How are hunting huts built in the taiga? Do-it-yourself hunter's house Build a do-it-yourself hunting lodge.

The buildings 04.03.2020
The buildings

One evening, 20 * 20 mm bars caught my eye, or rather, I stumbled over them for the umpteenth time, making my way through the wilds of the workshop.

"Fate" - I said aloud, and the echo habitually answered in a different way.

I brought a hacksaw over them and mercilessly sawed them into equal segments

This seemed to me not enough and I finished off the poor bars already with a milling cutter. Here came one of the first turning points (not in life, of course) that evening. Suddenly an insight descended - what could come out of this soup set.

Whether molded, or absurd ... There was such a form.

An old box of oranges came under a hot hand, in which Cheburashka illegally crossed the border.

... it was the tenth day of hard work ...

In the process came an understanding and another revelation that a house was being built, perhaps a night light. Whose house will be is still a mystery to me.

House without furniture - empty box

It’s already more fun, there is where to sit down and what to knock on with a spoon. There is no way without doors now - the times are not the same ... At this point, the wife joined in.

Although our places are not northern, you can give oak without a stove in winter.

The house should be with amenities, albeit in the yard.

Conducted electricity, powered by a 3V battery, put switches. They hid it all in the WC.

And then the collective fantasy carried us through endless creative fields. Somehow, between times, the owner of the building was determined - let it be a hunter. I wanted to cram so many things in there, but ... Somewhere there was a lack of knowledge and skills, somewhere the necessary materials. They built it as best they could, fueled by simple enthusiasm and getting an incredible buzz from what was happening.

... fire beats in a cramped stove ...

Let there be light!

By the way, they tried to make everything out of wood. Everything that used to be considered scraps was used, but now it has become just a treasure trove of ideas. Joiner's glue and wood stain are our faithful helpers in this.

Slightly covered with snow. And then outside the window the slush and calendar December do not please the eye.

A bit of comfort. Hot kettle, interesting book...

Gun. Everything is classic - hanging and waiting in the wings.

Well, and the final version of what happened. Sledges and skis for winter rides

Hut, hut, stand in front of the forest, back to Ivan ...

A quiet light in the window, someone lives there.

"Today we will go to the remote taiga to build a hunting lodge. A small hut in the forest serves as a second home to the hunter and he must build it himself, with his own hands. The story and photo of the taiga hunter, as well as his friend Maxim with whom they built a hunting hut together ... The winter hut is built at a great distance from the permanent settlement of people in the depths of an impenetrable taiga or forest, where human life is least present, where the beast is not frightened by people .

The main purpose of the hunting hut is, of course, a roof over the hunter's head, strong and reliable walls that can shelter the taiga from severe frost, heavy rain and an evil blizzard, the taiga has its own laws and they are very severe! In the hut, the traveler can rest, warm up and kindle the stove, cook a meal, as well as sleep and gain strength.

By the way, they do not hang locks on such houses, but only cover the door .. -You ask why? The answer is simple .. so that every person, be it a hunter, fisherman, tourist, mushroom picker, lost, could simply survive in harsh conditions. In the winter hut there is always a supply of firewood for at least a week, some products (stew, canned food, cereals, salt and matches). If you had to survive in a hunting hut and she saved you, then please replenish your supply of firewood and provisions if possible, who knows with whom else misfortune may happen in the taiga.

Choosing a place for construction occurs as follows, the first step is to choose the most suitable place in the forest, preferably on a small edge protected from strong winds. There must be a source of clean drinking water nearby, whether it be a stream or a river, because in case of illness a person could get to the water and not perish from dehydration. The hut should be located on a small hill in the pit, preferably of natural origin, this will protect the lower crowns from spring floods and heavy torrential rains. In no case should you build a dwelling in a ravine, only on a flat area or elevation.

