Portulak: Tips for landing and care in the open ground. Portulak: landing and care Portulak mixture terry large-flowered

Encyclopedia plants 13.06.2019
Encyclopedia plants
Portulak, landing and care - photo of an adult plant

Portulak (Lat. Portulaca) - refers to many years of plants of the same name and family. In the people, he is called Dandur. It has a fluttering stalk and fleshy leaves, flower in small yellow flowers. Refers to soil plants, and therefore - decorative varieties are often used in landscape design.

In Nature, Portulak prefers sandy soil, and well-lit plots. Distributed in the southern and central part of Russia.

What is the health portulak for health

Gardeners are especially valued by garden portulak, landing and care for which you do not require much time, and beneficial features Plants are invaluable. The plant has healing properties due to a rich chemical composition. Its leaves and stem contains:

  • protein;
  • alkaloids;
  • vitamins: C, K, E, PR;
  • micro and macroelements;
  • dopamine.

Plant seeds are rich in unsaturated fatty acids. Regular use in food Portulaka has a beneficial effect on the heart muscle, increases blood clotting. It is recommended for diabetes mellitus. IN folk medicine Dundura seeds are used for colds, kidney and gallbladder diseases. Juice and leaves are used to treat various skin diseases. Regular consumption of portulaka has an anthelmic effect effect.

Portulak is not officially attributed to the medicinal plant, and do not use traditional medicine. But folk healers use this plant for the treatment of hypertension, and regular use recommend people prone to diancephal crises.

Diєncephalic or hypothalamic crisis - sudden (periodic) short-term strengthening, or the appearance of new symptoms for the disease, or the lesion of the hypothalamus.

Food is used by stalks, leaves and seeds of culture. Of them make salads, add to hot dishes, marinate and solid. From juice and pulp plants prepare cosmetic masks and medicinal ointments.

Types and varieties of Portulak

There are 2 main types of plants: decorative and garden portulak, care is not significantly different, but their purpose is fundamentally different.

Decorative varieties

Dandur decorative (large-flowered) has large bright flowers, and thin leaves. It is grown both in open flower beds and in pots.

Portulak Cherry is a low plant, cherry blossom flowers.

Surgery Portulak

Dandur Garden is grown for eating, and as a medicinal plant. Portulatka Macoves - Stems can reach 35 cm.

Portulak paradox - edible low grade.

Portulak - landing and care, photo of garden plants

The plant is unpretentious to the soil, and undemandingly in care. Quickly grow up, covering the soil with a green carpet. It is enough to put it with 1 time, and the culture will multiply by self-sowing.

Garden Portulak - Cultivation of Seeds

IN climatic conditions Russia, Dandur can be sulking directly into the soil. But if you want it to bloom already at the beginning of the summer, it is worth choosing emergency method:

  • sowing spent at the end of February - early March;
  • the soil in containers should be easy and water permeable;
  • small seeds are mixed with crystal sand, and carved the path in the container with the soil (covering the soil does not need to be covered, it is enough to pushe in a plank);
  • earth is moisturized from the spray gun, and covered with a film;
  • capacities are placed in a warm place, carries out 1 time per day, and moisturize as needed.

Friendly shoots will appear after 12-14 days. The seedlings are moved to the windowsill, and when the second sheet appears, they carry out a dive. Sprouts are seated at a distance of 5 cm, and slightly deepen.

Choose a place to bed

When choosing a place mandatory condition is openness and illumination of the territory. Portulak prefers scarce sandy soils. If you plan it into nutritious soil, then the plants will increase growth to the damage to flowering.

Pre-hardening seedlings

It is important to know, growing Portulak - landing and care in open soil Will be successful only if you have a preliminary challenge of seedlings. For 2 weeks, the boxes are made daily to the street during the daytime (starting from 15 minutes, and bringing to 5-6 hours).

Before planing, you should make sure that the threat of frosts passed. Usually, Dandur is planted at the end of May, nordic regions - in June.

Portulak - landing in open ground

Seedlings are planted at a distance of 20 cm from each other, and watered. Vegetable portulak needs regular tape and loosening, until the plants grow up and will not cover the soil. Although culture and resistant to many ailments and pests, excess or stagnation of moisture can provoke fungal diseases.


The plant does not need feeding. If you wish, you can use mineral fertilizers 2-3 times throughout the summer, then bushes will be not only fleshy and juicy, but also give abundant color.

Seed collection Portulak

Seed boxes are formed unevenly. If you want to collect seeds for germination, or eating food is not allowed to disclose the seeds. At the end of August, when the boxes are yellow - they are cut off, and then suck in a ventilated room on paper. Seeds can be stored up to 3 years.


Not many gardeners are known unpretentious and very useful culture - Portulak, cultivation and care, photos of varieties, and the amazing properties of which are described in our material. Planting does not take much time, and its regular use in food will help strengthen the health of the whole family.

Portulak Largender (Portulaca Grandiflora) - the only decorative plant In the numerous port of Portulakoe. Motherland Plants - Chile and Argentina. A perennial plant is grown in culture as an annual. Leaves fleshy, cylindrical, light green. Stalky reddish, sharpening, up to 30 cm.

Claud flowers: Simple or terry - multi-row petals. Flowers with a diameter of 3 - 6 cm, depending on the variety. Coloring: white, creamy, yellow, bright red, pink and their shades.

