Growing the Loffant Tibetan. Lofant Anise, Growing and Application

Arrangement of the site 13.06.2019
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Lofant Tibetan (age 3 weeks)

So, in Latin called Agastache Rugosa, or a multiloser wrinkled. The plant of the family is clarotonic, growing in the Far Eastern regions, in China. It has white collected in black, flowers, unlike the rest of the Lofant. A few years ago we brought the seeds of this plant with Altai and now we grow Lofant Tibetsky In our garden.

Useful properties of Tibetan Lofant

Lofant Tibetan is one of the main medicinal plants in Chinese folk medicine, It is mass healing propertiesAnd what is important, can grow in our Ural gardens. The people of Lofant got the name "Northern Ginseng" and he fully corresponds to it. Used overground part of adult plants. The green mass of the Loffant Tibetan is rich in vitamins, essential oils, flavonoids, has a very pleasant fragrance.

Due to its unique composition, Lofant Tibetan with regular use normalizes the metabolism, gently stimulates the human's own immune power, soothes the nervous system, restores sleep. Actively applies to normalization arterial pressureFor the treatment of diseases of the digestive system, kidneys and respiratory organs. Outdoor use in skin diseases, hair gives excellent results. I note that Lofant is not addictive and has no negative side Effects. But I think that you need to be cautious people suffering from pollinosis and other types of allergies.

How to grow Lofant Tibetan

Video from Alexei Sedoy about how he grows Lofant Tibetan for bees:

Grow Lofant Tibetan on your cottage plot very simple. To start . Immediately, I will say that other types of Lofant have no healing properties, and may be of interest only as aromatic and decorative plants.

Increases Lofant's raw yield biohumus fertilizer

Sowing seeds of Lofant Tibetan I spend in mid-March in peatlights of 3-5 seeds in one tablet. Containers with tablets cover transparent film. After a few days, shoots appear. It is advisable to provide seedlings good lighting And timely watering. After the first pair of real leaves, the plant is desirable to preferably feed the weak solution of complex fertilizers, such as Kemira or Fertet. It must be done to ensure that you want to eat the necessary food, because it is not enough in peat therapy, but it is sterile environment for germination of seeds.

Seedlings of Lofant Tibetan at the age of 4 weeks

In mid-April, seedlings from tablets I transplant in 200 grams. Glasses with a soil, after removing the shell with a pill. Seizians will be in them before landing for a permanent place. You can do it in the second half of May, when stable warm weather will be established. I land Lofant on the ridge according to the 50 * 50 cm scheme, and abundantly irrigate. Sometimes the house seedlings of the Lofant pulls out, but it is not scary. When landing in a bed next to a bush, it is enough to plunder a small peg of 20-30 cm, and gently tie up young stems of the Lofant to it, ensuring sufficient freedom to the plant. Pretty soon young landings will give the first increase. Stems and leaves will become markedly larger and will be very similar to nettle. After landing in the ground further care It is regular loosening, irrigation, feeding. If necessary, grown upstarts can be slightly dipped.

In July, Lofant will start blossoming, and this process stretches until the end of August. It was at the end of August that the main part of the Lofanta can be sized, leaving small, unworthy plants on the garden. They will be able to stay there until snow. And you will have the opportunity to tear the fresh leaflets of the Lofant for a cup of tea.

We collect and dry Lofant Tibetan

Sleeping stems need to be carried out at an altitude of 10-12 cm from the ground in dry mad weather. Then I take a few branches in the beam and in pairwise binding the bundles. In the attic, we strengthen the crossbar, throwing through which, shut "Parks". From the bottom under the raged downside beams of the Lofant, you can unwell a clean film, because It will crumble ripe seeds. They can be collected and the next year to use for sowing.

Despite the fact that Lofant Tibetan is perennialThe practice of his cultivation showed that the Ural frosts are destructive for the underground part of the plants. Survive only individual specimens, and are restored for quite a long time. While the newly planted young bushes are already growing at all. As a result, every year I am preparing Lofant's seedlings, and I do not hope for last year's plants.

How to choose a landing place?

If you are a happy owner of six acres, then choose especially nothing, because there is no free earth most often. But to highlight a small garden for 10-20 lofant bushes, I think you can. My acquaintances, for example, sit down with a lofrant gazebo, and it provides them with a gentle and beneficial air during the rest in the gazebo, pleasant evening tea drinking, and in the composition with lower bright colors, very spectacular decorative View Recreation areas in the garden.

