Flowers on the site do it yourself. Beautiful design and decor of flower beds and flower beds at the cottage

Gardening 17.06.2019

Remember the legendary head of the controller from the Soviet bestseller "Diamond Hand"?

"Our yards are planned not for festivities, but for aesthetics."

I always remember this film firm when in the spring, proceed to the design of country beds. Also selflessly, as well as the colorful governor in the performance of non-Nona Mordyukov, each mistress guards his flower las from extraneous invasions. In the household sections, we break out flower beds for aesthetic pleasure to rejoice at each new bud, enjoy the aroma, watching bees on colorful "platforms".

And do you know that competent design Clumbus is an important component of art. landscape design? A flower garden can be not just a picturesque corner of your cottage, but also a link between buildings and planted areas. With the help of flower beds, you can visually combine the garden and the house into a single harmonious picture, which will create the atmosphere of comfort. Perhaps it will be too good to say that floral compositions - best decoration cottages in the summer.

We use words "Flowerba" and "Flower Garden" as equivalent, but for very picky readers I will say that it is a little different concepts. The essence does not change, but summer beds usually have a proper geometric shape - rectangular or oval. Other options are also possible, but strict geometry is always observed.

But the flower garden design can be completely any configuration, even bizarre forms. In the form of an animal silhouette, be some kind of ornament. It can be issued in a free style, this is a kind of spontaneous flower bed, for which no design laws are not important. Only fantasy, only a bright palette of paints.

Design of flower and their varieties

Before breaking the flower beds in the country, you need to thoroughly think about how they fit into general design plot will match style decision. There are many varieties of flower beds, and every kind is interesting in its own way. For example, a floral border is called a narrow flower garden or a number of plants lined along the track. Here it is best to look at low colors that form compact bushes.

Rectangular flower garden called rabatka. On it you can land plants of the same height or create a multi-tier effect. And it looks very beautiful little pond Inside the Rabatka. Highly original solution For spacious sites.

Highly fashion trend In such a question, like a landscape design of flower beds in front of the house, - mixborror. Behind this complex name is hidden by becoming a free configuration flower bed for domestic latitude. Designers actively use this option for decoring country houses.

Here you can combine colors and styles. But there are some rules. First, the mixture must be in a state of constant flowering. Let it be alternately blooming flowers, but such a flowerba should not be empty. Experts recommend using at least two dozen plants species and group them in height and acts of active flowering.

Novice gardes that only try to create original flower beds, like this kind of like flowerbed monochlochk. From the name it is clear that the plants of one species grow here. Despite the simplicity of design, such a flower bed looks just gorgeous. Such an impressive-bright picture, from which just eye do not take.

By the way, as an option of a monochloride I can advise the mini-rosary. Only please do not get carried away by the abundance of varieties. One, the maximum of two colors of roses will be enough. And you can plant the average perennials that form lush colorful bushes. Look, as bright, stylish, unusual.

Very popular today Vertical flower beds. This is already, so to speak, the highest pilot of the house design. Want to stretch? Try to build a pyramid of several flower Gorshkov Different diameter. In each of them, throw various flowers. But they should be approximately the same height and with visually similar petals - for example, begonia and petunia.

And this option is already for more experienced gardeners. Some skills will be required here. With the help of a chain grid and a decorative stone, you can create beautiful floral flower beds that resemble a mountain serpentine. Alpine forget-me-not, Viola, I will look at this flower garden especially romantic. If you want to add an exotic note, put a squat hameroops or a dragon on the top of this design.

Say real woman From nothing can create a scandal, a hat and a salad. A gardener-amateur from nothing can create beauty. IN this case We are talking about flowerbed. Absolutely all infringement materials are suitable for the flow of the flower garden. To realize beautiful ideas Curves for cottages, no significant investment will be required. As borders for flower beds, our "crazy" dackets use:

  • old tires from the car;
  • spike trees;
  • brick;
  • a natural stone;
  • unnecessary kitchen and economic utensils;
  • broken furniture.

I really like the idea with machine tires. Round flowerbeds made of tires in the country look perfectly. But only you need to show fantasy. If you just fall out the flowers in the tire, it will be somewhat dumb. For example, as here.

