Two-story pull-out children's bed. Choosing an original bed for three children

The buildings 30.08.2019
The buildings

Children are our happiness. And the more children, the more happiness parents have. But it's also more of a hassle. It's good for kids to play. They are not bored, they entertain each other, find common activities and practically do not distract mom and dad from business. But the games are over, and it's time to put everyone to bed. This is where the problems begin. The sleeping area is the most problematic in a house where there are 3 or more children.

There are many options for designing a sleeping area for three, four or more children. The choice depends on the parameters of the room that you can allocate for the children's bedroom. If your family lives in a small apartment, then this is one case. If you have a whole mansion at your disposal, and even a habitable attic, then the matter is different.

Bed for 3 children one, this is an option for small apartments. If you have enough space, then it is better to make a separate bed for each child.

Psychologists say that those children who from childhood have a permanent space of their own become more self-confident and promising in the future. Beds in this case should also be separate. From existing options you are sure to find the type of combination that suits you.

Types of bunk beds:

  • Pull-out beds;
  • Folding beds;
  • Transformer beds;
  • hanging beds;
  • Stationary three-tier beds.

The main rule of this piece of furniture should not be the way they are combined, but the safety they provide to children.

Three-tier bed for children: options for placing babies

In many ways, the combination of a children's room for three children depends on their age. Moreover, the greater the age difference, the easier it is to cope with the task of delimiting space. Another thing is if the population of the nursery is almost the same age. Then the task, at first glance, is practically unsolvable.

A bunk bed for children is only suitable if the children are of different ages and you have someone to send to the very top. It is undesirable and dangerous to lay children under 6 years old on the upper tiers. It is better to place teenagers there. The three-story bed is very high.

If the kids are not big, but you still have to save space in the room, then ensure that the inhabitants of the upper floors are one hundred percent safe from falling out at night in a dream. AT this case you can also use an option like pull-out bed. It takes up very little space and is 100% secure.

Rules for placing a bunk bed in a children's room:

  • Try to keep the bed away from windows, doors and other noisy places;
  • If there is not enough space, then it is quite possible to choose a bed design that will allow you to use it as a playground with labyrinths;
  • At low ceilings it is not advisable to make a third tier by the bed, because it will be stuffy and hot for the person sleeping under the ceiling;
  • Provide an easy and safe ascent to the resting place;
  • Also, a child “living” on the third floor should be able to freely make his bed;
  • Those ascending to the upper floors should not interfere with themselves or those below.

In order to avoid conflicts between children, before using a new bed, correctly explain to the children who and why will sleep exactly in the place that you determine for him.

Children's room for three children in a big house

A big family should live in big house. And if someone has this requirement is true, then you can’t wish for the best. For children, like no one else, for full development a lot of space is required. Volumetric role-playing games so de not fit in a small area. And if we talk about a full-fledged restful sleep, then it should be noted that the version of the bed where the child spends almost half of the time greatly affects the development of the individual. No wonder children spin in their sleep. This suggests that they are not complexed, open and constantly in cognition. If you imprison a child in a narrow bed, then the breadth of his being will quickly close into a frame.

A children's room for three should be wide, spacious and comfortable. The beds in it are best placed evenly and the same. The brother or sister sleeping on the floor above will subconsciously be the dominant person in the eyes of those sleeping below.

The only option when a multi-level lifestyle will not affect mental development, this is when children of different sexes. If you tell a girl that boys should give in to her the best place you will save the situation. But you have three children, not two, and someone will still be infringed on their interests.

How to place three beds in a nursery:

  • The ideal option is when the same beds are arranged in one line, covered with the same bedspreads, and the same size;
  • If one of the children is older and two are younger, then you can choose the option when two beds are at the bottom and the third is perpendicular from above;
  • If the room is very small, then you can arrange the beds around the perimeter, and place chests of drawers and drawers under them.
  • If the area allows, then each inhabitant of the room can be assigned a separate space, identical to the rest, in which to place sleeping place, gaming, and desk.
  • If the children are small, or of the same sex, then you can put three ottomans in a row under the wall.

No matter how you arrange the beds, they should be as comfortable and safe to use as possible.

What should be the bed for two children of different ages

Modern design projects contain so colorful models of children's rooms that it's hard to even imagine how all this can be brought to life. Can. And even necessary. After all, life circumstances, at times, force us to find a way out of the most hopeless situations.

