Interiors of adolescent rooms for different children. Children's room design for different children

Garden technique 23.06.2020
Garden technique

The zoning of the children's room not only puts the space of the room, but also executes other significant functions. These include the creation of psychological comfort, teaching to discipline and order, simplifying gender self-identification. If you have zoning competently, it will solve the issue of simultaneously accommodation in children's two diverse children.

The room must be divided so that the child has a recreation area, the ability to learn lessons and place forgames. How to do it right:

The interior of the nursery is created taking into account the characteristics of the premises and the needs of the kid. The boy will arrange simple, even a little rude ways to distinguish between space - often apply partitions from drywall or wood In the nursery. Girls more like a sophisticated interior, all the details should be soft, gentle, pleasant to the eyes.

When delimiting the room for children on the zone, it is also necessary to take into account the insulation of the sound of the room. The best option will be a room located away from the kitchen or living room. To create additional noise insulation, around the entrance is often equipped with racks from plasterboard or wood under toys and clothing.

Significantly lighting. It is better to place children in the Western or Eastern Room - there will be more light. Or correctly pick up artificial lighting.

Views zoning options

In the interior design of the room for children use three main reception of zoning:

There are several methods how to distinguish children's - from the construction of additional bulkheads before dividing into zones with color. Given the layout of modern apartments, usually use several ways at the same time.

Functional zoning

To functionally divide the child's room or two children to create a personal space of each can be using a partition. It happens:

Type of partition Varieties Materials Use options
Stationary One-piece and sliding, to ceiling and separating space on ½ or ¾ from the floor. Gypsoscard, tree, construction block, LDSP. In children, more often use plasterboard and wood. These eco-friendly materials allow not easy to divide the room on the zones, but also make a bizarre interior with the help of complex structures. Favorite designer chip - built-in lockers and racks, framing bed or desktop.
Mobile Shirma. Wood, fabric, metal. Relevant in small rooms, where it is difficult to establish a stationary partition. It can be painted with bright patterns, decorated with appliqués, made in the technique of decoupage. It is important for a comfortable dressing of the girl - the boys rarely come so shame.
Tissue Curtains, Baldakhins, Rollars. All types of textiles. Allow the atmosphere of comfort in the room, while maintaining the individual space of each her tenant. An excellent option will be the ceiling shirma made of different types of textiles. The room of two children of different sexes can be divided into two parts by curtains like the stage curtain.

Separation of the room for children can be performed and permuting furniture. The delimiters can be: bookcases, piano, racks with toys. The winning version of the zoning room is the separation of low furniture. Then the children will be quite illuminated in the bright time of the day.

The rooms with a high ceiling deserves attention to the option of organizing bunk space. Boys and girls love the "houses on the tree" and will be happy to sleep on the bed raised a few meters from the floor.

The main task in the implementation of such an idea is the thinking of security measures so that the child is easily descended and climbed into his "house".

Under the bed is equipped with a working office, a dressing room, a sports corner.
Unusually look in the room for children design in several levels: when one part of the room is lifted above the floor level on the podium. If he is high, inside the boxes for toys. Low podiums are a platform for outdoor lighting.

Zoning of children's rooms for children of different sex

When divided into zones, the sexual affiliation of the room owners takes into account. This is especially important when childcare for different children . To ensure each of them with personal space, it is necessary to separate the bedrooms and the wardrobe partitions.

The design of the room for children of different sex should correspond to the interests of both. But with a limited element, the decision of such a question becomes more difficult. However, the competent zoning of the room will allow to organize a cozy and functional space for a boy and a girl even in a small room:

It is important and place for storage. In order not to create conflicts, it is better to divide the cabinet equally or equip a room with two identical wardrobes with facades of various colors.

Note the personal space of a child in a children's room for diverse children is the easiest way with the help of color accents.

The room is decorated with two combined shades combined with each other and distinguish with its partition element.

The emphasis here is made on the division into the area for recreation, study and games with the obligatory allocation of a place for sports factories and active activities. Even the most calm workers need a space where you can jump, run, sow on the floor. Select it with a dense carpet or sports mat. You can install there collapsible "Vigvam" or a tent.

Zoning children's room for twoboys involves general territory for active games with sports shells, such as a Swedish wall. But at the same time must be equipped for each place to study and individual hobbies. A bunk bed is perfectly suitable as a dream room.

