Causes of tallium poisoning, symptoms and treatment. Thallium

Reservoirs 30.09.2019

General information and methods of receipt

Tallium (T1) -Rassed element, metal. Opened in 1861 by the English scientist W. Krukov with a spectroscopic study of sulfuric acid production. The name received thanks to the characteristic green line of the spectrum from Latin Thallus - green escape. The first one has allocated a new element, and also established its metallic nature and the main properties of K. O. Lyi in 1862

Own minerals thallium practical significance do not have. These include: Loorend Tiass 2 (58.7-59.7% T1); Vrbayt Ti (AS, SB) 3 S 5 (29.2-32% T1); Gutchinsonite P (Cu, Al, Tl) 2 ASS 8 (-25% Ti); Krozit (Ti, Cu, Ag) 2 SE (16-19% Ti); Aviation 7T1 2 0 3 -Fe 2 0 3 (-80% Ti).

The initial raw material for the production of thallium is waste and semi-products of lead-zinc, copper-smelting and sulfuric acid production, and the tatszce copper-cadmium kekne, obtained by hydrometallurgical processing of zinc spars. The thallium content in this case ranges from hundredths to tenths of the percentage, so at first the tall license concentrate is obtained. It is isolated from solutions resulting in direct leaching of the above-mentioned products with water or acids, or a pyrometallurgical enrichment is carried out based on the volatility of compounds T! 2 0 and T1C1. Pyro-metallurgical enrichment products are leached by water or sulfuric acid, and the solutions are precipitated with a tallium concentrate in the form of chloride, node, sulfide, chromate, bichromate or talllia hydroxide (depending on the adopted production technology).

Another fairly common method - cementing zinc dust; At the same time, a sponge enriched with Talimia is obtained, which is then dissolved in sulfuric acid, and a rich concentrate is precipitated from the solution. Even more fully tall lies cemented by Amalga-my zinc.

Recently, the value of extraction, sorbcio and ion exchange methods of extracting thallium concentration has increased.

Further purification of tap concentrates is based on the non-alignment solubility of thallium compounds and metals associated with it, as well as the difference between other physicochemical properties of shared elements. Tallium is highlighted in the form of a sponge of cementation\u003e on zinc sheets from weakly acidic purified solutions. Heating n mixing accelerates this process. It is possible to cement not only from the solution, but also from the suspension T1C1 in water or in 1% H 2 S0 4.

The tallium sponge for obtaining a compact metal is washed, pressed and interlaced at 350 ° C under a layer of alkali, rosaphyplan or oil. Melting under the layer of alkali allows you to simultaneously clean the metal, as a number of impurities (zinc, lead, chrome, etc.) are moving into an alkaline slag. More efficiently, alkaline refining is in the presence of oxidizing agents (KN0 3; NAN0 3). Thus, metal containing 5 -10- 2 -10 ~ 3% impurities are obtained.

Physical properties

Atomic characteristics. Atomic number Tallliament 81, atomic weight 204.37 a. e. m. Atomic volume of 17.24x x10 ~ 6 m 3 / mol, atomic radius 0.171 nm, non-Radius T1 + N T1 3+, respectively, 0.149 and 0.105. Thallium consists of two stable isotopes 203 T1 (29.5%) and 205 T1 (70.5%); It has natural radioactive isotopes 206 T1, 207 T |, 208 T1, 21 ° T! with half-life 4.19; 4.79; 3.1; 1.32 mi, respectively. Obtained 11 artificial isotopes of thallium, of which the most important 204 T1 with a half-life of 3,56 years. The ionization potential atoms / (eV); 6,106; 20.42; 29.8.

Electronic configuration of the external electron shell atom 6 s 2 6 p. Electricity 1.8. Electron output work<р = 3,7эВ.

PRH atmospheric pressure and temperatures below 233 ° C of tall lines has a hexagonal tight-packed lattice (p. U.) With periods A \u003d 0.34496 nm, C-0.55137 nm (at 18 ° C); above 233 ° C crystal

the grille becomes a centrified cubic (o. c.), a \u003d \u003d 0.3871 nm (at 250 ° C). Energy of the crystal lattice Tallliament 182.8 μJ / kmol. At high pressures, the third modification of y, having G. C. To. grid.

The triple point corresponding to the equilibrium phase A, B and U, lies at a temperature of 115 ° C and a pressure of 3.9 GPa. The effective cross section of the seizure of thermal neutrons is 3.4-year -28 m 2.

Technological properties

Tallium is a soft forged metal, it can be cut cold rolling on a foil and pressing on a wire, but with drawing it rifles due to low strength.

Chemical properties

Normal electrode reaction potential T1-E ^ T1 +, FO \u003d -0.335 V. Electrochemical equivalent of thallium is 0.70601 mg / cl. From its analogues Gallina, India T1 is very different in chemical properties.

In the chemical compounds, Tallny may show the degree of oxidation + 1 and +3; The formation of compounds is possible, in which it is included simultaneously in two degrees of oxidation. However, the compounds in which thallium is monovalent are more resistant compared to trivalent, therefore it has a large similarity with alkaline metals, forming similar compounds, in particular well-soluble hydroxides, soluble nitrates, korbonates; Similar to alkaline metals of thallium (with the oxidation degree of +1), it is included in the quadsers, chenites, forms polysulfonds, polyiodunds. Many compounds of monovalent thallium, as n alkali metal, isomorphic.

At the same time, like AG, SI, AI, HG, monovalent thallium gives lowland halides, sulphides, etc.; At the same time, Talllia's Galog-Nida is similar to silver halides.

For the oxidation of monovalent thallium compounds to trivalent, very strong oxidizers are used: tsarist vodka, potassium permanganate, chlorine, bromine n other compounds of trivalent tollny easily restored in acidic solutions with hydrogen sulfide, sulfates and other reducing agents,

In the air, the metal thallium rapidly darkens and is covered with a black film of oxide T1 2 0, which slows down the process of further oxidation.

Tallal is well soluble in nitric, sulfur, chlorine acids with salts. In hydrochloric acid, the thallium is soluble with difficulty, as a film of a low-soluble chloride of Thallium is formed. With alkalis, metal tall lies enters the reaction. Water that does not contain dissolved oxygen, it acts on it; In the presence of oxygen, the thallium gradually dissolves in water to form hydroxide (TIN).

With hydrogen, thallium reacts only under certain conditions (in the DC arouse between the C-anode and T1 - cathode at a pressure of hydrogen, equal to ~ 0.4 MPa) to form a non-stroke hydride T! N.

Tallium easily reacts with halogens.

Chloride T1C1 - white crystalline powder, has O.TS.K. Grid or city c. k. NaCl type grid, melting point 450 ° C, density 7,000 mg / m 3.

Bromide Tibr - Light yellow powder with about. c. to. or G. c. to. grid, density 7,500 mg / m 3, melting point 460 ° C.

TP iodide - bright yellow crystalline powder, below 174 ° C has a rhombic lattice and a density of 7.290 mg / m 3, and above this temperature- O.TS.K. The grille and density of 7.450 mg / m 3, the melting point of the TP is 440 ° C.

Fluorund T 1 F is colorless crystals, density of 8.360 mg / m 3, melting point 327 ° C, unlike other halides, well soluble in water.

Easily interacting with oxygen, thallium forms two oxide: T1 2 0 and T1 2 0 3. At temperatures above 100 ° C T1 2 0 3, T1 2 0 3 - * T1 2 0 + 0 2 is noticeably dissociated.

Oxide (I) T1 2 0 - black hygroscopic powder, density 10,400 mg / m 3, melting point 580 "C, boiling point ~ 1100 ° C. Oxide (III) T1 2 0 3 - dark brown crystalline powder with cubic oxide. C.K. Grid, density 10,200 mg / m 3, Melting point 770 "C, but already at 500 ° C dissociates to zakisi.

Tin hydroxide is a yellow crystalline substance, a density of 7.440 mg / m 3. Melts incongruitically at 125 "C. It is well soluble in water and exhibits strong alkaline properties.

When heated, the thallium reacts with gray and phosphorus, forming TL 2 S and T1 3 R.