Bed for two children different ages, this is in most cases a bunk bed, where one surface is larger than the other, or simply narrower.

By equipping a nursery with a similar bed, you can save a few free meters for decorating other areas that are so necessary in this room. If you are not satisfied with the bed options available for sale, then you can make them yourself.

How to choose the right bed for two children of different ages:

  1. Measure the parameters of the space that you are ready to allocate under the bed;
  2. Ask the children which colors, shapes and compositions suit them more;
  3. Choose some models according to the children's vision and show them to the little ones;
  4. Make a choice with them;
  5. Check the quality certificate for the product and make sure that the bed is made of environmentally friendly materials;
  6. Check the certificate of compliance of the product with safety requirements for children.

Provide a solemn bringing of the crib into the house, and arrange a small holiday for the whole family on this occasion. Then your kids will quickly fall asleep, immersed in pleasant tasty memories.

Bunk bed for three children of different sexes: decoration of a children's room

In large families, an acute problem is to correctly form children by gender. The beauty here is that no matter how many children you have after two, there are still no more than two sexes. This, as they say, is easier. Naturally, adult children of different sexes must be accommodated in private rooms. But we're talking about babies.

A bunk bed for three children of different sexes will come to the rescue in a situation where you need to place three kids in a small room. Putting a boy on the same bed above and two girls below, or vice versa, you perfectly solve the problem.

By raising one of the beds to the second tier, you free up additional space for other nursery functions. After all, this peculiar room is the most functional of all. If you correctly zone the rest of the space, you will bring it closer to ideal. Such a layout will not only free up part of the space, but also decorate the room.

Children's room areas:

  • Sleeping area;
  • Game Zone;
  • hobby zone;
  • Art Corner;
  • Wardrobe;
  • Working surface.

Our young residents of the apartment are so active and demanding that they need to have everything at once and at hand. To do this, furniture and accessories must be comfortable and practical.

Bed models for three children (video)

If you properly equip the interior of a children's room in which two or more children live, you will help them avoid conflicts among themselves and fights for territory, and bring up worthy, active, purposeful individuals.


The choice of a bed for children depends on several factors, one of which is the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe children's room. If the bedroom is spacious, then the flight of fancy can not be limited. In a small room, it is important to rationally use the available space.

Layered structures

The range of multi-level beds for three children is quite large. From variations with levels, angular or planar arrangement, you can choose the design that is most suitable for the conditions of the children's room.

1. Two tiers

Designs in two tiers with three beds at once can be different. It can be a “double bottom” and one place on the second floor, or vice versa, one bed below and two on the upper tier. In the second version, the upper, double bed, as it were, hangs over ground floor and looks like a balcony. Tiers can be located both under each other and L-shaped.

2. Three tiers

Saves space in the children's three-tier design. True, in this case it will not be very convenient to change bed linen. In addition, this option for accommodating three children can only be used in apartments and houses with high ceilings.

3. Folding structures

In this case, there may also be variations. For example, when folded, it is a bunk bed, and during sleep, the lower, additional tier is pulled out, and a sleeping place appears for the third child.

Foldable can be two tiers. This design allows children to get enough space during the day to play.

An interesting option for three children is a fully sliding bed, called "chest of drawers" or "matryoshka". In this design, three berths are sequentially put forward, which, when unfolded, take the form of steps.

Separate beds

Separate beds for three children in the same room are the best option in terms of equality, since the children will be in the same conditions. The possibility of disputes over who and where will sleep is minimal. Cribs can be arranged linearly, U-shaped, in checkerboard pattern. If you choose beds, complemented by individual spacious drawers, or opt for designs with podiums, you can reduce the number of cabinets, chests of drawers or bedside tables, thereby freeing up space in the nursery.

When using roll-out options, you will have to take care of good coverage floor, which will be resistant to frequent extensions of the tiers of the bed.

furniture requirements

When choosing a crib for three children, you should focus on the following points:

  • The materials used must be durable, safe, hygienic, non-toxic.
  • The entire structure - fittings, stairs, railings, sides - must also be reliable and safe.
  • On the upper tiers, it is worth laying children no younger than 5-6 years old.
  • The mattress should not slip, it is important that it is clearly positioned in the recess provided.
  • The mattress should contribute to the formation of correct posture.

Style and decoration

When choosing a design, you should consult with your children, take into account their wishes. If the crib is designed for three boys, they may like the use of various themes: marine, pirate, scientific, adventure, sports, etc. The bed will be associated with adventure and amazing fantasies. They are a great success - they are easy to fit into an adventure-themed room.

