Paul on a closed veranda material. Floors on the terrace and veranda

Engineering systems 25.06.2019
Engineering systems

Veranda - a perfect room country house. First of all, under this title hides a huge variety of designs, architectural and design solutions. So, the veranda can be completely closed, can have large windows in the entire wall, which are filmed for the summer period, and maybe at all in the warm season turn into an open terrace, protected from bad weather only a canopy - a favorite area of \u200b\u200bthe holiday home. Such a variety of options naturally cannot but cause a question - how to cover the floor on the veranda?

How to cover the floor on the veranda

A lot of options. They depend on the design of the extension itself, and from its foundation, the degree of insulation, openness atmospheric air, features of the room operation. Of course, in all cases a good owner will think about the aesthetic side of the question - so that the veranda is beautiful.

Before making a decision on choosing a cover for the veranda, you need to know exactly what the foundation it is located. In principle, the problem can be designated even otherwise: in the planning of construction, the veranda is required to immediately determine the type of its base, and, accordingly, with the type of finish coating of its floor.

You can consider two most common Case - a veranda on a tape foundation or an extension on a column (pile) base.

  • If the veranda herself thinks as a capital structure, as a full room at home, and the main building itself is located on a tape base, then the extension will be better installed on the similar basis.

It is clear that in this case the floor will most likely require any insulation, should have a solid surface, reliable waterproofing, excluding water from entering the voids located under it. If you plan to remove windows (walls) for the summer, then the problem of getting into the premises of atmospheric moisture, precipitation should be thought out. Probably, it will take a small bias into one of the parties or a storm stock with a ladder, so that the water from the veranda can easily find the output, not stuffing and does not penetrate the coverage.

If the veranda is planned to be fully closed, then you can think about the reinforced heat insulation of floors or even,if a There is an opportunity and desire, about their heating in one way or another.

  • A completely different picture, if the veranda is a light extension to the main building, and a significant part of the year, and sometimes - and year-round remains open, being the average between indoor room and terrace. With such a layout, it is most often located on the pile foundation, so that the floor and level of soil remained free space.

The foundation can be made of brick columns, which are laid out on the "patch" filled with cement, beyond the soil by 50 ÷ 70 cm.

Another variant - screw piles or asbestos-cement pipes intermitted in the necessary places.

Wooden beams are mounted on piles, which then mount the draft floor (if necessary) and lags for the flooring of an external, clean floor.

If the veranda is open, it is very often the flooring make not solid, but with slits that will provide the outflow of rainwater from the territory. Another option is to consider the level of the mountaineering (the slope of the surface, water collectors-lad, system drainage pipes etc .).

Basic requirements for the floor on the veranda

Whatever the veranda wondered how it was to be opened by external influence, the characteristic features of this premises postpone the imprint and on the requirements for the floors.

  • The veranda always comes in street shoes, carrying with them sometimes in large quantities and dirt, and dust, and moisture - rainwater or snow. Thus, the floor should easily succumb to regular cleaning, not absorb contaminants and not swell under the action of high humidity.
  • Of all the premises of the house at the entrance, and on the veranda - in particular, the most intense human stream. So the floor must withstand essential mechanical loads and be resistant to abrasion.
  • The veranda is located in the intermediate zone, between street and home temperatures. Value differences can be very significant, especially in the winter. Conclusion - the coating should be equally well tolerant and summer heat, and winter strules. At the same time, it should not succumb to temperature deformation.
  • The state of high humidity, in combination with temperature differences, can lead to the fact that the floor will become very slippery, dangerous injuries. So, the surface must have certain properties that increase the clutch of the shoe soles with the floor so as not to represent danger to people.
  • And finally, the moment of the decorativeness of the coating is important - even on the veranda should be beautiful and in young.

What floors are suitable for the veranda

So, based on the architectural features of the veranda itself and the requirements for the flooring in this room, one of several coatings can be selected:

Concrete floor

Yes, if the veranda "rests" on the bantle foundation, it may well be such a decision. Of course, it is not just a rough screed, even perfectly aligned. Modern technologies Concrete processing makes it possible to create high-strength coating, which in its decorative qualities is quite able to compete with other species.

We are talking, of course, about polished and hardened concrete. Making and putting up at the stage of filling special dry mixes - Toppings, gives perfect smooth coatingwhich is not afraid of literally anything - neither loads, nor moisture, no temperature differences. Various color shades of additives open the possibility of decorating the floor in accordance with their own intention. Surfaces can be given both glossy and matte rough structure.

Another option with concrete floor is its grinding. Of course, this is a rather laborious process that will require special equipment. Mosaic-grinding machine can be taken for a certain period of rent, but there is another option - apply manual power tools, Up to special nozzles to a powerful "Bulgarian".

Floor grinding can be carried out independently using a hand tool

As a result, it turns out perfectly smooth coating that can be brought at least to polished shine. And if when pouring the screed to include in its component composition fragments of granite or marble, then the decorativeness of the surface will be above all praise.

The main thing for the veranda is not to overdo it with polishing so that the surface does not turn out too slippery.

