External sewerage: device according to SNiP. External sewerage Device of an external sewerage network

Landscaping and planning 25.06.2019
Landscaping and planning

Outdoor sewerage included in the scope of engineering and construction services. The concept of "external sewer networks" includes all sewer pipelines and objects constructed during the installation of sewers. The correctness of the design of external sewerage networks largely determines the quality of the further operation of the facility. When designing external sewerage networks, coordination is required specifications, examinations. By contacting a reputable design company, you can free yourself from the need to independently coordinate documents, prepare for the implementation of the project and carry out the planned construction. Such a company, having performed work at a high level, will provide a guarantee for the developed and laid outdoor sewer networks.

An external sewerage system is a pipeline connecting the discharge of wastewater from a residential building to a sewage treatment plant. Wastewater enters the treatment plant through the pipeline and also leaves them through the pipes of the external sewage system, so they must be properly installed. The external sewer network consists of several strategic parts - these are pipes, sewer wells, drainage devices; if necessary - pumping stations and other equipment. In order to choose the most suitable option for each of these elements, you need to know the features of their device and operation.

For the construction of an external sewage network, steel, cast iron, reinforced concrete, asbestos-cement, ceramic and plastic PVC pipes are used. Each type of pipe is connected at the joints different ways. Cast iron pipes are sealed with tarred carbolic acid and oiled tow, and then minted cement mortar.

When connecting, plastic pipes are sealed with a rubber gasket, crimped with a rubber ring located in the socket. Asbestos-cement pipes connected using sealed couplings. Steel pipes are connected by electric welding.

For the normal movement of wastewater in the external sewage system, the pipes of a private house should be laid, observing the required slope of approximately 20-25 mm for each running meter. It is imperative to observe slopes for pipes, otherwise the finished sewer will become constantly clogged with solid particles. The reverse slope of the sewer line should also not be allowed, as stagnant water may form. AT winter time stagnant water can lead to freezing of pipes and a significant decrease in their cross section.

External sewerage pipes must be laid at different depths depending on the average winter temperature and the level of soil freezing. In the southern regions of the country, they can be laid to a depth of about 70 cm, and in northern regions- from 150 to 180 cm. If sewerage is supposed to be used in winter, then the pipes should be laid to a depth of at least 1 m and insulated.

Therefore, the depth of the trench for the external sewer pipes must be calculated before proceeding with its digging. In the finished trench, before laying the pipes, it is necessary to pour a small sand cushion about 15 cm thick to the bottom. In particular, such a cushion is needed when laying sewers in unstable soils. Then lay the pipes on the sand, making the same pillow on the sides. After laying the pipe, it is also necessary to cover the top with sand with a layer of 10 cm. Only then can you fill the trench with soil and carefully compact it.

When laying sewer pipes pipelines, it is advisable to avoid turning them in order to avoid congestion and blockage of pipes. If it is impossible to lay a straight line, then it is recommended to arrange a manhole at the turn point.
For the construction of manholes, you can use concrete rings or ordinary brick. The walls of the wells should be carefully sealed with cement mortar. If necessary, waterproofing will be done on the outer surface of the walls by covering them with hot bitumen.

On the pipes leading to the sewage treatment plant and diverting them, it is necessary to install tees with a diameter of at least 100 mm. Their upper ends must be left open. Install cleaning pipes above the tee so that the gap between the tee and the cleaning is at least 50 mm. Connect the lower ends of the tees to the pipes so that they are 40 cm below the calculated water level in the septic tank. Pipes from the house to the septic tank must be laid at a slope of at least 10-20 °. The place where the sewer pipe enters the septic tank should be located 5 cm above the pipe through which water is discharged from the septic tank into the drainage system.

Septic. recommended to be placed on long distance from the house (at least 5-20 m), therefore it is preferable to lay pipes for water flow to it to a depth of 1.2 m. All pipes should be carefully insulated so that they do not suffer from frost. In order to insulate them, they can be covered with foam chips, expanded clay, or wrapped with foam plastic.