I tried to grow lofant in different parts His garden, on different soils and with varying degrees of shading. I can say that he will grow everywhere, wherever you planted Lofant's seedlings. But still, the letters of light sandy soils in the sunny place of the site were more comfortable for the Lofant. When landing in the well, I add some compost, ash and a pinch of complex mineral fertilizer. It must be said that in the shadow Lofant grows significantly worse than on the solar or slightly pronted areas. In the shade of Lofand, of course, it will also grow, but it will be low and may not even bruise. In the ideal conditions, by the end of August, we have meter spreading plants, abundantly covered with leaves and inflorescences that incredibly love bumblebees and bees. Lofant Exceptional Money! Just a find for beekeepers. And also a find for those who take care of their health through what nature gives us using plants grown in their garden. It is possible to make canceled herbal fees and therapeutic teas from garden plants In the composition with Lofant Tibetan. Well, isn't it a miracle: grow your medicine yourself?
It is only necessary to have a desire, patience and hard work, as well as learn how to competently compile herbal fees, taking into account your needs.

This plant you will not meet in the wild. Do not mention it encyclopedia and reference books. The fact is that Lofant Anisian brought breeders. This healing perennial of the family is very useful, has wonderful aromatic, honey and medicinal properties.

Lofant Anisian is a relative of Melissa and cat mint, but he acts on viruses, microbes and mushrooms are stronger than they.

When the Lofant blooms, a strong anise aroma is spread around, because it contains about 1.5% of the essential oil, which consists of 70% methyl avicol.

What is this plant, Lofant Anisian? This is a long-term herbaceous bush with four-piano stems 1-1.5 m of height. Leaves heart and lonelytoliste with gear edges. A bush consists of 4-5 stems, on which 8-10 color lines grow in the form of a sapphire color, the length of each 14-16 cm.

Over time, the number of stems doubles and the bush grows up to 1.8 m. Flowers on black grinders, blue-purple. The flowering of Lofant from June to August, but the beginning of the bootonization can be observed at the end of May. But if you systematically cut the flowering branches, then their amount will only increase with time, as additional branches grow. In this case, the bees will be able to enjoy the Lofant of 3-4 months. In one place, Lofant Anisian grows 5-6 years without loss of flowering quality.

It is not difficult to grow lofant anise. He is unpretentious, but it grows far from any soil, drought-resistant, tolerates small frosts. Lofant Anisian seeds, seedlings and division of the bush. The fastest and most common way of reproduction - seeds, directly to the ground.

The soil for growing anise lofant should be easy fertile. It does not grow on marshy, sandy and overly lime soils.

When the lofant is reproduced by the division of the bush, it is digging and divided into parts so that each had a piece of root and 4-5 renewal kidneys.

For seed reproduction Lofant, you need to know that the germination of its seeds persists 2-3 years. In the fall, with a depth of 25-30 cm at a depth of 25-30 cm, it is advisable to make fertilizers (potash salt 15-20 grams per square meter, superphosphate - 2-3 grams per sq.m., manure - 1-2 kg per 1 kV. m). In the spring, the prepared area is harrowing and leveling. Seed seeds in March in loose, wet soil. At a depth of no more than 2-2.5 cm, with a framework of 70 cm. Shoots appear after 12-14 days. The first 3 weeks they grow slowly, so at this time they need to pay special attention - Wrap, pour. In phase 5 of the present leaves, Lofant is gaining strength, has a good root system and begins to grow very quickly. If necessary, shoots thin.

Already in the first year, the seedlock grows up to 120-150 cm of height and blooms to autumn. On the second year of Lofant's life for the summer 2 times with a solution of superphosphate (20 grams of 10 liters of water for 2-3 sq.m.).

You can suite Lofant seeds in the fall, under the winter, then the plants blooms earlier and gives a lot of seeds.

And for the second year, as soon as snow comes down, Lofant starts growing quickly. In one place with need care It can grow up to 10 years. And you can grow it in the room and on the balcony.

In March-April, the Lofant seedlings are grown. For 30 minutes, the Lofant seeds are supervised in a pink solution of mangartee, dry and put on the back in the fridge to the very top. Seying seeds into a steady ground to a depth of 0.5 cm, having done a pre-groove. Pulley, sprinkle the earth and cover with a transparent film or glass for 5-6 days, until the first searches appear. Pour shooters between rows, add drop in the water boric acid To protect plants from a black leg. After 25-30 days, when they are 4-5 leaves.

At the end of May, when sustainable warm days begin, the grown seedlings can be replaced in open sad, while retaining the distances between rows 20-25 cm and 60-70 cm. After the Lofant landing, regularly spend the weeding, loosening and plunge.

Useful and therapeutic properties of anise lofant: Application

Science proved the healing properties of the Lofanta anise. It is used in traditional medicine many countries. Almost almost there is such a disease in which Lofant would not help. In addition, no contraindications for its use does not give any complications and internal use.

