Characteristics of Princess Trubetskoy from the poem "Russian Women" by N. Nekrasov

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In his work, Nekrasov does not shy away from using a rich picture of images in his works, the largest of which belongs to the disclosure of female images. He observes the female characters, studies them, trying not to be limited to any class and level, especially the nobility. The creative situation in Nekrasov's works is created with the help of the finest intuition and the author's unique poetic imagination, which penetrate the very soul of a peasant woman, a Decembrist's wife, and even a fallen woman. Nekrasov very sensitively experiences cases of injustice that fall to the lot of the then Russian woman, and it does not matter what place she occupies in society: the highest, or she is subordinate, or does not have it at all. Nekrasov is well aware of the truth that if a simple woman from the people suffers from overwork, then a noble lady also does not have any freedoms, she is obliged to follow the written and unwritten laws established in her circle.

The heroines of Nekrasov are selfless, strong women who are capable of self-sacrifice for the sake of those they love.

Princess Trubetskaya is the brightest female image Nekrasov. Princess Trubetskaya in the work is an example of nobility, steadfastness and self-denial. Accustomed to secular splendor, luxury and prosperity, she renounces all these blessings in order to follow her Decembrist husband, exiled to Siberia. The deceitful, stupid high society has become for her a “masquerade”, a “impudent triumph of rubbish”, where hypocrisy reigns, and the men in it are a bunch of “Judes”. Trubetskaya despises men from secular society, whose vanity and pride did not allow them to share the fate of the Decembrists, to sacrifice their benefits for the sake of freedom, justice and happiness.

Princess Trubetskaya exchanges the vanity of the secular world "for the feat of selfless love." She, just like her husband, wants to suffer for freedom and for the fate of the Russian people, who moan like barge haulers on the banks of the Volga.

Princess Trubetskaya is doomed to injustice, her fate is unhappy, predetermined by the society in which she lives. Nekrasov prescribes a miserable, miserable existence for her. And neither beauty nor a strong, cheerful disposition will help her change her heavy female lot.

Already at the beginning of the work, Trubetskaya says goodbye to her father. She is not happy about parting, but she cannot give up her duty - to be close to her husband. She has already made up her mind and is ready for all the difficulties that she will face. In Irkutsk, she is met by the governor, who also tries to dissuade her. He uses all the tricks and opportunities that he owns, but Trubetskaya is adamant. First, the governor tries to dissuade the princess from the trip through family feelings, he claims that her departure simply killed her father. But Trubetskaya says that she loves her father, but the duty of marriage for her is “higher and holy.” The governor tries to scare a woman with terrible for life Siberian conditions, and that if she loses heart in such conditions, this will further weaken and upset her husband. But Trubetskaya replies "... I will not bring tears." The governor is trying to draw a vivid parallel between the cheerful secular life and the dark, unattractive prison. But Trubetskaya replies that she has no place in such a society without her husband. And even life with other convicts without a title and proper relations does not frighten Trubetskaya. The governor is struck by the inflexibility, fearlessness, determination of the woman, and surrenders, giving the order to harness the horses.

The image of Princess Trubetskoy sings of the wonderful features of Russian women, their great willpower, devotion, pride and self-esteem.

See also:

  • The image of Princess Volkonskaya in Nekrasov's poem "Russian Women"
  • "Russian Women", a summary of the chapters of Nekrasov's poem
  • "Russian Women" - an essay based on the poem by Nekrasov
  • “Stuffy! Without happiness and will…”, analysis of Nekrasov’s poem

In the poem, N. A. Nekrasov tells about the difficult journey of Princess Trubetskoy to Siberia and her heroic opposition to the Irkutsk governor.

The story is told in 3rd person. Thus, the main task of the author is not only to tell about the events, but also to assess the actions of the heroine, her female feat.

The poem begins with the scene of farewell to the father:

The count himself corrected the pillows,

I made a bear cavity at my feet,

Making a prayer, scapular

Hung in the right corner

And - sobbed ... Princess-daughter ...

Goes somewhere tonight...

Nekrasov emphasizes how father and daughter love each other. But, having married, having given a vow of fidelity before God to be with her husband both in sorrow and in joy, Trubetskaya makes a decision:

Oh, God knows! ... But the duty is different,

And higher and harder

Calling me... Forgive me, my dear!

