Composite roof. Composite tiles - pros and cons

Engineering systems 13.06.2019
Engineering systems

Composite tiles are a new roofing material that has gained an excellent reputation among consumers in a short time. Most of the reviews about the material are only positive, which says a lot. It has been successfully used for roofing.

In this article, we will take a closer look at this material, find out its characteristics, features, advantages, installation composite roof tiles and popular brands.

The concept of composite tiles

What is this roofing material? This is a roofing covering that consists of several layers. It is based on a steel sheet, the thickness of which is in the range of 0.4-0.9 mm. It is curved in the form of a profile. Both above and below, the sheet has decorative and protective layers. You can see them in detail in the picture below.

Due to its structure, the roof will be durable and will last for many years. According to the manufacturers, the minimum service life is 30 years. And as practice shows, the material can easily withstand 50 years of service. In addition, the roof covered with this profile looks pretty good. Products are available in various color scheme, and can mimic natural materials.

Note! The layer of stone chips does an excellent job of suppressing noise. Therefore, you will not hear the sound of rain during a downpour.

And the installation of composite tiles is quite easy, it has a small weight and a simple fastening system. With a natural roof it is much harder. Due to the fact that the connection is made with an overlap, it becomes airtight. The roof will not be afraid of rain, snow or wind.

Variations of composite shingles

Depending on the manufacturer, tiles come in different variations. This is good, since everyone will be able to choose the coverage for themselves. What types of material are there?

Characteristics of composite tiles

First, let's look at the composition of the material. Steel sheet, which is made on special machine, coated on both sides. It protects steel from rust. The composition of the coating is aluminum, zinc and a little silicon. The mixture is applied galvanically. Acrylic primer is designed for good adhesion and rust protection. And due to the layer of acrylic glaze, the coating is protected from ultraviolet radiation and external influences. Stone chips are also important, which not only protects against UV rays, but also ensures noiselessness of the coating.

If we talk about the characteristics of the tiles, then they are:

  • light weight (1 m 2 about 6 kg);
  • high resistance to ultraviolet rays, hail, wind and rain;
  • the coating does not burn and prevents the spread of fire;
  • has a rough surface.

Advantages and disadvantages

Why is the material valued? It gained its popularity due to its properties. Let's take a look at the pros and cons of composite shingles:

  1. Roofing material has high strength. The external environment is not terrible for him, he does not deform and does not fade.
  2. Size versatility. If necessary, the tiles can be cut to a specific size.
  3. Easy installation. All work can be done independently, without the help of specialists.
  4. Practicality. Tiles can be used on any type of roof: attic, flat, chalet, etc.
  5. Relatively light weight. Lifting sheets and working with them is easy.
  6. Great variety in terms of colors.
  7. No noise.

But, there are also disadvantages:

  1. High price. Ceramic and corrugated analogues are cheaper.
  2. Over time, the coating will still rust.
  3. Not suitable for column and pile foundations because the weight is big.

Popular manufacturers

What about individual products? Which brands have won the trust of users? Among all the popular brands, I would like to note a few:

Luxard products are available in two variations: Classic and Roman. Thanks to 5 color solutions, you can emphasize the uniqueness of the design. And thanks to its shape, the roof will look like a luxurious medieval castle. Production: Russia.

The tile of "Metrotile" takes one of the leading place on sales. She has proven herself well both in Europe and in other countries. There are 5 collections of products, as well as more than 20 colors. The variety of profiles is amazing. One of them is "Metrobond", which imitates natural tiles. You can find out what Metrobond looks like in the photo below. On the Russian market 10 years already. Durable, silent and fireproof. Manufacturer: Belgium.

The Tilcor brand has been known for a very long time. The products are of superior design, quality and price. There are 5 profile variations and over 40 colors. Manufacturer: New Zealand.

Installation of composite tiles

We have already mentioned that the installation of composite shingles is quite simple. It consists of 3 main types of work:

  1. Foundation preparation.
  2. Sheathing device.
  3. Cover installation.

What is included in the preparation? To provide good waterproofing, it is important to make a slope of at least 15-18˚. The rafters are securely fixed to the box on the Mauerlat. And the edge of the roof must be made with a removal of 50-80 cm.

For the first time, composite tiles were used as a roof about fifty years ago, and this happened in New Zealand. Over time, the characteristics of the material have improved, and it has become one of the most popular roof coverings. About what a composite tile is, what are its pros and cons, what is the price per 1 m2 - we will talk about all this and more in this article.

