Artificial flowers in baskets how to make himself. As topiary from artificial flowers can decorate your room

Encyclopedia plants 30.08.2019
Encyclopedia plants

A popular craft, which is distinguished by a variety among other types of Topiariyev, is a flower tree of happiness.

Details made from any living colors that are bought in stores or have in the house:

  • tulips;
  • chamomile;
  • orchids;
  • lilies;
  • peonies;
  • macs;
  • valley;
  • roses;
  • peonies;
  • astra.

But living plants are not the limit. For Topiaria, artificial flowers from various materials are suitable:

  • paper: Corrugation, Color, Foamiran, Napkins;
  • fabrics: Atlas, Organza, Fatin, Burlakov, Grid;
  • knitted from yarn.

Important! Crafts from living flowers are performed mainly in the spring-summer period. They are a good alternative to a water vase. On autumn, you can make a cradle from dried sets. For winter - use fabric or paper homemade flowers to decorate the house.

To give a pomp crown, use sisal or liking. Satin or floral ribbons, threads, twine are suitable for decorating the trunk. For decor, the pot is also allowed to use real plants, such as moss.

The popular version of Topiaria is a snaps of real or dry fruit. Decorate the product with small berries in combination with alive colors. Fruit Topiary will decorate any holiday: birthday, wedding, anniversary.

Useful master class for those who want to make a tree from living colors, presented in video:

How to make topicia from artificial flowers

The simplest tree from ready-made artificial daisies, Astra, Roses, Peonies. We offer you a small and easy master Class, how to make a tree of happiness with your own hands at home.

You will need 1 hour of free time and skills to work with the adhesive gun. Be sure to prepare materials:

  • thermopystole;
  • glue;
  • ball of foam of the required diameter;
  • branch from wood for the trunk;
  • ready artificial bouquets;
  • toothpick;
  • scissors;
  • stand in the form of a cup, glass, pot or self-made capacity;
  • gypsum.

Tip! As an alternative to the foam ball - the basis of mounting foam. The stand is selected by such a diameter so that it does not exceed the size of the decorated crown.

Important! There are no restrictions on the dimensions of Topiaria. If you have spacious room, Make an outdoor floral tree, which is height from 50 cm.

To create your own masterpiece, step by step, follow the instructions:

  • cut the flowers from the stems with scissors. Leave the length of the tail in about 5 mm. Sliced \u200b\u200bstems and leaves do not throw out, they will be useful to you for decorating crafts;
  • make a hole at a depth of up to 2 cm, where you insert the trunk;
  • decorate the ball. Make all perimeter small holes with a needle or toothpick. Squeeze the glue of the stalks on the flowers and quickly insert the base. Distribute all items correctly so that there are no chaos. Fold the flowers so that there is no reason to be seen;
  • barrel in the form of a branch from the tree insert into the pre-prepared hole with glue;
  • close the transition from the base to the trunk of cropped leaves;
  • branch decorate stems from artificial colors;
  • tear gypsum Solution And fill in a pot. Insert the trunk with the finished crown and wait a few minutes until the plaster freezes;
  • the upper layer of frozen solution decorate artificial grass or sisal, which are sold in any floral store.

An interesting option for the flower tree is the basis of a bicycle. It is prepared from carved cardboard or thick sheet of foam. Wheels are decorated with artificial flowers. It looks creative, suitable for a gift to a female colleague or on March 8.

Detailed lesson about creating artificial flower craft in video:

Topicia from artificial roses

Popular flowers for the decor of the crown of a tree of happiness are small and large artificial rosettes of different shades. Materials for manufacture are:

  • foamiran;
  • corrugated paper;
  • paper napkins;
  • satin ribbons;
  • crepe paper;
  • organza;
  • latex;
  • felt.

If the interior in the room is decorated in vintage styleThe cauldron will fit into it from a combination of white dry roses with homemade flowers from a tank notebook. Such Topiary can be decorated with satin ribbons and beads of pastel and light tones. It is allowed to use buds of dried roses.

Master class on the production of round bulk pink roses For crowns, see video

Topiary in the form of sunflower

You fill your house with the Sun, if you make a topiary in the form of sunflower. You can use one flower instead of a crown, decorate the basis of several small sunflowers. Both options look winning.

