How to prepare the ceiling for plaster. Plastering the ceiling on lighthouses: easy instructions

Decor elements 25.06.2019
Decor elements

The ceiling is striking - this is a fact. Not always, of course, in the first place, but it rushes. When it is done as smoothly as possible, the room looks neat and presentable - even if you do not purposefully direct your gaze upwards. Let's talk about how to plaster the ceiling - after all, this is one of the most important stages in creating beauty and comfort in the house. Competent execution work will allow you to forget about the repair of surfaces above your head for more than one year.

For the best adhesion of the mortar to the base, it is necessary to properly prepare the surface. First of all - "remove" the old coating to the concrete itself. The base is "naked" concrete ceiling- after all manipulations should remain completely clean.

To flush or not to flush?

Do not "think" of washing off whitewash or putty! Thus, you will only scatter white, stubborn dirt over the surface. Subsequently, a primer of the “betocontact” type will stick to it either very poorly, or not at all.

"Flushing" can be called a logical solution for the ceiling only if you are planning only a light cosmetic repair - a simple "trimming" and updating it; without thick layers of finishing materials. Otherwise, the plaster will have nothing left but to soak and pull off the remnants of the putty. Moving away from the base, the plaster will “swell”.

View of the ceiling prepared for plastering

The primer will provide adhesion

After the ceiling is completely cleaned, you can start priming. The primer of the “betokontakt” type incorporates special grains, which form a surface roughness when dried - thanks to this, the plaster adheres to the surface much better. The primed ceiling is left alone until next day- The entire area must dry thoroughly.

Try not to overdo it with opening windows and drafts - the whole process should proceed as naturally as possible.

Installation of beacons on the ceiling

Action algorithm:

  • Use a puncher to drill holes in the ceiling. They should be located in the center and along the edges of the ceiling. Self-tapping screws will be screwed according to the level of the rule - the distance between the holes will depend on its length;
  • Drill the first hole at a distance of about 30 cm from the wall, each subsequent hole at a distance slightly less than the length of the rule;

When using a two-meter device in a "standard" room, no more than three holes will be required - opposite walls and in the center.

  • Drive a dowel into each of the holes and tighten the screws, check each of the positions with a level;

Checking should be carried out not only in length and width, but also diagonally;

  • The next item is the formation of paths between the beacons (from the solution).

Attention! For the tracks, use the same plaster that will subsequently be plastered on the ceiling.

  • The track should hide the caps of the screws;
  • Take the perforated strip of the beacon profile and attach it to the track. Using, again, the rules, press it into the solution until it stops with self-tapping screws, repeat the procedure with all elements;
  • Thoroughly coat the resulting beacons with a solution, especially carefully fill the voids along the rail;
  • Now you can arrange a short break for yourself - it is necessary for the "seizure" of the solution.

Important! According to some sources, all work after the installation of beacons should be stopped for 24 hours or more - in order to achieve absolute polymerization. plaster mortar. Such a step is really justified - the risk of displacement and / or damage to the beacons is reduced. But on the other hand, the joints of fresh and hardened putty will be doomed to insufficient adhesion. This will negatively affect the strength of the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ceiling. The most reasonable solution in this situation is to plaster on relatively fresh lighthouses, while being as careful as possible.

Plastered ceiling in the kitchen

Plaster ceiling step by step

It all depends on the thickness of the plaster layer. If it is 10-15 mm, then you can do without the mesh, limiting yourself only to gluing it at the seams between the plates (rust).

If the thickness of the plaster exceeds 20-25 mm, it is better not to rely on "maybe".

Preparing the mixture

Experts unanimously declare that the gypsum mixture is the most rational option for solving such a difficult task as plastering the ceiling with your own hands. Consider the algorithm for preparing a solution using the example of a mixture of gypsum Rotband from Knauf:

  • plastic container need to fill 18 pure water;
  • Using a spatula, “attach” 1 kg of dry mixture to the water, mix thoroughly;
  • Add the rest of the mixture;
  • Mix the solution with a drill with a nozzle;
  • Make sure the product is homogeneous;
  • Leave the product for 5 minutes, then stir again.

How to plaster the ceiling - the finish line

Apply the solution with a metal spatula or grater, previously moistened with water: the plaster will not stick to the tools so much. The thickness of the layer should slightly exceed the distance "lighthouses - the base of the ceiling." Press the grater firmly against the ceiling so that there are no shells or voids left. So, the first layer is applied.