In solid Tallolia, metals in, Cd, Sn, Hg, Pb, Sb, Bi, Li, Na, Pb, Sb, Bi, Li, Na, Mg, Ca, in liquid - limited solubility AL, GA, CU, Zn are possessed. Transient refractory metals IV, V and VI groups are generally dissolved in liquid Tallium.

Areas of use

Approximately 75% of Thallium is used in electronics, electrical engineering and infrared technology, 7% - in agriculture, 3% - in formation-logic, in the rest of the regions of 15%.

Bromide or Iodid Tallliament is used in the SCSTrNOLULLING counters for V- and U-emitted as an activator of alkali-ha-coined crystal phosphos.

The single crystals of the solid solution of the bromide and iodide of thallium, characterized by a wide range of infrared radiation transmission, are used for the manufacture of lenses, the prisms of optical instruments operating in the infrared area of \u200b\u200bthe spectrum.

Sulfide and Oxisulfide Talliament are used to manufacture photo elements sensitive to infrared radiation and widely used in aviation.

Toollium carbonate is introduced in the charge of glass production with highly refracting ability.

An aqueous solution of a mixture of toll salts, formic and malonic acids - cleric liquid is used in mineralogical studies, since the OIA is characterized by the highest density compared to other heavy liquids and high mobility.

Tallolium salts can be used as catalysts in organic synthesis, as well as fuel anti-knock in internal combustion engines.

High purity thallium is used to synthesize semiconductor compounds of type TiaSJF 2 (where X is SE, those, S) required for the production of transistors, insulating coatings; In gas-discharge lamps of monochromatic radiation (green), serving to graduate spectral devices, control film, photoregal, etc.

Radioactive isotope 204 T1 is used as a source of B-from-radiant in devices for controlling the thickness of products and coatings.

Earlier, Tallons were widely used to prepare poisons intended to combat rodents, currently the use of such poisons declined.

The introduction of thallium into bearing alloys gives NM high antifriction properties, and doping by this element of lead alloys significantly increases their corrosion resistance. Amalgam Tallliament (8.35 ° / o) has the lowest of all lime double alloys with solidification temperature (-59 ° C), which can be further reduced by adding Indians. It is used in low-temperature thermometers and other devices.

Thallium- The Greek name, translates as a "green branch". Why did the chemical element named? Business in the color of the waist during combustion. Flame green. It helped open metal. This happened in 1863. The English scientist for the surname Circus convinced the spectroscope and waste of the sulfate plant of the German city of Tilperod.

The chemist has already collaborated with the enterprise, removing from industrial dust selenium. Cruks suspected that there is also in it. Expecting to see the line of this element in the burner of the spectroscope, the scientist noticed a herbaceous strip. There was no one of the known metals. Circles allocated a new substance and gave him a name.

Chemical and physical properties of Tallia

Tallium - Metalbluish white. The element is soft, does not have taste, does not smell. This makes a substance especially dangerous, because Talia is poisonous. Cunning and manifestations of poisoning. Symptoms are close to influenza, bronchopneumonia and other inflammatory diseases.

At the same time, the outcome is often lethal. The death of an adult man leads everything 1 gram of thallium. It absorbs not only in the digestive tract, but also penetrates through the skin, inhales with air.

Tallium - element, on the 3-4th day after the adoption of which the euphoria comes. This is a false feeling of health and completeness of life. But, then the nausea, vomiting is returned, diarrhea begins, hair loss, the angles of the mouth are cracking. At this stage, it is already clear that you do not deal with the flu, but it is already too late. Characteristic symptoms appear after 1-2 week after poisoning tallium.

Poisonquickly oxidized, falling into the atmosphere. Therefore, the element is transported only in sealed containers. The content of toxic metal in the air should not exceed 0.004 mg / m3. For water, the figure is already in 0.0001 mg / m3. In nature, the specified levels are usually not exceeded.

Tallium - rare and scattered element. Increased concentration is observed only in Silesian and several more minerals. Silesia - the region of Germany. But, the thallium in its depths found in 1896 by the Russian chemist and geologist of antipas.

Tallina propertyoxidation manifests itself brighter at high temperatures. So, with 100-degrees Celsius, the metal will captivate the film instantly. Climb the temperature is still three times, the substance is melted. Boil thallium at 1460 degrees. There are elements, the response with which is already at room temperature. You can get chloride Tallina, as well as to tie it with bromine and iodine.

In chemical compounds, Talliums are either one- or bivalent. Valence - the ability to connect with the atoms of other substances. Accordingly, the 81th metal periodic system forms communication over one or three directions.

Toollium application

Tallium poisoningit can be useful for a person if the poison received rodents. The patented drug for them was invented in Germany in the first third of the 20th century. In poison entered tallium sulfate. For zoocides, the metal is impressed in modern times. True, in the 20th century, drugs based on the 81st element were widespread, and now they occupy no more than 3% of the market.

Tallium, chemical propertiesmetal, came in handy and in the production of photocells. The oxysulfide of the 81st guests are placed in them. The substance changes the electrical conductivity under the action of light.

About this property of Oxisulfide Tallia for the first time wrote in the magazine Physical Review in the 1920s. The photocells made in 5 years turned out to be particularly sensitive to the rays of the infrared spectrum.

The infrared light of bromides and iodides of a rare metal is well passed. Therefore, during the Second World War tallium to buywanted the military. Mixed crystals were cultivated in platinum triggers to then put in infrared alarms. Tallulia compounds were impressed when calculating enemy snipers.

Tallium, electronic formulawhich KLMN5 S 2 5P 6 5D 10 6S 2 6P 1 E ion (ME \u003d\u003e ME + + E) \u003d 6,12EV, is related to tanning. It is a skin reaction to ultraviolet radiation, the active development of melanin - natural pebel-dye begins.

However, doctors know that not all the rays of ultraviolet "give birth." Effective only eritimical. The rest of the rays can be translated into them. The task cope with silicates and phosphates of some metals of the alkali-earth group. For maximum action, elements are activated tallium.

Pricetallia is known not only to physiotherapists, but also to general practitioners, trichologists. Metal is included in the mixture for hair removal. The procedure is necessary when damaged by ringing deprived. To the baldness lead salt Tallina. The main thing is to choose a therapeutic dose. Slightly overdo it, you will get a toxic, not therapeutic effect.

Hydroxide Tallinaand carbonate - additives in high light effect, and a pure metal is impressed in metallurgy. The 81th element is added to some alloys to make them resistant to acids, stronger and wear-resistant.

Usually, Tallium becomes a companion of lead mixtures. The 81th metal is, for example, in the bearing alloy. 8% of the thallium make it better than other compositions based on.

Alloy is the Amalgam Talllia. It hardens only at 60 degrees Celsius. The mixture is needed for the production of thermometers, used in liquid shutters and switches. In the control and measuring equipment, they are impressed radioisotopes Tallina. They serve as a pure beto emitter.

Freeding Tallaria

The element is mined along the way, when processing, and copper ores. Metal is obtained, as once it was done by its discoverer, from dust waste production. In the year, tallulium production is approximately 10 tons. The world's element reserves are estimated at 17 thousand tons. This is 0.7 parts per million. That is, even though metal and rare, but the deposits of it are more gold.

The most saturated with the Tallium of Europe, Canada and the United States. But, in the States since the 1981 year, the mining of a poisonous metal is prohibited. The main supplier of the element is Kazakhstan. His suppliers are offered refined Tallium. Its reserves are associated not only with ores of other metals, but also with airborne coal in the earth's crust. They are covered with 630 thousand tons of the 81st element.

From minerals, Talliums contain Vrbayt, Loorend, Krozit, Gutchinsonit. Listed stones are rare. But, the share of the 81st metal in them is large - from 16 to 80 percent. For 90% shivel tallium content In Aviceznaya.

This is almost pure trivalent metal oxide in 1956. The deposits of the stone found on the territory of the Uzbek SSR. Now, she became Kazakhstan. Here is an explanation from where the country takes raw materials to tallium Almost the whole world market.

Price Tallaria

Per kilogram Tallina They ask for almost 7 thousand dollars. Since 2003, the price has grown 7 times. One Kazakhstan, although producing a lot of metal, but cannot provide them with everyone. Canadian Tallium More expensive average. A favorable sentence was always supplies from China.