For the manufacture of solar sunflower, use:

  • yellow napkins;
  • corrugated paper;
  • satin ribbons.

Flowers from tapes in Kanzashi technique are plausible. How to make sunflower with your own hands, look at the master class:

Below you can see the original Topiary with sunflower in Kanzashi technique.

Make topicia from flowers with your own hands

In the manufacture of a tree of good luck from living plants, a basket with flowers plays an important role. It is important that the plants do not start, therefore, how to make such a basket for a flower tree of happiness, look at the master class:

How to make flowers do it yourself for topiary

On the Internet there are many lessons, how to make a craft from daisies, roses, asters, sunflowers using corrugated paper, paper napkins or satin ribbons.

From ribbons with their own hands

For example, how to make roses from napkins with your own hands, look in the detailed MK:

Easy to make roses from corrugated paper for Topiaria. To do this, stock paper corrugated color. Unusually and creatively looks a chamomile crown, which, instead of petals - ear chopsticks.

Tip! To save your time, purchase ready-made flowers from a cold porcelain for the crown decor. So you will only remain fixing them on the basis and not waste time for making.

For the foundation, the use of not only the spheroid base is practiced, but, for example, a house, Eiffel Tower, bicycle with flowers. Decorate the basis not only with flowers, but also fruit. To do this, make the uniforms of suitable fruits or dried real.

For lovers classic style Suitable topiary from flowers in Kanzashi technique.

Creative hostesses will like Topiary - a cup with flowers. It looks like a hovering mug in the air with flowers, pouring out of a mug in a saucer. How to make it look in video:

Flower Cup

By the way, instead of a saucer, you can apply a basket with flowers.

A tree with flowers is customary to additionally decorated with coffee beans, pebbles, beads, ribbons. It is advantageous and beautifully wedding topiary with beads and flowers in the tone of the style of the event.

Enjoke Topiari, but are afraid that you will not handle the difficulties? We offer to make a tree of happiness quickly and simply from the finished elements.

The most simple toopiary can be made from finished artificial colors - to assemble this beautiful craft It will take about an hour. There are practically no skills to work, except the ability to handle the adhesive gun, but it is purchased after gluing the first element. Be sure to try to make a flower tree of happiness, it will decorate the interior and raise the mood.

Preparation of materials and tools for work

There is a lot, they are literally made from everything that is at hand or in nature. For the manufacture of topiary from artificial colors with their own hands, prepare:

  • glue pistol;
  • ready ball of foam of desired size;
  • skorego for the trunk (the easiest way to buy ready-made there, where and the ball);
  • several bouquets of artificial colors with leaves;
  • pot;
  • gypsum.

We will also need scissors for "cutting" bouquets onto a piece and bamboo stick for kebab or toothpick. You can use a thin knitting needle or durable wire - this tool is useful for piercing holes.

Master class on creating flower decoration

First of all, arrange trimming flower bouquets - ruthlessly cut off the flowers, leaving only the tails with a size of about 5 mm. Stems and leaves while set aside - they will be more useful for the decor, and the fact that it will remain can be used in another work.

Turn on the gun and warm it up for about 5 minutes. Meanwhile, make a hole in the foam bowl to which the trunk will be attached. This can be done directly available, deep hole is not necessary - enough, 1.5-2 cm. Print the trunk is not yet necessary.

Now you can start to decorating a ball. Everything is very simple here - make punctures in the foam, lubricate the flower stalk glue and quickly insert it into the hole, slightly pressing and keeping after gluing for a few seconds.

Try to think through the neighborhood of flowers so that the colors are beautifully combined with each other. No need to have flowers too tight, the main thing is that there is no foam base. The bottom of the leaves will be detained - such decoration will help hide the attachment of the squig. To the finished ball enclose barrel And leave to sleep.

Instruct the gypsum to the consistency of thick sour cream (pour water into the gypsum and knead the dough) and pour the weight into the pot. You can wait a little bit, and then insert the trunk in the center of Kashpo. Hold the trunk Hands so that the plaster is slightly frozen. Leave up to complete rejection.