There are varieties with enclosures of various colors, border or stripes. Portulatka flowers live one day, in the evening fade. But this does not interfere with them to bloom abundantly from spring and to the first frosts.

For most varieties, flowers are revealed only in sunny weather, in the evening and cloudy weather are closed. Some varieties S. terry flowers Stay open regardless of weather and time of day.

The fruit is a multifamous box, with a characteristic way of autopsy. After ripening top part Boxes opens. This property of the plant is directly related to the title: from Latin "Portula" - "Knog".

Portulak decorative flower shapes are separated by the form of flowers into three groups:

  1. Varieties with flowers simple shape- Flowers are small, cupid, the number of petals from 5 to 15.
  2. Varieties with semi-world flowers - Flowers are large, cupid, number of petals from 15 to 20:
    • "Solar Princess" - Simple and semi-world flowers of various coloring.
    • "Sunsbine" - The plant forms neat bushes with semi-level flowers having four coloring.
  3. Grades with terry flowers - Flowers are large, cupid, the number of petals from 20 to 50:
    • "Flamenco" - terry grade, flowers diverse color.
    • "SUNGLO" - terry large flowers.
    • "Mango" - Silky terry flowers of peach shades.
    • "Cherry Hybrid" - terry flowers of cherry color.
    • "Hybrid Cream" - Large terry cream flowers.
    • "Long Summer" - terry variety of long flowering.

Seeding Portulak

Portulak breeds seeds. Round brilliant and small seeds, nevertheless, the germination retains 3 years. Fresh-plated seeds are better not to sow, they practically do not attend.

For spring sowing, seeds collected in autumn are suitable:

  1. Small seeds of Portulak, for ease of sowing, mix with dry clean sand in proportions 1: 6.
  2. Gently scatter on the surface of the substrate a mixture of seeds and sand. Small earth seeds are better not to close, because they need abundant irrigation. This can lead to the erosion of the soil.
  3. Capacity with seeds irrigate from the spray gun.

After sowing, seeds require humidity. To create a greenhouse effect, cottage with sowing with a film or glass. When the condensate is formed, the coverage is to remove, shake the drops and rebate again. From time to time, the substrate must be used.

A covering container with sowing put into a warm, bright place.

Portulak does not like sharp temperature differences:

  1. Portulak sewers do not wear moisture. In order to protect the seeds from excess moisture, it is necessary to choose the right tank and substrate for sowing.
  2. Capacity for sowing seeds take better low and wide, with drainage holes.
  3. Portulak loves the sandy soil, so in the prepared substrate you can add ¼ part of the sand with the addition of wood ash.
  4. Using a seeding substrate for sowing, make sure that it does not contain peat and organic fertilizers. Their presence in the substrate can lead to seedlings.
  5. Capacity for sowing is filled with drainage and prepared substrate, slightly tamper. Split and pour. After a day, you can sow Portulak.

Seedlings are coming together during the first 10 days. Important:

  1. Not too thick seed seeds.
  2. To venture regularly substrate.
  3. Do not pour a substrate.
  4. Maintain a temperature of not more than 25.
  5. Provide good lighting.

In the regions with a warm climate, where there is no threat to spring frosts, the portulak seeds plant in open ground. In the rest of the regions, Portulak is grown through seedlings.

Sewage landing and care

For cultivation of seedlings, it is important to correctly calculate the sowing period. It's not hard. It is necessary to know only the characteristic of the variety. For example, for early grades Portulaka Vegetation time - 85 days.

To get blossom, tentatively, on June 20, sowing is spent in 85 days, adding the number of days from sowing to shoots. For Portulak, this period is 7 days. And 3-5 days should be taken into account on the survival rate of the plant after the transplantation. Total 95 days. The estimated time of sowing is March 25.

The next factor that needs to be taken into account is the period of transplanting plants in open ground. Optimum time Seedlings for landing, in this case, 50-55 days from the first shoots. Portulak is a very thermo-loving plant.

Depending on the landing term in open ground, calculate: On June 5, the threat of spring frosts passes and it will be possible to plant a portulaka seedlings into the ground. Approximately April 10 should be seedlings. It takes about 7 days. So, seed seeds to seedlings, in this case, April 3.

  1. Seedlings require sufficient lighting. If a sunlight It will not be enough - seedlings will stretch and grow strong seedlings will be difficult. With the help of a daylight lamp, it is necessary to fill this drawback. On cloudy days all day. On the other days of additional lighting in the morning and in the evening.
  2. Portulaka shoots are very fragile. Within 2 weeks after germs, they should be carefully watered, better with the help of a spray. Periodically remove the coating for venting, slightly fixes - remove at all.
  3. The first picking is carried out when the size of the seedlings will be 2-3 cm. Portulak soil plant and will grow into width, so dive is necessary. If the seeds rose thickly, it is necessary to break the seedlings, removing weak.
  4. If the dive is carried out into a common capacity, then leave the gap between the plants - 5 cm, deepening in the soil to the leaves and trying not to shake with the roots of the earth com.
  5. 10-15 days after the dive, when seedlings come down, seed out the seedlings with complex mineral fertilizer. Until the landing in the soil, feed the plant once every ten days.
  6. The second dive is carried out in a month. Better in separate containers. For example, in peat pots. Then, upon subsequent landing in the open ground, the plant will easily take place.

It is important to take into account the seeding time during dive. If sowing was in April, there is no need for the second dive. When you first dive portulak to plant in separate containers. Second dive is necessary for strong and healthy seedlingsIf sowing was early - in February or March.