Made of Lofant drugs are used for immune protection of the body, with nervous disorders and cardiovascular systems, liver diseases, pancreas. Lofant removes the inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract, the urogenital system and men, and women. It is especially effective in the treatment of colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma. It is useful to do inhalation with him, medical and wellness baths for children and people with weak health. The clinics have achieved positive results in the treatment of a number of skin diseases.

The drugs from the Lofant purify the body from the products of metabolism, toxic substances falling into it with air, water, food, help output heavy metals. They are recommended for improper metabolism, as well as those who live in conditions of atmospheric and radiation pollution.

Cosmetic preparations, which include Lofant, smooth wrinkles, making the skin of the face elastic and young, and also strengthen the roots of the hair on the head.

For internal use, they make such an infusion from the Lofant: 2 tbsp. Spoons of crushed raw materials lofant poured 2 glasses of boiling water, insist for 20 minutes, filter. This infusion is recommended to drink 120-150 ml 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. Children dose reduce. For external use on the same amount of water take twice as many raw materials.

For treatment, it is cut during flowering an overhead part at an altitude of 20 cm and dried in the shade. Store in paper bags.

The young leaves of the Lofant are very helpful. They are rich in vitamins, microelements, phytoncides, etc. They are used to prepare salads, soups, okroshka.

All parts of the Lofant are used as an aroma. True, an anise aroma may not like some hostesses, but it is acting positively on respiratory system And precisely because of it, Lofant is added to tea, kissel, compote, marinades, home tinctures, wines. However, it should be remembered about a strong aroma of the plant so that, as they say, do not overdo it.

Lofant is an excellent honey. Flowers contain a lot of nectar, so they give constant medical care for 4 months. Bees take a bribe until the end of August - September, when natural honeymows are already very small. Lofant honey golden, fragrant, healing.

Here is such a valuable plant - Lofant Anisian. We recommend everyone to settle it on your gods.

Spicy herbs have long and firmly settled in sadovaya culture middle strip. Is it possible to present a country area without mint, Issop, Melissa or Kotovnik? But about their nearest relative, Lofant Anisov heard not yet, although specialists predict this representative of the family of the Casnotkovaya Big Future, because all its qualities are solid advantages.

Beauty connoisseurs will first of all pay attention to the spectacular appearance of the plant - a reprehensive herbal perennial height of 90-120 cm with cherry rare-frozen leaves and small fragrant flowers of white or blue-violet color collected in long ears. In the cooking, fresh and dried greens of anise lofant are added to salads and soups, used to flavor meat and fish dishes, desserts and drinks. And of course, it is impossible not to mention the healing properties of the plant - in folk medicine, braveractions from the Lofanta anise trees are treated with bronchitis, migraine, diseases of the digestive system, nervous disorders, fungal infections, etc. Preparations from leaves are derived from human organism Radionuclides and toxins, restore forces and prevent aging. No wonder Lofant is called the symbol of love and youth.

IN different time Lofant Anisian was counted for different kinds, because of which the plant received many names: Fennelhiel multicrees, Issop anise, crunchy mint, rinseman anise. However, this inconvenient fact did not prevent the soul handsome to become a favorite of millions of gardeners.

Dates of landing

The cultivation of the lofant of anise from seeds is possible both seaside and with a reckless way. In the open ground, the seeds are sown in March-April or in the fall, at the end of October.

Sowing on seedlings is carried out in the last numbers of March, and after 45-60 days, the seedlings plant in the garden. Each ways are good, but keep in mind that Lofant from seedlings blooms by 1.5-2 months previously plantsgrown in open ground.

Preparation of the site

To Lofant Anisian well developed and abundantly bloomed, look for him a light, warm place with fertile, lime, well-drained soil. Avoid wetlands, dense and saline soils, as well as areas with high passage of groundwater. Also Lofant, as well as other cultures of the family of cloak, it is undesirable to plant after cucumbers, turnips, beets and a tour. In the flower garden, lush spherical bushes fragrant plant Magnificently combined with monards, golden, salvia and astrams.

Plot for planting Process from Autumn: Dispoint the soil, select the roots of weeds, make a humus (4 kg / m²) or full mineral fertilizer for colors.

Sowing seeds in the ground

Sowing Lofanta to Outdoor Soil - Five-minute Case:

  • Make a longitudinal or transverse groove in the treated soil with a depth of 0.5-1 cm and moderately spang them with warm water. The optimal width of the parties is 50-60 cm.
  • Spread in the grooves of Lofant seeds.
  • Pour sowing with a thin layer of fertile soil.

The first green sprouts will appear in 12-15 days. When young rapties form 2-3 pairs of leaves, they will need to be broken, leaving a distance of 20-25 cm between adjacent instances.


The cultivation of the Lofant seedlings - the task is also simple:

  • Fill out a random box with wet fertile soil.
  • Get seeds to a depth of 0.5 cm.
  • Cover the box with a transparent film and put it in a warm place.