Spend a little time and make something like a tire flower pot on the stand. A completely different look! Elegant and original. It remains only to paint the tire in some bright color - And ready, we have a great flower bed for giving.

If you have a brick or stone masonry skills, it will not be difficult for you to build beautiful flower beds with your own hands on your favorite site. Of course, these are quite costly materials, but you can use what remains of the construction site. Just a few rows - and your flower bed looks truly effectively.

Dear readers, I hope you caught main thoughtI wanted to convey you. You can create a real landscape fairy tale in the country with your own hands. To find out how to make a flowerbed correctly, it is not necessary to seek help professional designer. Give the will of fantasy - and create. Dream, try, get experience.

Photo selection of flower beds

Need ideas for inspiration? See the most diverse ideas for the design of flower beds in this photo selection.

When all large-scale work on the site is over - the house has been erected, built, trees are planted, the tracks are laid, and the sites are packed, it is time to think about the design of the flower bed at the cottage to give their own country possession. Caught, the cozy phasenda is unthinkable without beautiful flower bedscreating mood and joyful feeling country Life.

Varieties of dacha flowes

Flowerbed - common name All flower or decorative plantings, fenced either with a clear form.

  • Varieties of flower: free (landscape), regular (strict shapes, symmetrically made), from seventeels, perennials, including decorative trees, shrubs, varied.
  • Mixboro - Klumba elongated form Along the tracks, enclosing structures, where the plants are selected in height from smaller to higher, and in terms of flowering, so as to look absolutely most of the vegetative period.
  • Parter is an extensive flower garden of a strict shape (square, rectangle), which occupies a central place in the garden, where the plants are planted with contrast patterns.
  • Rabatka - a strip, bordered tracks, where relatively low flowering plants Create a clearly pronounced ornament.
  • - implies the planning of flower beds from the wicket to input group Houses, with the presence of solitizers (single plants attracting attention) to create a beautiful appearance of a cottage viewing from access roads.

Selecting the plants for the flowering plants, take into account the duration of flowering so that some flowers replaced others, and the flower bed was not empty. Consider that each species of plants have their own "early birds" and "owls", i.e. varieties that bloom later with a difference of 2-3 weeks.

An important point when breaking the flower beds, which must be taken into account is the possibilities of her ferris. Some flower beds suggest a circular view, i.e. They are equally spectacular with several species points. Flat view flower beds look better with elevations, interesting for use and terraces. Vertically and horizontally oriented flower beds emphasize the necessary dominants, visually expand the space or add a cottage corner of the chamber.

Where to begin

Thinking to create on your household plot decorative corner - Flower bed, you need to perform several consecutive operations:

  • To type illustrative material (magazines with flower beds, Landscape design sites, gardening forums can be used in this.
  • Decide with desires and opportunities (which plants like that surviving in a particular climate, what are the material resources allocated for the purchase planting material).

Reduced financial expenses will help his own cultivation need quantity Copies from seeds. This process takes more time, but does not hit the family wallet, especially if the Clombry Square is large, and the number of plants is selected to hundred or more.

  • Break flowerbed, think over its fence (stone, tree, concrete, plastic, earthquake, separating flower bed from the lawn).
  • Prepare land for landing (add the necessary components of the soil, make the required fertilizers).
  • Create a scheme (own sketch), taking into account the size (height and width) of plants.
  • To decide how the flower bed will be located - on the grow out or so that she looked at the first day. Calculate plant disembarkation density.
  • Plant in the area of \u200b\u200bpots with plants to check the correctness and harmony of their placement not on paper, but visually.
  • Put the landing, watering. To climb the open areas of the earth between plants, leaving pure land by 10-15 cm from the stems (svolics).
  • Support plant survival (providing the necessary watering, shading, if it is very hot weather).
  • Enjoy the result and start building new plans.

What plants choose

To the flower garden fascinated and pleased the family for a long time (for example, Peonies and Clematis are growing in one place for several decades), select only climate sustainable, unpretentious plants. Having landed extremely liked, but demanding of care and shelters, poorly carrying Russian winters of copies, you will carefully care for them.

However, after 3-5 years, removing dead bushes in the spring in the spring, you will realize that there is no more forces to care for whims. At this point, you will make a decision to replace all the "Yuzhanok" zoned decorative plants. So why don't you pay attention to those flowers that feel good in your climate?

