How to arrange flowers beautifully in an apartment. Selection of indoor flowers for the interior of the room and apartment

landscaping 17.06.2019

A proven fact: the air in the rooms where we spend 90% of our time is 2-5 times worse than outside. Harmful pollutants (trichlorethylene, benzene and formaldehyde) are all around us (found in carpets, furniture, household cleaners, paper towels) and can lead to serious illnesses (asthma, cancer, etc.).

The easiest and most beautiful way to cleanse your environment and protect yourself from diseases and ailments is to place plants in your home.

They produce oxygen, remove chemical poisons, and significantly reduce the number of pathogens in the surrounding air.

How to choose the right indoor plants for the bedroom, 24 examples with photos and descriptions useful properties, improving - in the article.

Rules for choosing plants for the bedroom

  1. Try to get as much information about the plant as possible:
  • releases or absorbs oxygen at night,
  • is it an allergen
  • how to take care of it.
  1. There is no place in the bedroom for exotic and unfamiliar, as well as representatives of the flora emitting strong odors3.
  2. Give preference to plants with slow growth so that their energy does not disturb the peace in the bedroom.

Eucalyptus repels insects.

8. Geranium(pelargonium).

  • Purifies the air from volatile chemical compounds, carbon monoxide,
  • disinfects air masses from staphylo- and streptococci.
  • Gives off negative ions that are good for health.
  • It relieves headaches, is useful for hypertensive patients, normalizes blood pressure, strengthens the immune system.
  • Helps with sleep disorders.
  • Reduces nervous tension, increases resistance to mental overload.
  • Geranium is especially useful for women, as it leads to normal hormone levels.
  • Insect repeller.

Note: May cause allergies.

9. All citrus fruits will be in the bedroom by the way. For example, decorative lemon, is able to produce 85 substances that have a healing effect on the aura of the room.

As a result, microbes and viruses in 20 square meters of its presence do not multiply or their reproduction is reduced many times.

10. Lavender- one of 39 known species flowering plants-etheroses of the mint family. Not only does it smell great, but it can also reduce anxiety and stress, slow heart rate, and soothe restless babies.

11. Rosemary shown in the bedroom for chronic diseases respiratory tract. Phytoncides of the plant improve well-being in bronchitis and asthma.

Rosemary improves memory and the quality of the atmosphere in the room.

Lavender and rosemary- plants that allow relieve nervous tension and promote sound sleep.

12. Jasmine with wonderful small white flowers has a sweet aroma, which has long been known for its relaxing effect.

The sedative properties of jasmine have a positive effect on sleep: it becomes calmer, the sleeper's motor activity decreases.

13. Valerian has a hypnotic effect, this was proven by Japanese researchers in 2004. But our ancestors knew this well, which is confirmed by folk names.

No matter how they called it: cat, shaggy or forty-grass grass, maun, odolyan, earthen incense.

Pinkish flowers spread a fragrance that excites the CNS inhibitory neurotransmitter responsible for relaxing the body and preparing it for sleep.

Valerian is amazingly beautiful during flowering. Relieves, allows you to get enough sleep and feel rested in the morning.

14. Gardenia like jasmine, it blooms with amazing white and pleasantly fragrant flowers. Their smell has a pronounced sedative effect, comparable to the effect of taking Valium (an artificial tranquilizer).

Thanks to the work of German scientists from the University of Düsseldorf, it became known:

Gardenia, like valerian, launches the "native" neurotransmitter of the central nervous system helping the body to adjust to rest mode.

Instead of sleeping pills Harness the therapeutic power of gardenia fragrance by placing it in your bedroom.

15. Chlorophytum or a spider, as the people lovingly called him, is a real workaholic:

  • destroys harmful chemical compounds, nitrogen oxides from gas combustion, neutralizes the harmful radiation of electromagnetic devices.
  • 4 plants will clear an area of ​​10 sq. meters per day by 90 percent from various pollutants.
  • Remarkably humidifies and disinfects air masses.

As you can see, chlorophytum is needed anywhere: in the kitchen, on the desktop at the computer, in the living room at the TV, in the bedroom.

16. Chrysanthemum(Pot Mum) is very beautiful and pleasing to the eye. It has the properties to soothe and improve the microclimate: it absorbs carcinogens from plastics, chemicals, cigarettes, trichlorethylene, ammonia, formaldehyde, releases phytoncides.

17. English or common ivy- destroys formaldehyde and chemical benzene (a known carcinogen found in cigarette smoke), pesticides and other toxic compounds of synthetic materials.