Installation of pipes for external sewerage is milestone organization of the drainage system in country house. In order for the system to work smoothly, it is important to choose the right pipes

A comfortable life in a country house is provided by a complex of engineering communications, which include a sewage disposal system - sewerage. The drainage system is not limited internal network. Its important part is the external pipeline connecting the house with a collector or septic tank.

To organize such a pipeline, pipes for external sewage are used. Their properties affect the reliability and functionality of the entire system. AT modern construction several types of products are used; in order to select suitable ones, it is necessary to take into account future operating conditions.

High-quality installation of external sewerage determines the reliability of the entire system

Criterias of choice

The outdoor pipeline operates in adverse outdoor conditions. Incorrectly selected pipes for external sewerage can deform under soil pressure (during rising groundwater levels) or change properties due to severe frost. Violation of the integrity of the system will result in unforeseen expenses for repairs (you will have to replace the damaged fragment).

When designing external sewerage, they try to find a compromise between the need to ensure a long service life of the system and optimize costs. External sewage pipes must comply with the requirements for:

    strength (ability to withstand loads) external environment);

    wear resistance (resistance to internal aggressive environment);


Types and characteristics

For external sewerage, several types of materials are used with different physico-chemical properties.

Cast iron pipes

The classic way of arranging sewers that has existed for decades. The ubiquity of cast iron products was due to a complex of reasons:

    High mechanical strength and long term services.

    Resistant to temperature changes, aggressive environment.

    Easy installation.

Cast iron - expensive, heavy and efficient

With the development of technology, cast iron sewer pipes for external sewage have lost their relevance due to some features:

    big weight, forcing the assembly to involve special equipment.

    Defectovinternal cavity, leading over time to a narrowing of the lumen.

Ceramic pipes

Ceramic pipelines have been known since antiquity. Modern factories produce ceramic products with a diameter of 100-600 mm, which have undoubted advantages:

    Life time 30-40 years old.

    Easy installation and low installation cost.

    chemical inertness, temperature stability and environmental friendliness.

    Low roughness inner surface.

Disadvantages of ceramic products:

    fragility(before assembly, they must be checked for cracks).

    short length(the number of external sewer joints increases).

The fragility of ceramics is leveled strict observance mounting technology

Asbestos-cement pipes

Although the composition of the material contains asbestos fibers, their chemical bonding with cement makes the products safe. The advantages include:

    light weight and easy installation.


    Low thermal conductivity(almost no problems with freezing).

    Resistance to aggressive environment.

The main disadvantage of asbestos-cement products is fragility. Mechanical loads (especially during transportation) are fraught with cracks and chipped edges.

Polypropylene pipes

Plastic polypropylene pipes(Russian name - PPR, international - PPR) are suitable for assembling outdoor sewer system in a country house. Their popularity is a consequence of their merits:

    Long service life. Manufacturers guarantee 30-50 years of perfect work.

    Light weight and elasticity. Savings on transportation and installation.

    high temperature resistance(operating mode - 80°C; emergency short-term temperature of 100°C does not reduce the service life).

Polypropylene - corrugated outside, smooth inside

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    chemical inertness. The material is resistant to corrosion, does not emit harmful substances.

    Smooth inner layer.

    Diversity. Choice of models and details of any configuration. Options are available reinforced with fiberglass or aluminum.


    PPR products cannot be bent. To organize a bend or turn, tees and corners are used.

    For connection, a welding machine is used. Thermal welding creates a seam that is uniform in structure.

Polyethylene pipes

Plastic variety (Russian name - PE, international - PE), is widely used in outdoor drainage systems.

The advantages of PE pipes are:

    Durability, wear resistance (service life 50 years).

  • (polyethylene is viscous and elastic); pipes will not burst if water freezes in them.

  • Light weight(convenient transportation and easy installation).

Polyethylene pipes for non-pressure sewage

    chemical inertness.

    Temperature shock resistance with operating range from -20 to +60°C; good thermal insulation properties.


    Susceptibility to sunlight. Pipes age under the action of ultraviolet radiation.

    Low mechanical strength. The disadvantage is corrected by making the products two-layer (corrugated). Folds in the outer corrugated layer provide rigidity; inner smooth layer does not slow down wastewater.