The hunting hut lasts from several weeks to a month, it all depends on the skills and craftsmanship of a person in carpentry. The material for the construction is taken naturally on the spot, in the best way it is necessary to harvest pine, larch, and the lower very first crown should be cut from oak and put on oak stumps dug into the ground - this is a kind of columnar foundation. Cutting a log house is oh .., not simple and delicate .., I'll tell you friends) Sometimes it can take all day to fit the groove of just one crown. There are several types of joining logs (paw, dovetail) Harvesting of wood, logs felled and cleared of branches and branches must be cleaned of bark without fail, because various “friends” live under the bark who will grind off your logs if you do not. The cleaned wood must dry!!! Raw log house will warp! The mezhventsovy joint a groove is warmed with freshly picked and damp moss, WET MOSS!!! The height of the hut is mostly small, so that a person of average height can stand in height (an example is like in a bathhouse, the same) The roof is strictly gable covered with light roofing material (roofing material, mica, metal if possible)

This is the heart of a hunting hut, it will warm you in inclement and frosty weather, dry clothes that are soaked to the skin, and you can also cook food on it. Basically, hunters put light metal stoves in winter huts and cover them with stones collected in the vicinity, thus increasing the efficiency of the stove, namely, the heated stones then slowly and evenly give off heat. But if it is not possible to deliver the stove deep into the forest, then you will have to lay it yourself out of stone and clay.

And so on, let's move on to the stand of the winter hut built by one of the taiga hunters and his friend Maxim. background it all started back in 1995, the older and middle generation remember those terrible years, when everyone survived as best they could, so my friend Maxim and I were still teenagers of 15-16 years old at that time and began to master the profession of a commercial hunter, caught game in The taiga lived by this, they gathered cranberries, blueberries, mushrooms, nuts, the taiga generously endowed us and took care of us in its own way. With Max, far from our village, we built our first hut, it’s better to call it even a hut, because we knocked it together from poles, boards, and stuffed it with old blankets inside, in winter it certainly froze through the horse, but we really liked it even despite all shortcomings. Many years have passed since then, and we grew up, we started families ourselves, but we don’t forget that native place where our hut stood, and in 2009 we decided to put a capital hut there. In the photo, the owner of the hut and his friend Maxim.
The place where the hut was located has not been visited by anyone for a long time, and some hooligans set fire to the building itself. It hurts to watch, of course, but hoping for the best, we start building, clearing the clearing.
At the place where the hut stood there is a small depression, the first crown of larch was cut down, it is resistant to moisture, and before that oak logs were dug in as a foundation.
Then we immediately proceed to the formation of the doorway.
Sawing logs with a chainsaw "Partner" worked for 14 hours a day without breakdowns, checked the inexpensive tool for strength, the saw did not let us down)
The weather was not always sunny, on the second day of work it began to rain and we had to hastily make a canopy from galvanized sheet.
It began to rain a little, but we continued to work.
The rain dispersed and we had to put on chemical protection raincoats and work on, because we didn’t have much time, and there was a lot of work ahead.

And now the outlines of the future hut are already visible, the log house was connected into a dovetail, but it turned out what happened)

In parallel, the creation of the roof and the truss system of the hut was going on.
The markup was made with a homemade tool, called a "line"

First, a longitudinal groove is cut, then transverse cuts and are selected with an ax.
We cut transverse cuts.
Freshly picked wet moss is laid between the crowns. Attention! Moss should not contain foreign materials (sticks, twigs, etc.) only pure moss!
The board was brought from the mainland, namely, on a timber truck, friends threw it to the nearest quarry, and then Maxim and I dragged the boards on ourselves through the forest, only 65 pieces, it was very hard and it took us 4 whole days. 17 forty and 48 inch. Sorokovka on the floors and ceiling, inch on the roof sheathing, bunks, table, benches.
The floors, the ceiling are laid and we move on to the truss system, the roof is in two slopes. There is a lot of snow in the taiga in winter, and if you make one slope, it can crush the boards, and it’s much more reliable.
Then we move on to sawing a window opening in the wall of the hut, glass with a frame was found in one of the abandoned quarries, so they adjusted it to the finished frame.

In autumn, there is an abundance of mushrooms in the taiga, which are just not there: boletus, boletus, porcini, mushrooms, there are even podolkhovniki (see the photo below) grow in alder thickets.
We lay the boards close to each other and immediately make a hole for the outlet of the chimney.
Furnace and chimney installed.
We pass to the second half of the roof. Pay attention to the door! It is small in size, this is done so that the hut does not get cold when opened, but it is better to cut down a small canopy or woodcutter before entering the hut.
We saw off the excess protruding parts of the rafters with a chainsaw.
Soon Maxim left and the owners completed the hut together.
A magnificent woman, she helps her husband build a hunting hut, a real wife!
We coat the joints of the roofing material with molten tar.
Installed the stove, flooded, everything is just fine)
After the construction was completed, it was urgently necessary to return home to the city, because a lot of work had accumulated during the absence and rest in the forest. My wife and I returned to the taiga only in autumn with the opening of duck hunting. Arriving at the place, they first examined the hut, were there any guests, was everything in place, surprisingly it was in perfect order, it’s just that it often happens that the beast is naughty, or ignorant passers-by) It was in the evening, there was nothing to do, they took pictures for memory, melted oven, had dinner and went to bed until morning, and at 4 o'clock went hunting to the lake.