Ivy is a first-class air purifier for asthmatics and allergy sufferers, it is the place in the bedroom to freshen the air.

Note: English ivy is toxic if ingested. Choose a different plant if you have small children or pets that might eat the leaves.

18. Philodendron(Philodendrons) is excellent for eliminating formaldehyde, especially at high concentrations.

It should also be noted that philadendrons are as toxic as ivy.

19. Hamedorea graceful- a plant for large bedrooms when the windows face the freeway. Hamedorea will reduce the harm from benzene and trichlorethylene from exhaust gases that enter the bedroom with fresh air.

20. ficus benjamina- a source of oxygen and phytoncides. With the current pollution of the environment, ficuses must certainly be present in housing as natural traps for toxic emissions from household chemicals, finishing materials etc. Promotes good sleep and stress relief.

Note: can cause allergies, aggravate asthma, contact with curious children and animals who want to taste ficus is undesirable.

21. Cissus rhombic(Cissus, indoor grapes, birch or grape ivy) - a tropical vine that can embody any design desires (for example, "waterfall").

Disinfects, ionizes, humidifies room air.

Non-toxic and non-poisonous.

22. Asparagus. It improves immunity, facilitates breathing, improves the condition of bones and skin, chronic diseases occur more easily in the presence of asparagus.

Saves from depression.

Asparagus is considered a plant of active energy.

If you are worried that he will disturb your sleep, bring him into the bedroom at least for the duration of illness. Its ability to sterilize from bacteria and purify the air from heavy metals will allow you to recover faster.

23. Myrtle known for its powerful bactericidal action against influenza and respiratory diseases.

It eliminates diphtheria, tubercle bacilli, staphylo- and streptococci.

Aromas exuded by wood, leaves and flowers are beneficial for the psyche, relieve fatigue and stress, promote healthy and sound sleep.

24. laurel perfect for the bedroom. In the old days, it was customary to hang its branches at the head of infant beds.

Laurel phytoncides:

  • Heal the air;
  • favorable for the nervous system, calm and relax;
  • relieve migraine pain, intestinal spasms;
  • improves .

Important! Any of the above plants, despite all the usefulness, can cause allergies due to individual intolerance.


The environment is so polluted that there is no escape anywhere from harmful household substances leading to asthma, allergies, inflammation and even cancer. Natural helpers cleanse the air of toxins, ionize and moisturize it, enrich it with oxygen and disinfect it.

No air conditioner or filter can be compared in efficiency and benefits with indoor plants. The bedroom especially needs a green pharmacy, because we spend a third of our lives in it.

Decorate your bedroom with useful plants and sleep in a comfortable and healthy environment.

Good sleep and great rest!

Elena Valve for the Sleepy Cantata project.

We plan to publish:

  • Plants are vampires.
  • Plants can empathize with all living things.
  • Which plants form negative and which positive ions.

During the design of the space, flowers in the interior of the apartment help to solve important problems. With their help, it is easy to emphasize the advantages of the room or mask the flaws, divide the room into zones, create a unique atmosphere. To avoid errors associated with decorating, study the proposed information before starting work.

Indoor flowers as part of the interior

When designing a living space, it is worth noting that the design should not only please the eye, but also provide comfort. The arrangement of flowers in the interior of the apartment should be organized so that the room is not cluttered, but its advantages are emphasized. The interior with flowers in the apartment looks more comfortable, has undeniable advantages:

  • an abundance of greenery relieves eye fatigue, helps to relax after a hard day's work;
  • fresh flowers regulate humidity, purify the air;
  • plants are able to optically change the proportions of a room.

It doesn’t matter if you use fresh flowers in the interior of your home or use artificial counterparts, you must follow the recommendations below. Plants, regardless of their origin, must:

  • correspond to the dimensions of the room;
  • be combined with the existing furnishings, decoration;
  • harmonize with colors, the general concept of interior design.

Important! Owners of miniature rooms should take into account that a composition containing large plants in the background, and smaller ones in front of them, creates the illusion of perspective, visually pushes the space.

Fresh flowers in pots

Real greenery located in the room will be a win-win option for those who like plants, who are ready to take care of them. Unpretentious dracaena, delicate orchids, popular ficuses and palm trees have become habitual neighbors in our dwellings. When placing fresh flowers on the wall in the interior, on the shelves or in the window area, consider the suggested recommendations:

  • Don't settle for the traditional planting option using a window sill. Create compositions using coasters, racks, place pots directly on the floor.
  • Don't mix traditional and trendy houseplants. For example, "grandmother's" violets are easy to replace with azaleas.
  • By creating floral interior in the apartment, pay attention to the colors of the pots. They should be combined with each other, in harmony with the interior. A win-win option will be gentle pastel colors that will perfectly fit into any interior.


