place. It should be a bright area, but not open, so that occasionally the pelargonium is still in the shade.
  • Next, you should carefully loosen the soil.
  • After that, it is necessary to scatter compost on top and mix it with the soil mixture.
  • At the next stage, you need to dig a shallow hole, get the geranium shoots and send them to the hole. After completing this manipulation, you can carry out watering. Leaves should also be moistened from time to time. On this, the procedure can be considered completed.

Given that young plants, and old ones are no exception, do not withstand frost, it is impossible to leave bushes in winter. When it gets colder outside, it will be necessary to cut the flower itself by 5-7 cm, dig it out of the ground, cut off the third part of the rhizome, and then put it in a container with earth.

How to plant geranium seeds

Some gardeners don't like to go down the easy path, choosing whichever is more difficult. So they decide. In order to carry out the plan, it is necessary to carefully select planting material it must be of good quality. If the seeds turn out to be old or rotten, then seedlings can not be expected. After that, you will need to take a pallet or other wide vessel, fill it with soil, water a little, scatter the seeds on top and cover the greenhouse transparent film. All this must be put in a warm place. Having noticed the first sprouts, it will be possible to remove the film and wait for the leaf plates to appear. After that, young pelargonium is allowed to be transplanted into a separate pot.

How to plant a geranium shoot

Planting with cuttings is the easiest way to propagate geraniums. In addition, the shoots make it possible to preserve all the properties of the main flower.

Important! Geranium cuttings are cut and planted only in spring.

In order to perform the manipulation, you must:

  • Take small plastic cups or other containers. Make holes in them, and pour drainage on the bottom. It must be said that good drainage will not allow young plants to rot if overflows are suddenly carried out.
  • After that, you need to take the earth and sprinkle it with a solution of manganese.
  • Next, you need to choose and take an escape from the geranium. Only strong specimens should be used. In addition, there must be several leaf plates on the shoots. After cutting the planting material, the sections must be rubbed with activated carbon.
  • At the next stage, the cuttings are planted in the ground and watered. The rest of the time it is not necessary to irrigate the future flower. So that it does not dry out, you should take a pallet, pour a little water into it and place the cups there. The whole structure is placed in a cool room. As the water evaporates, it can be topped up.
  • Young pelargonium is planted in the ground in a month.

As already mentioned, planting a geranium with a shoot without roots is simple, and the result will not be long in coming.

Methods for planting pelargonium rhizome

We figured out how to plant a geranium without roots, now we need to say how to do it with the help of a rhizome.

Everything is extremely simple:

  1. A flower is taken from the pot, the roots are washed with water, and after that they are divided into several parts with a disinfected knife.
  2. All sections are carefully covered with activated charcoal.
  3. Planting material is soaked for a while in a special solution - a growth stimulator, and then sits in a pot.

If there are any doubts about this method, then it is better to properly plant a geranium with a shoot and not suffer from roots.

Ways to care for young geraniums in the cold season

Geranium not only tolerates cool weather, it literally looks forward to it. During this period, the flowering period stops and the plant can rest a little, gaining strength for the spring. At this stage, you should properly cut the flower, feed and form its crown.

If we are talking about a houseplant, then you need to pay attention to such nuances:

  • V last days summer, as well as in September, watering is noticeably reduced. At this point, carefully monitor the root system. If the pot is on the street, where the temperature begins to drop to +12 degrees Celsius, then the plant is irrigated with caution. Downgrading temperature regime pelargonium must be brought into the house.
  • In order to form a bush, you need to cut off all the rotten and dry leaves and pinch the crown.
  • In winter, the flower pot is transferred to a cool place where the temperature fluctuates between +12..+15 degrees Celsius. Watering at this point is reduced to a minimum.
  • With the advent of spring, the first thing to do is fertilize geraniums, and then they begin to plant them in the ground or propagate.

As for the flower growing on the street, they dig it up for the winter, plant it in a pot and take care of it as described above.

Pelargonium (which is commonly called geranium) is one of the most unpretentious and common plants for growing at home, on the balcony and in the garden. V last years its popularity is growing due to active selection. New varieties of this plant are constantly appearing. different sizes, with different leaf shapes and an incredible variety of flower colors. Geranium is easily propagated by seeds and cuttings, but this process has its own subtleties.

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    Ways to plant geraniums

    Pelargonium reproduces in the following ways:

    • dividing the bush;
    • seeds;
    • cuttings.

    The first method is rarely used, mainly for transplanting plants that grow crowded in one pot. Adult geraniums are recommended to be updated periodically so that they do not lose their decorative effect. So dividing the bush will cause more trouble and will make less sense than cutting and rooting cuttings.

    The advantage of seed propagation is that the plant is stronger and more viable. However, the growing process takes longer, and not all geranium varieties are suitable for collecting and growing seeds. All varieties of pelargonium are well cut, so this method is optimal for propagation.

