How to replace pipes on plastic or polypropylene. How to replace pig-iron sewer pipes on plastic how to change the pipes on plastic

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In old houses where engineering systems are standing since developed SocialismThe replacement of pipelines is a primary task. Instead of steel and copper plastic pipes are installed as the most preferred option and physical propertiesAnd at the price.

Polypropylene pipes have many advantages over metal, because:

  • do not be afraid of corrosion and the formation of calcium deposits;
  • protected from wandering currents;
  • resistant both high and low temperatures;
  • do not burst when the water freezing is freezing;
  • easily installed without labor-intensive welding;
  • cost an order cheaper metal pipes.

Another important advantage of PP pipes in front of metal is low thermal conductivity. When the heat carrier passes through polypropylene tubes, its thermal energy is not spent on heating the pipeline, as it happens with steel or copper pipes.

Due to this, the replacement of metal pipes into polypropylene in the heating system may increase radiators heat transfer by 40%. Lifetime of PP pipes for gVS systems And heating reaches 25 years, and for cold water supply - 50 years.

Replacing the tap and pipes of the heating system on polypropylene

Installation of a new PP-pipe-based pipeline can be performed by possessing minimal experience and a simple tool arsenal.

Previously need to make a new scheme engineering system, Perform the markup of the plots where new pipes will run. You can navigate the old pipes by measuring their length and draw the wiring scheme on paper.

Before starting work, prepare necessary equipment and materials special attention Paying the type of pipes to be used.

Tools required for work:

  • bulgarian for cutting old metal pipes;
  • special keys to twisting threaded connections;
  • soldering apparatus for PP pipes ("Iron").

Depending on the engineering system to be upgraded, you need to buy the corresponding types of pipes. They differ in the diameter and thickness of the walls, the presence / absence of the reinforcing layer, at a rated temperature and pressure in the system.

Note! These parameters can be clarified in the HISE or management company (For an apartment building), or see the project of the engineering system (for a private house).

For installation of heating systems, reinforced by aluminum or fibergame tubes with a diameter of 20, 25 and 32 mm are used. The larger the length of the pipeline, the greater the pipe cross section should be.

Deciding on the replacement of metal pipes of the water supply on plastic, you always stand up before choosing: What kind of type of pipes to put? Today the market offers a sufficient number of types of pipes from polymeric materials: Plastic (polypropylene, polyethylene, stitched polyethylene, etc.) and metal-plastic with a combined polyethylene-aluminum-polyethylene structure. At the same time, each of these species has its own varieties depending on the design, material and method of manufacture. However, you can note general propertiesinherent in all types of plastic pipes, both positive and negative.

General properties of plastic pipes

Responding to the main requirements for pipes - durability and reliability, pipes made of polymeric materials simultaneously combine other positive consumer qualities, such as:

  • low cost compared to metal pipes;
  • low the rate of formation of a lime-plane associated narrowing internal diameter pipes and the presence of the number of different microorganisms and bacteria;
  • resistance to pollution and corrosion; low thermal conductivity;
  • fast and easy installation and disassembly.

The disadvantages of pipes from polymeric materials can be attributed:

  • certain restrictions of PO maximum temperature and water pressure when using them in heating and plumbing systems;
  • the need for use various technologies when installing each type of pipes;
  • flavoring material of plastic pipelines, which is especially relevant for high-rise buildings.

Thus, when replacing pipes on the plastic advantages, there are much disadvantages, and each of the above species has its own specifics, features and individual properties.

Metal-polymer pipes

Appearing on construction market In the early 1980s, the metal-polymer pipes immediately began to be actively used in heating systems, internal cold and hot water supply. Since then, the production technologies for such pipes have been significantly improved, which was determined by the following reasons: an increase in the market share of plastic systems; increased need for innovation to increase sales; The possibility of blocking oxygen penetration into plastic heating systems.

The main advantage of multilayer metal-plastic pipes in heating and water supply systems is to combine the advantages of plastic and metal pipes in one combined Materialhaving good corrosion resistance and flexibility in combination with sufficient tensile strength.

