How to start a flower business. How to open a flower business in stages, where to start and what to look for

The buildings 16.10.2019
The buildings

Flower business - a good choice for those who want to start their own small business. It does not require millions of investments and is suitable for individual entrepreneurs - it is not necessary to register a legal entity for this field of activity. But there are nuances that you need to know before opening a flower pavilion or florist shop.

What you need to register a flower business

To open a business, you need to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC. The type of registration depends on the scale of the business and its profitability. For individual entrepreneur working with a small outlet, the simplified taxation system (STS) is most likely to suit.

For shops and floristic salons of medium format, the ideal option is the design of an LLC. There are more ways to promote and collaborate with other businesses. Possible variant taxation - a single tax on imputed income (UTII).

In addition to registering an individual entrepreneur or LLC, in order to open a retail outlet, you will also have to obtain the following documents:

  • Conclusion of the sanitary and epidemiological station
  • Trade Permit
  • Certificate of conformity of flower products
  • Premises lease agreement
  • Sanitary books of workers.

In the trading premises, it is better to place the trade permit, the certificate and the conclusion of the SES in a conspicuous place - this is necessary for both inspectors and buyers.

Flower business from scratch: where to start?

Flowers are a sought-after commodity, especially during the holidays. However, the degree of its demand and assortment are highly dependent on the social and financial situation of the main buyer group that will visit the store.

Study the place where you intend to do business: determine the contingent of people who are most likely to become your buyers - their habits, priorities, average income level. This analysis will help determine the most suitable pavilion format, its assortment and pricing policy.

Choosing an outlet for a flower shop

When choosing a place for a retail outlet, you should remember about required condition- flower business needs good customer traffic. However, one must understand that it is in such places that the most expensive rent is.

All premises suitable for flower shop or shops, can be divided into three groups:

  • Retail space of small size, located near metro stations, close to busy areas, on the central streets of the city. Here you can open a shop-tent, pavilion or toner.
  • Retail space in supermarkets, including non-stop. Suitable for of this type premises format - shop or shop.
  • Retail space in expensive shopping centers and individual buildings of a large square. In such places, you can open a floristic salon or a flower boutique.

When choosing a premises for a retail outlet, it is necessary to find out in advance whether utility bills are included in the rental price, and whether rental holidays will be provided for the period of repair and/or installation of equipment. It is best to draw up a lease agreement in the presence of a lawyer.


On small sites, you can get by with a minimum. You will need: inventory (secateurs, scissors, wire cutters, etc.), a table for assembling and decorating bouquets, a rack, a refrigerator for storing fresh log cabins, a vase, a chair.

In large and medium-sized retail premises, a wider range of floristic services is possible, which will require the purchase of special equipment, such as a split system with a cooling function, etc. In addition, it will be necessary to purchase a cash register and register it with the tax office.


For a new outlet, outdoor advertising is required: pillars, signs, posters, special design of the shop window (if any) and the entrance area. It is very important to choose the right name (brand) and its adequate design solution. You should also, if possible, create your own website and maintain pages on social networks - this contributes to the growth of a permanent and loyal customer base.

Flower shop assortment

When choosing an assortment, consider your options. If you open a toner or a tent near a metro station, a large and varied assortment is not needed. The best ones to sell here are:

  • carnations (bush and ordinary, 2 or 3 colors);
  • chrysanthemums (bush and ordinary, 2 or 3 colors);
  • roses (bush and ordinary, 2 or 3 colors);
  • gerberas (several colors);
  • tulips (several colors, from February to the end of spring).

The assortment for a pavilion or a small shop (20 sq. m. and more) can be expanded by increasing the variety of colors and varieties, as well as adding new types of flowers, such as irises and orchids. “Accompanying” goods will not interfere: souvenirs, postcards, etc.

The assortment for salons and large stores (more than 30 sq. M.) May look like this:

  1. a wide selection of fresh cuts (many species, varieties and colors);
  2. potted flowers;
  3. a variety of additional products;
  4. fertilizers, soils, preparations for flowers and plants;
  5. information aids.

In working with the assortment, the most important thing is well-established deliveries. Wholesalers offer products manufactured in the most different countries, including in Kenya, Colombia, Holland, Ecuador, as well as flowers of domestic producers. If possible, you should work with several suppliers at once in order to minimize the risks of disruption of delivery or delivery of low-quality products by one of the suppliers.