Tile flooring

Such a coating on the veranda with powerful foundations is almost an ideal solution. You can, of course, put the tile and indoors standing on the piles, but it will be an overnight load on wooden details Baok and Lag - for these cases there are more acceptable solutions.

The ceramic tile is also suitable for closed veranda, and for open or semi-open rooms. With competent laying and thorough grout of the interlocking seams with the required composition, it will not be afraid of entering a large amount of water, high humidity. Ceramics is very well withstanding all types of mechanical loads, especially the abrasive effect. It is nicking significant temperature differences.

It will be even better if instead of the usual tile apply ceramographic. Its operational parameters are significantly higher. Created specifically for premises where the likelihood of slipping is great outdoor coating With the texture, the risk of the risk of a crawl to a minimum.

The minuses of such a coverage include its coldness - it is not always pleasant to become a bass foot. It is possible to argue - in the summer, in the heat, it will rather be an advantage, and in the winter, going to the veranda without shoes is extremely unlikely. In addition, ceramic tiles with its abilities accumulate heat, if desired, becomes an excellent finish coating for a warm floor.

The decorativeness of the tile allows you to implement the most bold ideas. If the appropriateness of application ceramic coating enters In contradiction with the desire to have the floor "under the tree", then this case has a tile to a very reliable imitation of the structure of the wood.

The main thing when choosing tiles for the veranda is its intended purpose for premises with intensive motion and rough surface texture.

Natural wood floors

In its natural comfort, the natural tree of competitors simply does not have, therefore, sometimes to the detriment of the operational characteristics of the floor, the choice is stopped on it. With the floors on the veranda, several options are available:

  • High-quality tipped board - it dates excellent smooth coating, different and decorative (with appropriate laying and design) and good operational qualities.

The lack of a tree is its "dislike" to the water in all its manifestations, so that such a half most often admiss only in fully closed verandas, where direct sediments are excluded.

In order for the floor not to be afraid of high humidity and dirt, applied from the street, it must be covered with a layer of special waterproof transparent varnish or paint. As a rule, such a wooden floor will require a device under it reliable thermo- and waterproofing, otherwise the boards may not last long. Although, modern impregnating compositions for wood will help minimize the vulnerability of such a coating to moisture drops and temperatures inherent to the placement of the veranda.

  • The second option is distinguished by much greater resistance to all negative impacts. Dechang, special deck (terraced) board made of durable wood breeds (most often it is a Siberian larch, although exotic rocks are used) and treated with special impregnations, which gives it additional protection.

Teking - high-quality "deck" board of special varieties of wood

Such a coating is already universal - it can be placed in the premises, and on open verandas with ventilated underground. In order for the veranda in the veranda, the rain moisture was accumulated, the boards are laid with an interval from each other - the water simply flows down. For the same reason, the board does not need a tongue castle - they are smoothly torn on both sides.

In the production of such coatings on the front surface, numerous longitudinal grooves are required - slip on such a floor is simply impossible.

Fully laid from a similar material, the floor on the veranda has excellent decorativeness - stresh lines Along with natural colors and textures softwood Give a completely unique effect.

Composite terraced board

This is a worthy replacement. An expensive natural decon can, quite comparable to it for operational characteristics, and losing, perhaps, only in environmentally friendly matters and natural heat. The material for the manufacture of such "liquid wood" is the waste of woodworking industries (chips, sawdust, dust), mixed with polymer compositions and molded on extrusion lines. As a result, panels are obtained by a special hollow structure - light, high-strength, not afraid of negative effects of the external environment, externally repeating the form and texture of a natural deck board.

Such a coating is successfully applied on all types of terraces, open or semi-closed veranda. Its fastening to lags is carried out in a hidden way, with the help of special brackets, which is another advantage of such a floor.

Video - Installation of composite terrace board

The veranda, decorated with such material, will visually differ from the floor with natural flooring. From the point of view of ecology, the tree is certainly preferable, but on open areas, this lack of wood composite almost "comes no".

Linoleum on the veranda

Undoubtedly, this is also an acceptable option, especially since it "bribes" and the cheap material, and the simplicity of laying the finish surface. If you buy a linoleum, steady with mechanical and temperature drops, then it must last long.

Linoleum on the veranda - despite the shortcomings, also has the "right to existence"

It would seem that a very good option, in terms of hygienicness, ease of cleaning, waterproof. However, the material with a warmed felt or tissue basis for this premises is not entirely appropriate - from high humidity it is not anywhere, and such a basis will unsubscribe with time, will begin to chant or rot. And one more big minus - no matter how high-quality linoleum, under the influence of high temperatures (the usual phenomenon on the veranda in summer time) A kind of "synthetic" smell may appear.

Polymer floors

We can say about these floors on the veranda that they are probably devoid of disadvantages from an operating point of view. Almost not afraid of anything, high-strength, with unlimited decoration opportunities for the most refined taste, they would most likely, the ideal solution, if not to take into account their pronounced "artificiality". Fans of natural material they do not always fall.