Artificial greenery will be a great solution for those who want to diversify the interior, but do not have the opportunity to fully care for living plants. When composing compositions, do not occupy all window sills and corners with pots, use your imagination. For example, artificial flowers on the wall will look original. Before starting work, study the advice of professionals:

  • An arrangement of artificial plants will look great on a coffee table - it doesn't need much light, and the coating won't deteriorate because they don't need to be watered.
  • Tall flowers look great in floor vases. This solution will be a great decoration for the living room, hallway.
  • Artificial climbing plants can be beautifully placed on the wall. They will not deteriorate from lack of light, they do not have to be sprayed, which will help maintain the finish.


Large flowers in the home interior feel great in spacious, free areas. They will be a wonderful decoration for rooms equipped with full-wall windows. Large species are considered to be larger than 1.5 meters. Individual plants can reach the ceiling.

Large flowers can be located separately or become part of the composition with more miniature counterparts. Such ensembles are great solution for recreation areas, as they are able to create a unique atmosphere for relaxation. When planning the use of such options, consider some of the nuances:

  • you should not place large plants on the windowsills - they will look bad there and experience a lack of light;
  • flower pots play a big role, they must be in harmony with the situation, fit into the concept of the design of the room;
  • big plants with a spreading crown will optically enlarge the room, tall specimens will visually raise the ceiling.


Today, randomly arranged flowers in a room, the interior of which is created with the latest fashion trends, are replacing stylish compositions. Miniature gardens located on the wall or on the windowsill, florariums are popular. Predator flowers, rare exotic plants, giant specimens will bring a special flavor to the room.

Large-sized plants will help to create a home greenhouse: dracaena, palm tree, coffee tree. Floor planters for flowers in the interior help to visually change the configuration of the room, hide flaws. If you line them up, you get hedge allowing to separate functional areas.

Using florariums (aquariums for plants) it is easy to create miniature garden, which will allow succulents, orchids, ferns to feel great.

Beautiful indoor flowers

Home flowers in the interior should not be the result of impulsive purchases. When planning their purchase, it is worth thinking over the compositions in advance, seriously approaching the choice of copies. In addition, it is worth assessing the compliance of the chosen place with the habitat conditions of the plant, its functional significance.

Most plants will look beautiful only if there is enough light, it is worth considering when buying, arranging flowers so that they receive enough sun or arranging additional lighting, which is associated with costs.

For kitchen

Planters in the interior of the kitchen will diversify the design, create accents that please the eye. Many plants will easily get along on the windowsill, ranging from the usual violets to exotic ferns.

A feature of the kitchen is temperature differences, high humidity. It is worth choosing plants taking into account these parameters. Such conditions will provide an excellent habitat for:

  • aloe;
  • ficus;
  • ivy;
  • miniature fruit trees.

When planning the design of the kitchen, keep in mind that the plants should be ordered and look neat. They can be placed directly on the table instead of cut ones. Flowers should look healthy, they should be free of pests. Sharp, intoxicating aromas are unacceptable for this room.

For the bedroom

To decorate the bedroom, you can use a variety of copies. Plants are easy to place on the floor, window sills, create a composition on the wall, bedside table, coffee table.

Since the bedroom is a place to relax, we spend a lot of time here, it is worth avoiding species that are capable of releasing toxic substances. This will lead to constant headaches, malaise. Do not choose flowers with a rich aroma. Also, experts do not recommend using lilies that actively absorb oxygen to decorate the bedroom. The ideal option for the bedroom will be:

  • spathiphyllum;
  • violet;
  • myrtle;
  • kalanchoe.

When choosing an option for the bedroom, you do not have to worry about the opinion of the guests, since they rarely visit this room. You can compose a composition to your taste and enjoy it.

For dark rooms

If the apartment is located on the north side, its windows are covered with crowns of trees, choose plants that easily tolerate shade. Decorative leafy options perfectly tolerate blackout, decorate a room shrouded in twilight.

It is easy to arrange such a composition in any convenient place. Can be placed on the windowsill, placed on the wall or on the floor. Experts note shade-loving plants that have become popular:

  • philodendron;
  • fern;
  • scindapsus;
  • aglaonema.