In the children's rooms of boys, it is better to install drywall or wooden partitions, then fabric screen wizards or curtains will be appropriate in the romantic maiden spoolroom. Although painted in gentle tones design from drywall with niches and windows, where flowers and cute vases cost, will also have to the yard.

With the zoning of a children's room for a girl near a sleeping place, you need to equip the cabinet or a tremor with a mirror, in the boxes of which a small princess will keep your treasures. If two young ladies live there, each will need its "corner of beauty."

Also in the maiden rooms it is necessary to provide for the territory for receiving guests.

For girlfriends to be convenient to discuss their secrets, you need to highlight a corner with a small table and puffs.

The separation of children's space on the zone depends on the age needs of the child:

Age Sleeping area Game Zone Work zone
From birth to three years The crib put in the shaded corner away from the entrance door. Developing toys and are located at the bottom of the room so that the child can reach them himself. Rather, for mom and dad - they put a sleeping bed there, so that someone from the parents could be at night with a crumb.
Preschool Individual space for the bedroom can be highlighted by a color accent. It takes most of the room and is divided into two sites - for quiet and active games. While there are racks with shelves for toys.
School It is desirable intimate space, fenced from prying views. The older age, the less space for games. In adolescents, this territory is intended for hobbies - drawing, modeling, modeling, sewing, etc. It takes most of the free space. There must be a place to study and work on the computer.

For children of different ages, it is necessary to distinguish between beds, especially if the difference in the years is significant.

The interior of the standard child assumes the design in pastel colors for girls and in bright and juicy for boys. But in addition to the color solutions, when choosing a design, the zoning of children is necessarily taken into account. The common style must combine space, broken into functional segments. Designers offer such arrangements:

The modern design of the working area for two same-sex children can give a significant savings of the children's space. So, for a couple of workers with a small difference at the age, an angular table is suitable for two jobs and open shelves.

Romantic young lady is offered a large console table, located near the window. And the combined total tabletop two written tables will be inspired by the scientific discoveries of two small scientists, regardless of gender. They are equipped with comfortable rotating chairs.

The appearance of a child is associated not only with joy, but also numerous concerns, one of which is the creation of a comfortable children's room. Especially problematic, if a common children's child is needed for all-choice children, because in this case the task becomes more complicated due to the fact that each of the children will need a personal space. Although the process of creating such a nursery for two kids is complex, it allows you to show all my fantasy, after reading the photo options on the Internet.

Before starting repair, make a plan of action, sketch of the future room. The separation of one large room into two small parts is the basis of the future repair. Each of two children should highlight the space where it will be a full owner.

Options for dividing space indoors:

  • parallel;
  • diagonal;
  • with public seats.
Parallel zoning of children
Zoning diagonal
Zoning with common areas

The choice of one of the above items depends on the room allotted under children's, its size and form. An important factor is the age of children, and the easiest way of dividing is the option with public seats. It is ideal for two little children of about the same age, with the pleasure of playing together and not needing solitude. The kids are enough to have separate sites for sleep, and everything else is given to the game.

Parallel and diagonal division fit older children when each of them already has their own interests. The obligatory element is the partition, a wardrobe, shell, writing desks, book racks, shirms can perform in its role. These types of divisions are suitable for large premises. The diagonal will become the perfect option if there are two windows in the next walls, which is found in private homes. A parallel division is great for large square rooms, but can also be applied in a narrow elongated, for which it will have to pre-carefully think over and explore various options.


The basic principle of zoning is to allocate each of the two children's beds, games, work, storage, and individual design. The task is successfully performed using the color of walls, various relief, different levels and ceiling, lighting.

Another major factor, which is not necessary when making a nursery is the age of children. If they are very kids, parents rely entirely on their taste and fantasy. To the opinion of children over three years will have to listen. Usually they have preferences in color, favorite characters of fairy tales, cartoons, girls dream of being princesses, fairy, magicians, boys - riders, superheroes. Therefore, each part of the room should be issued individually.

A particularly difficult case is the one at which one child is much older than another. In this case, parents will have to really try to make each of the children feel in children's cozy and comfortable.

Places for sleep

No bedrooms in the room will not cost. When it concerns the singular children, the question becomes more difficult. Even if they are still very small, in the future, each of two will want to have their own corner, which brother or sister will not have access. It should be foreseen in advance.