Do not cry in vain!

Far is my way, hard is my way,

My fate is terrible

But I dressed my chest with steel ...

Be proud - I'm your daughter!

Thus, from the first lines of the poem, Nekrasov highlights in the character of the heroine such features as courage, determination, fortitude.

Catherine says goodbye to the past, to the cheerful and rich life of an aristocrat. Says goodbye to his native Petersburg, to his stepfather's house:

Happy my youth

Passed within your walls

I loved your balls

Catania with steep mountains,

I loved the splash of your Neva

In the evening silence

And this square in front of her

With a hero on horseback...

We see that Catherine from childhood was very cheerful.

In the memories of the youth of the heroine, the following lines may be incomprehensible:

And you be damned, gloomy house,

Where is the first quadrille

I danced... That hand

So far it's burning my hand...

Rejoice. . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .?

Whose hand are you talking about? Who is the heroine cursing?

Ekaterina Trubetskaya recalls her first ball, where she danced her very first dance with Grand Duke Nikolai Pavlovich, the future Emperor Nicholas I, who began his reign with the massacre of the Decembrists. In the poem, he acts as an executioner.

Rice. 4. Russian Emperor Nicholas I (1796-1855) (Source)

childhood memories

Wealth, shine! high house

On the banks of the Neva

Staircase upholstered with carpet

Lions in front of the entrance

The magnificent hall is elegantly decorated,

The lights are all on fire.

O joy! now a children's ball,

Chu! the music is booming!

Memories of meeting my husband and happy life with him

Another time, another ball

She dreams: in front of her

A handsome young man is standing

He whispers something to her...

Then again balls, balls ...

She is their mistress

They have dignitaries, ambassadors,

They have all the fashionable light ...

Memories of a trip with her husband to Italy

And so she left

With your chosen one.

Before her is a wonderful country,

Before her is eternal Rome...

But the princess feels happy only in a dream. Upon awakening reality strikes her with tragedy and bitterness:

Chu, heard ahead

Sad ringing - shackled ringing!

Hey coachman, wait!

Then the exiled party is coming,

Painful chest,

The princess gives them money,

Thanks, have a good trip!

She long, long their faces

Dreaming later,

And do not drive away her thoughts,

Don't forget sleep!

Here, to the qualities of the main character, we, of course, must add such features as mercy, kindness.

Thus, the story about the heroine is built on the antithesis: the opposition have a great sleep and terrible reality.

A long way, a lot of time for memories. The princess recalls the tragic day of the uprising and its terrible consequences, recalls how she came to the casemate to meet her husband. It is known that Trubetskaya knew about the impending uprising. In the poem, she is shown by Nekrasov as not just a loving and faithful wife. This person is independent, thinking, analyzing. Returning from a trip to Italy, Trubetskaya compares this beautiful, free country with a miserable and unhappy Russia:

In front of her are a number of paintings.

Downtrodden, driven country:

Severe lord

And a miserable worker-man

With a bowed head...

As the first to rule,

How slaves the second!

Catherine turns to her husband with a question:

Tell me, is the whole region like this?

There is no shade contentment? ..

You are in the kingdom of beggars and slaves! -

The short answer was...

Here we must add the following features to the characterization of the heroine: independence; observation; inquisitive mind; love of freedom.

Nekrasov emphasizes that Trubetskaya shares her husband's views. Her decision to follow him is dictated not only by love, but also by a bold civic position. So the climax of the poem was the episode "Trubetskoy's meeting with the Irkutsk governor."

The princess overcame almost five thousand miles and suddenly runs into an obstacle: the Irkutsk governor does not allow her to go further. The forces are unequal. On the one hand - Princess Trubetskaya, a young, fragile, defenseless woman. On the other hand, the Irkutsk governor, representative state powerPrincess, here I am the king”), wise by life and service experience, already a middle-aged man.

And Princess Trubetskaya wins this duel. This brave, young, defenseless, powerless woman. How much determination she has! What courage! What a character!

Not! I'm not a pitiful slave

I am a woman, wife!

Let my fate be bitter

I will be faithful to her!

Oh if he forgot me

For women different,

I would have enough strength in my soul

Don't be his slave!

But I know: love for the motherland

my rival,

And if it were necessary, again

I would forgive him!

