Useful homemade plastic pipes. Crafts from plastic pipes with your own hands - drawings Crafts from pvc pipes with your own hands

Encyclopedia of Plants 26.06.2020
Encyclopedia of Plants

Furniture, greenhouses, transport and even decorations - plastic and aluminum pipes can be used to make useful and beautiful items for any country house! Even the pieces remaining after the installation of engineering systems will come in handy. Do not rush to throw them away - in our selection we offer a lot of ideas on how to give them a second life.

PVC pipes are a readily available material. They have many other advantages: white color (most often, you don’t even need to repaint them), ease of use and the availability of products of various sizes, diameters and shapes. So if you wish, you can find material for the implementation of the most daring ideas. What else is useful to you in your work - fittings, a hacksaw, a tape measure, glue, sandpaper will not be superfluous - to smooth the cut edges.

So let's get started!

Let there be light!

Candlesticks are perhaps exactly the piece of furniture with which you can start your experiments. Just take the pieces of pipes you like, fix them on the stand and you're done! You can choose any style - from deliberately rough, for summer cottages, to high-tech or even sophisticated.

Products are more complicated - real pipe lamps. Look what a variety! Anyone can make an author's lamp: you can make cuts in the pipe, cut out an openwork pattern, or simply connect several pipes in a fancy composition.

Israeli designer David Benatan for his collection of such lamps - KozoLamp - uses not only pipes, but also tap valves, with which the light turns on and off. By the way, the products are quite expensive - the "cheapest" of the lamps will cost $ 200.

For home

There are always a lot of things in the hallway that are difficult to neatly place on the existing shelves. Look - a whole wardrobe will fit on such a ceiling beam!

Yes, and you can save on the usual one - for sure, such a product from pipes will come out cheaper than bought in a store.

Yes, and shoes will look much neater in such simple shelves.

Folding chairs, easy to manufacture, will always come in handy in a city apartment - for guests, and in the country: you can put it anywhere in the yard or in the garden, they are not afraid of weather conditions and dirt.

You can design a variety of tables, chairs, benches - and it’s interesting for yourself, and guests will probably ask how much this “designer” product costs.

Many people love to make furniture. But you must admit that it is one thing to work with wood, another thing is to assemble a product from pipes according to the type of designer. You can quickly make a budget bed or come up with something more complicated.

And you can also make compact shelves or a cabinet for storing alcoholic beverages - and it's easy to assemble and looks original.

Do you want a bookcase - please!

Cut PVC pipes into thin rings and stick them on the wall, it will be very beautiful!

With the help of pipes, you can divide the space by making partitions in the form of an openwork wall or shelves.

For plot

Country life always involves a lot of tools and equipment, which should always be at hand. Both small items and shovels can be stored using PVC pipe scraps.

With their help, you can even make a carport.

Bicycle rack (and in a large family there are always a lot of them).

Or the transport itself - a bicycle, a car for children and even a velomobile.

Yes, and a wheelbarrow in the country will not be superfluous - to transport building materials or harvest from the country. It is enough just to attach suitable wheels to the pipe structure - depending on the purpose of this device.

Useful in a suburban area and a dryer for towels and linen made of PVC pipes.

And the site itself can be fenced off.

... Or make an interesting gate out of scraps. This is exactly what Seattle landscape designer Scot Ackley designed for one of his clients. Due to the fact that the gate is transparent, the shady corner of the site has become lighter.

To make a gate, you must first make a wooden frame and nail it to a sheet of plywood. Then cut rings from plastic pipes of different diameters (the designer got about 200 of them). Fill the frame with rings, finding the best position for each to create a tight pattern with no gaps. Secure the rings with clips. Cover the resulting layout with spray paint. And then you can fasten the rings with liquid nails and leave the composition right in the wooden frame, using it as a frame for the gate. A more durable product will be obtained if all these operations are done with aluminum pipes. But then you will need to solder them to each other and use them without a wooden frame.