The easiest way out of the situation is the acquisition of two beds. The room is divided in half, each part is drawn up in his tones. The style is observed alone, or it is possible to raise the fantasy of children. There are several placement options for bed

  • near the walls;
  • perpendicular to the wall;
  • in the corner.

If the beds are placed nearby, they should be divided by a bedside table, curtain, rack or by the septum. When choosing an angular arrangement, children should sleep their head to the head.

If the room is small, narrow, it is preferable to use a two-storey bed. This will significantly save space. In advance should be solved with children who will sleep on top, and who is from below. Often this question becomes a problem, especially if children are about the same age, and each of them claims to top bed. If you cannot negotiate, it is better to discard the idea. Also, it is necessary to refuse if there are very low ceilings in the room, as children will be uncomfortable and stuffy.

Game Zone

An important part of the life of children, especially small, make up games. We must not forget that the source of energy lies in the kids, so the space for its splash should be quite extensive. On the territory of the boy you can install a Swedish wall. Girls love to play with dolls, they will need a table, chairs, blackboard for drawing shameles, easel. Children will gladly walk to each other.

While they are small, one large carpet or coating is suitable for the floor, in the future it will be possible to replace them with two different. Making repairs in the nursery, it is worth considering additional sound insulation. This will protect not only children, but also the neighbors.

In adolescent, the role of the gaming zone is changing and they need a place for meetings with friends, it will not be superfluous to stock upstands, easily retractable on storage in the storage room.

Zone for classes and lessons

In the children's for two children, everyone needs to organize a comfortable place to study. It can be one common desk. An excellent idea will be a long countertop, located at the window and occupying the entire length of the wall. Children will be enough not only places, but also natural lighting. You can buy separate tables. Do not forget about comfortable chairs that contribute to the preservation of the correct posture.

A modern child is poorly presenting his life without a computer, Ideally, he must have his own. Given the need to save space, prefer laptops or tablets.

Young children have furniture to match their growth. Of course, they are less practicing, but still love to draw, sculpt, fold puzzles. For kids, there are very convenient transformers, which are very functional and will not take a lot of space.

Storage of things

It is the opinion that the boys have few clothes, a lot of girls. In fact, this is not true. Therefore, the children's for all-choice children involves the presence of a large cabinet. The installation of two separate will become the perfect option, which will exclude confusion and disputes about cleaning.

From things in children not only clothes. Kids usually have a lot of toys, the number of books is gradually growing. Teenagers love to collect, have a lot of secrets that need to be kept somewhere that it is very convenient to do in boxes, baskets, as well as on the shelves.

The beds with the podium in which the retractable boxes are installed, will help save space.

Color solution

Children for children of different sexes is often drawn up in one neutral color, confirmation of which can be found in the photo. For young children, the theme of your favorite cartoon, zoo, birds, forests is perfect. On the walls you can raise photos of funny animals and the owners of the room. In this case, use soft pastel shades, because excessive brightness does not affect the psyche of the child.

A much more interesting option will be the use of various colors that will help to divide the room into two parts. It is best to abandon the beaten options with the pink and blue zones, because the room should like both children, not to cut your eyes, be one, despite the presence of two owners.

Interesting combinations that will look harmoniously (there are many photos of combinations of colors):

  • lilac with green or gray;
  • gently pink with silver;
  • yellow with orange, blue, green.

Showing fantasy you can try to play with shades. Unchanging classic in this direction are yellow, sand tones, brown. To make the room brighter, you should use various accessories: interesting lamps, flower pots, photos in bright framework.

Furniture: Choice complexity

The design of a children's room for all-choice children is preferable to entrust professionals who know all the possibilities and suggestions that exist at the moment. If there is a desire or the need to make repairs yourself, it should be understood that it will help to save a valuable space.

Many variants of cabinet and modular furniture will allow you to create a beautiful and comfortable residential premises from any room:

  • double-decker beds;
  • armchairs-beds;
  • beds with built-in shelves, racks, boxes;
  • bed-attics, which, on the first tier there are jobs, cabinets;
  • retractable, folding beds;
  • racks that successfully acting on partitions;
  • long countertops.

Two-decker bed
Armchair Bed.

Loft bed
Retractable beds
Long table top
Wardrobe Steel

It is best not to buy ready-made furniture in stores or photos in catalogs, but to order its production by individual measurements. But in any case, it should be from environmentally friendly materials, strong, all elements of the fittings are well fixed.