If you never worked with a plaster, then know - it is heated After contact with water, so put the pot on the surface that is not afraid of hot! The finished crawler (after the plaster will become solid and cool) Complete the decoration of the bottom - glue the existing leaves and a couple of buds to the trunk, if you stay. If the pot is not new or ugly, then decorate it using


Currently, decorative artificial flowers acquire increasingly distribution. And it is not surprising, because the flowers at all times were the symbol of happiness, the beginning and development of life, served as the embodiment of real beauty. That is why they are still so often used to decorate a wide variety of household items, dishes, clothing and jewelry.

Decorative artificial flowers

Special popularity has the use of a variety of plants to decorate the interior of the house or garden, but people do not always have the opportunity to grow. In this case, artificial analogues of living colors are better fit. For creating artificial plants Apply the most different materials: paper, skin, wax, fabric, porcelain, metal, beads.

All methods of manufacture are reduced to the process of training special "patterns" of individual elements of the flower, with which later from necessary material Cuts the necessary parts. Next, the blanks are processed by special tools, painted and fixed on the central part of the flower by receptions corresponding to the material. Effect natural plant It is achieved through the skill and professionalism of the wizard producing the finish. Interesting is the fact that the desire for absolute symmetry usually leads to the effect of unnaturalness in ready colorsWhat is explained by its almost complete absence in nature.

Advantages of decorative artificial flowers

Flower compositions will be able to perfectly decorate not only a house or apartment, but also serve for a spectacular design of organizations, cafes and restaurants. They will give the room especially festive and elegant look. Despite the fact that decorative compositions made of artificial flowers do not look so naturally and do not exude a gentle aroma, they have a number of advantages over their natural brethren:

  • the opportunity to admire the type of colors without much material costs;
  • high quality modern production makes artificial plants almost indistinguishable from natural analogues;
  • artificial plants are not withering, so they can delight the eyes for a long time;
  • do not require the care of alive colors: watering, fertilizers, transplants;
  • artificial flowers are easy to use for poorly excluded premises, as they do not depend on the presence of sunlight.

Types of decorative compositions of artificial colors

Beautiful alone decorative artificial flowers and plants will especially attractively look in the form of specially selected compositions. Hardware best ways combinations of colors and textures can be obtained original decoration, harmoniously fit into any interior. The most common currently are the following types. flower compositions:

  • Bouquets of artificial colors. Present collected, according to the rules of floristics, differing in color and form of flowers. A bouquet can be used as an element of decor constantly or when preparing for a solemn event. To decorate your home beautiful bouquet From artificial colors, it is not necessary to turn to a highly paid florist. An independent compilation of such a bouquet will not require special skills. To create it with your own hands, it is sufficient to stockpings to snack the wire, as well as a special floristic wire and foam fixing flowers. Next, it remains to decide on the colors that will be placed in the center and along the edges of the composition, and pick up decorative elements To decorate the resulting bouquet.
  • Plants in pots. Itself make a pot with a unique flower arrangement will also not be a lot of work. First of all, it is necessary to prepare the base for fastening the stems of artificial colors inside the pot. The material for the base can serve as a foam, foam or floristic sponge. Thick stems are conveniently fixed on a cardboard or plastic circle with cutting holes. Placing the selected flowers in the pot, you can add artificial green twigs in the bouquet, which will strengthen the effect of naturalness. Imitate room FlowersSuch artificial plants externally do not differ practically from the present. Beautiful pots will not require the time and attention of their owners and create a feeling of comfort and comfort in the house.
  • Sung Basket with Flowers . In addition to decorating functions, such a basket can play the role of a candlestick or lamp. From a designer point of view, it is undesirable to use a suspended basket in small rooms. Best of all flower bouquets in the basket look at empty Walls, filling the space and decorating them. In a suspended basket, you can place both a classic floral bouquet and a more modern composition. Simpler but not less interesting option - Use artificial in basket wound plant, for example ivy. It will fit perfectly in the interior of any room at home.
  • Kashpo with flowers . Outdoor wide vases are most often used in spacious rooms and halls, shopping and exhibition pavilions. Sustainable floor vessels provide an ideal opportunity to arrange a room or winter garden.
  • Figures from flowers. These are usually figures of animals or fabulous characters that can serve as an unusual and very original gift For your loved ones.
  • Compositions for Garden . Most. optimal option Garden ornaments will be a combination of natural and artificial plants and trees. As a decorating element, low fences and arches can be used, hung by hanging lianams. An artificial pond will look beautiful and unusually floating on its surface with artificial waterways.