The second of their significant drawback is a rather complicated and multistage process of fill, requiring and sufficiently time-consuming the preparation of the foundation, and special skills in the work. If you add to this considerable price for high-quality materials and to pay for the work of masters, then they become quite understandable to their low popularity in such premises.

Rubber coating

But about such a coating very often forget completely in vain. It is not suitable for open or semi-closed veranda.

It has excellent anti-slip properties, harmlessly from an ecological point of view, absolutely not afraid of moisture and jumps of temperature, has a pronounced shock-absorbing effect, safely from the point of view of injury - what else is needed for the room, where people are constantly passing, where can there be increased humidity and contamination?

Rubber coatings can be produced in the form of tiles, modules with a lock connection, or in the form of a conglomerate (crumbs or granules), requiring styling on a special technology.

The device of this sex will remove many problems inherent in the veranda or terrace. Another advantage - you can put it on almost any foundation.

So, options for flooring on the veranda are a set. It is necessary to correctly appreciate the features of a particular room, its own vision, advantages and disadvantages of possible solutions, its financial capabilities - and make the right choice.

The veranda is a premises serving an adapter between the house and the street. In addition, it allows you to perfectly spend time in comfortable conditions closer to nature. Most of these premises are not heated, which means that the floor in them should be made as comfortable as possible and differ by a long service life.

Going to make floor repair in the veranda with your own hands, we suggest you to get acquainted with our advice, useful photos and video.

The floor on an open veranda is always subjected to such negative impacts:

  • increased humidity;
  • substantial temperature differences;
  • aridity;
  • dust, dirt;
  • mechanical impact (movement of furniture, walking in shoes, etc.).

Because of the above reasons, the floor material veranda must meet the following requirements:

  • frost resistance;
  • not afraid of mechanical impacts;
  • not exposed to moisture;
  • durable;
  • lasting;
  • protected from the effects of fungi, mold and bacteria;
  • resistant to ultraviolet radiation.

Unfortunately, all these requirements cannot have one material, so we recommend combining several funds.

Repair of floors on the veranda do it yourself: materials, technology, photos, video

To begin with, it is worth considering the design of the foundation. It depends on the capabilities of the owner and the selected material for finishing floors. Most often, the foundation from concrete or brick pillars, which are attached to lagows. As a result, if you plan to make a floor covering in the veranda of an open-type boards, then they will be glued to the same lags.

But be that as it may, the platform under the floor must necessarily be cleaned from the grass, thoroughly aligned, covered with rubbed or sand, and better filled with concrete.

Consider the most popular types of floor coatings in the open type veranda.

  1. Wood.

Wooden floor board veranda is one of the most popular and convenient ways Coatings. And it is not surprising, because the tree is an attractive appearance and an eco-friendly finishing material.

For the open veranda, it is better to use solid wood wood, since it is more resistant to a variety of influences.

Attention! Before proceeding with the flooring, boards and lags need to be treated with special means from insects and rot, so the floor will be able to serve much longer.

Now consider more detailed how to make a wooden floor in the veranda with your own hands.

As already mentioned, at first it is necessary to remove the plant layer. The playground is fully aligned, after which the concrete is superimposed. Then, at a distance of 1 m from each other, the columns made of brick or concrete with a 20 cm high. The next lags are installed by means of fastening elements to which the cranial bars are joined. Well, on them as a result, DSC or boards for the "draft" floor are screwed. And at the last stage to lags attaches the board of the future floor. At the same time, the boards should be laid with 3-5 mm gap.

Also when repairing the floor on the veranda, a terrace board (Deoping) can be applied. It is much more stable for all types of influences and will last much longer, but note that its value is significantly higher.

Another plus of a terrace board is that it does not need constant emulsions processing. It is produced with a surface of two types:
  • embossed;
  • smooth.

Attention! Placeing the terraced board, it is also important not to forget to leave the gaps for normal air circulation.

One more type of terraced boards is offered - a treeoplastic (liquid tree). It is manufactured from wood sawdust, waste and polymer mass. With its appearance resembles a tree, but it has greater durability.

Main advantages:

  • does not require impregnation and staining;
  • not flexible under the influence of sun rays;
  • it is not afraid of high temperature drops.

It is installed in the same way as a simple terraced board.

  1. Linoleum.

Linoleum, like a tree, is one of the most popular materials. Among its main advantages should be allocated:

  • excellent external qualities;
  • affordable price;
  • simple operation;
  • easy installation.

Linoleum can be laid straight on concrete, chipboard, wooden floor. The main thing is that the floor is clean and smooth before installing.

Attention! At least a day before the installation, linoleum should be spread so that it is leveled.

Some types of linoleum give shrinkage (specify this moment at the manufacturer), so when cutting it is necessary to do it longer, no less than 20 mm. Cutting linoleum is only needed with a sharp knife.