The correct selection of accessories will help make a room more comfortable, the individuality of the owners will emphasize.Boys are needed sports corner, especially if they love to play sports. Girls will be delighted with an elegant dressing table, in the boxes of which will be able to store their decorations and cosmetics. Kids love children's houses. You can purchase the nests for them, in which they are arranged on the first floor. Older children love to place photos of musicians or kinheroys on the walls, which should be considered, thinking about the design style.

An important element of the situation is textiles. It is bedspreads, blankets, pillows, bed linen, curtains. With their help, you can diversify the interior of the room, bring bright notes. If the children is drawn up in one color, then textiles should be chosen with neutral patterns. You can make unique items, decoring their prints of children's drawings and photos of kids.


Lighting is played an important role in the nursery for two children. It helps in zoning and necessary for the normal functioning of the child's eye. The day is often not enough, the system of creating light levels comes to the rescue. The top light is great for the gaming area. The recreation area will be sufficiently scattered lighting from the sconce. Desktop lamps are needed for work, and each of two children should have their own.

What to draw attention to the age of children

Highlighting a nursery, not only different sex of children should be taken into account, but also their age. There are some features that need to be remembered by the children's children's.

If children have a big age difference, the best solution will be a bunk bed. Baby must be placed on the first floor, it can fall on top. It is important to maintain a crib. This will create a cozy corner for a child and will allow you to sleep peacefully until the elder does lessons, works at the computer, reads. Each child must have a place for personal belongings, toys, clothes. The written table is just one, the baby will draw when a senior at school. Before proceeding with the design of a nursery, it is worth studying the photo of the interiors, on which many interesting ideas will always be deduced.

Before starting repair in the nursery, you need to carefully consider the plan.

It is worth identifying the room into two equal parts and each half try to give individuality.

The child should have its own working and play area where he will be able to feel the main thing.

There are the following space separation options:

  • diagonal;
  • parallel;
  • undivided.

Children's room for all-choice children is shutdown not only depending on the above points, but also on the size of the room.

Also an important parameter is the age of children. If the kids are small, then there will be a number 3 excellent option.

It is gorgeous for children with a small age difference, which love to spend time for games together. It will be enough to install twin beds, leaving the rest of the room for children's games.

Options 1 and 2 are suitable for adolescents when everyone has their own interests. The key element in the room will be partition, it is not necessary to make the wall, you can simply put a large closet or writing desk.

But for a large room it is not suitable. In case children have several windows, then the ideal will be diagonal location.

And parallel is more suitable for square rooms, because such separation in a narrow space looks just ridiculous.

Sleeping place

The design of the children's room for all-choice children always begins with the choice of beds. This is especially difficult in a variant with diverse children.

Even a little kid understands that he needs his own corner, where he will be located. It is worth thinking in advance.

If the room is divided into equal parts, it is easiest to buy two identical beds, decorated for each of the parts.

It is important to comply with a single style. Most often, the beds are abandoned as follows:

  • in the corners;
  • near the walls;
  • along the wall.

Of course, the beds can be put close to each other, but then it is worth dividing them at least a bedside table or some partition if the angular placement is selected - lay the children with their heads to each other.

Place for games

Children's room for two different children must have a game zone. If children are small, then there will be most of their day.

The kids have a sea of \u200b\u200benergy, so try to make the most extensive zone for games.

For each child, you need to equip your own game area, the boy is to put the Swedish wall and put its designers and cars there, and a large puppet house is perfect for the girl.

In adolescence, the play area changes its purpose, because they rather need a convenient place for meetings with buddies and classmates, it will not be superfluous to put a pair of soft chairs or aspays.

Storage of things

It goes the widespread opinion that girls have more things than the boys. This is not always the case, that is why it is worth putting a large wardrobe.

But you can also put two small vertical lockers, then you can definitely avoid quarrels for cleaning in the closet.

Do not forget that things are not only clothes. Young children are full of toys, and adolescents - educational literature and books.

In addition, in adolescence, it is normal to collect various crafts or models, it also needs to consider and install an additional rack.

Furniture for children

If you do not want to trust a professional designer, then at least look at the photo of the children's room for all-choice children on the Internet.