Sleeping place for three girls can be decorated in pastel color scheme or decorated, the castle of princesses.

The bed of children of different sexes should include elements corresponding to their age, gender, personal interests and color design. It will not be easy to combine the tastes and preferences of each child, but attentive and caring parents will help them come to an agreement on this issue.

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Families with many children often find it difficult to find quality furniture. A bed for three children today is represented by a variety of models and colors, made in various style directions. The design of the bed will allow you to equip a comfortable sleeping place for each of the children. To choose the right furniture, it is recommended to consider the features of beds for children of different sexes, as well as the nuances of their installation in a small room.

Finding a bed for three children in one room is often difficult. Parents do not know which model to give preference to. At the same time, if the kids are cramped in a sleeping place, living together will not seem like a pleasure to them. Each baby should have his own place to rest, where he will feel comfortable and safe. It is necessary to choose a product for several children only taking into account the age characteristics of each.

All existing bed models are divided into several types and models:

  1. Bunk bed for three children. Design this product consists of two floors: one person can sleep on the first tier, and the second provides for the location of two children at once. The model is made in the shape of the letter G. On the top floor, children can sleep with their feet to each other, and the baby on the bottom tier chooses the position for sleep. The dimensions of such a product are 320x200x170 cm, while the last indicator means the height of the model;
  2. Three-story model for kids. This product completely repeats the standard two-tier model, while it has one floor more. Climbing such a structure is not easy - you will need the help of parents. Due to the limited height, such a product is only relevant for babies aged 3 to 7 years. The height of the structure is 170-180 cm, the width of the bed is 90 cm, and its length is 150 cm;
  3. Wooden construction with additional accessories. The most popular type of bed for three children is a product that looks like a bunk bed, but at the same time has an extra pull-out bed. It is located under the lower bed and allows you to comfortably accommodate 3 children at once. The height of the structure is 180 cm, the length of the bed is 200 cm, and the width is 95 cm.

Teenage beds are oversized, and products for babies are compact. Do not forget about the age of the children in order to choose the right place to sleep.

How does the sex of the child affect if you have

Children of different sexes, as a rule, are more difficult to get along together. In order to choose a sleep product correctly, it is recommended to consider in more detail how gender affects cohabitation.


Often, boys with a small age difference are prone to sincere, genuine friendship. If these are triplets, then friendship will become their main priority in the family. These guys are great large beds where the combined sleeping places are located. A joint vacation will turn into exciting bedtime stories, and it will be easier for parents to send their children to bed. Beds for 3 boys are produced in the following colors:

  • White and blue bed made of wood, where the sides are made in blue color, and the staircase is decorated with white paints;
  • Bright bed of several colors: each color symbolizes a section of sleep for a particular boy;
  • The combination of blue and light green shades - cheers up well and amuses children;
  • Triple bunk bed with pull-out bed nautical style: from one side there is a staircase upstairs, serving as a closet.

So that the boys are not bored, mom can sew decorative elements for the bed. For example, arrange sleeping places in the form of a fortress: sew curtains for each tier like castle windows, and also make a small dome on top a la a tent.


Manufacturers allow you to order beds for three children according to your own drawings: this greatly simplifies the planning of space in the room. Choosing a bed for 3 girls is not difficult: babies are often friendly if they are of a similar age. Several design options for the female:

  • Orange combined with yellow: a good option for adding warm colors to the room;
  • Drawings and stencils on large surfaces of the product are often made by manufacturers for babies;
  • Bright bed linen is necessary for the harmonious arrangement of a sleeping place;
  • Girls are also given zoning in different colors;
  • The ladder in the design can be placed on the side, and not from the front;
  • The design may contain additional elements in the form of a play area.

If the age of one girl is less than the other two, she is placed on the upper tier, while the other children sleep below. You can also purchase a bunk bed-sofa, where the lower part plays the role of a bed for two children at once. It is also possible to have a retractable desktop in the design, where they do homework and writing.

Heterogeneous children

The heterogeneity of children is the determining criterion when choosing a bed for three children. It is worth paying attention to models that allow each child to have their own corner, which will be separated from the beds of other children by partitions or built-in furniture. In this case, a bed divided additional furniture: for example, a closet where toys are stored.