Shoots will appear after 1.5-2 weeks and the film from the box can be removed. Care for young bushes is reduced to regular watering and daily ventilation. Every 10-15 days, seedlings are useful to feed the weak solution of complex fertilizer.

At the permanent place, the plant, who had time to develop 5-6 leaves, plant after a two-week hardening with an interval of 20-25 cm with a width of 50-60 cm. Upon completion of the landing work abundantly.

Maintain the viability of the Lofanta anise is very easy, because all the necessary agrotechnical events are familiar to every gardener:

  • Watering the bushes only during periods of long, exhausting drought. A short-term lack of moisture Lofant is not terrible, and even in a severe heat of his leaves look fresh and bright. But the systematic bay spicy Plants It may lead to reinforcement roots and the development of the pathogenic flora.
  • In reinforced nutrition, Lofant Anisian does not need, but if the bushes are poorly developed, bypass by them with a solution of complex fertilizer (20-30 g per 10 liters of water) or carry out the extraordinary feeding of microelements.
  • To improve the aeration of the soil, it is regularly loose and stole.
  • If you grow a lofant to produce medicinal raw materials, do not allow the Samochev, since it significantly weakens the healing properties of the plant. Combine inflorescences without waiting for the ripening of seeds.

In one place, the well-groomed and healthy Loffant bush will live for more than 6-7 years, but from four years of age, his bloom will begin to weaken, and the foliage is fine. That this does not happen, every third-fourth season plant is recommended to rejuvenate with division or stalling.

Diseases and pests

Lofant Anisian - culture is very persistent and ill is extremely rare. However, he still has a weak point - sensitivity to high humidity. In a rainy slicling summer, a plant can be infected with such fungal infections as rust, malicious dew, rhizoconiosis, white spotty or fusarious wilt. Destroy the pathogenic flora will help you, fungicides ("Horus", "Knoksat", "Oxych", "Fundazol"). From muced dew The planting is sprayed with a solution of colloidal sulfur. Considerable importance is competent prophylaxis. If you comply with irrigation mode, spray weeds and clean vegetable residuesYour Lofant is unlikely to suffer.

Due to the low winter resistance, Lofant Anisian is often grown in annual culture. In this case, in the fall you will stay with the bushes just like with the rest of seasonal plants, that is, to reverse them and destroy them, and the site is swinging for new landings.

However, under dry shelter, the scented handsome man is nice winter even in middle lane. Not later than mid-September, shorterate shoots up to 10 cm and cover the plants with fallen leaves, straw or sweetheart.

Best varieties

At first it seems that all the varieties of the Lofant anise smell like the same, but listen to the feelings ... Some of them are fragrant with mint, Anis and Fennel, in the aroma of others, apple and honey notes are heard. Among the gardeners are popular with such varieties of culture as a name, dachane, snowball, Kappeleev, Prime Minister, Frant, Kuntsevsky Sebo, Astrakhan 100, Blue Spike, Honey Bee Blue.

Harvesting and storage

For use in cooking leaves anise Lofanta You can collect at any time. If you have grown it as a medicinal plant, the raw material should be harvested at the beginning of bloom, it is during this period that the concentration of nutrients in the greenery of the Lofant is highest.

Loften is cut with sharp knife or scissors, choosing exceptionally young, who did not have time to wait, shoot. Keep in mind: Locking the bush can not be more than half, otherwise he will not have the strength to restore.

The collected greenery is dried in a cool glooming room or outdoors, under a canopy. Store spicy grass is recommended in glass or ceramic dishes with a tightly adjacent lid, but not for a long 18 months.

The main task of the owner of the Lofant is to ensure acceptable conditions for development, namely: warm terrain, abundant and correct care.

Below we will tell you how to receive two harvest in one season and what diseases can be treated with this plant.

Description and species

Lofant Anisova is a plant that has recently appeared in the catalogs of garden shops. The thing is that the grass is not natural, it was bred by breeders.

The main advantages of the Lofant include decorativeness, pleasant fragrance, hisrapeutic and medical properties. The latter brings a great popularity to the plant: which is based on the Lofant, always has a rich taste and soft smell.

Special fragrance give the grass Lofant essential oilscontained inside. This property allowed to use it in cooking. All plant is used: the greens give an unusual taste, and seeds together with inflorescences add to the products when they are conservation.

Did you know? Lofant was brought by Ukrainian breeders after the disaster on Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The medicinal properties of herbs should have helped victims to cope with some symptoms of diseases.

Grows Loffant high bushes. Against the background of green leaves stand out bright flowersthat take the shape of the nonsense. They reach about 20-25 cm long. Coloring palette is diverse: you can meet blue, pink, lilac, white, orange and blue inflorescences.
Lofant can grow both beds, whole plantations and lonely. Depending on the species, you can also meet those that fade a year later. In total there are about 25 varieties. Among the variety, you can choose such a color, fragrance or shape that you will like it.