Primary selection for flower bed leaf, varieties and species sustainable climatic conditions Region, has many advantages:

  • Lightweight care (not required to build serious winter shelters).
  • Preservation of own nervous system (no experiences for poorly covered or not on time open plants, fear of spontaneous, woven, damage by crumbs or mice, loving to host in winter under the shelters).
  • Smaller financial expenses (There are no expenses for the purchase of new plants for replacement).
  • Labor costs reduced (there is no annual digging of the "dead" copies and landing in their place new).
  • More accurate appearance flower beds in the winter (smooth snow spaces with shrubs covered with and snow caps, look much more presentable than wooden boxes or arc designs throughout the plot).

Each enthusiastic dacket that senses himself landscape designer Separately taken plot, vacation is necessary. Without time, on admoniming their own achievements will not be pleasure from the task and country life as a whole. Therefore, disembark more unpretentious plants, they will allow you to enjoy the surrounding beauty.

Fashion trends and non-standard solutions

Modern landscape design offers a large variety of flower bed compositions country plot. The main direction is "harmony in simplicity." It can be implemented in several ways.

View of registrationDecision
Monochromicity (use of a single color gamut)Greens of different shades: silver-green, blue-green, dark green, lemon green
Green and White: Hydrangea Tree, Deren, Astilba, White Peonies, Introducts with White Flowers, Yascolt, Host With Spotted Leaves, Spiray Wangutta, Chubudnik
Green Pink: Peonies, Roses, Clematis, Astilbs, Geihans, Chrysanthemums, Badan
Red: Red Color Maples, Decorative Barberries, Geihans
Monoformity (selection of plants of uniform plants)Connection in one flowerbed plants with a round crown: spire, spires, row, roses, roses on a strain, rounded shapes of grassy plants (sisaya oatmeal)
Contrast (Selection of plants with saturated tones flowers)Blue-yellow (dolphinium, irises, violi, suitable varieties Vitytsev, Nastures, Yellow Lilyniki)
Blue-pink (roses and framing by Lavender, Verbena, Mattiolet Curry)

Also an interesting technique is to create vertical flower beds. Strengthening the floral containers on the walls of the buildings and the landing in them bright textiles will make it possible to decorate boring corners of the garden, and the creation of columns with the entire height of petunia will add originality and saturated fragrance, turning a smooth area into a luxurious volumetric flower garden. Lined near the old tree Clematis (you can use a species like more resistant to unfavorable conditions) Slides the trunk of the flower wave, pleaseing the dachanik with incessant blossoms over 3 months.

Decorative design of flower in the country area

Landscape design rules allow you to decorate flower beds with a variety of decorations. Almost any of them, putting some efforts, it is possible to make it yourself. Especially appropriate is a similar course in the device of the central flower, where decorative element It is overlooked from all sides, as well as "secret corners" for relaxation hidden from a direct view and full intimate charm.

As a basis, around which the composition of the flower bed is formed, often use:

  • mosaic balls, drinkers for birds, sundial;
  • wooden squigs, carts, logs, stumps, wheels;
  • sculptures;
  • mirrors;
  • trelliers, arches, curly structures;
  • plants with a dense crown committed in the form of various figures (art of topiary).

Each of these elements solorates in flowerbed. Plants of different dimensions create a common background, and some copies (for example, pleet roses) often perform with duet scenery.

In addition to central elements, a big role in decorative decoration Clombry play:

  • fences;
  • lamps on solar panels;
  • mulching with colored chips, different shades of gravel.

In the latter case, the alternation of multi-colored wave-like strips is able to emphasize the interesting form of flower or winning a bright plant.

The combination of beautiful and useful

Recently, in landscape design, fashionable began to use instead of flower beds in regular style. Placing artistically broken vegetable garden near the house allows you to enjoy beautiful view, concentrated smells of spicy herbs and save time (everything you need for salad is nearby).

In the original (French royal garden), the framing of the beds was made of the short-range ssysta. In our climate, this plant requires shelter for the winter, but even it does not guarantee survival. And his "deputy" - Tribusy will require a lot of time on the haircut to support the border in perfect form.