For full development and the formation of seedlings It is necessary to observe a number of non-hard conditions:

  1. Do not forget to loosen the soil. But not earlier than 2 weeks after the dive.
  2. Water seedlings need in the morning. Watering overnight is undesirable, seedlings will stretch with such watering and it will be weak.
  3. When filtering with mineral fertilizers, it is better to make it 2 times weaker than recommended in the instructions.
  4. 10 days before transplanting to open ground, limit watering. If possible, it needs to "temper". Weeks for 2 to the transference to endure on the street, on the balcony.

1. Choosing a place and soil preparation

Choosing a landing place, it must be remembered that Portulak light-loving plant, does not make excessive moisture:

  1. Place choose dry and illuminated. Shaded sites are excluded - Portulak will bloom badly.
  2. Prepare the soil is better in advance, a week - two to landing. If the site was drunk in the fall, then it will be enough to explode for a pitchflower, clean from weeds and dissolve with robbles. The untreated area is to plug, the depth of cultivation is 20-25 cm, clean from weeds and dissolve.
  3. The soil for planting should be loose and not to delay moisture. Sand plots are well suited. On the rich soil, Portulak will build up a green mass and blisterously blossom.

2. Planting process in open ground

For planting seeds in open ground, only the southern region is suitable. Best time for sowing - The beginning of May, when the frosts will not and the soil managed to warm up to 15 ° C.

  1. Plot for sowing to power, if this was not done in the fall, carefully clean from the roots and weed herb.
  2. Before sowing thoroughly moisten the soil.
  3. For sowing seeds you can make a shallow, 1-2 cm, grooves. The interval between the grooves is 10-15 cm. Seeds are very small, for ease of sowing mixed with sand. Put the seeds with a small layer of lightweight earth and slightly press the tamper.
  4. After sowing, carefully pour water from a very small grid.

Plot for seedlings are also thoroughly prepared: Speak, clean from weeds for the week - two to landing:

  1. Before boarding thoroughly pour the soil.
  2. If seedling in the cups, before planting to moisten the earth. Make on the site of landing Lunka Soviet and carefully get a seedling from the cup without disturbing the earthen com, and post it in the well. It is good to press the ground around the plant and pour.
  3. Seedlings in the total capacity is thoroughly moistened and neatly, using the Society, dig up without breaking the earth com.
  4. Replancing better in cloudy weather or in the evening. In the first days, it is desirable for seedlings to create a shadow, it is better attached.
  5. Blowing seedlings by 2-5 cm, given the growth of seedlings. The stretching, the growing seedlings boldly immerse in a soil for 5 cm.
  6. The gap between seedlings is 15-20 cm.
  7. The first 3-4 days the seedlings water daily.
  8. Follow the mineral fertilizers in 2 weeks.

Reproduction of cuttings

From cuttings, 5-10 cm, break bottom leaves 2-3 cm from the cut and give it to dry. Pick the cuttings in a mixture of peat and sand. Make sure that the leaves do not touch the substrate.

Capacity with cuttings place in a warm, bright place. Do not forget, periodically, spray. Cuttings are rooted for several weeks.

Caring for Portulak.

Purslane unpretentious plant, does not need frequent watering and tolerates drought well. For abundant flowering, it suffices to follow several conditions.

  1. Regular weeding and, while the plant has not closed with crowns, loosening.
  2. It is desirable to water once every 5-7 days, avoiding a strong jet of water using sprayers. Best time For watering - morning or evening.
  3. The feeder is carried out by a mineral fertilizer: the first time - after planting seedlings, the second time is to make fertilizer in a month. It's enough.

To get seeds to leave strong plants. Leaves do not cut off. To feed 2-3 times with a cowboy. When yellowing the stems and disclosure of the first boxes with seeds, a plant to cut and hang in a ventilated room. Under it to lay the material to which seeds will be raised.

Diseases and pests

Types of Portulak are generally resistant to diseases and pests.

But you need to know about some of them, in order to begin treatment in a timely manner:

  1. Most often, Portulak is amazed by the fungus Albugo Portulaceae. Spots appear on fleshy leaves, stalks are deformed - a sign of damage to the fungus. Remove all damaged parts of the plant, leaving only healthy. The soil and the remaining parts of the plant to treat a copper-containing fungicidal preparation.
  2. Silver pollen on leaves - the appearance of pests decorative culturespowered by plant juice. Process with system insecticides. It is advisable to process 2-3 times, withsting the interval at 10 days.
  3. Portulak flowers is striking - As soon as noticeable, but a fantastically voracious creature. A series of treatments by insecticidal preparations will help to get rid of it.

Portulak is wonderful for borders and alpine Gork. Grow it in vases and pots. Unpretentious to the soil and well-carrying drought, he can become an alternative to the lawn that does not need to cut. Such a lawn will delight bright cheerful paints all summer.

Plant portulaca (Lat. Portulaca), or dandur - view of the genus Portulak of the portulakaya family, growing in the tropical areas of the northern hemisphere and numbering various data from one hundred to two hundred species. Prefers a flower portulak wet sand places along the banks of rivers and water bodies, it grows in the gardens, fields and in the gardens near the housing. The plant name comes from the Latin word "Portula", which means "small gates, a knot" - seed box Plants opens, as if smashing small doors. We have this plant called "mats". Popularity to Portulak in Europe came to the Middle Ages, he especially liked the British, and at first not as a garden, but how garden plant. IN sadovaya culture only one species is grown - portulak Largender (Portulaca Grandiflora).