Carefully reading the poem, the reader understands what is the weakness of the Irkutsk governor. He tries to return Trubetskaya, following the order of the tsar, intimidates her with terrible trials, but in his heart he sympathizes with her and admires her courage:

How I tormented you... My God!...

(From under the arm of a gray-haired mustache

A tear rolled down.)

Sorry! yes, I tormented you,

But he himself suffered

But I had a strict order

Barriers to put up for you!

It is this moment that explains why the authorities were so opposed to the decision of the wives of the Decembrists. It meant the moral support of the prisoners, aroused sympathy among many. The authorities in the person of Tsar Nicholas I did not want anyone to sympathize with the Decembrists.

Nekrasov admires his heroine, her willpower, self-esteem and fearlessness.

In the poem, Trubetskaya was detained in Irkutsk for only 2 weeks. In fact, she stayed there for 5 months. It was here that the second Decembrist, M.N. Volkonskaya, to whom the second part of the poem "Russian Women" is dedicated.

1) The history of the creation of the poem by N.A. Nekrasov "Russian women".

In the 70s of the XIX century, another social upsurge is planned in Russia. Many Russian writers and poets respond to this social movement and write their literary works, in the center of which social problems. So, N.A. Nekrasov addresses the topic of the exploits of the wives of the Decembrists, who followed their husbands to Siberia and thereby lost their social and financial situation in society. In 1872-1873 two parts of N.A. Nekrasov "Russian Women" ("Princess Trubetskaya" and "Princess M.N. Volkonskaya"). In this poem, N.A. Nekrasov sings of a woman from a noble circle.

2) Features of the genre. The work of N.A. Nekrasov "Russian Women" belongs to the genre of the poem. poem - big shape lyroepic poetry; a large piece of poetry with a narrative or lyrical plot based on a combination of narrative characteristics actors, events and their disclosure through the perception and evaluation of the lyrical hero, the narrator.

3) Features of the plot of the 1st part of the poem by N.A. Nekrasov "Russian Women" (Princess Trubetskaya).

How does this part of the poem begin? (from a description of "a marvelously well-coordinated cart" and the experiences of the count-father sending his daughter to Siberia)

How does Princess Trubetskaya explain her departure? (“But the duty is different, and higher and more difficult, calls me ...”)

What does the daughter ask of her father? (blessings on a long journey) What feeling does the father, in the opinion of Princess Trubetskoy, should cause the act of his daughter? (sense of pride)

4) Features of the narrative in the poem. The main part of the 1st part of the poem (Princess Trubetskoy) is built in the form of a dialogue between Princess Trubetskoy and the governor, who is trying to persuade the princess to return home.

How long did Princess Trubetskaya spend on the road before meeting with the governor? (almost two months)

How on. Nekrasov shows that the path of the princess is really very difficult? (The poet uses a juxtaposition technique: the princess’s companion was so tired that he fell seriously ill, and Princess Trubetskaya continued on her way alone.)

Why did the governor personally meet the princess? (The governor received a paper with a request to return the princess back home by any means.)

What arguments does the governor give, saying that the princess should immediately return home? (The governor gives many arguments: both the fact that the departure of his daughter killed the count-father; and the fact that where she is going is “eight months of winter”; and the fact that hard labor is a terrible life, etc.)

Why does Princess Trubetskaya refuse all the governor's arguments? (“But the duty is different, and higher and holy, calls me ...”)

Who is morally more steadfast in this dialogue? (princess)

Why do you think N.A. Nekrasov chooses the form of dialogue for his poem? (explained better through dialogue) inner world characters, their experiences, feelings)

What is the ending of this part of the poem? (The governor is aware of the moral superiority of Princess Trubetskoy and promises to take her to the place in three days, even if he is removed from his post for this.)

5) The theme of Nekrasov's poem. The poem "Russian Women" N.A. Nekrasov - about the courageous and noble feat of the wives of the first Russian revolutionaries-Decembrists, who, despite all the difficulties and hardships, followed their husbands into exile, to distant Siberia, to the harsh uninhabited places of their imprisonment. They renounced wealth, the comforts of habitual life, all civil rights and doomed themselves to the plight of exiles, to painful and painful living conditions. In these trials, the strength of their characters, determination and courage were manifested. The best spiritual qualities - willpower, the ability to love, fidelity - these are the qualities inherent in the heroines of N.A. Nekrasov "Russian women". The entire Nekrasov poem "Russian Women" consists of two parts: the first is dedicated to Princess Trubetskoy, and the second to Princess Volkonskaya.