The most common species include:

  1. Anisic.
  2. Tibetan.
  3. Barber.
  4. Mountain.
  5. Mexican.
The latter belongs to the type of perennial. Poor tolerate cold and severe frosts, but it is greatly restored after death through seeds.
The mountain view of Lofant is considered the most frost-resistant among all. Such a property allows it to grow in almost any terrain. The perennial grows in the range of 1 m, the diameter of one bush does not exceed 50 cm.

There are also several varieties of the presented view. Some of them are able to bloom in the same year when they were planted. This is especially useful if you have chosen a single-air.

The exact origins of the Lofant Barbera are not known. There are three options for possible origin. There is definitely no need to know, because each of the potential "ancestors" of Lofant Barber is thermal-loving species that grew only in dry and sunny areas of the United States and Mexico.

According to observations, it became clear that the bred varieties are perfectly getting along and in the cold season of the year, unlike the initial species of plants. But too strong frosts plant will not survive.
Tibetan appearance, or as it is also called, has inflorescences of predominantly yellow shades. Bushes, reaching a meter in length, exude a pleasant fragrance. Sheets are used in cooking: they have a characteristic lacrigant taste.

The presented view is rarely used in decorative purposes, more often as a food product. For example, the leaves are used in. The popularity of Tibetan Lofant brought not only these qualities, but also medical properties, as well as unpretentiousness to care.

This is why permanent sowing is needed. Sometimes it starts to die and too smashes. Such a process is easily controlled at the initial stages of growth.
One of the most common species is Lofant Anisian. Its most appreciated for medicinal properties that are widely used in both folk and official medicine.

Plant is able to withstand various types Bacteria and fungi. The leaflets of anise-like are ascorbic, lemon, as well as apple acids, useful in homemade houses. The bush on average reaches 1.5 m. Flowers on the plant presented form usually acquire a blue or lilac shade.

Choosing a place for Lofant

The Lofant plant loves for unpretentiousness not only in caring, but also in landing. It is not difficult to choose a place for it: it is suitable for almost any types of soil. But the most successful selected area contributes to rapid growth, while the height can reach 1.5 m.


You can choose a place to illuminate direct or scattered sunlight. Separate Lofant varieties prefer shadow, but still perfectly get along and in the light.

Important! If you sew the seed in the fall, then the seedlings need to provide additional lighting.

Electric light in this case will be the guarantor of lush flowering not only in the summer, but already in early spring.

Remember that such an approach is necessary, because at the stage of the formation of kidney colors, the plant should be subjected to daylighting about 14 hours a day. Natural light can be replaced with special lamps indoors.

Soil for growing

Wherever you planted a bush, it will successfully grow. However, if you want Lofant to be lush, do not choose a sandy, wetched or sour. Most of all is suitable neutral, drained or the same suesy. Consider that the plant does not carry water stagnation.

If you acquire many years of appearanceIn the future it will be necessary to transplant Lofant to a new place. It is necessary to do this after 6-7 years to update the soil with all the nutrients.

Planting plant seeds

The plant is multiplied not only by seeds, but also the division of the bush, or by chain. Each method is suitable for cultivation.
In the first few years, seeding seeds will ripen about the end of September. Although already starting from the second or third year the process will occur to the beginning or by the middle of the same month.

Straight sowing

Lofant is planted in early spring, and the most reliable method of reproduction will be the cultivation of seeds at home. Before sowing, they need to soak well.

Important! You can already hang out from March to the ground to a depth of about 1 cm. Less - it is possible, but if it is deeper, then because of your small size, the seeds simply do not go. Earth must be dispired in advance.

To do this, plunge the rag or wool in the non-concentrated manganese. Seeds lay out on top and pass about half an hour. Dry them and store on the upper shelf of the refrigerator to the desired moment.
You have to get a pits about 3 cm deep. After landing, Pour Seeds. The jet should not be too strong, otherwise everything that you landed will be overlooked. At the end, put a stick of a small size and cover the food film from above.

Lofant Anisian through the cultivation of seeds will sprout in about 6 days. Over a month, about 4 leaves will appear on shoots. This will mean that you need to make a pickup again in the disinflected land.

Growing seedlings

For disembarkation, wait for a stable warm weather. Between the rows in the garden should be a distance of 60 cm. The plant will take place in new soil several days. During this time you need to periodically water water.
Do this is necessary with the addition of drops. This will help prevent lesions of still very weak shoots. The water stream is better to direct the landing place itself, but a little to the side.

