Children's rooms real photos for two. Design of a nursery for children of different sexes

Site arrangement 30.08.2019
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Arranging a nursery to please one child can be difficult. And if two children live in it (also of different sexes!), Then the task is doubly complicated.

Fortunately, designers have developed many interesting ideas that parents can adopt. And a selection of photos below will help you choose the option that is suitable for the area and layout.

Basic principles of arrangement

In a narrow children's wall of lesser length, wallpaper with a discreet horizontal pattern and a pronounced perspective will help to visually lengthen.

2. Choose furniture.

It would be reasonable to give preference to multifunctional options:

  • children's corners;
  • transforming beds;
  • loft beds;
  • bunk structures;

Such furniture saves space and solves the problem of zoning. For children of different ages, a bed taken for the growth of a younger child will save money.

Universal will be classic models of neutral color from solid wood, fiberboard or MDF, simple in shape, without a carved pattern.

For heterosexual teenagers curtains will help to highlight your personal space.

Small children of about the same age will be pleased with the bed-house. It will become not only a sleeping place, but also a cozy play area.

A wardrobe bed or a sofa with a pull-out bed in a room for a girl and a boy up to 7-9 years old will solve the problem of lack of square meters.

For children with different hobbies, you can order a loft bed with separate play areas.

Room small area requires more space and freedom. "Smart" storage systems will allow you to maintain order even in a huge kingdom of toys. These can be built-in wardrobes, chests of drawers equipped with bed drawers, additional shelving on the side surface of multi-level structures.

Children's 14-15 sq. meters

Such a room gives more freedom in choosing decor and furniture.

1. Color design.

In a medium and large nursery, it is appropriate to combine different colors in the decoration. For example, you can paint opposite walls in traditional pink and blue or peach and gray, thereby visually separating the half of the boy and girl.

The use of neutral colors also remains relevant, especially if the children have a big age difference or they have different temperaments.

2. Choice of furniture.

Rational and ergonomic furniture with "smart" storage systems will always be a priority. In fairly spacious children's 16 or 18 square meters. m you can put two single beds. These can be ordinary single-sleeping options with built-in drawers or shelves, or two two-level structures, then each below can have its own study or play area.

The dimensions of the room allow you to put two separate cabinets or two walls in order to completely separate the toys and thereby avoid quarrels.

From big room from 20 sq. m you can make two full-fledged children. The only limitation in this case is the location of the window. In most cases, a partition can separate sleeping and play areas and leave a common area where wardrobes, storage racks can be located. This option is an ideal solution for teenagers, therefore it deserves special attention.

For teenagers and children of all ages

During this difficult transitional period, both children have a heightened sense of independence, a possessive attitude.

There may be several ideas on how to share a room for a boy and a girl.

1. If possible, then most right decision there will be a partition installation using drywall or shelving with the maximum separation of all zones.

2. A good option is partial separation with common areas of use. AT narrow room, for example, where the window is located in the center of a smaller wall, it is impossible to completely separate each individual half. The window seat can be used to organize the study area by setting. In another part of the room, you can put loft beds, as suggested above, bunk beds with curtains, or two separate beds with a small partition.

3. For a small bedroom, a loft bed with a personal space for everyone on the lower tier and the use of curtains in the sleeping area would be a good idea. For young girls, you can also equip a personal dressing room under the upper tier.

Teenagers feel like adults and independent individuals. This should be reflected in the interior:, modern style and decor in the form of modular paintings, photo wallpapers depicting night megacities or on the theme of cinema, fashion.

Decor Features

The peculiarity of arranging a children's room for children of different sexes is primarily manifested in accessories, textile design, and decoration design. The decor reflects the hobbies and hobbies of the boy and girl. Create harmonious interior The following tips will help:

  1. The more differences between children in character, temperament, hobbies, the more neutral the walls should be. Give up.
  2. If children have common favorite cartoons, fairy tales, then the characters from them can be used as the theme of the image on the photo wallpaper.
  3. Use different textile designs for boys and girls: bedding, pillowcases on sofa cushions etc. Curtains on the windows should be neutral, universal colors.
  4. To avoid quarrels between children, visually separate the furniture with color design. For example, the blue half of the closet would be for a boy, while the yellow or pink half would be for a girl.