About the types of sewer pipes in the video:

PVC pipes

Polyvinyl chloride sewer pipes (PVC in international transcription) are mainly used for arranging the sewerage of residential buildings. Among the advantages of such products are noted:

    long-term operational period(40-50 years);

    low flammability and UV resistance;

    resistance to corrosion and clogging;

    light weight and easy installation (easy to cut and bend).

Smooth PVC pipes are used where there is no large load on the ground.

When using it is necessary to take into account some features of the products:

    The disadvantage that limits the use of PVC pipes is a high coefficient of thermal expansion (change in linear size under the influence of temperature). If the liquid is heated to 60°C or more, the tightness of the joints is reduced, which may lead to leakage.

    The ductility of the material decreases with negative temperatures. Operation of the pipeline without insulation is allowed in the range from 0 to -15°C.

Advantages of sewerage with PVC pipes

The economic benefit of installing and using such a sewer system consists of:

    reduction of transportation costs;

    savings Supplies;

    low labor intensity during assembly;

    no operating costs.

Environmental safety during operation is also a valuable quality of products.

The appearance of PVC pipes has greatly simplified the organization of drainage

Characteristics of external PVC sewerage

PVC pipes for external sewerage are products of a new generation, due to their properties, they displace pipes made of other materials from domestic systems. They do their job well; designed for temperatures up to 60°C and pressures up to 10 MPa. In practice, two types of products are used, which should be distinguished:

    For internal sewerage, gray color, if necessary, can be easily disassembled.

    For outdoor sewerage orange-brown shades; dismantling is difficult due to the nature of the connection.

How to properly equip the sewer on the video:

Diameter and stiffness

Important parameters that determine the properties of the drainage system. Manufacturers offer products for external sewerage of two types:

    Single layer(smooth), 110-160 mm in diameter, mainly used in private construction.

    Three-layer(corrugated), from 110 to 630 mm.

According to the rigidity (strength), external sewage pipes are divided into:

Class SN8. They have the thickest walls and are placed at a depth of up to 8 m.

Class SN4. They are laid to a depth of 2-6 m.

Class SN2. They are laid to a depth of 0.8-2 m, mainly involved in the private sector.

When designing, the strength of products is taken into account

Mounting methods

Installation of PVC pipes is carried out in one of the following ways:

    Socket connection. Does not require special equipment. Products are selected by diameter. The smooth end of one pipe is inserted into the socket of the other. The connection is sealed with a rubber seal.

    Cold welding(glue). Special adhesive is used, no equipment required.

    flange connection(detachable). Pipes are mounted using fittings (connecting elements of various configurations that create turns and additional branches); if necessary, the unit can be disassembled.

    Clutch connection. It is used if it is necessary to connect products made of PVC and other materials, often during repairs.

Pipes with a socket are suitable for assembling a gravity system; the pressure system is mounted from products without a socket.

External sewerage: work sequence

    trench preparation under the sewer. Its depth depends on the depth of soil freezing, groundwater occurrence and other features of the site. According to SNiP P-G.3-62, laying is carried out 0.5 m below the freezing mark. For pipes with a diameter of 110 mm, a trench width of 0.6 m is laid.

Checking the slope angle is an important part of the installation

    Pipeline installation. Starts from the foundation of the house; pipes are connected in a suitable way and laid with a slope. If the sewer is laid shallow, the pipeline is insulated. At the exit from the building, the pipe must be insulated.

    Checking the slope, then the trench is covered.

Check valve device

Improper installation and violation of the rules for operating the drainage system leads to an emergency - blockage. The contents of the pipes can move back with all the ensuing consequences on the 1st floor. Installing a sewer check valve helps to avoid dramatic developments.

The check valve allows the liquid to flow only outward; the return flow of sewage is reliably blocked. The valve with a diameter of 110 mm is mounted on a common pipe, with a diameter of 50 mm - on each PVC drain pipe.

Valves are made from cast iron, brass or steel. Due to the widespread use of PVC pipes, the demand for cheap and durable PVC valves has increased. By design, check valves are:

    PVC valve. Mounted on both horizontal and vertical pipes. Inside there is a reciprocating locking piece - a plate fixed at a slight angle. It bends under the pressure of the outgoing fluid, and the reverse flow presses it, blocking the return movement.

