How to turn a balcony into a comfortable office: tips for landscaping and design How to turn a balcony into a comfortable workplace for classes and creativity How to make a workplace out of a small balcony

reservoirs 12.08.2019

In recent years, working from home has become very popular. And we are talking not only about translations, sales on the Internet. Many businessmen prefer to keep all the documentation, develop projects without leaving home. For these purposes, you need to find a secluded place in your apartment. Nai the best way- make this place a personal office.

Increasingly, residents of high-rise buildings prefer to equip private offices on the balconies.

In each apartment there is such a secluded place, which is often used for other purposes. Store there unnecessary things, conservation. Most people use it for . There, no one will bother you to work in silence, and its area is enough to make it convenient to use the balcony as an office.
Creating your office should begin with the removal of unnecessary things, garbage. Remove previous finish. Remove coating from floors, ceilings and walls.

Stages of creating an office on the balcony:

  1. Glaze the balcony.
  2. Insulate walls.
  3. Conduct lighting.
  4. Do redecorating.
  5. Resolve the heating issue.
  6. Develop a plan.
  7. Consider the interior.

Glazing balconies is necessary for comfortable work. The office located on the loggia is a full-fledged room. Its arrangement must be approached responsibly. For complete soundproofing, it is better to install triple-glazed windows. Plastic is considered an excellent material for glazing balconies. It protects the room from drafts, frosts. After installing windows, do not start finishing work immediately. Wait a couple of days.

Wall insulation

Before equipping the office, you should take care of the insulation of the balcony

Today there is great amount wall insulation materials. The priority factors for choosing a material for insulation are price and ease of construction. Profitable option construction foam blocks are considered. Correct installation the area of ​​​​the loggia will not noticeably reduce. This material ideal for ceiling and wall insulation. First, all the cracks, corners of the balcony should be sealed with mounting foam. Using wide dowels, fix the insulation. On top of it, place the crate under the drywall. At the final stage, the material is laid on top of the drywall.

holding lighting

A prerequisite for offices is the presence of light. On many balconies it is missing. Use the help of an electrician, spend. Purchase ordinary lamps, solar-powered table lamps. The choice of type of lighting depends on the number of hours you work in the office. Night work requires electric lighting. The best option is to install diffused uniform light. To operate a computer or fax, you need to install triple sockets for easy on/off of the required device.


To make the office comfortable, conduct lighting and take care of heating

For comfortable work in the office on the balcony, you need to make minimal cosmetic repairs. Using construction grout, cover all the cracks on the balconies, paste wallpaper, paint the walls, make flooring. Often used polystyrene foam or sandwich panels for wall decoration. The choice of options is huge. It depends on your ideas about the appearance of the future office. Own office on the balcony should reflect inner world owner.

Heating in the office

Without heating it is impossible to work in comfortable conditions. The usual insulation of the balcony will not save you from the cold. Steam heating is strictly forbidden to be placed on the balcony. The most popular heaters are autonomous. They are placed in any part of the balcony, which will save space. Autonomous heaters are presented in a variety of designs.

Planning development

A large area of ​​​​the balcony should be divided into two zones: a working and a recreation area. Place a small sofa or sofa with a table in the relaxation area. Any office needs a well-planned layout. On the balcony, you can equip a small library by placing a cabinet under it or build shelves for books. The work area itself includes desk with drawers for papers, computer or laptop, phone, fax, printer. Choose a complete set depending on the type of your activity.


There are many design options for an office on the balcony:

  • popular Bloomframe design;
  • classic office;
  • work area of ​​the student;
  • office as an extension of the room;
  • use of original furniture, etc.

Popular Bloomframe design

This design has already managed to win the hearts of the inhabitants of our country. Bloomframe design is floor-to-ceiling panoramic windows. The presented option is not suitable for everyone. Many people want to retire, but with panoramic window you will be in front of everyone. The option is ideal for residents of new buildings living on the highest floors.

Light and darkness

To save energy, a "solar" table lamp is suitable

During the day in the office on the balcony there will be absolutely enough light. However, many prefer to work at night, therefore, it is necessary to consider additional sources of lighting. One of the “tricks” is solar-powered lamps. Photovoltaic cells store energy during the day (“recharging” takes approximately 7 hours). By the way, these devices are also produced as desktop ones. In summer, you will have to fence off from intense sunlight (blinds are ideal).

They will cut off excess light, lower the temperature in the hot season, serve additional element decor. Design options, each color will choose depending on the price, preferences.

classic cabinet

You can choose any design of your private office on the balcony

This is the most common option. Choose furniture in seasoned colors, nothing superfluous, solid conservatism. This option involves using the office on the balcony for business purposes only.

Student work area

Often, many people prefer to create a corner for their child from the balcony to do homework. Especially if you have multiple children. Then the children do not interfere with each other to do their homework. Such a workplace must be equipped taking into account the preferences of the child. Details that will interfere with the concentration of the student in the classroom should be abandoned.