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Read more about Growing Portulak below

Flowers Portulak - Description

Flowers Portulak are grown as annual plants, because they do not tolerate our winters even under the shelter. Their height does not exceed 30 cm. Portulak branched spine root, juicy, branched stalks brown color, hollow inside, fleshy leaves, cylindrical shape or resembling a flattened egg. White, yellow, dark red flowers are blooming from June to September, and although each flower lives only one day, fading in the evening, the blossom of Portulak is so heavy that seems continuous. Fruit of portulatka multiferous spherical box. In addition to the garden portulak grown on the flower beds, in pots, hanging baskets and containers, grows in our gardens of the grass portulak garden, or a portula of vegetable, which is on one side of the weed, and on the other - a salad and therapeutic plant.

Seeding Portulak

Poking Portulak

Many flower products consider the cultivation of Portulak by sedimiles in a convenient way breeding, so we will tell you how to sow Portulak to seedlings. Despite the fact that many flower trees, arguing about when it is better to plant the seeds of Portulak, believe that it is necessary to do at the end of February or in early March, it seems to me that Pornulak at seeding is better to produce in April in order to sprouted for growth to grow And the development has grabbed a light day, whereas earlier crevings have to be supervised artificially. Before sowing Portulak, you should cook soil mixturebecause in any purchased soil Contains peat, slowing down the process of germination of portulak seeds. You can take a mixture for cooking garden land, Add about 20% of sand to it, mix and cross the mixture into the oven. In a shallow container with drainage holes, put a layer of fine gravel or clay, place the disinfixed soil, paint it outwardly, and best with meal water and decompose the seeds on the surface in a centimeter from each other - it's easier to do this using a wet toothpick - then slightly press Seeds in the soil and, building the framework of the frame, pull the transparent polyethylene on it, so that it turns out to be a greenhouse. Contain greenhouse with sowing need light warmth Place where the temperature will not fall below 22 ºC, and it is better that it was approximately 30 ºC.

Seedling Portulak

Under favorable conditions, the portulaka shoots will begin to appear in a week or other, and as soon as this happens, the film from the container can be removed. Now you need to know how to grow seedlings of Portulak. The cultivation of the seedlings of the portulaka involves periodic moistening of the soil with extinct water using the method of the lower irrigation, and, if it is still needed, the organization of additional lighting. In fact, this necessity may occur? If you see that seedlings are too stretched, it means that they lack light, therefore they will have to freeze daylight lamps or ordinary desktop lamp A couple of hours in the morning and a few hours in the evening, lengthening in such a way for shoots. In cloudy weather, the lamps should burn all day. But if you are singing Portulak to seedlings in April and you will keep seedlings on the southern windowsill, then all these troubles with artificial lighting Do not need.

Picking Portulak.

When and how to dive Portulak? As soon as the seedlings appear a pair of real leaves, they need to be seeded three in the glasses with a diameter of 7-8 cm, trying not to shake the earthen com from the roots, and a week after the dive, when they come together, the first feeding of the complex mineral fertilizer should be made. Then the feeding should be held weekly or once in a decade to the landing in the ground.

Landing Portulak in Open Soil

When to plant Portulak

Landing Flowers Portulak is carried out not earlier than the beginning of June, as you must be sure that freezes will no longer be, otherwise at temperatures below 10 ºC, the portulatka falls out the leaves. Prepare a place for the plant on the solar and elevated area, because even in a half worth it may not bloom, and if the roots of Portulak will be located near groundwater Or in lowland, where water is causing, putrid processes of the root plant of the plant may occur. The soil for the portulaka is best poor, sandy, because on the rich soil, the portulak is only increasing the green mass, and it does not bloom.

How to plant Portulak

It is desirable to plant a portulak to open soil when the seedlings will grow by 10-15 leaves and several buds will appear. Landing Portulaka is performed in this order: bushes should be located not closer than 15-20 cm from each other. First 2-3 days after landing Portulak on the flowerbe you need to water daily, especially if it is dry weather. Portulat from seeds 6-7 weeks after the appearance of germs blooms.

Caring for Portulak.

How to grow Portulak

The care of the flowers of the portulak consists in periodic irrigation - despite the fact that its leaves are well held by moisture, water is needed by a plant for normal flowering. The plant does not need neither feeding, nor in pruning, nor in the weeding, nor soil looser. The whole care for the portulak is an infrequent, but regular watering.

Pests and Diseases of Portulak

As you can see, planting a portulaka and care for it under the power and ineximal, and a lazy lover of flowers. Even the cultivation of the terry portulaka from the seed does not represent any difficulty, because it does not differ from the rules for growing a portulatka of large-flowered or garden, which were described above. As for pests and diseases, the portulak is very stable to them, and it is unlikely that you will have difficulty with this. However, sometimes mass raid occurs on flower beds, gardens and gardens Tlya, then getting portulaku. It is best to fight with a threshold to spray the accomplice, and if the first time you could not eliminate the problem, then after a week, the processing insecticide can be repeated. Sometimes Portulak is striking Albugo Portulaceae mushroom, which is expressed in the deformation of shoots and appearance on the leaves of spots. Damaged parts will have to be removed, and plants spray a fungicide containing copper.