    Growing pelargonium from seeds

    Most a large assortment Geranium seeds can be found in gardening stores or ordered online. But not all varieties produce seeds suitable for cultivation. This is due to the characteristics of the selection. Pelargonium hybrids are obtained by cross-pollination, as a result, the new plant acquires interesting features: the shape and color of the leaves, a variety of colors of flowers. But these signs are not transmitted to subsequent generations; a different plant from which it was collected does not grow from seeds. These species include royal, tulip-shaped, rosaceous geraniums, angels, all varieties with double flowers.

    V open sale there are seeds of pelargonium zonal and ampelous (ivy-leaved). The latter has long hanging stems and can be grown in hanging containers or in boxes on the balcony. The packages of industrial production contain short instruction on planting and care, however, this information is not always enough for successful cultivation - it is too short and generalized.

    Geranium seeds are quite large, 3-4 mm long, covered with a hard shell.

    If the flower grows at home, seeds can be sown at any time of the year. But the best time for landing - early spring, then by the summer the geranium will have time to grow and gain strength for flowering. Pelargonium is one of those plants that grow quickly and bloom profusely in the warm season, and in winter they need a dormant period. Violation of this rhythm will not destroy the plant, but it will grow and bloom worse. Pelargoniums, which will be planted in the garden or on the balcony, are sown from January to early March.

    Rules for planting seeds

    Geranium seeds are characterized by high germination (up to 90%), they germinate without additional preparation. But to be sure, they can be pre-processed.

    Preparation consists of scarification, disinfection and soaking in a stimulator. Scarification - damage to the outer hard shell of the seed. She is filed with a nail file, sandpaper or cut. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the cotyledons. The meaning of this action is that moisture and air penetrate faster inside, this reduces the germination time. And the seedling unfolds more easily, without wasting energy on the destruction of the rigid shell. So that the planted seeds do not rot in the soil, they are treated with a fungicide, for example, a weak solution of potassium permanganate or Fitosporin-M. Soak the seeds in a stimulant solution (in Epin, Energen or Zircon) for a day in order to speed up germination and nourish the seeds.

    There are three ways to germinate pelargonium seeds:

    1. 1. On a damp cloth or cotton pad. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that they do not dry out - the lack of moisture can kill the swollen embryo. Therefore, the container is covered with a film or a lid from above and periodically ventilated. After the seeds hatch, they are planted in a container with soil, lightly sprinkled with earth.
    2. 2. In peat tablets. They are picked up in medium size, pre-soaked in warm water and the seeds are planted one at a time. Then the tablets are placed in a common container, covered with a film on top and waiting for germination. This method is convenient in that the tablet can be transplanted into a pot along with the seedling, the risk of damage to the roots will be minimal.
    3. 3. In the ground. For geraniums, most ready-made potting soils are suitable. The mixture can be prepared independently, for this they mix garden soil, peat and sand in equal proportions, add drainage. The main rule is that the earth should be loose, easy to pass water and air. Seeds are buried to a depth of 1 cm or sprinkled with a thin layer of earth. The soil should be slightly damp. The container is covered with a film, a lid or placed in a special greenhouse. It is periodically ventilated to avoid rotting, and the soil is sprayed.

    One way to germinate geranium seeds is on a damp cloth.

    seedling care

    During seed germination, lighting does not play a big role, it is important that they receive enough moisture and maintain a temperature of + 21–23 ° C. The first shoots appear in the interval from several days to 3 weeks. This will depend on the variety of geranium and on external conditions. Once this has happened, the film is removed, the temperature is lowered to room temperature, and the container is placed in the light.

    Lighting is important for seedlings, the duration of daylight hours should be about 12 hours. If it is not enough, the sprouts are drawn out, turn pale and may even die. To prevent this from happening, additional lighting is done, for this they use a fluorescent lamp or a special fitolamp for seedlings. It is important to protect the seedlings from direct sunlight - they can leave burns on tender leaves, in a small container in the sun the soil dries out too quickly, and this can kill the sprouts.

    Seedlings are regularly watered with warm water, preventing both the complete drying of the earthen clod and the stagnation of water in the soil. In conditions high humidity the roots begin to rot, it is very difficult to save a flooded plant. Seedlings are fed with an interval of 1-2 weeks with universal fertilizer or a special composition for seedlings. The mixture should contain a large amount of nitrogen.

    After the appearance of 2-3 true leaves, the plants are seated in separate containers. They should not be too large, for the first time a pot with a diameter of 5 cm will suffice. It is better to periodically transfer a growing flower into a large container. If the geranium is immediately planted in a spacious pot, the plant will spend more strength on the development of the root system, and the growth of the aerial part will slow down, the flowers will appear later.

    As soon as the seedlings grow to 8-10 cm, 5-6 leaves will appear, pinch the top. After that, the plant will begin to start new branches. If this is not done, the trunk will grow in height, the lower leaves will eventually fall off and expose it. Pelargoniums rarely branch on their own.

    Geraniums planted with seeds will develop into mature plant 7-8 weeks after germination. At favorable conditions after another 2 weeks, it begins to bloom.