Office as an extension of the room

The room can be combined with a balcony. The area will expand significantly. When choosing this option, it is logical to make the interior of the office in the same style as the room. The familiar environment promotes relaxation, concentration. You need to think carefully about the design appearance The office helped to tune in to work, and did not distract from it.

Original furniture, modern interior

original furniture help create modern design

Thinking over the design of the future workroom, initially select Decoration Materials (wooden lining, MFD - panels, drywall). Typical balconies do not differ in large area.

When choosing furniture, decide in advance on its size. The desktop, most likely, will have to be made to order; a small, ergonomic chair - choose in the store. For folders, papers, books, you will need shelves (the best option is to build). The original design element is the mini-bar.

For lovers of extraordinary things, creative people ideal option will develop your own design using unusual furniture, paintings with abstract art, vases of a unique shape. In such an office, it is great not only to work, but to relax, sitting on the couch, drinking coffee. Get away from the hustle and bustle big city just sit in silence.

floor covering

Flooring directly depends on the interior of the office. Among the popular options are linoleum, parquet, laminate, carpet. A warm terry carpet is a great option for creating coziness. When laying a warm floor, a screed is made, the floor is insulated. Lay a layer of waterproofing. A film with infrared heating is laid on top of it. Laminate or parquet is laid on the film

Possibility of laying natural stone or tiles as a floor covering. The reinforcing mesh must be placed between the film and the coating. Everything is filled with special cement glue. Heat and temperature sensors are installed separately.


Regardless of the interior, it is necessary to decorate the office. It should cause a desire to be, to work here. Decorate this place indoor flowers, paintings, panels, souvenirs. Put pictures of your family on the table. Even from a small balcony, work offices are easily built.

Balcony - parking

presenter American company designed a balcony for use as a parking lot. Moreover, the balcony does not have to be on ground floor. With the help of an external lift system, the car can be easily parked on its own balcony. In our country, this is not a common practice, however, it is very interesting option. The car is always in your sight. No one can steal or damage her.

In a city apartment, it is often difficult to organize space for a workplace. What if the apartment is small and the family is large? Where can I get even a very small, but secluded and comfortable corner? The way out of this situation can be an office on the balcony. Photos of the successful conversion of a balcony into an office are provided in this article. Also here, readers will find recommendations on preparing a balcony for turning into an office, floor, wall and ceiling insulation, as well as finishing work and furniture selection. There will also be tips on choosing the optimal lighting and dividing the balcony into functional areas.

Office on the balcony. Photo of a successful solution to a small space.

Balcony office. Advantages and disadvantages

Is it always appropriate to remake a balcony into an office? In what case will such a balcony bring maximum comfort? First of all, we will take into account the moments that prevent the balcony from becoming a cozy office. So, the balcony is often:

  • unheated room;
  • has a small area;
  • used by the family for household and other purposes.

But the advantages of such a decision are also obvious. A man works on a balcony, in silence and solitude. Nobody bothers him, and he doesn't bother anyone. This is important for those who study, work on a computer, read a lot, write, and think.

Based on this, an office on the balcony is quite appropriate if its area is not too small, if it is glazed, insulated and think over heating. The owners, ready for such transformations, may well make an office on the balcony with their own hands.

Balcony preparation

Where does the preparation of the balcony begin? It needs to be glazed. Most often this is done using metal-plastic windows. These windows are custom made. They are sealed, have good thermal insulation properties, do not let dust and moisture through, and are not afraid of frost. The level of external noise in a room with such windows is reduced several times.

We warm the floor

As you can see, there is a choice. Each of the methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. So the first option is the most budgetary, but the most labor-intensive. Plank floor with mineral insulation- the most traditional, but requiring carpentry skills. Modern insulation materials are easy to use, but not cheap.

The underfloor heating system deserves special attention on the balcony. It effectively solves two problems at once, floor insulation and general balcony heating. However, such a floor is expensive, and professionals should mount it.

One of the ways to insulate the floor. Logs and mineral wool. From above they are sewn up with boards.

Wall and ceiling insulation

Workplace organization

As far as possible, the balcony should be conditionally divided into two zones. Work area - a place at the computer desk. And a recreation area where you can warm up, drink coffee without fear of spilling it on expensive equipment.

In the working area, you can place a small computer desk. And it can be easier, to strengthen the transverse board-tabletop across the entire width of the balcony. She will replace the computer desk on the balcony. Under the board, you can provide a place to place the system unit.

For storage of documents, disks, stationery, compact hinged shelves are placed above the table. Bookshelf or book shelves can be placed on opposite wall balcony. If there is enough space, the recreation area is supplemented with an armchair or a small sofa.

Workplace on the balcony. Shelving can also be placed below.

To regulate the amount of light entering through the glass, blinds are very appropriate on the balcony window. They are not only practical, but also decorative. Blinds emphasize the office style of the room.