Portulak properties

Portulat after flowering

How and when to collect portulak seeds

Once the flowers begin to fade, remove them without regret, while they are easily removed from the wound, otherwise they dried, and you will not see the fruit under them, which, the ripening, will open and spread the seeds to the ground. In dry weather, the seeds ripen two weeks after pollination, in the cold summer and autumn, the aging process can delay the month. In addition, you should know that freshly collected seeds acquire the germination of only the next spring and retain it for three years.

Portulak winter

In our climate, Portulak garden does not winter, so in the autumn you need to free it from it and swing the soil. Portuine Suriable breeding self-sowing, so one should not worry about how and when to plant it next in spring.

Types and varieties of Portulak

Portulak Largender (Portulaca Grandiflora)

As already mentioned, portulak large-flowered, native is grown in garden culture South America, perennial, cultivated in our climate as annolete plant. In the height of the bush, the large-flowered portulaku is reached by no more than 30 cm, since the stalking stalks. Leaves fleshy, small, cylindrical shape. Single cupid flowers with a diameter of 3-4 cm, simple or terry, similar to tea roses of white, cream, beige, yellow, red or purple colors, there are varieties having a two-color color. The source view has a red shade flowers. Flowers Portulak large-flowered from June to the end of October. Top varieties.

The name of the portulak plant occurred from the Latin word Portulaca - due to a peculiar opening of the seed box. Our flowerflowers nicknamed his "rug" for his ability to lean the flower beds with bright flowers.

For the ability to settle down in Klumba, Portulak is called the "rug".

Portulak fully covers the soil stalks, thanks to this, landscape designers in the decoration of the Alpinarians are actively used.

Flowers are especially valued large-flowered portulak.

Portulak in a wild form grows in the tropical and subtropical zones of America.

Portulak is a grassy annual plant height from 10 to 30 cm. Root branched, spine-shaped. Stem is twin, fleshy, branched, brown. The leaves of oval shape, green, dense by their structure. The flowering period from June to September. Flowers have a varied color: yellow, white, sometimes dark brown, are located two or three flower on the stem.

In addition to annual, there are still perennial species Portulak. In general, there are 40 species of plants in the Portulakov family. Large-flowered portulak enjoys the greatest demand in decorative flower growing. Also found in the gardens of malicious weed - a garden or vegetable portulak, which is grown as a green culture.

Features of cultivation

Portulak sprouts on the 4th day after sowing, now they need more sun.

The seeds of the portulaka are evyted on flower beds with maximum lighting, otherwise the plant will not bloom. At home, the window sills that are on the south side are suitable for these colors. The plant grows perfectly and blooms on fresh air in window or balcony boxes.

Large-flowered Portulak is well tolerated hot weather. Also, there are no problems with a decrease in temperature, since such flowers are grown as annual. Regular watering is needed, from the beginning of seeding and to the end of the vegetative period, especially in arid and hot periods, and it is impossible to force water to be allowed.

In general, representatives of the Portulak family are resistant to various pests and diseases. In rare cases, the plants may be affected by the Albugo Portulaceae mushroom, such a disease leads to the appearance of white spots on the leaves and subsequently to the deformation of shoots. In such cases, damaged parts must be removed, after which the plant processing is a fungicidal preparation, which includes copper.

The best time to acquire seeds - at the end of winter or in early spring. When buying it is worth carefully checking the shelf life and packaging integrity. In horticultural centers and flower nurseries you can buy seedlings in cups. Such plants need to be chosen without any signs of rotting and compact forms.

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Portulatory reproduction

Garden Portulak consider weed, but his healing properties Evaluated even Hippocrat.

Portulatory reproduction occurs seeds, sometimes with favorable weather conditions Summer happens. In the summer, Portulak is propagated by the division of bushes and cuttings. Immediately the seed seeds themselves sow superficially in February, after which they are covered with film or glass, leaving in the light. The first shoots appear after 7-14 days. It is necessary to dive into the pot with a diameter of 5-6 cm, the transplant is well tolerated. It is necessary to grow in a sufficient dry mode. Seedlings are planted for a permanent place after frosts, the distance between the stems is 15-20 cm.

As a rule, terry forms will attend low. The high germination of seeds can only be obtained if sowing occurred in greenhouses, in which all the conditions for growing cacti are complied with, there is an additional backlight, heating and thermostat. IN living conditions This can be achieved when using aquarium or a simple plexiglass box, which is covered with a polyethylene film. For additional lighting suitable table lamp. In the greenhouses, a temperature of 25-35 ° C is maintained. In the case of very bright lighting, the temperature may be higher. Sow seeds better in small plastic boxes with drainage. The peat should not be included in the cultivation substrate organic fertilizersOtherwise, the seeds either die from fungal disease, or they will not go.

The substrate must be put in advance on water bath And sterilize. If there is no shower with the lamps of daylight, then when the seedlings are released from the shell, it is necessary to put them in the afternoon on the sunny window, and in the evening and in the morning keep under the desktop lamp, with a capacity of 75-100 W. To grow strong shoots and get beautiful bright flowers, Before the appearance of the first leaflets, the substrate must be maintained in a wet state.

With the arrival of warm and sunny days, seedlings can be planted on the flower beds. This event is better to spend in the evening or morning, then a transplant for seedlings will be less traumatic. Watering seedlings needed as the soil drying. It is possible to cut watering after the plant is fully attached and the first colors will appear.