Mounting linoleum passes according to the following scheme:

  • bituminous mastic is applied to the surface of the floor with a toothed spatula and is withstanding at least half an hour;
  • linoleum is laid with a small overlap, about 20 mm;
  • approximately 10 cm of the edge of the linoleum need to be left non-flounce, so that the junction is as close as possible;
  • linoleum is smoothed to drive out air and remove all irregularities;
  • after three or four days, the surplus is cut off, and the edges are sampled by mastic.
  1. Ceramic tile.

For an open veranda, both porcelain and ceramic tiles can be applied.

Attention! Prefer the tile with a non-slip top layer in order to avoid falling and getting injuries.



  • cold coating;
  • when a severe item falls, a piece of tiles can be broken or crap;
  • not easy installation.

The installation process is carried out only on the perfectly smooth surface and at one level. The base of the solution should not be more than 2 cm. It is important to carefully monitor the gaps between the tiles (plastic crosses will allow control the same thickness).

Attention! To protect the seams between the tiles from entering the inside of moisture, they need to be treated with a frost-resistant fugue.

When installing tiles, use only rubber hammer.

  1. Bulk floor.

To coating the floor in the veranda, the bulk sex also uses.


  • moisture-resistant and fire resistant;
  • not afraid of high temperature drops;
  • it does not crack, and there are no seams.

Any surface can be covered with a bulk way. The main thing is to clean it, align, thoroughly close all the gaps. Then you need to cover the primer and wait until it dries. The floor is poured with a solution with small portions, which in the consequence neatly align.

The bulk sex dries off after a day, and it can be walking on it.

The final stage is to cover the surface with a protective varnish. This measure of protection will significantly extend the service life of the floor.

To make floor repair in the veranda with your own hands, using this method, you will not need certain skills.

Floor insulation closed veranda

Consider several insulation options to understand which one is the most efficient and acceptable for you.

Materials can be used for floor insulation:
  • penophol;
  • styrofoam;
  • mineral wool.

Penofol is the most simple way insulation. They break through the places where insulation will be needed. Much more difficult to insulate foam or mineral wool.

Basically, the foundation, the veranda is built out of the lag, and the draft floor is made. It is for him that it is necessary to put the insulation (between lags).

Attention! The insulation must lay down to lags as close as possible, but there should be space for air circulation between it and the floor.

Mineral wool must be wrapped in waterproofing. If a slot remain somewhere, they must be sealed using a mounting foam.

How to paint the floor on an open veranda?

Lac, paint or other means for painting is chosen taking into account the type of coating. But, before painting the floor in an open veranda, it must be properly prepared.

To protect the wooden floor from negative impacts, we recommend using the Funds Complex:
  • primer deep penetration;
  • impregnation with antiseptic;
  • varnish, paint and other types of coating.

When choosing an antiseptics, pay attention to the depth of its impregnation into the fibers - how it will be deeper, the better. The primer will effectively protect against rotting and moisture and increase the adhesion of the floor coated.

Painting floors in the open terrace - a rather difficult question, but the best optionAccording to experts, there is liquid plastic and terraced oil.

But do not use ordinary varnishes for premises and enamel paints in an open veranda, since in difficult conditions this coating will not endure one season.

If it is necessary to maintain the natural beauty of the tree, then you need to use a combination of special varnish and sampling. At first, the floor is impregnated, after which they are covered with a special varnish, which would protect the surface from UV radiation. But do not forget that such a varnish is quite expensive.

If the wood pattern is maintained optionally, you can use a special acrylic paint (it is still used to cover the yachts). You need to apply this paint clearly according to the manufacturer's instructions.

All the above materials and paints are not necessary to use when repairing the floor in the veranda with their own hands. Only you choose the material for finishing the floor, relying on your financial capabilities and desire.

Floor terrace can be made of different materials. For example, the wooden floor on the terrace is a fairly common option. To protect it from external influences, you will need to use special impregnations. The processing does not need a composite board - an innovative material created specifically for the floor terraces. The coating from the ceramic tile allows you to lead to the monotony of the floor at home and at the place of rest. If the road tile is laid on the floor of the summer construction, this construction will be perfectly harmonized with the coating of garden tracks.

To choose the most suitable material To cover the terrace, you should get acquainted with the peculiarities of each of them individually. It should also be understood which requirements are presented to the coating of the terrace, how to put different materials with their own hands.

Requirements for coating

What is the best floor on the terrace? Among the main requirements that are presented to the floor covering are the following: optimal price, high strength, simplicity of laying and subsequent care, attractive appearance. In fact, it is practically impossible to find such material. To make the right choice, you should deal with the characteristics of the most popular products. To figure out how to cover the floor on the terrace, you should decide on the appointment and features of the design of the extension.

The main requirement is the material should be highly high quality. If he will have serious flaws, the flooring will be short-lived and not practical enough. Also special attention Mounting should be done. It should be performed in compliance with technology.

Thanks to the terrace device, you can significantly increase the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe house. If you set it out correctly, it can be used for a variety of tasks, including for small business work.

However, the coating should be as smooth as possible. If it is and have different defects, it will be difficult to move around the terrace. If the coating is quite slippery, this circumstance will affect the safety of residents at home. In the case of coating from poor-quality material, floor repair will be required regularly.