Do not place a lot of furniture on a small balcony. Let your office be as spacious, comfortable, and bright as possible. And you will experience the joy of working in your own little office.

If there is not enough time at work to complete things, they are taken home. Data analysis, reconciliation of results or planning is difficult to do in a noisy environment, among vacationing family members, so separate room. With a shortage of living space, arrange an office on the balcony. The idea will surely appeal to freelancers and remote work enthusiasts who spend hours sitting at a computer and papers.

At first glance, the idea of ​​a device on the loggia or balcony of the office seems absurd. Much more often, flower beds are laid out there, pantries are equipped for pickles and jams, or they simply ennoble the room for a rest room. However, after carefully weighing all the advantages, it turns out that a mini-office behind the wall of a living space is an unusual, but successful solution.

From the beautiful classic interior, masterfully created homely atmosphere, you won’t immediately understand that in the photo there is an office on the balcony

Consider the benefits of an extraordinary idea:

  • expansion of usable space;
  • use of natural light;
  • excellent ventilation - fresh air from the street;
  • suitable working conditions.

Each item requires further explanation.

There is never too much living space, so a couple of well-maintained meters is a great gift for the family. As a rule, in an apartment, first of all, space is allocated for a bedroom, a nursery, a living room, and there is no space left for an office. The chance to get a balcony for an office is quite large, it is unlikely that any of the family members will resist. Moreover, after that, the additional area will not cease to be a place of rest - just put a comfortable sofa in the corner.

Personal work area - the opportunity to decorate the room in your favorite style

If you arrange panoramic glazing in the office on the balcony, natural light will be maximum. From sunrise until late in the evening, you can not turn on the lamp - there is enough light for working at a computer or paperwork. To make it comfortable to work at night, conduct electricity. beautiful chandelier, a pair of elegant sconces, a floor lamp that migrated from the bedroom - any lighting device will do. However, the best option is a table lamp with the ability to adjust.

Sometimes from excess sunlight you have to hide behind thick curtains or blinds.

The problem of the old "Khrushchev" and "Stalin" buildings is the ventilation of residential premises. The exits to the ventilation shafts are located only in the kitchen and in the bathroom, and to create an effective supply and exhaust system you need to at least temporarily open the vents or windows. In a small room where access to double-glazed windows is open, it is much easier to arrange ventilation, the main thing is to avoid drafts.

Before installing double-glazed windows, determine the workplace in advance, consider the location and method of opening the shutters

If the loggia is not combined with an adjoining living space - a living room or a bedroom, then the entrance is necessarily closed by a door. This is a guarantee of good sound insulation and that you will not be disturbed or distracted at the most stressful moment. To isolate yourself from street noise, install double-glazed windows with high noise insulation and take care of wall insulation.

At right approach to the arrangement of the premises, the office on the balcony is no different from the usual

We turn to a small minus, or rather, to a minus, the size of which depends on the degree of neglect additional premises. If you have to improve an unglazed patch that has never seen repairs, then a lot of money will go away. However, if it is already insulated, glazed and partially furnished, it remains to reflect on the design of the office on the balcony.

How to turn an unequipped balcony into an office

Suppose you got the most difficult, expensive option - a room completely unprepared for life, that is, a structure with a concrete floor and a metal fence. We will try to analyze the steps that are necessary to transform non-residential space into a comfortable work area.

Step 1: glazing

If you, opening the balcony door, instantly find yourself on the street, the first mandatory step is glazing. It is also necessary if the only sign of comfort is old wooden frames with cracked glass. Modern double-glazed windows are warm and cozy.

Traditional three-sided installation of double-glazed windows - maximum sunlight

A couple of tips that will help when choosing a glass structure:

  • pay attention to the quality of the profile and fittings - often problems arise not because of the glass, but due to the rapid abrasion of the seals or the loosening of the corner nodes;
  • single-glazed windows are used only for the improvement of cold rooms, you need two-chamber structures (in the northern regions - three-chamber);
  • think about the dimensions of the structure - glazing to the floor is hardly appropriate, it is better to stop at the traditional half-wall version with blind ends;
  • consider how the design of the frames will be combined with the decoration of the walls; there are options for color design, lamination, wood and stone styling - but do not overdo it with creativity.

Please note that sashes can be hinged, folding, sliding, as well as with a combined opening method. Choose those that are more convenient to use and plan the installation of movable frames not in front of the workplace, but a little further away.

Two full-time jobs - the opportunity to work in the company

The result of glazing is the creation of a full-fledged living space, separated from the street by a reliable wall of glass and plastic/aluminum.

Step 2: lighting

Replacement of natural lighting will be needed in any case - for work at late hours, for evening rest. Therefore, the second thing to take care of is the creation of an electrical network that would fully meet the requirements of the working room. This is, first of all, bright, but soft light, which allows you not to strain your eyesight, does not distract from work.