When choosing a shade-loving specimen, keep in mind that it can be located on the windowsill if it is not exposed to direct sunlight. Depending on the light, the green pet can be placed at a distance of 3 to 9 meters from the window. Standard apartment able to provide maximum distance from bright light by placing the plant at the end of the corridor, bathroom.

for bathroom

Accept water procedures surrounded by living plants is doubly pleasant. Specimens that prefer dusk will get along well here, high humidity. If there is no window in the bathroom, you will have to periodically bring the plants into the light, add additional lighting. The following plants will be comfortable in the bathroom:

  • tropical species;
  • fern;
  • ficus;
  • chlorophytum.

Important! The bathroom is a place that is undeservedly forgotten by home plant lovers. A miniature room can be decorated with small plants located on the shelves. If you have an impressive bathroom, diversify the correct forms with an exotic tree in a tub.

In the living room

Flowers in the living room will be an excellent solution when it is free enough, not overloaded with various furniture. Having opted for large specimens, such as dracaena, yucca, it is easy to optically further expand the space.

Choosing ampelous plants, small perennials, as well as climbing, weaving options for the living room, you can create a comfortable, cozy atmosphere in the room. When arranging the composition, take into account the characteristics of the plants by moving the light-loving ones closer to the light source.

In the hall

It will be comfortable here for species that are able to develop even with a lack of light. Plants should have strong leaves, insensitive to constant touch, lush bushes. It is important that the pots in which the flowers are placed are low and heavy, resistant to tipping over.

Ficus, fern, Hederes ivy, cissus will become a luxurious decoration of the hallway. However, even such shade-tolerant plants need periodic moving to a sunny place. Otherwise, they will lose their decorative effect, they will die. As an alternative, you can use artificial greenery.

Starting gardening, keep in mind that it is necessary to place plants taking into account the peculiarities of their care, design rules. When choosing a place for a permanent habitat, study the conditions that will be optimal for its development.

Flowering specimens often prefer a well-lit area, ferns, representatives of the dracaena family are able to feel great in shaded conditions.

How to place flowers on the windowsill?

The window sill remains the most common option for arranging plants. Windows facing south, west or east are best suited for this. The north side will good decision for greens that prefer shade.

The south side, constantly lit by the bright sun, is a great option for succulents, cacti, oleander, roses. On the west - citrus fruits, tradescantia, coffee will be comfortably located. Eastern - will become cozy place for azalea, dieffenbachia, fuchsia, bulbous.

Placing flowers on the floor

Natural greenery will feel comfortable on the floor if it is high enough and will receive required amount Sveta. A large, heavy pot will make the flower unsafe if placed on a table or windowsill.

Placement of plants on a stand

Flowers with hanging branches, curved leaves deteriorate when placed on the surface of a window sill, cabinet, shelf. Their decorative effect is revealed only when using various stands. Hanging containers, floor structures allow you to create compositions in any part of the room.

Placing flowers on the walls

The wall turns into a green zone when it needs to be created. bright accent indoors, give it personality. To keep the air moist and not ruin the finish, choose deep vessels equipped with a capacious tray.

Flowers in the living room, the design of which you plan in advance, should be in harmony with the surface on which they will be placed:

  • Juicy greenery, bright flowers will look great on delicate, pastel surfaces. Plants with variegated leaves, numerous pale flowers will be lost against such a background, but will look great on a dark wall.
  • Avoid instances with small leaves, if you selected a wall with a small pattern as the background. It will look great views with large, sprawling foliage.
  • Combine contrasts, shapes. A strict vertical pattern will enliven a luxurious climbing plant.

How to choose indoor plants for your home

Greenery allows you to refresh the interior, give the house comfort. Before making a purchase. It is worth planning what plants you will purchase, where they will stand. Due to the variety of types, you can choose an option that will fully match the interior, emphasize its individuality. For example, in a high-tech room, specimens with large leaves will look great. correct form. In addition, it is worth taking care of the compliance of the conditions in the room.


Most flowering plants are considered photophilous. For forcing buds they need enough level lighting, otherwise they will bloom less often, not so abundantly. When choosing options for landscaping a sunny window, it is worth considering where future pets grow in a real environment.

It is easy to identify light-loving species not only by fleshy leaves or the presence of thorns. They often have bright decorative leaves, the color of which consists of two or more colors. It is worth noting that by placing them in the back of the room, you will not lose your green friend, but his decorative effect will disappear.


Shade-tolerant specimens are much more difficult to pick up, but they are easy to care for and feel great in a darkened room. The popularity of creating flower arrangements on the walls, special stands is growing, so you have to be stricter about the selection of plants that can withstand the proposed conditions of detention, remain an interior decoration. They have enough illumination, which is provided by artificial lighting, they perfectly get used to the conditions that the back of the room can provide.


