Balancing valves - DHW protection against legionelle breeding. Reverse valves for DHW systems Why need a three-way valve for DHW

Decor elements 15.06.2019
Decor elements

Reverse valve design:

Check valve - Type designed to prevent the reverse stream formation. The check valves skip the flow of the working medium in one direction and prevent its movement in the opposite, acting automatically and being a direct valves.

With the help of check valves, various equipment, pipelines, pumps and pressure vessels are protected, and it is also possible to significantly limit the flow of the working medium from the system when the site is destroyed.

Depending on the design and principle of operation shut-off organ, check valves can be divided into: lifting, ball, folding and axial, as well as swivel check valves.

The simplest on design and manufacturing technology - lifting valves. The shut-off body in them serves as a spool, which moves returnable in the direction of the flow of the working medium. In the absence of a stream of medium through the reinforcement, the spool in the reverse valve under the action of its own weight or spring is in the "closed" position, that is, the locking body is in the hull seat. When the flow occurs, the spool under the action of its energy opens the passage through the saddle. If the flow changes its direction, the spool returns to the closed position and additionally pressed the pressure of the medium itself.

Lifting valves are installed only on horizontal areas of pipelines. Required conditionvertical location valve axes. The main advantage of the reverse lifting valve is the ability to repair without dismantling the entire valve. Disadvantage - high sensitivity to environmental pollution.

IN ball check valves The shut-off authority is the ball element, and the pressure element - the spring. Ball check valves are usually used on small diameters of pipelines, mainly in the plumbing.

The most compact design among the check valves - axial and duplex Clap valves. The spring disk valve, the shutter is a disc with a clamping element - spring. In the working condition, the disc under pressure is pressed by providing free duct. Upon decreasing pressure, the spring presses the disk to the saddle, overlapping the flowing hole. In complex hydraulic systems, two-dimensional valves are used. In them, the shut-off disk under the action of the flow of water is folded in half. Reverse thread Returns the disk to its original state, pressing it to the saddle. The range of sizes is 50 mm - 700 mm, even more than spring disc valves.

The main advantages of the interflant disk check valves are smaller sizes and low weight. In their designs there are no flanges for fastening to the pipeline. Due to this, the weight is reduced 5 times, and total length 6-8 times compared with standard check valves This pass diameter. Advantages: Easy installation, operation, the ability to install in addition to horizontal pipelines, also on inclined and vertical. The disadvantage is a complete disassembly when repairing the valve.

Rotary check valves, or reverse shutters are used for very large diameters of pipelines. In this design, the shut-off element is the spool - "Zaklopka". The axis of turning "Zaklopki" is above the passing hole. Under the action of the head "Zaklopkka" leans and does not interfere with the passage of water. With a decrease in the pressure below the allowable spool drops and slams the passage channel. When the diameter of the pipeline is more than 400 mm, swivel check valves are supplied with special devices that make the planting of zaklopki on the saddle more smooth and soft. As such devices, hydraulic dampers and cargo, installed on the Zablopku directly, or with a lever are used. A significant minus of unstressed structures is the impossibility of installing them on any sections of the pipeline, except horizontal. In general, the inverse shutters have several advantages over check valves, among which less sensitivity to polluted media.

S. Daneko

For central hot water supply systems around the world, the issue of protection from Legionell is relevant. In particular, this concerns branched GVS systems apartment houses. The use of special balancing valves helps not only reduce the risk of reproduction of bacteria, but also to significantly save water

When the congestion zones are formed in the DHW systems, at a certain temperature, dangerous for them are actively multiplier human organism Bacteria - Legionella Pneumophila. They are the pathogens of Legionellase - diseases similar in symptoms with pneumonia, which makes it difficult to form an accurate diagnosis.

For the first time, the disease was diagnosed in the United States after the incident, which happened in 1976 during the congress of the participants of the American Legion - an organization, uniting veterans of various military conflicts (from here and the name of the disease - "Legionellez"). Among the delegates who lived in one of the hotels in Philadelphia, an outbreak of a previously unknown disease occurred, which for a month passed the life of 34 out of 220 yasers.

Since then, in many civilized countries of the world, hundreds of cases of disease, including death, are registered annually. The sources of reproduction of bacteria are caused by the optimal temperature for their lively temperature - 20-50 ° C (Fig. 1). These are air conditioning and ventilation systems, DHW, low-temperature heating.

Fig. 1. Influence temperature mode on the life of Legionelle

Legionella falls into internal network engineering of natural sources - fresh reservoirs and soils. The most suitable medium for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria - biocolone, forming on the walls of pipelines (therefore less predisposed to this plastic pipes With a smooth inner surface) and other elements of systems. The risk of formation of such substances is especially large in plumbing networks with long and branched pipelines, where it is stagnant due to unbalance during the absence of water parsing.