A lamp with a lampshade is a great solution for an office - a creative workshop

Except choice lighting fixtures, such as lamps, it is necessary to design a wiring diagram, bring electricity to the balcony, install sockets, designate the location of the lamps. Wires are usually pulled from an adjacent room. There are two ways of installation - closed (in wall strobes) and conditionally open (under facing material or box). When choosing the second method, take care of reliable insulation, for example, lay the cable in a protective corrugation.

Lamps and sockets are best placed on a common wall with the room - it's easier to work with wires, you don't need to pull them under the floor or in the ceiling. However, if the workplace is far from this wall, it is better to move the socket to the table - it will be easier to use the equipment, there will be no need to buy extension cords.

Variant of the upper spot lighting device; additional light in the workplace area is provided by a table lamp

Working with electricity requires some knowledge, so if you are not sure about own forces call an electrician. Short circuit caused by improper cabling or inaccurate connection of appliances is a risk of fire.

Step 3: warming

So that the idea of ​​​​turning a balcony into an office does not fail, insulate all surfaces - the floor, ceiling, walls. Let's consider one of the ways.

One of the options for finishing the interior space

Working in an office is many hours of hard work, so the temperature of +15ºС, which is typical for glazed loggias and balconies, is not enough. It is necessary to insulate the room so that during the time spent at work, a person never feels the desire to wrap himself in a blanket or put on woolen socks.

Stage of insulation - installation of roll Penofol using wooden slats

Action plan:

  1. Thermal insulation of non-glazed parts of external walls. The best option- extruded polystyrene foam, the thickness is chosen, focusing on weather region (on average, from 50 to 80 mm). If it is important to keep usable space, pay attention to Penofol - a thin 5 mm insulation with a metallized layer.
  2. Insulation of a common wall with the apartment. Everything is simpler here: the same Penofol is suitable for finishing a relatively “warm” surface, the main difference of which is the minimum thickness without losing the main qualities of the insulation.
  3. Floor arrangement. On the prepared base, slabs of expanded polystyrene or basalt wool are laid in the crate.
  4. Insulating ceiling finish. In fact, the ceiling on the balcony is also concrete slab, therefore, the same methods are applied to it as are used for thermal insulation of walls and floors.

Having chosen a method of insulation, it is important to follow the technology and use high-quality materials, because after finishing it is difficult to get close to the layers of insulation.

Step 4: heating

It is impossible to start decorating a balcony for an office until the heating system is thought out. Like any living space, the office requires regular heating. In summer there is no need for heating, but with the onset of cold weather it becomes important condition use of the residential area.

Convector type electric heater for seasonal use

It would seem that there is nothing simpler: they built up pipes central heating and installed 1-2 radiators. But this simple, inexpensive plan won't work, as taking the batteries out of the apartment is prohibited. Loggias and balconies do not fall under the definition of living space. There are examples when tenants sought permission to install radiators, but the approval process will take a lot of time, effort, and it is possible that money.

Consider heating options that can be legally implemented:

  • infrared heater;
  • electric convector;
  • warm floor.

Devices and systems work when connected to electricity, and for this, permits and approvals from government agencies are not required.

The "warm floor" system is designed for installation in any residential area, the only negative is the high price

If the room is small in size, and the insulation is of high quality, then a conventional electric heater is sometimes enough for full heating. Powerful appliances are efficient, but electricity bills will increase.

Step 5: finishing

This is the most enjoyable - the creative stage in the process of arrangement, as it is the beginning of creating the interior of the office on the balcony. To make the result look stylish and harmonious, you need a project that reflects the main design direction and detailing.

To create a project, use a computer program or simply draw a sketch

The office is a working room, so the interior should be more businesslike, practical, not distracting. Accordingly, when choosing a palette, we prefer neutral shades - gray, brown, white. But the choice of materials can be any. Someone likes ecological cladding from wooden panels, others - smooth painted walls, the third - easy-care plastic.

If catchy accents do not bother you, then use brighter colors when drawing up a project.

Which flooring use? There is also complete freedom of action:

  • laminate;
  • carpet covering;
  • boards;
  • linoleum;
  • tile.

But keep in mind that carpeting refers to the “warm” type of floor, and tile or linoleum to the “cold” type. If you do not use slippers, it is better to stay warm. Wood will also work, as wood usually "keeps" room temperature.

Office on the balcony with a wooden floor. For comfort, you can lay a rug near the table

The ceiling is often lined with clapboard or plastic panels, but for an insulated loggia it is appropriate tensile structure. When installing any type of ceiling, do not forget to pre-designate the mounting points for ceiling lights, if they are planned.

When landscaping an office on a small balcony, do not forget about the deficit free space- choose only those building and finishing materials that allow you to save useful centimeters.

How to organize a work area on the balcony

First, consider two options for using the new room:

  • exclusively as an office;
  • as an office and resting place.

If you chose the second option, and your rest is not limited to playing computer "shooters" and "strategies", divide the territory into two parts - a work area and a recreation area. In the first, we install a desk with all the necessary accessories, a computer, office chair, shelves or locker; in the second - a sofa, a coffee table, flowers. If desired, even on a 3-meter balcony, you can create two compact but cozy corners.