In the morning we moved to the lake, along the way we took photos against the backdrop of the rising sun.
Returning from the hunt, they kindled the stove, prepared a meal, hung the clothes to dry. wife went to bed, and I took care of the housework)
While I had free time, I took up the insulation of the ceiling and sealing the pipe, sprinkled the chimney with loam from under the larch uprooted from the root.
The embankment was made in this way, everything is fireproof.
It remains to sew up the attic of the hut with a board, so that the strong wind does not blow out the cotton wool and pour rain and snow.
We managed to build such a winter hut in the taiga forest, now it has become very convenient and comfortable to go fishing and hunting, there is a place where to relax, warm up and spend the night, you don’t need to carry a tent with you. Thus, one more hunting hut in the taiga became more.

North Forest has been developing and successfully implementing projects for many years houses for hunters, because it is these people who more often than others get out into nature in order not only to relax, but also to hone their skills. Hunting is a serious occupation to which you give yourself entirely. Therefore, it is important to always have a reliable home nearby, in which you can not only hide from bad weather, but also spend time comfortably.

In our assortment, we offer a whole range of sizes, from which you can choose a hunter's house project from a log of the size and layout you need. All plans are made by true professionals in their field, taking into account SNiP and knowing all the nuances. Therefore, you can be sure that ready-made solutions are close to ideal, but we value an individual approach, so we can easily make changes according to your adjustments (unless, of course, they conflict with building codes) in the project.

The house, the hunter of which is always happy, is a bathhouse. Our company has a special offer: a small building, which can initially be used as temporary housing, adapting the bath part to the living room-kitchen, and then, after the construction of the main place of residence, for direct use. At the same time, this option looks great on the site where the project of the house "Hunter's House" was built, and perfectly complements it functionally.

The last option mentioned above has the largest number of varieties, from which everyone can choose what suits him. The most modest variation in the collection is a 78-meter house project. A hunter who wants to save money, but at the same time get a cozy and comfortable home, is simply obliged to pay attention to such a solution. Despite its small size, the building has two floors and provides the owner with everything necessary: ​​the plan already takes into account the living room, kitchen-dining room, bathroom, storage room, utility room and as many as three bedrooms!

Larger options (from 100 to 121 sq.m) allow much more interesting and profitable use of the available space, providing scope for individual solutions. A prerequisite for any building is good thermal insulation, and we guarantee that even our large houses retain heat perfectly even during severe frosts due to the quality materials used in the construction and advanced technologies, and also due to the fact that even at the planning stage, qualified specialists draw up a project at home.

The hunter's house is the most versatile and original option. A huge area of ​​201 sq.m opens up opportunities for a flight of design fantasy, as well as for arranging additional premises (such as a steam room) directly inside the building and allows you to feel free and spacious on every meter.

If you are seriously passionate about hunting and are looking for or even just want to have a wonderful universal country house with everything you need for a good rest, be sure to check out the projects of hunter's houses. You will most likely find what you need.

Parking. Building a house in the taiga for hunters

Here is our old and so dear glade, where our first residential building stood. The place was already heavily overgrown with young shoots and we already had to cut down the overgrown clearing. About five years ago, I had to carry out total weeding here, getting rid of thin, stunted birch trees that had grown as tall as me and occupied all the free space in the clearing.

Started July 25, 2009. In two days they cleared the place and laid the salary - the first crown, the basis of all future construction

Prepared logs for several future crowns, sawn to size, sanded. Before leaving, they put another half-crown.

There were days when it rained from morning until evening - sometimes drizzling, and sometimes downpour. Then we threw more firewood into the fire so that we could come up and warm ourselves from time to time, put on chemical protection raincoats and work on.