Now take a roll of mesh, unwind it a little and place it over your head. With a grater or spatula, press the mesh to the applied layer; at the same time, continue to unwind (along the beacons) the roll. Note! Using galvanized metal mesh for reinforcement, apply considerable effort - “push” the composition through the cells.

After fixing the mesh, apply a second layer. Remove excess plaster with the rule (stretch it along the lighthouses). The final stage is the removal of beacon plates (you can leave the aluminum plates alone). Seal the furrows with the remaining solution. Subsequent finishing work should be started after the plaster has completely dried (3-14 days).

How to plaster the ceiling - video

The video instruction will help you evaluate your strengths and decide whether to plaster the ceiling with your own hands.

Accuracy and strict adherence to the instructions is the absolute key to success. It is worth noting that plastering the ceiling is not an easy task. If you still have doubts about your own competence, do not take risks: contact experienced specialists.

Any repair in a house or apartment begins with an inspection of the field of activity. The key aspect that determines the future scope of work is the assessment of the condition of surfaces in residential premises. In most cases it is required additional work, the main purpose of which is to level the base surfaces and prepare them for subsequent finishing. Despite the emergence of new technologies and the use of new finishing materials, plastering of ceilings and walls in this regard continues to be one of the most effective ways alignment. Why is that? Let's try to answer this question in more detail.

Simple and simple technology plastering ceilings is well known to older people. Despite the fact that technical progress has stepped forward, many experts recommend in some cases plastering the ceiling, achieving the desired result.

What do you have to deal with

A smooth ceiling surface is the key to the success of all subsequent repairs in a residential area. Everything starts from the ceiling Finishing work. The state of the draft surface of the ceiling part determines what type of ceiling design can be used in each individual room. It is extremely rare that we have to deal with a good condition of floors. Various defects, cracks, height differences spoil the whole picture and make you look for effective way ceiling alignment. Plastering an apartment ceiling is most often able to technically solve the problem that has arisen.

Why surface plastering continues to be a popular technology in apartment design. The thing is that this is perhaps the only way to achieve a flat surface on the ceiling, while keeping the internal cubic capacity of the living space intact. This is especially true for residents of city apartments, where there are height restrictions. Ceilings of 240, 250 cm do not allow the use of suspended ceiling structures. Even a simple installation on top of a drywall slab will steal 3-4 precious cm from you. The height in the room. Plastering the ceiling will minimize height loss, ensuring the subsequent implementation of design solutions.

There are two types of plaster - dry and wet. In the first case, we are talking about installing a plasterboard on the ceiling. This option is usually used in private houses and cottages, where there are no technological height restrictions. If you want to avoid wet work, use this technology. GVL sheets will cover the entire area of ​​the rough surface, covering all existing technological flaws and creating a continuous, even surface. It remains only to putty the seams between the sheets and you can proceed directly to painting the ceiling or pasting it with wallpaper.

On a note: in new buildings, as a rule, housing is rented with a minimum set interior decoration. Walls, floors and ceiling surfaces already have a base, draft layer of plaster. The only thing you need to pay attention to is the quality plastering works.

In the second case, the leveling process is associated with applying a thin layer of lime-cement mixture to the base surface, due to which all existing defects are hidden. The process is painstaking and, in some cases, time-consuming. However, in most cases it will not be possible to avoid it, especially for owners small apartments in old houses. The joints between the panels look very unsightly, and in the worst case, due to the mismatch of the structural elements, there are noticeable height differences on the ceilings.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of typical plastered ceilings

The very first thing to start with is economy. Not every one of us can afford to spend money on installing a complex suspended ceiling structure, not to mention stretch ceilings. In terms of material costs and labor costs, plastering the ceiling is considered the cheapest way to bring the ceiling part into proper shape.


Here it would be appropriate to say about the advantages that plaster has. This technology has the following advantages:

  • ecological purity (lime-cement and gypsum mixtures are absolutely harmless to humans);
  • the plastered layer does not reduce the height in the room (the maximum allowable layer thickness is 5 mm);
  • durability (properly made mortar guarantees the integrity of the plaster for 7-10 years).

For reference: it is fair to say that suspended structures are also quite environmentally friendly (drywall, stretch ceiling) and with competent calculations do not greatly affect the height of the room.

Against this background, you can correct the idyllic picture by mentioning the shortcomings that plaster for the ceiling in residential premises has.