For plants

A minimum of effort - and nice pots for plants will turn out from the pipes.

Or a whole system for growing vegetables, flowers and other plants using the hydroponic method.

In the spring, a rare cottage does without greenhouses and greenhouses. Collecting them from polypropylene pipes (they will need to be bent) and connecting elements is an inexpensive and easy way to get early vegetables and herbs. By the way, such shelters are also easily dismantled when they are no longer needed.

In addition to pipes, you will need a 6 mm film roll, fittings and several planks treated with an antiseptic, plastic ties (clamps), metal hinges, door hinges and handles (for the greenhouse door), nails, screws.

Well, actually, how to make such a greenhouse, you can see in this video.

For kids

Children in the country are a separate issue, and we have already told you more than once how to organize them, so that they benefit from it, and you do not interfere with housekeeping. We propose to implement a few more ideas with the help of pipes. For example, to make such children's chairs, which will accommodate both their own and neighboring children, moreover, of different ages.

For kids, you can organize an arena by enclosing a place to play with PVC pipes.

A swing, a house, an outdoor shower, a football goal - all this is easy to assemble, install where you need (or move from place to place so that the children are always in sight), and there will be no limit to the joy of children!

As you can see, anything can be made from water pipes - there would be fantasy and desire. And in conclusion - one more idea. Try your hand at making original jewelry for ladies! Of course, these amazing bracelets are also made of PVC pipe, with a diameter of about 8 cm.

To make an “antique” bracelet, sand a piece of pipe, apply wall putty mixed with glue, and give the surface the desired texture. When the coating hardens, paint the product with black paint and sprinkle with a golden aerosol, rub it lightly "antique". Then glue a decoration, for example, a large themed button, cutting off an eyelet from it, or a brooch.

In the event that there is a rich imagination, as well as a set of certain skills, then a beautiful thing can be made from almost any object. Very often people make crafts from polypropylene pipes. The fact is that such material is produced in different diameters and is sold in almost any hardware store at quite affordable prices. You can use them not only as a construction of water supply and sewerage, but also for the manufacture of various crafts.

Advantages of plastic pipes

Those who do not have imagination will surely ask about what can be made from plastic pipes. And the answer will be quite extensive, because the material is suitable for assembling hundreds of different things.

It should be noted right away that this is not about the direct purpose of the pipe product, but about the convenience that allows you to give the pipe various shapes. Plastic structures are quite light weight They are very strong and durable. They are easy to clean, and besides, the pipes do not collect dust at all. The positive point is also that these products are not afraid of water.

All pipe crafts are safe for absolutely all family members, including small children. They cannot be cut, they are light and do not emit any toxins harmful to the human body.

Usually, PVC pipes are used for creative work, which can be easily connected using special adapter nozzles. Thanks to this, it is really possible to get quite peculiar and different designs. You can also use polypropylene pipes, but for the manufacture of such crafts, you must purchase an additional welding machine, with which you need to connect the pipes. But the disadvantage is that after assembly, it will be quite difficult to disassemble them. In addition, the material will deteriorate after disassembly.

Connection of structures

Plastic is notable for the fact that not only various household appliances are made from it, but also pieces of furniture from plastic pipes. In order for the structure to serve for many years, you need to learn about the methods for correctly connecting individual segments. The connection option for polypropylene pipes was indicated above, and therefore only PVC pipes should be considered.

Connection methods:

  1. In the socket with the use of rubber seals.
  2. With glue.
  3. Using bolts and drilling holes.

The first way is the easiest, but it does not give a strong enough connection. Before assembling the structure, it is necessary to completely clean the outer and inner surfaces of the pipes that will be connected. All dust must be removed, and then treated with a special silicone grease. The pipe must be inserted into the socket until it stops, and then very carefully pulled back by about 1 cm. If this connection method is used, the pipes can subsequently be disconnected if it becomes necessary to change one of the parts.