Designing a children's room for two children is a test of parents' ingenuity. Children can be of different genders different ages, with completely opposite interests - and the room will have to display the individuality of each. And here you will need to place several multi-functional pieces of furniture. The task is not easy, but it can be solved if you know what should be distinguished and what should be left in common use.

Space zoning methods

The nursery, in which two children will live, must be divided into zones. Zoning will make the room more orderly, determine where the personal and common space is, highlight the basic functional elements.

The arrangement of beds along the walls on both sides of the aisle

To divide the space, use:

The arrangement of beds one after another (carriages)

Rules for choosing furniture

Of course, perfect option- when all the furniture (table, wardrobe, bed) is purchased in two sets, placed in different corners of the room, and no one interferes with anyone. In practice, this often turns out to be impossible - if only because of the small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe nursery. That is why they resort to all sorts of tricks.

Perpendicular arrangement of beds

For example, for each child to have their own workplace, but at the same time no one suffered from the absence sunlight Choose a long table and place it under the window. And in the middle of a long tabletop there should be shelves.

Metal bunk bed

Also, drawers or mobile cabinets are provided on each side, they install their own table lamp. If the wall by the window is too small, you can put two tables - but so that the children do not sit with their backs to each other, but at an angle. It is believed that the back-to-back position develops isolation.

Bed with sports corner

No less important right choice beds. In most cases, it is the sleeping places that will become the central part of the nursery interior for two owners. But in order to provide convenience, compactness and style, while maintaining vital space, again, one should resort to non-standard solutions.

Advice. For a nursery for two children, perfect or. In this case, the beds will rise one above the other (they can be located exactly or at an angle). Such designs also include ladders that are liked by all children without exception. Parents will only have to explain the safety rules and colorfully describe the advantages of the upper and lower beds in order to eliminate conflicts.

Loft bed

You can buy a loft bed. In this case, the sleeping place is taken out on high supports "under the ceiling", and under it there is a sofa or a desktop. Such a solution is also considered effective, since children get their every corner, and the total area remains uncluttered.

Room decoration in light beige colors

It remains only to solve the problem of storing things - and it turns out that your nursery for two owners is ideally equipped. traditional system storage is considered a cupboard. It can be built-in or stationary, single-leaf (for each) or double-leaf (general).

Loft bed with wardrobe and shelves

The closet must certainly be stable and not too high so that the children themselves can fold and take out their things as needed. Make sure that the common closet is divided exactly in half - this will allow you to form a personal order, without "neighborly" intrusions.

Furniture option for two children

But internal filling each part of the closet will depend on the age - if the baby begins to store his toys, then the teenager will already fill the shelves with a full-fledged wardrobe.

Loft bed with work area and sofa below

Each of the children living in the same territory must clearly understand their area of ​​​​responsibility - what exactly is he responsible for the order in his storage section, on a rack or in a basket. And parents should mark with a color who owns what - this will save you from possible conflicts and help you easily find your things.

How to choose the right color

The biggest mistake parents make when decorating a room for two children is to abandon color. If posters and toys are removed from such a nursery, then it will begin to resemble a gray and dull office - one can hardly talk about individuality or the development of a creative note in such a room.

Pink tones are very fond of girls

So do not be afraid to fill the nursery with colors - each wall can have its own shade, its own pattern, its own combination.

Advice.! Do not think that a room with many shades of decoration will look inharmonious. In fact, you can always create smooth transitions and accents - for example, using shelves or picture frames.

Especially important is the cardinal division ( different colors and themes) if children of different sexes live in the room, or if the children have too much age difference.