It should be said right away that self-repair is always a significant cost savings. However, when you do the plastering work yourself, only your ability and skills can guarantee you good quality performance of work. When hiring professionals for such work, plastering ceiling surfaces will become an expensive pleasure for you. Do-it-yourself plastering of an apartment ceiling will cost you more in terms of labor than installing a suspended ceiling system made of PVC panels or drywall.

Let's return to the manufacturability of plastering panels. The existing limitation of the thickness of the superimposed layer of 5 cm will not allow eliminating significant level differences on the ceilings.

Important! A thick layer of plaster will lead to overspending of finishing materials. The probability of collapse of the plastered layer under its own weight increases, which is fraught with a danger to the life and health of the inhabitants of the house.

And the last. Plastering the ceiling with your own hands is not as simple a task as it seems at first glance. To do this, you need to have certain skills and abilities, an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow painting and plastering work is carried out. For the first time taking up the plastering of the ceiling surface, it is difficult to achieve a perfectly even coating the first time. When working with suspended structures the result from the first time can be more or less tolerable.

Material selection

Main work in this case associated with the use of traditional materials. Usually, lime-cement mixtures are used for plastering. In the context of modern technologies, it is customary to work with gypsum materials. From the point of view of efficiency and manufacturability, the latter option is more preferable. Before plastering your ceiling, you should figure out which material will be the best option for a particular room and how technologically advanced the process of applying the solution will be.

For modern country houses, cottages and other residential buildings, where there is a combination of different building materials, shrinkage of the main building inevitably occurs. Gypsum mixtures are able to withstand the technological load, while the usual lime-cement mixtures are more rigid and not plastic. Gypsum plaster has better adhesion (adhesion to the base surface).

For reference: gypsum mixtures are used for plastering wooden panels and overlays. Lime-cement mortars are better in contact with concrete panels.

In addition, both materials differ in the method of application. Gypsum mortars can simply be spread on the work surface, while cement-lime plaster will have to be thrown onto the ceiling. For dry rooms, gypsum-based mixtures with the addition of plasticizers are good. In rooms where there is elevated level humidity, it is better to stop at a traditional, cement-lime mortar.

Plastering options

In order to know how to plaster the ceiling and in what ways it is done, it is enough to get acquainted with traditional technologies in this region. There are two real ways - this is:

  • plastering of ceiling surfaces with beacons;
  • applying a layer of mortar without beacons.

The first method is classical and is recognized by experts and specialists as the most effective and competent. Due to the lighthouses, you can create a flat and smooth ceiling part. In cases where there is a large elevation difference and it needs to be hidden, they work without beacons.

On a note: when working with beacons, it will be necessary to apply a layer of solution with a thickness of more than 5 cm, which is strongly not recommended by experts for safety reasons.

Correcting the curvature of the ceilings will require work without beacons. From the point of view of the classics, this is wrong, but this is a real way out of the situation. The main idea of ​​the whole idea is preserved - to make the ceiling in a certain area even and smooth. How much as a result of this will the distance from the floor to the top differ in different angles, by this moment not essential. The human eye does not see such errors. The main thing is that the ceiling and walls have a rectangular joint.

Stages of work

Making sure when examining the old ceiling in its condition, choose the method of finishing, with or without beacons. Traditionally, the work surface must be prepared for plastering.

Rough surface preparation

For this you need to remove old layer lining. How to plaster the ceiling if there is mold on the walls and ceilings and the surface is affected by fungus? It's OK. We clean the affected layer of the ceiling surface, and then treat it with antiseptics. Such solutions are commercially available today. To make it easier to remove the old plaster, we wet the surface with water. In addition, in this case, there will be less dust during operation. Cleaning is carried out until the old material is completely removed from the floors.

Remove the remains of lime and cement dust with a wet sponge.

On a note: in wet rooms it is better to treat the entire ceiling surface with antiseptics. Mold can also be removed with a bleach solution. special means not only kill the fungus and mold, but also prevent its reproduction for many years.

After stripping, it is best to walk along the prepared ceiling with a primer. Due to the primer, you will get the best adhesion to the mortar.

The main process is the application of plaster

Traditionally, we work in the traditional way, with lighthouses. It is this method that is recommended by those who know how to properly plaster the ceiling. With the help of levels (laser or water) is the lowest point on the base surface. Stepping down 10 mm from this place, we beat off the level of future plaster on the wall and fix the lighthouse profiles. Further work is done according to a simple and knurled scheme.

The step between profiles should not exceed the length of your rule. As a rule, the step is 15-20 cm less than the length of the rule.