When it rained, our productivity dropped dramatically. Raincoats did not save much from the ubiquitous moisture. The logs were slippery and looked like large bars of soap. It happened that only half a crown was made in a day. Well, the mood was to match the weather - gloomy. But construction continued nonetheless. The floor has already been laid. Slowly but surely the crowns grew one by one. And now the outlines of the future hut are already visible (Max and I in our language called this "the contours are drawn"). In such an approximate context: "Well, some contours are already being drawn!"

Roofing work has begun. We design and assemble the roof of our future home. It is much easier and more convenient to prepare a structure on the ground than on the spot, we invent the structure during construction.

In the next photo, the so-called - feature. This is our second most important tool after the chainsaw. They did it themselves (or rather did Max). I have never seen anything like this in stores, it is needed for marking logs for a selection of longitudinal grooves.

The very name of the tool already contains its purpose. Logs are drawn with a line. After all, logs do not have an ideal shape, despite the apparent roundness and regularity of the shape, they have bumps, bulges, bumps from sawn knots. A line drawn along two logs marks all the bumps and bends, and if you cut a groove along correctly drawn logs, they will lie tightly on top of each other, leaving no gaps.

The log to be drawn must be put in the place where it will subsequently be located, fixed so that it does not play, does not sway and, God forbid, does not fall. The more accurately the logs are drawn, the less work there will be later with their fitting to each other. Therefore, there is no need to rush here. It happens, of course, that even a carefully drawn log does not want to lie down in its place later on, and you can spend half a day on its adjustment. And it happens the other way around - he hastily marked it out, and it lay down, as if it had been there all the time. After the log is drawn, it must be removed, turned over with our marks up, and select the groove with a chainsaw. First, we saw along, making from three to five longitudinal cuts (depending on the thickness of the log).

Then we saw across, here the number of cuts is unlimited. The more often there are transverse cuts, the easier it will be to choose a groove later.

They choose a groove with an ax, first you need to knock out all the "cubes" that you sawed with a butt. And then clean and tweak, cut the groove. (To my great regret, the photo of the log with the selected groove has not been preserved). Then we turn the log over and put it on the log house, on the log on which we drew, not forgetting to put moss on the lower log, preferably wet.

Now I will make a small lyrical digression, which I will devote to the boards. Boards... Oh, this is probably the hardest part of the construction. There is no road to the winter quarters. We were taken on a timber truck to an abandoned quarry. And then about 2 km - on yourself. There were 65 boards in total. Of these, 17 forty and 48 inches. Boards of the 3rd grade, raw and heavy. Worn like this: first 1 magpie + 1 inch (17 walkers). Then they dragged all the inches, three boards at a time (10 walkers). Worn for three days, even the fourth was a little captured.

Well, the log house is finally raised. The ceiling is laid, the rafters are exposed. Everything is clearer and clearer "contours are drawn".

It's time to cut the window opening. By the way, a frame with glass was found in an abandoned quarry. So the opening was already adjusted to the size of the found frame.

The boards were sewn on, it is necessary to lay roofing material on this side of the roof. I stand and think about how it would be more convenient to do this. I say to Yulia: "I'll probably have to put together a ladder, it won't work without it." In general, while I was thinking, I did not notice how my wife had already climbed onto the roof and was shouting to me from there to carry the roofing material. “With us,” he says, “it will take half a day to climb the stairs, and you can lay roofing material anyway.

In general, I did not expect such building talents in her. Yes, she did it so well. She beat, nailed, and I, on the hook, as in that saying - bring it, give it, go to hell, don't interfere! (joke).

We bring the final polish, eliminate minor defects. In one place, the roofing material was torn when unwinding. Most likely in the store where we bought it, it was kept lying down. I had to patch up the hole. To do this, he set fire to a piece of roofing material and dripped it with hot tar.

But the most solemn moment - the first flooding of the stove. Everything - the winter hut came to life, breathed. Here's another taiga hut has become more. Mystery completed...

The winter hut has been built. And I end my story. Let me summarize. Built from July 25, 2009 to August 23, 2009. Almost a month, it's intermittent. In general, the rack took a full 14 days. It was possible to build faster, but the rains greatly interfered, reducing the pace of work to nothing.