    Ball valve. The locking mechanism is a metal ball. If back pressure occurs, it presses against the hole and blocks the flow.

Ball check valve cutaway

Selection of sewer products: manufacturers and prices

On the Russian market, you can find products from both foreign and local companies. The number of domestic pipe manufacturers is growing due to the constant growth in demand. Enterprises master the latest technology and produce products of excellent quality (confirmed by a certificate) at an affordable price.

In the field of view of many owners of suburban housing who want to lay (or replace) an external sewer, products of Spanish, Italian, German trademarks. Consumers are also familiar with the products of Turkish and Chinese companies. Top Producers sewer pipes offer products that meet modern requirements on the installation and operation of the drainage system.

Crash test of sewer products on video:

Despite the excellent quality, the segment of foreign companies is small, since their prices are on average 15-20% higher than for similar domestic products.

The price of pipes depends on their size (length), diameter, stiffness, material and manufacturer. PVC pipes for outdoor systems are offered at a price (per linear meter, Moscow region):

    Diameter 110 mm. 160-170 rub. (domestic), 220-260 rubles. (import).

    Diameter 160 mm. 290-320 rubles, respectively, 345-289 rubles.

    Diameter 200 mm. 465-535 rubles, 570-650 rubles.

    Diameter 250 mm. 730-838 rubles, 885-930 rubles.

Pipes of external sewerage in a warehouse of materials


When designing external communications, pipes are given increased attention; the efficiency of the system directly depends on them. For the installation of external sewerage in suburban housing, pipes are recognized as the most practical material. PVC diameter 110 mm and stiffness SN4. They are reliable under constant load (can withstand large volumes of wastewater); they can be positioned without fear of external loads (in front of the garage, under the garden path).

From this article you can find out what role sewer pipes play for external sewerage in the arrangement of communication systems. The text describes in detail the recommendations for the design and construction of a water supply system, a block system for laying cables, storm sewer designed to collect rainwater. In addition, the article touches upon the organization of external sewerage for wastewater and heating systems.

Pipes for outdoor - necessary element system arrangement

The presence of communications provides the comfort of living in a private or country house. Modern man cannot do without these amenities. If you can put up with the lack of the Internet, security and fire alarms, intercom, then it is impossible to do without the installation of heating, water supply, and sewerage systems.
The heating system is designed to maintain indoor optimal temperature and creation comfortable conditions for a person to stay in a room without outerwear. The recommended temperature parameters are in the range from 18 to 23°C.

The heating system diagram includes the following components:

  • a heat source presented in the form of a centralized system (apartment) or an autonomous boiler (private house);
  • heating radiators - structures that transfer heat from the water inside the system to the surrounding space;
  • pipeline line - combines all elements of the heating system (partially ensures the transfer of heat from the carrier to the air space of the room).

Installation of this system, as well as other communications, is carried out at the stage of building construction. However, at the request of the homeowner, the scheme can be redone in order to improve. Of course, such a transition is expensive, but the construction of the system is largely justified.

Useful advice! For a country or private house, non-radiator heating can be used. A system of water, infrared, cable or air floors will maintain optimal climatic conditions at home, and will also allow you to achieve significant savings.

The specifics of laying water supply and sewerage networks

The plumbing system transports water to the points of consumption, namely, plumbing fixtures. In turn, the sewer system ensures the removal of waste fluid outside the building. Both of these systems provide the comfort of living.

The classification of plumbing systems according to the method of organization is as follows:

  • the outer part is arranged along the walls of the building;
  • the inner segment is laid inside the walls, where strobes are made especially for this, after which the communications are hidden under a layer of plaster.

In addition, the plumbing system is classified according to the type of materials used for construction:

  • metal-plastic;
  • based on steel products;
  • plastic.

The main supplies to the residential building not only cold, but also hot water, so the pipes must meet certain temperature requirements.

The main task of sewage is the removal of human waste products, which can be in a semi-liquid or liquid state. Subsequently, the effluents are cleaned and returned to natural reservoirs.

Sewerage according to the method of execution is divided into the following varieties:

  • external;
  • internal;
  • cleaning facilities.

