Detailed description of the assembly of the roof in the Alpine style. The roof of the chalet from the inside

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The houses of the Chalet have long been of interest to the architects of Europe. They attracted attention with an unusual roof, the edges of which extend 2-3 meters beyond the walls. This design protected the families of the Savoyard shepherds in the Alpine mountains from bad weather. Even snowfall became an additional means of warming. A significant layer was retained on the roof of the Chalet, which protected from wind and frost.

The design, according to which the roof of the Chalet-style house is installed, assumes the presence of visors that go beyond the usual boundaries of overhangs. They protect the terrace, increasing the usable space.

Chalet roof design at VAYAR

Employees of our company will carry out a roof project that completely repeats the elements of its Alpine prototype. It has two gentle slopes that protect the foundation and walls from sun rays, heavy rainfall and wind. Such housing is characterized by the device of the attic, balcony and terrace. They are also under the roof and do not suffer from the harmful effects of weather disasters. The device of the roof of the Chalet is carried out in such a way that rainwater is discharged into the ground at a distance from the walls and does not harm the structural elements of the building.

When designing, it is important to correctly determine the slope angle, which depends on the characteristics of the local climate, the amount of precipitation in summer and winter time, the type of roofing used. Important, that:

  • For a roof with an angle of inclination of less than 45 degrees, it is necessary to install a reinforced truss system. Otherwise, the roof may not withstand the load created by the fallen snow.
  • Roofs with a slope angle of more than 45 degrees provide for spontaneous rolling of snow.

All this will be calculated by our specialists, they will make an estimate, and after signing the contract, the installation of the roof of the Chalet will begin.

Material selection

On our site you can choose roofing material and order it at a discount. We sell building material, offering our customers high quality at an affordable cost. The range is represented by a variety of materials:

  • Natural. Wooden tiles, ceramic tiles.
  • Modern. Composite and bituminous tiles, ondulin.

Call us and we will choose with you the most suitable design and material, advantageous in terms of cost and quality.

Among the many types of buildings, chalet-style houses stand out in particular. Traditionally they are built from natural materials. During construction lower floors previously chosen stone. Today it has been replaced with concrete products and bricks. The upper floors were always built of wood. For these works, such species as larch or pine were chosen. However, the main feature of such structures is the roof of the chalet, which has large overhangs.

Its device requires careful preparation and accurate calculations. Only with this approach is it possible to create a reliable and durable structure. Figuring out how to make a chalet-style roof is quite difficult, so it is important to pay attention to details when choosing such a design.

Chalet Roof Features

The main feature of the chalet roofs is its large overhangs. This solution allows you to reliably cover the foundation, basement and blind area from precipitation. Water flows far beyond the boundaries of the structure. Thanks to this, there is no dampness in the basement, and the house can be used much longer.

The design of such roofs is characterized by large visors. They are able to prevent precipitation from entering the balcony and terrace. Plus, the wide stem creates a lot of space.

The roof of the chalet, although it looks impressive, does not make the building heavier. You can increase the reliability of the structure by creating consoles along the walls. They will serve as supporting elements for overhangs. Chalet houses began to be built in the Alps, but they are still being built in Europe and America.

Tilt angle and design

The design of the roofs of the chalet involves the installation of rafters with beams, the ends of which are led out of the walls by 1.5-3 m.

The work is carried out taking into account the following features:

  • Each beam is fixed from below to the wall with a bracket. This will make the design reliable and attractive.
  • At the edges of the bars, strapping is performed. It is designed to support the roof.
  • If the house is built from concrete piece elements, such as brick or aerated concrete, when creating a reinforcement belt in the process of embedding the studs in the Mauerlat, an anchor should also be installed. This rule is observed when creating wide overhangs and roofs with large areas.

The windows when creating such a roof will be somewhat shaded, but in the summer this is a significant plus. In winter, when the lighting on the street is already insignificant, such overhangs can cause inconvenience. Therefore, sometimes sections of overhangs above the windows are created with lattice, and they are decorated climbing plants. In summer, they protect well from the sun, and in winter, the greenery does not block the light.