Concept and features

Composite tiles are commonly referred to as a material consisting of several layers. The middle is a sheet of steel (usually 0.4 to 0.6 mm thick), bent in the form of a profile. From above it is covered with several protective and decorative layers.

Due to its structure this species roofing has great strength and long service life (manufacturers guarantee at least 30 years, in fact, tiles can easily withstand half a century or more). The beautiful surface of the coating copies natural materials well (clay tiles, shingles and others), but its cost is much lower. In addition, thanks to the layer of stone chips, such roofs do an excellent job of protecting against noise.

Yes and fasten new material, characterized by lightness, quite convenient - easier than a natural roof. The overlap joints are tight and no further leaks are observed.

Read about the types of composite tiles below.

The specialist in the video below will tell you about why a roof made of composite tiles is so good:


Different manufacturers produce different profiles of composite tiles.

  • The most popular is the profile that allows you to imitate ceramic tiles of various configurations (from Mediterranean to standard classical).
  • There are also sheets of roofing designed to copy shingles from wood, straw, wooden planks, slate.
  • Also, composite tiles can differ in color (color), which can be either monophonic or two-color. There are various shades of material - each brand has its own.

Composition, dimensions, structure and properties

If we touch on the composition, then after the central steel profile (which is stamped on the machine), there is an aluminum-zinc coating on each side of the sheet, designed to protect the metal from corrosion. This coating consists of aluminum, zinc and a small amount of silicon. It is applied galvanically.

All other layers are obtained using special automated production lines. This is an acrylic primer and an acrylic coat, still applied on both sides of the sheet. But stone chips (from basalt, jade, granite,) and an outer layer of acrylic glaze are applied only to the outside.

  • Aluzinc, as already mentioned, gives protection against corrosion. It does this ten times better than galvanizing.
  • Acrylic based primer provides good adhesion, acrylic glaze protects the coating from ultraviolet radiation and gives additional strength to the sheets.
  • And stone chips not only additionally helps to cope with ultraviolet radiation, but also perfectly suppresses noise.

Composite sheets are flexible, beautiful, light and durable. Thanks to the layer of acrylic glaze, the crumbs do not crumble from them. The roof is wind-resistant, not dangerous in terms of avalanches (because it has a rough surface). A variety of color shades allows you to embody any ideas.

Production and application

In conditions industrial production using, as a rule, automated lines. Profiles are stamped on special stamping equipment, aluzinc is applied in special galvanic baths. Or buy ready-made steel sheets(steel rolls) coated with aluminozinc.

Concerning of this type roofs, today it is mainly private housing construction. The material can be used in both simple pitched and complex hip roofs. The slope must be at least twelve degrees. Also, the material is suitable for the restoration of ancient buildings.

About which composite tiles received customer reviews, we will describe below.

O color palette, characteristic of most brands of composite tiles, this video will tell:

Composite tile is a roofing material manufactured in the countries of Europe and Asia. This is a high quality material with a long service life.

It is an economical material because it does not require high maintenance and repair costs.

Manufacturers have combined in this coverage best properties metal tiles, polymer-sand and ceramic tiles, bituminous and rolled materials.

And at the same time, they eliminated the shortcomings of these materials, nullifying all their advantages. The main disadvantage of this material is its high cost.

This coating is a multilayer material, the basis of which is a steel sheet. It has the following structure:

  • The basis of the coating is a steel sheet with a thickness of 0.4 to 0.6 mm.
  • Double sided aluzinc coating. This layer is applied by galvanic method. It provides corrosion protection to the substrate.
  • On both sides, the material is coated with a passivating layer and an acrylic primer. They provide additional protection against corrosion and adhesion to the next layer.
  • A protective layer is first applied to the outside, and a polyester or acrylic primer is applied, which serves as the basis for the next layer.
  • A layer of sand or crushed stone on the outside of the material. It gives a rough surface and various shades. Also, this layer creates sound insulation and prevents mechanical damage.
  • A layer of lacquer or acrylic glaze applied to outer surface composite tiles. It protects the stone from dust and dirt, and the surface from most influences.

An outer layer of polyester or acrylic primer, as well as a layer of lacquer or glaze, protect the material from adverse effects. environment. They are characterized by high thermal and chemical resistance.

The service life of composite tiles is 50 years. The weight of this material is 6.5 kg per sq.m. According to this indicator, it is second only to, which weighs 4.5 kg per square meter. m.