If the terrace is placed near the house without a sample, it is usually located right on the ground. It is important to take into account that the material selected for the terrace finish can not be used for each case.

Project creation

There are many floor options on the terrace. Features of accommodation, as well as the form and area of \u200b\u200bthe flooring play an important role for the functionality of an extension. Even during the preparation of the project, it is necessary to allocate a specific place for the terrace.

The useful area of \u200b\u200bthe veranda will depend on what form it is performed. Ideally, if the extension is performed near the living room and the kitchen. The terrace should be arranged so that it goes to flower beds or garden.

Tip! It is better to have a terrace with southwestern, or from the south side of the house. In this case, the construction in the evening will be lit long enough.

In the summer, the terrace serves as a kitchen or dining room. That is why it should be made such sizes so that it is convenient to move from various dishes. Also, the square should be enough for a large company of friends.

The standard terrace area is equal to 10-12 square meters. m. There are enough such sizes to install furniture for recreation 6 people. Even if the house is planned to build a small, terrace must have the highest possible dimensions. More practical I. affordable option - Arrangement of a simple form terrace. This is usually a rectangle.

The terraces are performed open or closed. It is worth considering the main advantages of designs equipped with a roof:

  • The terrace can be used at any time, even when the street is not at all sunny.
  • When the roof improvement disappears the need to clean the snow on the terrace.
  • In the summer, an extension can be equipped with furniture.

When choosing a floor for an open terrace, you should think about the characteristics outdoor coatingwhich would be distinguished by maximum durability.

Paving tile

With the arrangement of the flooring of the terrace, the sidewalks should be taken into account that the concrete base is not needed to build. Also, such a floor will be less affected by various weather phenomena. Tile is not afraid high humidity and significant temperature differences. Replacing individual coverage elements is quite simple.

When using paving slabs, you can implement the most courageous design fantasies. The material is sold in various color solutions. If the facing of the facade of the house is made of clinker bricks, the floor on the terrace is better to lay from the clinker. Also, the tile is selected in size and texture. It can imitate the various rocks of the stone.

If an open design is constructed, the floor is treated with inclined. The angle should be approximately 2-3 degrees. At the same time, it is important to first prepare the floor of the terrace, and then lay the tile.

The density of various base layers should be the same. Also, the foundation across the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe terrace should have the same characteristics. Otherwise, the soil is mounted under the weight of the design. When building an open terrace, it is better to equip the drainage system.

Ceramic tile

Such a material is one of the types of popular coatings that are used to arrange the terrace. It has several advantages and disadvantages. The optimal laying of ceramic tiles on a concrete base will be optimal.

Before work is to decide in advance with the tile type. It should be not a slippery, as well as frost-resistant and resistant to abrasion. In this regard, the porcelain stoneware is perfect. If the floor in the house and the terrace will be made of tiles, it is worth considering that different models have different thickness.

Natural tree

If the terrace is covered with natural wood, the flooring should be lifted above the ground. It is best to set the design to the pile or column foundation. In this case, the boards will be well ventilated from above and below. Wood flooring on the terrace with their own hands is possible enough.

Features of wooden flooring:

  • Use traditional materials simply and practical.
  • Wood flooring greatly looks with a garden and home. If the paint is correctly selected, the coating can be made as attractive as possible.
  • Surface made of natural boardsEven in the most severe heat does not burn legs, but greatly warming up.
  • Even if the work is carried out within a few days, it is safe to acquire various lumber separately.

Important! Often, the flooring is elevated from larch - affordable and inexpensive material.

If you wish, perform the work as quickly as possible you can purchase a special set of a terrace board supplied with lags and fasteners. However, this option will be much more expensive. The terrace board consists of plastic and wood flour.

Today is the most common variant of the corrugated terraced board. Such products are equipped with longitudinal grooves. They do not have a slippery surface, and also look pretty attractive. Among the minuses it is worth noting the hitting of dirt and sand in the grooves.

The tipped board with the arrangement of the terrace should be used carefully. When changing the level of humidity, its linear dimensions may be changed. Particularly strong changes occur with fir, pine, linden boards, cedar. To figure out how to paint the floor, it is worth considering the features of the material. Properly selected paint protect it from negative impacts.

Features of the choice of wood

The best choice for the open type terrace is the floor of an oak or from larch. Also for flooring is perfectly suitable heat-treated ash. Such wood has a rather high resistance to rotting and low water absorption.

More expensive, but also qualitative materials belong to the discharge of exotic:

  • Teak. It grows in tropical forests. The hardness of such wood is higher than the average. There is a teak tree in a variety of countries - on the plains and in the forests.
  • Balau. Such trees grow in the forests of Southeast Asia. Some of the plant varieties are in the Red Book. Such wood may have a dark brown or light brown shade.
  • Diphydix fragrant. Tree grows in South America. The material is characterized by a fairly attractive texture, as well as a rich smell.
  • Ipe. So called Brazilian walnut. Such wood has a fairly wide color gamut. It can be olive gray, barded, brown. Material has high strength, high weight and density.