6) Characteristics of the heroes of the poem.

The image of Princess Trubetskoy.

Princess E.I. Trubetskaya is one of the wives of the Decembrists who followed their husbands. Nekrasov shows Princess Trubetskaya as if from the outside, draws the external difficulties that she encountered on her way. No wonder the central place in this part is occupied by the scene with the governor, frightening the princess with the hardships awaiting her:

Sharp hard breadcrumbs
And life locked up
Shame, horror, labor
Step by step...

All the governor's arguments about the hardships of life in Siberia become shallow and lose their force before the courage of the heroine, her ardent readiness to be true to her duty. Serving a higher goal, fulfilling a holy duty for it is above all purely personal:

But I know: love for the motherland
My rival...

The replacement of the original name "Decembrists" with "Russian Women" emphasized that heroism, fortitude, moral beauty inherent in Russian women from time immemorial. Nekrasov showed that the image of the "stately Slav" does not belong to one social stratum. This type of women is universal, it can be found both in a peasant hut and in a high society living room, since its main component is spiritual beauty. Princess Trubetskaya in Nekrasov is a generalized image, like the images of other wives of the Decembrists. Nekrasov endows them with the features of that heroic selflessness, that decisive fighting character, examples of which he saw in the best people of his time.

Who does N.A. choose? Nekrasov as the main character for his poem? (female noblewoman)

What character traits does Princess Trubetskaya have? (purposefulness, perseverance, fortitude, etc.)

Why do you think N.A. Nekrasov calls his poem "Russian Women"? (The main thing for the poet in the poem is to show the feat not just of a representative of the noble class, but of a Russian woman.)

ON THE. Nekrasov. Poem "Russian Women" ("Princess Trubetskaya")
From literature XIX century

The poem "Russian Women" by N. A. Nekrasov sings of the feat of the wives of the Decembrists. In the lesson materials you will find a brief historical background about the Decembrist uprising and its sad consequences. Attentive, thoughtful reading of the text will help you analyze the images of the main characters of the poem: Ekaterina Trubetskoy and Maria Volkonskaya.

December 14, 1825 on Senate Square Petersburg, there was an uprising of the Decembrists. It was an open speech by the nobles who were in military service against the autocracy and serfdom. The Decembrist uprising was brutally suppressed. Five of them were executed. More than a hundred were convicted and sent to hard labor.

The wives and brides of the Decembrists sentenced to hard labor voluntarily followed them to Siberia. As the wives of convicts, they were deprived of civil rights and noble privileges. E. I. Trubetskaya, M. N. Volkonskaya, A. G. Muravyova were the first to arrive at the Nerchinsk mines at the beginning of 1827.

Rice. 1. Decembrist uprising ()

They showed their contemporaries an example worthy of imitation. Before them, only peasant women left for exile with their husbands. They were the first of the noblewomen, and from the most eminent noble families, to follow their husbands into exile, leaving their families, children, friends, their mansions and servants behind. They understood that they were leaving for a place where they would have to become on a par with the same peasant women - to wash, cook, sew themselves. They were not embarrassed by the pleas of their relatives, the misunderstanding of society, the threats of the authorities. They abandoned their titles to fulfill their duty. Their act caused a huge resonance, became an example for many.

The feat of the Decembrists was sung by N. A. Nekrasov in the poem "Russian Women".

There were 11 of them, but Nekrasov in the poem spoke only about the first ones, who were almost the most difficult of all: they "They paved the way for others" - this is Ekaterina Trubetskaya and Maria Volkonskaya.

Rice. 2. Wives of the Decembrists ()

Compositionally, the poem is divided into two parts:

  1. Princess M.N. Volkonskaya.

The idea of ​​the poem expressed by Nekrasov in the words:

High and holy is their unforgettable feat!

Like guardian angels they

Were the backbone of the unchanging

Exiles in the days of suffering.