Stitched Polyethylene Pipes

Stitched polyethylene - one of the polymeric materials obtained by the method of chemical crosslinking of polyethylene molecules high density in conditions high pressure and temperature. Pipes made of stitched polyethylene have good mechanical and physicochemical properties, among the operational and assembly merits of such pipes, it can be noted: the possibility of using in radiator and floor heating, in hot and economic and drinking water supply; Resistance to exposure chemical compounds; high degree of resistance to mechanical loads; the ability to withstand several cycles of freezing-defrost; Low thermal conductivity coefficient ensures slow cooling of the coolant in the system; Pipe flexibility that allows you to flexing them to the required corner with a cold bending method; Molecular shape memory, allowing you to easily correct the wrong bend.

One of the main deficiencies in the replacement of pipes to plastic from stitched polyethylene is a high diffusion (penetration) of oxygen, which leads to additional corrosion of the equipment, as well as the possibility of damage to rodents.

Polypropylene pipes

Polypropylene - long-mastered and excellently proven material for pipes of cold and hot water systems. The main advantage of polypropylene is the possibility of welding and, accordingly, the use of cheap connecting elements. In this case, the product range is represented by the widest set of such elements.

Due to the cheapness and availability, exceptional simplicity and speed of installation, polypropylene pipes are particularly popular when replacing pipes on plastic and occupy a significant market share.

Of course, when replacing pipes into plastic in each specific situation, it is necessary to calculate the feasibility of the use of one or another type of material. But in general, when comparing plastic pipes from polypropylene, cross-linked polyethylene and metal-plasticity on the criteria for ratios price / quality / availability The advantage will have polypropylene pipelines.

Sometimes it happens that due to disorders in the production process or the use of low-quality materials on plastic pipes heating systems Over time, "bumps" appear. These pipe defects may subsequently lead to its breakthrough. Here, an ordinary clamp can not cost. IN this case It is best to change the damaged pipe of the pipe with a new piece. It is not difficult to fulfill it.

To do this, you need such materials, tools:

  • knife designed to work with plastic pipes,
  • Lerq, intended for cleaning the pipe from foil,
  • iron for soldering,
  • roulette or building meter,
  • dry rags
  • segment of a plastic tube designed for heating / hot water,
  • two plastic clutches designed to connect pipes.

Iron, Lerki and scissors for plastic pipes are easy to purchase in a specialized store. As a rule, these tools are sold in the same department as pipes.

Order of work

At the very beginning it is necessary to make sure that there are no water in the pipes. If necessary, disconnect the water in the basement.

After that, we proceed to work with a plastic pipe. First you need to determine exact size Pipe section requiring replacement. Measure it by meter or roulette. At the same time, at the bottom and at the top it is necessary to take into account in two or three centimeters. Mark the boundaries of the pencil.

Then, on the prepared cut pipe, the required size is measured.

We perform the corresponding pencil marks.

We take special scissors and cut out a plot of a new serviceable pipe - they will be replaced by an unsuitable part of the main pipe. After that, we cut off with scissors marked, requiring replacement of the damaged pipe.

Processing of the ends of the pipeline

The ends of the main pipeline are processing "Lerka", we clean them from the foil. The length of the treated surface should be equal to one second length of the plastic clutch. Dry wipe the ends of the pipes with clean rag. The same is done and with the ends of the pipe segment prepared for replacement.

We take iron for soldering, turn it on to the network, put on a special stand. What temperature is required for soldering, you can find out in the store from the seller-consultant.

Now the upper end of the main pipe is inserted into the hole of the heated iron, and insert the coupling into this iron to the soldering on the reverse side. With a little effort, you scroll the iron almost for the average melting level of plastic. Then we remove the clutch from the iron, release the end of the pipe from iron and immediately, without delay, we connect the molten ends of the pipe and the coupling. At the same time, it is necessary to follow, so that the parts when the connection is tightly shaken, so as not to work irregularities, gaps.

The sequence of action by soldering the rest of the parts and parts is similar to the described.

The main thing in this process is not to overtake the iron. Otherwise, details can be deformed and being spoiled.

Also, watch the soldering on dry surfaces. That is, before starting soldering, wipe the ends of the details thoroughly, let them dry completely.

If in your apartment 3 devices for connecting, as in the scheme, the cost of work will be 4900 rubles.

Cost of material: Polypropylene pipes, couplings, adapters, fixtures 2 ball valves - 2000 rubles.