Light interior in a semi-Scandinavian-semi-rustic style

Consider, What to consider when organizing a workplace:

  • Style - business, restrained, minimalist.
  • Lighting is well thought out. During the day, protection from bright sunlight is relevant, in the evening - artificial lighting, sufficient for work, but not striking in the eyes.
  • Free windows. A narrow window sill and double-glazed windows are an area that is better not to clutter up with decor. The only exception is curtains, curtains or blinds. The discreet design of the balcony under the office does not tolerate anything superfluous.
  • Furniture sizes. If you are lucky with the area of ​​​​the balcony, you can ignore this item, but we recommend that owners of typical urban high-rise buildings choose furniture of reduced sizes, or even better, order a working set according to their size.
  • Wheelchair. This traditional office accessory is more than appropriate on the balcony - if necessary, it can be easily moved to the relaxation area.
  • Maximum use of walls. Since their area is small (most often these are two end narrow walls), it is important to use shelves, racks, cabinets in full height.

Furniture for an office on a loggia

The office, equipped on the balcony, should be as functional as possible. Therefore, buy compact, ergonomic furniture. If the budget allows, it is better to make to order. Due to the small size of the balcony room, it will be difficult to find ready-made tables and chairs that will fit into the interior. In small spaces, every inch needs to work, so it's best to fit the furniture flush against the wall and railings.

Instead of a massive table - a countertop

For a study on the loggia, a minimum set of furniture is appropriate:

  • writing or computer desk;
  • a hard chair or chair on wheels;
  • racks;
  • shelves on the wall;
  • nightstand.

To save space, limit yourself to a countertop, a comfortable chair and a couple of shelves. These items will provide good conditions to work without "eating" free space.

Written (computer) table

A writing or computer desk is best placed at the end of the balcony, spreading across its entire width. Sometimes it is set at an angle, using the window sill as an additional surface. The side from which artificial or natural light should fall on the desktop surface depends on which hand the person writes with: right or left.

For left-handers, the light should fall on the right, for right-handers - on the left.

As for the material, it can be anything. Desks are made from:

  • Chipboard, fiberboard or MDF are the cheapest materials;
  • metal (not always convenient, but looks stylish and original);
  • wood (wooden products are of high quality);
  • tambourata is a new lightweight material from which original designs are created.

office chair

An office chair installed on a balcony cannot be too large. Give preference to ergonomic, not massive furniture. Large "director's" chairs look spectacular on spacious loggias, on ordinary balconies they only interfere. Everyone chooses the form, type of construction independently, based on personal preferences.

For an office, an armchair with a soft, semi-soft, hard seat is equally appropriate. In any case, it is equipped with a gas lift - a mechanism that adjusts the height of the seat. It is better to choose a product with an anatomical adjustable back. Suitable for upholstery:

  • natural or artificial leather;
  • eco-leather;
  • net;
  • textile.

Shelves / racks for books

Racks and shelves should complement the interior of the room. This will make the workplace more stylish. The shelves are made strong, rigid, so that you can put books, folders with documents on them. Shelves and racks are best made from the same material from which other furniture on the loggia is made, but variations are possible depending on the design features.

Most often, shelves on a balcony or loggia are made of wood, plastic, metal or glass. It is better to hang them above the desk at the ends of the loggia to save space. Shelves can be placed on the opposite side of the computer desk or attached to a load-bearing wall so that they do not interfere with free movement.

Drawers for papers and stationery

Drawers ensure the safety of documents, protecting them from moisture, dust, and other adverse factors. Paper stackers vary in width and height. These designs are of two types: with full or partial extension. Usually they are placed under the desk, but variations are possible: fastening to the wall or installation next to the racks.

Drawers can be made independently, buy finished models or make to order according to individual measurements. Color and design match the style of the interior. To make these designs look appropriate in a study on a loggia or balcony, make them from the same material from which other furniture in the room is made.

Shelves for office equipment

An office on the balcony does not need a lot of office equipment, but its absence can adversely affect the functionality of the workplace. When working at home, you may need a printer, projector, scanner or any other equipment. Some devices can be put on a computer table, but it is better to build separate shelves for them on brackets.

Shelves for office equipment are best attached to a load-bearing wall. Shelves can be made to order according to the size of the equipment that will be placed on them. You can also make them yourself from chipboard, MDF or wood. There is not enough space on the balcony, so partially unoccupied long shelves are inappropriate here and only interfere.

Furniture for an office on a loggia or balcony should be ergonomic, multifunctional. It is installed so that nothing interferes with free movement, opening windows and balcony doors. As a standard, the cabinet is made in the same style, where each item (shelving, armchair, decorative elements, etc.) harmoniously complements the interior.

Examples of successful cabinet design on the balcony

Perhaps some photos will help give birth to new ideas for improving the style of not quite ordinary, but comfortable place for work.