The second option provides a more secure fit. but it will take more time. First you need to process the mating surfaces with sandpaper to achieve good adhesion. After that, methylene chloride must be applied to degrease the pipes.

The adhesive composition must be applied along the entire length of the required area. After processing, the pipe can be inserted into the socket until it stops, and then rotated a quarter of a turn. In order for a good bonding process to occur, the parts should be pressed very firmly and wait one minute. It is worth noting that all operations with glue must be done very quickly, since it dries quickly.

The last method is the longest and most time-consuming, since you will first have to make markings, and then prepare the surface before proceeding with the assembly process.

If there is a need to combine the corner joint, as well as to connect several segments at once into one knot, it is best to use different fittings. A pipe structure can be obtained of absolutely any complexity and if you use fittings and tees.

Original little things for decorating

Absolutely any design can be made by anyone, even if he has never done needlework before. The good news is that for the manufacture of crafts it is necessary to use a minimum of materials, and in some cases only the shortest lengths are used.

From scraps with a large diameter, it is very convenient to build various organizers that can be placed in a garage or office. Pens, scissors, rulers or knives are laid inside.

There are several options for execution:

  1. The workpiece can be attached to the wall with a self-tapping screw, for which one end of the segment must be cut at a certain angle.
  2. If all the details of the homemade product are glued together, you will get a fairly stable figure that can be moved to any place.

Homemade can be left in the original color, or use additional staining. Such an organizer can become an indispensable thing for schoolchildren or those people who often do needlework or various types of creativity. With such a device, you will always have the necessary tool at hand, and on the table - the perfect order.

And also the comfort on the desktop can be conveyed with the help of a drawing tablet and a laptop stand. All this is also easily made from PVC, which have a small diameter. It is only necessary to remember what shape the school book stand had, and then, with the help of pipes and connecting parts, give the same shape to the product.

Every home has bookshelves that make for a lot of printed material. Usually such devices have fairly standard forms. But if you turn on your imagination, then you can create very original high-tech book racks from pipes.

There is always a mirror in the apartment. With the help of short lengths of pipes, it will be possible to make a very beautiful pattern that will decorate any mirror or photograph. The existing number of rings must be glued in advance according to the prepared layout, which is applied to the cardboard sheet. You can create a floral pattern or some kind of abstract shape. The dimensions of the frame will only be limited by the amount of materials that can be used..

If the house has a PVC pipe with a large diameter, then it is ideal for building a shelf in which you can put shoes. The shelf will have a large number of cells that are stacked on top of each other in any shape.

This design will not take up much space in the corridor, and it can store various pairs of shoes that are available in the house. The nice thing is that such a shelf can be built right up to the ceiling. For manufacturing, it is necessary to use self-tapping screws or ordinary glue. To fix the structure on the wall, you can use a plywood sheet to which the parts will be glued. And the plywood itself can be easily attached to the wall with a few self-tapping screws.

And you can always build a simple hanger from polypropylene pipes with your own hands. To do this, you just need to connect three pieces of PVC.

Vases and pots

When there are a large number of indoor plants in the house, PVC pipes with a large diameter can be adapted for pots. On the one hand, it is only necessary to close up one hole with plywood, and then drill holes in it for the drainage system. After that, soil will be poured into this structure and a plant will be planted. It will be interesting to look at the design, which is not easy to stand on the floor in separate pots, but connects and forms a certain abstract pattern.

From elongated cylinders that have an average diameter, you can make a very beautiful vase in which beautiful artificial dried fruits or flowers are placed. If you creatively approach the process, you can make a beautiful gift for your loved one for any occasion. Such a vase will look very nice if you stick an old photo on top.

Crafts for giving

On the summer cottage you can not only work, but also relax. But for this it is necessary to create the necessary conditions.

Homemade for giving:

crafts for kids

Quite often, grandparents bring their grandchildren to their summer cottage. But they are not interested in digging the ground, and therefore they will have to entertain fidgets.