By doing repairs yourself, carefully examine this question and think about how to organize the most profitably and place the furniture, while leaving enough free space.

Now there is a huge number of diverse modular and cabinet furniture that will help equip the room:

  • bunk beds;
  • bed armchair;
  • massive beds with integrated racks and couches;
  • bed-attic, on the second floor Sleeping place, and at the bottom of the desktop;
  • folding and retractable beds rising to the wall;
  • shelving partitions;
  • long Secrets.

It will not be superfluous to order the manufacture of individual furniture, and not to acquire it in the store.

Furniture must necessarily be made of natural materials and have high-quality fittings.

Stock Foto Children's room for different children

The decoration of the children's room is based on the preference and age of the child. In view of the gradual changes in the views, it is worth the interior in a modern style. Especially if it is a nursery for two different children. In this case, the furniture is better to select the functional, finishing of neutral tones. You can add bright accents with the help of original accessories.

When choosing a premises for children for different children, it is necessary to remember that sunlight and teenagers are primarily important.

Planning and zoning of children's space for two different children

If the premises of the children's not big, the shares of partition elements are not rational. With the help of ergonomic location of furniture items, it will be possible to create zoning space. Prefer the bright room for the children, the windows of which are south.

The harmonious palette of colors, as well as properly disposed furniture, will turn even a small area into a multifunctional children's room.

Zoning with furniture

The order of furniture arrangement is based on the location of the doorway. When you find the door opposite the window, there are tables, sofas, cabinets, it is recommended to arrange symmetry longitudinally. If the area is up to five meters, the beds are better to put in line, dividing them with a screen. The other side is suitable for a fit or can be used for training sessions.

Provide a comfortable and peaceful life on a common territory will help a thoughtful design.

Separation of the area for all-choice children is just a need. In this case, all sorts of partitions are used, cabinets, racks.

For creating comfort and comfort, separate areas for brother and sisters can be distinguished.

Plasterboard partitions are an optimal solution if the bedrooms are located on one wall. After placing it with an unusual way, it will be an interesting element that will give a certain style of the room.

The main thing is to manage the most effectively by free space, which is often ignored.

The use of rack or cabinet will serve simultaneously with a network for storing things and a separating boundary. The wardrobe is suitable here, and on the rack you can arrange books, toys.

Radiant, children will need more personal space. It is important to consider, do not place two beds in direct visibility in relation to each other.

Color gamut for children's room

Choosing a color gamut, a children's room for two different children should emit a positive. Adhere to saturated, cheerful colors. You can combine shades. The right solution in the color design will be the creation of individual parts for each child, they are disappeared by the colors that children chose. You can also stay on a universal choice. Among the variety of bright colors, blue, salad, saturated orange are highlighted.

The colors that fit the girl and the boy are beige, white, sandy shades. Thanks to such shades, the room will be much lighter.

Two-color decoration will be the key intention. Combining a salad with a sandy tint, dilute monotony, creating a picturesque overall picture. Combining pink and green, fill the room with freshness, cleanliness and natural energy. In order not to annoy the children's nervous system, it is worth abandoning black, red, dark colors. The insignificant number of such paints will not harm.

Gracefully looks gray with elements of a lilac shade.

To comply with the integrity of the room, the use of decorator tricks will help. Here you can apply the admission of styles. For example, on the side for the girl painted in yellow, there are blue pillows on the sofa. At the same time, the paintings in the yellow frames are awesome on the blue surface of the side of the brother. The combining link will serve a shelf for two.

Furniture Selection Rules for Two Miscellaneous Children

If the apartment is small, families with two children in most cases to equip one room. An important point in this case is the acquisition of compact, functional furniture. It will not take a lot of space, but at the same time used by two children. A separate zone is needed to each child so that they do not have discomfort and if necessary, could be in their own space.

A basic set of children's furniture usually includes a bed, a desk with a chair, a wardrobe.

Choosing furniture items, take into account its features, design, safety, ease of use. The main criterion for buying a suitable option is the age of children.

Single-tier bed

For diverse children, a folding bed model will fit. Such a sleeping place provides savings of space.

The bed before bed is in the unfolded form, then leans on the wall.

Survived by children's furniture for those living in one room of two kids is a built-in design. The main advantages of which include:

  • saving residential space in a small room. It allows you to conveniently arrange any items, the room will become ergonomic;
  • equipment of the structure of the podium. It looks stylish, relevant to teenagers. The situation will acquire originality and beauty;
  • ability to use for two. Mattresses are stacked on such a system separately;
  • the podium has inside spacious blocks and storage boxes for storage of bedding and things.