Purple colour

After all, kids will love cute little animals and teddy bears, popular cartoon characters, and teenagers will only be annoyed by such decor. At school, boys are more interested in technology, adventure, science and sports, and girls turn into fairy princesses or forest fairies.

You can also play with color - for example, a pink corner is decorated for a girl, and blue for a boy, then you should choose window textiles or wallpaper for one wall where both of these shades meet. Or a unifying third tone is suitable - for example, yellow, light green or white.

Children's room in bright colors

In any case, it is important not to overdo it with the use of saturated tones. If children like a particular color, great, combine its warm and cold tones, use both deep and bright shades for decoration.

Be careful with red colors

It will be difficult to stay in a room that is very bright, even if your favorite color is chosen and the design is thought out to the smallest detail.

Blue tones are suitable for boys

So a nursery for two should be made varied, balanced, but not pompous and festive. And do not forget to be interested in the opinion of the children - perhaps they dream of seeing a sea-green carpet on the floor, and the curtains should be the tone of a sunny Sicilian orange?

Combination of blue and green

Listen to their wishes, even if it goes against your ideas about style. And do not forget about posters, soft toys and other decorative elements- they refresh the space and make it "childish".

A children's room in white also has a right to exist.

When creating a nursery design for two, you should not literally share everything - of course, the interests of two independent personalities should be reflected to the maximum, but a common area is still important, embodying the coincidence of interests at some points, uniting children. It can be a play area for children of a close age, or a sofa with a TV. Stylish decor is also used, selected according to common interests.

When designing a children's room for two children, it is worth considering not only the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, but also several other factors. In the article we will tell you how to optimally plan the space so that little personalities grow up in a favorable environment.

Design Features

In the children's room, toddlers and teenagers spend a lot of time together. But both children need their corner, so it is important that the interests of everyone are taken into account when arranging the premises:

  • Ideal if the room for 2 boys is equipped sports section because the brothers need a place to active games. When decorating a boyish nursery, it is better to abandon pastel colors. You can read more on this topic.
  • A room for 2 girls is a fabulous space for dreamy sisters in delicate shades and with an abundance of textiles. Often, girls are calmer than boys and play a lot together, but still, when creating a nursery, it is worth considering the temperament of each. This article contains a lot of useful recommendations for arranging a girl's room.
  • It is more difficult to arrange a nursery for a brother and sister - their hobbies may not coincide in many ways. Zoning will help, as a result of which children will receive a separate corner and forget about conflicts.

Zoning and layout of the nursery

Any person, especially a small one, needs a personal corner: here he sets his own rules and just takes a break from others. Even in a modest-sized room of 12 square meters, it is easy to provide a cozy nest if you install a bunk bed. She will create two areas for privacy, partially hiding the children from each other.

The photo shows a magnificent nursery for two sisters in the theme of "Alice in Wonderland".

In a narrow room, for example, Khrushchev, the only way to divide the nursery is perpendicular, when the room is divided into two compact squares. In the illuminated part, by the window, there is a workplace, and sleeping places are arranged behind a partition, curtain or practical shelving.

On the picture good decision for an elongated nursery with a combined balcony.

It is much easier to zone a large nursery with two windows. The room is divided symmetrically: by a screen, furniture or a curtain, so that each inhabitant has a place for privacy.

The arrangement of beds on one wall is also popular. On the opposite side, storage systems are being installed, and a play area is being set up.

Color spectrum

A room shining with all the shades of the rainbow will not benefit children. To create stylish interior, three primary colors and several close ones in tone are enough. If you can’t do without colorful design, you can select one accent wall.

The choice of palette when decorating a children's room for two children depends on the preferences of its inhabitants. Usually boys like bright colors, and girls - restrained.

On the picture gorgeous room in rich colors with a curtain in the middle.