According to contemporaries, Ekaterina Ivanovna Trubetskaya, nee Countess Lavl, was not a beauty - short, plump, but charming, cheerful, with a beautiful voice. In Paris in 1819, Catherine Laval met Prince Sergei Petrovich Trubetskoy and married him a year later.

Trubetskoy was ten years older than her and was considered an enviable groom: noble, rich, smart, educated, went through the war with Napoleon and rose to the rank of colonel. His career went uphill, and Catherine had a chance to become a general.

Five years after the wedding, it suddenly became clear that Sergei Trubetskoy, together with his friends, was preparing an uprising.

Trubetskaya was the first of the wives of the Decembrists to make a decision to leave for Siberia. The path was very long. The authorities were obstructing. For example, Trubetskaya spent 5 months in Irkutsk, because. Governor Zeidler received an order from Petersburg to persuade her to return back. However, Ekaterina Ivanovna was firm in her decision.

Rice. 3. Princess Trubetskaya ()

The image of Princess Trubetskoy in the poem.

In the poem, N. A. Nekrasov tells about the difficult journey of Princess Trubetskoy to Siberia and her heroic opposition to the Irkutsk governor.

The story is told in 3rd person. Thus, the main task of the author is not only to tell about the events, but also to assess the actions of the heroine, her female feat.

The poem begins with the scene of farewell to the father:

The count himself corrected the pillows,

I made a bear cavity at my feet,

Making a prayer, scapular

Hung in the right corner

And - sobbed ... Princess-daughter ...

Goes somewhere tonight...

Nekrasov emphasizes how father and daughter love each other. But, having married, having given a vow of fidelity before God to be with her husband both in sorrow and in joy, Trubetskaya makes a decision:

Oh, God knows! ... But the duty is different,

And higher and harder

Calling me... Forgive me, my dear!

Do not cry in vain!

Far is my way, hard is my way,

My fate is terrible

But I dressed my chest with steel ...

Be proud - I'm your daughter!

Thus, from the first lines of the poem, Nekrasov highlights in the character of the heroine such features as courage, determination, fortitude.

Catherine says goodbye to the past, to the cheerful and rich life of an aristocrat. Says goodbye to his native Petersburg, to his stepfather's house:

Happy my youth

Passed within your walls

I loved your balls

Catania from the steep mountains,

I loved the splash of your Neva

In the evening silence

And this square in front of her

With a hero on horseback...

We see that Catherine from childhood was very cheerful.

In the memories of the youth of the heroine, the following lines may be incomprehensible:

And you be damned, gloomy house,

Where is the first quadrille

I danced... That hand

So far it's burning my hand...

Rejoice. . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .?

Whose hand are you talking about? Who is the heroine cursing?

Ekaterina Trubetskaya recalls her first ball, where she danced her very first dance with Grand Duke Nikolai Pavlovich, the future Emperor Nicholas I, who began his reign with the massacre of the Decembrists. In the poem, he acts as an executioner.

Rice. 4. Russian Emperor Nicholas I (1796-1855) ()

childhood memories

Wealth, shine! high house

On the banks of the Neva

Staircase upholstered with carpet

Lions in front of the entrance

The magnificent hall is elegantly decorated,

The lights are all on fire.

O joy! now a children's ball,

Chu! the music is booming!

Memories of meeting my husband and a happy life with him

Another time, another ball

She dreams: in front of her

A handsome young man is standing

He whispers something to her...

Then again balls, balls ...

She is their mistress

They have dignitaries, ambassadors,

They have all the fashionable light ...

Memories of a trip with her husband to Italy

And so she left

With your chosen one.

Before her is a wonderful country,

Before her is eternal Rome...

But the princess feels happy only in a dream. Upon awakening reality strikes her with tragedy and bitterness:

Chu, heard ahead

Sad ringing - shackled ringing!

Hey coachman, wait!

Then the exiled party is coming,

Painful chest,

The princess gives them money,

Thanks, have a good trip!

She long, long their faces

Dreaming later,

And do not drive away her thoughts,

Don't forget sleep!

Here, to the qualities of the main character, we, of course, must add such features as mercy, kindness.

Thus, the story about the heroine is built on the antithesis: the opposition of a beautiful dream and a terrible reality.