In addition, 4 days out of 14 we wore boards and other materials. 10 liters of 92 gasoline and 10 liters of chain oil were used up. It took building materials: board "inch" 3rd grade - 48 pieces, board "magpie" 3rd grade - 17 pieces, roofing felt - 2 rolls, insulation "izover" - 1 roll, well, all kinds of small things - nails of different "calibers" , door handles, hooks, staples, and tools - axes, cleavers, other nail pullers.
We arrived at the winter quarters in the evening. We boiled tea, lit the stove in the hut. At night we took a few pictures with a flash. This is what our cabin looks like from the inside.

They lit the stove, lit a fire, boiled tea. Yulia, after drinking another flu pill, lay down for a few minutes. As a result, she slept through most of the day. I didn't wake her up - let her sleep. During this time, I insulated the door and the door frame with strips of felt. Chopped wood. He did everything without fuss, without rushing anywhere. But most importantly, he insulated the gap at the place where the pipe passes through the ceiling. At one hunting forum I asked for advice on how best to do it, many responded to the point. But I chose the advice of Dmitry (om_babai), as the easiest. Here are photos of how it was and how it became.

A real hunting lodge is a small structure built using a minimal set of building tools and materials. Such a building serves primarily as a shelter from bad weather during hunting, fishing, as well as collecting forest gifts - berries and mushrooms.
As in any building, the base of the hunting lodge is the foundation. For this purpose, round timber is quite suitable. Logs should be cleaned of bark with a bayonet shovel and allowed to dry for six months. When you finally decide on a place for future construction, it is necessary to lay logs around the perimeter. The walls of the house are built from improvised materials. The most affordable building material in the forest can be called round timber. First you need to prepare the required amount of material. Iron brackets can be used as fasteners.
Each row of trees is additionally laid with moss. In this case, it will be warm in the house at any time of the year. In addition, the hunting lodge will not need to be additionally caulked.
An indispensable attribute of any hunting lodge is a bench. Do not forget about this piece of furniture when designing a future house. And for complete comfort, a mattress 140 190 will be comfortable, then it will be very comfortable to sleep in the house and you can have a great rest after tiring fermentation through forests and lakes. A comfortable mattress 140x190 is the most convenient and optimal size for any room.
As an overlap, use the same round timber. To do this, with the help of a chainsaw, the logs are divided in half. The ceiling is insulated with moss and earth.
If you want to build a building with a pitched roof, it is enough during construction to simply lift one side of the house and make a slope on the other. Iron sheets are suitable as a material for the roof. This is the only material that you will need to bring from the hardware store. If you plan to make windows and a stove in your house, you will also need brick and glass in addition.
An adobe floor is best suited for a hunting lodge. To do this, a part of unbaked oily clay and three parts of straw or sawdust are mixed. This solution must be carefully laid on the logs and well tamped.
From the inside, the surface of the walls must be carefully plastered. Wall mortar is made from one part clay and three parts sand. The walls must first be upholstered with thin slats, thus making a kind of lattice. The grate must be filled with mortar and carefully leveled. Now your hunting lodge is completely ready!

There are many structures that allow a person to create them on their own without the use of heavy equipment and expensive materials. This can also be said about residential premises, for example, hunting lodge. Its construction should not take much time, as this is just a way to hide from bad weather or other emergencies. It is perfect for those who prefer hunting or fishing in one place.

Hunting lodge - how to choose the area

Usually the size of such a building is small, since it does not require much space for personal items. Anything you need - is to place your equipment for hunting, and actually yourself. If you go hunting at night, then there will be a little more personal and hunting items. Do not forget that when you go hunting at night, you will need thermal sight. It allows you to see the thermal radiation emanating from animals at night.

How is the construction of the hunting lodge going?

To build a house quickly, but at the same time with high quality, you need to correctly determine the stages of construction, the necessary materials, dimensions, layout and other criteria. Consider the main stages of such a construction:

  • As in any building, specialists need lay the foundation of. For a forest house, a round timber is perfect. To create it, you need to clean the tree from the bark and dry it for six months.
  • Level the allocated place and lay the tree.
  • Of course, the main material for the construction will be a log house. Select a tree, also peel it from the bark and process it. It is best that the logs are the same size. To fasten them, you will need metal staples.
  • So that you can use the house in cold weather and not freeze, you need to cover the buildings with moss. It will close the cracks well and retain heat.
  • The roof of a hunting lodge is tedious to make a shed. It is best to use roofing felt or iron to create a roof.
  • Make the floor clay concrete.
  • Inside the wall is a must plaster. To do this, mix a solution of clay and sand in a ratio of 1 to 3.