When choosing exotic options, keep in mind that experts today distinguish several types of exotics:

  • predators - their maintenance is troublesome, but capable of hitting any guest;
  • homemade fruit plants- they will delight not only with decorativeness, but also with delicious fruits;
  • plants with large flowers - have a high decorative effect during flowering;
  • species with decorative leaves - will allow you to enjoy their beauty all year round.

Indoor flowers that bring family happiness

Plants in the house can have a positive impact on the relationship of all households. However, in addition to the beneficial effects, they can bring disharmony into family relationships. Look at your window sill, it is likely that this is where the cause of misunderstanding and more frequent conflicts in the family is located.

Ficus has a very powerful positive energy, which is distributed throughout the apartment. A large ficus will look good in the kitchen. This houseplant helps smooth out conflict situations and brings harmony to family relationships.

The cactus absorbs harmful radiation emanating from household appliances, and also protects the home from evil forces. However, this plant is not recommended to be placed in the bedroom, because it can bring disharmony into sexual relations between spouses. The needles of this houseplant can cool passion.

Monstera radiates strong positive energy. Monstera also helps to get rid of headaches. If you feel unreasonable longing, then this houseplant will help overcome apathy and depression. For family people, this flower helps to achieve understanding; quarrels between spouses occur much less frequently.

Dracaena is a symbol of prosperity, success and fulfillment of desires. Get this truly magical houseplant in your apartment to help you overcome everyday problems.

Indoor flowers that bring

For lonely people who dream of finding family happiness, you can give Spathiphyllum. This unusual houseplant will become a reliable assistant for young unmarried girl who is already desperate to find family happiness. However, Spathiphyllum should never be given to anyone or taken out of the house. Together with the plant, happiness can also leave the house.

The violet is a symbol of devotion. This beautiful indoor plant will help you get rid of loneliness and find a suitable life partner.

Hibiscus is a symbol of prosperity and longevity. This indoor flower also helps to get rid of loneliness

Zamioculcas is a houseplant that has been revered by various peoples of the world for a long time. This exotic flower attracts good luck and helps to find a life partner.

Indoor flowers that bring financial well-being

A fat woman is a houseplant that is specially planted in order to attract money into the house. To enhance the energy of this plant, plant it in a bright red pot, and put a few coins on the bottom.

Geranium also brings prosperity to the house. This houseplant is a symbol financial well-being and stability.

Bamboo has a lot of shoots that shoot up with arrows. Bamboo brings good luck to its owner in all areas of his life.

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Everything that surrounds us has its own, unique energy and appearing in our lives, one way or another, affects us. Living beings and plants have the strongest energy, so when choosing an indoor flower, listen to yourself how comfortable your neighborhood will be.

Flowers with positive energy have a beneficial effect on the health of residents and on family relationships. Such plants include geranium, myrtle, crassula, violet, poinsettia and chrysanthemum. Each of them, giving their energy, nourishes your home with peace and tranquility.

Geranium will calm the nerves and purify the air, myrtle will help build relationships with your spouse, and poinsettia will make you look at this world in a new way and reveal secret talents.

Flowers with heavy energy will protect your home from negativity and bad thoughts. Monstera neutralizes bad energy and brings good luck to the house, cactus will help pacify rage, and echmea will give you self-confidence.

Dried flowers and artificial plants have gained popularity due to their original look and minimal care, but, unfortunately, these plants have a very negative energy and are unlikely to bring benefits and comfort to your home. Leave these compositions for offices and non-residential premises.

Listen to your flowers, watch them, make friends, then they will reciprocate and will direct all their efforts to improve the energy in your home. If you subconsciously do not like some flower, it is better to give it to your friends, since you did not find it with it. common language perhaps in your friend's house you need just such a plant to create harmony.

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Tip 3: Geranium - beautiful, unpretentious and useful plant for home

Geranium (pelargonium) very popular home plant and all because she is beautiful and easy to care for. And that's not all…

Even if you do not have the special knowledge to grow plants at home, by purchasing a potted geranium, you will enjoy its healthy appearance and beautiful flowering for many years, since this plant does not require particularly complex care. In order for the geranium to feel good, it will be enough good watering and lighting.

geranium also a good choice for decorating a balcony in summer, planting in a flower bed in the country. You can find geraniums of different colors - from white to maroon, moreover, new ones are constantly appearing.