It should be borne in mind that seasonality plays an important role in the flower business. Spring and autumn are the period of maximum demand. In summer and winter, demand drops significantly. Seasonality also significantly affects the assortment: in a period of increased demand, the assortment should also increase.

The most significant period in the flower business is from February 14 to March 8. During this time, the flower shop usually makes about 20% of its annual turnover. You should prepare for this peak of sales in advance, not forgetting about the shelf life of flower log cabins (in the refrigerator - no more than 3 weeks).


To work in an outdoor tent or a small shop, it is enough to hire a person with minimal experience who is able to follow the flowers and sell them. For other formats of outlets, it is necessary to hire a florist who knows how to create flower arrangements and correctly add elements to them (beads, dried flowers, ribbons, etc.), making bouquets festive and luxurious, which increases the added value of products. The florist will also tell the buyer how to care for the flowers and will be able to give advice on any of the plants offered for sale.

The salary of a florist with experience is from 30,000 rubles. The salary of an unqualified employee with a minimum experience is from 20,000 rubles.

In a medium-sized and large-sized retail space, staff are also needed for cleaning and unloading goods.

Flowers prices

It is better to order flowers from trusted wholesale companies that have been on the market for a long time. A flower shop can pay for itself in one year, provided that the product is sold on average with a markup of 150%. An extra charge of 200% or more is possible on holidays and before holidays. On ordinary days, the markup is unlikely to exceed 120%. It should be borne in mind that flowers are not a long-term product, so prices for products that are not sold within 1.5–2 weeks will have to be significantly reduced.

To increase profitability, you should also provide Additional services: bouquet delivery, celebration service, corporate service, etc.

Features of the flower business

With the exception of peak sales seasons, the demand for flowers is kept at approximately the same, constant level, and this level largely depends on customer traffic, which is primarily due to the location of the outlet.

It is very important to properly organize the process of storing fresh flower sections. The usual storage temperature is from +4 to +10 degrees. However, some flowers, such as phalaenopsis, vanda orchids and anthuriums, are stored at room temperature.

How much does it cost to open a flower business from scratch?

Using the example of a flower pavilion, let's consider the costs of starting a business in an average million-plus city. Let's assume that a person registers an IP and chooses a USN.

Three months of accounting, personnel records and legal support FREE OF CHARGE. Hurry, the offer is limited.

Businessmen who have put on their feet more than one strong business say that it makes no difference to them what to trade. But selling flowers and bouquets as a business is a special occupation. You trade in beauty, and even with high profitability. Forecasts show that in the near future the flower business in Russia will show good growth rates. This means that another 2-3 years at least is not too late to enter this market. But it just seems that selling flowers is easy. Is it really?

We will show you step by step how to open a flower business.

Flower business: pros and cons

What attracts businessmen to the idea of ​​opening their own flower shop?:

  • Easy entry….It doesn’t take much to get started start-up capital. To open a small pavilion near the metro or at a bus stop, this amount can be 6-8 thousand dollars.
  • ...and exit. This is also important. If you want to close the case, then, in addition to the usual bureaucratic procedures, you will only have to sell the equipment.
  • Really big sales margin. Flowers are not a weapon, and not medicines, but the percentage of markup when selling them tends to the same indicators: 100 - 150% plus the cost. Which is inspiring. Is it profitable to do flower business? The answer is obvious.

But, on the other hand, the markup would not be so big if it were not for the risks of this business, which beginners simply cannot forget about:

  • Short lived product. A large percentage of rejection, which is increasing every hour. Flowers wither unfortunately...
  • Seasonality. What you can definitely count on is March 8, February 23, Valentine's Day, September 1. That, perhaps, is all. All summer is a “dead”, unpromising season.

Tourism is a relevant and promising occupation. from scratch: design, choice of premises, interior, recruitment and attraction of the first customers.

In addition, we have instructions for opening a car wash: sanitary requirements, renting a box, types of car washes, additional and basic services, decorating a client’s room, and more.

How to start a flower business

How to organize a flower business? It depends on the right choice of location more than any other. Business bouquets are best sold at outlets in business districts. "Points" for the sale of flowers can be classified as follows:

  1. Pavilions, flower stalls near the metro and bus stops. This also includes trading places in the markets and in shopping malls. The payback of such points depends on the location. It must be very passable. Insiders of this business say that only the flower business on March 8 pays for its place.
  2. Small shops on the first floors of shopping and business districts, in shopping centers. Such points have the opportunity to expand their assortment through gifts, packaging, souvenirs, potted plants and other things.
  3. Luxury-class flower shops, so-called flower boutiques. They are located surrounded by other boutiques, in expensive shopping centers. "exclusive" goods in expensive packaging. The target audience is wealthy people.
  4. Internet shops. Internet flower trade is the least developed (especially in the provinces), but the most promising direction.