Several design options for children of different sexes:

  1. Beds for two children are on the same plane, and for a child of the opposite sex - on the second tier. The size of such a bed will be 440x365x172 cm;
  2. Beds for two teenagers are arranged on two tiers, and the third sleeps on a sofa built into the structure. Then the child's bed is in a separate area. The overall dimensions of the structure are 230x340x120 cm;
  3. All three beds are separated additional elements. The first tier contains one bed, and the second tier is divided into 2 beds: on the left there is one bed, under it there is a wardrobe. FROM opposite side organized storage area. The dimensions of such a product will be 310x200x170 cm.

In a family with three children, preference should be given to different design: initially ask everyone about color tastes. Bright beds are always in fashion, so it is better to choose them. Traditional decoration in pink and blue tones for different sexes may also be present.

Additional functions

Beds for three children of different ages are made in different options decor, however, the whole design may contain additional functions. They greatly improve appearance products and are good helpers with proper planning and organization of space.

Functions Description
Drawers This addition is present in almost every model where there is space under the bottom bed. It is convenient to store toys, bedding or extra bedding here.
Built-in wardrobe Typically, manufacturers place it under one of the upper beds. In addition, the design can contain 2 cabinets at once, which significantly saves space in the room.
Cabinet for underwear in the form of stairs to the second tier There are models where the ladder is located on the side of the structure. It has impressive dimensions for good reason: things can easily fit inside it.
Folding table on the side of the structure The table can be used for playing, eating, as well as writing. It also allows you to rationally organize the space.

When choosing, it is worth considering that the bed is chosen for a long time, so it is better to take a functional product with additional accessories and built-in furniture. Similar models are widely represented in stores of large furniture factories and also made to order.

For small rooms

Placing three children at once in one small room is not uncommon. Outdated apartment layouts in the post-Soviet space do not allow kids to have enough space to play, sleep and relax. Parents are forced to settle three children together. To keep all children happy, there are several solutions:

  1. Retractable tiered structure. Such a triple bed for children is a compact product, where each tier is pushed forward. The model does not take up much space due to the fact that when folded, its height remains unchanged;
  2. Bunk bed with sofa below. Best option: suitable only for those families where two children are ready to share one bed;
  3. Bunk models with an additional place-transformer. This place is represented by a retractable chair, which is a full-fledged berth in a folding form.

For small rooms, it is worth choosing options that do not take up much space. The option of completely folding the bed into a niche on the wall is well suited - then there is a vast space for games and all the guys are happy.

A photo

A large family is very wonderful, on the one hand, but difficult, on the other. It is very difficult to find a bed for three children living in one room. Each child needs not only a separate sleeping place, but also working area. If children have cramped living conditions, then this will have a bad effect on their emotional mood. Therefore, it is very important to select beds for three children, taking into account the characteristics of each child.

Types of beds

Over time, the production of children's furniture has improved, so more and more models of cribs for children appear. Also only more appears design solutions in the design, so you can choose a bed even for the most picky child.

All children's bed models are divided into several categories.

Construction type

What is a single children's bed everyone knows very well, since it has the most simple design, but differs from similar models in some details and design. As for the combined structures, there are a lot of nuances.

If you have to buy beds for a small room with three children, then a multifunctional bed that harmoniously combines three beds will suit you perfectly. There are plenty of options for such designs.

Here are the most striking examples of beds for three children:

  • Sleeping structure for three children, decorated in classical style made of durable and safe wood. It has three beds combined with storage and study areas (drawers and tables). Despite the massiveness, the design can be placed in a small room, which you don’t have to supplement with other furniture, due to the versatility of the bed.

  • Bright wooden model, made in an interesting and compact design. In addition to sleeping places, the bed has drawers for storage, beautifully veiled under the stairs and a shelf for small items above the second tier of the bed.

Age restrictions

For babies who have grown out of cradles, manufacturers make a wide variety of bright models. Teenage beds have much big sizes than baby models, moreover, most often they have a discreet design.

  • bright and safe model for three children. Sleeping places are located at a low altitude.

  • Three-tier model for teenagers, decorated in a classic style, very economical and comfortable.

Production material

Baby cribs are made from durable and safe materials. For baby cribs, wood is usually used in production: pine, birch, beech, oak. Metal carcass most often have teenage beds.

Functionality and gender

There are models for boys and girls, and those and other options are made out both in a classic restrained design and in a bright style. For girls, beautiful multifunctional beds are increasingly being made in the form of a castle or a house, decorated with bright drawings from cartoons and fairy tales. For boys, no less interesting models are made, in the form of cars and something like that.