Garden and hunting lodges are becoming more and more common in today's construction. A detached hunting lodge in the forest will provide a comfortable stay for a company of like-minded people who are passionate about this type of fishing. After a tiring walk through the forest in search of prey, rest in a comfortable home will be doubly pleasant.

The location of such a structure should be as convenient as possible and close to the hunting grounds. According to Russian legislation, construction in protected areas and forest areas requires a special permit, the receipt of which is associated with the fulfillment of a lot of conditions. If you want to build a hunting hut, which is shown in the video, be sure to be in the remote taiga - be prepared to walk around special authorities for several weeks.

It is easier to purchase a plot in a settlement located in close proximity to a forest.

For the construction of a house in the hunting style will be required. The procedure for issuing this document is determined by the Town Planning Code and the Administrative Regulations. Permission can be obtained both independently in the department of architectural supervision, and entrust this matter to the specialists of the contractor's company. The second option is preferable especially for busy people.

Usually, work on the construction site to lay the foundation begins with the onset of a stable warm period. The type of support structure is determined by. For low-rise buildings made of wood, a shallow strip foundation is mainly used. The base in the process of work is reinforced with steel or composite rods.

The technology of laying a simple shallow strip foundation

The company "North Forest" for many years has been developing and successfully implementing projects of houses for hunters, because it is these people who most often go out into nature in order not only to relax, but also to hone their skills. Hunting is a serious occupation to which you give yourself entirely. Therefore, it is important to always have a reliable home nearby, in which you can not only hide from bad weather, but also spend time comfortably.

In our assortment, we offer a whole range of sizes, from which you can choose a hunter's house project from a log of the size and layout you need. All plans are made by true professionals in their field, taking into account SNiP and knowing all the nuances. Therefore, you can be sure that ready-made solutions are close to ideal, but we value an individual approach, so we can easily make changes according to your adjustments (unless, of course, they conflict with building codes) in the project.

The house, the hunter of which is always happy, is a bathhouse. Our company has a special offer: a small building, which can initially be used as temporary housing, adapting the bath part to the living room-kitchen, and then, after the construction of the main place of residence, for direct use. At the same time, this option looks great on the site where the project of the house "Hunter's House" was built, and perfectly complements it functionally.

The last option mentioned above has the largest number of varieties, from which everyone can choose what suits him. The most modest variation in the collection is a 78-meter house project. A hunter who wants to save money, but at the same time get a cozy and comfortable home, is simply obliged to pay attention to such a solution. Despite its small size, the building has two floors and provides the owner with everything necessary: ​​the plan already takes into account the living room, kitchen-dining room, bathroom, storage room, utility room and as many as three bedrooms!

Larger options (from 100 to 121 sq.m) allow much more interesting and profitable use of the available space, providing scope for individual solutions. A prerequisite for any building is good thermal insulation, and we guarantee that even our large houses retain heat perfectly even during severe frosts due to the quality materials used in the construction and advanced technologies, and also due to the fact that even at the planning stage, qualified specialists draw up a project at home.

The hunter's house is the most versatile and original option. A huge area of ​​201 sq.m opens up opportunities for a flight of design fantasy, as well as for arranging additional premises (such as a steam room) directly inside the building and allows you to feel free and spacious on every meter.

If you are seriously passionate about hunting and are looking for or even just want to have a wonderful universal country house with everything you need for a good rest, be sure to check out the projects of hunter's houses. You will most likely find what you need.

Long hikes, hunting, gatherings around the fire and the forest starry sky, all this is very attractive for romantic natures. For some, these are isolated cases from life, while for others it is life itself. If you belong to the second category, then you will probably be interested in information on how to build a winter hut in the taiga. Based on some building rules, you can build a great place suitable for relaxing from hard days of work.

The main inhabitants of the taiga buildings are commercial hunters, whose work takes place mainly in winter. In order to have somewhere to settle at this time of the year, they build themselves one main and several additional huts, placed throughout the forest area.

The main purpose of the hunting house is a roof over your head, strong and reliable walls that can hide from the harsh taiga climate. In the house, a fisherman, and even a simple traveler, can relax, warm up, kindle the stove and cook food before the next working day.