A large canopy that protrudes above a balcony or terrace can perfectly protect these structures from bad weather. When designing such overhangs, the slope of the roof should be calculated. Several factors need to be taken into account:

  • climate features in the region;
  • roofing material;
  • the amount of precipitation.

For roofs with a slight slope, a reinforced rafter frame is provided. This is due to the large load on the roof structure. The pressure of the snow mass on sloping roofs is especially high.

Important! The loads transferred to the roof from the snow mass are not taken into account if the slopes have a slope of more than 45 degrees.

You can build the roof of the chalet with your own hands. In this case, it is necessary to draw up an exact design of the structure in advance. It is important to take into account its original design and features of the creation of cornices. Only with proper drawing up of the load diagram will it be possible to build a durable roof.

A chalet-like roof is quite in demand in construction country houses. In such structures, the roof can reach the ground. She takes care of the protection of the house. Such buildings look very original, so they are in demand in modern private construction.

Roofing materials

Houses made with a chalet roof are built with an attic room. Therefore, the choice of material for the roof should take into account this feature of the operation of the upper floor. This will ensure the comfort of being in the attic. For insulation, it is worth using standard heat insulators.

Sometimes they use the method of insulation using reeds laid between the rafters. From below it is hemmed with clapboard or drywall sheets. The insulation is able to be well ventilated, which eliminates the formation of condensate. This one is safe and environmentally friendly. It can be laid in the roofs of a chalet due to its low weight.

Chalet roofs are sometimes covered with natural wood tiles. Wood is used to make it. different breeds. However, they prefer larch, aspen and oak. Such tiles serve for a long time and have sound-absorbing properties. it is attached to the roofing with dowels or staples. Over time, such material becomes silvery.

Important! When the roof slopes from 30 to 45 degrees, snow will roll to the ground.

However, such a coating is quite expensive, so soft tiles are often used instead of shingles. This material is in great demand among private developers. Soft tiles are sold in tapes with an adhesive layer. The advantages of using this material include low price, attractive appearance, low weight and ease of installation. For chalet roofs, this option is more suitable than the others.

However, soft tiles have some drawbacks - the roof covering of the chalet will have to be renewed already 30 years after installation. It is worth listing the materials that are better to choose for a chalet:

  • leafy shingle or shingles;
  • composite coating;
  • tiles made of natural wood;
  • reeds;
  • straw;
  • ceramic tiles.

The latter material is also well suited for finishing a chalet. Ceramic tiles are able to look organically against the background of the natural landscape. She serves for quite a long time. However, given its significant mass, high requirements should be placed on the strength of the crate and rafters.

Thanks to the multi-colour structure of the ceramic tiles, they create an imitation of an ancient material, which is ideal for a chalet. The material has an original appearance, it is distinguished by good noise protection and thermal insulation. Installation of this tile is possible on chalet roofs from 40 to 45 degrees. This is due to its weight, which creates a certain load on the rafter system.

Chalet roof insulation

Since a living space is always equipped under the roofs of a chalet, you should take care of high-quality insulation. For these purposes, reeds, polystyrene foam and fiberglass are used. A ventilation gap is made between the insulation material and the finish coating. It is important to remember about laying waterproofing so as not to disturb the air exchange. Otherwise, condensation may form, and the roof will be affected by moisture.

With high-quality insulation of the under-roof space, comfort in the house is guaranteed. To make a building with a chalet roof more distinctive, it is worth installing ceiling beams for decorating a room.

Houses with a chalet roof look attractive and original. The first thing that distinguishes such buildings is an unusual roof. However, not only this element is an architectural innovation of such buildings. Chalet houses appeared in the Alpine mountains many centuries ago. They were designed to protect the shepherds from bad weather.

The ground floor and base were built of stone. Top part structures were made of wood. Today, this principle is used in the construction of chalet houses. The second condition is the construction of a roof with two slopes and a canopy that goes far beyond the perimeter of the walls.

This roof option is quite practical. Thanks to the significant extension of the roof, an ideal carport is obtained. Such a house can be built independently, having previously studied the projects of such structures. However, to understand all the subtleties of the work will not work. Therefore, it is better to turn to specialists who will build a chalet house with the highest quality. At the same time, they guarantee the durability of the structure.