On a note: With short rule it is more convenient to work, however, a longer tool produces a smoother surface.

The presence of beacons helps to stabilize the thickness of the plaster layer. A layer of solution is applied with a spatula so that each new smear protrudes beyond the beacons. Surpluses are removed by the rule. Always worth remembering important detail- the thickness of the layer in one run should not exceed 2 cm. When eliminating large irregularities, it will be necessary to re-apply the layer of plaster.

Finishing work is the final stage and boils down to processing the finished surface with putty. Gypsum plasters are very convenient in this regard and do not require the application of a thick layer of putty.


Despite the archaism of plaster in finishing works, this technology continues to be in demand today. Do-it-yourself ceiling plastering at home, due to its many positive qualities, will certainly make your living space clean, beautiful and cozy. In order to achieve this, you should remember a number of basic aspects:

  1. Plaster is an environmentally friendly type of finish
  2. This technology is suitable for working with ceiling parts in rooms of low height.
  3. Plastering is the most affordable and cheapest way to finish
  4. Gypsum mixtures and cement-lime mortars are used
  5. There are two ways to lay the mortar - along the beacons and without them
  6. The stages of work are divided into:
  • preparatory;
  • basic;
  • finishing.

In any room, the ceiling occupies the most prominent position. This is the first thing that catches your eye and appearance creates the first impression of the whole house. Do-it-yourself ceiling plastering can improve the impression.

Plastering the ceiling allows you to eliminate surface defects and renew it.

During construction, various defects and irregularities occur on the surface of the ceiling. In a residential building, spots, cracks, etc. appear on the ceiling over time. Plastering the ceiling with your own hands allows you to eliminate surface defects and update it.

The choice of material for plaster

Plaster is a thick mixture that is intended for finishing various surfaces. The process of plastering the ceiling involves applying plaster to the ceiling in order to create a smooth, even surface. In general, this process can be divided into plastering (primary removal of irregularities) and putty (fine leveling of the surface). The main requirements for the materials used: good adhesion with different materials used in construction; the possibility of forming a smooth surface simple ways; solidity; resistance to external influences.

Plasters can be divided into two large groups- mixtures based on cement and based on gypsum. To improve the functional properties and manufacturability, various substances are added to the mixture. Cement mortar is a mixture of cement and sand in a ratio of 1: (3-4). To increase elasticity, a cement-lime mortar is used when lime milk is added to the mixture of cement and sand (0.7-1 part of slaked lime diluted in water to a liquid state). Pure gypsum mortar is usually not used for plastering. Lime-gypsum mortar is widely used. It is a mixture of gypsum with lime mortar in a ratio of 1: (3-4). In turn, the lime mortar is prepared in the form of a mixture of slaked lime with sand in a ratio of 1: (4-6).

Self-prepared solutions allow, but cannot provide the desired reliability. Currently, dry building mixes are being sold, which significantly increase the reliability and quality of the material. The composition of such a mixture includes mineral and polymer additives that increase their elasticity and strength. Their basis can be cement and gypsum.

For plastering ceilings, dry building mixes are most often used on plaster base. However, in rooms with high humidity and other influences various factors mixes should be used cement base for internal works. For decorative plaster, colored building mixtures are produced. In addition, the mixtures differ in the grain size of the additives, which should be taken into account when choosing a composition for plaster (grain size can exceed 2.5 mm) and putty (grain size is not more than 0.3 mm). In general, dry building mixes are divided according to their purpose into the following types:

  • plaster leveling;
  • protective covering;
  • putty;
  • primer;
  • adhesive layer;
  • colored decoration.

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Step by step instructions: preparing the ceiling

Plastering the surface with your own hands begins with the preparation of the ceiling surface. Preparation consists in cleaning the surface, removing obvious defects and the old ceiling covering (during repair). First of all, you need to take measures to protect yourself - there will be a lot of dust when cleaning the ceiling. Goggles and a respirator must be used.

Before applying the plaster, the ceiling surface must be cleaned and the old ceiling coating removed.

Old coatings are removed with a sharp, hard spatula. First, the paint and the old plaster are removed as much as possible. If the spatula fails to completely remove the old coating, then an emery mesh, grinder or coarse emery cloth should be used.

The quality of the sealing of the joints between the floor slabs should be checked. If the plaster staggers or crumbles, then it should be removed. Plaster that does not give in when touched with a spatula remains in place. Difficulties can cause paint applied directly to concrete. If it does not lend itself to a spatula, then you will have to use special solutions. So, you can use iodine water solution(25 ml per 10 liters of water). The solution is applied to the remaining paint, soaking it. After that, the paint is removed with a spatula.