Decorative compositions made of artificial colors in the interior of the house

Artificial colors are selected for a particular room, depending on its features and functions performed. For example, in the living room, the floral composition should serve as a focal point of the interior, binding all objects present in the room. Both beautiful and practical placement will be outdoor VAZ With flowers in front of heating batteries.

In the children's room, all floral compositions, of course, should be suspended or put on high shelves. For the bedroom, the girls are ideal for such gentle flowers like Narcissus, tulip, Sakura branch. They can be placed on the dressing table or windowsill. Sophisticated bedroom Perfectly decorate bouquets of roses, lilies or orchids.

In the kitchen it will be appropriate to place potted compositions in warm colors. Can serve as vessels various subjects Utensils - kettles, bowlers, jugs. And finally, the bathroom with her high humidity It is impossible to decorate artificial colors. With the help of ampel and fusing plants, you can hide and decorate pipes, arrange a mirror and shelves for toiletries.

Decorative plants, both natural and artificial, make a lot of positive emotions into our lives. Their presence in the house fills its atmosphere of warmth and coziness. The beauty of colors helps us get rid of the negative everyday problems, to become better, see how beautiful the world around us is.

Making a wall-mounted floral composition in a bar of 40 * 100 cm in size from the company "Flora-Design", Chelyabinsk

Wall-mounted floral composition

- Decorative latex roses, 5 pcs.
- Small pink sapponary, 1 branch
- Green Asparagus, 1 branch

Materials for the manufacture of composition

- Red minor berries on the branch
Natural decorative material:
- Sizal Fuchet,
- Sizal pressed in the canvas
- Natural painted lofa
- Natural brunch-bols from a vine of a salad color,
-Exorate flaring branch,
-Cellized leaves, pink and gold color

Flaring branch, felt, lufa, etc

And also need: Floristic oasis for live and artificial colors, glass droplets-Marbles, beads 6 and 8 mm. (gold, pink, salad); baget Rama, 40 * 100 cm. sheet dvp By size of baguette, painting wallpaper with suitable decorative embossed, PVA glue, white water paint, colors for paint or gouache, friend -0.6 mm., Taperent green.
Tools: Roulette, Pencil, Scissors, Brush, Stationery Knife,

Necessary working instruments

sideboards, thermal, stapler.

Photo: (To each photo comment)

1. Measure the wallpaper in size.

Measure the wallpaper

2. Cut off
3. Apply the glue on the Fiberboard

We apply a brush glue PVA on the fiberboard

4. We glue a sheet of wallpaper and carefully smoothed.

Sticker background

5. Preparing paint white paint and 3 kolas: scarlet, ruby \u200b\u200band yellow ocher.

Cooking paint for background

6. We apply white paint on 2/3 backgrounds.

Prayes background

7. We start adding a color from light to a darker. First yellow ocher, then the scarlet and final ruby.

Apply paints

8. All paints are carefully chosen,

Paints are growing

that would not have a sharp transition. We achieve a smooth transition from one color to another.

We leave the background to dry in minutes by 30.

Sunday background

9. Insert the finished background in the barn frame.

Insert the background in the frame

10. 1 complicate the background different

Complicate Figures

textures. It may be rectangles and squares.

10.2 Print decorative elements

Glue elements

in the course of the alleged composition.

10.3 Determine the center

Choose the center

compositions. For this, the stationery knife make an incision on the wallpaper.

11. Remove in this place.

Cut the fragment of wallpaper

wallpaper to DVP for better clutch of the floristic base.

12. We glue the database.

We glue the base

13. We use Fucked Sizal.

14. Close the floral base of the sisal of the colors of the ocher.

Close Casal base

15. Pull and sample

Ettage Sizal

on the background of Sizal in the form of an alleged composition.

sizal in the canvas.