Portulak is a light-loving flower, which is usually grown in one-year culture. The best landing place is open, warm and sunny. This is a low plant, so favorite and landscape designers, and summer houses, will create on the ground flowering carpet With proper care. It is capable of blossoming from June to the most frosts. This succulent is grown on flowerbeds, borders, southern balconies and slopes of alpine slides, and, of course, on the windows in the summer season.

Features of growing in balcony kashpo and in open ground

Portulak got into Europe, and then to Russia from the countries of South and North America. In a warm climate, with soft winters, Portulak often becomes weed, multiplying by self-sowing. The name of Portulak occurred from Latin Portula - which means "knot". This is due to the fact that the seed box opens exactly as follows: the flaps of the gate, only very small.

In the people, Portulak is called a rug, because it really rarely grows above 15 centimeters in height, preferring to shame along the surface of the Earth. The portulak room grows well only at very bright light, preferring southern windows and straight sun rays. It can grow in winter in the room, but with a lack of light, it is pulled out and does not bloom, so it is necessary to apply additional backlight, best with special phytolampa.

This is an annual plant with a spindle-shaped and branched root. Brown stem, branched, fleshy. Sheets are small, in shape resemble a flattened egg, fleshy. Blooms in June in small colors appearing in the ramifications of the stem. Each flower is holding open only 1 day, then dies.

Portula garden is eaten as a side dish for meat and fish dishes, roasting or allowing young stems with adding vegetable oil, garlic, vinegar or roasted onions. This is a useful vegetable, light in growing and rich in microelements.

But most often the portulak is divorced as a decorative plant. On the plots it is planted on the sunny alpine slings, as bright spots on the flower bed.

In the houses of the apartment type Portulak - a great solution for hot and southern balconies, where ordinary plants burn from excess sun and heat. They are better to admire it near, and thanks to the strong tv, it is planted in hanging baskets.

Annual or long-term - which is better

In one-year culture, the portulak large-flowered is most often grown, it is decorative flower With a large variety of shades of colors. They can be white, red, aluminum, yellow, orange, simple and terry.

There are I. perennial grades Portulaka, but in the open ground because of the cold and snowy winter, they can be grown in our conditions only as annuals. Ampel varieties of Portulak are most often considered perennials, they can be grown in suspended caspo, And for the winter, put in a warm room - an apartment or a house, limiting meals from September to March and maintaining the soil in a wet state. In the spring, such a plant begins to hardly feed and shine or simply cut off, stimulating the growth of new shoots or rooting the cuttings for new bushes.

In places S. warm winterwhere the temperature does not fall below +10, Portulak winter himself.

Portula garden - Stem length up to 60 cm, small flowers, yellow, not present value. Rich in vitamins A, C, E, PP, contains carbohydrates, proteins, carotene. Good quenching thirst, positively affects the mood. IN therapeutic purposes It is used to reduce cholesterol and blood sugar, with insomnia and liver diseases. The foods use young leaves and shoots, eating them fresh, boiled or preserving them. Very often, it is a garden vegetable portulak that grows as a weed, multiplying by self-sowing.

Air marshmallow and other portula

The market presents a great variety decorative varieties - there are those that require maximum light and those that can bloom in the shadow, one-year and perennial, with simple flowers and terry, and even mixtures of varieties, for those who cannot decide. We describe the most common varieties, but breeders constantly bring new ones.

  • Long summer - an improved variant of the terry portulaka, is characterized by a longer and abundant blossom. The height of the plant is up to 15 cm, it blooms only in clear and sunny days, the flames of the most diverse coloring, reaching 5 cm in diameter.
  • The cheerful dance is a terry portulak, whose flowers are dissolved even on cloudy days. Flower with a diameter of up to 5 cm, diverse color. Suitable for ampel cultivation, borders, balcony boxes.
  • Coral reef - one-year portulak, up to 15 cm high. The diameter of semi-world flowers 4 cm, color - coral. May grow even on the most scanty and poor earth, on sandy or rocky soils with minimal irrigation.
  • F1 cream - one-year variety Portulaka with terry cream color flowers. It is very beautiful, with severe growth energy, it is better grown on the poor and sandy soils. Indispensable in ampel culture.
  • Cherry is a terry portulak that flies only in sunny weather. The height of the plant is 12 cm, it is well sprinkled, flowers up to 5 cm in diameter, cherry color. Very light, does not bloom even with the slightest shading. Prefers to grow on the sulace and dry sandy soils.
  • Pink terry - portulatka height up to 10 cm, stems grow up to 30 cm, well branches, forming a dense rug. Flowers up to 5 cm in diameter, terry. Well suited for balconies, potted culture.
  • Solar Princess - a mixture of seeds from agrofirma Gavrish - includes terry, semi-world and simple varieties of various color, can grow in sunny, but cheese and cool climates. It grows perfectly on the poor and stony soils even without feeding. Plant in vases, on curb, alpine slides.
  • Terry orange - dismisses flowers even in cloudy weather. The plant is low, only 10-15 cm, flower diameter up to 5 cm bright orange. Terry. Resistant to pests and diseases. You can use for potted culture, on sunny balconies in boxes.
  • Shaherazade is a large-flowered portulak, non-nominal, with a flower diameter up to 4 cm. Opened only on sunny days. Blooms in July. Suitable for growing in containers, pots.
  • Happi Traels F1 - yellow, orange, pink or red-white striped terry flowers, up to 23 cm high, forms a rug to 45 cm in diameter. Planting better on the flower beds, slides, in containers.
  • Happy case - large-flowered, double, terry. The color of the petals is white-pink, the stem light green, up to 25 cm high. It looks very nice in balcony boxes, flower beds, flower beds, but dissolves only in sunny weather.
  • Pink haze - original flowers, terry and semi-natural, soft-rose color, very much resemble roses. It grows well into the width, forming a stain of about 40 cm in diameter. It grows well on sandy, stony and poor soils with minimal irrigation. Highly a good option For ampelite landings.
  • Tequila Cherry F1 and Tequila Wite F1-Hybrids, which have a strong growth energy, quickly grow up, forming a rug to 40 cm in diameter. They grow even in a humid climate, on the poorest soils almost without watering. Flowers terry, up to 5 cm.
  • Portulak Sunny is an annual plant, up to 10 cm high. Flowers yellow, up to 4 cm in diameter, disclosed only in sunny weather. To the soil is undemanding. It is advisable to plant a stony slide on the southern slopes.
  • Air marshmallow is an annual plant growing in a height of only 10 cm, it is well sprinkled. Flowers terry diverse color: pink, orange, red, white, lilac, diameter from 4 to 6 cm. Can grow on ordinary sadovaya soil, in border flower beds, on balconies, in vases.
  • Sunglo - a long-term portulak with the most large flowerswho do not close even in cloudy weather.