Wholesale flower suppliers

Wholesale and major suppliers offer flowers from Holland, Colombia, Ecuador, as well as local producers.

Something about roses. The Dutch rose is a high-quality and expensive product. It is brought “wet”, that is, in buckets, trucks, it is stored for a long time and, accordingly, it costs more. flowers from South America, on the contrary, are delivered dry by air, in cardboard boxes. Although Ecuadorian roses have larger heads, they cost less and don't look as presentable. This is a "street" product. Flowers of local producers on the purchase cost the same as overseas or more expensive. Such goods are not stored for a long time and many roses are rejected. But, despite this, local flowers find their buyer, especially in season. They are "more alive" and smell unlike imported ones.

Not just roses. In fact, the “bread” of small shops and salons is not roses at all, but “indoor” flowers: chrysanthemums, carnations, tulips, according to the season. Their deliveries should be adjusted like clockwork. After all, it is from the amounts from the sale of these flowers that rent, communal services, salaries and taxes are paid.

Reliable suppliers are a big part of the flower business. After all, on the decisive days that feed the year: March 8. February 14, September 1, sometimes you need everything and urgently. And your supplier should not let you down.

How to open a flower shop from scratch: a sample business plan

The flower shop has an area of ​​8 - 10 sq.m. Requirements for the premises, and hence the utility costs are minimal. The pavilion may not have sewerage, water supply.

How much does it cost to open a flower shop?

You need to acquire the following minimum equipment:

  1. Racks 30 thousand rubles
  2. Office chair - 3 pieces, 10 thousand rubles
  3. Ergonomic office table – 2 pcs. 10 thousand rubles
  4. Vases, specialized flower stands, expendable materials, for the first time about 25 thousand rubles

Total: 75 thousand rubles.

We count for three months, assuming that this time is the "magic" day of florists - March 8th. Let's take the rent at the rate of $1,000 per month. Depending on the city, location, the amount of rent varies significantly. Total 108 thousand rubles. - rent.

The amount of initial investments before the opening amounted to 183 thousand rubles. This is not much, but the lion's share will be the purchase of goods and current expenses.

Personnel: 2 sellers, an accountant on a contract and an administrator, he is also the owner. Trade margin Let's take 90%. This is the average for this moment. If the place is chosen correctly, the daily revenue should be approximately 13 thousand rubles per day, and the monthly revenue should be 390 rubles.

Let's calculate the cost of doing business:

  • purchase of goods - 200.0 thousand rubles;
  • salary with accruals - 60 thousand rubles;
  • rental of premises for a flower shop - 35 thousand rubles;
  • utility bills (heating, electricity, etc.) - 18.0 thousand rubles;
  • consumables for current needs - 6.0 thousand rubles;
  • taxes - 10.0 thousand rubles.

Total costs - 329 thousand rubles.
Based on these very approximate data, the profit will be 61 thousand rubles. It turns out a profitability of 15.6%. Keep in mind that we are talking about the spring period. AT summer time scores will be lower.

In practice, such points become profitable in the long term only if there are several of them (at least three), that is, a network has been built.

Average flower shop

Premises for a flower shop with an area of ​​50.0 sq. meters. A refrigerated display case should be added to the list of equipment for the flower business. It is better if it is special, floristic equipment) and a florist's table. In addition, the class commercial equipment should be taller, computer equipment and climate system must be present.

flower shop staff

For a flower shop you need: at least two sellers, a florist, an administrator. If there is an Internet site and delivery services, then you will also need a courier. When hiring staff, you should not go to extremes:

  • firstly. Do not take people who previously worked on the street into the store. Employers with experience say that the taste of such workers is spoiled, and they get "brooms".
  • secondly, when hiring, do not pay too much attention to a variety of floristic courses, diplomas and diplomas. Practice shows that more important than diplomas is practical experience in a good flower shop and possession of a good dozen ways to "resuscitate" flowers.

Online flower shop

It is good to earn money not only “from the street” and in the store, but also to establish online sales. How to do it? Small investment in advertising, buying a promoted site and hiring a courier, dispatcher and administrator for a contract - here you are the owner network business selling flowers. And this is now a little-developed and promising direction. If you already have a flower business "in real life", the duties of a courier and dispatcher can be performed by store employees.