A long way, a lot of time for memories. The princess recalls the tragic day of the uprising and its terrible consequences, recalls how she came to the casemate to meet her husband. It is known that Trubetskaya knew about the impending uprising. In the poem, she is shown by Nekrasov as not just a loving and faithful wife. This person is independent, thinking, analyzing. Returning from a trip to Italy, Trubetskaya compares this beautiful, free country with a miserable and unhappy Russia:

In front of her are a number of paintings.

Downtrodden, driven country:

Severe lord

And a miserable worker-man

With a bowed head...

As the first to rule,

How slaves the second!

Catherine turns to her husband with a question:

Tell me, is the whole region like this?

There is no shade contentment? ..

You are in the kingdom of beggars and slaves! -

The short answer was...

Here we must add the following features to the characterization of the heroine: independence; observation; inquisitive mind; love of freedom.

Nekrasov emphasizes that Trubetskaya shares her husband's views. Her decision to follow him is dictated not only by love, but also by a bold civic position. So the climax of the poem was the episode "Trubetskoy's meeting with the Irkutsk governor."

The princess overcame almost five thousand miles and suddenly runs into an obstacle: the Irkutsk governor does not allow her to go further. The forces are unequal. On the one hand - Princess Trubetskaya, a young, fragile, defenseless woman. On the other hand, the Irkutsk governor, a representative of state power (“ Princess, here I am the king”), wise by life and service experience, already a middle-aged man.

And Princess Trubetskaya wins this duel. This brave, young, defenseless, powerless woman. How much determination she has! What courage! What a character!

Not! I'm not a pitiful slave

I am a woman, wife!

Let my fate be bitter

I will be faithful to her!

Oh if he forgot me

For a different woman

I would have enough strength in my soul

Don't be his slave!

But I know: love for the motherland

my rival,

And if it were necessary, again

I would forgive him!

Carefully reading the poem, the reader understands what is the weakness of the Irkutsk governor. He tries to return Trubetskaya, following the order of the tsar, intimidates her with terrible trials, but in his heart he sympathizes with her and admires her courage:

How I tormented you... My God!...

(From under the arm of a gray-haired mustache

A tear rolled down.)

Sorry! yes, I tormented you,

But he himself suffered

But I had a strict order

Barriers to put up for you!

It is this moment that explains why the authorities were so opposed to the decision of the wives of the Decembrists. It meant the moral support of the prisoners, aroused sympathy among many. The authorities in the person of Tsar Nicholas I did not want anyone to sympathize with the Decembrists.

Nekrasov admires his heroine, her willpower, self-esteem and fearlessness.

In the poem, Trubetskaya was detained in Irkutsk for only 2 weeks. In fact, she stayed there for 5 months. It was here that the second Decembrist, M.N. Volkonskaya, to whom the second part of the poem "Russian Women" is dedicated.

  1. Didactic materials on literature Grade 7. Author - Korovina V.Ya. - 2008
  2. Homework in literature for grade 7 (Korovina). Author - Tishchenko O.A. - year 2012
  3. Literature lessons in grade 7. Author - Kuteynikova N.E. - year 2009
  4. Textbook on literature grade 7. Part 1. Author - Korovina V.Ya. - year 2012
  5. Textbook on literature grade 7. Part 2. Author - Korovina V.Ya. - year 2009
  6. Textbook-reader on literature Grade 7. Authors: Ladygin M.B., Zaitseva O.N. - year 2012
  7. Textbook-reader on literature Grade 7. Part 1. Author - Kurdyumova T.F. - 2011
  8. Phonochrestomathy in literature for the 7th grade to the textbook by Korovina.
  1. FEB: Dictionary of literary terms ().
  2. Dictionaries. Literary terms and concepts ().
  3. N. A. Nekrasov. Russian women ().
  4. Nekrasov N. A. Biography, life history, creativity ().
  5. N. A. Nekrasov. Biography pages ().
  6. Story Russian Empire. Wives of the Decembrists ().
  7. Dictionary Russian language ().
  1. Prepare an expressive reading of excerpts from N. A. Nekrasov’s poem “Russian Women” “Trubetskoy’s Conversation with the Irkutsk Governor”
  2. Think about why Nekrasov called the poem not "Decembrists", but "Russian Women".

multifaceted female soul always amazed Nekrasov, and in almost every of his works one can find confirmation of this. It would seem that the poem "Russian Women" would be more appropriate to call "The Wives of the Decembrists" or, as the author intended, "The Decembrists", but the poet wanted to show his reader a greater scale of determination, courage and strength of our compatriots in various situations.