But, in the subway, they decided to eliminate tax breaks when exporting a rare element. This contributed to the reduction of purchases. In the global market began to be felt talnia deficiencyAs led to the increase in prices for him.

Tallium is a metal silver-white metal with a blue tide. It is impossible to recognize it taste and the smell. But it is unlikely that someone will risk trying this substance. After all tallium is a poison, with a high level of toxicity Slice of lead and arsenic. Poisoning with large doses often ends with a fatal outcome. With gradual effects on the body, it has the property of accumulating in the kidneys, lungs, liver and brain. Leads to irreversible changes in the work of organs and systems, it is extremely difficult to eliminate.

Application area

Thanks to the unique physicochemical properties of the Tallliament connection, the industry is actively used in industry:

  • in the production of points of night visions and optical lenses;
  • in the study of mineral rocks, ore;
  • in low-graduate laboratory thermometers;
  • as part of conductive substances and mixtures;
  • in the pyrotechnic industry;
  • as part of luminous paints;
  • in the production of pesticides for planting plants and rodent poison;
  • in the light industry for processing paper products and textiles (Tallium is used in the form of radioactive isotope);
  • in the manufacture of artificial precious minerals.

The method of activation of the Tallium of alkaline earth phosphates is used in some physiotherapy procedures that have a thermal effect on humans. And Tallliament compounds are of interest as auxiliary treatment at a ringworthy license. But due to the high degree of metal toxicity, the widespread use in the medical practice of Tallium - poison - did not find.

Causes of poisoning

Tallium poisoning can be different and manifest itself both in acute and chronic form. Most often in medical practice faced precisely with an acute form of the disease. Often, children are often on the hospital bed, by negligence or as experiments, swallowed by the poison for rodents or pesticide granules, which contain deadly toxin.

The chronic form of the disease is characteristic of people working on production and daily in contact with the poisonous substance. Most of all, people engaged in melting ore, burning sulfur sulfur, burning coal and receiving cement. The ingress of toxin into the body takes place mainly through the respiratory tract. It is possible to use food coated with dust with impurities of poison.

In the history of criminals, a lot of precedents of suicide and murders are described using a poisonous substance.

Symptoms of acute poisoning Tallium

With acute poisoning form, most symptoms appear a few hours after entering the body
. Time may vary and will depend on the dosage value. In contrast to conventional food poisoning, toxic damage to poison is characterized by heavier manifestations:

  • From the gastrointestinal tract, severe pains in the epigastric region, nausea, frequent episodes of vomiting, liquid stools with blood admixture are noted.
  • The damage to the peripheral nervous system is manifested by tremor of the limbs, an increase in blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, muscle pain and general weakness.

The duration of this period is not more than 6 hours from the moment of receipt of the thallium into the body. If at this stage, professional medical care will not be provided, toxins are absorbed from the stomach and continue to affect the nervous cells of the body. There are new symptoms of poisoning, exacerbating every minute:

  • psyche disorder, confusion;
  • violation of stability and coordination of movements;
  • convulsions;
  • loss of view due to the paralysis of the eye muscles.

If the dosage of a poisonous substance was critical, at the last stage we are talking about multiple damage to nerves and nerve endings. Event development options can be the most different, but none of them is a prosperous (stroke, heart attack, coma).

The stories of our readers

61 year

Death from thallium occurs when dose of 600 mg. The probability of saving the patient with such a dosage of nucleus zero.

Clinical course of chronic poisoning

When regularly entering the body of thallium connections in a minimal dosage of poisoning symptoms begin to appear slightly later and are less pronounced. If, working in harmful conditions, a person begins to experience headaches and weakness in the body, it is necessary to urgently turn to the infectious background. Perhaps concerns are in vain, but it is not necessary to completely exclude the likelihood of poisoning.

If the poison continues to accumulate in the body and poisoning it, gradually the patient's condition will increasingly deteriorate. Among the clinical signs of chronic poisoning, Tallium is distinguished:

  • neppromaging cough, the appearance of shortness of breath, in later stages can develop swelling of the lungs, paralysis of the muscles of the respiratory system;
  • pain in the heart, blood pressure jumps, tachycardia;
  • the appearance of rashes in different parts of the body, non-heating dermatitis;
  • the appearance of white splashes on the nails;
  • hair loss on the head, the baldness can also affect eyebrows and eyelashes;
  • in men, the work of the sexual system is disturbed, impotence arises;
  • reducing visual acuity, full of its loss due to retinal atrophy.

A sharp deterioration in health is noted at the last stages of the disease, when to help a person is already extremely difficult. Fully outcome is possible due to pulmonary edema, stroke, heart attack, coma.

In the chronic flow, there are no signs of disorder of the digestive system. The likelihood of intestinal bleeding and frequent episodes of vomiting is minimal.


In the first symptoms it is difficult to establish that their manifestation is provoked directly to Tallium. Since clinical manifestations are similar to many other diseases, including the pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, during the diagnosis, it is very important to pay attention to the patient's poll about its place of work and possible contact with the toxic substance.

Confirm suspicions and start acting helps urine analysis and blood test. During research in the blood, the increased urea content is detected, and the studied urine shows the presence of a particular toxin. It is advisable and radiography. In the enlightenment of the X-ray, not only the substance falling with the meal, but also the limit of its use at the calculation of the level of its stay in the digestive tract departments.


With acute poisoning of Tallium, the first aid is based on the stomach washing to prevent the penetration of toxins into the overall blood flow.
. Since the poison quickly applies to the body, the procedure is recommended to spend even before the emergency brigade arrival. Also at home, you can take a laxative preparation for cleansing the intestines from toxins and a diuretic to enhance the removal of thallium along with the urine.

Treatment of acute poisoning Tallium is carried out under hospital. At the initial stage, therapy is aimed at removing from the body as the toxic substance itself in the constant form and the products of its decay. After that, the patient is prescribed antidote, neutralizing the effect of poison. In this case, the role of Antidote is the Prussian blue, which contributes to the removal of thallium residues along with the carte masses.

As auxiliary means of treatment of poisoning apply:

  • multiple hemodialysis sessions to maintain kidney work;
  • intravenous administration of potassium preparations to prevent reverse absorption of toxins in the urinary system channels;
  • in disruption of the respiratory function, the patient is injected by lubelin hydrochloride intravenously or intramuscularly;
  • preparations for the normalization of cardiac activity during arrhythmias and tachycardia;
  • to eliminate the symptoms of the disorder of the nervous system, vitamins of group V.

Possible consequences, prevention

Long intoxication of thallium compounds may threaten impotence, infertility and child's birth risk with congenital pathologies.

The effects of poisoning can also include chronic pathologies of the digestive tract, diseases of the respiratory organs, psycho-emotional disorders, violation of the hormonal background.

Very high, the likelihood of a deadly outcome due to myocardial infarction or stroke even after the inpatient treatment has passed.

With a timely manner provided and the content of a minor dose of the poison, the period of complete removal of Thallium is 2-3 months. And this is subject to a strong healthy organism before poisoning.

Given such non-rainbow perspectives, in working with a poisonous substance it is worth exercising maximum caution. If your professional activity is directly related to thallium connections, be sure to follow precautionary measures:

  1. If the safety technique is prescribed by the use of personal protective equipment and wearing special clothing, do not neglect these norms. The respirator and gloves can save your life, and this is not an exaggeration.
  2. At the end of the working day, immediately take the shower to wash off the remaining of poisonous substances.
  3. In the workplace it is impossible to eat and drink. Dust with thallium particles is easily settled on all surrounding items, including food products.
  4. Twice a year, pass the preventive inspections. And do it not for a stamp in a sanitary book, but for your health.

And follow your children. There are too frequent cases of death due to careless handling of chemicals. AND mortality percentage among small patients is very high. After all, it is their rapid organism that is the most difficult to deal with severe bodies.

Thallium (Lat.

thallium), TL, chemical element III group of periodic Mendeleev system, atomic number 81, atomic weight 204.37; Fresh cut gray brilliant metal; Refers to rare multiple items.