A universal and practical way to decorate a children's room for two children is White color. It is easy to match furniture and decor to such a background, and even white visually expands the space. If a child wants to see a certain color in the interior, you can buy a bedspread and a rug made in his favorite shade. With age, tastes will change and it will not be difficult to replace accessories, and general form rooms will not be affected.

On the picture snow-white interior for two children with a multifunctional design.

How to furnish a room?

AT spacious room furnishing will not cause difficulties, but how to save precious space in a small nursery? A loft bed or a podium bed will help out. The latter is slightly higher than the standard model, but has roomy drawers for linen or personal items. Also on sale are transforming beds with a durable mechanism, where another bed is hidden in the pull-out part.

Working area for two children

The homework corner is designed in muted colors so that the child is not distracted from studying. Both children must be provided with their own workplace and chairs. When a converted window sill protrudes into a long desk, it simply divides into two parts.

Also, the student needs to allocate a shelf or locker for educational supplies. It is enough for preschoolers to place a table and a chair for creative activities.

Sleep zone

The choice of bedroom set depends on the age of the children. A bunk bed is suitable for children of the age, teenagers will choose a standard low model, and a newborn child will be located in a safe crib. A prerequisite for strong and healthy sleep is orthopedic mattress.

Retire and protect yourself from the bright daylight a canopy on the bed will help, and it will also become great help in children's games.

Place to rest

Ideally, when a room for two children has enough space to equip a recreation area that teenagers especially need: here you can meet friends, play a console or board games. The TV is hung on the wall to save space, a sofa or armchairs are placed opposite.

The photo shows a seating area with a modular sofa, decorated in red and blue.

If the children are of different ages, the TV is useful for watching cartoons and movies. Another option is to place a projector in the children's room, turning the recreation area into a small cinema.

Storage systems

Brothers often have enough one closet for two, but girls have more clothes, so the best option is to place even small but tall separate lockers. Chests of drawers and chests are suitable for toys, and roomy shelves for books and textbooks. For preschoolers, low open shelves will be useful, where books are placed with the cover forward: the child will be able to take the right book at any time and put it in its place.

In the photo there is a wall in the children's room with a wardrobe. In the niche there is a cork board for displaying drawings.

Soft baskets, drawers and boxes are also suitable for storage: the variety of designs is now so great that choosing the right pattern or shade is not difficult. All furniture designs - a wall in the nursery, wall cabinets, bedside tables - must be made of safe material and not have protruding corners.

This is a place where the creative potential of children is freely realized, which means that it should be equipped in an interesting and functional way. In a room for kids of different sexes, it is recommended to organize a playroom so that the doll house does not coexist with the race track, otherwise conflicts will become inevitable.

You can designate a place for games with a lint-free carpet, put soft ottomans that will serve as seats and storage boxes, and cover the wall or door with chalk paint so that young artists do not limit themselves in self-expression.


Suitable for the floor parquet board, linoleum and laminate with a high security class. Flooring with wooden textures will give the room warmth: this is a versatile option, since the floor will not have to be changed as the children grow up. Carpeting is perfect, but you need to clean such a room as carefully as possible.

The time when finely patterned wallpapers were used for wall decoration is over: experts do not recommend covering all walls with canvases with repeating images, as they crush the space and do not develop creativity. Optimal solutionspecial paint. To decorate a neutral background, interior stickers and photo wallpapers of a suitable theme will help. Walls can be made two-tone or contrasting, apply wide colored stripes.

The ceiling in a children's room for two children is often decorated like the walls: with paintings, stickers or even a fresco. From imitation of the starry sky with the help of phosphor paint, any child will be delighted. If the nursery seems to be overloaded with decor, the ceiling is best left neutral.

The photo shows a nursery of 16 square meters for two schoolchildren, the ceiling of which is decorated under the starry sky.

Textile, decor and lighting

In addition to carpets, it is worth paying attention to bedspreads and curtains. It is better to choose a natural fabric (cotton, linen), and also it should not stand out from the general color palette. It is desirable that thick curtains, blinds or roller blinds sunlight was blocked in the children's room.