Life brought Nikolai Nekrasov to Mikhail Sergeevich Volkonsky, it is not known whether there was a happy accident or a planned twist of fate, because after this acquaintance the men saw each other more than once on a joint hunt. Nikolai and Mikhail talked a lot, including about the family. From these conversations, Nikolai Alekseevich learned about the difficult fate of Mikhail Sergeevich's parents: his father was one of those Decembrists who were exiled to cold Siberia for hard labor, and his wife, Maria, went after her husband.

Nikolai Alekseevich was interested in the topic of the Decembrists. He collected historical information about the Decembrists from all possible sources. Nekrasov goes to the village of Karabikha in June and there he takes up writing a new poem "Decembrists" (then he changes the name to "Russian Women").

Nikolai Alekseevich often mentioned in conversations with friends that writing a new poem is difficult, because the author wanted to write a work that would easily pass censorship. Another problem the writer faced was the lack of necessary information, because the nobles did not want to touch on this topic at all. Nekrasov did not have much information about Princess Trubetskoy, so the author decides in this chapter to resort to artistic conjecture in the picture of the departure and the difficult path of a Russian woman. All next summer, Nikolai Alekseevich wrote the second chapter of the poem. However, due to the lack of historical material, experts in this field consider the events described in the work to be remote from reality.

Nekrasov planned to write a poem in three parts. There are even sketches of the third chapter dedicated to Alexandra Muravyova. However, the author never implemented this idea, so today the poem "Russian Women" consists of two parts: the first chapter tells about Ekaterina Trubetskoy (1871), the second is based on the notes of Maria Volkonskaya (1872), and is dedicated to her.

Genre, direction

By genre, the work of Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov “Russian Women” is a poem. The author conveys images of a certain era with the help of a story about important cases from the life of an individual and his emotions and feelings.

In Nekrasov's "Russian Women" applied various sizes and rhymes. In the chapter "Princess Trubetskaya" iambic is used with alternating double and cross rhymes. In the chapter "Princess M. N. Volkonskaya" the author uses amphibrachs.

Images and symbols

  1. Princess Trubetskaya. The first part is dedicated to Ekaterina Trubetskoy. The image of the princess is collective and at the same time purely individual. She is depicted as a truly worthy woman who found her destiny in following her husband and sharing his fate. The part begins with the episode of the heroine's farewell to her father. The girl knows how hard it is for a parent to accept her decision. But at the same time, she is sure that her behavior should awaken in him a sense of pride in his daughter. The thought of following her husband to Siberia determined her whole future life. Trubetskaya knows how difficult her fate will be, but she does not doubt for a second the correctness of this decision. The author portrays the heroine from the outside, reveals her character through the difficulties encountered on her life path. The key episode in this part is the meeting with the governor, who tries to intimidate the princess by telling her about the upcoming losses. All arguments about the difficulties of ruthless Siberia are broken by great willpower
  2. Princess Volkonskaya. Unlike the previous heroine, Maria Volkonskaya is depicted in front of the reader at the moments of her inner perfection and formation. The road to Siberia is like the path of becoming a person. The sad events that are associated with her husband completed the formation of the morality of her character. A tender girl, who recently became a mother, becomes a woman who is able to give up her usual comfort, her favorite entertainment and follow her beloved. One of the heartfelt scenes was the episode of Volkonskaya's farewell to her baby, because, by the will of the king, the child could not leave the house. It is impossible to imagine how a woman must feel, and how to cope with her feelings and not change her mind, at the moment of parting with her child. Maria's parent for a long time refused to accept the act of his child, but on his deathbed he admitted that he had never met a more fantastic woman in his long life. The difficult road to Siberia opens before the noblewoman, she is disturbed by continuous encounters with rudeness and poverty - all this confirms the fidelity of her husband's act. The image of Princess Volkonskaya is the personification of true love and devotion of his wife.