17. Cut the small strips, twist them into the cylinder.

18. We glue them with of different side From the floristic base.

Glue tubes

19. To impart ease, cut off the strip of the floral mesh, the width of 7 cm., -50 cm long.
20. Arbitrarily positioning it on the background.

21. Fix the heel from the wire and sizes over a sisal and a floral base.

22. Next Stage: Latex Roses

23. With pre-sparkling

Rose head

Roses by rapid windows cut off the bud with a part of the stem with a length of 10 cm.
24. Give the side and a stationery rose stalk to a frame wire for better penetration into the floral base.
25. Apply glue to the stem.
26. When working with hot glue, be careful and attentive.
27. Insert a rose to the database.

We glue a rose to the database

28. We also work with the following roses.

We repeat the operation with the rest of the heads

Roses are all glued

29. Small flowers are needed for the dynamics in the composition.

White Sakura branch

We chose white sakura.

30. Bucindons are biting

Branches of different lengths

branches of different lengths.

31. Insert into the database on both

Insert Sakura branches

sides from the center of the composition.

32. Next step: Using

We use asparagus

green Asparagus.

33. We form a line

Insert asparagus

compositions with the help of branches of asparagus.

34. Smoothing the shape of skeleton leaves.

Skeletirized leaves

Skeletirized leaves

35. Lightweight translucent sheets glit around the perimeter

Glue leaves

forms of composition.
36. Natural lightweight materials are wonderful to the background.
37. ... and each other ...

Add branches with berries

material-softener on branches.

39. Berry branch plastic due to a wire based, perfectly holds the form.

The branch is perfectly held

40. Red berries will make a composition

Beautiful contrast

more "rosary" and expressive.

Selection different options Wall-mounted compositions made in the workshop of the company "Flora-Design"

Wedding bouquet - the most important accessory in the bride's dress. If this wedding attribute is done own hands, it will stop being simply an accessory, but will turn into a kind of charm for your future family. After all, creating things with your own hands, you put your soul in them, and charge the energy of happiness. In Europe and the US, it is now especially relevant and fashionable to make bouquets of artificial colors, since it is fashionable, original and inexpensive.

Advantages of a bouquet of artificial flowers

Most brides do not think about creating an artificial bouquet. Following the outdated stereotype, most people believe that non-residential flowers are easy to distinguish from real, because they look poorly, unnaturally and cheap. Artificial analogues are largely superior to their "living" fellow. Experienced florists are able to turn such materials such as plastic, wire, paper, fabric, and so on - in real floral masterpieces, which will not be given by their "alive" counterparts, except will not have a fragrant natural flower flavor.

Artificial attributes for the bride have several important advantages:

  • Quality. Modern artificial flowers are mainly produced in Europe with strictest quality control new technologies, in accurately, forms and colors of natural colors. Dyes used in their production, environmentally friendly and do not cause allergic reactions, and do not fade many years. Your guests with the closest consideration will not be able to guess that wonderful flowers in your wedding bouquet are created by a person. Choosing flowers with sequins, pebbles or stamens-beads, be sure - they will be held tight throughout the celebration.

  • Resistance. A serious problem when using live bouquets is their susceptibility to conditions. ambient, for example, heat, wind, frost. Live flowers are extremely sensitive to mechanical influences and lack of water. This problem brought a lot of grieving with cute brides, having delivered many troubles on his "reanimation". With improper packaging, it may not even "live" before the start of the celebration or look an inappropriately this event.

The main plus of wedding compositions from artificial flowers - will not lose their beauty during the long solemn DayNo matter what time of year your marriage is happening. This wedding attribute will keep its charm and beauty even for long years until it is stored with your memory happy Dn. in your life. Such an accessory of the bride uses when you have to transfer a photo session for another day.