Thanks to the base made of steel sheet, roofing has high strength and fire resistance. Resistance to corrosion and external influences is provided by applied coatings. Composite tiles are not afraid of moisture and sudden changes in temperature. Attractive appearance, bright coloring, and also resistance to an ultraviolet is provided with an external layer from acrylic glaze or a varnish.

The composite tile is issued in the form of panels (sheets). The dimensions of the panels depend on the style and type of material. The panel is 0.37-0.43 meters wide and 1.05-1.4 meters long. Such panels are very convenient to mount, since they weigh only 3-3.5 kg.

Benefits of composite tiles

Its advantages include:

  • Lightness and strength. This property allows the use of wrapped .
  • The material does not rot, and is also resistant to mechanical stress and corrosion. It has high sound insulation, so you will not be disturbed by the sound of hail or rain.
  • The material is immune to strong gusts of wind and adverse weather conditions. It is also not affected by temperature changes. Therefore, it can be used in regions with different weather conditions.
  • Waterproof material. This property is provided by special fasteners that provide a continuous coating.
  • Laying can be done on the roof of any shape. Due to the small dimensions of the panels, there is practically no material waste.
  • The top layer protects the material from mechanical damage resulting from careless handling. The rough surface of the composite tiles prevents the sudden collapse of snow from the roof. It should be noted that in the assortment of material there are.
  • The material is easy to operate. There is no need for frequent inspection and repair. Composite shingles have a 50-year warranty period, provided they have been installed correctly.
  • Many colors and types of coverage.

The material has the following disadvantages:

  • High price;
  • Low vapor permeability. Since steel sheets form the basis of the structure, the roof becomes airtight after their installation. Such a roof does not allow free circulation of air currents, which is why the microclimate of the building becomes worse. This feature can be compensated by setting ventilation system high quality and performed the work in accordance with the instructions.

How to choose composite tiles

Today the composite tile is one of the most demanded modern roofing materials.

When buying composite tiles, you should pay attention to:

  1. The quality of the stone topping. Carefully study the documents, the composition should be indicated there. The composition of high-quality composite tiles includes natural basalt dressing. Colored sand can be used instead. This material quickly burns out and crumbles under the action of sun rays. You should also pay attention to the manufacturer and the warranty that the manufacturer issues for its products.
  2. Colorless acrylic shell. Its presence is considered to be of great advantage, as this sheath will prevent the shingles from fading in the sun. The polyacrylic coating also prevents the appearance of moss on the roofing.
  3. The high quality composite coating contains a uniform layer of aluminozinc. On the reverse side of the product, you can clearly see how well the zinc-aluminum layer was applied. Unscrupulous manufacturers, as a rule, do not complete back material. Uneven application can cause corrosion, which will greatly reduce the life of the roofing.
  4. When buying composite tiles, you must check all the accompanying documentation. If it is missing, then most likely you have a fake.

Preparatory work

Before installing the roofing, it is necessary to prepare the following tools:

  • Square;
  • Bending machine;
  • Mounting gun;
  • Guillotine;
  • Air gun;
  • Roulette;
  • A circular saw;
  • Pencil;
  • Scissors for metal;
  • A hammer.

During the installation of this roofing material the following requirements must be met:

  1. The slope of the roof slope must be at least 15-18°. Otherwise, it will be difficult to provide waterproofing, since in slanting rains water will fall under the protective coating.
  2. Rafter legs must be firmly attached to the walls of the building. In this case, it is necessary to provide wood products with two degrees of freedom. This is necessary to compensate for possible dimensional changes caused by climatic conditions(temperature and humidity).
  3. The edge of the roof must be taken out of the outer wall at a distance of at least 50-80 centimeters.

Manufacturing of crates for composite tiles

If the angle of inclination of the roof slopes is small (from 15 to 25 °), then it is reasonable to install an additional waterproofing layer before erecting the crate. This measure will increase the level of water resistance of the roof during slanting rains and strong winds.

To do this, a solid is mounted on the rafter legs. wood flooring, on top of which the waterproofing is then laid. Cast waterproofing material can be rolled bituminous materials, polyethylene greenhouse film or diffusion materials. It should be noted that the cost latest material higher, but it is more efficient than the others, because it has vapor transmission.

The lathing for a composite roof is actually a counter-lattice and a lathing. The control grid is necessary for the organization ventilation ducts preventing the accumulation of condensate. First of all, an intermediate structure is made that will please the gaps. Then the installation of the main crate is carried out.