In nature, the element is represented by two stable isotopes 203 TL (29.5%) and 205 Tl (70.5%) and radioactive isotopes 207 TL - 210 TL - members of radioactive series. Radioactive isotopes 202 Tl (T 1/2 \u003d 12.5 days), 204 TL (T 1/2 \u003d 4.26) and 206 Tl (T 1/2 \u003d 4.19 min) were obtained artificially.

T. Opened in 1861 W. Croza in the sulfur-acid production slot of the spectroscopic method according to a characteristic green line in the spectrum (hence the name: from Greek. THALL O S - young, green branch). In 1862, the French chemist K. O. Lami first allocated T. and installed its metallic nature.

in the earth's crust (Clark) 4.5? 10 -5% by weight, but due to extreme scattering its role in natural processes is small. In nature, there are mainly compounds of monovalent and less frequently trooble T. as well as alkaline metals, T. concentrates in the upper part of the earth's crust - in the granite layer (the average content of 1.5?

10 -4%), in the main rocks it is less (2? 10 -5%), and in ultrasound only 1? 10 -6%. It is known only by seven minerals T. (for example, Krucit, Loorend, Vrbayt, etc.), they are all extremely rare. The greatest geochemical similarity of T. has C, RB, CS, as well as with PB, AG, CU, BI. T. Easily migrates in the biosphere. From natural waters, it is sorbed by coals, clays, manganese hydroxides, accumulates during water evaporation (for example, in Lake Sivash to 5?

10 -8 g / l).

Physical and chemical properties. T. soft metal, easily oxidized and quickly dumps. T. With a pressure of 0.1 MN / m 2 (1 kgf / cm 2) and temperatures below 233 ° C, has a hexagonal-packed lattice (A \u003d 3,4496 Å; C \u003d 5,5137 Å), above 233 ° C - volume-centering Cubic (A \u003d 4.841 Å), at high pressures of 3.9 Gn / m 2 (39000 kgf / cm 2) - granetable cubic; density 11.85 g / cm 3; Atomic radius 1.71 Å, ion radii: TL + 1.49 Å, TL 3+ 1.05 Å; T pl 303.6 ° C; T Kip 1457 ° С, Specific heat 0,130 kJl (kg?

k). Specific electrical resistance at 0 ° C (18? 10 -6 ohms? Cm); Temperature coefficient of electrical resistant 5,177? 10 -3 - 3.98?

10 -3 (0-100 ° C). Transition temperature to superconducting state 2.39 K. T. Diamagnetic, its specific magnetic susceptibility -0.249? 10 -6 (30 ° C).

Configuration of the external electron shell atom TL 6 S 2 6 P 1; In the compounds, the degree of oxidation is +1 and + 3. T. interacts with oxygen and halogens at room temperature, with gray and phosphorus when heated. It is well dissolved in nitrogen, worse in sulfuric acids, is not dissolved in halogen-hydrogen, ant, oxalous and acetic acids.

Does not interact with alkalis solutions; Freshly perched water, not containing oxygen, does not act on T. Basic compounds with oxygen: TL 2 O and TL 2 O 3.

T. and Sali TL (I) nitrate, sulfate, carbonate - soluble; Chromate, bichromate, halides (with the exception of fluoride), as well as oxide T. - smallly soluble in water. TL (III) forms a large number of complex compounds with inorganic and organic ligands.

TL (III) halides are well soluble in water. TL (I) compounds have the greatest practical significance.

Getting. On an industrial scale technical T.

get along with the processing of sulphide ores of non-ferrous metals and iron. It is removed from semiconductors of lead, zinc and copper production. The choice of a method for processing raw materials depends on its composition.

For example, for the extraction of T. and others. The valuable components of lead production dust is carried out sulfatization of the material in a boiling layer at 300-350 ° C. The resulting sulfate mass is leached by water, and from the solution is extracted from T. 50% solution of tributyl phosphate in kerosene containing iodine, and then re-as sulfuric acid (300 g / l) with the addition of 3% hydrogen peroxide.

From the reextracts, the metal is isolated by cementation on zinc sheets. After the murning under the layer of caustic soda, T. purity is obtained by 99.99%.

Electrolytic refining and crystallization cleaning are used for deeper metal cleaning.

Application. In the technique of T. applied mainly in the form of connections. TIBR - TLI and TLCL - TLBR Hallery solutions monocrystals (KRS-5 known in the art) are used for the manufacture of optical parts in infrared technician devices; TLCL crystals and TLCL-TLBR are as radiators of Cherenkov meters.

tL 2 O is part of some optical glasses; Sulfides, oxysulfides, selenides, televisions - components of semiconductor materials used in the manufacture of photoresistance, semiconductor rectifiers, viscuses. An aqueous solution of a mixture of formic and small-sized T. (heavy cleric liquid) is widely used to separate minerals by density. Amalgam T., solidified at -59 ° C, is used in low-temperature thermometers. Metal T. is used to obtain bearing and low-melting alloys, as well as in oxygen meters to determine oxygen in water.

204TL As a source B radiation is used in radioisotope devices.

T. I. Darvadd.

Tallium in the body. T. is constantly present in the tissues of plants and animals. In soils, its average content is 10 -5%, in sea water 10 -9%, in animal organisms 4? 10 -5%. In mammals, T. is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, accumulating mainly in the spleen and muscles.

The daily arrival of T. with food and water is about 1.6 μg, with air - 0.05 μg. The biological role of T. in the body is not clarified. Moderately toxic for plants and high toxic for mammals and humans.

Poisoning T. and its compounds are possible when they are obtained and practical use. T. penetrates the body through the respiratory organs, intact skin and digestive tract.

It is excreted from the body for a long time, mainly with urine and feces. Sharp, subacute and chronic poisoning have a similar clinical picture, distinguishing the severity and speed of symptoms. In acute cases, after 1-2 days, signs of lesion of the gastrointestinal tract (nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation) and respiratory tract appear. After 2-3 weeks, hair loss, the phenomenon of avitaminosis (smoothing the mucous membrane of the language, cracks in the angles of the mouth and tons are observed.

d.). In severe cases, polynevrites, mental disorders, vision lesions, etc. may develop, and others. Prevention of professional poisoning: mechanization of production processes, equipment sealing, ventilation, use of personal protective equipment.

L. P. Shabalika.

Lit.: Chemistry and technology of rare and scattered elements, ed. K. A. Bolshakova, t. 1, [M., 1965]; 3Elikman A. N., Meerson G. A., Metallurgy of rare metals, M., 1973; Tallium and its use in modern technique, M., 1968; Tikhova

S., Darvad T. I., Recommendations for industrial sanitation and safety technique when working with Tallium and its compounds, in the collection: Rare metals, in. 2, M., 1964; Inwen N. y. M., TRACE ELEMENTS IN BIOCHEMISTRY, L.-N. y., 1966.

Israelson Z. I., Mogilevskaya O. Ya., Suvorov. B. Questions of occupational hygiene and professional pathology when working with rare metals, M., 1973.

Physico-chemical properties of thallium and its connections

Tallal is a silver-white soft metal, which was opened by the spectroscopic method in 1861. W.Grookes and independently of it A .. Lamy in 1862

Ten deadly poisons and their action per person

according to characteristic green drinks in the spectrum (Tallos - green kidney). The chemical properties of thallium are determined by its belonging to a side group of A-transition metals III group of elements of the Mendeleev table.

Atomic weight Tallia 204.39, atomic number 81, density 11.85 g / cm °. Melting point 303 C, boiling point 1460 ° C.

The elasticity of Toollia vapor at a temperature of 825 ° C - 1, at 983 C - 10, at 1040 ° C - 20. At 1457 ° C - 760 mm-RT. Art. In the chemical compounds, it acts as a monovalent or trivalent metal, forming two kinds of compounds - loose and oxide. On the air, thallium is covered with a film of zakis; At 100 ° C quickly oxidized with the formation of Ti2O and TL2O3. With chlorine, bromine and iodine reacts at room temperature. When interacting with alcohols, alcoholates forms.