The collected design allows you to turn one zone to another.

Another optimal solution for all-choice children who live in the same room is considered a modular design. It includes various cabinets, single-tier beds. Thanks to special modules, items can be rearranged if necessary, remove or supplement with some objects.

With the help of modular furniture it is easy to distinguish the space into several parts.

Such modules will fit into any interior. They are represented by numerous varieties. This makes it possible to choose the variant of various colors.

Bunk bed

By purchasing a bunk bed to different children, it is worth considering the moment so that the tiers are made taking into account individual parameters. Thus, the child will be comfortable, for him there will be a specially decorated bed.

If a bunk bed is used, it is necessary to leave so much vertical space so that in a position sitting above the head remained free at least 10 cm.

The bunk bedroom should be equipped with:

  • special sides to protect so that there is no fall from the second tier;
  • the presence of a staircase for the convenience of entering the second floor. It should have durability, resistant, with a certain angle of inclination;
  • to ensure comfortable sleep, it is important for equipping orthopedic mattresses;
  • the design height must comply with certain requirements. Since the child will have to use the second tier daily, it is necessary that he is not afraid of height.

Prefer furniture made of natural, environmentally friendly material.

Proper lighting in the children's room

For the full development of children, you need to take care of the right light in the room. This concerns time during the day, as well as in the evening.

The room for all-choice adolescents must have a window. So that the sun's rays do not blind children, close it with a curtain translucent texture. Placing the table, make sure the light falls on the left side. When it falls from the back or right, the shadow will fall on the book or notebook. The child will have to strain his eyes to consider written. This will lead to vision problems. This rule applies to the location of the computer.

If the living conditions are allowed, the largest and bright room should be allocated for children.

Above the gaming area should be the upper chandelier. The lighting device is chosen by the soldering variety. It should have ease, made of a material that does not be fading. The plot of each child is equipped with separate sockets closed with special plugs.

A place for classes and study is equipped with a desktop lamp that creates directional lighting without glare.

Individual illumination in beds is a prerequisite. Thus, it turns out to create independent comfort zones so that the upper light does not interfere with it.

The number of luminaires placed depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. The optimal solution will be the creation of several light levels. Over the gaming part you need to distribute the upper light. The middle light source will be placed in the central part of the room. The light over the work area is the third level.

Since in the life of the child, a full-fledged healthy vacation occupies an important place, with special attention to the location and view of the bed.

Intensive light should always be sent to the game area. You can put a lamp with a good scattering element over it, since the child holds most of the time. In the case of the location of the game location in the corner of the room, the installation of the two-level ceiling system is suitable. Having a ceiling chandelier, the rest of the space is better to illuminate with a built-in type lamps with halogen lamps. The optimal option will be their location throughout the perimeter of the ceiling surface. This is especially true for long room.

It is necessary to take care to brother and sister prevented each other to sleep due to the top light.

Photo examples of bedroom design for different children

The layout of the bedroom, in which two different children will jointly live, requires special attention. A controversial question can be a choice of color, but a compromise can always be found. So that the kids do not feel pushed out, make different accents of finishing materials. Also used original interior accessories.

To obtain different illumination, light controllers are used, chandeliers with 2-3 and more brightness levels, convenient remote control.

The design decorated in the tone of the light forest with the addition of an orange shade looks fabulously. Two people can be comfortable in such a room, a two-tier model or a standard version is used for sleep.

The win-win option will be a room in neutral light color with combinations of a saturated blue tone. The furniture system of the built-in type is excellent for a small space. This creates a comfortable sleeping area.

Properly selected color scheme is suitable for both sexes.

A rich red color prevailing on the side for a girl and blue for a boy - emit energy. Such interior will not cause sadness. Equipment of the area of \u200b\u200bthe game area will provide children with a snorkel. Supplement the setting soft mats on the floor, there are unique stickers on the walls.

Bright furniture items, pillows for the sofa are diverse atmosphere.


Some apartments or Khrushchev with a lack of a separate room for two children makes parents to equip one room. Properly thought out interior will display the interests of a boy and girls.

With the help of furniture items, partitions can be divided by space for separable areas.