As a rule, locks are not hung on winter huts, so everyone who is nearby will be able to take advantage of hospitality. There is also a weekly supply of firewood, and a simple tourist kit (matches, canned food, salt, cereals, etc.). The house will also come in handy in the summer, when many people start going for mushrooms, berries, fishing and hunting small game. Beekeepers can come to the flower meadow for several days.

Features and rules for the construction of a winter hut in the taiga

For a hunter-hunter or a hermit, it is not the size of the building that is important, but its functionality, so options with large houses disappear immediately. It will take a lot of time and effort to build them. An experienced taiga dweller knows that it is necessary to build one winter hut for permanent residence and a number of small temporary huts. The hunter has at his disposal a certain “klaptik” of the forest, on which his hunting activity takes place. Nets, traps, traps are placed there, and, as a rule, one day is not enough to get around all the possessions. It is for this that separate houses for overnight stays are built with their own hands at a distance from each other equal to one winter daylight hours.

How to build a winter hut in the taiga alone? Prepare all the necessary tools and materials. It's best to make a list of everything you need ahead of time. It includes:

  • chainsaw for sawing logs;
  • axe;
  • measuring instruments;
  • pencils and markers;
  • consumables (nails, wooden planks, insulation, roof decking, etc.).

The list is supplemented by each according to their needs.

Interior arrangement depends on your needs. You can build shelves and cabinets for storing utensils and supplies.

After the preparatory measures, the construction of the winter hut begins directly. It is carried out in several stages.

Choosing a place for the construction of a winter hut in the taiga

A lot depends on choosing the right place. Take this issue seriously if you plan to settle in a winter hut for the whole season. Near the hut there must be a source of drinking or running water and protection from the wind. Also, the house should be located on a small hill in the pit, preferably of natural origin. This will save the lower crowns from spring floods and heavy torrential rains. Look around to make sure there are no dead woods around. In a gust of strong wind, they can break and cover your temporary hut.

If there is no suitable clearing, you will have to do it yourself. To do this, trees are cut down (they can also be used for crowns), stumps are uprooted or burned out, grass is pulled out. The result should be a smooth and clean perimeter from vegetation. You can’t build a winter hut in a ravine, groundwater, especially in spring, will simply demolish it.

What material to use

If a structure for permanent residence is built only from pre-prepared and dried logs, then fresh material is suitable for wintering. Of course, you do not need to take it, everything you need is taken on the spot and processed properly. In a temporary hut, beauty gives way to practicality and reliability. As mentioned above, trunks cut down during site clearing can be used.

They build a winter hut in the taiga from coniferous trees. Spruce, pine, fir will fit. The cedar is especially good. In addition to strength, it has a healing aroma. The first crown is recommended to be laid from larch and placed on oak stumps dug into the ground. Get the so-called wooden foundation. Larch practically does not rot, so the structure will last a long time.

Choose not thick trees. The trunk diameter should be no more than 25 cm, length 4 m. For the first three crowns, prepare thicker trees, the rest can be made thinner.

You can cope with a tray of material yourself if your partner is not around. One log weighs an average of 120 kg, but since you will be dragging it at one end, such a burden is quite feasible for a healthy man. If the weight seems unbearable, choose thinner but larger barrels.

The height of the hut is made small, slightly higher than human height. How many blanks you need can be found out by simple calculations. With a ceiling height of 180 cm and a log thickness of 20 cm, the consumption per wall is 9 trunks. We multiply them by 4 walls and it turns out that 36 logs will go to the perimeter. It is also necessary to equip the floor and roof, and for them you will need boards. They will also need logs. The entire building will take about 70-75 trunks.

How to build a winter hut in the taiga, laying crowns

The most important stage of construction begins. Logs felled and cleared of branches and branches are cleared of bark. This is necessary to get rid of tree inhabitants that will eat your house pretty quickly. You can remove the bark with an ax, shovel, scraper. If you want to spend little time on this lesson, start building in early May. At this time, the bark is especially easy to peel off. If possible, prepare the logs in December, then after drying they lend themselves well to debarking.

The crowns are laid in three ways: “in the bowl”, “in the paw” and “in half a tree”. The latter is the simplest and fastest method of building a building.

Laying "in the bowl"

Allows trunks to fit snugly together, so sealing cracks is minimized. With this method of laying, in each upper log, stepping back a little from the ends, a semicircular recess is cut out, into which the lower trunk will enter. After assembly and shrinkage of the log house, the logs form a strong and windproof structure. The technology of laying "in the bowl" makes the winter hut warm, it does not form condensate, which causes the development of the fungus.