Themes, issues and mood

  1. The main theme is wife's devotion who shared the fate of her disgraced husband. Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov’s poem “Russian Women” is a work about the decisive and worthy act of the Decembrists’ life companions, who, not attaching importance to problems and losses, followed their husbands to exile, remote Siberia, to wild, almost uninhabited places of their imprisonment. Women rejected the wealth and comfort of an established life, renounced all civil rights and themselves chose the side of the hard life of the exiles, agreed to unbearable living conditions. This is how the strong character of Russian women, their steadfastness, loyalty and courage were manifested. Worthy human qualities - purposefulness, the ability to love, devotion - this is what is inherent in the main characters of the poem "Russian Women".
  2. Ball. The theme of the holiday and the ball sweeps through the entire work as a leitmotif. Princesses Trubetskoy and Volkonskaya got used to living in this atmosphere of luxury and constant balls and soirees, and their life took shape as one continuous secular holiday. Both of them rejoiced with all their hearts, and after a while they began to arrange their own balls and receptions with magnificent dresses and incessant dances. However, spiritual intimacy with their husbands makes women give up this hobby they love.
  3. Road. The next leitmotif of the work "Russian Women" was the theme of travel and the way, the road. Actions take place in contrast: the trip of Ekaterina Trubetskoy with her husband to warm Italy, the journey of young Mary to sunny Taurida - and the endless journey of both women through frosty, sparing no one Siberia. Beauty and comfort southern life the snowiness and frostiness of the Russian land are contrasted, on which the existence of an ordinary person is shocking with a completely different exotic.
  4. The main problems are the injustice of the inhuman punishment of the tsar and the terrible living conditions in remote corners of Russia. In the work, the exiles often call the mine "hell", I am surprised at the arrival of the girls: "Isn't it an angel of God?" Thus, a theme appears in the poem, resembling the famous apocrypha, which tells of the descent into hell of the Mother of God. But if in the folk legend the Mother of God, who saw the suffering of sinners, involuntarily sympathized with them, then in Nekrasov's poem, on the contrary, ordinary people who fell into hard labor for their "crimes" express pity to those who are now suffering because of the desire to protect them. The author creates the image of Russia-hell, because both in hard labor and outside of them, a person is subject to various torments, and the main sin is wrong political actions and views.
  5. Main idea

    Through the image of both princesses, the author conveyed to the reader all the greatness of a Russian woman, her spiritual strength. Before us is a heroine who is not subject to public opinion and class, who dared to break out of her comfort zone in the name of love. The author in all his works praised the exploits of the people, but even in the circle of the nobility Nekrasov found true heroes capable of self-sacrifice for the sake of their homeland. The true nature of the main characters might never have been revealed. However, the princesses Trubetskaya and Volkonskaya, thanks to the Decembrist uprising and the exile of their spouses, were able to prove that the life of noble girls goes beyond magnificent balls and stupid social conversations. They are able to reunite with the people and together go against tyranny - this is the main idea poems.

    The poem focuses on the representatives of the nobility. Life completely satisfied them, but the detention and exile of their spouses changes everything. Although Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov was not an eyewitness to the events taking place in the work, but thanks to documents, stories and notes of witnesses, he was able to fully recreate the portraits of the heroines, in which he concluded the courage, endurance and loyalty of most women of Russia. They see the meaning of life in love and family, but their role is appreciated by the author even more, because the noble example that noblewomen set for their children is the key to a happy future for Russia. The new generation will fight for their rights and overcome all obstacles.

    Means of artistic expression

    The aesthetic component in the poem "Russian Women" helps to emphasize artistic means expressiveness such as epithets (“rainbow dreams”; “dark house”; “magnificent hall”; “dreams are peaceful and light”; “an indelible mark”; “sad ringing”) and comparisons (“Children are dressed up like flowers, Old people are dressed up "; "pit black as pitch"). In addition, the author uses an anaphora (“Forgive me, my native land, Forgive me, unfortunate land!”), an ellipse, also called an ellipsis (“To the right is the Yenisei”).

    We also see metonymy (“And the father’s secretary (in crosses ...)”), inversion (“into the living world”; “And childhood jokingly sweeps by”), oxymoron (“living dead”), rhetorical question (“Why, damned country Did Yermak find you?..”), metaphors (“That hand still burns my hand ...”; “The sick, tired mind boils”; “Mountains have disappeared”), hyperbole (“The lush hall is elegantly decorated, the whole is burning with lights”) and personification (“Dances, eats, fights a goal”; “Heart yearns”).

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