The size depends on the base on which they are laid. If the bars are mounted directly on the rafter legs, then it is necessary to take highest value. If the installation is carried out on a solid base, then smaller bars can be taken. Fixing the crate is carried out with self-tapping screws with a large thread pitch.

Composite roof tiles installation tips:

  1. To create the correct temperature and humidity conditions inside attic space, it is necessary to carry out the installation of hydro- and vapor barrier before installing the battens and roofing material. It is also desirable to install wind protection and thermal insulation material.
  2. Composite tiles should be purchased from only one series, one manufacturer and one code.
  3. For cutting roofing material, you need to use scissors for metal or a hacksaw. You can also use manual circular saw or electric jigsaw.
  4. Store this material under a canopy or in a dry, ventilated area. When storing shingles open sky it must be covered with plastic wrap.
  5. Contact of the roofing with copper-based substances must be avoided.
  6. The construction of a roof made of composite tiles should be carried out at an optimal level of humidity and a temperature not lower than +6 degrees Celsius.
  7. To clean ceramic tiles from traces of dirt, you must use a mild soap solution. Do not clean roofing material with aggressive chemicals.
  8. It is necessary to move on the roofing in rubber boots with soft soles.

Installation of composite tiles

Before proceeding to installation work, it is necessary to fix the eaves board on the rafter legs above the cornice overhang. The thickness of the board must be at least 4 centimeters. Next, the cornice elements are overlapped by 10 centimeters.

It should be noted that eaves plank must be covered with a vapor barrier. In this case, the condensate will drain to the gutter and will not accumulate on the roof surface. If there is no drainage system, then it is necessary to make a device like a dropper on the eaves.

It should be borne in mind that air to create ventilation must enter the space under the roof through the eaves. The laying of the material must begin from the top of the roof. It should be remembered that the bottom row of roofing material should be pushed under the top one.

Tiles are fixed in two ways:

  • Manual. Fixing the roofing material is carried out using a conventional hammer;
  • Semi-automatic. Fastening is carried out using a pneumatic gun.

When using the second option, the installation of tiles can begin from the bottom of the roof. The caps of the fasteners are painted using the paint sold with the roofing material. Or they are sprinkled with the same basalt chips. The closure of the bottom bar is done with silicone and a plug.

Video on how to install composite tiles:

"The fifth facade" of your house

Roofing is one of critical components when designing a residential ensemble - this is the so-called "fifth facade" of your house. The overall harmony of the building depends on how logically it fits into the overall picture. But it is not reasonable to decide on the choice of roofing only on the basis of external merits and cost. Especially in Russian conditions, quality must be approached with high demands.

Based on our many years of experience, composite roofing meets these requirements to a greater extent, the price of which is quite low compared to other coatings. The leader in the Russian market is the Belgian tile Metrotile.

The Belgian concern "Metrotile Europe NV" has created a unique material that outwardly imitates natural tiles, but at the same time has the same service life, the highest quality and affordable cost of composite roofing. Composite metal tile also meets all quality standards and is one of the most common types of coating.

Metrotile Composite Roofing Ideal for Rooftops country cottages, luxury villas and country houses, and the elegant texture of Metrotile metal tiles is often used in the restoration of historic buildings. You can find out the prices for composite metal tiles online on our website or by calling +7 495 363 44 32.

Features of Metrotile Composite Roofing

One of the most important features of Metrotile is a special secret formula of acrylic adhesive, patented by the Belgian concern Metrotile Europe NV, with the help of which basalt chips remain undamaged for many years of service life of composite tiles. This formula allows you to make a roof of the highest quality, with a service life of more than half a century.

Another feature of the composite material is the ease of installation. Due to its low weight (6 kg/m²), Metrotile roofing does not require reinforced roof structure. The sheet area is 0.5 m², which contributes on the one hand quick installation, and on the other hand the least amount of clippings. Metrotile has a detailed course of video instructions that clearly demonstrate how to install all the most popular assemblies and connections.

You can choose any color scheme and buy a composite metal tile by leaving a request on our website.

Natural ceramic tiles are, of course, a very good roofing material that combines many advantages. However, not every owner of a private house has access to this expensive material. In this article we will talk about composite tiles, which are a worthy analogue of natural roofing material. She combines enough low price and high quality features.