The most common to cover the terraces of the pine floor board. It is quite popular at the expense of its cheapness and practicality. If it is dried according to a certain technology, and then soak in special compositions - the roof of the terrace will serve for many years. If high demands are presented to the floor of the terrace, it is better to make it from larch.

Important! Of particular importance is the choice of paint.

Composite board

Polymer composite (DPK) is increasingly used by country household owners for terrace arrangement. It turns out such a product by mixing wood flour and polymers. Finished products in appearance do not differ from the natural corrugated board.

This board does not only look great, but also has high strength, stability to deformation and burnout. Such a flooring does not require special care. It must be periodically purified by water under pressure. Various paints can be selected for the terrace board.

When choosing a DPK should be very attentive. Many manufacturers suggests poor quality product. The price can be reduced a bit. It is worth purchasing a composite board only proven brands. Otherwise, it will quickly lose the color rather and cracks.

Important! Quality Decing can also be used to create fences.

Rubber coating

One of the common coatings is the material that contains rubber. It can be natural or synthetic. Such covers are distinguished by a large number of benefits:

  • rubber products are resistant to different environmental impacts;
  • they have minimal trauma;
  • walking for such a coating is quite pleasant;
  • it is quite simple to put rubber coating on your own.

In addition, the price of rubber products is not as high as a terraced board or exotic wood. Photo of the floor on rubber terrace can be seen from below.

The open veranda in the house provides many opportunities for summer holiday Outdoors. In the evenings, joint tea drinking can be arranged here. Rest in the open space is not only pleasant, but also useful.

When leaving the open terrace, some problems may arise. Since the appropriate material for the construction of the veranda is a tree, special means are required to protect it. They are able to protect the tree from moisture, temperature differences and fungus. To figure out how to paint the floor on an open veranda, it is worth familiar with the features of creating such structures.

Paul features on verandah

Many owners of private cottages and cottages each year are forced to repair flooring on the veranda. This is due to the impact various factors When operating. In addition, important factors are weather. Open veranda cannot be protected from weathering. In such conditions, even reliable and durable materials can be destroyed.

When choosing proper technology Styling wooden floors on the veranda they are saved much longer. The tree will not collapse for several years, as in the case of incorrect processing. For example, if the boards are stacked with a gap 5 mm, the design will be less susceptible to moisture. Flooring veranda will be well ventilated. The boards will not absorb moisture, which will reduce the chances of the appearance of rot.

It should be borne in mind that even with the perfect installation of the boards, the unprepared tree of flooring the veranda will not be protected from destruction. Various paints and varnishes are selected depending on the type of fitted coating. Typically, the floors on the verandas make a pine. It should have a natural level of humidity. If the budget allows, you can pay attention to the terraced board for the veranda. It is performed from wood chips and polymer compounds. To understand what to paint the wooden floor on the veranda should be dealt with the features of different compositions.

There are many high-quality materials on the construction market. When using them, you can create a reliable coating for the veranda. It is very important not only to choose materials, but also prepare floors of the veranda for further processing.

Types of LKM for the veranda

Even lacquers with high stability are not intended for external work when weaning veranda treatment. They cannot be used to process open terraces. For this purpose, special compositions are being developed. They have several additives that allow you to counteract the temperature differences and ultraviolet rays. Among them, such groups can be distinguished:

  • yacht varnishes;
  • terraced oils - they are often used to process the veranda;
  • chlorinacious paints.

Materials from each group are characterized by their features of application. It should be dealt with their advantages and minuses. They must be considered in detail. In addition, it is necessary to take care of creating the correct design of the veranda. This will ensure its preservation over long years.

Regardless of the presence of a visor over the veranda, its surface is still exposed to precipitation and sun rays. One of the active reagents is water. This means that when designing the veranda, it is necessary to minimize its coating delay.

You can achieve this goal using water-repellent coatings. Protection is provided by flooring veranda from water exposure and choosing the right floor structure. Between the boards it is necessary to leave the gaps of 3 mm. Water from the veranda will be given through them.

What wood should be chosen to build an open veranda? For this purpose, a soft and solid tree can be selected. Hardwood wood is distinguished by an attractive appearance, and has many useful properties. However, the price of such wood is quite high. When building, the veranda from such boards will have to lay out a considerable amount.

Soft varieties are cheaper. The list includes pine, larch and fir. Such boards are much easier to handle. When using antiseptics and LKMs, you can make a similar floor for durable and reliable.

It is important to understand and in such a timber indicator as safety of operation. In case of wetting and availability on the surface wooden elements Dirt floor becomes slippery. To improve the safety of using such a coating, you must choose for the structure of the flooring board with longitudinal grooves. This will increase the surface friction coefficient.

Before applying any LCM, it is necessary to dry wooden products. In addition, they are required to open. The surface of the boards should be perfectly smooth. This will make them more attractive. Due to this, the best clutch of the tree with the LKM used is also provided.