There is a great way to give your child the opportunity to participate in the decor of the room: for this you need to hang photo frames different sizes and offer to find images for printing on your own. For safety, it is worth buying frames with plexiglass. In addition, the child himself can choose bed linen.

In the photo is a nursery with a bright textile design.

A nursery for two children should be equipped with multi-level lighting. In addition to the common chandelier, each inhabitant is entitled to his own lamp on the desktop and bedside table, which will play the role of a night light (can be replaced with a wall sconce at the head).

Design Options

It seems that rectangular room furnish the easiest, but the children's room irregular shape looks much more interesting. The attic roof complicates the geometry of the nursery and adds comfort to it. A room with a balcony can serve as an additional area for relaxation or even study, if it is insulated and a heating system is installed. Bay window is easy to turn into comfortable place for classes, if you equip a wide tabletop under the windows.

On the picture cozy bedroom for two children in the attic, where the beds are placed parallel to each other.

You can artificially complicate the design of the nursery by making a special podium. He will divide the room into two zones, practically without reducing its area.

Age features

The task of parents is to provide comfort for their children to live together, even if their ages do not match.

Room for two children of different ages

The main quality that a room for children with a noticeable age difference should have is the possibility of privacy. It is difficult to get along together if a teenager is late at night at a computer or study table and prevents the younger student from sleeping. To protect from light, you can use curtains, screens or partitions, place the workplace in a niche or on a loggia.

For two students and teenagers

If teenagers do not have their own corner, so necessary for normal development and psychological comfort, disputes between children are inevitable. It is important to equally divide the territory before starting repairs, excluding the not-so-necessary sports corner and the playing area. Instead, you can hang a punching bag (it takes up little space) and install a horizontal bar. In the recreation area, bean bags or a collapsible modular sofa will be appropriate.

The photo shows a brutal room for teenage athletes. As bed used loft bed and simple bed.

For twin newborns

In a family where twins were born, there is twice as much happiness and worries. Most often, parents try to buy the same things for their children - the same goes for repairing a nursery. A very popular technique is when the room is decorated symmetrically, but in different colors. Near the beds are placed decorative letters indicating the names of children.

For preschool children

The least hassle is arranging furniture for preschool children. They are not so demanding on their personal boundaries and play together a lot. And yet, each child should have their own crib and locker for personal belongings.


The most common style that is chosen for a nursery is modern. It combines attractive design in bright and light colors with functionality. Here it is appropriate to use all the tricks that can make a room original: you can follow one theme or simply rely on the chosen color scheme.

Children's room in scandinavian style lovers of minimalism will appreciate. Scandi-style easily adapts to taste preferences, but remain unchanged bright hues finished, cozy hygge textiles, toys made of natural materials and light furniture structures made of wood.

Parents who decorate a room in a classic style accustom their children in advance to the best achievements of interior art, luxury and rigor. Classicism is more suitable for two girls who will feel like real princesses surrounded by stucco, carved furniture and expensive decoration.

And what style will the boys like? Of course, brutal loft. dark colors, brickwork and informal furniture will be appreciated by teenagers. It is worth diluting the interior with mirrors, light textiles and glossy elements so that the room for two children does not look gloomy.

The universal style in the nursery is Mediterranean. It leaves an impression of lightness, gives a feeling of warmth and summer holiday- just what you need to relax after a day at school. Juicy blue accents on a warm background, the use of natural shades and natural materials will help create a bright and cheerful room for two children. If you add decor from ropes, shells and aged wood, you can get unusual interior in nautical style.

Photo gallery

If you take into account the size of the room, gender, age and, of course, the hobbies of two children, you can create a functional, comfortable and attractive nursery.

When choosing a design project for a children's room, parents, first of all, want their child to be comfortable. When there are two children, it is even more difficult to decide on a design than when there is one child. The decor should suit both children, even if their tastes are different.