If the room has small dimensions, transformers are suitable. Also save space will help design in two tiers. It will ensure confidentiality for the kids. At the same time takes little space on the floor. If possible, you can put two separate beds that create independent zones. So that they differ among themselves and it was clear who owns a sleeping place, choose the beds of different colors. For walls, it is used to decorate images of favorite characters.

In accordance with traditionally established views, you can separate part of the girl's room, using wallpaper or paint pink shades.

The optimal repair for all-choice children implies a combination of bright shades with a saturated palette. Such a choice of colors will create a comfortable feeling of security. Shades of yellow have a positive effect on children's perception, improve the mood. Choosing colors for the nursery, will not be superfluous to ask the guys what kind of paints they prefer. After placing furniture in blue-yellow tones, the children's interior will acquire playfulness. Such an atmosphere will help the child with pleasure to relax and play.

If there is a place, it is better to install two small tables in the room, so that each of the children can do on its own without interfering with another.

The problem of accommodation in one children's two diverse children is quite difficult. Your task is to create a comfortable space for a boy, and for a girl, taking into account their interests and preferences.

Well, there is nothing supernatural in this dilemma. We will try to beat a similar situation and create a comfortable dwelling, taking into account the needs of the kids of both sexes.

Children's child

First, we suggest breaking the nursery for all-choice children conditionally into 2 parts. In the zone that will be intended for the girl, we arrange a crib with mounted cavities (so the baby will be able to feel like a fabulous princess). For the boy, get a crib in the form of a racing car.

Place for games and reading can be joint. Set on the wall shelves for toys. Here will be peacefully and dolls and cars. While the children did not go to school, you can purchase one big double desk, followed by which they will draw, and sculpt from plasticine. Then, when your kids are growing, you organize autonomous jobs for them, but for now they will be comfortable to be a common table.

Try to use in children's folding furniture. It is very convenient when a cot can be transformed into a comfortable chair and vice versa.

Do not forget that the game area for children should be quite spacious to accommodate and toys a boy, and toys girls. In order to avoid quarrels, let each have their own regiment, on which the child will be a full owner.

Give the child the opportunity to retire!

It is very important that the children be able to be in relative solitude. Of course, it is not necessary to count on complete silence and isolation. However, it is quite possible to create for each of the inhabitants a children's illusion of loneliness. To do this, we offer to take advantage of know-how known since the time of our grandmothers.

You can split the room into two halves with the help of a screen that will be opened at night or during the day when one of the inhabitants of the room will need to be alone in order to relax or work out. If you think that such an accessory as Shirma is quite old-fashioned, then deeply mistaken. Flexible folding partition can be performed in various styles and pick up what you need is not difficult.

You can use a narrow closet instead of the screen. But this option for the placement of furniture will not allow you if necessary, remove the wardrobe to another place quickly and without assistance.

Space under the beds necessarily use for the boxes or retractable system.

An option of vertical zoning in children's ideal. Shelves, cabinets and drawers make everywhere where you can reach. An interesting solution for storing toys will be transparent containers. There are many toys in them, and the covers will not give toys fly around the room.

Be sure to highlight the zone for board games. Let it be a place with a carpet or a table. Board games will help children to develop and find a common language.

In which colors make a room for all-choice children

If we talk about color solutions, then children's children must be framed in neutral pastel shades. Choose something monophonic. Let a bright accent being the floor covering or curtains for children.

Offer children to dream and make proposals on how to issue a room. The walls of the room can also be decorated in accordance with the wishes of children. Let the girl's side be taught by the Wine Panel with plant topics and its own drawings of the young artist. And the side of the boy is offered to arrange posters with your favorite heroes - transformers or drawings with models of cars.

When children are growing a little, guests will definitely come to them, the same fidgets as they themselves. Therefore, you need to take care of where to sit down. An excellent solution in this case is mild puffs stuffed with foam rubber. At the time of visiting guests, they can be entered into the nursery, and then take away from there and stored in the storage room.

Both boys and girls adore to play on the floor. In this regard, we recommend landing flooring. At the same time, note that it should not have too long a pile, since this circumstance will make it difficult to clean.

Dear readers, we gave you some tips on the topic: how to equip a room for children of different sex, but at the same time do not forget that no matter how hard you try, but over time you still have to translate them into different rooms.

Children's children. Photo

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