Sometimes there are cases when, after getting wet, mold or fungi appear on the ceiling, to remove them, it is necessary to treat the affected area with a solution of copper sulfate (5 g per 1 liter of water). After all work on the ceiling, its surface is dried and thoroughly cleaned of dust.

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Plaster tool

Plastering of the ceiling is carried out using a specialized hand tool. To plaster the ceiling, you will need the following tool:

  • putty knife;
  • grater;
  • trowel;
  • falcon;
  • plastering trowel;
  • spatula plaster;
  • corner equalizer;
  • rule;
  • trowel (malka);
  • scoop;
  • trowel;
  • level;
  • hatchet;
  • roller or paint brushes;
  • emery mesh;
  • emery skin.

For ease of use, you should prepare a set of spatulas of different hardness and width from 50 to 120 mm. In addition, it is advisable to have a comb spatula. To prepare the solution, you need a container for the mixture, a mixer or a drill with a mixing nozzle. Quality control should be carried out using a level.

In spite of modern technologies and materials used in repair work, stucco ceiling is still the most popular way of finishing. In almost any apartment or private house, you can find a perfectly flat base covered with a layer of plaster.

Finding a specialist who will perform finishing work at a high level will not be difficult. However, the price of such services sometimes exceeds the cost of building materials. Therefore, many, wanting to save family budget, are engaged in plastering the ceiling on their own. And this is not surprising, since everyone can master this method of leveling concrete bases. How to plaster the ceiling with your own hands?

Plastering, like any other finishing option, has its positive and negative sides. The advantages of this alignment method include:

  1. Environmental friendliness. Plaster mixtures are made from absolutely safe for human body materials, so they are allowed to be used even in bedrooms and children's rooms.
  2. Versatility. Special properties and high adhesion this material allow you to apply it on any base (brick, concrete, wood or plasterboard). At the same time, they can perform not only internal, but also external work.
  3. Preservation of the height of the room. Unlike leveling the GKL surface, plastering the ceiling has practically no effect on the height of the room.
  4. Cheapness. The relatively low cost of plaster makes it truly indispensable material with a limited budget.

The disadvantages of this leveling method include only the high dustiness of the work and some restrictions on the thickness of the applied layer. Experts recommend abandoning the plastering of a concrete ceiling if the height difference on it is more than 50 mm. Otherwise, the risk of cracking and peeling of the finish increases.

Varieties of plaster mixtures

Before plastering the ceiling, it is necessary to choose the right working mixture, since the appearance and service life of the finish will depend on its composition and quality. According to the type of binder, types of plaster can be divided into 4 groups:

  1. Cement-sand - this is the most cheap material, which you can not only buy ready-made, but also cook it yourself. Your solution is the best option for primary alignment.
  2. Gypsum. Gypsum ceiling plaster is ideal for interior work. The small grain size of the material allows it to be used even as a finishing layer.
  3. Polymer. Such compounds have increased strength, moisture resistance and flexibility, and also perfectly adhere to all building materials. However, their cost is an order of magnitude higher than plaster mixtures of other types. Therefore, this material is usually used in cases where it is required to plaster a ceiling with small height differences.
  4. Clay. They are characterized by high flexibility, well resist high humidity and temperature extremes. Found their application in the decoration of ceilings in commercial premises.

Deciding on the type plaster mixture, you can proceed to the preparatory and finishing work.

Preparing the ceiling for leveling

For alignment concrete base with your own hands you will need the following tools and materials:

  • electric drill with mixer nozzle;
  • building level or laser level;
  • ladder;
  • a set of metal and rubber spatulas;
  • long rule;
  • trowel;
  • Master OK;
  • a hammer;
  • wide brush or roller;
  • sandpaper;
  • container for mixing the solution;
  • respirator and goggles;
  • plaster mixture;
  • deep penetration primer;
  • reinforcing fabric;
  • metal guides;
  • fiberglass serpyanka-self-adhesive.

Before plastering the ceiling, it is necessary to thoroughly prepare it, which consists in cleaning the working surface up to the floor slabs. First of all, using a metal spatula and a hammer, the old plaster is removed from the base. If in some places it sits firmly, it should first be moistened with plenty of water and left for several hours, and then scraped off.