  • Universality. The proposed version of the bride's bouquet is ideal if it is difficult to find accessories that appropriate shade and invoice to the wedding along or dress. Live flowers often cannot meet such requirements or it is extremely problematic to choose. A variety of color gamut artificial flowers is amazing. You can easily pick up the flowers into the composition with an accuracy of the slightest shade corresponding to the color and the shade of your dress and the celebration. Such compositions allow you to make bold additions in the form various jewelry, stones, pearls, jewelry.
  • Comfort. An important point There will also be comfort of using such an accessory during a wedding celebration. Artificial flowers are much easier than living, it is more convenient to transport them. Such a wedding composition will not "flit" and does not blur your outfit, will not fade and does not come up. For your tranquility, the wedding attribute is better to do in advance to be absolutely sure that he will be exactly how you have conceived, regardless of weather conditions Or flowering plants you need.
  • Price. The cost of the wedding bouquet is also considerable. Qualitative live flowers, especially if they are rare and cut only 1-2 days ago, will cost expensive. The price range of modern artificial colors of the highest quality will be significantly lower. In addition to the advantages already described, the price of the most beautiful wedding bouquet and accessories will be lower than their "living" analogues. And if you make a bouquet with your own hands - it will help you even more reduce your wedding budget.

Bouquet Doubles for throwing artificial colors

Why do you need a bouquet-dubler? If your wedding bouquet has complicated form, For example, a drop -ide or in the form of a handbag, or even a bouquet-fan, then throwing it through the head can be difficult. And if he is also heavy, it will cause fear for the safety of your guests. Many girls adhere to the opinions that the wedding bouquet should be left as a memory and give it to the strangers - it is bad sign. You keep a wedding bouquet in your hands all day and convey to him your energy. Just for solving these problems and superstitions, bouquets-dubers were invented.

Bouquets Doubles are made artificial, because such a wedding bouquet will remain for a long memory among a girl who will not lose it, he will not lose his own kind over the years. Such bouquets are much easier to create, giving them any shape and adding a variety of decorations to them. And the variety of colors and shades will create a bouquet-dubler, ideal for color gamma Your wedding.

Bridal bouquet of artificial flowers with their own hands

Creating a variety of beautiful artificial bouquets, use your imagination, give the will to emotions. Feel free to use various materials: Thin paper, fabric, silk, ribbons, cold china. You will use almost any decorations: beads, pearls, stones, lace, feathers, jewelry. If you prefer to be simple, but tastefully, then you are to help the master class on creating an uncomplicated but elegant and stylish bouquet.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a wedding bouquet. Source materials:

  • Artificial hydrangea and chrysanthemums, the most similar to the real. Color, when creating such a composition, is preferable to white, but it is permissible to replace it with a more suitable for your color gamut;
  • Floral Wire for flowers;
  • Natural linen or jute twine. It should approach the color to the floral wire, but differ from it with a shade;
  • Floristic tape or organza, a width of about 5 cm;
  • Several buttons;
  • A sharp knife or a secateur.

Process course:

  1. Cut all leaves and twigs with artificial colors by a secateur or sharp knife. Try to make color trunks smooth.

  1. Then take 3 hydrangea and fold them into a dense bouquet so that the triangle turned out.

  1. Add three more hydrangea to them, placing them so that they were slightly lower in the "sides" of the triangle. It is important that a little loose place remains in the center - the last flower of hydrangea will be on it. The last flower needs to be placed slightly above the rest, so that your wedding bouquet has a more round and neat shape.
  2. Next, take three artificial chrysanthemums and add them to a bouquet, but not from the edge, but closer to the center. Try so that chrysanthemums are not close to each other, it is advisable to place them so that they formed an open triangle.

  1. So that your wedding bouquet has not lost the shape, the colors stems need to be tightly wrapped with a floristic wire, on top (almost under the scene), in the center and below.

  1. Cut the stalks to the length at which you will be comfortable to keep a bouquet. Throw them.
  2. After that, it is necessary to clean the floral ribbon or organza with the trunks. Start to wind from above, retreating about 2 cm from the colors, going down. If you want the base of the bouquet to be thicker, then you should wrap in a tape in two or three layers. It is important to carefully secure the tape with the button at the top and bottom. In the final version of the buttons it will not be visible, as the twine will hide them. You have to get a dense handle.

  1. To decorate the handle, you can attach a bow or wrap a lace. Elegantly will look if you wrap the handle with twine. It is necessary to wrap it freely and with a fantasy - twine should be a lot.

  1. In order to fix the twine to avoid his unwinding in the process of the celebration, skip the remainder of the floristic wire through the weave of the twine thread, fixing its rings with each other and with stems.

For greater visibility, watch a video master class on the manufacture of an accessory for the bride.

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