Therefore, when breaking the flower bed " decorative garden"It is better to restrict ourselves to the creation of raised beds from a bar, thick treated boards with a platband over the upper perimeter, or lay walls from the slab stone.

Having laid an earthen composition inside the beds, it will remain only with even rows or geometric patterns garden plants. The contrast pattern can be obtained by setting up different grades of salad (green, red, lemon colors), purple and green basil, varieties of decorative cabbage (it can be eaten), breaking the space on the cells, using a line of radish or dill as a boundary.

Each owner country house Wishes to relax in nature not only physically, but also morally. Therefore, many amateur gardeners wish to make a bright corner on the homestead. To do this, you need to know how to arrange a beautiful flowerub.

Before proceeding, it is necessary to take into account the basic rules correct will allow to make a flower garden that most meets all the requirements and dreams of the owner. Moreover, proper design It helps to feel the plants and understand their special needs. Thus, anyone can join the world of floristics.

First stage

How to arrange a beautiful flower bed? Start the creation of a flower arrangement is necessary from the layout and the right location Different plant species on flowerbed. After all, plants should not only be combined with each other and create a harmonious overall pictureBut not to interfere with each other. Lovers of gardeners who have never engaged in the design of the flower, you can use photos from magazines that are suitable for architectural buildings of the household site.

First of all, it is necessary to correctly choose the types of plants. This should take into account many factors:

  • climate and microclimate of this region;
  • features of lighting;
  • soil features;
  • watering features.

Platology features

Necessary special attention refer to the microclimate territory in which is located vacation home. It is known that some show special sensitivity to spring frosts. Therefore, it can negatively affect their viability. Other types may die during winter periodEven if they are insulated.

If you are really interested in how beautiful to arrange the flower beds with flowers, then you need to pay special attention to the coverage of the territory. On some plants adversely affect the impact of direct sun rayFrom which they get burns. Other types of plants cannot without the influence of direct sunlight laying generative kidneys. This leads to the fact that the flower does not bloom.

The beauty of future flower beds also depends on the composition and acidity of the soil. For example, plants calcophilas love the soil containing the pH above 7. Such plants can not normally grow on acidic types of soil, and vice versa, Rosyanka, Pushiza, Rhododendron and heather do not take alkaline soils.

Watering also has great importance. Regular watering is very important for plants that have large and non-fleshy leaves. Such species of plants on the leaves are a large surface of evaporation, so there is a large loss of moisture.

Therefore, if you seriously decided to learn how to arrange a beautiful flowerbed, then you need to carefully learn not only your homeland territory, but also various types of plants.

Types of flower

Many gardeners prefer to make a flowerbed on their own. Therefore, it is necessary to know some rules that will prompt how beautiful is very important to combine not only the shades of flowers of plants, but also their flowering time. It should be remembered that the color gamut should not be causing. The general background should be pleasant.

All flowerbeds can be divided into:

  • irregular;
  • regular.

Regular have a strict geometric view and combination different species Plants. Planting vegetation in such type of flower beds have clear boundaries. Blossom starts at one time.

Irregular flower bed is floral compositions that were planted with small groups. This method of registration has a special advantage, because as soon as one type of plants flows, others begin to bloom.

Features of round flower beds

There are many options for planting flowers in flowerbed. How to arrange a beautiful flowerub of any form, which would always please the look of all the inhabitants and guests at home? First of all, it is necessary to determine the location of the flower beds. No need to equip the flowerbed in the shade or in the corner, because it has a bright and attractive look. You should also pay attention to the size of the flower beds and the household plot. At the big lawn, the flower beds look unattractive little size. Also ridiculous will look at little plot Big flower garden. But in this case, several flower beds can be equipped. different sizes. So, your site will look bright and dynamically.

If you are really interested in how beautiful to arrange the flower bed, you should consider the size of the plants. The flowerbed should be twice the length of the highest plant on the flower bed. Pay attention to the most high type Vegetation. To avoid errors, you should pre-draw a scheme of future flower beds. There are many options for the design of the flower. You can build a chain of several circles.

When choosing a place for flowerbeds, it should be remembered that the soil should be fertile. Its thickness must be more than 50 cm. It is necessary to carefully clean from the stones and weeds. After that, it is necessary to switch the soil and align it with robbles. Remember that the flower garden must be a convex form. The edges should be lifted by 20 cm above the level of the ground surface.