The roof of the chalet has large slopes that cover the walls and blind area from atmospheric precipitation. However, the arrangement of the rafter system and the choice of the angle of the slopes require an accurate planning calculation. In case of errors in determining the loads, expensive repairs will have to be carried out. Chalet roofs are attractive and practical. Them original look attracts many owners of suburban areas.

This is not to say that a chalet-style roof has an outstanding design, or its appearance overshadows all other roofing schemes. According to designers, simplest design enjoys great popularity. About a quarter of all country houses and country cottages are built in this form factor.

Chalet-style roof features

The design is easy to recognize characteristics style:

  • The roof of the chalet is always performed with very long and gentle slopes;
  • Above the facade of the building there is a huge roof overhang, sometimes replacing the roof of a balcony, a canopy or a canopy over the entrance to the building;
  • In the device of the roof of the chalet, as a rule, there is no deaf ceiling, most of the premises are combined with the under-roof space.

Note! It is rather difficult to say who first came up with the roof of the chalet, quite a lot of similar structures are found on the plateau of Siberia, in South America and in Central Africa.

Roof structures of this style were widely used in the arrangement of dwellings in the high mountain valleys of the Alps blown by frosty winds, primarily in France and Switzerland. The chalet style was very much liked by European designers who were looking for new ideas against the background of pointed Dutch and Danish half-hip roof structures, beautiful in their own way, but not always practical and comfortable.

I liked the design, and within a short time the roof of the chalet-style house became calling card modern cottage or country estate. It is worth remembering that modern design chalet roofs are not just a refinement and honing of style, but rather the result of practical adaptation to harsh weather conditions:

  • The use of prohibitively large, almost horizontal slopes is due to the need to withstand very strong winds;
  • The presence of simply huge roof overhangs and overhangs by modern standards ensures the preservation of heat and the protection of walls, most often log or stone.

All this migrated almost unchanged to the style of the chalet, and today it is an integral part of it. The design of the Alpine style has been repeatedly supplemented with details, but if you want to build a chalet roof, you just need to use its two main features - overhangs and slope configuration.

Advantages and disadvantages of a chalet-style roof

Like any roof structure, alpine version The roof has its own characteristics, which are important to consider before deciding to use this style.

The main feature of the style is the honed perfection of design. If you need more than just a cottage for country rest, and a house from a fairy tale, then a photo house with a chalet roof, the roofs of chalet houses are best suited to create the necessary style and surroundings.

The chalet style also has disadvantages:

  • The huge weight of the frame, in order to hold the truss system, will require powerful walls made of stone or logs;
  • A small slope angle with a large roof area prevents the descent of snow and water, so the rafters are made according to an enhanced scheme.

On the other hand, flat roof and big square provide good heat removal from the surface, it is enough to lay a darkened, preferably black or dark brown roof, so that 80% of the sunlight falling on the roof is converted into heat to heat the room. On the roofs of houses in a modern style on a dark roof, you can often see huge solar panels.

Chalet roof construction

The device largely depends on the size of the house, the shape, proportions and height of the walls. most famous classic version The chalet-style building is a one-story structure with high stone walls and a gently sloping gable roof.

Today, the chalet style has become so popular that roofs with wide overhanging fields and a gable overhanging the facade are actively used for one and a half and two-story cottages.

Sometimes, even contrary to the canons of style, the angle for the roof is chosen much more than the traditional 15-25 o. Most often, this is due to the desire of the owners to achieve a spectacular look of a chalet-style building, while at the same time ensuring maximum use of the under-roof space with the need to withstand heavy snow loads. Moreover, modern cottages and private holiday homes are built according to frame technology, so the bearing capacity is sufficient weak walls clearly not enough to hold the heavy roof of the chalet.

Chalet roof truss system

Unlike conventional roof structures, the frame of the chalet is 60-70% larger, more massive, heavier and will require serious capital investments for the construction of the roof.

At the heart of the roof, two types of load-bearing beams are used - rafters and horizontal runs. If in a conventional roof the rigidity of the slope plane is provided by thick and powerful rafters, sometimes reinforced struts and struts, then this is clearly not enough for the roof of a chalet.