Easily dissolved in HNO3, there are salts and one and trivalent thallium (V.K. Grigorovich, 1970). Tallium is a rare scattered element. The nature of its distribution in nature is determined by the proximity of the chemical properties and dimensions of ion radius to alkaline metals, as well as to the calcaf elements.

Industrial importance as sources of raw materials to obtain thallium have commodity concentrates of sulphides (sphalerite, galvanit, pyrite and marxcite). Tallium is not removed directly from ores and concentrates containing it in quantities not higher than thousandths of percent.

Raw materials for industrial receipt are waste and intermediates of non-ferrous metals. The content of thallium in these materials varies in significant limits (from hundredths of additional percent to whole) and depends not only on the content of tapping in the feedstock, but also on the nature of production and the adopted technology of obtaining base metal.

Thus, the extraction of thallium is associated with complex processing of raw materials and is carried out in terms of other metals. With a low thallium concentration in the process, the technology of its production in the first stage is usually reduced to obtaining tapping concentrate, which is then processed on the technical metal or sop.

In the Soviet Union, the production of Tallliament was organized on a number of lead and zinc plants (T.I. Darvadov et al., 1968).

Oxides Tallina

Known 3 tall liage compounds with oxygen: Zaku - TL2O, hucy - TLG2O3 and peroxide -tl2O3 (little studied).

Table 1

Overalls and oxide Talloli are made at elevated temperatures.

Oxide in water does not dissolve, dissociates when heated; Skump is easily dissolved in water to form a strong alkali - TL (OH), with ethyl alcohol forms alcohol (C2H5) TLO.

TLO interacts with Si02, driving glass and china. Hydroxide - TL (ON) 3 is precipitated with alkalis from solutions of trivalent thallium salts, it does not dissolve in water and slowly dissolved in mineral acids.

Salt Tallina

Haloidal connections. Tallium forms with chlorine, bromine and iodine monovalent and trivalent compounds, but are still applied mainly monovalent.

table 2

The characteristic properties of these compounds are low solubility in water, significant elasticity of vapors, increased light sensitivity.

Haloidal salts of Thallium are usually obtained by precipitation from aqueous solutions of its salts. As a precipitation of potassium and sodium halide salts.

Dry chloride thallium is a white powder, bromide has a light yellow, and the iodide is bright yellow; The melted chloride thallium is Besamenn, and bromide and iodide are painted in the same colors as powders.

Haloidal salts Tallliament are not soluble in alcohol, acetone and gasoline; Acids (nitric and sulfur) dissolve halide salts, especially when heated, with partial decomposition of them.

Tallium sulfate. Ti2SO4-white crystalline substance soluble in water (at 20 ° C-48.7 g / l), with sulfites of other metals forms double salts, melting point 645 ° C.

Talloline carbonate - carbon dioxide thallium - Ti2CO3 - crystalline white powder. Molecular weight 468.75; Little soluble in cold water and is well dissolved in boiling.

The aqueous solution has a strong alkaline reaction, the melting point is 272-273 ° C, the red-brown mass is formed when the red-brown mass is formed, which, after cooling, becomes yellow.

Clearici liquid - Murai-Malonic Tallium 2T1 (NSOO) TL2 (HC-COO-COO), light-amber color, odorless, specific gravity of 4.25 g / cm, at room temperature in light easily decomposed, so stored liquid in the dark dishes.

Molecular weight of anhydrous drug 1009,56 (according to the international atomic weights of 1961).

Tallium and its connections are used in various fields of science and technology. The value of this metal is determined by a number of useful properties that make it indispensable in many processes and devices.

Currently, there are (so-called Darvadov et al., 1968) Two most promising in relation to the scale of consumption of the use of Tallliament: the production of heavy liquids and production of optical glasses. Of the most frequently used thallium connections, the following can be called the following.

1. CRS-5 monocrystals and CRS-6 are unique optical materials, have high transparency in the distant infrared area of \u200b\u200bthe spectrum combined with moisture resistance. These crystals are widely used in infrared equipment devices, including in the devices working in atmospheric conditions, where the use of other known crystals (NaCl, CSL, etc.) is impossible.

2. Till tall lip - a component for the production of some brands of optical glasses with unusual optical permanent.

3. Heavy liquid cleric is an aqueous solution of a mixture of thallium salts, compared with other heavy liquids, has the highest weight (4.25), greater mobility and ability to mix with water in any proportions.

The liquid, the Clearici bone has been widely used widely with mineralogical analyzes and geopo-mineraudic studies of rocks and ores.

4. Of all metal alloys of Amalgam Thallium (8.35% TL), it has the lowest temperatures of solidification -59 ° C, and with small additives India -63.3 ° C. This property of the amalgam thallium is used in low-temperature thermometers and for other chains when liquid metal is required at low temperatures.

5. T1C1 single crystals are used as radiators of Chernkov spectrophotometric counters used to register high-energy particles.

6. Sulfides, selenides and Tallium Tellurides are the components of many complex semiconductors (cytowner, thermal materials, glassy semiconductors).

Some of them are used in the manufacture of semiconductor devices (semiconductor rectifiers, photoresistance, viscosions).

7. Acetate and Tallulium sulfate - in some cases used in the production of foam for rodents (celopastes, etc.), insecticides and pesticides.

8. Talloli carbonate - used for the manufacture of glasses, artificial gems and pyrotechnics; Nitrate - in the production of luminous paints.

Due to the fact that employees of a number of industries have contact with Tallium, unconditional interest are the issues of biological and toxic action of thallium and its compounds on people.

On how to poison a person poison, not only potential attackers, but also the usual Internet users. Today the pharmaceutical market offers consumers a lot of drugs, some funds are available for purchase without a medical recipe.

And there are toxic substances that allow to eliminate the opponent quickly or, on the contrary, provoke a chronic disease.

Century knowledge and modern technologies become dangerous weapons in the hands of competent people.

Caline cyanide is known almost to all, at the beginning of the 20th century, a hazardous powder was a common way to get rid of unwanted persons.

The poison refers to a group of derivatives of sinyl acid and is well soluble in water. Some sources indicate the specific smell of this substance, however, not all people are capable of feeling it. Potassium cyanide causes poisoning when entering inside, and also dangerously inhaling particles of powder and a pair of solution. The deadly dose of poison is only a few grams, but in most cases it depends on the weight and individual characteristics of the body.

With the help of cyano potassium, you can quickly apply a person.

The path of getting substances in the body is influenced by death, so, when inhalation of particles, the toxin action is manifested instantly, and when in the stomach of the stomach, the poison begins to cause irreversible consequences after 15 minutes.

The victim passes several stages of intoxication. Initially, there is a sore throat, then nausea and vomiting begins, it is possible to numb a pharynx.

Over time, general weakness increases, a sense of fear arises, and the pulse slows down. Subsequently, such signs as convulsions and loss of consciousness are noted. As a rule, when a sufficient dose of poison appears, the man dies within 4 hours.

With the coming to the pharmaceutical market of new drugs, people are interested in how to poison a person with pills.

The following medicines were included in the list of dangerous poisons:

  • sleeping "Fenazepam";
  • chemern water;
  • drops "Corvalol".

The medicine "Penazepam" is appointed by doctors as a means against insomnia, panic attacks and stress.

Tallium poisoning

It relates to psychotropic medicines, and offenders use this drug in order to poison a person in a dream.

Like many other means, "phenazepam" are incompatible with alcohol - this is enjoyed by criminals, since the joint use of these tablets and alcoholic beverages leads to a stopping of breathing and death.

But to get the described drug is not easy, as it is released exclusively on a medical recipe.

Chemern water is freely sold in the pharmacy and is applied not only in traditional medicine, but also as a means against alcohol addiction. However, some cases of intentional intoxication are not taken into account, because such a medicine is suitable for those who want to poison a person without identifying poison.

The lethal exodus occurs when used inside 2 years.

raw materials, suitable water adversely affects the work of the heart and blood pressure. Thus, the supply of brain with oxygen gradually decreases.

As a rule, alcohol speeds up the absorption of poison and signs of intoxication of checker water develops already in 20 minutes after the adoption of the means. Studies begins, and there are also symptoms such as a strong thirst, slowdown of heart rhythm, disruption of reason.