To combat Legionella, such methods are used as water disinfection chlorine or ozone. However, in the case of the DHW, the most acceptable and effective is the thermal impact. It consists in maintaining a high water temperature in the system pipelines with preventing stagnation, as well as short-term heating of water to critical for the survival of the bacteria of values.


For GVS systems of apartment buildings, the following situation is characteristic - when the water isolating, hot water goes through the venom closest from the heat source. At the same time, the connect points located above, less heated water flows, cooled during the period of lack of water analysis (for example, at night). Thus, the consumer is forced to merge this water until the flow rains with the temperature you need. And the longer pipelines, the more water merges into the sewer. As a result, large losses in the water supply system. In addition, the last consumer on the line may not wait hot water with regulatory parameters.

This is especially true for buildings commissioned in the 70s and 1980s of the last century, in which there is no circulation line, or the circulation system does not function by virtue of physical wear.

However, in homes with the current circulation line, the required water temperature is not always achieved immediately after the opening of the water treatment unit. After all, until recently, the circulating lines (T4 in Fig. 2) were equipped only on the principle of changing the hydraulic resistance of different diameters of pipelines, that is, the diameter of the circulation pipe was changed, depending on the remoteness from the water heating source and was less than the diameter of the supply pipeline of the DHW system (T3) . At the same time, the temperature in the circulation line was not monitored and was not taken into account, which also led to electricity overruns to work circulating pumps.

In order to avoid such situations in new buildings for several years, special balancing valves have been established on circulating lines. You can also use them during reconstruction existing systems DHW.

These valves are distinguished by the fact that in addition to the specified flow rate through the circulation line, using the so-called thermal drive, one can set the necessary water temperature in the circulation line, for example, in the range from 40 to 65 ° C. If the temperature drops, the valve opens and passes water for heating. In this case, there is no constant need for hot water circulation. It appears only when the water analysis is missing in the system. The calculated value of the water temperature in the circulation line is, as a rule, not more than 5-10 ° C on the temperature of the water in the GVS system. Influence at this indicator Have:

  • diameters and length of pipelines;
  • air temperature in places where pipelines are located;
  • efficiency and condition of thermal insulation.

Balancing valve allows you to adjust water consumption through the circulation line. Use with it The thermal drive makes it possible to regulate the temperature of the water: when it is reduced in the circulation line, the valve will be opened until the temperature reaches the specified value. After that, the thermal drive overlaps the duct and turns off the circulation pump.

Thus, due to the use of balancing valves with thermal drives, a constant temperature is maintained in the DHW system. This reduces the irrational water costs, and also reduces the risk of developing bacteria.

In fig. 2 shows the place to achieve the greatest efficiency of the balancing valves in the DHW system, i.e. They should be located after the last water treatment point. There are modifications of balancing valves with thermal actuators for systems, which provide for thermal disinfection of water.

Fig. 2. Scheme of the circulation system of DHW with balancing valves

Thermal disinfection

For the complete destruction of Legionelle in the GWS systems, a short-term heating of the water boiler in the system is used to critical temperatures for vital activity - for example, above 60 ° C for half an hour. As a rule, this is done at night in the absence of water analysis.

Thermal actuator (Fig. 3) of balancing valves intended for systems with thermal disinfection is valid according to the following principle. With increasing temperature above 62 ° C, the drive is not closed, and, reaching the limit, the opposite opens.

Fig. 3. Thermal drive

Constructively and technically it acts rather original. Inserting a row with a certain set of washers with a large increase in temperature fails further the limit of the flow of the flow. The process occurs due to mechanical expansion. But if the temperature rises above 72 ° C, the valve will close again (Fig. 4) in order to avoid thermal burns of consumers.

Fig. 4. Adjusting the characteristics of the balancing valve with the function of thermal disinfection

The thermal disinfection feature is supported by many modern controllers, such as SMILE (Honeywell). When implementing this process, it is important that the high temperature required is achieved in all points of the system. Therefore, the pump should be included in high circulation mode, and automatic balancing valves provide the desired hydraulic balance.

In private construction and apartments with electric boiler You can carry out disinfection manually. Periodically (once a month) to the limit to warm up the boiler and drive water through the system. This is especially recommended to exercise before seasonal use of the boiler (with summer shutdowns of centralized hot water supply).

Examples of devices

Installation of balancing valves on the recycling lines of the GWS systems is practiced in Ukraine relatively recently - about 3-4 years. Now in the new buildings with an extensive system of DHW, it is necessary to establish their installation. After all, without hydraulic balancing, for example, for a multi-storey house with 6-10 entrances and with several risers in each, it is almost impossible to hydraulically "link" the circulation lines of the first and last entrances.