Pros and cons of composite shingles

To understand the characteristics of the material, it is worth considering the pros and cons of composite tiles.

The advantages include the following properties:

  • Durability - popular companies provide a guarantee for 35-50 years.
  • Low price compared to other natural materials.
  • Low weight of composite tiles - about 6 kg per 1 m2. Thanks to this, the roof does not need to be reinforced. truss system, and the transportation and installation of the material is quite simple and fast.
  • The material can be laid on the old roofing, provided that it is not too badly damaged.
  • A roof covered with composite tiles does not need to install snow-retaining devices, since the rough surface of the material itself does an excellent job with this task.
  • The fasteners of such a roof and the way the sheets are placed make it resistant to wind loads.
  • The steel internal core of a tile is protected from oxidation by a reliable covering.
  • The material does not lose its color brightness under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. Moreover, there are many design options for every taste.
  • Composite tiles are distinguished by good sound absorption due to the layer of stone chips.
  • The elasticity of the material makes it possible to create roofs of any configuration.
  • Such a roof is resistant to temperature extremes. It is non-flammable.
  • The compact size of composite tiles minimizes the amount of waste. The length of one sheet is 1.4 m.
  • Fastening the material is not difficult, since manufacturers produce a huge selection of components and additional elements.

It should be noted that there are very few disadvantages of composite tiles.

However, here are the downsides:

  • Polymer layer that protects the material from external factors, significantly reduces the vapor permeability of the roof. Thus, natural ventilation of the roof becomes almost impossible.
  • Although such material is significantly cheaper than clay tiles, for example, it still cannot be called inexpensive. This is due to the complexity of the structure and manufacturing technology.
  • Since the composite tile sheet is no different large sizes, the prices for laying such material will be slightly higher than when installing roofing with a larger area.

The structure of the composite tile

The central part of the composite tile is a steel profile, 0.45 - 0.5 mm thick, less often - 0.9 mm. It is galvanically opened with a layer of aluminum zinc, which protects the metal from oxidation. Thanks to this technology, developed by Bethlehem Steel, the durability of the material has increased by 6 times compared to traditional zinc plating. The composition of the opening includes aluminum (55%) for protection against oxidation, zinc (43%), which gives mechanical strength, and silicon (2%), which serves as a catalyst.

The next layer with a thickness of 2-5 microns is applied with an acrylic primer. It prevents the formation of cracks and promotes better adhesion with the subsequent acrylic layer, 200 microns thick.

At the next stage, work is carried out only with the front side of the material. First of all, the surface is covered with granulated stone chips.

For the production of granules, the following materials are used:

Thanks to the coating of stone chips, the material has increased sound insulation qualities, and also acquires UV resistance. A layer of acrylic glaze is applied over the granulate to securely hold it in place.

Let us consider in more detail the qualitative characteristics of composite tiles.

Characteristics - weight, dimensions

Composite tiles are commonly understood as roofing made of profiled sheets with a textured outer layer that can imitate a wide variety of natural materials. On sale you can find both plain and multi-colored sheets of tiles.

The standard length of one sheet is 140 cm, but the width of different manufacturers may vary. As a rule, the sheet size reaches 0.5 m 2.

According to GOST, composite tiles have the following properties:

  • Mechanical strength, which is due to the presence of the main part of the sheet from a steel profile. According to the standards, fluctuations in the thickness of the steel should be within 0.1 mm. Additional reliability of the material is given by stone granulate and acrylic glaze.
  • Durability, which depends mainly on the thickness of the aluzinc layer. If the coating thickness reaches 190 g per 1 m2, then the guaranteed service life will be at least 50 years.
  • refractory properties. The stone chips and steel included in the material are not subject to combustion. In addition, acrylic polymer coating able to resist open fire. Due to the presence of silicon, the alloy is able to withstand temperatures up to 135℃. Thus, partial melting of the polymer layer is possible only up to 6 hours of fire.
  • In the manufacture of composite tiles are used only environmentally friendly clean materials. None toxic substances during operation, the roof will not stand out.
  • The noise reduction effect this material tall enough. It is provided mainly by a layer of stone chips.
  • Since a steel profile is located inside the composite tile, it is characterized by significant thermal conductivity. Despite the fact that stone granules partially trap heat, roof insulation works are prerequisite her arrangement.
  • The material bends well enough, so it is convenient for them to cover the roof with large quantity bends.

Thus, each builder will be able to find many advantages in the material, which will become decisive when choosing a composite tile.

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