Video: cabinet decoration and design

Video sequence design ideas:

Tips for warming and finishing:

Option classic interior from professionals:

As you have already seen, creating an office on the balcony is a real idea. If the prospect of another useful room makes you want to create and fantasize, this project is for you!

In most cases, an unglazed balcony is used as a storage room and a place for drying clothes. Many people keep old things on the balcony, which have no place in the apartment (as well as the use of these things), but they don’t want to throw them away. But the balcony is valuable meters of your living space. If you properly dispose of these meters, you can get almost a separate tiny room, another cozy corner. We used to write about, it's time to talk about how to make an office on the balcony.

Many dream of a separate workplace in the apartment, their own office, which will allow them to concentrate on work even in a nice home interior. Separates them from the dream is just a balcony that is not used to the maximum.

How to make a workplace on the balcony

If you decide to make an office on the balcony, then you need to glaze it and make it. Windows will protect you from dust and dirt, from precipitation and, of course, from temperature changes. However, windows alone are not enough. It is also necessary to carefully insulate the balcony. Penofol is perfect for a small space, which will not “steal” your area, since the thickness of the material is only 4 mm. According to its thermal insulation characteristics, this material is comparable to 50 mm thick foam plastic. Before proceeding with the installation of penofol, you need to carefully seal all the cracks and corners with airtight tape. You can also use sealant, but working with it is much more difficult.

An additional insulating layer will be required, and only then you can finish the balcony.

Pay attention to the floor. If you have the opportunity to make underfloor heating on the balcony, then this option should definitely be used. The heat-insulated floor will create necessary temperature condition even in the most severe frosts. For regions with a warmer climate, a regular laminate is suitable. If necessary, you can use a small heater.

Finishing and decorating the office on the balcony

Before proceeding with the cosmetic decoration of the room, carefully consider the design project of your balcony. You need to anticipate everything important little things that will be needed in the future. For example, spare sockets or additional shelf mounts.

To finish the balcony, try to use bright hues They visually enlarge the room. white ceiling, for example, will give the interior lightness. If you have the opportunity to make glossy stretch ceilings on the balcony, use it. Gloss will reflect light, which will also add extra volume to the space.

Try to use natural materials or their analogues: light wood can be replaced with a wood-textured laminate. Thus, you can make your office more comfortable.

We do not advise you to experiment with contrasting and bright colors. In a small room bright colours may look too noisy and even aggressive, and such an interior quickly tires. If you want to add some color to your office, then choose one interesting accessory that will draw attention to yourself. This approach will help you successfully combine the work area with the recreation area. As an accessory, you can use, for example, a fluffy rug or an original painting.

Be sure to consider the fact that a balcony can combine several functions: not only a study, but also a place of rest.

However, the main area should be the work area. You need to place a small but comfortable desktop and an ergonomic chair on the balcony. Since the workplace is usually associated with large quantity important papers and documents, then provide a small rack or cabinet for papers. Great solution for a small balcony there will be hanging shelves.

Remember that the furniture on the balcony should be roomy, but shallow. Otherwise, it will absorb all the free space.

You can equip a small library on the other side of the balcony, put a bookcase there and a small comfortable ottoman or pear chair. Thus, you can not only work in the office, but also fully relax.

To give your balcony freshness and coziness, place some beautiful plants on the balcony. You can use a small window sill or you can attach the plants to the wall using a planter. Small plants will look great next to books on high shelves or even on open shelves in a closet. Just remember to water them.


Don't forget to choose the right lighting for your office. In the daytime, sunlight will come to your aid, and on cloudy days and at night, use lamps that mimic natural light.

You can place lights on the ceiling or walls, original solution becomes a "table lamp" built into a shelf above your desk. If you can adjust the brightness of the light, then this will give you both productive work and good rest.

Do not buy large chandeliers and lamps with large shades, they will look out of place on a small balcony.

If your balcony faces sunny side, then you also need to think about protection from bright sunlight. These can be special curtains for plastic windows or ordinary translucent curtains made of lightweight material. You can block out the light by using blinds, but this décor item is more suitable for office space. Blinds can deprive your office of coziness and the feeling of home warmth.

Equip Personal Area on the balcony is not easy, but such a change in the functional purpose of the balcony will help you make your life better. The balcony should not be a storage of unnecessary things, valuable square meters should not be lost. Moreover, if you have a large balcony, then you can equip as many as two jobs. You will have to sacrifice a closet, but you will have a very comfortable office for two.

A glazed and insulated balcony has long received the status of a living space. It is often used as a utility room for drying clothes or growing plants. However, on the additional area you can easily arrange a more functional room. Advanced tenants equip a workplace on a balcony or loggia: a small workshop, a cozy study, a children's corner or carpentry.

Following the desire to transform the balcony space, ideas of its reincarnation appear. Registration and construction activities are completely dependent on the plans of the one who will become the conditional owner of the premises. A workshop for an adult family member requires a more practical, business-like approach, while a place of study for a child is completely different.