Geraniums can be easily propagated from cuttings (just ask the owner of a beautiful geranium to "tear off a piece" to propagate) and can also be grown from seed.

To form a lush bush, geraniums are recommended to be cut, pinched. Pruning of geraniums is carried out in the fall, in the spring you can correct the shortcomings that have formed over the winter. If you want the geranium bush to be large and lush, as the geranium grows, it is worth transplanting it into a more spacious pot.

The benefits of geranium

Geranium essential oil is recommended for aromatherapy bad mood, depression, it also improves blood circulation. Its analgesic, antiseptic effect on the human body is noted. leaflet medicinal geranium until now, many people put it in the ear with otitis media or apply it to a sore tooth. Geranium also cleans the air in the room; some types of insects do not tolerate its smell. It is also believed that it does not allow people to quarrel, normalizes the atmosphere in the family.

Plants, and all green mass the globe appeared long before the first man. This is the essence, nature, purity and freshness. It is not surprising that a person strives to be closer to nature and the surrounding greenery. The parks of big cities are not empty on weekends, gathering cheerful children and their parents. Many families create entire gardens and mini-greenhouses in their apartments in order to see the greenery and enjoy it.

Plants are needed in the house. Just. For the soul. For joy. For health. You can list many points and explain each of them, but any "home gardener" has long noted the right thing for himself.

Indoor flowers, firstly, create comfort. The same, family and warm, corner of paradise in a huge metropolis. Many people, growing up and leaving home for personal housing, strive for the same idyll from childhood. Plants soothe after work and a hard day. They fill us with energy, making us enjoy life in all its manifestations.

Plants in the house save a person from diseases. From polluted air in the city, from the noise of the civilized world, from harmful radiation. No wonder the city authorities are trying to green the city. In the old days, there were no synthetic medicines, many diseases were treated with herbs. Yes, this is still being practiced. Even doctors advise greening at least those rooms in the house where you spend the most time.

All flowers, whether they are large or small, flowering or evergreen, have their own bioenergetic field. Of course, the human mood also affects them. Flowers grow and develop well in a house where peace or fun reigns, where there is no constant swearing and fights, where cheerfulness is the creed of the family. Plants absorb the state of the owners, and then again give off energy, whatever it may be.

Flowers can be grateful to the owners. good care, timely watering, top dressing - and they will give you flowering or lush green mass.

People need plants. Just like that, for the mood.

And you can't think of anything other than shelves and window sills? For you, a selection of ideas, thanks to which the placement of indoor plants will turn into an exciting quest.

There are many ideas, and all of them are so interesting that a dozen more flowerpots with greenery will definitely not be superfluous.

Wooden furniture, chests of drawers and shelves themselves ask to be supplemented with living greenery. Look great and low lush bushes, and sprawling plants, like ficus.

The airy white space of Provence also happily accepts indoor plants. Just instead of the usual flowerpots, take wooden boxes, or even an iron trough.

Spreading palm trees and liana-like indoor flowers will help emphasize ethnic elements in home decor.

Where to put indoor flowers if there are no free horizontal surfaces in the house? It's simple: place indoor plants vertically. Such shelves for flowers become at the same time living panels.

Or they become green screens that allow you to zone a room without blocking the flow of light and air.

Succulents in such a wall frame are a wonderful decoration for the home.

Another win-win option for placing indoor plants in the interior is whatnots. You can buy a special ladder for flowerpots, or you can adapt an old stepladder, having previously ennobled it.

The convenience of a ladder with flowers is that you can easily place flowerpots different sizes and all of them will receive enough light. And you can put such a ladder in any free corner.

If there is nowhere to put flowerpots with indoor flowers, you can always hang them. You can even make pendants for flowerpots with your own hands.

As an option - order a stylish florarium that will decorate the interior no worse than the plants themselves.

Using compositions created with the help of indoor plants, in compliance with the rules and requirements of phytodesign, you can give the interior new life filled with purity, freshness and comfort. Indoor plants in the interior help to focus attention on strengths furnishings, mask the imperfections of space, fill it with soulfulness and beauty in every centimeter. Thus, phytodesign not only improves the microclimate of the premises, but also makes it possible to radically transform any home without serious financial investments.

Interior design with indoor plants

If you choose the right flowers and plants and correctly place them in the room, you can make your interior play with new colors. Here are some examples of how you can effectively use indoor plants at home:

  • Vertical gardening is able to divide a large room into two different functional areas, for example and.
  • The presence of green decorative elements will help create an elegant backdrop for delicate and romantic designs.
  • Climbing plants will solve the problem of low ceilings, visually lifting them, giving the space extra volume.