The flower business attracts, first of all, with small investments and good profitability. However, due to the fragility of flowers, the seasonality of sales and many other factors, you should take a responsible approach to organizing a business.

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The main nuances of the flower business

To create a business on flowers, you need to consider the following features:

  1. Perishable goods. Flowers tend to lose their original appearance, and this happens quite quickly. As a result, it will be necessary not only proper care behind the flora of your store, but also careful planning of purchases of goods.
  2. Product rates. The prime cost of flowers is quite low, but the margin on them is from 100 to 150 percent. Only a limited list of goods, such as medicines or weapons, has such significant indicators. To maximize the return on business, the owner must take this fact into account.
  3. Flexibility. A flower business does not require a significant start-up capital, and just as importantly, it does not require much effort to close the business.
  4. Seasonality. Revenue will change depending on the time of year. Superprofits will be on holidays, a time when gifts in the form of flower bouquets will become the main manifestations of attention. The least profitable season for business will be summer, when people will have the opportunity to grow flowers on summer cottages or just collect them in the parks.

Flower Business Forms

The next step after deciding to engage in the sale of flowers will be the choice of the form of this activity. There are several flower business formats, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.

Flower business happens:

  • flower tents;
  • small flower shops;
  • flower online stores;
  • flower boutiques.

flower tents

The main disadvantage of this format is a large dependence on the location. It is important to understand that it will not be possible to avoid competition here, and two different tents with flowers standing next to each other is a normal phenomenon. The ideal option will open a future stall next to a large flow of people. As an example, consider a crowded square, where you can make good money selling flowers to young people in a hurry on a date.

Due to the small dimensions of the room, it is simply impossible to provide due attention to the care of flowers. The owner will be required to place products as closely as possible on a few shelves and at the same time not harm the quality of the goods.

Little flower shops

We are talking about full-fledged flower shops with an area of ​​​​30 m2. Such a business will require not only significant investments, but also a deeper analysis of competitors. Locating outlets near such establishments is fraught with significant losses in earnings. A significant role in the amount of profit will also be played by a rich assortment, which can be increased by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises. In addition, staffing needs to be expanded. If one seller could work in the pavilion, then the store should have several employees, and with the desired education of a florist.

Flower online stores

Many businessmen already have popular online projects for the sale of flowers today, and based on their feedback, a number of advantages of this format can be noted. The most significant plus will be the convenience for the buyer when making a transaction. As a rule, people do not have much free time, in this regard, buying from a mobile device or home computer looks extremely attractive.

The most important step in organizing an online store is the development of a website. The creation of such a portal should be done exclusively by a professional, because the lion's share of success will depend on the appearance and convenience of the service. The importance of this stage cannot be neglected, so it is best to contact a reliable web studio.

Also an important role is played by the room for storing flowers and the organization of delivery. The room where the goods will be waiting for their customers should be dry and cool. Ideally, the temperature in the room should be around 18 degrees Celsius. Delivery should be handled by responsible people, delays and delays are unacceptable.

flower boutiques

The most expensive at the start, but at the same time the most profitable format of the flower business is a salon. The area of ​​such a room should be at least 60 m2.

The prospects for a flower boutique are practically unlimited. With due attention to all the details and nuances, a business can bring enormous profits to its owner.

The possibilities of such an institution are significantly expanded mainly due to the presence of highly qualified personnel. Professional florists are able to create real masterpieces from expensive plant varieties. For such a product, in the end, the client will need to pay a round sum, so a flower salon is a business exclusively for big cities.

One of the significant distinguishing features of this form is the ability to work with corporate clients. Contracts and agreements concluded with various organizations will immediately take the most significant positions in the income of your business.

Photo gallery

flower pavilion Flower shop An example of a flower online store flower salon

Step-by-step instructions for opening a flower business

After a thorough analysis of all the advantages and disadvantages of opening a flower business from scratch, you need to go directly to the actions themselves. To understand where to start, first of all, you need to draw up a clear plan, which will include all the steps necessary for implementation.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Registration of documents.
  2. Supplier search.
  3. Finding a shop space.
  4. Purchase of equipment.
  5. Personnel selection.
  6. Assortment compilation.
  7. Advertising.


The procedure for registering a business is simple and does not take much time. But in addition to registering an IP at a point of sale, there must be a list of documents, most of which should be available to customers.