The structural strength of the frame is provided by several basic elements:

  • Rafter beams are the longest and most massive of all roof parts. In the chalet system, the rafters are supported by a ridge run, which can be made in the form of a very thick composite beam or have a frame structure supported by spacers;
  • Longitudinal horizontal beams. This is the only way to provide a very large overhang of the gable roof of the chalet above the facade of the building;
  • A system of struts holding the huge overhangs of the chalet. An alpine-style roof is usually equipped with props under each rafter, otherwise the wind and cornice strips may come off.

Massive rafters are fixed on the Mauerlat according to a sliding pattern. The weight of the frame is so great that the strength of the Mauerlat beam is not enough to hold and compensate for the crushing effect of the rafters. Therefore, the assembly of the roof of the chalet begins only after the installation of ceiling beams and gables with edge rafters.

Shed roof in chalet style

The vast majority of chalet-style buildings are built with gable roofs. Partly because it is easier to assemble the frame this way, the two slopes lean against each other and mutually compensate and balance the pressure on the ridge beam.

But this scheme is not the only possible one; if necessary, you can build a chalet-style house with a pitched roof, photo.

Note! Oddly enough, but in the highlands shed structures in the style of a chalet, they are even more widespread than gable ones. This is due to the fact that it is easier to orient such a roof according to the wind rose, and thereby reduce wind load on the rafters.

The structure of the frame is not much different from gable scheme, the only difference is the use of massive brickwork reinforced with steel reinforcement. The weight of the roof slope is more than two tons, of which 500 kg are pressed in the horizontal direction on the supporting wall.

This is a lot, the pressure is 30-400 kg per side surface walls of one and a half bricks can deform and overturn the masonry, therefore compensating unloading should be provided in the chalet roof project. The simplest option is to weight the cornices and roof overhangs. For example, a board sewn on a cornice delays on overhangs a large number of snow, which partly compensates for the pressure of the snow cover on the rafters and the ridge beam.

Chalet roof pitch

Today you can find buildings with a roof built according to the chalet scheme, with an angle of inclination from 10 to 45 degrees. At the same time, the height of the under-roof space increases from the traditional 1.5-2 m to 4 m. It is clear that such solutions are used for buildings and houses located in wind-sheltered areas, so such structures do not have any special problems with wind load.

The high roof of the chalet with steep slopes is more a tribute to fashion, the desire to use classic style in new form. Of course, a high roof makes it possible to use the under-roof space more productively; often a second residential floor is arranged on the floor beams or a room is decorated in the style of a medieval castle.

The use of high roof structures in the chalet style increases the pressure on the walls by 1.5-2 times, so such solutions are usually used in houses made of reinforced concrete, rubble masonry or with load-bearing frame from rolled metal.

roofing material

A small angle of inclination of the roof slopes creates problems with the choice of coverage. The most common chalet roof materials are:

  • Ceramic clay tiles;
  • Bituminous soft roof;
  • Sand-cement tiles;
  • Shingled wooden shingles made of treated aspen or oak.

The latter option, despite its good thermal insulation and beautiful appearance, is used only for projects that require complete authenticity of the chalet style, for example, for a building built in the form hunting lodge, or an old manor.

How to make a chalet roof with your own hands: step by step instructions

Building a chalet roof with your own hands is not particularly difficult when it comes to small buildings, for example, a bathhouse, a gazebo or a summer kitchen. For a full-fledged house, making a frame by one person is clearly an impossible task. You will need a construction crane and at least three carpenters who can cut the rafters on site.

First of all, the mauerlat and ceiling beams are laid on the walls. The next step is to assemble the gables. Usually on the floor, the gables are assembled from wooden beam or laid out of brick with reinforcement fittings.

The next step is to install the edge pairs of rafters and the ridge run. Ordinary truss beams are adjusted and marked on the ground, lifted to the ceiling and washed down with a chainsaw for landing on a skate and on a Mauerlat. Each pair is temporarily tightened with steel wire. The installed rafters are reinforced with horizontal sections of 70x100 timber at the base and in the upper part of the roof.

Next, they fill the roof overhangs cornice planks and put jibs and fillies. To comply with the canons of the chalet style, horizontal slats for filing overhangs are added to the struts. Only after this stage it is possible to fill the crate and lay the roofing.