It is important to know that the use of balancing valves intended only for heating systems is unacceptable in GVS systems. After all, despite the similarity of the tasks being solved, there are a number of features. For example, valves for Circulation systems of the DHW are performed from corrosion-resistant materials and satisfying relevant hygienic requirements.

Balancing valves are presented in the Ukrainian market for Danfoss manufacturing systems (Denmark), Honeywell (Germany), OVENTROP (Germany) and others.

For example, balancing valves for ALWA-KOMBI-4 GVS (Honeywell) (Fig. 5) are made of red bronze corrosion of the RG5 brand. Hydraulic balancing is carried out by manual installation Water consumption through the valve, according to the calculations on the required pressure drop for each contour. To automatically regulate the temperature of the water, the valve is equipped with thermal drive. In the usual version with its help, the required water temperature is maintained in the range of 40-65 ° C (insert with a black cap), a thermal actuator with a thermal disinfection support feature is provided in a special design (comes with an orange cap). Returning Alwa-Kombi-4 Thermal Drive can be made at any time, including after installing on the system. Valves are resistant to high temperatures (up to 130 ° C) and pressure (up to 16 bar). Diameters - from 15 to 40 mm.

Fig. 5. Balancing valve for the GWS system (Alwa-Kombi-4)

There are also automatic mixing valves that provide a constant temperature of the water after mixing. They are installed both on separate points of water treatment (washbasin, shower, etc.) and their small groups, for example, in children's preschool institutions or schools.

Protection against countercurrent

For the protection of water supply systems from contamination and pathogenic bacteria in bringing or penetration by countercurrent in the EU countries, special cutting devices are used (BACKFLOW PREVENTER, ANG. - "A counterflow prevention device").

According to European standards EN 1717, they must be mounted on each water supply installation - on entering the building, as well as on the distribution lines - right up to the apartment. The purpose of their application is to prevent contaminated water to the central water supply system.

Devices have three chambers (Fig. 6), which overlap in the event of a sharp decrease in input pressure or increase the back pressure from the consumer. In this case, the contaminated water is cut off and drained into the sewer. Thus, unwanted impurities do not fall into the internal and external network of water supply system.

Fig. 6. Anti-counter prevention device (BA-295, Honeywell)

There are various modifications of cutting valves, depending on the category of buildings. However, in Ukraine, they have not yet received mass distribution due to the lack of domestic standards for their compulsory use.

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For many novice plumbers, there are many sacraments and riddles. In this article I will try to explain how to work with the servo drive of three different models. We will look at the logic of the work and the electrical connection scheme.

Option 1: Price from 6300 to 9200 rubles. There may be options for articles.

Option 2: Price about 2500-5000 rubles, if you try to find it on a Chinese site and order from China.

Option 3. Dear option, but there are a lot of options. The price may be about 15-20 thousand rubles.

Connection diagram of a three-way valve with servo drive for DHW

The valve can be installed both on the feed line (feed) and on the reverse line of the pipeline (reverse).

Many will ask the question: - And where better? On the feed or on the return?

According to the functional, the DHW is not fundamentally. But there are some nuances, why you need to put on the feed or on the return.

Nuances between feeding and reverse:

Anyone Does you know why you need to put a hydroaccumulator on the reverse line of the pump? Or believes that it can be put anywhere? Do you know why the pump is put on the feed or on the return? Answer: All because from where these elements are changing the pressure distribution at different points of the pipeline. And in some cases, again, it becomes convenient to pour and merge the heat carrier in the heating system. Also helps to avoid vesting and much more.

And why In the manual of boiler equipment recommend keeping the pressure of at least 1.5 bar? Because in the heat exchanger of the boiler you can not reduce the pressure! Reduced pressure leads to cavitation of the coolant in the heat exchanger. Also leads to early boiling of the coolant. And this all leads not only to lower the power of the boiler, but also the deposition of the scale in the heat exchangers, which leads to the deposition of scale and heat exchanger. Which in turn will lead to a small duration of the boiler equipment.

And you thinkIf a pressure gauge shows 1.5 bar, this means that the pressure is less than 1.5 BAR cannot be present in the system at the same height where the pressure gauge? Answer: This may be more often this happens at the owners who are independently invent, where the pump and the hydroaccumulator will stand. And do not understand how the pressure will be distributed after that.

Also, how the hydroaccumulator affects the pressure distribution:\u003d2&t\u003d93

Why do you need a three-way valve for DHW?

The main task of the three-way valve for DHS is to redirect the movement of the coolant from the heating system towards the boiler of indirect heating (other heat exchanger) and back automatically.

As soon as the team came to heat the boiler of indirect heating, then you need to redirect the coolant towards the Zmeevik BKN. The heating signal is generated by a special relay, which is located at BKN (the boiler of indirect heating). That is, BKN has a built-in electric thermo relay, which gives the switch to the switch.