Adaptations for children:

  1. If children come to the dacha in the summer, then you can entertain them and make football goals out of PVC pipes. It will be a great option to spend time with the whole family playing football. With the help of tubes, the necessary shape is made, and then any segment of the grid that is available in the summer cottage is fixed to it. If not, you can buy it at a hardware store. You will also need clamps that will hold the net on the gate. Plastic clamps are ideal for this.
  2. A very interesting device is a bow made of a plastic pipe. There are types of tubes that bend very easily. It can be used. The main part of the bow is made of flexible plastic. It needs to be bent a little, preheated, and then pulled on the rope, which will serve as a bowstring. You can bend the pipe with a building hair dryer or using an open flame. As an arrow, you can use a regular shelf, or a tighter pipe that has a smaller diameter.

Summing up all of the above, we can conclude that PVC is a fairly versatile tool that can be adapted not only for its intended purpose, but also to make very original things for the home or summer cottage. The question of what can be made from polypropylene pipes will disappear after studying the options.

Plastic pipes are one of the most popular craft materials. And this is quite natural: they are publicly available, they are inexpensive, cutting and installation do not require special skills and special equipment. Do-it-yourself crafts made of plastic pipes will look especially harmonious in the country. We share a selection of fresh ideas that motivate creative experiments.

1. Water procedures

On a hot summer day, you really want to freshen up in the country, quickly and conveniently. A shower made of plastic pipes will help with this. A watering hose must be attached to the plastic structure with holes. It remains only to turn on the water and enjoy the pleasant coolness.

2. Comfortable seating

The more plastic pipes will be included in the design of a chair or deck chair, the more weight it will be able to withstand. If you need a high chair for a child, then a minimum number of pipes is enough, and the seat can be made of dense fabric. A deck chair for an adult is best made entirely of plastic.

3. Air beds

Even the most ordinary walls of a country house, made of nondescript building blocks, will transform hanging flower beds. A child can also make such crafts from plastic pipes for a summer residence. Pipes with holes, plugs covering their sides, and metal fasteners - that's all you need to make unusual flower beds.

4. Dry things quickly - it's easy

It is worth spending a little time - and you can make a compact clothes dryer out of plastic pipes. Such a product will weigh very little, so it is easy to put it in the most illuminated place on the site.

5. To make strawberries taste better than those of the neighbors

It often happens that strawberries grown in the usual way - in the garden, ripen unevenly and may even rot. Indeed, on one side of it the sun may not fall at all, since often the fruits lie on the ground or are under the leaves. A vertical bed made of a piece of large-diameter plastic pipe will help solve the problem. Strawberries, like a climbing plant, will definitely find their way out - through the holes in the plastic.

6. Plastic fence

Making an external fence separating the street from the backyard of plastic pipes is perhaps not the best idea. But to protect them with a corral for animals or another summer cottage area is a decision that will be reasonable. To make this mini-fence look like a real one, paint it with silver paint.

7. A fabulous place for friendly gatherings

It is easy to assemble an unusual gazebo from pipes, which will surely become a favorite place for summer holidays. Stretch ropes between the pipes and plant climbing plants under them, such as ivy. When he grows up, it will be pleasant to be in the gazebo even on a sunny day. To make the gazebo look more picturesque, use brown pipes.

8. Efficient irrigation system

Watering a lawn or other large area in the country is not the most exciting activity. An irrigation system for summer cottages made of plastic pipes will help to get rid of it. Simply lead a water hose to several connected segments and turn on the water. If you make the holes small, you get a drip irrigation system.

9. Simple and mobile greenhouse

Thin pipes become the main material for the manufacture of greenhouses. The main advantage of such crafts for giving from plastic pipes is its mobility. At the end of the summer season, the greenhouse is easy to disassemble, and the next - to mount it again in any chosen place.

10. Terrace railing

A small plastic fence for the terrace will show that during this period of time the owners of the cottage are not waiting for guests. In addition, ordinary fencing can be made from segments of plastic pipes. To make it look more spectacular, paint the plastic in a bright color.