All cracks and tile joints must also be cleaned and, if necessary, embroidered. If there are traces of fungus and mold on the concrete, such areas are additionally treated with antifungal compounds. In rooms with high humidity, antibacterial treatment is mandatory for the entire ceiling.

The main problem that the master may encounter when preparing to level the base of reinforced concrete slabs lies in sealing the tile joints, because in old houses they are quite wide. After cleaning these places, a deep penetration primer should be applied, and then puttied with a thick cement mixture. If the thickness of the solution is more than 30 mm, it is better to seal in 2 passes. In this case, the second layer is applied after setting the previous one. To prevent cracking and shedding of the plaster during seasonal shifts of the plates, the docking points after applying the first ball of cement are glued with a fiberglass sickle.

Having got rid of the tile joints, the entire perimeter of the ceiling near the walls should be plastered in the same way. If the gaps are very deep in any places, they can be filled before applying the cement mortar. mounting foam or score with a rag, after wetting it in a primer.

At the last stage of preparation, the thoroughly cleaned surface is treated with a deep penetration primer in 2 layers. This process allows you to improve the adhesion of plaster to concrete, thereby extending the life of the finish. After the primer dries, you can apply plaster to the ceiling.

Plastering a concrete ceiling

Depending on the degree of unevenness of the concrete base, leveling can be done in 2 ways:

  • without beacons with the application of one or more layers of the solution;
  • by lighthouses.

The first method is suitable for more or less even surfaces with minor defects. The sequence of work will be as follows:

  1. In a metal container, a cement-sand, gypsum or polymer mortar is prepared according to the proportions indicated on the packaging from the dry mix. To avoid the formation of lumps, everything is thoroughly mixed with a drill with a mixer attachment.
  2. With the help of a trowel, the first layer is laid - spray.
  3. The applied solution is leveled with a trowel. Excess plaster is immediately removed.
  4. After setting the first ball, the second one is mounted. If the total thickness of the plaster is more than 10 mm, a reinforcing mesh of nylon fiber is additionally laid.
  5. A trowel is applied over the mesh last layer, which is carefully leveled with a trowel.
  6. When the mortar sets a little, the working surface is grouted, at which all irregularities are finally smoothed out.

If the concrete base has a height difference of more than 30 mm, it is recommended to level it along the guide rails. Plastering the ceiling on the lighthouses will look like this:

  1. By using laser level, installed under the ceiling, the maximum height differences are detected, and then the zero level is indicated. This conditional plane is transferred to all walls and is beaten off with a masking cord.
  2. Perforated slats are exposed along the received line. Each beacon is fixed to the ceiling with a thick gypsum mixture. This installation method will allow you to install all the guides exactly on the mark. For example, if any element protrudes from a common plane, more mortar is placed under it. The first beacon is mounted at a distance of 20-30 cm from the wall. Subsequent rails are attached to the floor slabs in increments of 120-130 cm.
  3. After that, the prepared solution is applied to the ceiling between the beacons and leveled with the rule. Excess mixture is removed into a common container.

Plastering the ceiling with your own hands on the lighthouses is carried out in stages, that is, first we completely plaster one span, and then move on to the next. At the same time, the evenness of each section is rechecked with a laser or conventional level. When the plastered ceiling dries out a little, the beacons must be removed, and the gaps formed should be filled with a newly prepared solution of the same consistency.

After the plaster has completely hardened, you should walk along the ceiling sandpaper to remove existing defects. At the last stage of work, the base is puttyed, and then it is painted, whitewashed or wallpapered.

Whether it is necessary to plaster the ceiling is up to you. You can always use other finishing materials, but plaster remains the most popular material to this day. In principle, this coating can be applied to any material with your own hands and then the price will not be significant.

Today we will talk about the implementation of this work in detail. Also on the video in this article and the photo you will see the most difficult moments and this will greatly speed up the work.

What kind of plaster to choose for the ceiling is decided primarily on the material of manufacture of the ceiling itself. After all, today it can be several materials. It is also worth understanding how much this coating is suitable in your case, it is probably better to just make the lining with a different material. So let's immediately figure out what we will achieve by applying this coating.