Yacht varnish

The pluses of yacht varnishes include good stability, high permeability in the pores of the material, countering ultraviolet radiation. In the composition of the yacht varnish there is an alkudy-urethane mixture. It is used to cover outdoor structures. Benefits of varnish:

  • Resistance to the effects of the external environment. This applies not only to water, but also contaminants. When drying, the lacquer begins to repel the dirt.
  • Permeability in cracks and pores of a tree. Due to this property, wood is completely preserved in varnish.
  • Resistance to the effects of ultraviolet. The tree is able to save a natural hue for a long time.
  • When using a yacht varnish protective layer It turns out transparent. This allows you to emphasize the natural drawing of the tree.

Before applying such coatings, the veranda boards is better to dismantle. It is necessary for their Okurization. emery paper. Then the varnish should be applied in 2-3 layers. After each application, wait 4-5 hours.

One of the essential flaws of the yacht varnish is the loss of elasticity in the case of low temperatures. For yachts that go in the warm seas, it is not scary. However, when processing sex on the veranda, the annual impact of frosts should be taken into account wood coating. When the elasticity of the tree is loss, the consequences may be unpleasant. In this case, the lacquer makes it necessary to apply a year after the year of operation.

Chlhercuchous paint

This composition is also called enamel. Use it to cover plastic and wooden surfaces. Usually an enamel is used when processing vehicles elements. Enamel is characterized by high resistance to moisture and temperature drops. Therefore, it is used to cover wooden flooring a veranda. There is no lead and chromium in such a paint.

One of the substantial minuses of such coatings is opacity. However, enamel hides various surface defects. If necessary, protect the tree chlore acceleration enamel will be good choice. Apply the paint is necessary in 2 layers. Between application you need to wait about 8 hours. Color floors wide brush. It can penetrate even insignificant surface defects. So that the effect is much better, the surface should be pre-primed.

Important! One of the advantages of chloringochuk enamel is high reliability. Such coatings are capable of serve not one season without updating.

Choosing a composition

For proper preparation floors, as well as their subsequent processing antiseptic means and primers, the floors will serve as long as possible. Photos of processed surfaces will help choose the optimal composition.

The tools that paint the floor on the veranda are divided into such varieties:

  • grinding machine and skin;
  • putty knife;
  • tassels and rollers;
  • solvent;
  • primer with antiseptic properties;
  • materials to protect the floor surface.

Gradually, it is necessary to select all the materials that will be useful for painting the veranda. Standard enamel perfectly protects the floor only in closed rooms. Flooring on the terrace treated with such materials will not stand more than one season.

The optimal variant of the choice of the composition for covering the veranda is terraced oil. It is recommended to use both terraces and marins. There are many modifications of this protective material. They are used for different purposes. For example, some are used when dyeing boards that are not intended for fast laying.

If you want to preserve the natural beauty of wood, and also to protect it well. For this purpose, they use a veil. It combines high-quality impregnation and lacquer coating. In this case, the treated surface is prepared by waterproof varnish and impregnation. It is necessary to prepare for the fact that the varnish will be expensive.

You can save natural wood pattern. Usually, yacht paint is used for this purpose. Can also be selected and acrylic compositions. Preliminary flooring implies surface treatment with lesing or antiseptic primer composition. When using paint to cover, the veranda should accurately follow the manufacturer's instructions.

Preparation for processing

The key to the long operation of the floor covering the veranda is thorough preparation. If the floors have already been stained, it should be removed from the flooring an old coating. If it is difficult to do this, you can use the CM-1 emulsion.

Before painting the floor, it is necessary to get rid of all defts of wood. With prolonged exposure to sunlight and moisture, the material becomes black and gray. Remove bacteria and various flaws of wood can be used with grinders. Work is carried out before the appearance of a light shade. Boards, which are spoiled, must be replaced.

To protect wood, you can use different materials that differ in the application technology. If it is decided to use the antiseptic primer, the floors must be opened and waited until they dry. Open the floors are needed by primer in several layers. It is necessary that the material is well soaked with the composition. It is necessary that the primer will dry after the last application for three days. Only after its complete drying can be applied the main material.

When applying a special impregnation on wooden floors, it is better to choose protective varnish For further finishes. Depending on the manufacturer's company, the technology of applying materials will differ.


After graduation, staining begins. With the right application LKM. Work is carried out in several stages. It is necessary to consider that the coating must be applied in length, and not by the width of the board.

When you first perform painting, the coating must be growing as much as possible. Must get a rather thin layer. It will dry out for five days. In some cases, it is necessary to wait a week for complete drying of the composition. There must be 2-3 layers of paint. Each applied layer of the composition must be dried.

Important! The final stage of the painting of floors on the veranda is washing the floor. It must be carried out using hot water.

In order for the use of floors on the terrace longer, they need to carefully care for them. When performing a certain list of actions, the risk of deformation of the protective coating can be reduced.

In winter, the veranda is not used. Therefore, the floor must be covered with a polyethylene film. To exclude slip, it is necessary to lay mats in the passage zone.

It is especially important to take care of the choice of material to create a floor. The highest resistance to external influences have solid wood species. However, they are very expensive. Soft wood varieties dry faster and more susceptible to rotting.