The cultivation of Lofant Tibetan will take 2 years, after which you will start receiving 2 harvest plants in one season. The first time you need to cut a plant by about 40 cm from the ground. The next time is 15 cm, but after you collect seeds for the future fit.

How to care for culture

The plant needs drainage, as well as preventive dry shelter. These measures must be taken in winter, otherwise Lofant may not survive frosts. In mid-September, and better a little earlier, it is necessary to trim the above-ground part.
Leave about 10 cm from the ground. Thus, root kidneys will be able to transfer the cold and again wake up in spring.

During the flowering period you need to constantly cut the flowers. So you provoke the growth of new stems. This cycle can last 4 and a half months. Magnificent bushes you will also be in the event that you will abundantly and regularly water the plants.

Nevertheless, drought and heat Lofant tolerates well. If you are at the stage of growing small shoots, then watch the cleanliness on the site. Immediately remove excess grass and

Lofant is called anise, fennel, dill plant due to a strong spicy smell, exhibited by its long inflorescences. The plant does not apply to the list of pharmacopoeia, but popular among folk healers, thanks to their therapeutic qualities. Therapeutic properties of the lofant are based on the action of essential oil: anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, healing. Its components normalize the work of the immune, as well as the cardiovascular system.

Full characteristic of type

The plant is widespread as wildly, and also cultivated to mining essential oil. It is possible to use the Lofant in the form of a spice.


The greatest spread of Lofant is observed in the average climatic strip. The plant spread out North America. Wild-growing Lofant is found throughout the United States, as well as in the regions of Canada adjacent to them. In Russia, Lofant can be governing in the Caucasus and Siberia. Fields of growing plants - Astrakhan, Saratov, Moscow region. Lofant is found at the European continent in all countries with temperate climates: in Ukraine, Poland, Moldova. Distributed in the Crimea.

For a good growing of the Lofant, dry soils are perfect steppe zone, as well as stony soils of the foothill. Lofant loves good lighting, under sunny rays Quickly grow up, forming semi-stamped thickets.

Morphological signs

The plant relates to grassy perennials, although appearance It can be confused with a semi-staple. The fact is that the above-ground part of the grass is actively branched, and each individual branch of the plant ends with its own inflorescences, forming a volumetric similarity of the shrub crown. Looks like a plant as follows.

  • Root. Sodle root system Lofant has a well-developed, fleshy main root, from which multiple additional roots depart, significantly increasing the area of \u200b\u200babsorption of water and useful substances from the soil.
  • Stem. The only stem of Lofant is repeatedly branched. The surface of the stem light green shade, most often has four faces. Stems upright, desirable.
  • Leaves. They have decorative meaning because of their unusual species. The leaves of the lofant are characterized by large sizes - reach a length of 10 cm. The entire sheet plate is green, and the older leaves it has a bright purple-brown population. The shape of the sheet plate is widely lanceal, with heart-shaped base. The leaves are attached with long stuffs, accommodation - opposite. The edge of the sheet plate is pil.
  • Flowers. Flowering is observed from July to October. Each double flower in inflorescence, fades for a week after blooming, but a new bud comes to replace a new bud, which is why the plant is in the flowering phase so long. A large term of development of inflorescences generates the decorative value of the Lofant. Cole-shaped inflorescences stretch up, having impressive volumes. The length of the inflorescence can reach 15 cm, and the diameter is 3 cm. Flowers are purple, pink, bare-rose color.
  • Fruit. Have an oblong oval form. These are nuts brown. Inside them are a lot of smooth seeds.

Under favorable conditions from the same thickets, you can collect several raw yields per season, because the cutting plant will grow very quickly. In traditional medicine, the healing properties of the Lofant Tibetan are also valued. It is worth saying that therapeutic properties, as well as the chemical composition of both plants similar. The main morphological difference of species is the color of flowers. The Tibetan species are white.

Preparation of raw materials

Dosage purposes applies only the above-ground part of the anise Lofant - young shoots collected during the bootonization period or immediately after the start of flowering. The basics of the workpiece are as follows.

  • Collection of raw materials. Garden scissors cut off shoots, retreating 10 cm from the soil. It is desirable that the length of the collected branches does not exceed 20 cm. The re-blank of the lofant for the winter implies a cutting of grass, retreating 20 cm from the soil.
  • Preparation. The collected branches with inflorescences are crossed on the subject of impurities, knit in small panicles or lay out with one layer on the pallet, lined with paper or cotton fabric.
  • Drying. It occurs when hanging raw materials on thick threads or placement of the pallet with grass in a shaded place, with good, preferably through ventilation. When using the dryer observe temperature mode up to 40 ° C.

The dried grass is crushed so that it is more convenient to be facing and store. Well-dried raw materials are fragility, has a characteristic spicy smell, as well as bitter taste.