  • This is the most best option in terms of economy. Plaster allows you to ennoble the ceiling without large financial investments. Cassette and stretch ceilings are much more expensive than building mixtures.
  • Almost all environmentally friendly for humans and environment. After all, neither cement nor gypsum emit any substances harmful to health.
  • Plastering the ceiling has another indisputable advantage - it does not hide the height of the room. The thickness of the plaster layer does not exceed 5 centimeters.
  • It is worth noting that suspended and stretch ceiling coverings also slightly reduce the height of the room. It depends on what materials are chosen.
  • Ceiling plaster does not require high costs if it is done on its own. If you use the services of a master, then you will have to pay a lot of money for the work. After all, this work is quite expensive.
  • Plastering hides differences in the levels of ceiling surfaces and walls only within a limited range of 5 cm. The reason for this is not so much the colossal expense building material how much life threatening. A thick layer of plaster may not stay on the ceiling and, falling, cause irreparable damage to human health, even death.
  • For plastering, you must have experience in performing this type of work.. Many kinds suspended ceilings even a person who has never done this before can install quite well. But plastering large surfaces is unlikely to be within the power of a beginner. From the first time it is very difficult to achieve a smooth ceiling surface, which is necessary for painting (see).

How to do plastering

What are the first steps to be taken when plastering the ceiling surface, now we will consider. Here, the ceiling material is in the first place, and the preparation of the plane will depend on it.

Surface inspection

First of all, you need to decide: is ceiling plaster really necessary?

  • If the surface level differences are five millimeters or less, then you can get by with just . To do this, use a wide spatula and the rule.
  • If the differences are more than five centimeters, then plastering is a danger to humans. Beginners should limit the plaster layer to a level of 3 centimeters.

Surface preparation for plaster

Consider the most unfavorable option: the old plaster layer is destroyed in places and has fungal infections, the ceiling surface is replete with numerous cracks and height differences.

How to prepare the surface in this situation:

  • First you need to moisten the entire surface to be treated with water. The procedure should be repeated twice with a frequency of 2 - 3 hours. This will soften the old plaster layer so that it can be removed more easily in the future. Wetting significantly reduces dust levels.
  • Using a hard spatula, you need to clean the ceiling surface so that the floor slabs are visible. To clean difficult areas, use a perforator. The seams between the plates must be freed from plaster, which is weakly held.
  • The remaining cement dust and lime can be washed off with a sponge dipped in water.
  • At the next stage, the areas affected by the mold fungus are treated. The minimum surface area to be treated should be 20 cm. In rooms with high humidity, the entire ceiling is treated.

Attention: It should be noted that any liquid containing chlorine in its composition is suitable for the destruction of mold and fungus (this can be an ordinary “Whiteness” or a similar agent). But the antiseptic primer, in addition to getting rid of the fungus, does not allow it to appear again. In this case, the savings are inappropriate.

  • final stage preparatory work includes priming the ceiling surface with any primer. This will strengthen the outer concrete layer and improve its setting with the plaster mixture.

Which plaster to choose

It's no secret that plastering concrete ceilings is significantly different from how plaster is applied to a clay ceiling. It just uses different ingredients.

The preparation of the solution and the application rules will depend on them. Let's immediately consider what we eat on the sales market and why better fit certain composition. On each package there is of course an instruction that should be studied, but you also need to approach some features of the material.

Cement-based plaster mixtures

If you are thinking about how to plaster a concrete ceiling, then this composition is suitable in most cases. The highest strength and a long period operation distinguishes plaster for ceiling surfaces based on cement.

Attention: This plaster It is able to provide a uniform smooth coating, besides it is universal. It is suitable both for interior decoration of premises with varying degrees of humidity, and for finishing the facades of buildings.

Not everyone likes it, because cracks often appear on it. But it's not. Cracking of the plaster layer can occur due to a violation of the rules for preparing the mixture and the technology for applying it to the ceiling surface.

The following are typical and most common errors:

  • First of all, this is a failure to comply with the ratio of the components of the mixture recommended by the plaster manufacturer. Cement refers to materials that are highly sensitive to sudden changes in temperature and humidity. Drying, the cement can shrink significantly. Modern plaster mixes incorporate various fillers. In this case, the filler is sand. different kind fractions. Fillers provide the plaster structure with greater density, which reduces the stress of the plaster layer during the hardening process.
  • Many people do not take into account the fact that the bases on which plaster is applied have varying degrees of moisture absorption. The base, made of a material that quickly absorbs moisture, must be primed before plastering. If you ignore this stage, then the plaster layer due to moisture loss can dry out and become covered with numerous cracks.
  • Too fast drying of the treated surface often leads to cracks in the plaster coating. It is unacceptable to speed up the drying process with a fan heater or building hair dryer, creating drafts. After all, this is how the plaster will dry incorrectly: the outer layer will be covered with a dry crust, and moisture will remain inside. This will certainly lead to cracking of the surface.