To mark the place for cutting the lock, a special tool is used - the “line”. It consists of a handle and two parallel pointed ends. The application of this method requires some knowledge in carpentry and will take a lot of time, but the result will please you.

Laying "in the paw"

With this laying, the ends of the logs do not protrude, but form a right angle. This allows you to use the entire length of the barrel and save on material. Of the minuses, the possibility of drying out of the corners at the joints is distinguished, which leads to the formation of cracks and blowing. The technology of execution "in the paw" requires a clear markup and experience in these works, otherwise a high-quality construction will not work.

There are three options for the “paw” connection: straight, dovetail and with an additional spike. The first method is more in demand for temporary buildings. In the log at the ends, grooves are cut to the length of the section of the element and a depth of half the thickness of the trunk. You can cut on one side, or you can do it on both.

Laying "in half a tree"

This method of erecting the walls of the winter hut is the most convenient and does not require special skill. The ends of the logs are cut off about a quarter from the top with an indent from the edge of 25-30 cm. The same is done with the bottom log. Logs are stacked on top of each other groove in groove.

Regardless of the installation method, all slots and grooves are clogged with wet! moss. This is the most important condition. The more moss, the better and warmer it will be inside in winter. It is important to use wet raw materials, because it does not crumble and does not fly away from the wind. With the drying of the trunks, the moss will also dry out.

Window and door openings are cut into the finished walls. The cut logs are fastened together with a spike. To do this, a through hole is made through all the logs, into which a wooden spike is hammered.

Board making

Boards will be needed for the floor and roof. They are made on the spot by sawing whole logs. Choose the most even trunks, without serrations, bends, thick branches. As tools you need only an ax. At the base of the trunk, several longitudinal cuts are made, pre-prepared wooden stakes are stuck into them. With the butt of an ax, the stakes are alternately hammered into the trunk and split it into boards along the fibers. It is important that the split is the same along the entire length. Although the appearance of such lumber is not very attractive, it is more durable than sawn boards with a tool.

We make the roof and lay the floor

There are two options for roofing: with and without an attic. In the first case, a single or gable roof is made. Buildings with an attic are more functional. On it you can demolish things, tools, materials remaining after construction. Secondly, such winter huts are warmer due to the fact that the roof is lowered, and heat is better retained. Unatticed log cabins are built faster, and less material is spent for them.

Before the construction of the roof, you need to equip the ceiling. For this, boards or small logs are used. As in the walls, the joints are well covered with moss. Earth is poured on top as thermal insulation, but the benefits of civilization can also be delivered - roofing material, plastic wrap or mineral wool.

For the construction of a gable roof, we make supports in front and behind the hut, fixing them with brackets. A skate is laid on them, on top of which 2-3 sleds are supported on each side. The resulting frame is covered with boards and, again, the joints are clogged with moss. From above, the roof is covered with a film, which is fixed with wooden planks nailed to the slabs. The last layer is roofing material, mica or metal.

The floor is done in a similar way to the ceiling. The boards are laid and covered with moss. It is advisable to adjust them to size before laying, so it will be easier to work with them.

Making a winter hut oven

The stove is the heart of the taiga refuge. She will warm, and feed, and dry after the rain. Without a heating device, it will be impossible to live in a winter hut. The most commonly used iron devices. They melt quickly and are able to warm up the room in a matter of minutes. The disadvantage of iron stoves is that they both heat up quickly and cool down quickly, so every 1-1.5 they need to be fed with a new portion of firewood. If you want to sleep at night, you can overlay the iron stove with bricks. As you know, this material does not heat up so quickly, but retains heat much longer.

Think carefully about your chimney. This must be done even at the stage of roof construction, because it requires a hole for the pipe to exit. The oven is usually placed in the middle of the hut for its uniform heating. If you are installing the oven in a corner, cover the walls it comes into contact with with metal sheets.

Taiga is a habitat for wild animals that can become uninvited guests in your shelter. To avoid this, the door must be made reliable and tightly closed from the inside. Attach food hooks to the ceiling to keep mice out.

Building a winter hut is not as difficult as it seems. Follow the sequence and basic rules in order to get a roof over your head before the start of the winter hunt or help a lost wanderer survive in the harsh taiga laws.

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