Picture integrity

You should bring every element of the landscape to the perfect species. You will not achieve the desired result if you are pointless to disseminate plants in the area. Therefore, if you do not have the ability to lake the entire territory, only a certain part should be made. This is the main rule that needs to be guided to determine how to issue a beautifully flowerbed at the cottage (and not only). On such a flower, you can combine mixed plantingwhere annual and perennial decorative and beautiful plants will be used.

Flower location

All plants must be placed on growth. This principle of multi-tie attracts the location in the lower yarus of soil and low-level plants. They act as the framing of beautifully mixed average plants. Soloists in this orchestra are the average plants. They are the center of attention. Very spectacular against the background of tall plants, solvents look. Their foliage has a decorative shape, and the flowers are always characterized by contrasting shades.

As an example, how beautifully to arrange the flower beds with flowers, you can consider a combination and tall perennials with average-hearted plants that are combined with each other in color and shape. The ideal option in this case is soils. They quickly fill empty places on the flower bed.

Architecture Flowerby

If you are really interested in how you can make fun of the flower beds, you need to take into account all the features landscape plot and its size. Flowerbeds can be made both as flat, raised and trimmed decorative stone or brick compositions.

For the design of the flower in the corners can be used various formswhich do not have pronounced borders. In order for the flower to become unique, you can use various unnecessary items from everybody: barrels, beds, baskets and even old cars.

Features of the selection of flowers in height

It seems that everything is already known and you can start creating a small masterpiece on your household plot. But do not rush. It should still be known something about how beautiful to mark the flowerbed near the house. To do this, choose the right plants in height.

If the flower bed is represented only on the one hand (for example, in front of the wall of the house, the fence, etc.), then the highest plants should be located behind, and low on the front background.

If the flowerbed is in the middle of the lawn, then the highest flowers must be located in the center.

All tall plants characterize the flow of flower beds. They are used both by small groups and each view separately.

Remember that next to tall plants, it is also necessary to plant and average perennials, which are perfectly harmonized with their neighbors in shape and color. For example, bright red gelation flowers are perfectly combined with blue sage candles.

Selecting the plants for a combination, make sure that repeated groups in the composition or having other combinations occur.

If on the flower bed open places, they can be closed using the optimal distance between the plants, for several years they can cover the flower leaf with a dense carpet.

Now everyone who wants knows how beautiful to arrange you can create a unique atmosphere in my garden. It will be nice to relax at any time.

In this article we will offer you ideas that allow you to very originally decorate our pricework or cottage. Most of We offer ideas do not require almost no investments, only skilled hands, a little fantasy and desire to turn your garden and courtyard into a charming corner.

Merry ladybug from ordinary shovel will accurately cause admiration for the guests of your site.

The artist's palette, where instead of paints - live flowers. You can cut such a design from ordinary plywood, and in the holes just insert the pots with the colors of different shade. The win-win version will agree!

It is immediately clear that the owners of this land plot are seriously suitable for its design and breeding of vegetables. Everything is chinno, neat, but at the same time bright and beautiful.

Plastic pots simply driven into a metal rod. The design looks very unusual.

To create such an unusual flower beds, it took only an old kettle.

Flowerbed-focus in a real bowler suspended on the chain.

One more old-new idea. Transformation of hemp into the amanita with a metal bowl - an old idea, but add old shoes, a red nose and expressive eyes - original option. And complement this composition bright strawberry and ladybugs, just scattered on the grass.

Stone - whether it is natural boulders or an artificial option - can be used in creating a variety of different, including such a flower basket.

It is immediately clear that the owner of this householdery has the talent of the artist! In such barrels, you can store rainwater for watering, arrange a floweruba or simply turn into a bright element of landscape design.

Do not rush to throw out the old bath! It can turn into such a charming artificial pond, and without any effort and costs.

And this old bath I became a real fountain thanks for another old and already unnecessary thing - served his pipe.

If your site protects high fence from prying views, you can decorate it from the inside with this simple option Vertical landscaping. All that is needed: plastic bottles From under mineral water or lemonade with carved holes, reliable rope or fishing line, soil, as well as plant seedlings or seeds.