Total: 6,900 rubles.

The cost of replacing pipes 3 instruments - 4900 rubles.

Cost of replacement of pipes 4 instruments Price - 6400 rubles.

If in your apartment there are 4 devices for connecting, as in the scheme, the cost of work will be 6400 rubles.

Cost of material: Polypropylene pipes, couplings, adapters, fixtures 2 ball valves - 2500 rubles.

TOTAL: 8,900 rubles.

Cost of replacement of pipes, 5 devices Price - 8500 rubles.

If your apartment is 5 devices for connecting, as in the scheme, the cost of the work will be 8500 rubles.

Cost of material: Polypropylene pipes, couplings, adapters, fastenings of 2 ball valves - 3000 rubles.

TOTAL: 11,500 rubles.

Replacing pipes in the bathroom and toilet on polypropylene prices:

Replace pipes in the apartment (bath, toilet and in the kitchen) on polypropylene fixed price. The cost depends on the number of connected plumbing devices in your apartment. Prices for the replacement of pipes are shown without taking into account the walls of the walls when sequential scheme Connections.

One plumbing device is such a toilet,
If in your case, when replacing pipes, you need to connect: toilet, bath and sink - then it is 3 connections.

Purchase and delivery of materials is free.

Material Customer can purchase independently.

Installing water meters - free.

Water meters are not included in the cost of materials.

We use only high-quality polypropylene tubes.
Replacing older water pipes In the apartment on modern polypropylene.

Fastening on the walls is made with the help of special holders - latches that fix both pipes (hot and cold) nearby. Fasteners must be carried out every 50 cm in order to avoid pipe deflection under its own weight.

Also when installing polypropylene pipes It is necessary to take into account the fairly large thermal expansion of plastic, so when closeing in the walls, it is recommended to use the system "pipe-in-pipe" or " pipe-in \u200b\u200bplastic Sleeve "so that there is a small gap, allowing the pipe to expand in the wall under the influence of temperature differences.

Pipes are made of polymeric materials, they are not subject to any types of corrosion,
neither the electrical nor chemical, accordingly they do not overcome from the inside of sediments, do not conduct wandering currents.

Polypropylene pipes have a long service life of about 50 years. Low thermal conductivity of pipe material makes it possible not to apply thermal insulation. For connecting to metallic communications apply plastic fittings With mounted thread. There are also plastic cranes (inside the metal, outside plastic).

The peculiarity of modern plastic pipes is low thermal conductivity and low weight, therefore mount and repair them is much easier than steel. On the gasket of the pipeline from plastic requires only the required minimum time. In electromechanical reactions, polymers do not enter, corrosion are not subjected. But even durable and eco-friendly plastic pipes can be damaged, different reasons Froying, so you have to repair them from time to time.

Sometimes damage requires a replacement of a piece of plastic pipe. The specialist will easily cope with the work, but you can do it yourself, if you cook required tools, Materials and clearly follow the instructions.

To replace plastic pipe, you will need:

Pair of plastic couplings for connecting pipes;
. cut pipe of a certain size;
. scissors for working with plastic;
. Crypt for sweeping pipes from foil;
. construction meter;
. Iron for soldering;
. Dry rag, soft fabric.

Operating procedure

Work can be started only after checking the pipes for the absence of water in them. Next, it is necessary to clearly define the pipe to be replaced and to measure it with a tape measure, and then:

Pencil celebrate the borders, given the "scare" about three centimeters from above and below;

Measure the tape measure on the harvested segment necessary size and make the corresponding marks;

Cut with special scissors a new section of the pipe, which will serve as a replacement of an unsuitable part of the main pipe;

The plot marked on the pipe requiring replacement, remove with scissors;

To handle the ends of the main pipe, consider the foil from them, and the length of the prepared surface must certainly be ½ the length of the plastic coupling;

Dry with the winds of the pipe and the prepared segment (the soldering can only be carried out on perfectly dry surfaces);

For soldering, insert into the hole of the iron upper end of the main pipe, and on the reverse side of the iron, lay the coupling;

Scroll through the iron with a little effort until the plastic starts to melt (it is important not to overtake the iron so that the parts are not spoiled due to deformation);

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