Death occurs on average after 8 hours, such a medicine allows criminal-person without determining the exact cause of death.

Drops "Corvalol" can be purchased in any pharmacy, which makes them affordable and effective medicine for poisoning.

The deadly dose of the drug depends on the weight and age of a person, on average it is 150 drops.

Inxication is characterized by a long sleep, a decrease in blood pressure and the expansion of pupils.

The joint use of this drug with alcohol is especially dangerous, in this case, tachycardia appears, skin covers are blue.

To poison a person slowly with the help of Korvalol droplets, most likely will not work, the fatal outcome occurs during the day than the various asocial elements of society enjoy.

Chemical connections Tallaria

Talloline properties and its connections

Brief historical certificate of Tallia

Tallium was opened in 1861 by the English physicist in the chamber Ile of sulfuric acid plants. It was detected by a characteristic green line in the spectrum.

Tallium refers to the third group of the periodic system.

Atomic number 81.

Atomic weight 204,89.

Density, g / cm3 11,83

Melting temperature, ° C 303

Boiling temperature, ° С 1406

Normal electrode potential, in -0,336

α-thallium is resistant to 230 ° C, above this temperature is resistant β-modification.

Tallium is a soft metal silver-white color, low-melting.

At the same time, it has a high boiling point.

In the air at a conventional temperature, it is quickly covered with a black film oxide film TL2O, which slows down further oxidation, above 100 ºС metal is quickly oxidized to form a mixture of TL2O and T12O3.

In water, thallium slowly corps in the presence of oxygen.

Metal dissolves in nitric, slower in sulfuric acid.

In hydrochloric acid, tall lies by a little solistency as a result of the formation of a protective film of Holride Tallia. In solutions, alkalis, tall lines do not dissolve.

With chlorine, bromine and iodine, the metal reacts at room temperature.

For thallium, the compounds in which it holds the degree of oxidation is +1; Less resistant compound responding to oxidation is +3.

Compounds with the degree of oxidation of Tallliament +1 for a number of properties are similar to compounds of alkali metals and silver.

TL2O - TPL \u003d 330 ºС, dissolves in H2O with the formation of TLOH.

TL2O3 - TPL \u003d 716 ºС, black and brown, at temperatures more than 716 ºС decomposes on TL2O.

TL2S - TPL \u003d 450 ºС, poorly dissolved in HCl, at temperatures above 600ºС easily oxidized.

Similarity with alkaline metals is manifested in the formation of a well-soluble TLOn hydroxide, which has a strong base properties; The formation of soluble sulphate, carbonate, ferrocyanide and double sulfates of the alum type.

Silver similarity consists in the formation of the Tallium of low-soluble halides (solubility decreases in a series of TLS1-T1VG-T1I); The formation of low-soluble chromates TL2CRO4 and TL2SR2O7 and TL2S sulfide.

However, in contrast to silver ions, T1 + ions do not form ammonia complexes. For oxidation of ions T1 + to T13 + in aqueous solutions, such strong oxidants are used as chlorine or potassium permanganate.

T1 (O) 3 is precipitated from solutions at pH \u003d 3 - 4.

When working with Tallium, it is necessary to take into account the toxicity of its compounds.

Tallium and its compounds are used in various fields of technology:

Infrared optics.

Bromide and tallliance (thallium chloride) are used for the manufacture of windows, lenses, prisms, cuvet of optical devices operating in the infrared area of \u200b\u200bthe spectrum.

Semiconductor electronics. Tallulia compounds have good insulating properties, used for the manufacture of transistors and insulating coatings.

Instrument-making. The radioactive isotope T1240 (half-life of 2.7 years) is used as a source of β-radiation in flaw detectors to control the quality of materials, measuring the thickness of products and coatings.


Tallium is part of some lead-based bearing alloys. The doping of the Tallium of lead alloys increases their corrosion resistance.

Agriculture. Tallolium sulfate is used as a jadogymic.

See also:

Popular Library of Chemical Elements


3 18 32 18 8 2

In the history of the opening of chemical elements, there are many paradoxes.

It happened that one researcher was engaged in search of another unknown element, and found him another. Sometimes several scientists "walked parallel to the course", and then after the discovery (and someone comes to him almost earlier than others) arose priority disputes.

Sometimes it happened that the new element gave to know about myself suddenly, unexpectedly. That is how element No. 81 - Tallium was opened. In March 1861, the English scientist William Cruks explored dust, which was caught on one of the sulfuric acid industries. Cruks believed that this dust should contain selenium and televir - analogs of sulfur. He found selenium, but the televore could not find ordinary chemical methods.

Then Circles decided to take advantage of the new time and very sensitive method of spectral analysis. In the spectrum, he unexpectedly discovered a new line of light green color, which could not be attributed to any of the known elements. This bright line was the first "news" of the new item. Thanks to her, he was discovered and thanks to her, Latin Thallus was called the "blooming branch." The spectral line of the color of the young foliage was the "calling card" of Tallliament.

In Greek (and most of the names of the elements originate in Latin or in Greek) almost the same word, which in Russian is translated as "justice".

Tallium really turned out to be an upset - they were not looking for, and he was found ...

Element with oddities

For more than 30 years after the opening of the Crox, and Tallium still remained one of the least studied elements. He was looking for in nature and found, but, as a rule, in minimal concentrations.

Only in 1896 Russian scientist I.A. Antipov found an increased tellium content in Silesian marcasites.

On Tallia, at that time, they were told about the element of rare, scattered and still - as an element with oddities. Almost all this is true today.

Only Tallium is not so rare - its contents in the earth's crust of 0.0003% - much more than, for example, gold, silver or mercury. Own minerals of this element are found - very rare minerals Loorend Tlass2, TL (AS, SB) 3S5 and others.

But no mineral deposit Thallium on Earth is not interested in industry. Get this element in the processing of various substances and ores - as a by-product. Tallium really turned out to be very scattered.

And oddities in its properties, as they say, even debt. On the one hand, tall lines are similar to alkaline metals. And at the same time, he looks like silver something, and something on lead and tin. Judge for yourself: like potassium and sodium, thallium usually exhibits valence 1+, monovalent toll toll hydroxide - a strong base, well soluble in water.

Like alkali metals, thallium is capable of forming polyiodids, polysulfides, alcoholates ... But weak solubility in the water of chloride, bromide and monovalent thallia iodide relatives this element with silver.

And in appearance, density, hardness, melting point - throughout the complex of physical properties - Tallium most resembles lead.

And at the same time, it occupies a place in the third group of the periodic system, in one subgroup with Gallium and India, and the properties of the elements of this subgroup are changed quite naturally.

In addition to valence 1+, thallium can also be natural for element III valence 34-.

As a rule, the salt of trivalent thallium is more difficult to dissolve than similar salts of Tallina monovalent. The latter, by the way, have been studied better and have more practical importance.

But there are compounds that both the other thallium are also included. For example, they can react with each other and trivalent thallium halides.

And then curious complex compounds arise, in particular TL1 + -. In it, monovalent Thallium acts as a cation, and the trivalent is part of the complex anion.

Stressing the combination of various properties in this element, the French chemist Duma wrote: "It will not be an exaggeration, if from the point of view of the generally accepted classification of metals we will say that Tallium combines opposite properties that allow you to call it paradoxical metal."

Next, Duma argues that among metals, contradictory tall lines occupies the same place as it takes on the waterproof among the animals. And at the same time Dumas (and he was one of the first researchers of element No. 81) believed that "Tallia was destined to make an era in the history of chemistry."

Tallium era has not yet done and will not do, probably.

But he found practical application (although not immediately). For some industries and science, this element is truly important.

Toollium application

Tallium remained "unemployed" within 60 years after the opening of the Crox.

But by the beginning of the 20s of our century, the specific properties of Tallium preparations were opened, and the demand for them immediately appeared.

In 1920, in Germany, a patented poison against rodents was obtained, which included TL2SO4 sulfate. This substance without taste and smell is sometimes part of the insecticides and zoocides and nowadays.

In the same 1920, the article of Case appeared in the magazine "Physical Review", which found that the electrical conductivity of one of the tall lip compounds (its oxysulfide) changes under the action of light.