In spite of big weight chalet-style roof frame, the structure remains quite vulnerable to gusts of wind and powerful rain torrents. But the biggest problem is the formation of powerful snow caps in winter period. In the conditions of frequent and strong winds in the highlands, there is practically no snow left on the roof, most of it is swept away by a stream from almost flat slopes.

Under normal conditions, an alpine-style roof must be equipped with a heating system for roofing and removal of melt water. Today, this is the only way to protect the frame from being crushed by ice and snow.

Photos of roofs in the style of a chalet (pick up a photo)

The active attention of developers and designers to the Alpine style has led to the emergence of a variety of modifications to the roofing device. One of the most popular options is to combine several rooms at once under a single roof slope, photo.

The second most popular option for using the possibilities of a chalet roof is to equip full-fledged canopies under the side overhangs for recreation, pastime and even car parking.

They manage to install the roof of the chalet even on an ordinary one-story house, the project of which did not provide for such a modification. To do this, it is enough just to add a couple of additional rows to the box of the building, it is even possible from a beam, and on this “isthmus” to mount huge overhangs that almost reach the middle of the walls.

The most beautiful is the roof structure, built from several parallel slopes, cascaded, one above the other.


A chalet-style roof looks very modern, relevant, and most importantly, very practical. Even with a huge variety of all kinds of design options, this type of roof will not be lost, and will not look alien. The costs of its arrangement are quite high, but the spent forces and means fully justify themselves.

Among other buildings, chalet-style houses look especially original. They are traditionally built from natural materials. In the construction of the lower floors, stone was previously used, now brick or cellular concrete is more often used. The second floor is always made of wood, usually larch or pine. But the main distinguishing feature of such buildings is the roof of the chalet, which has roof overhangs that protrude far beyond the walls, which gives the house a striking beauty.

The roof, strongly hanging over the walls, is an architectural feature of the chalet style. Under such a shelter, the foundation, blind area, basement and walls of the house are thoroughly protected from the sun and precipitation. The roof extension, which can be up to three meters, ensures rainwater runoff far from the building boundaries. This saves from dampness in the basement and on the ground floor, which also helps to increase the life of the building.

The design of such a roof has large remote canopies that serve as protection from wind, rain and snow for terraces or balconies located along the facade of the building. Additional space appears, which is securely hidden from negative impact atmospheric precipitation.

In winter, a sloping roof, holding a large amount of snow, provides the house with additional thermal insulation.

Worth paying attention!

Looking quite impressive, the roof of the chalet does not weigh down the structure. But for greater reliability, it is recommended to build consoles along the walls, which serve as an additional support for the roof overhangs.

Chalet-style houses originated in the Alps, but now they can be found in Western Europe, America, Canada and in the Moscow region, where entire villages appeared in the style of a chalet

The design and angle of the chalet cover

Typically, the design of the roof of the chalet implies the presence of rafters and roof beams, the ends of which are released on the sides, beyond the boundaries of the walls, by one and a half to three meters.

This is done as follows:

  • Each beam from below is attached with a bracket to the wall, which will serve reliable support and at the same time perform decorative functions.
  • A strapping is made along the edges of the beams, the purpose of which is to be a support for the roofing.
  • If the house is being built from concrete blocks or bricks, when installing a reinforced belt, by embedding the studs for the Mauerlat, you can also mount anchors for attaching the brackets. This is recommended when constructing large overhangs and large roof areas. Then the rafters will be securely fixed not only with tie-ins, but also with anchors.

Some window shading in houses with such roofs for summer time is even good. Here in the winter when the intensity natural light significantly reduced, a significant removal of the roof creates inconvenience. Sometimes that part of the canopy, which is located above the windows, is made in the form of lattice elements and decorated with climbing greenery. In summer - protection from sunlight, in winter, when there is no greenery anymore - additional lighting.

A large protruding canopy of the roof of the chalet will protect the balcony or terrace from any vagaries of the weather

At the design stage, the angle of inclination of the roof is calculated. Many factors are taken into account:

  • take into account the peculiarities of local climatic conditions;
  • abundance of summer and winter precipitation;
  • selected roofing.