Without the construction of external water supply and sewerage networks, as well as a heating system, it is impossible to imagine comfort, therefore their proper design and organization are the most important issues when arranging a house or apartment.

Drafting a project for laying water supply and sewerage: important points

To properly design a water supply system, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of connecting to a centralized water supply system. If this is not possible, the problem is solved by building a well on the site. The decision is made on the basis of a geological assessment of the territory. It is allowed to drill a well for laying an autonomous external sewerage system.

In addition, other calculations will be required, for example, the volume daily consumption water. The operating mode and load of the system depends on this parameter. Based on these data, a certain pipe section size and appropriate equipment are selected. For these purposes, you will need a plan of the site and a residential building, which will display all points of water consumption, as well as the consumption for each of them.

Important! When choosing the depth of laying the pipeline, the level of soil freezing should be taken into account. Alternatively, you can use the insulation of the sewer pipes of the external sewer with a heating cable.

In conclusion, the plan includes all the nodal components of the system:

  • ramifications;
  • turns;
  • connections;
  • cranes.

The diagram should also indicate equipment that performs heating, cleaning or pumping water.

Drawing up a project for laying sewers under the foundation and inside the building is carried out the same way. In this case, attention is paid to the end point of the discharge in the form of an autonomous treatment equipment or a central riser, installation sites for plumbing and water consumption devices.

Sewer pipes for external sewerage: SNiP requirements

To collect wastewater, elements with a section size of 50 mm are laid in the system design. For internal risers and drains of waste fluid from toilet bowls, elements similar in size to the external ones are most often used - 110 mm sewer pipes.

Be sure to equip the system with revision elements, both in the building itself and on the external highway. According to building technology these are recommended to be placed on straight sections of the pipeline, the length of which exceeds 15 m. The same elements are needed for areas where the highway turns. For the construction of the system, fittings and other additional type parts are used to assemble the sewerage system together.

For systems in which water moves by gravity, there are certain rules installation. According to the requirements of SNiP, the slope of the external sewage system by 1 meter, depending on the remoteness of the collector, can vary within 5-15 cm.

Important! It is not recommended to exceed the slope mark of 15 cm per 1 m of the pipeline, since the system will cease to function normally. A similar result will be with insufficient slope.

Recommendations for the installation of water supply and sewerage systems

In cases where the pipeline line, according to the project, lies in areas where digging is impossible, a puncture is performed in the soil.

Various tools are suitable for these purposes, many of which can be found in any household:

  • shovel;
  • scrap, etc.

If large-scale construction is planned under roads and in other difficult areas, special equipment is used to perform punctures. Some projects allow intersections between sewer and water mains. In such cases, metal sleeves are installed at the points where the pipes intersect. The size of this element is selected taking into account the type of soil on the site. For chernozem and clayey soil, sleeves 5 m long are suitable. For sandy soil, it is recommended to take elements 10 m long on each side of the point where the pipeline intersects.

At the intersection points of the mains, the installation of the water supply system should be carried out above the sewer level by about 40 cm. If the pipes are parallel, the minimum allowable distance between them is 1.5 m. In this case, it is also recommended to install the water supply system 40 cm higher than the sewerage runs . Requirements are also put forward for the zone for entering communications into the living quarters. There must be at least 1.5 m between the water supply and the sewer system or gas pipeline.

Features of installation of external water supply and sewerage networks

For the installation of any of these systems, it will be necessary to carry out earthworks in accordance with the project, forming trenches for laying pipes. The outer section of the water supply must connect the source of water, where it is collected, and the point of entry of the main into the building. The optimal depth of the trench is within 1.5-2.5 m. From the level of soil freezing, it is necessary to deepen the pipeline by at least 0.5 m. A sand and gravel cushion is formed at the bottom, after which it is rammed, and in areas where to locate pipe connections, it is necessary to dig pits.

Note! The dimensions of sewer pipes for external sewerage are selected taking into account the volume of water consumption and the length of the line. It is recommended to select the diameter of the elements with a margin.

The optimal size of the cross-section of water pipes:

External line length, mRecommended diameter, mm
10 25
30 32
over 3038

The type of pipe connection depends on their material of manufacture. For the installation of the plumbing system, methods of soldering, welding, pipe couplings, etc. are used. If there is a need to install shut-off valves, then a manhole is formed at the place of its installation.