These documents include:

  • trade license;
  • the conclusion of the sanitary and epidemiological station on compliance with the standards;
  • book of complaints and suggestions;
  • packing list.

Supplier search

To minimize risks, experienced entrepreneurs work with several suppliers at once. When choosing them, you need to be guided by reliability and relevant to you. pricing policy. For example, a product from Colombia has low price, but the speed of implementation should be as fast as possible due to the low quality of products. Such products are suitable exclusively for pavilions and stalls.

Flowers from wholesalers from Russia are distinguished by a more expensive price, while the shelf life is much longer.

The main suppliers on the market are:

  • Holland;
  • Ecuador;
  • Russia.

It is necessary to focus on the goods from these countries.

Competent purchase of goods plays an equally important role.

There are several types of such procedures:

  1. Basic purchase. Those positions and their number that are sold in any case. Through the main purchase, the range is replenished with a pre-order, this will save you time and effort in the future. In addition, there are discounts on basic purchases.
  2. Additional purchase. Requiring a certain experience in business process. Flowers of a certain variety or type are purchased, which are supposed to be sold. Constants in this case no and cannot be, because demand is constantly changing.
  3. Holiday shopping. Demand on such days becomes peak, respectively, purchases are made in much large sizes. The main holidays for flower business owners will be February 14 and March 8. In the first case, the purchase is made three weeks before the date, in the second - a month.

Shop space search

When searching for and choosing premises, businessmen are guided, as a rule, by the degree of population of the place in which this premises is located.

The outlet may be located:

  • in the tone;
  • in the pavilion
  • in a separate room;
  • on the first floor of a residential building;
  • in the mall.

If there is a need to save on rent, then you can choose a shopping center.

When concluding a lease agreement, there are also some nuances. In particular, it is important to clarify whether utilities are included in the amount of monthly payments.

This video talks about right choice premises for a flower shop. The material is taken from the UFL flower delivery channel.

Purchase of equipment

Of the mandatory purchases, it is worth highlighting cash machine. Its cost varies from 9 to 15 thousand rubles. It will be desirable to purchase a refrigerator, especially for medium and large stores. For small spaces can be limited to the installation of air conditioning.

This also includes the purchase of packaging for bouquets. Transparent cellophane is the most popular type of packaging, it is mandatory to purchase.

In addition, you should pay attention to other means of registration:

  • grid;
  • tape;
  • felt;
  • matting.

When choosing tools, you can limit yourself to a sector and scissors.


Of particular importance in the selection of personnel is the creative potential of the employee. Flower shop employees must have out-of-the-box thinking, originality and creativity are the main qualities. For salons that deal with designer products from flowers, a highly qualified employee with the education of a florist is needed.

In addition to customer service staff, large establishments will need an accountant and administrator. An online store cannot do without responsible couriers and drivers.

Also, for any type of enterprise, the friendliness of the staff plays an important role. In the situation with the flower business, this role is greatly enhanced. The buyer comes to the store, as a rule, in good mood, the task of the employee is to preserve and increase this mood.

Assortment compilation

The rate of payback of the project and its success directly depend on the size of the assortment. But universal selection there are no products for all forms of flower business. Due to its characteristics, each format requires a certain range of goods.

For pavilion

Small tents, stalls and pavilions are limited to the selection of live cut plants. Due to the ensured large turnover in crowded places, such products do not have time to lose quality. At the same time, when buying similar goods, it is more profitable for small enterprises to work through intermediaries.

Among the most popular types of cut fresh flowers, the following can be distinguished:

  • carnation;
  • chrysanthemum;
  • rose flower;
  • gerbera;
  • tulip.

For shop

Shops and flower boutiques significantly expand their range.

It may include:

  • cut flowers, including exotics;
  • designer bouquets;
  • decorative indoor plants;
  • flower care products;
  • soils;
  • pots and vases.

Some establishments diversify their assortment with:

  • holiday cards;
  • souvenirs;
  • toys.


A marketing campaign in the case of a flower business does not have to be large-scale. Entrepreneurs limit themselves to signs and leaflets. Flower boutiques can afford to advertise on television. Internet projects place information about themselves on various third-party portals and various banners.

Flower business profitability

According to experts, the profitability of the flower business is relatively high. The exact percentage depends on the size of the business and other factors such as location and staffing. The flora trade market shows good growth rates, which means that it is possible to enter it in the coming years.