Cozy workplace on the loggia for schoolchildren or students

The first step is to come up with a project - draw up a plan for converting the balcony into a more comfortable room. It is better to draw a sketch or prepare a printout of a virtual interior created in a computer program. Then you need to write a list of everything that will make up the interior of the room.

The following points must be taken into account:

  • natural lighting during the day and electric in the evening;
  • comfortable furniture for work;
  • comfortable air temperature;
  • pleasant, but not distracting decor;
  • neutral color scheme.

Do not forget that the work area is still different from the place of rest, so couches, sofas, comfortable rocking chairs will be superfluous there.

A simple but elegant economy class project for a typical three-meter balcony

If you plan to equip school corner Be sure to ask your child about their preferences. It depends on what desire he will fulfill homework, read or be creative. Adults, on the other hand, usually focus on the degree of comfort and a calm environment.

Ways to organize the workspace

If you still decide to allocate a balcony or part of it for a workplace, responsibly approach each stage of the arrangement. Insufficient lighting or uncomfortable furniture can cause carefully prepared square meters to turn into a dryer or pantry again. Should start with overhaul(if it didn’t exist yet), and finish with design.

Thermal insulation is the key to comfort and coziness

A priori, your balcony is glazed, otherwise a living space will not work out of it. However, one glazing is not enough, high-quality thermal insulation is also required so that the heat does not leave the room.

The walls are insulated with extruded polystyrene foam "Penoplex"

The choice of insulation material depends entirely on the winter temperature outside. Typically, foam boards, expanded polystyrene or mineral wool are used. They insulate all non-glazed surfaces, including the floor and ceiling - this must be taken into account when calculating the material. In addition to a heater, you will need vapor barrier film and material for the crate (timber or lining). The finishing decorative layer is chosen based on the material possibilities and the chosen style.

Wall and floor wood paneling

One of the options for thermal insulation of the floor on the balcony looks like this (from bottom to top):

  • Concrete screed.
  • Vapor barrier - membrane or film.
  • Mats or rolls of thermal insulation in the crate.
  • Leveling board or plywood.
  • Floor covering (linoleum, tile, laminate).

If the concrete slab is in order, then there is no need to do a screed. Finishing the walls and ceiling occurs in the same order.

Insulation scheme with decorative trim plastic panels

Clapboard or plastic is usually used for wall cladding, but other options are also possible, for example, clinker tiles or ordinary plaster, followed by painting. Wallpaper is not recommended, as in conditions of high humidity and possible drafts, they can quickly peel off.

Lighting system

If subdued light is perfect for relaxing, then bright but soft lighting is necessary for fruitful work. On the one hand, the table and objects on it should be clearly visible, and on the other hand, the rays should not hurt the eyes.

Ceiling-mounted daylight chandelier

The advantage of a workplace on the balcony, where one wall is completely glass, is that during the daytime there is enough natural light. Even in winter, a window seat is considered bright enough and suitable for writing, reading, working at a computer or needlework. For evening work, the installation of lamps will be required.

Table lamp on a long dynamic clamp

Overhead light is good when it is located directly above the workplace. But if the chandelier is hung in the center of the loggia, and the table is set in the corner, a table lamp or lamp on a clamp, mounted on a wall or shelf, is required. The main thing is that the light does not blind the eyes and illuminates the work area - a desk or computer desk, a workbench.

A lamp with a shade creates a cozy atmosphere

But first you need to take care of the wiring. Usually a hole is drilled in the wall through which wires are thrown from the junction box of the living room.

Option for laying electrical cable to the loggia

Taking into account the fact that the balcony is completely protected from precipitation and temperature changes, the degree of protection of the lamps can be the same as that of their room counterparts - no higher than IP44.

Interior Design

There are an infinite number of design solutions for decorating the interior of a balcony, even if it is a work room or office. While drawing up a design project for organizing a workplace on a balcony, all issues related to the finishing of walls and floors, the choice of furniture and lamps should be resolved.

Usually an office or workshop is finished in a neutral style close to modern minimalism. However, to give individuality to the room, elements of other suitable directions are often used.

Project in contrast

On the balcony, where there is a lot of light, the Scandinavian style is welcome: light, ergonomic, simple furniture, a minimum of curtains, snow-white or pastel walls. For a more status workplace, they choose solid classics: wooden wall upholstery, a leather armchair, a table made of natural wood.

It is convenient for a schoolboy or student to study at an inexpensive desk, but you will need a lot of shelves and drawers for school supplies, a place for a PC or laptop. The student's corner is difficult to attribute to any particular style.

Cozy place for a young schoolgirl

In addition to furniture, which should not be on a typical balcony, attention should be paid to window drapery. Thick blinds or curtains in the summer create a comfortable partial shade, while transparent curtains will not protect from the sun's rays, it will be impossible to practice.