Soon the first photo cells were made, the working body of which was precisely this substance. They were particularly sensitive to infrared rays.

Other compounds of element No. 81, in particular mixed crystals of bromide and monovalent thallia iodide, are good in infrared rays. Such crystals were first obtained during the Second World War. They were grown in platinum triggers at 470 ° C and used in infrared alarm devices, as well as to detect the enemy snipers.

Later, TLBR and TLI were used in scintillation counters to register alpha and beta radiation ...

It is well known that the tan on our skin appears mainly due to ultraviolet rays and that these rays have the same bactericidal action.

However, as established, not all rays of the ultraviolet part of the spectrum are equally effective. Doctors release erythemal radiation, or erythene (from Latin Aeritema - "redness"), actions are genuine "rays of the tan". And, of course, materials capable of transforming primary ultraviolet radiation in the rays of eryetric action are very important for physiotherapy.

Such materials were some silicates and phosphates of alkaline earth metals activated by Tallium.

Medicine uses other components of the element No. 81. They are used, in particular, to remove hair with a ring-free lisp - salts of thallium in the appropriate doses lead to temporary baldness. The fact that the difference between therapeutic and toxic doses of these salts is pleased with the wide use of thallium salts in medicine.

The toxicity of the same thallium and its salts requires them to appeal carefully and carefully.

So far, telling about the practical benefits of Tallia, we concerned only its compounds. You can add that TL2CO3 toll carbonate is used to produce glass with a large refractive index of light rays. And what about the tall lies? It is also used, although, maybe not as wide as salts.

Metallic thallium is part of some alloys, giving them acid resistance, strength, wear resistance. Most often, the thallium is introduced into alloys based on a leader's leader. Bearing alloy - 72% PB, 15% SB, 5% SN and 8% TL exceeds the best tin bearing alloys. Alloy 70% PB, 20% Sn and 10% TL resistant to the action of nitric and hydrochloric acids.

The alloy of Tallina with mercury is a somewhat mansion - Amalgam Tallia, containing approximately 8.5% of the No. 81 element.

Under normal conditions, it is liquid and, in contrast to clean mercury, remains in a liquid state at temperatures up to -60 ° C. The alloy is used in liquid shutters, switches, thermometers operating in the conditions of the Far North, in experiments at low temperatures.

In the chemical industry, metal thallium, as well as some of its compounds, is used as a catalyst, in particular when the nitrobenzene is reduced by hydrogen.

Not left without work and radioisotopes Tallulia.

Tallali 204 (half-life of 3,56 years) - pure beta emitter. It is used in control and measuring equipment designed to measure the thickness of coatings and thin-walled products.

Similar installations with radioactive tallium remove static electricity charges from finished products in paper and textile industries.

We think that already given examples are quite enough to consider certainly proven the utility of element No. 81.

And about the fact that Tallium will make an era in chemistry, we did not say - it's all dum. Not Alexander Duma, however, that in his fantasy would be quite explained), and Jean Baptiste Andre Duma is a named after a writer, quite a serious chemist.

But, we note that both the chemicals fantasy brings more benefits than harm ...

A little more stories

French chemist Lami opened thallium regardless of Crox. He discovered a green spectral line, exploring the sludges of another sulfuric acid plant.

He was the first to receive a little elementary thallia, installed his metal nature and studied some properties. Circles ahead of Lami for just a few months.

About minerals Tallaria

In some rare minerals - Lord, Vrbay, Gutchinsonite, croke - the content of the element No. 81 is very large - from 16 to 80%. It is a pity that all these minerals are very rare. The last mineral of Tallliament, representing almost pure oxide of trivalent thallium TL2O3 (79.52% TL), found in 1956

on the territory of the Uzbek SSR. This mineral called Avicenne - in honor of the sage, doctor and philosopher Avicenna, or more correctly Abu Ali Ibn Sina.

Wildlife Tallium

Tallium was found in plant and animal organisms. It is contained in tobacco, chicory roots, spinach, beech wood, in grapes, beets and other plants. From animals Most Talloli contain jellyfish, acti, starfish and other inhabitants of the seas.

Some plants accumulate talliums in the course of life. Tallium was discovered in the beet, which grown on the soil, in which the most subtle analytical methods could not detect element No. 81. It was later established that even at a minimum concentration of thallium in the soil of beets, concentrate and accumulate it.

Not only from chimneys

The discoverer of Talloli found him in the volatile dust of the sulfuric acid plant.

Now it seems natural that tallons essentially found in chimney - after all, at a temperature of melting temperatures, the connection of Tallliament becomes volatile.

In dust, carried out into the chimney, they condense, as a rule, in the form of oxide and sulfate. Remove the thallium from the mixture (A, dust is a mixture of many substances) helps a good solubility of most compounds of monovalent toll. They are removed from dust acidified hot water.

Rat poison - fatal dose for humans, symptoms and consequences of poisoning

Increased solubility helps to successfully clean the tall lities from numerous impurities. After that, metal thallium is obtained. The method of obtaining metallic thallia depends on which its compound was the final product of the previous production stage.

If carbonate, sulfate or perchlorate of thallium was obtained, then element number 81 is extracted by electrolysis; If chloride or oxalate was obtained, then resort to conventional recovery. The most technologically soluble TL2SO4 tall lip sulfate. It itself serves as an electrolyte, with the electrolysis of which spongate thallium is settled at cathodes from aluminum. This sponge is then pressed, melted and molded. It should be remembered that Talliums always get alongside: along the way, with lead, zinc, cadmium and some other elements.

Such a lot of scattered ...

The lightest isotope thallium

Element No. 81 has two stable and 19 radioactive isotopes (with mass numbers from 189 to 210). The last in 1972 in the laboratory of nuclear problems of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna was obtained the lightest isotope of this element - Tallali-189.

It was obtained by irradiating the target of lead difluoride accelerated protons with energy of 660 MeV, followed by the separation of nuclear reaction products on the mass separator.

The half-life of the very light isotope of Tallaria turned out to be about the same as the hardest, it is equal to 1.4 ± 0.4 minutes (210TL - 1.32 minutes).

In the history of the opening of chemical elements, there are many paradoxes. It happened that one researcher was engaged in search of another unknown element, and found him another. Sometimes several scientists "walked parallel to the course", and then after the discovery (and someone comes to him almost earlier than others) arose priority disputes. Sometimes it happened that the new element gave to know about myself suddenly, unexpectedly. That is how element No. 81 - Tallium was opened. In March 1861, the English scientist William Cruks explored dust, which was caught on one of the sulfuric acid industries. Cruks believed that this dust should contain selenium and televir - analogs of sulfur. He found selenium, but the televore could not find ordinary chemical methods. Then Circles decided to take advantage of the new time and very sensitive method of spectral analysis. In the spectrum, he unexpectedly discovered a new line of light green color, which could not be attributed to any of the known elements. This bright line was the first "news" of the new item. Thanks to her, he was discovered and thanks to her, Latin Thallus was called the "blooming branch." The spectral line of the color of the young foliage was the "calling card" of Tallliament.

In Greek (and most of the names of the elements originate in Latin or in Greek) almost the same word, which in Russian is translated as "justice". Tallium really turned out to be an upset - they were not looking for, and he was found ...

Element with oddities

For more than 30 years after the opening of the Crox, and Tallium still remained one of the least studied elements. He was looking for in nature and found, but, as a rule, in minimal concentrations. Only in 1896 Russian scientist I.A. Antipov found an increased tellium content in Silesian marcasites.

On Tallia, at that time, they were told about the element of rare, scattered and still - as an element with oddities. Almost all this is true today. Only Tallium is not so rare - its contents in the earth's crust of 0.0003% - much more than, for example, gold, silver or mercury. Own minerals of this element are found - very rare minerals Loorend Tlass 2, Vrbayt TL (AS, SB) 3 S 5 and others. But no mineral deposit Thallium on Earth is not interested in industry. Get this element in the processing of various substances and ores - as a by-product. Tallium really turned out to be very scattered.