To lay the sewer, you should dig a flat trench between the area where the system enters the room and cesspool. Pipes should lie 50 cm deeper than the level of soil freezing. If the scheme provides for turns of the highway, then inspection wells must be installed in these places. To do this, a hole is dug and a sand cushion 10 cm thick is formed at its bottom. If the sewer pipeline is large, revision wells are mounted in increments of 10-12 m.

For the installation of sewerage, PVC products are most often used and cast iron pipes. To drain the drains from the bathroom, a pipe with a section size of 50 mm will suffice. For plumbing fixtures, for example, a toilet, it is better to take products with a diameter of 110-160 mm.

The use of sewer pipes for outdoor sewage: price and product features

The choice of pipes for the installation of sewer and water systems is based on various parameters, including safety, degree of strength and reliability, recommended operating conditions and cost.

The following types of products are used for plumbing:

  • plastic pipes based on polymers (polypropylene, PVC, PVC-U, etc.);
  • metal-plastic elements with thin-layer reinforcement using metal enclosed on both sides in a plastic shell;
  • metal pipes (copper, steel).

Similar requirements are put forward for products intended for arranging sewerage. In addition, the pipes must be resistant to the influence of aggressive environments.

The following types of products are used for sewerage:

  • plastic pipes for polymer base(PVC);
  • cast iron elements;
  • ceramic pipes;
  • products made from asbestos cement.

Polymer products perform well during operation, therefore, in most cases, these types of pipes are used for such work.

Useful advice! Plastic has low sound insulation. To ensure the comfort of operation, it is recommended to wrap the products during the installation of external sewage pipes in soundproofing material.

Features and prices of sewer pipes for external sewerage: PVC and PVC-U

PVC pipes are widely used for the organization of communication systems, as well as the restoration of existing highways. Products are suitable for moving any drains. They are suitable as convenient and practical water from the roof and subsequent transportation of rainwater, as well as waste liquid from industrial and household facilities.

Related article:

Geotextile and coconut fiber as filter materials. Characteristics of various types of pipes for organizing storm sewers.

Advantages of PVC products:

  • frost resistance;
  • light weight;
  • simple mounting system;
  • there is no need to use special equipment when working with pipes;
  • resistance to corrosion;
  • wear resistance.

In households, the use of PVC-U pipes for external sewerage is widespread. Unlike PVC products, which can withstand temperatures up to 60ºC, these elements are rated for 45ºC.

Scope of UPVC products:

  • as casing pipe when forming wells (an alternative to steel elements);
  • for the arrangement of the storm sewer system and other engineering communications;
  • pipeline systems for domestic and industrial purposes;
  • for laying cables in block sewers as a protective sheath (flat and corrugated elements).

Average prices for PVC pipes SDR 41 PN6.3:

Pipe length, mSection size, mmprice, rub.
6,1 90 525
6,12 110 770
6,14 160 1650
6,16 225 3170
6,19 315 6210
6,22 400 10270
6,26 500 16150

Corsis pipe prices for cable and household system drains, treatment facilities rain sewer:

Section size, mmprice, rub. (SN6)price, rub. (SN8)
110 170 180
160 300 320
200 410 430
250 625 660
315 950 1000
400 1480 1560
500 2250 2365

Note! The table shows the prices for Korsis pipes without a socket 1 m long.

Do-it-yourself cable duct installation recommendations

Cable ducting is a system that serves to place electrical and telephone cables underground. The depth of the channels depends on the material of the pipes and can vary between 0.4-2 m. Concrete pipes are laid the deepest. When working with plastic products, you can limit yourself to the minimum allowable parameter.

The optimal installation depth of the system also depends on the condition of the coating in the construction area. For pedestrian zones, you can take the minimum depth. If the system passes under a motorway or tram tracks, then the cable should be laid in the cable duct at maximum depth. To prevent the accumulation of water, 4 mm per 1 m of pipeline should be added to the calculations for the communication slope.