For sloping roofs, a reinforced truss system should be provided, since they have to withstand a huge load - a heavy snow layer.

Worth paying attention!

Snow load is not taken into account if the slope angle exceeds 45 degrees. It is believed that such a slope does not contribute to the accumulation of snow on the roof.

With a chalet-style roof, you can bring a touch of Alpine aesthetics to any landscape.

It is quite possible to build such a roof yourself. In this case, it is important that the roof of the chalet be built with your own hands only after the development of a full-fledged building project, taking into account its unusual design, cornices and large overhangs. Only competent and careful calculation of loads and compliance with necessary technologies will result in a strong and reliable roof that meets all requirements.

There are projects of small country houses where a "hut" type construction is used. The roof in such buildings almost reaches the ground, combining the functions of the roof and walls. Such houses look original and beautiful.

Chalet roof. "hut" type construction

Roofing materials for original construction

Taking into account the fact that houses with a chalet roof involve the construction of an attic, the choice of roofing and insulation should be such that they can provide comfortable accommodation in attic rooms. For insulation, the usual heat-insulating materials are suitable.

It is also possible to use a somewhat unusual method of insulation using reeds, which are laid between the rafters, and are hemmed from below with drywall or clapboard. This insulation is well ventilated, which prevents condensation. In addition, it is an environmentally friendly, safe material.

Such roofs are traditionally covered with wooden tiles (shingles). For its manufacture, various types of wood can be used, but preference is given to larch, oak, cedar and aspen. This type shingles are distinguished by excellent sound-absorbing qualities and durability. It is fixed to the roofing with staples or dowels (wooden nails). Over time, wooden tiles acquire a silvery color that harmonizes perfectly with the landscape.

If you give the roof an angle of inclination within 30-45 degrees, then the snow cover will slide off the roof under the pressure of its own weight.

However, such a coating has a considerable cost, therefore shingles are often replaced with soft tiles, which are widely used in individual construction. Bituminous tile tapes have an adhesive layer, which makes it easier to work with them. To positive characteristics this material can be attributed to an affordable price, aesthetic appearance (produced in different color scheme), fire resistance, lightness and ease of installation. But you should also be aware of the disadvantages of such a roofing: the roof of a chalet with its use will not be very durable - within 30 years.

We list the materials that are best suited for coating and corresponding to the style of such a roof:

  • shingles or larch shingles;
  • reeds, straw;
  • flexible or ceramic tiles (metal is not recommended);
  • exclusive wooden tiles;
  • composite roofs stylized as shingles.

Ceramic tiles also a good option for the roof of the chalet. It is organically combined with the surrounding landscape and has a fairly long service life. But, given its significant weight, high strength requirements are imposed on the rafters and the crate.

Soft shingles are a great budget alternative to traditional shingles and ceramics

The multicolored internal structure of ceramic tiles makes it possible to imitate natural antiquity, which is typical for the chalet style. The original appearance of this material is complemented by high rates of heat and noise insulation of ceramic roofing. Installation of such tiles is carried out on roofs with a slope of 40-45 degrees. It must be carried out by qualified specialists.

Roof insulation: we care about warmth and comfort in the house

Based on what is under roofing the living space is located, it needs to be insulated. The use of reeds for these purposes was described above. Thorough insulation of the roof from the inside can be ensured by using mineral wool, fiberglass or polystyrene foam. An air gap is left between the insulation and the roof covering. It is important not to forget to lay a vapor barrier layer to avoid disruption of air exchange. Otherwise, condensation will form, and the roof will collapse, subject to rotting and mold damage.

Proper roof insulation is a guarantee of coziness and comfort in the house. To emphasize the originality of the house with a roof-chalet will help decorative ceiling beams indoors

Chalet houses look very beautiful and unusual. The first thing that distinguishes such buildings and catches the eye is original roof chalet style. But this is not just an architectural innovation. This type of building appeared in the Alpine mountains a long time ago and was designed to protect the shepherds from bad weather in the mountains. The foundation and basement were built of stone, and wood was always used to build the upper part of the building. Until now, the principle of "wooden top, stone bottom" remains unchanged in the architecture of the chalet, as well as the obligatory gable roof with a visor that protrudes strongly above the walls.