Starting the green improvement of your home, first of all, you need to correlate the proportions.

Advice! When decorating the interior of small rooms, you should not use large species plants. For cramped spaces, ampelous plants placed in and placed in the background are perfect.

Greenery, stretching upward, is able to visually lift. But don't overdo it, as it can have the opposite effect.

As a rule, modern apartments are associated with multifunctional spaces, which often require unobtrusive zoning. A similar problem is easily solved by indoor plants whose photos are posted below in our article.

To create a harmonious interior design, you can use both woody and herbaceous vegetation. Tall palm trees, elegant ferns, graceful ficuses, unpretentious cacti, climbing ivy are perfect for these purposes.

You can also use lined plants with different stem heights and leaf textures. Such indoor plants include hibiscus, monstera, philodendron, chamedorea and others.

Tillandsia is the perfect zoning tool free space. It belongs to epiphytes, which, as you know, do not require soil. This plant feeds on microparticles and moisture droplets present in the air.

Tillandsia usniforma allows you to create amazingly beautiful living curtains that perfectly delimit the space.

Where and how best to place indoor plants

Both and can serve as a background for plants. Given this, it is advisable to use large-leaved plants in rooms with wallpaper decorated with small patterns.

As for small-leaved plants, plain walls can play the role of a background for them, preferably in light colors. The composition will logically complete the composition with room decor and textiles, selected taking into account the colors of flowering plants.

Contrasts of small and large plants will look very advantageous. No less appropriate will also be crops with different textures and leaf shapes.

Important! A sense of proportion is vital necessary condition when choosing possible combinations of interior landscaping. If you neglect this rule, you risk turning your home into a tropical greenhouse or jungle.

For example, if you take a monotonous background, interspersed with several cultures with bright and multi-colored foliage, then this option will be much more advantageous than mutually overlapping colorful plants.

The formation of a holistic look and the creation of a good mood are facilitated by containers of various sizes, flower pots and planters. Their selection must be done both under the style and under.

  1. Single, as well as flowers and plants collected in a single composition, can be planted in containers with unusual shapes and original design.
  2. Bright, eye-catching plants are best used in inconspicuous pots. The inexpressiveness of the latter will additionally emphasize the attractiveness of cultures.

In addition to the spatial and compositional aspects, you also need to take into account the rules of maintenance, growing characteristics, the environment and the requirements for caring for plants. That is why the purchase of crops must be made only when there is full confidence that suitable conditions have been created for them.

Vertical gardening - newfangled design trends

For modern apartments the ideal solution in terms of perception is vertical gardening. Ceiling, as well as wall plant installations not only have an unusual appearance, but also the ability to harmoniously fit into modern interior solutions.

Today, the following types of vertical compositions are distinguished:

  1. Ceiling installations;
  2. Phyto pictures;
  3. Green walls;
  4. Phytomodules;
  5. Suspended and mobile compositions.

Vertical gardening- can be created from ivy, tradescantia, stabilized moss, dracaena and other plants.

The selection of colors for compositions is usually carried out according to one's own tastes and preferences.

Phytomodule from plants - a stylish way to decorate a wall

The available range of flowers of indoor plants consists of a large number of shades, ranging from rich emerald green to delicate light green tones.

Advice! Such compositions will become brighter if you use flowering orchids, arrowroot, phytonia and other similar plants.

If desired, the recreation area can be turned into a real botanical garden, the main thing is to maintain a sense of proportion

Phytodesign basics - do-it-yourself interior landscaping

Today there is a large number of companies specializing in phytodesign and creating appropriate interior gardening solutions. However, if desired, vertical gardening can be arranged independently, for which there are many on the Internet. useful information, photos and videos on this topic.

When choosing plants that will be used to create indoor compositions, it is advisable to use not only attractive, but also useful cultures. These are not only practical, but also acting as a joy for the eyes of the plant.

Advice! Create good mood, relieve anxiety and improve sleep will help lavender, valerian, citrus fruits, myrtle, gardenia, begonia, laurel, geranium and rosemary.

If there is a noisy highway near the house, the dwelling has recently been renovated, there is high humidity in the rooms, or the rooms are furnished with new products made of wood materials, then the so-called filter plants should be used.

Their salient feature is the ability to extract from the air chemical compounds, toxins, hazardous fumes, heavy metals, urban smog, dust and other unwanted inclusions.

Good to know! Indoor filter plants can also destroy pathogenic microbes and prevent the spread of mold.