On the segments between the wells, there must be straight pipes. The maximum allowable deviation per 1 m of the line is 1 cm. The scheme must include manholes placed for every 25 m of the pipeline. If the cable will be laid in collectors to lead to a sewage treatment system or in the basement, the use of pipes should be abandoned. In this case, consoles are used.

Standard pipe size for cable system is 15 cm, however, it would be more rational to use products with a diameter of 10 cm. It is not recommended to place cables intended for different purposes in one pipe.

Recommendations for the installation of storm sewers in the country with their own hands

  1. The average amount of precipitation recorded in the region by meteorologists.
  2. Rainfall frequency and snow loads.
  3. Territory area for waste collection.
  4. Chemical and physical parameters of the soil.
  5. Placement of all underground communications.

At the first stage, a gutter for collecting water is equipped and installation is carried out drain pipes for the roof. After that, you can organize a linear or point system sewerage. On sale you can find all the elements for the construction of stormwater. In addition to standard parts, sand traps, siphons, plugs may be required.

Availability of storm, cable and household sewerage, as well as water supply and heating systems is the key to the comfort of living in the house. To avoid unpleasant consequences when installing these communications with your own hands, it is possible in only one way - by choosing the right materials and accurately performing the calculations.

External sewerage is an indispensable element of engineering communications of any object, whether private country cottage, apartment house, shopping center or industrial production. And the basis for providing a reliable and durable external sewer system is right choice pipes and proper installation.

Basic requirements for pipelines

The list of priority requirements for pipes can be safely attributed to the simplicity and ease of installation, compliance with the necessary technical standards, as well as a large number of fittings that make it possible to assemble systems of varying complexity. Of great importance are technical specifications material used to make products.

Selection of pipelines

External sewerage is a complex hydraulic system that must be designed and installed by qualified specialists.
A few decades ago, pipes made of metal and cast iron, as well as concrete collectors, were used to construct domestic, industrial and storm sewers. However, now they are being massively replaced by products made from polymer plastics.
The first plastic pipe used in construction engineering networks, was a PVC pipe. Now plasticizers, fillers and stabilizers are added to polyvinyl chloride. At the same time, outdoor sewer pipes are produced on automated lines, which ensure excellent product quality, high precision physical and geometric parameters.
For external sewage, pipes made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP) can be used.
There are serious requirements for pipes used on the street. Among them - resistance to aggressive environments, strength, lightness and dimensional stability, resistance to ultraviolet radiation, low coefficient of thermal linear expansion, anti-corrosion, wear resistance, attractive price.
External sewer pipes include non-pressure and pressure pipes made of PVC, pressure and corrugated pipes made of PE.

Necessary characteristics of sewer pipelines

Sewer pipelines for the installation of an external sewer network must have such important characteristics as high throughput, resistance to static and dynamic loads, tightness, impact resistance, resistance to long-term external loads. In addition, pipes must be versatile and repairable.
Most manufacturers offer a wide range of pipes and fittings that allow you to mount systems of any configuration and make connections with pipes made of other materials (for example, cast iron). Modern pipes are most often connected using sockets and couplings. In this case, convenience is also achieved in the repair of the track.

Pipes for installation of free-flow sewerage

Today, in most cases, non-pressure external sewerage is used at facilities. In this case, wastewater moves through the pipes under the influence of gravity.
The most popular solution is the use of PVC pipes, for the installation of which you can use conventional lever equipment (without welding). Assembly PVC pipes produced using flares. The sockets are formed at the factory and are additionally equipped with rubber sealing rings for tight and durable contact.
Due to the simplicity and ease of assembly, such pipes are highly valued in the assembly of systems. autonomous sewerage among the owners of country cottages.

Pressure sewer pipes

In cases where gravity sewerage is not possible, specialists use external pipelines with pumps. In most cases, special waste grinders are installed on the pumps, which make possible use smaller diameter pipes.
The depth of the external pressure sewerage system in this case can be reduced, but the requirements for the pipes used, on the contrary, increase. At the same time, you can save on the installation of the system if you install it for several users at once.
The advantages of this system include the absence of blockages. The waste liquid in such systems moves under pressure, so there is no deposition of waste on the inner walls of the pipelines and no overgrowth of the sections.
PVC-U pipes for external sewerage are made from unplasticized polyvinyl chloride, and ground marble is most often used as a filler for them. A distinctive feature of pressure pipes made of polyethylene is the most favorable price.
In addition, sewer pipes for external pressure sewerage can be made of polyethylene high density(HDPE). Due to the low modulus of elasticity, such pipelines withstand high variable loads.