Another very popular garden decoration option is all kinds of cars, carts, carts that turn into flower beds and become a highlight of landscape design.

Old plates that you no longer use in the kitchen can become an unusual fence for flower beds.

"Box with pencils" as a fence for the site. Who will say it's boring and ugly?

In Europe, these old chairs that have become coasters for flowers can be bought in special markets and sales. But you can make such original flower beds with your own hands, without spending a penny!

At first glance - chaotic assembly of things. And in fact, a well-thought-out landscape composition.

Visual illustration for the manual " new life old things. " This is how ordinary washbasin became an elegant fountain.

A teapot with a blank nailed, shcherbaty or cracked cups can be comfortable colors. Banal such a flower do not call such a flower.

In general, the garden decoration is a question of the fantasy of the owners and their desire to make certain efforts. We hope that our ideas will become an incentive for your actions and will help make a household plot more original and bright.

The best decoration of the cottage or garden is fragrant and blooming all summer flower beds. Competently placed and perfectly decorated flower arrangements will decorate and delated your cottage.

How to make a flowerub with your own hands, let's tell later in this article.

Preparation for the work and rules for the design of flower beds

First choose the place suitable for the design of flower beds. Decide which flowers you would like to see, and what form to betray the flower bed.

To the flower bed to organically fit into the landscape of your site, consider such factors as: the size and form of land tenure, the location of buildings, the illumination of the future flower beds. The flower bed can be different, it all depends on your preferences.

Flowers along the tracks and fences are better made extended.

Similar flower beds continuous blossom Place near the garden house.

Multi-tiered flower beds S. curving plants Ideal to place along fences, walls and around country gazebo, Busines will create a shadow and coolness, ideal for recreation.

If there is a pond on your site, be sure to place it flower compositions. Open loose areas can be decorated with closed, fantasy flower beds with the colors of one variety.

Creation of flower beds and flower beds with their own hands, make up plans for future plans. Carrying their ideas on paper and thoroughly thinking the color and stylistic solutionYou will be easier to implement your ideas.

In the multi-tiered flower beds, the plants are combined in height and planted as follows: Solid (portulak, stone), low-spirited (nasturtium, petunia), average (geranium, chamomile), high (ferns, decorative trees).

Consider the flowering time - the best of options is constantly blooming flower bed.

Original design of flower beds

Making the flower beds at your own hands, consider fencing for flower plantings. The fences will bring additional decor and complement the flower composition.

The fence can serve various subjects, such as stones, tile, brick and other faded materials.

Fencing from stones

If bricks remained on your site after the construction of the house, use them in a flower bed decor. Making flowerbed from bricks or stone, you will need cement mortar And the skills of brick laying.

Enough will put two rows of fence and beautiful flowerbed Ready. Very original will be the design of wild stones, it is a slate, granite, cobblestones of different shapes.

Compositions of tires and bottles

Creating flower beds from unusual things, such as old tires and plastic bottles, has become extremely popular. Applying a creative approach from these items, you can make luxurious compositions.

In the photo of the flower, you can see the use of bottles. Before instilling the bottle, fill the earth to avoid deformation.


Tire beds will serve you not one year. From the old wheels of different diameters, you can create multi-tiered compositions. Optionally, the tires can be painted with bright colors.

Wheels suspend the same as a cachep, ideal for such a flower beds there will be plants with falling stems.

Furniture and technique in the design of a flower object

Application of interior items in garden Deter It is becoming more fashionable. There are chairs, buffets, trummers, iron beds, baths, washbasins and even toilet bowls.

For example, outer surface Baths can be painted or lay out mosaic, fill the ground and place near the reservoir. To put petunia or violet in the dresser with open drawers.

Wooden items for more durable use is better covered with moisture-resistant means.


A flower bed can be an old bike, and even a small car. You will need paint and a little fantasy, to turn your cottage or garden to something extraordinary. Photo of the design of the bedside will help you with this.

Selection of flowers

Selecting the flowers for future compositions, consider not only the color, but also the duration of flowering, height of the bush, the possibility of neighborhood, the requirements for watering and sunlight.

Carefully choosing the plants and putting the soul into the design of your country area, you can implement our most brave ideas into reality.

Photo of flower do it yourself


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