In our difficult time, many dream of their own business, which will provide, albeit a small, but stable income. Opening a flower shop may not only be profitable business but also an enjoyable hobby.

On the initial stage let it be just a small kiosk or pavilion, and when things go well, then you can think about expanding.
But do not rush to grab the first idea you like, you need to carefully weigh everything by drawing up a competent business plan for a flower shop.

The subtleties of the flower business

As a rule, a flower shop is women's business because it comes from a hobby. However, there are also representatives of the stronger sex who are not averse to earning extra money on the love of beauty. And in this case, we can safely say that money smells, and very, very pleasant.

When starting a flower business, the first thing you need to decide is the type of store. Whether it will be a huge flower shop in the city center or a small tent on the outskirts is a personal matter for everyone. It all depends on financial capabilities, but it would be more expedient to start small, having studied the market in advance. In addition, this is a great opportunity to gain invaluable experience.

Since flowers are a perishable commodity, the case may create some difficulties that must be taken into account in without fail drawing up a flower shop business plan with calculations.

So, when opening a flower outlet, it is worth exploring the types of services that similar stores in a particular area offer today. Be sure to come up with something unique and different from standard set ideas. Since not a single solemn event is complete without flowers, and some events involve bulk purchases, you should develop your own discount system, for example, sell a specific type of flowers at a discount on a certain day of the week or adjust the price depending on the holiday or type of celebration.

Only when all the basic subtleties of the flower business are taken into account can one begin to develop detailed business flower shop plan. Even the nuance most of imported products, obliges the store owner to familiarize himself with the customs code.

How to open a flower shop? Business plan with preliminary calculations

A business plan is the document in which all the details of opening your own should be clearly and in detail thought out, calculated and described, such as:

  • Description and list of services that the store will offer.
  • Organizational matters.
  • Registration of registration with all regulatory authorities, registration of a license and other necessary documents.
  • Premises preparation - rent, repair, registration.
  • Drafting contracts with suppliers.
  • Personnel search.
  • Advertising campaign.

Asking the question: "How to write a business plan for a flower shop?", You can not ignore financial side question, even if the figures are approximate and may vary between 5-10 thousand rubles.

As a rule, the amount of expenses depends on the scale of the outlet.

So, ready business plan flower shop with calculations is as follows:

  • Room rental - 20-25 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of equipment - 20-30 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of goods - 20-30 thousand rubles.
  • Staff salary - 15-20 thousand rubles.
  • Unforeseen expenses - 3-5 thousand rubles.

Total: 78-100 thousand rubles.

Depending on how far the supplier's base is located from the outlet, the availability of such an expense item as "transportation costs" will also depend. Certainly, if there own funds movement, the amount spent on the delivery of goods will differ significantly from the amount of delivery on a rented car or a supplier’s car.

Also, the flower shop business plan, a sample of which is presented above, involves accounting for a loss from damaged or unsold goods.

What legal form to choose for a flower shop?

If the future enterprise will have the status of "LLC", then this is the most best option for a business with several partners, since it is this kind of legal form allows:

  • Starting a business with a small investment.
  • Investors' risks are limited to their own finances.
  • Partners or contributors have the same rights, which is important in deciding the main management and

But if, nevertheless, it is planned to open one small outlet, and the owner himself will act as a seller, then it is more expedient to draw up an "IP".

If there is already an outlet, then it is enough just to get permission to trade in flowers.

What are flower shops?

Flower shops come in several types and generally look like this:

How to choose a place for flower trade?

However, given the presence of two competing points in the region, each of the three will have a profit of about 3.5 million rubles a year, and taking into account the holidays, plus another 20% of the total income for the year. The result will be about 4.2 million rubles. in year.

The business plan of the flower shop, the sample of which is attached, also includes the monthly expenses of the enterprise, such as:

  • Staff salary / 4 people - 10,000 rubles. + 2% of sales (8,000 rubles), respectively - 72,000 rubles. per month and 864,000 rubles. in year.
  • Deductions in social insurance - 18,000 rubles. per month and 216,000 rubles. in year.
  • Rent land plot 25 000 rub. per month, 300,000 rubles. in year.
  • Payment for services - 10,000 per month and 120,000 per year.
  • Losses - 15% of the amount spent on the purchase of goods - 18,000 per month and 216,000 per year.
  • Utilities - 5,000 per month and 60,000 per year.
  • Transport - 10,000 per month and 120,000 per year.
  • Other expenses - 10,000 per month and 120,000 per year.