Plaster mixtures based on gypsum

Plaster wooden ceiling and plastering a plasterboard ceiling with this material will be most acceptable. As a result, you get a smooth and even surface.

Plaster mixtures based on gypsum have a number of unconditional advantages:

  • Unlike cement plasters, gypsum mixtures dry much faster. They only need a few hours to dry completely;
  • have excellent adhesive characteristics, which is an important aspect when finishing the ceiling surface;
  • Maintain a favorable indoor climate by absorbing excess moisture and giving what is missing;
  • They have an improved composition. This is achieved by adding fine quartz, perlite or lime sand.

The disadvantages of gypsum-based plaster include limiting the scope. This coating is very sensitive to high levels of humidity.

  • To plaster the ceiling surface in the bathroom with gypsum mortar, it is first necessary to ensure good ventilation of the room. Gypsum plaster has the ability fast drying which limits the execution time. It's pretty a big problem for newbies. Currently, gypsum-based mixtures have appeared in construction stores with the addition of substances that increase the time range for performing work.
  • Additives are important component plaster mixtures, although they make up no more than one percent in the total volume. With the help of various additives, plaster mixtures are endowed with a number of additional useful properties previously missing. There are additives that can retain moisture, there are those that increase the adhesive and antiseptic properties of the material. This allows you to improve the quality of the repair work.

Clay-based plaster mixtures

Plastering clay ceilings with this composition will be the most optimal, because the uniformity of the composition will ensure adhesion of surfaces and a long service life.

Plaster clay mixtures allow you to simultaneously solve a number of problems:

  • You can do without buying a clay solution, and cook it yourself. Clay is quite common in nature. Therefore, it can be found on own site by digging a hole one and a half meters deep. To make a mixture in clay, you need to add some components.
  • Clay is an environmentally friendly material. It is not harmful to human health.
  • Due to the fact that the purchase of a plaster mixture is not required, the cost of repair work is reduced.

Clay also has important positive technical characteristics:

  • A high degree of flexibility allows it to be used even in regions with high seismic activity. Clay has the same flexibility as. It is not subject to cracking.
  • Long service life in any climatic conditions. Clay is not afraid high level humidity, temperature changes, strong gusts of wind.
  • Clay is capable of fairly rapid recovery. There is no need to replace the entire coating, only those areas where there is damage can be repaired.
  • Clay has an average level of vapor permeability. clay mortar has excellent hygroscopic characteristics.
  • Due to the structure of ionic bonds, it has excellent protective properties from insects and other pests.

Completion of finishing works

Complete. If gypsum-based plaster was used, then it is allowed to immediately apply the final layer of putty.

  • Work is carried out with a wide spatula. Beginners are advised to follow the following sequence: with the necessary period of time for drying, the putty is applied in two thin layers, after which the ceiling surface is polished.
  • Grinding is done with manual grater with mesh for grinding. This method is only suitable for small surfaces. For large areas more appropriate to use grinder. To perform this work, the use of a respirator or gauze bandage is mandatory.

Useful information

Some tips to help you approach home decorating in a new way.

  • Ceiling surface finish Venetian plaster(see) are not often performed, they are mainly used for walls. Previously, it included marble chips and beeswax. Currently, the binder is acrylic resin.
  • It is not recommended to use this type of plaster coating in bathrooms and toilets. If flooded from the top floor, the plaster will be damaged, causing it to peel off. It is impossible to select the desired shade of the coating; it will be necessary to plaster the ceiling surface again.
  • Looks great on the ceiling coating of. It is not suitable for the kitchen due to the fact that it will be problematic to remove dust from such a surface. The best option is to use textured plaster based on polymers. It doesn't fade when washed. She is not afraid high humidity. This distinguishes it from silicate and mineral analogues.
  • Repair of the plaster layer usually consists of two stages: and repairing cracks. Old plaster tapping to reveal exfoliated layers and spaces under them. All areas with identified defects are cleaned to a concrete base. Cracks are widened with a knife or spatula, after which the defect is primed with a primer and puttying.
  • After the putty is completed, it is recommended to apply another layer of primer on it, only then you can start painting the ceiling. The work performed will add strength to the surface and improve the degree of adhesion to the paint. It will also help reduce paint consumption.

Do not question the economic component of the issue: with the same quality characteristics water-based paint costs much more than primer. How to plaster a plasterboard ceiling video will help you visually see the whole process, the most important thing is not to rush and use proven and high-quality materials.

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