Corrugated pipes for laying sewer systems

Corrugated pipelines for the installation of external sewerage are used in systems in which special requirements are placed on pipes, for example, when laying at considerable depths and the need to bypass obstacles.
Corrugated pipes are made from extruded polyethylene, have corrugated outer and smooth inner walls. Such pipes are characterized by high ring stiffness and are not subject to deformation.
Docking of corrugated pipes is carried out using welding or using seals. Both the installation of the seal and the cutting of the pipe are carried out in the gaps between the corrugations.
characteristic feature corrugated pipes made of PE is the simplicity and low cost of installation, flexibility, increased ring stiffness, unchanged properties when laying at an angle.
The operational and technical advantages of corrugated pipes make it possible to use them in systems where the use of other types of pipelines is unprofitable or impossible.

If desired, as they say, you can teach a hare to smoke, knowing where to start. In the case of a sewage disposal device, it is necessary to start with the choice of pipes for street sewerage, which are represented by a wide range. Choosing from a variety of offers, you need to look for the main advantages of this product, namely:

  • the service life of sewer pipes should be as long as possible;
  • they must be resistant to depressurization;
  • to withstand maximum loads when vehicles or people move over them, etc.

In addition, specify the information on what temperature the sewer pipe can withstand. Several types of pipes are popular with developers, which differ in their properties, depending on the material of manufacture:



  • service life from 50 to 100 years;
  • indifferent to any aggressive liquids;
  • can be joined without special materials;
  • resistant to internal growth.

Disadvantages: it is necessary to transport carefully, because the material is quite fragile.


This type of material for sewers was used in ancient times. But in our age, it is quite popular:


  • are not afraid even of acidic liquids;
  • internal roughness makes an obstacle to build-up and clogging;
  • are resistant to temperature fluctuations of the liquid;
  • mounted simply.


  • fragility;
  • small length of products, which increases the number of joints;

Checking the quality of ceramics, tap on them. If rattling is heard, refuse to buy, because this is an indicator of the presence of cracks in the nozzles.

Cast iron

These products have long been popular with private traders for a number of reasons:


  • high degree of strength;
  • durability - operated for decades;
  • anti-corrosion;
  • are installed in a bell-shaped way.


  • big weight;
  • blockages often form inside, and therefore the throughput of the sewer pipe decreases;
  • transportation without special equipment is impossible;
  • sensitive to saline solutions, and therefore they are not used in saline soils.


PVC is a popular material today. A pipeline made of polymer has numerous advantages:

  • the smoothness of the walls inside, preventing growths, which does not require frequent cleaning of the sewer;
  • frost-resistant;
  • little weight;
  • increased degree of wear resistance;
  • are not afraid of liquids containing sand and gravel;
  • low price with excellent quality;
  • ease of installation.


  • can not be used for liquids whose temperature is more than 60 degrees.

PVC products also differ in the type of rigidity:

  • Rigid (S class) - used at depths up to 8 m and have a maximum thickness of the sewer pipe;
  • Medium hard (T class) - for them, the laying depth is from 2 to 6 m;
  • Light (L class) - operation takes place at a depth of 0.8 to 2 m.

Compound PVC pipe carry out a socket, sometimes methods are used cold welding or adhesive.



  • well proven as sub-zero temperatures, and up to + 95С;
  • at correct use the service life of sewer pipes reaches 50 years;
  • have chemical inertness;
  • unique in ease of installation, etc.

Disadvantage: due to the property to react to ultraviolet, they must be laid in such a way as to bypass the sun's rays.

Polyethylene pipes


  • resistant to temperature changes from - 20 to + 60C.
  • the smooth surface of the walls does not allow any deposits to accumulate;
  • has two layers, which allows, having serious rigidity, to withstand high pressure in sewer pipes;
  • easy to mount without special equipment, etc.

The disadvantage is the same as that of the previous species.

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