    How to grow geranium from cuttings?

    To grow geraniums from cuttings, geranium cuttings can be cut from home plant, purchase from the hands or at a specialized exhibition. The exchange of cuttings or the search for collectors on the Internet is gaining great popularity among flower growers.

    You can cut and root the cuttings from any variety of geranium, and hybrid varieties reproduce in this way. However, rooting time will vary. The process of zonal pelargonium will take root the fastest - in 2 weeks. Royal varieties will give roots in a month. And for fragrant geraniums, this process will take up to 1.5 months.

    Geranium cuttings are used not only for propagation. From time to time, the plant is recommended to rejuvenate. Several cuttings are cut from it and planted in one or more containers, and the old bush is thrown away. Young geraniums are more decorative, they bloom more profusely and retain all the features of the plant from which they are cut. Completely replace the plant usually after 3-4 years.

    Procurement of cuttings

    The younger the mother plant, the greater the chance of rooting its cuttings. Plants older than 7 years may not produce viable shoots at all.

    You can harvest cuttings at any time of the year. The shoots planted in the spring, when daylight hours increase, are most likely to take root. During this period, plants wake up from winter dormancy, they are ready for growth, active sap flow begins in the tissues. A cutting cut in winter or late autumn will take longer to root, and there is less chance of success.

    The stalk is cut with a sharp disinfected knife at a right angle to the trunk, 1 cm below the knot. The shoot should be 5–7 cm long, with 2–3 leaves. If there are already flowers or buds on the branch you like, they need to be cut off, otherwise the plant will spend energy on flowering, and not on the formation of roots.

    The resulting process is dried for several hours at room temperature in the shade before planting, the cut should be covered with a film. If you immediately plant it in the ground or lower it into water, an infection can get on its unprotected surface and there will be a risk of decay. Leaves that are too close to the cut are removed.


    Geranium cuttings are often rooted not in water, but immediately in the ground. The fact is that its trunk is prone to accumulate water, and this often leads to decay. However, in water, the shoot will give roots faster, and the process itself can be observed.

    When rooting geraniums in water, it is important not to plant the cutting too deep: 1-2 cm under water will be enough. The container is taken opaque, preferably dark, in which the roots will appear faster. Water should settle well and be at room temperature. Once a week it is changed, and as it evaporates, it is topped up. As soon as the roots reach 2.5 cm, the cutting can be planted in the ground. It makes no sense to wait longer, because there is always a risk of decay. A cutting with roots will develop more actively in the ground, where there is free access to air.

    Geranium cuttings can be planted in the ground as soon as the first roots appear.

    If the ground rooting method is chosen, the prepared shoot is stuck into the ground to a depth of 2–3 cm. You can sprinkle the tip with a root growth stimulator. A special composition of the substrate for rooting is not required, any universal soil for home flowers will do. The main thing is that the earth is loose and well-drained. It is better if it contains a large percentage of sand near the surface. The biggest risk when rooting geraniums is rotting. Therefore, the soil is disinfected: calcined in the oven or microwave, treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

    While waiting for the roots to appear, abundant watering is not needed, it is enough to make sure that the earthen ball does not dry out completely. It is not scary if in the first days the leaves begin to wither and turn yellow on the handle - geraniums without roots need to go through a period of stress. But if the wilting has dragged on, you can help the plant adapt to the new conditions: cover the stalk with a plastic bag or place it in a greenhouse.

    When the geranium takes root, it will be noticeable in the aerial part. After a few days, new leaves will begin to appear, existing ones will grow, and the trunk will stretch upwards. 2 months after rooting, the plant can be transplanted to a permanent place. It is advisable to plant a geranium in a pot that is not too spacious - this way it will bloom more abundantly, and the risk of root rot will be reduced.

    Zonal or ampelous pelargonium will be ready to bloom within 2-3 months after the rooting of the cutting. And royal and angels bloom only next year.

    Geranium in the open field

    Pelargonium is known not only as a houseplant, it is often grown in the garden. Geranium is suitable for garden plot, and blooms profusely in a well-lit place. Experienced flower growers say that geraniums feel much better on the street than on the windowsill of a city apartment. However, not all varieties are able to withstand winter frosts. Therefore, in open ground, geranium is kept as an annual plant.

    Geranium grown from seeds or cuttings is planted in open ground only after the threat of frost has passed, and the temperature at night will not fall below + 10 ° C. Peat and sand are additionally added to the landing site. The soil under the roots should be loose. In autumn, the whole plant is dug up, and more often cuttings are cut from it in order to plant them again next year.

    Autumn is not the best time for cuttings, but it is quite acceptable for geraniums. The optimal time for cutting off shoots is during or immediately after leaf fall. After that, the plants begin a dormant period, the survival rate is significantly reduced. In winter, grown geraniums are kept in the light at a temperature of + 13–15 ° C, then by spring they will resume active growth, and in summer they will bloom magnificently.

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