This version of the roof of the chalet is very practical. Large roof overhang can be used as a carport

You can, of course, build such a house with your own hands, having previously thoroughly studied great amount information on this topic. But to understand all the nuances, the knowledge of which comes only with experience, is probably impossible. Therefore, the most optimal the right option there will be an appeal to specialists who have built more than one such house.

The solid gable roof of the chalet is finding more and more fans thanks to a successful combination of its qualities. The article talks about the architectural features and advantages of a large area roof. You will get acquainted with the nuances of design truss system and overhangs, find out which building materials are suitable for arranging an alpine roof and for its insulation.

Modern chalet project Source

Chalet: features and benefits

The name chalet usually refers to a house in rural style, a distant descendant of the alpine huts that served as a shelter for shepherds during the stormy weather. Today, such buildings are a familiar detail of the mountainous regions of Switzerland, France and Austria; their characteristic appearance is given not only by the traditional two-tiered use building materials but also the roof structure.

The name of the style is consonant with the Russian word "shawl" and conveys, in fact, the same meaning - a cozy cover. The design of the roof cannot be pointed, it is always emphatically simple: gable, gently sloping, covering the entire building. Distinctive for a traditional house and a chalet roof are the following features:

    sloping roof. The most feature alpine housing. In modern suburban buildings, a slope of up to 30 ° is laid (in Swiss and Austrian chalets, an angle of 23-25 ​​° is often found).

    Cornice overhangs. Their length can reach a quarter or even a third of the length of the rafters. This solution allows you to protect the facade, plinth and blind area from moisture. The rafters and filing of spotlights are made only of wood.


    Material combination. The first floor is made of stone (conditionally), the second or third, attic - of wood. For exterior decoration, wood, stone, plaster are used. The classic roofing material is wooden shingles.

    Options. In a classic chalet roof, the slopes are the same length, but in modern architectural projects it is not uncommon to see an asymmetric roof that gives the building an original and stylish look.

The advantages of a house with a roof to the ground include several design features:

    streamlined shape makes the building resistant to snow and wind loads.

    Enough simple truss system suitable for one-, two- and three-story houses.

    With this form of roofing from the installation of a drainage system you can refuse.

    Space under wide overhangs convenient to use for organizing terraces and balconies. In some projects, the overhang is extended to the ground, in which case the truss system plays the role of a wall structure.

asymmetric project Source

Chalet roof device

In order for a wide roof to look presentable and not look like an alien element above the facade of the house, its design is based on traditional proportions and ideas. The chalet roof project, the design of which is created on the basis of accurate load calculations, includes the following elements:

    Design basis- rafter system, consisting of truss trusses of a triangular shape, providing maximum rigidity. The long side of the triangle, the sloping tank serves as the basis for the roofing.

    If the designed roof has enough big sizes(a project for a large house), the truss system should be based on a reinforced belt, which is arranged before installation work. A Mauerlat is installed on it, the basis of the future truss system.

Rafter attachment scheme Source

country house design service

    Visors and overhangs chalet roofs significantly go beyond the buildings. Beam length in modern projects it is calculated in such a way that their ends are extended beyond the border of the facade by a maximum of three meters on all sides of the house. Metal brackets are fixed on the walls, which fix the beams on the wall.

    strapping attached to the lower ends of the beams; subsequently, the lower part of the roof will be mounted on it. All parts of the roofing system are fastened together with steel plates.

    Characteristic details chalet roofs, consoles, play an important supporting and decorative role. They are installed under overhangs, on the side walls. In order for the consoles to be functional, it is recommended to carefully calculate the allowable loads when arranging the ledge.

    Long overhangs can shade windows, which is not always acceptable. Therefore, the design of the visor protruding above the windows design lattice, not interfering sunlight get into the room.

Chalet truss system Source

    The truss system serves the basis for the crate. A roofing cake is assembled on the crate and roofing material is laid.

The length of the rafters is determined by the main parameters of the roof, by its dimensions and the angle of inclination of the slopes. Length and width allow you to determine the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe roof of the chalet; the angle of inclination of the roof depends on several parameters, including the characteristics of the local climate (the amount and distribution of precipitation) and the roofing material intended for use. If the region has snowy and long winters, it will be necessary to strengthen the truss system. If the slope angle exceeds 45°, snow load are not taken into account.