What does a three-way valve for DHW look like?

Electrical diagram of valve operation for AMONA GVS boiler?

Electrical circuit with boiler and boiler

Servo Drive has three contacts one common. If you give a voltage of 220 volts to two contacts (direction 1 + total) will be one position. To another position, you need to give a voltage of 220 volts to another contact (direction 2 + total). Phase and zero network 220 volts are not fundamentally.

Option 3. Most complex optionwhich requires more detailed study. It has a variety of functionality of work.

If you have a more productive heating system + DHW with big expenses. That use valves of option 1 and 2 does not have the ability, as they have a small bandwidth!

This device consists of two parts:

1. Rotary mixing valve (diameter to choose from)

Servo ESBE

Servo model: ESBE ARA641 by 220 volts. 30 seconds. Article number 12101100.

Drive characteristics:

1. Rotate 90 degrees. There is a deduction adjustment setting. You can make a little more or slightly shifted aside.

2. 3 Speakers. That is, 3 contacts 220 volts for control: Terminal 1, terminal 2 and a common terminal.

3. The time for which the drive turns 90 degrees depends on the model. Model ARA641 30 sec.

4. Cable wires 1.5 meters.

5. Torque force: 6 nm.

Electric servo diagram: ESBE ARA641

This device has three conductor: blue, brown and black.

Blue - Common guide, usually closed zero

Brown and black These are conductors of position 1 and 2.

When a 220 volt voltage is on blue and the black drive turns into one direction 90 degrees.

When the voltage is 220 volts on the blue and brown drive turns to the other side by 90 degrees.

Such servos have a button to turn off the direction of movement. That is, you can use the valve to the desired position during repair or test.

Pay attention, the more topics you may need torque.

In the eSBE catalog You can pick up other valves and servo drives!

For example,

1. Select not three-point (tripkontact) control, and two-point control. That is, one contact is constant voltage, and on the second contact you simply give or select the voltage.

2. The angle of rotation can be more than 90 degrees. For example, 180 degrees.

3. Closing time is not 30 seconds, but much more. For example, you may need a smooth transition to 1200 seconds.

4. Take a drive with another torque power.

5. Drive by 24 or 220 volts.

6. You can choose not only to switch, but also to get the desired temperature Mixing.

Download the ESBE catalog For selection of valve and servo: esbekatal.pdf

If someone has a two-point signal from an indirect heating boiler or from some thermostat that has only two-point contact, then an electromagnetic switching relay can be used.

This model must be sought in specialized electricians and electronics stores.

Model: ABB CR-P230AC2. 220 volts are fed to contact 1 and 2. The load of switching contacts by 8 amps does not exceed. 8 A x 220 volts \u003d 1700 watts. It will endure equipment up to 1700 W. Not applicable to pumps and incandescent lamps as the first start requires high currents.

In order to connect it to the Wires, a special jack is used:

ABB CR-PLSX (logical) for the CR-P relay

The following should happen:

That's all right. Specify questions! Did you all understand? Maybe something is missing?

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The three-way mixing valve is designed to mix the two streams (cold and hot) into one outgoing with a given temperature. These valves are especially in demand in household systems Hot water supply to protect consumers from scalding. They can also provide hot water supply directly from flow or accumulative water heaters or used on preliminary stage mixing. No less often used to maintain a stable feed temperature in warm floors.

Principle of operation.

Internal adjustment of the valves is carried out automatically due to the presence of a heat-sensitive element, which contacts the mixed stream and is compressed or expanding depending on the temperature deviation of the mixture from the specified output value, thereby increasing, or reducing the inlets of hot or cold water.

How is the protection against burns?

Most of the thermostatic valves present now in the market have a temperature protection device - "Sparking protection". In the case of an unexpected cessation of cold water supply to the valve, hot water is automatically overlapping, thereby eliminating the possibility of hot water without prior submersing to the consumer.

Direction of flows.

There are two flow patterns in the thermostatic valve - symmetric and asymmetric. The choice of a specific scheme depends on the type of installation and convenience of installation in a particular heating system or DHW. Consider each of them.

Gv - hot water;

Kh - cold water;

St. - Mixed water.

Symmetric T-shaped flow direction

Cold and hot water supply is made with opposing sideMixing occurs in the middle. This scheme is very common in Europe, which is associated with the compactness of the valves.

Asymmetric L - shaped flow direction pattern

The supply of hot water is carried out on the side, cold-bottom. He received its distribution due to the versatility and simplicity of the resulting mixing unit.

Examples external view Thermostatic valves with symmetric and asymmetric flow direction scheme:

Watts Aquamix (Germany)

Danfoss TVM-H (Denmark)

It is about thermostatic valves with an asymmetric flow layout further and will be discussed.

Scope of thermostatic mixing three-way valves.

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