Keep the grass is necessary in compliance with the rules for essential oil raw materials - uses hermetic or dense packaging from cardboard or glass. Suitable for storage dark place, with good ventilating. The shelf life of the dried herb is 1 year.

What caused the therapeutic properties of the Lofant

The main component chemical composition Plants constituting 15% of all compounds is essential oil. The main substance is the basis of a specific anise aroma of the plant - Methylhavikol. In general, scientists were isolated from the essential oil of the lofant of anise about 20 aromatic compounds having different pharmacological, physical properties and cause different shades of plants fragrance.

Depending on the place of growing plants and the essential oil of a certain chemical compound, the Lofant may have prevailing citrus or lemon shades of smell, gently enveloping the main anise fragrance. Lofant essential oil gives a variety of useful properties.

  • Impact on the CNS. Improves the work of the central nervous system, activates mental processes. Shows soft sedative properties that do not cause drowsiness. In general, it can be said that Lofant contributes to the concentration of attention, improve memory.
  • Impact on immunity. Lofant improves the immune response of protective cells, prevents the development of viral and bacterial diseases, and also accelerates recovery with already existing infectious diseases. Lofanta essential oil is a source of antioxidants, neutralizing radicals, which causes the ability of the plant to slow down the process of aging of the cells of the human body.
  • Influence on glands. Lofant regulates the work of the domestic secretion glands, leading to normalization of the ratio of hormones.
  • Impact on the skin. Lofanta essential oil exhibits anti-inflammatory, regenerating, anti-refective and anti-and-appliance effect.

Useful material

In addition to the essential oil, Lofant is rich in other specific compounds that have pharmacological activity.

  • Tannin. Interacting with skin proteins and mucous membranes, forms a protective film, preventing chemical, mechanical, and bacterial irritation of the damaged epithelium. The tannin, as a tannic substance in the composition of the Lofant, has a bacteriostatic, astringent, anti-acudative and bloodstream, which is actively used in the treatment of burns, wounds, scratches, skin diseases.
  • Oleanic acid. It has antihypertensive properties, due to the ability to eliminate vascular spasms. Shows the ability to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, creating the prevention of atherosclerosis. Improves the state of vascular walls - normalizes their permeability, increases elasticity. In integrated therapy with antibiotics, enhances their action.
  • Ursolic acid. Eliminates inflammatory processes in vascular walls, improves peripheral blood flow, stimulating skin regeneration and hair growth. It has antihypertensive properties. Stimulates urine formation, improves the removal of salt sediments from the body. Stimulates the natural synthesis of collagen in the body.
  • Diosmin. Compound from a group of flavonoids that manifests an anti-vicious effect. Diaosmon normalizes the state of vascular walls, gently dilutes blood, preventing thrombophlebitis. Normalizes arterial, venous, lymphatic outflow, showing a property to eliminate edema.
  • Glycosides. Have soft laxative, diuretic, irritating properties. Also for glycosides inherent antimicrobial activity.
  • Ascorbic acid. The most powerful antioxidant in the composition of the Lofant, which is necessary for the body as the prevention of premature aging, as well as to perform other physiological processes: blood formation, absorbing iron, nervous and immune system, support the normal state of the veins and capillaries. Known hepatoprotective properties of ascorbic acid.
  • Bitterness. Possess irritating effect on the cells of the digestive tract. Improve the release of digestive juices, normalize the intestinal microflora. Protect the rapid restoration of the body during physical exhaustion. Activate appetite.

Everything chemical compoundsLofanta, which improves the exchange processes in the human body.

Use with various illnesses

The scientific study of the composition and pharmacological value of the grass of Lofant began only in the 21st century, which caused a clear lack of information regarding the healing properties of the plant.

Diseases of the skin and hair

It has been scientifically proven that the composition of the essential oil of the Lofant in combination with tanning substances can be used externally for treatment:

  • dermatitis of fungal, bacterial, allergic origin;
  • burns;
  • frostbite;
  • ecratese, psoriatic, seborrheic rashes;
  • alopecia.

Bronchildren disease

Lofant is able to normalize the work of the bronchi eyelash epithelium, to ensure the purification of the lungs from sputum. The plant facilitates the parole cough. The beneficial effect of Lofant oil on condition respiratory tractAllows you to apply a plant for therapy of the following diseases:

  • pneumonia;
  • tuberculosis;
  • asthma;
  • tracheite;
  • laryngitis;
  • hoarseness.

Vascular pathology

The benefit of the lofant anise for the human body also lies in its ability to normalize the state of the vessels and improve blood flow, gently adjust the pressure. The plant is used for therapy:

  • migraine with VDC;
  • headaches;
  • swelling of various location;
  • violation of trophic peripheral tissues;
  • varicose veins;
  • luxury of capillaries;
  • hypertension;
  • diabetes, for preventing complications.