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About the house with an alpine style roof in the following video:

On our website you can find contacts construction companies, which offer a turnkey construction service for country houses. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

Materials for the roof of the Alpine house

The practicality of a scrap chalet lies, among other things, in the presence attic space. For the construction of a residential attic, you will need materials that can provide reliable thermal insulation and a comfortable life for the owners. However, to maintain an elegant look alpine house, natural materials are used as a topcoat, which include:

    Shingle. A durable material with a high aesthetic value, which looks like wooden plates (another name is wooden tiles). The main disadvantage that limits the use is the high cost, which is why such a design is referred to as elite construction.

    Clay tile. The tiled roof fits perfectly with the style, the many shades of the material perfectly support the style of the traditional way of life. Features a long service life, high thermal insulation characteristics, beautiful appearance and considerable weight. The use of ceramics will require strengthening the truss system, and, therefore, an increase in the budget.

Artistic element on the shingle roof Source

In addition to natural materials, the roof of the chalet can be covered with:

    Onlulin. Pressed cellulose sheets impregnated with bitumen are affordable, light in weight and well protected from atmospheric moisture.

    Soft (flexible) tiles. Multi-layer material, light and beautiful in appearance, easy to install and maintain. Choosing flexible tiles, it is worth remembering that its service life is on average 25-30 years.

    Composite roof tiles . Such a roof, stylized as shingles, does not go out of style and reliably protects the under-roof space.

    metal tile not recommended for chalet roofing. This is due to usage restrictions. this material- at the angles of inclination typical for chalet structures, snow will linger on the roof of the metal tile; under its weight, the surface can be deformed and lose tightness.

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About the intricacies of filing overhangs in the following video:

The classic, time-tested roofing for a house with a roof to the ground is shingle (shindel). These high quality wood shingles are made from hardwoods (oak, cedar, spruce or larch). Exclusive wood flooring harmonizes with any landscape environment and has ideal properties:

    Dry wedge plates weigh little, do not create an excessive load on the walls and foundation; their use does not require reinforcement of the truss system.

    Characterized low thermal conductivity, which allows you to effectively keep the heat in the house.

    shingle roof well absorbs noise during rain, perfectly insulates from precipitation and does not freeze over with an ice crust.

Soft roof Source

    Natural materials help regulate the microclimate in the house, keeps it comfortable all year round.

    The highest quality shingles are considered larch boards- a tree known for its special resistance to decay. Larch shingle has a beautiful structure, a pleasant shade and does not need protective impregnation.

    For fixing wood roof deck chalet use wooden dowels(fixing rods cylindrical shape) or pins ( wooden nails). This method is most consistent with alpine technology.


Insulation is an indispensable component of the process of arranging a chalet-style roof, since living quarters are located under it. Dry reed is considered an unusual option for creating a heat-insulating layer. A material that can hardly be called classic - it is unlikely that it was used in the Alps. However, fans of eco-style may consider it as worthy alternative, especially since the reed is a light, heat-intensive and fairly durable raw material.

Canopy over the main facade Source

Mats or sheaves are formed from reeds, which are laid between the rafters, and are hemmed from below with drywall or clapboard. Reed insulation due to its structure is well ventilated and prevents condensation from forming. Also suitable for thermal insulation industrial materials such as mineral wool or polystyrene foam. roofing cake must necessarily include an air gap between the insulation and the roof, as well as a vapor barrier layer. Violation of the rules will lead to a slowdown in air circulation in the under-roof space, the formation of condensate, mold and premature destruction of wooden parts.

Side gallery under a reinforced overhang Source


The calling card of the style is a sloping roof with large extensions; for them, an additional row of supports in the form of pillars is sometimes designed. Similar technical solution transforms the space under the canopy into a spectacular gallery with various possibilities of use. In order for the pillars not to walk, but to properly fulfill their role, competent load calculations are required, both on the roof structure and on the foundation. Wherein great importance acquires the quality of lumber; preference is given to durable, dried softwood.

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