As a result, the total amount of monthly expenses is 168,000 rubles. per month and 2,016,000 per year.

A ready-made business plan for a flower shop clearly demonstrates the estimated annual income, which will be 4,200,000 rubles. per year, and the cost of expenses is equal to the sum of one-time investments and monthly expenses, that is, 3,166,000 rubles. Consequently, the amount of gross profit for the year will be equal to 1,034,000 rubles, and after taxes it will be 878,900 rubles. net profit.

Proper Marketing

When opening their own business, each entrepreneur tries to take into account all the features of the chosen business. However, it often happens that in a hurry one of the main conditions for success is forgotten - an advertising campaign.

The first step is to draw up a marketing sketch, namely an approximate business plan - an example with calculations. A flower shop, like any other, requires the right presentation. Advertising costs will not be too high, but any business owner will be satisfied with the result.

  • Publications in magazines, newspapers, as well as online publications.
  • Advertising on radio and television.
  • street

The interior of the store, that is, its exterior design, can also be considered as advertising. The sign is also important, so it should be as eye-catching as possible for passers-by, who, passing by, must remember a pretty flower boutique with a beautiful window display and a catchy sign. Thus, ordinary passers-by can become potential customers.

The number of regular customers is affected not only appearance store, polite seller and a rich assortment. The buyer also wants to see good price, which is influenced by two factors:

  • Product quality.
  • The price of a similar product in competing organizations.

In order not to trade at a loss in pursuit of a client, you should come up with something original, your own discount system. For example, if a client only wants to buy three roses, you might suggest that they buy five and give them a modest gift of a small bouquet of daisies.

Assessing risks

In the flower selling business, as in any other business, there is a concept of "risk" that must be taken into account when drawing up a business plan for a flower shop. A commodity such as flowers cannot be stored forever: if it is not sold within a few days, then the entrepreneur will have losses instead of profits. Withering bouquets are suitable only for a funeral ceremony, and even then, if there is a buyer.

Buying goods in bulk also implies the possibility of losses, since in large quantities flowers with broken stems, torn petals can come across, because it is simply impossible to consider each during the purchase. To avoid such unexpected costs, purchases should be made in small lots. This will provide an opportunity to visually assess the condition of flower products.

If the flower trade turns out to be profitable in a particular region, the possibility of opening an online flower shop should be considered. However, this option will be appropriate even in the case of poorly developing trade.

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 9 minutes


The flower business is not only profitable, but also creative. Floral products are in demand all year round, and on some holidays the relevance of the sale of bouquets reaches an all-time high. Like any other occupation, this business requires responsibility and planning. The main difficulties are caused by the specificity of the goods: flowers are a perishable and delicate product, so the trading place needs a special organization.

Is flower business profitable in Russia?

Retail sales do not always give a stable result, and when selling plants, you may encounter unusual difficulties.

The flower business has a number of undeniable advantages, however, it not insured against risks and possible failures .

Business Pros

  • A well-established flower business is highly profitable and pays off fairly quickly.
  • The goods are never stale, and the money is constantly in circulation.
  • Consistently high margins on products.

Business cons

  • The need for specialized storage conditions for plants.
  • The need for careful planning of purchases of goods.
  • The need to find a good shopping place.
  • The need for qualified employees - florists.

What is required to get started?

In addition to other nuances, the flower pavilion is presented with additional requirement- maintenance of a special microclimate with a fixed temperature and humidity. This means that the entrepreneur must purchase the appropriate devices.

The financial side of the issue can be solved in two ways: with the help of start-up capital or loan processing for business development.

The main costs will be spent on renting or purchasing a retail space, as well as on the purchase of equipment and the first batch of flowers.

The cost of working materials includes the following items:

  1. Shelving
  2. Containers for flowers
  3. Elements for decoration and decoration of bouquets and compositions
  4. Workplace of a florist

Some stores, in addition to the main product, offer related products . It can be everything related to holidays and congratulations: postcards, toys, souvenirs, etc.

Who delivers flowers to Russia?

Most plants are imported from other countries : from the Netherlands, Italy, Georgia, Ukraine, Lithuania, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Ecuador, Colombia, China, India, Israel.

In Russia grow their own flowers, for example, in Krasnodar Territory there are large greenhouses that supply "live" goods throughout the country. However, domestic producers are able to satisfy only about 10 percent of the market's needs.