And oddities in its properties, as they say, even debt. On the one hand, tall lines are similar to alkaline metals. And at the same time, he looks like silver something, and something on lead and tin. Judge for yourself: like potassium and sodium, thallium usually exhibits valence 1+, monovalent toll toll hydroxide - a strong base, well soluble in water. Like alkali metals, thallium is capable of forming polyiodids, polysulfides, alcoholates ... But weak solubility in the water of chloride, bromide and monovalent thallia iodide relatives this element with silver. And in appearance, density, hardness, melting point - throughout the complex of physical properties - Tallium most resembles lead.

And at the same time, it occupies a place in the third group of the periodic system, in one subgroup with Gallium and India, and the properties of the elements of this subgroup are changed quite naturally.

In addition to valence 1+, thallium can also be natural for element III valence 34-. As a rule, the salt of trivalent thallium is more difficult to dissolve than similar salts of Tallina monovalent. The latter, by the way, have been studied better and have more practical importance.

But there are compounds that both the other thallium are also included. For example, they can react with each other and trivalent thallium halides. And then curious complex compounds arise, in particular TL 1+ -. In it, monovalent Thallium acts as a cation, and the trivalent is part of the complex anion.

Stressing the combination of various properties in this element, the French chemist Duma wrote: "It will not be an exaggeration, if from the point of view of the generally accepted classification of metals we will say that Tallium combines opposite properties that allow you to call it paradoxical metal." Next, Duma argues that among metals, contradictory tall lines occupies the same place as it takes on the waterproof among the animals. And at the same time Dumas (and he was one of the first researchers of element No. 81) believed that "Tallia was destined to make an era in the history of chemistry."

Tallium era has not yet done and will not do, probably. But he found practical application (although not immediately). For some industries and science, this element is truly important.

Toollium application

Tallium remained "unemployed" within 60 years after the opening of the Crox. But by the beginning of the 20s of our century, the specific properties of Tallium preparations were opened, and the demand for them immediately appeared.

In 1920, a patented poison against rodents was obtained in Germany, which included TL 2 SO 4 sulfate. This substance without taste and smell is sometimes part of the insecticides and zoocides and nowadays.

In the same 1920, the article of Case appeared in the magazine "Physical Review", which found that the electrical conductivity of one of the tall lip compounds (its oxysulfide) changes under the action of light. Soon the first photo cells were made, the working body of which was precisely this substance. They were particularly sensitive to infrared rays.

Other compounds of element No. 81, in particular mixed crystals of bromide and monovalent thallia iodide, are good in infrared rays. Such crystals were first obtained during the Second World War. They were grown in platinum triggers at 470 ° C and used in infrared alarm devices, as well as to detect the enemy snipers. Later, TLBR and TLI were used in scintillation counters to register alpha and beta radiation ...

It is well known that the tan on our skin appears mainly due to ultraviolet rays and that these rays have the same bactericidal action. However, as established, not all rays of the ultraviolet part of the spectrum are equally effective. Doctors release erythemal radiation, or erythene (from Latin Aeritema - "redness"), actions are genuine "rays of the tan". And, of course, materials capable of transforming primary ultraviolet radiation in the rays of eryetric action are very important for physiotherapy. Such materials were some silicates and phosphates of alkaline earth metals activated by Tallium.

Medicine uses other components of the element No. 81. They are used, in particular, to remove hair with a ring-free lisp - salts of thallium in the appropriate doses lead to temporary baldness. The fact that the difference between therapeutic and toxic doses of these salts is pleased with the wide use of thallium salts in medicine. The toxicity of the same thallium and its salts requires them to appeal carefully and carefully.

So far, telling about the practical benefits of Tallia, we concerned only its compounds. You can add that TL2CO3 toll carbonate is used to produce glass with a large refractive index of light rays. And what about the tall lies? It is also used, although, maybe not as wide as salts. Metallic thallium is part of some alloys, giving them acid resistance, strength, wear resistance. Most often, the thallium is introduced into alloys based on a leader's leader. Bearing alloy - 72% PB, 15% SB, 5% SN and 8% TL exceeds the best tin bearing alloys. Alloy 70% PB, 20% Sn and 10% TL resistant to the action of nitric and hydrochloric acids.

The alloy of Tallina with mercury is a somewhat mansion - Amalgam Tallia, containing approximately 8.5% of the No. 81 element. Under normal conditions, it is liquid and, in contrast to clean mercury, remains in a liquid state at temperatures up to -60 ° C. The alloy is used in liquid shutters, switches, thermometers operating in the conditions of the Far North, in experiments at low temperatures.

In the chemical industry, metal thallium, as well as some of its compounds, is used as a catalyst, in particular when the nitrobenzene is reduced by hydrogen.

Not left without work and radioisotopes Tallulia. Tallali 204 (half-life of 3,56 years) - pure beta emitter. It is used in control and measuring equipment designed to measure the thickness of coatings and thin-walled products. Similar installations with radioactive tallium remove static electricity charges from finished products in paper and textile industries.

We think that already given examples are quite enough to consider certainly proven the utility of element No. 81. And about the fact that Tallium will make an era in chemistry, we did not say - it's all dum. Not Alexander Duma, however, that in his fantasy would be quite explained), and Jean Baptiste Andre Duma is a named after a writer, quite a serious chemist.

But, we note that both the chemicals fantasy brings more benefits than harm ...

A little more stories

French chemist Lami opened thallium regardless of Crox. He discovered a green spectral line, exploring the sludges of another sulfuric acid plant. He was the first to receive a little elementary thallia, installed his metal nature and studied some properties. Circles ahead of Lami for just a few months.

About minerals Tallaria

In some rare minerals - Lord, Vrbay, Gutchinsonite, croke - the content of the element No. 81 is very large - from 16 to 80%. It is a pity that all these minerals are very rare. The last mineral of Tallliament, representing almost pure oxide of the trivalent thallium TL 2 O 3 (79.52% TL), was found in 1956 on the territory of the Uzbek SSR. This mineral called Avicenne - in honor of the sage, doctor and philosopher Avicenna, or more correctly Abu Ali Ibn Sina.

Wildlife Tallium

Tallium was found in plant and animal organisms. It is contained in tobacco, chicory roots, spinach, beech wood, in grapes, beets and other plants. From animals Most Talloli contain jellyfish, acti, starfish and other inhabitants of the seas. Some plants accumulate talliums in the course of life. Tallium was discovered in the beet, which grown on the soil, in which the most subtle analytical methods could not detect element No. 81. It was later established that even at a minimum concentration of thallium in the soil of beets, concentrate and accumulate it.

Not only from chimneys

The discoverer of Talloli found him in the volatile dust of the sulfuric acid plant. Now it seems natural that tallons essentially found in chimney - after all, at a temperature of melting temperatures, the connection of Tallliament becomes volatile. In dust, carried out into the chimney, they condense, as a rule, in the form of oxide and sulfate. Remove the thallium from the mixture (A, dust is a mixture of many substances) helps a good solubility of most compounds of monovalent toll. They are removed from dust acidified hot water. Increased solubility helps to successfully clean the tall lities from numerous impurities. After that, metal thallium is obtained. The method of obtaining metallic thallia depends on which its compound was the final product of the previous production stage. If carbonate, sulfate or perchlorate of thallium was obtained, then element number 81 is extracted by electrolysis; If chloride or oxalate was obtained, then resort to conventional recovery. The most technologically soluble tral lip sulfate TL 2 SO 4. It itself serves as an electrolyte, with the electrolysis of which spongate thallium is settled at cathodes from aluminum. This sponge is then pressed, melted and molded. It should be remembered that Talliums always get alongside: along the way, with lead, zinc, cadmium and some other elements. Such a lot of scattered ...

The lightest isotope thallium

Element No. 81 has two stable and 19 radioactive isotopes (with mass numbers from 189 to 210). The last in 1972 in the laboratory of nuclear problems of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna was obtained the lightest isotope of this element - Tallali-189. It was obtained by irradiating the target of lead difluoride accelerated protons with energy of 660 MeV, followed by the separation of nuclear reaction products on the mass separator. The half-life of the easiest isotope of Tallaria turned out to be about the same as the hardest, it is 1.4 ± 0.4 minutes (in 210 TL - 1.32 minutes).

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