The task becomes more complicated if a boy and a girl live in the same room. And if, in addition, they have a difference in age of more than five years, parents will have to think carefully to please both children.

Finding a way out of this situation will help a creative approach to business. There are quite a lot of options for repair, decoration and arrangement, it remains to choose the right one.

Zoning a children's room

For children with an age difference of more than five years, the room must be divided into zones; think about it in advance, before starting the repair. The purpose of zoning is to divide the territory into public and private.

Important! Psychologists are sure that each of the children must have personal space. Listen to the recommendations of parenting experts and divide the nursery into zones.

Design of a children's room for two children, photo

Of course, the dimensions of the room here are crucial. It is good if the nursery is large enough so that the children are not crowded.

In order to divide the space into two parts, mobile screens are often used, which are easy to carry from place to place. Thanks to the presence of your own territory, the development of your children will be complete. They will not interfere with each other, each will do what is interesting to him, without being distracted by his neighbor.

As a unifying space of personal territories, a part of the room where children will play can act. This function can also be performed by a sports corner. The opportunity to devote part of your free time to your own interests has great importance for emotional comfort.

The layout of the children's room for two children, photo

There are several ways to zoning a nursery:

  1. The first option is to allocate a common area for one and the other child.
  2. The second option - the children will have 2 separate spaces with subzones for sleeping, studying and playing.

Advice. If you have two boys or two girls, it is better to do a common zoning. If the children are of different sexes, make personal possessions for each.

Furniture for a children's room for two, photo

The main method of dividing a room into functional areas is highlighting space with color.

What furniture to choose for a nursery

Transformer furniture is a good solution for a children's room with two owners.

If the nursery is small, it is best to purchase beds that can be folded. The sleeping place is unfolded for the night and removed for the day. Agree that it is very convenient, and the space remains free. Since children are very mobile, they need enough space to play.

Folding pieces of furniture are an indispensable thing for children, this is a real lifesaver. You can find not only a folding sofa, but also a table. The child, having done his homework, will quickly remove the table so that it does not interfere.

As for the closet, it is good if it is built-in; try not to clutter up the nursery.

For two children, the most acceptable and compact solution will surely be models and options for purchase or custom-made, see the link in the article.

Read about how to properly zoning a room for a girl and a boy.

How the shape of the room affects the layout

As a rule, rooms in houses are of the same type and have a rectangular or square shape, in addition, they have a different layout of door and window openings.

Children's room for two children, photo

The arrangement of furniture items directly depends on how the windows and doors are located.

We arrange furniture in the nursery for two children, taking into account the layout of the room

The bed, study table and closet are arranged in such a way that it is convenient for children to study and relax. it minimum set furniture that every child needs.

If the wall is long, you can arrange the furniture along it, thus saving space. True, this option for arranging furniture is not very convenient if the bedroom is narrow - a common case in Khrushchev apartments.

Children's room for two children, photo

Two study tables can be placed near the window so that a sufficient amount of light enters the workplace. Place one bed against one wall and the other against the opposite wall. You can also put both beds on the same side.

Cupboard large sizes or put the body wall next to one of the beds: it is desirable that it stands near the doorway. Two small cabinets are placed on both sides of the door, provided that the door opens outward.

If the nursery is divided into zones with functional purpose, a desk can be placed by the window, a bed near the longest wall, and a closet next to the door.

Children's room for two, photo

If the wall is long, you can arrange the furniture along the wall, thus saving space. True, this option for arranging furniture is not very convenient.

Two study tables can be placed near the window so that a sufficient amount of light enters the workplace. Place one bed against one wall, and the second against the opposite. Or put both beds on the same side.

Place a large closet next to one of the beds, preferably close to the doorway. Two small cabinets are placed on both sides of the door, provided that the door opens outward.