What is the range of plants offered by the main importing countries?

In world practice, all transactions related to the purchase / sale of flowers are executed by dealers, while in Russia there is no such link. Therefore, most domestic manufacturers focus mainly on market of Moscow and Moscow region.

The supply of foreign goods is carried out both legally and according to "gray" schemes or smuggling. Flowers are transported dry (in boxes) or wet (in containers with water).

Pricing directly depends on the size of the stem, measured without taking into account the bud. Roses are the most demanded in the domestic market. with a stem length of 60 to 80 cm and a weight of 50 to 70 g. With a decrease in flower size, its cost also decreases.

6 secrets of a successful flower business

  1. Product storage
    Flowers need to provide a special microclimate. Extreme heat or cold significantly shorten the life of plants and spoil them marketable condition. The recommended storage temperature ranges from 4-8 degrees Celsius.
    Exists a large number of chemical substances, slowing down the process of wilting the flower. For example, for successful transportation, plants are transported using a glucose solution or ascorbic acid. Upon arrival at the place, the flowers must be defended in clean water for a day.
    If there are intentions to put the business on a "big foot", then it is important to consider the option of purchasing special refrigerators that allow you to store flowers for about a month. Such equipment is often taken on credit.
  2. Procurement planning
    The average sales period for flowers should not be more than a week. After this time, the bulk of the flowers begin to rapidly lose their presentation. Therefore, when setting retail prices for products, it must be taken into account that about 60% of all goods will remain unsold. All these inevitable losses must be factored into the final cost of the flowers.
    Seasonality and popular holidays are another reason why procurement planning is inevitable. For example, on September 1, March 8 and February 14, there is an expected surge in sales, when the amount of revenue in one day can equal the income of several months. Accordingly, you need to take care of ordering goods by these dates in advance.
    In late autumn and during the winter, sales always fall, but the size of the average profit may decrease slightly. This is due to the fact that the most expensive bouquets are sold at this time of the year.
  3. Work with providers
    Establishing productive relationships with suppliers is the key to successful trading. It is necessary to carefully study the terms of cooperation, compare them with the offers of other companies and choose the best option.
    The main decisive points are:
    • Range
    • Delivery terms

    The outlet should not be left without products. Especially on the eve of holidays and dates on which flowers are given in bulk. Therefore, sometimes the supplier's ability to supply the store with goods on time is valued more than the provision of any discounts.
    Ideal is the organization of a flower business with timely deliveries of new products, when the entire range of goods is stored only at the point of sale, regularly replenished with fresh samples.

  4. Correct location

    You can start the development of a flower business from a small outlet. However, it is important to approach the place of choice with special responsibility. As in any other trade, correct location pavilion often decides the outcome of the whole case. The store should be located on a busy street, close to a bus stop, close to a shopping, entertainment or office center, etc.
    It should also be remembered that, despite the visible advantages, a promoted place may turn out to be completely unprofitable due to the presence of serious competitors. In crowded places (such as markets or subway stations), sometimes there is a whole network of already well-known stores that will be difficult to compete with.
  5. Qualified personnel

    It is not enough just to organize a trading place. The flower business is unrealistic without a qualified florist, because often customers are attracted not so much by the price as by the appearance of the composition. Even one purchased rose can be arranged and decorated in such a way that it will give odds to the whole bouquet.
    Experienced and talented people should be hired, and if the staff is already staffed and functioning, it will not be superfluous to enroll subordinates in refresher courses or seminars on mastering new flower design techniques.
    Of particular importance is knowledge about biological features of a particular plant: vegetative cycles, wilting period, storage features. In addition to taking care of appearance products, do not forget that the seller constantly communicates with customers, most of whom are men. Therefore, a flower shop consultant should be sociable, pleasant in communication and attractive in appearance.
  6. Knowledge of your business

    News retail Flowers are sometimes much more profitable than doing their wholesale deliveries. This is due to the fact that with point sales, substandard goods can be disguised and "revive".
    For example, if a lily begins to deteriorate, they can spend a number of restorative manipulations:
    • Dip into a container of hot water.
    • Coat with wax.
    • To freeze.
    • Treat with special chemicals.
    • Touch up.
    • Another popular trick is decorating withering petals with sparkles.
    • From the appeared black spots get rid of with the help of floral paint.

    In case of violation of the storage temperature, flowers can be placed in water to which vodka, alcohol or a special powder is added. After that, the marketable appearance of the plant will be restored for a short time.

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