Wooden blinds - strictly and nobly

Often tiles are used for flooring. If a "warm floor" system is mounted under it, then additional insulation not necessary, otherwise it is recommended to additionally lay a warm rug under your feet.

Nuances of workplace equipment

A place to work is a relative concept. For one, this is a comfortable computer desk with a chair on casters, for another - a small table with a comfortable soft chair, for the third - a workbench, near which you need to work while standing, not sitting. Each of them has its own characteristics and distinctive features. The rest of the situation in the room also depends on the purpose of the workplace.

Cabinet for office work

The office is also called the place of work of an adult who decides important issues and earns money at home, and a schoolboy's corner, where you have to write, read and print a lot.

In order for nothing to interfere with work or the creative process, it is necessary to create an appropriate atmosphere, which is characterized by such features as:

  • neutral, calm colors in the decoration of walls and furniture;
  • local full-fledged lighting in the table area;
  • comfortable chair or armchair;
  • ergonomics - everything should be at hand;
  • silence.

The last point is provided by double / triple glazing and a closed door to the room.

Homely cozy study area

If you are equipping a place where you have to write a lot or use a computer, you need a comfortable desk. A modern workplace for a schoolchild on the balcony implies the presence, in addition to a PC or laptop, of additional equipment: a copier, printer, scanner or MFP, which combines the listed devices.

Compact mini-office on the balcony with a set of office equipment and an aquarium

At the same time, materials that are not quite usual for an office may participate in the decoration of the walls. For example, to create an industrial-style setting, you can decorate the walls to look like concrete or brick.

Unexpected balcony loft

Girls are not characterized by overly strict canons in creating an interior, so a more lively gamut in design, the use of indoor flowers to decorate a work area, and a lot of decor on walls, shelves and a wall are quite appropriate.

Office project for a flower lover

Adults, as a rule, do not like to clutter up the room with unnecessary items in order to get a truly businesslike atmosphere as a result. Nothing should interfere with accounting calculations or the creation of a new engineering project.

If your goal is a home mini-office, read more about how to furnish and decorate in a separate publication.

needlewoman workshop

Having a separate corner for home needlework is the dream of many women who love to knit, sew, embroider or engage in other types of applied art in their free time from their main work. small area standard city apartments do not always allow for needlewomen to allocate not only a room, but even a small cozy area. Many "move" to the kitchen or bedroom, but there is also usually a lack of space.

Air conditioning in the workshop will avoid drafts

The balcony is a great way out. Using the extra space, you can make a real workshop, with a work table and cabinets, which will include hundreds of spools of thread, skeins of yarn, needle beds, blanks for decoupage and scrapbooking, paints and pencils, sets of beads and sequins.

Original and functional table design with glass lid: the contents of the boxes in plain sight

Applied home art can hardly be called work, it is more of a hobby, so there should not be strictness in the design of the needlewoman's workplace on the balcony. The main thing is for the craftswoman to feel comfortable, and this is a comfortable chair, a table in size, and a well-thought-out storage system. Drawers with numerous consumables can be installed under the table or on the shelves, fixed on the walls. Useful shelves, lockers and mezzanines.

Beginning Artist's Workshop

If creativity does not involve the use a large number materials and tools, then the wall can be taken away for storing the results of labor.

home utility room

If a home craftsman lives in the apartment, then the balcony can be safely presented to him - as a workshop. There is enough space for working with wood or metal, soldering or assembling electronic gadgets. Thanks to a separate workshop, the younger generation from childhood will learn how to compose electrical circuits, cut boats out of wood and sharpen knives.

A real man's place to work

As a basis for a workbench or just a desktop, you can use old furniture- the same kitchen or desk. It can be upgraded by adding a cabinet with drawers, shelves or tool racks.

Economical workplace arrangement

Small tools and consumables can be placed in boxes or boxes, large ones can be placed on the countertop. If there is not enough space for small table in the corner, you can fix a long narrow tabletop along the glazed wall and use it for cutting parts or installing machines.

There was also a place for a grinder

In order not to rummage through the drawers for a long time in search of wire cutters or a screwdriver, part of the free wall is set aside for storing the tool that is needed most often. A panel with hooks or pockets will fit perfectly as a compact, but very convenient storage system.

Wall tool organizer

Men, like women, love order and comfort. If you take furniture arrangement seriously, find suitable options storing tools, properly connecting electrical cables and installing sockets, you get a comfortable workshop.

Cozy place for woodcarving

As you can see, finding a corner for creativity, work or study in a city apartment is not so difficult. Numerous photos with the design of workplaces on the balcony will help you decide on the choice of style and design nuances.

Overview of the corner for the needlewoman:

Office from scratch:

interesting and original ideas there will always be a place in life. Evaluate the conditions of your balcony - perhaps you can also install a table on it and equip a cozy corner for work. A lot of light, fresh air, a beautiful landscape before your eyes - a great environment in order to work productively and be creative.

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