Violations of detoxification organs

In addition, Lofant helps to restore the liver and pancreas, even after severe intoxication. The plant is used for anorexia therapy and other disorders of food behavior, as well as in the absence of appetite, accompanying severe diseases.

Among the indications for the use of Lofant there are both violations of the urogenital system:

  • cystitis;
  • urethritis;
  • prostatitis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • potency disorders;
  • male and female infertility of hormonal nature.

The immunostimulating effect of the Lofant is useful to eliminate the cold, as well as to accelerate the restoration of the body after disease.

In folk medicine, the plant is used for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the mucous membrane of the octitis, otites, conjunctivitis. Lofant can be used in cosmetological purposes for the face, to improve the condition of the scalp. Activating peripheral blood flow, Lofant improves and accelerates hair growth. Anticancer properties of the plant are appropriate for the treatment of skin oncologies.

Is the plant so safe

The side effects of the use of the Lofant, mean the extension of the vessels, followed by a decrease in pressure, an armored effect, as well as a laxative and diuretic effect inherent in essential oil.

Contraindications of Lofant include childhood, the period of pregnancy and lactation, as well as epilepsy - due to excess of dosages may occur by spasms smooth and transverse muscles.

Carefully treat Lofant people having any manifestations of allergies on essential oils. If it is necessary to use the grass, it is better to make an allergybing - to apply the drug on the sensitive area of \u200b\u200bthe skin, in the absence of a reaction, the means can be used, clearly observing the recommended dosages.

How to prepare medicines

For the treatment of lofant at home, you can use the presented Popular Recipes below.


Features. The remedy is popular for the treatment of respiratory tract: bronchitis, pneumonia, pulmonary catarma, tuberculosis, asthma.

Preparation and application

  1. Brew lofant is better in enameled dishesFor which 100 g of chopped grass is poured with a liter of boiling water.
  2. They put a mixture on a slow fire, boil five minutes.
  3. After removing from the fire, 150 g of sugar is added, mixed well.
  4. After cooling, the decoction is filtered, take half a glass once a day.

Tincture on wine

Features. The remedy obtained as a result of an increaseing well stimulates appetite, digestion, treats inflammatory diseases of the gastric and intestine mucosa. In external use, the tincture accelerates wound healing.

Preparation and application

  1. 100 g of crushed dried grass plants are poured a liter of white wine. It is advisable to use dry grade.
  2. The mixture put in a dark cool place for three weeks, daily container with tincture shackle.
  3. Upon expiration of the specified period, the remedy is filtered, taken inward on a teaspoon, three times per day, or used for compresses.


Features. It is used inside with diseases of the digestive tract, externally used in conjunctivitis, wounds, burns, herpes rashes.

Preparation and application

  1. The thermos is placed 20 g of dried crushed grass of plants, poured a liter of steep boiling water.
  2. After insistence, for 25 minutes, the remedy is filtered through gauze.
  3. Take inside 100 ml to three times a day or used for washing the skin.


Features. Apply inside for the treatment of colds, cough, to strengthen the body, the field of transferred diseases.

Preparation and application

  1. A half a kilogram of sugar is added to the liter of hot bums of the Lofant.
  2. They put on a slow fire and evaporate means to obtain a moderate viscous consistency syrup.
  3. Take a tablespoon, up to five times a day.

The use of Lofant seeds in folk medicine is not practiced. Moreover, the inflorescences on which the fruits are already exist, do not come to the workpiece.

Other possibilities of northern ginseng

Long-term flowering of the Lofant, as well as its ability to allocate pollen under all weather conditions makes the plant with a productive honey. Honey from Lofant has a light specific aroma and beneficial featuresinherent in the plant itself.

To get honey, you can create large lofant thickets - the plant perfectly adapts to various conditions, it is suitable for any soil. At the estate, there will be exotic, thanks to bright blossom And the interesting color of the leaves of the plant. The only harm of the Lofant, marked by gardeners is his ability to form a similarity of lavender thickets, which are difficult to withdraw.

Lofant essential oil is used to create perfumes and fragrances for hygienic and cosmetics. Plant extracts are actively used to enrich hair cosmetics.

In the culinary Lofant add to:

  • fish dishes;
  • vegetable casseroles;
  • vegetable salads;
  • baking;
  • fruit salads;
  • compotes;
  • jam;
  • pudding;

According to reviews, light citrus and mint bags of Lofant aroma refresh the taste of dishes and have a positive effect on digestion.

The beneficial properties of the Lofant are so multifaceted that this plant will definitely not be superfluous on any garden or summer cottage. Simplicity of cultivation, collection and billets, the possibility of use in cosmetic, medicinal and culinary purposes, as well as aesthetic species of the plant will make Lofant welcome guest in each garden.

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