Interior of a children's room for two children, photo

The following arrangement of furniture will help to most clearly divide the space into two parts: the first desk is near the window, the wardrobe is on opposite side, position the bed with the headboard against the longest wall, where there is no doorway. So you limit the space for the first child.

Place the second study table so that it partially adjoins the longest wall. This arrangement will help divide the room into two parts. Place a storage cabinet in the corner near the longest wall. Place the second bed on the other side, next to the doorway.

There is also such an option for dividing the space into zones, when children sleep in one part of the room, do their homework in the other, and play in the third.

Options for children's rooms for two children, photo

In this case, you can place two beds on one side, headboards to the longest wall, where there is no doorway. Desks by the window, a closet on the other side, near short wall where there is no window.

The arrangement of beds looks good when one bed is on one side, and the second on the other. Wardrobe for things can be one for 2 children.

Advice. If there are two windows in the room, make good use of it: place desks near them.

Children's rooms for 2 children, photo

If the room has a square shape, the beds are arranged in parallel - this allows children to talk a lot before going to bed. But if your offspring often conflict with each other, this option, of course, will not work. In this case, sleeping places are better placed on different sides.

It is good if the children's bedroom has a corner for sports.

In a teenager's room, you can not do without a TV and a computer.

Interior designers and planners advise placing the beds in such a way that children, lying on the bed, can see the door. This arrangement of furniture is most comfortable for children.

Read about which ones are best to hang with examples and a variety of colors can be found in the article.

Read about how to furnish a small room for a teenage girl.

Sleeping place in the nursery

For children's bedrooms, you can choose both regular beds and bunk beds. Roll-out beds and chair-shaped beds are another option.
Children's room with two beds, photo

If the size of the room allows, get a separate bed for each child. Everyone should have personal space, it is very important for a good psychological state of children, especially for a good rest.

The arrangement of beds looks good when one bed is on one side and the second on the other.

A bunk bed is a good option if the nursery is small in size.

Of course, a bunk bed is best suited for a small or narrow nursery that houses two children. Such furniture is ergonomic, has a beautiful and original design, like children. But for such beds, it is necessary that the ceilings in the nursery be sufficiently high (over 2.6 m). Otherwise, it will be hot on the upper tier.

Children's room decoration: photo, for two children

There is bunk beds with drawers that slide out and are ideal for storing things. And two children always have a lot of things and toys, so for a nursery with two small owners, this is especially true.

If there is a niche in the wall, bunk beds are placed in it. For small children, this is the best solution.

Raised beds look unusual. In order to make a podium, the floor is raised to make an elevation.

Children's room for 2 children, photo

Special designs in the children's bedroom easily raise the level of the floor. This elevation is called the catwalk by design experts. It may be lower or higher. On those podiums that are higher, children sleep, and under the dais they store things. And in these niches you can store anything: clothes, bedding, toys.

For a bed with a podium, it is good to purchase an orthopedic mattress so that the child can sleep comfortably.

Design of a children's room for two children, photo

When choosing a design project for a nursery with two children, try to take into account the wishes of the children and please everyone. In order for the stay to be comfortable, children must like the environment.

Gallery of photo ideas

We offer you to see a selection of photos where we have collected real photo with design ideas and interior design options for modern children's rooms for two children:

AT small apartment it is very difficult to allocate a bright spacious room for a nursery, however, having correctly organized the space, it is possible to create a cozy living space for one or even two children in a small room.

Space organization

The layout of a small children's room will require the combination of some areas and the choice of the most functional furniture.

What you can not refuse even in the cramped room:

  • from a full bed - not a sofa, but a bed, if the baby has not yet reached adolescence;
  • from the storage area - at least a small wardrobe or chest of drawers, but they must be in the room.

In addition, the room needs a place for games and creative activities, work zone- when the baby becomes a schoolboy. For competent organization area, some zones will have to be combined:

  • install a loft bed, and use the lower space for installation desk or a sofa, creating a corner for games;
  • use the height of the room: remove the bed to the podium, on which to organize the workplace of the student;
  • install corner cupboard for clothes, choose a bed with lower drawers that allow you to put at least bedding in them.