11. Flowerbed vertically

Growing seedlings is a rather troublesome business. A flowerbed made of plastic pipes will help to make this process more organized and convenient. If you spend a little more time, then you can bring water to it, and then the process of watering the seedlings will become automated. It is enough to make holes in the bottom of the containers in which the plants are planted.

12. Funny swing

Plastic pipes, in which the ropes holding the swing are threaded, will become convenient handrails. The scheme for manufacturing such a swing is quite simple. Eight pieces of pipe with holes, a rope and a board - that's all you need to make them.

13. For outdoor enthusiasts

Active recreation, in which all family members participate, is a great way to spend time in the country. Both adults and children will be fascinated by playing football. Finding the ball will not be difficult, it's just outside the gate. They can be assembled from plastic pipes. You will also need a segment of any grid.

14. Kids in a "cage"

Most children are crazy about being in the country and playing outdoors. But the backyard is also a source of many potential hazards. And for parents busy caring for plants, it can be difficult to keep track of children. A fence made of plastic pipes covered with a mesh will help. Small children will not be able to go outside the area intended for play.

15. To make flowers visible

Decorating a terrace or veranda with flowering plants is a great idea. But carrying out a lot of pots and placing them in different places can be a tedious task. A flower stand made of plastic pipes will help solve the problem. It weighs very little, so rearranging it if necessary is very easy.

16. Concise flower pots

Identical flower pots will make the interior of a country house more stylish and cozy. If you don’t want to spend extra money, then they can be made from equal segments of a plastic pipe. As the bottom of the flower pots are plugs for PVC pipes. They just need to be put on one of the edges.

17. To feel like a knight

Depending on the type, some pipes are fairly easy to bend. This is possible if the product is small in diameter and made of flexible plastic. If bending the pipe fails, it can be slightly heated. For example, with a building hair dryer or over an open flame.

The summer cottage is an ideal place for various creative experiments. Continuing the theme -

It's no secret that after the repair work is completed, the remaining materials end up in the house. Thrifty owners are in no hurry to get rid of these things. It turns out that many crafts can be made from them.

Pieces of pipes and extra fittings are no exception. Crafts made of polypropylene allow you to realize any fantasies and make useful things for household use with your own hands.

We suggest you read the article.

DIY polypropylene chair

DIY crafts in the form of chairs made of polypropylene pipes are easy to install, for this you need to prepare:

  • medium-sized trimmings and fittings suitable for them;
  • plywood and, if desired, foam rubber can be added;
  • upholstery fabric;
  • hacksaw, stapler and screws.

The sequence of actions when creating a chair with your own hands:

  1. Legs are constructed from pipes and fittings using a soldering iron.
  2. A square or rectangle of the required size is cut out of plywood, it is covered with foam rubber and upholstery fabric. The fabric must be prepared in such a size that it can be fixed on the back with staples.
  3. The seat is fixed on the legs with self-tapping screws.
  4. The back is made in the same way.

Video: making a chair with your own hands

How can you use the remains of polypropylene pipe materials in the garden

Crafts in the form of multi-tiered beds

Do-it-yourself crafts from polypropylene pipes turn out to be necessary and practical. This also happens when there is little space on the site. From such pipe-rolling products it is possible to build beds consisting of many tiers.

The arrangement of the beds is not very difficult. Large-diameter pipe products are prepared for them. They are laid on the ground, where the upper part is cut off. This is done along the entire length of the product. And from below, holes are drilled at equal distances.

The blanks-beds are attached to the installed frame, a drainage layer and earth are poured into them.

These structures do not occupy a large amount of space, plantings in them do not create a shadow for each other, and they are easily disassembled and assembled.

ADVICE. Such a bed can not even be built on a balcony, and then the house will always have its own freshly picked greens.

Video: Vertical garden


These outdoor structures require good building materials, and PP blanks are perfect for this situation.