Photo Gallery: Flowering Portulak

Sort Air Marshmallow - One of the most popular long summer - a mixture of terry colors various colors Cheerful dance - a mixture of terry ampel-colored grade cream F1 with delicate color and large flowers
Cherry grade - flowers only in sunny weather Sort pink terry low with large flowers, terry orange flowers, even with cloudy weather, a solar princess - a mixture on shades and the shape of the petals grade Happi Traels Pretty high plant, there can be different colors
Sunny Portulak - Low Annual Sort Grade Happy Case distinguishing Unusual Coloring Mix Schever Schever - Nexle Petals Different Colors Sort Tequila Cherry Diffillary Cherry Tint Graphs Sort Pink Flower Sprinkle Spring

A large selection of varieties allows you to choose exactly what kind of gardener like in the size of colors and color. Although the decorative Portulak loves the sun, there are varieties that bloom and in half.

How to breed Portulak

Decorative portulak can be multiplied by seeds and cuttings. In the regions where winter winters, and the summer is long, Portulak can give full-fledged seeds and in the spring to climb himself.

Garden portulak breeds self-sowed, you can not do anything specifically.

Reproduction of terry varieties with cuttings

Beautiful hybrid varieties Portulak should not be multiplied by seeds, as they will not transmit maternal genes, so such a portulak is breeding with cuttings:

  1. From the plants cut a piece of twig, 10-15 cm long.
  2. Slightly dry cut and remove the leaves at a distance of 2-3 cm from it.
  3. The cuttings put in water or in wet sand.
  4. In dry and hot weather, you can cover the cutlets with a transparent package or spray with a stalk with water.
  5. Put rooted plants in a bright place.

Usually new roots appear in a few weeks. And they are transplanted several pieces for a permanent place or in a seaside pot.

Seeding seeds

To get flowering bushes in June and longer to enjoy their beauty, seeds are seeded at seedlings in mid-March. Very important for young plants light and heat (22 degrees and higher).

The soil for seedlings pick up light, preferably without adding a peat that reduces the germination of seeds. Therefore, it is better to use a turf and leafy ground with the addition of ¼ of the washed sand.

The planting capacity is chosen wide, with drainage holes. At the bottom of the pot, a small ceramzite or gravel, up to 1 cm height, is caused by the fact that Portulak is easier to transfers the lack of moisture than its excess, it should be a good drainage to the correct circulation in the container.

Sequence of action for growing seedlings:

  1. Fall asleep the earth in the tank and well moisturized with rain or melt water. If there is no such, then you can use water that has been predetermined.
  2. The portulatka seeds are small, like a poppy grain, they are sown so that the distance between them was 1 cm, slightly indulging in the soil at a depth of 0.5 cm.
  3. From above, the pots are covered with a film and put in a warm place, with a temperature not lower than 22 degrees, but better - 30 degrees. It is desirable that the pot stands in the light.
  4. When the condensate is accumulated on the film, you need to ventilate the greenhouse at least once a day.
  5. The first shoots of Portulak may appear for 7 days. Usually, Portulak is comfortable, it is immediately rearranged on a sunny and warm window sill, the film is cleaned.
  6. Grown seedlings with 1-2 real leaves dive into individual pots. Earth can be pouring to seedy leaves.
  7. For growing a strong seedlings of Portulak, it is necessary to provide it with an abundance of sunlight, warm and moisture, otherwise it is pulled out. You can check the seedlings in the morning, in the evening, and in cloudy weather - all day.
  8. A well-growing seedlings requires feeding at least 1 time per week. At this stage of growth, you can use the universal mineral fertilizer.

Video - how to sow a portulak with terry colors to seedlings

Although Portulak has a good seed alllence, there are cases when purchased hybrid terry varieties in bags germinate badly. To preserve expensive plants, in the future it is better to multiply with cuttings.