Important! bunk bed can be installed in the nursery only if the ceiling level is not lower than two meters: otherwise, there may be a lack of oxygen, the air above is warmer and drier than below. Such a microclimate is harmful to the child.

How to push walls

When planning the repair of a small children's room, take into account some tricks that will visually expand a limited space, add light to the room:

Use only light colors for decoration, furniture should also be light. But it is better to make the floor colored - it will make the room visually taller and wider.

In narrow and long room highlight only the back wall with color - then the room will appear wider. Help in this case, and horizontal stripes on the floor.

Light wallpaper with a small, soft pattern will add space to the room.

In a small elongated room with high ceilings, horizontal stripes on the walls will help visually bring the far wall closer and steal the height of the ceiling.

The design of a small nursery is better to create in soft warm colors - they will make the room fresher and create a positive mood in the child.

Choosing a color for a child's room

Looking at a variety of photos of a small nursery, it becomes clear what to choose for small room light colors are best. Pastel neutral tones in wall decoration will help create a warm interior. White walls look original in combination with white furniture, and textiles create color accents - curtains, pillows or bedspreads.

You can highlight the color of the wall. The combination of white and light shade creates a harmonious space filled with light.

For a girl's children's room, you can use:

  • snow-white;
  • light pink;
  • pale lilac;
  • light green;
  • lemon color.

The boy's room can be made in blue, light turquoise, light green, beige tones. An interesting combination - white, brown and turquoise: light turquoise wall surfaces complement with textiles with a striped pattern, make decor elements brighter, monophonic.

Important! For a small nursery, it is better to take no more than two shades, one of which can be white.

Furniture for a small nursery

There should be little furniture in a children's small area, so it is advisable to choose the most functional options.

If the room is narrow and elongated, you should not place all the furniture along the wall:

  • the bed can be placed against the window, placing it along the far wall;
  • a corner wardrobe for clothes and linen will help to use a non-functional corner and visually change the shape of the room;
  • small gaps near the window can be used as a storage place by hanging narrow corner shelves;
  • if necessary, it is better to place beds in a room for two children not in parallel, but at an angle to each other.

AT square room the arrangement of furniture will depend on where the door and window are. Use corners: the best choice- corner wardrobe with a mirrored door. Even a very small children's room will become visually larger, and sliding doors provide safety and save space for games and movements.

With a sufficient ceiling height, the loft bed will become convenient option for the organization of a place of night rest. You can place a sleeping bed below, and equip a cozy play corner in the upper part. The space under the stairs and on the side can be used for storage.

Full-fledged cabinets cannot be installed here, and shelving for books and toys will be the best option for organizing space. Modern version storage - bright boxes and wardrobe trunks that will hide the contents and will be an attractive element of decor in the nursery.

Important! When choosing furniture for a nursery, pay attention to its safety. The best optionnatural wood but it is expensive. MDF will become a quality and affordable substitute for wooden furniture.

When buying children's furniture, pay attention to the absence sharp corners, dangerous ledges. The interior of a small-sized nursery needs to be carefully thought out, to abandon unnecessary modules in favor of convenience and getting additional free space for travel and play.

Secrets of a beautiful nursery

Numerous ideas for a small children's room can be found on the Internet. Some prompt interior items from IKEA. The need to create a comfortable living environment in a limited space dictates its own rules:

In a small nursery, there should be little of everything: furniture, dark colors, corners.

Choose white as a base, light shades as complementary, and bright accents should be a little.

First of all, take care not about the beauty of the interior, but about the health of the child and his safety: avoid sharp corners and clutter in the room.

There is a big “plus” in a small nursery - the need to maintain order in it will accustom the child to work. BUT competent planning and a careful selection of the necessary things will avoid clutter and result in a small but cozy room for a son or daughter.

Photo of a small children's room

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