By their own functionality cots for three are divided into:

  • Bunk beds. Very easy to place and use. Often, these models are equipped with additional storage boxes and jobs for children.

  • Pull-out beds. Very simple and economical models. They are usually performed in a classic style, since such beds are often purchased by kindergartens.

  • Bed - sofa. An interesting model that combines both a classic bed and everyone's favorite soft sofa. The model in this photo is made in the form bunk bed with a classic loft bed upstairs and a sofa downstairs. Suitable for both two and three children, as the sofa in the unfolded form has enough space.

The options for baby beds are very interesting and practical, since in addition to massive transforming beds and multi-tiered models, there are compact beds with folding mechanisms.

Ideal solution for a small room

Each parent with three grown children has repeatedly thought about how to place sleeping places for each in one small room. Manufacturers and designers have been working on the same task for many years in order to end up with an optimal and practical option.

Here are some options for decorating a children's room for three children:

  • very bright and interesting option decorating a room for three teenage boys with a bunk bed with sliding mechanisms. This design takes up relatively little space and is equipped with all kinds of drawers, shelves and cabinets. Thanks to this design, you can equip a small room without cluttering it with separate beds and massive wardrobes.

Children's room must meet the requirements of each of its inhabitants. Given that there will be three tenants, it will be quite difficult to fulfill all their wishes.

The main thing is to create a cozy and comfortable space for each child.

We set tasks correctly

A nursery for three children should become a spacious room, so the integration of compact solutions will be the best option.

Each child needs to be given a personal space, while each piece of furniture should be in its place and perform the functions for which it is intended.

And most importantly - the room should be cozy and comfortable.

Sharing a room

The most important thing is to divide the room into parts, while it is important to take into account the wishes of the residents themselves. The room will definitely have a part where the beds (greasy area), a play area and a place to relax will be located.

It is advisable not to make the visual section of the room explicit, otherwise several uncomfortable rooms will be created.

It is better to use curtains or screens. Common areas can be divided with furniture and decoration.

Finishing work

If a Finishing work will be performed with high quality, then the children's room for three children will turn out to be multifunctional and effective.

You can make a visual section of the room and create your own design for each of its inhabitants.

It is rational to use such a decision if there is at least one wall per child.

In the case when several zones will have to be placed on the surface of one wall, this option is not suitable, since the design will be overloaded, and the free area will significantly decrease.

A good nursery needs to be trimmed natural materials. The floor surface can be covered parquet board, laminate or linoleum.

Plaster and wallpaper are favorably placed on the surface of the walls. Ceilings are best done suspended or suspended. Their surface can be painted or whitewashed. You can add zest by decorating the room.

Optimal furniture solutions

You need to fill the room with optimal furniture solutions. Therefore, you need to think carefully and choose furniture wisely.

You can view photos of children's rooms for three children on our website, and evaluate all the advantages of a competent arrangement of furniture in the nursery.

First of all, you need to choose a bed. The model and dimensions of this item depend on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and the placement option.

It is necessary to arrange the beds so that each child feels comfortable.

For small spaces good option there will be pull-out beds or bunk beds. It is better to provide a separate bed for the oldest child.

Children will need tables for classes. You can purchase three separate tables and place them at a maximum distance from each other. It is better to purchase one large cabinet, as three small cabinets will take up a lot of space.

Lighting items

A good nursery for three children of different sexes should be well lit. Do not use central lighting - it is ineffective.

Better to use Spotlights and they must be positioned correctly. As a result, the room will be light. Designers recommend combining central lighting and spotlights.

Stretch ceilings in children's rooms look very profitable. In these devices, you can easily place several rows of spotlights around the entire perimeter of the ceiling.

It is worth taking into account that the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room should be well-lit. It can be integrated into the design of children's sconces, table and floor lamps, floor lamps and all kinds of lamps.

We select high-quality accessories

Many accessories can be integrated into the design of a nursery for three children. Of course, the room should maintain a cozy and comfortable atmosphere, so there should not be many accessories.

Young children will love decorating with toys, older children will appreciate the colorful posters, and schoolchildren will be happy to show off their awards.

Quality and stylish design children's room will be appreciated by children.

It is necessary to give the tenants of the room to adjust the design of the room, but it must be borne in mind that the needs of each child must be met. Successful design solutions and comfortable children's rooms.

Photo of a children's room for three children

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