Useful indoor plants

Best of all, the “work” of the filter to purify the air from household toxins is performed by the following types of indoor plants.

plant photo plant name

Chlorophytum (lat. Chlorophytum)

Spathiphyllum (lat. Spathiphyllum)

Crassula (lat. Crássula)

Ivy (lat. Hedera)

Scindapsus (lat. Scindapsus)

Kalanchoe (lat. Kalanchoë)

Pelargonium (lat. Pelargōnium)

Ficus (lat. Ficus)

Sansevier (lat. Sansevieria)

Dieffenbachia (lat. Dieffenbachia)

Anthurium (lat. Anthúrium)

Aloe (lat. Áloë)

Philodendron climbing (lat. Philodendron hederaceum)

Hamedorea graceful (lat. Chamaedorea elegans)

Advice! You can place "filtering" plants anywhere in the premises. It is more expedient to use them where people living in the house spend the most time.

Indoor plants in the home interior (photo)

Indoor plants with proper selection of their varieties and placement not only serve as a worthy decoration of the premises, but also bring a sense of comfort to them. It is important to take into account the recommendations on the possible harm to health of some flower crops that have toxic properties or negative energy.


The kitchen is the warmest and sunniest place in the house. In addition, the air in this room is always moderately humid and ventilated more often than others. Therefore, the kitchen is ideal for a very wide range of indoor plants and flowers.

However, natural favorable conditions does not guarantee you that your green pets will grow almost on their own. They also need proper care and good conditions content.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to place indoor plants in the immediate vicinity of a refrigerator, stove or oven. Hot air, just like cold air, is detrimental to most species of flora.

It is also not recommended to put flowers near the sink, as splashes of grease and drops can get on them. detergent. If used for washing dishes Dishwasher- you should not be afraid, the bright colors of green pets will only emphasize the beauty of the working area.

In a small kitchen, as a decoration, it is better not to use large plants with a spreading crown or lush forms. If the room is large, voluminous greenery opposite will look very advantageous.

Hanging shelves - perfect place in the kitchen for potted plants

Living room

The living room is considered to be the standard of quality and the main indicator impeccable taste house owners. This is a kind of center of attention, so the interior design of the living room must be approached responsibly. It should be functional, comfortable, beautiful and cozy.

The presence of decorative plants in the living room will emphasize the individuality of the room, becoming a stylish accent in the overall interior. The principle of their arrangement is still the same, at the windows - loving light, in places where the sun practically does not fall - shade-tolerant.

As a rule, the living room is quite large in area, so most often it houses indoor trees or plants in large flowerpots. This great way dilute the interior and create an incredible feeling of lightness of space.

Numerous ideas about how to decorate the living room interior with houseplants can be found on the Internet.


The bedroom belongs to the premises, the atmosphere of which must be absolutely safe. The favorable climate promotes relaxation during sleep, which allows you to rest and rejuvenate.

  • When choosing indoor plants for the bedroom, it must be borne in mind that they begin to absorb oxygen at night, saturating the air with carbon dioxide.

Important! The acquisition of flowers that cause an allergic reaction or have toxic qualities is excluded. Exotics with sharp intoxicating aromas are also not suitable for this.

In order not to cause a constant feeling of lack of air, the appearance of morning dizziness, this room should not be turned into a greenhouse. It is enough to place three pots on the shelf with slow-growing plants that do not produce large buds.

The following representatives of room flora are considered the most favorable:

  • capable of absorbing formaldehyde from the air - harmful substance present in particle board products;
  • Usambar violet, bringing a spectacular decorative sound to the interior;
  • valued for its ability to purify the air from many harmful substances;
  • Chlorophytum, characterized by unpretentiousness, elegance, the ability to effectively purify the air;
  • Geranium, which releases healthy phytoncides;
  • Fern, an unpretentious type of plant with healing properties;
  • laurel, acting soothingly, improving the quality of sleep.

Indoor fern is the perfect choice for the bedroom

Canarian date - exotic plant with large bright green leaves

Plants must be carefully looked after, preventing rotting, the appearance of midges and other pests. Dust is constantly wiped off the leaf plates, when watering, all the moisture that seeps into the pan immediately pours out.

Among the plants that cannot be used to decorate the bedroom, Dieffenbachia, which has poisonous juice, should be noted. It is not recommended to grow lilies and orchids. These flower crops absorb a lot of oxygen, causing headaches and depression.

beautiful, tall, decorative tree bonsai feels great in bright diffused light, so it is advisable to put it near the window

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