Sowing immediately in the soil

In the regions with early spring and long summer, you can land Portulak seeds immediately into the ground:

  1. Gentle shoots of Portulak may die already with minor freezers, and at +10 0 air already stop in growth, so do not hurry to rush with landings and be sure to cover them overnight.
  2. Grocery for Portulak jump, upper layer Land stirred with sand and moisturize.
  3. Seeds are mixed with sand and scattered on the surface of the soil and slightly pressed.
  4. To regularly water as the soil drying (on sunny days 1-2 times a week).
  5. With uneven germination, grown seedlings with 1-2 real leaves are pyric and seed. Earth can be pouring to seedy leaves.
  6. Feed young sprouts 1 time per week, in a month - 1 time in 14 days.

Rechazzle seedlings in the ground

The grown seedlings at a permanent place are planted after the threat of return freezers. The air temperature at night should be more than 10 degrees of heat. IN middle lane Russia is the end of May and the beginning of June, in more northern regions - after June 12, and in the south of Russia - in early May.

Be sure a week before the landing in the soil, the portulaka seedlings harde and teach to the Sun. Hardening can be carried out on the balcony if there is no possibility to take the seedlings to the garden or the cottage.

A good sediment is a plant with 10 formed leafy and buds.

Where and in what kind of soil is better to plant a flower

Portulak loves the sun. It is not terrible even the very hot rays of the southern regions. Where other plants burn out, Portulak blooms with bright colors. Therefore, the most the best place - The southern slope of the Alpine slides, along the tracks, borders or separate flowerbeds on the lawn. If you plant a portulak in the shade, then the colors can not be waiting, but the influence will also have the selected variety of flower.

Portulak is uncomplicable to the soil, on well-fertilized soils, it grows quickly and occupies a large surface, but blooming may be weak. To properly care, place it on more easy, sandy or even stony soils, where Portulak flourishes lush and abundantly.

It is desirable that Portulak does not bore rainwater.

Care for Portulak in Open Ground

In the summer of hot and sunny days, Portulak must necessarily water, preferably 1-2 times a week with warm water. Portulak is undemanded to feed, but modern varieties speak very well to mineral fertilizers, which can be made 2-3 times in the summer.

The first flowers bloom, after 6-7 weeks from shoots. Each flower lives only 1 day, then closes and dies. While the bush is still small, it is noticeable, but when Portulak grows to the state of a dense rug, the flowers are dissolved constantly in large quantities And it seems that they are not at all worse.

How to collect seeds

Since every day a new bud opens, then the seeds ripen unevenly. From the pollen flower, remove the petals and watch the seed box. About two weeks after pollination, she will take peace and reveal, scattering the seeds around him. Do not miss this moment if you want to collect them. In the fall, the ripening of seeds is longer. Collected seeds Keep the germination of 3 years, but before sowing your seeds should be held at least 3-4 months.

Collected seeds from terry varieties for next year can give simple flowers. That is why it is better to breed them with cuttings, taking the best plants for the winter.

How can you keep Portulak in winter

As a rule, the seeds of Portulak, especially terry, do not sow in the winter. But at the flower beds, where the Pornulak Polyanka was conquered by the previous summer, you can find the spring young shoots. Typically, plants grow with simple (non-nominal) flowers.

  1. At the end of the summer, dig a motherly plant entirely.
  2. To remove the winter and cool place for the winter (about 15-18 degrees temperature).
  3. Periodically water, not to feed, which will allow you to save and multiply the spring you like.
  4. After warming, cuttings 5-10 cm cut from it and leaving the lower leaves, plant in the drawers or a pot of rooting.

How to raise Portulak in winter

Because of the snowy and frosty winter, Portulak does not win in open soil. Particularly valuable instances can be digging and transplanting into a pot, you can build cuttings from the plants at the end of the summer and root them. In winter, such plants are stored in a light room at a temperature of + 15 ... + 18 degrees, but you can put on the southern windowsill, showering Portulak in the evenings, then it will continue to bloom until spring, that is, grow as a perennial.

Garden Portulak is well multiplied by self-sowed, so the garden is not drunk with him for the winter.

If Portulak does not bloom

Most frequent cause There is a lack of flowering this is the wrong choice of place for landing, with the absence or disadvantage of sunlight. In this case, the portulak will be sick, stems are thin, and flowering may not come.

The second cause of the lack of flowering is too fertile land. Portulak is increasing the green mass, he is good, he can and therefore does not give flowers. If you plan to grow a plant there constantly, you can add before planting the sand and small pebbles and switch.

Room Portulak (on windows and balconies)

Portulak can be grown not only in the garden, but also in the apartment. It is better to choose beautiful terry varieties that bloom even in cloudy weather (pink terry, orange, sunglo).

For potted culture, Portulak is better grown as a succulent, acquiring the corresponding soil: loose, breathable and without peat. At the bottom of the pots, it is necessary to put drainage.

You can grow through seedlings, transplanting later into a small container or pot. Moreover, you can land at once a few bushes, and if the seeds for sowing are not one color, but a mixture, then the home flowerba will be very bright and diverse.

It is important to remember that it is sunny flower And he will only fit the southern windowsill or balcony. If the windows are on other sides of the world, and grow beautiful flowers I want to - be prepared to regularly highlight the portulak and further care.

In the summer months, Portulak can be fed 1 time per month for lush flowering, By the autumn, the feeders are cleaned, long stems can be cut off, and the pot is rearranged into a cooler place.

i chick them and leave in the coolness, in the spring they wake up. Generally, you can round year Update cuttings and keep growing. Only in winter blossoms are practically no.


Spring bushes wakes up and blooms with a new force.

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