The design configuration can be any, here everyone can realize their fantasies.

Video: we make a gazebo on our own

Plastic furniture

Pipe-rolling materials have learned to apply in this area. Since polypropylene has a long service life, furniture from it comes out durable. For such.

By adding a little imagination and creativity, you can design interesting and stylish furniture crafts that will decorate any room.

Video: furniture

Shelves in the children's room

It cannot be blown away or overturned by strong winds. This dryer can be kept outdoors all the time without rusting or rotting. The convenient design gives the chance at any time to rearrange the dryer in the necessary place.

Hangers for clothes

This is the simplest product, which requires only three small cuts of polypropylene pipes. Two of them should be the same length, and the third should be 1/3 longer.

These three blanks must be strung on a strong rope, which should then be firmly tied. It turns out an isosceles triangle. A wire hook is attached to the top of the triangle.

Pipe-rolling materials made of polypropylene have proven themselves from the very best side. This was facilitated by the environmental friendliness and durability of this material. Therefore, crafts made of polypropylene pipes are in great demand.

Simple installation allows anyone with a little imagination to create a household item that will be used for a very long time.

So the summer season has begun.

It's time to think about a decent design of the site and garden, as well as think about their improvement.

To do this, you can use a variety of materials, including PVC pipes, which will be discussed now. We gain experience in this matter by looking at specific examples.

1. Hose stand

Use a small piece of plastic pipe to create a handy garden hose holder that will allow you to tuck it away from under your feet and not take up much space on your yard.

2. Tool for planting seeds

From thin plastic pipes, you can make a convenient tool for planting seeds in the ground, which will make it easy to make a hole and place the seed there without bending down, which is especially important for pensioners and people suffering from joint pain.

3. Mesh for watering

Small-diameter plastic pipes can be used to construct a drip irrigation grid that will allow you to water plants without any effort.

4. Tool stand

A simple organizer that anyone can make from small pieces of PVC pipes of medium diameter and two boards will help to put things in order in a garage or a barn.

5. Vertical beds

Plastic pipes of small diameter are perfect for creating vertical beds for growing strawberries. Such an idea, for sure, will appeal to the owners of small plots as it will significantly save space and get a rich harvest.

6. Bed with a canopy

With a few thin PVC pipes, a homemade wooden box and netting, you can build a wonderful raised bed that will give your plants the right conditions to grow and produce a high yield.

7. Planters

From PVC pipes decorated with mosaics, you will get unique flower pots that will become a spectacular decoration for a porch or terrace.

8. Bird feeders

There are many options for bird feeders and drinkers that you can build yourself from medium-diameter PVC pipes. However, it is worth noting that under the influence of ultraviolet, PVC is destroyed and becomes brittle, so such structures should not be used for more than one season.

9. Dryer

Drying clothes and towels will be much more convenient on a folding dryer, which can be built from thin plastic pipes and attached to the fence.

10. Birdhouse

A charming birdhouse made of a PVC pipe of large or medium diameter painted in a bright color will become a cozy house for birds and a wonderful decoration for a suburban area.

11. Awning

A few thin plastic pipes, metal stakes, and any dense material can make a great backyard awning that will protect you from the hot summer sun and provide a comfortable outdoor seating area.

12. Fence

From plastic pipes of the same diameter, fittings and metal pegs, you can build a not very reliable, but pretty enough fence for a summer cottage. Polyvinyl chloride, from which pipes are made, has high strength, does not rot, is resistant to corrosion, is not afraid of water, frost, is not toxic and is completely safe for humans so that such a fence will last more than one year.

13. Herb garden

Basil, lettuce, sage and other herbs can be grown in a PVC pipe structure. Such beds look very unusual and will become a real decoration of the local area, as well as save space in the garden.

14. Live canopy

From plastic pipes, you can make an original support for climbing plants, which over time will turn into a stunning living canopy that can protect you from the hot rays of the summer sun.

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