When the question of laying the flooring in the street zone (gazebo, terrace, attic, veranda), a thousand doubt arises sharply. Of which it is better to make the floor on an open or closed area for recreation, not covered by the overall heating system. That is, in such places in winter time The temperature can be low enough, and in the summer, corresponding to the sultry heat.

What an outdoor coating for a private house (veranda, terraces, attic or arbors) choose from what to make a beautiful, durable floor, we understand below.

Quality of coatings for the territory adjacent to the private house

Taking into account the fact that the terrace, the veranda, gazebo or attic at the cottage are practical street areas of recreation (even if they closed type) It is worth choosing and the most durable flooring for such objects. Floor materials must comply with such characteristics:

  • Increased moisture resistance. Since even in a closed veranda, gazebo, terrace, the attic winter is very cold. And as a result of changes in temperature, condensate can be collected under the influence of direct sunlight. Yes, and rains or snow on open holiday areas have their own impact on materials.
  • Frost resistance. That is, the floor covering for the veranda, terraces, attic or arbors should not be dissolved under the influence of too low temperatures.
  • Strength. Taking into account the fact that the territory with a similar flooring will be operated under conditions of elevated loads and outdoors, the material must be maximally resistant to enhanced mechanical effects.
  • Anti-slip characteristics. Such quality will avoid injury during operation during the cold season.
  • Low wear. Flooring for the veranda, attic, arbor, or terraces should be perfectly preserved its appearance under the influence of the rays of the sun, rain, frost, wind and cold, as well as mechanical loads.

Based on the listed requirements for the outdoor coating for the terrace / veranda / attic / arbor, there will be excellent options:

  • Terraced board (Decing);
  • Porcelain plate;
  • Stone concrete slabs;
  • Board of larch or teak array.

Important: No material, in addition to the above flooring, will not be able to serve in extreme expression conditions for more than 2-3 years. And this means that it will have to make expensive repairs. Therefore, it is better to run the stacking of a reliable coating once than to do the same job.

Terraced board

To make the floors of a private house (namely on the veranda / terrace / in a gazebo or attic) durable and durable, decoping (terraced) is widely used today. Panels for the floor are smooth or corrugated boards made of wood-polymer flour. That is, flour used as part of this floor covering wood breeds in combination with polymers. The latter play the role of the hardener and the plasticizing agent.

The terraced floor board in the country or in a private house (on open areas) is manufactured by pressing. That is, high pressure, the mixture is squeezed through the specified form, and as a result we get beautiful polymer floorboards.

The advantages of Decing for open areas of the holiday home / cottages are:

  • High material strength;
  • Anti-slip properties;
  • Resistance to temperature differences, moisture and cold;
  • Simplicity of installation and care;
  • Beautiful attractive view with imitation natural tree;
  • In addition, the terraced board is absolutely inert to moisture, so it can be laid on the pierces, piernes, in bathing areas, pools and even on the porch of the house / cottages.

Porcelain tile

Similar material for the floor in the gazebo, on the terrace, on the veranda or in the attic it is perfectly suitable if the common style of the house decided to do with the use of stone.

Important: When installing porcelain stoneware on attic at home or cottages, it is worth considering the weight of tiles, as they can significantly drag the whole design. The advantages of the porcelain-bounded flooring is that the tiles are not subject to any changes under the influence of temperature differences and moisture. In addition, porcelain stoneware plates are manufactured in the most different designs From marble slabs to a natural stone or even a tree. So create a unique landscape design with a similar coating will be easy.

Such an outdoor coating is suitable for the design of the terrace / veranda / arbor / attic, and for finishing the porch at home.

Important: And for the floor of the veranda / attic / terrace / arbor, and for the porch of the house it is necessary to use only plates with a rough surface and non-stated. This will avoid injury. Support such plates is needed on a well-purified concrete base and only on frost-resistant glue.

In addition, laying a porcelain stoneware (as, however, and other outdoor coatings on the open areas of summer holidays) should be produced under a slight bias to provide water outflow from the terrace / veranda / arbors / attic or porch.

Concrete plates

Such an outdoor coating is more suitable for installation at open cottages with a canopy. It may be the territory in the garden, and an open terrace near the house, and even a gazebo-canopy in the park. On the porch, such materials are better not to lay.

Modern technologies allow producing concrete plates With imitation under the blocking, brick, natural cobblestone, etc., assemble such a coating exclusively to the cement solution or on a sandy screed.

The advantages of concrete slabs include:

  • Strength and durability;
  • Ease of installation;
  • Ease of care;
  • Maintainability (if necessary, you can simply replace the slab spoiled with the time).

The disadvantages include uncontrolled satellite meals as a result of non-compliance with the technology of laying coating in the country.

Natural board made of wood massif

Such an outdoor coating is perfect for closed cottages of cottages or a private house. However, if the boards are made of an array of teak or larch, you can apply them on open terraces, verandas, attic, in arbors. In addition, if the house is completely made of wood, then a porch can be equipped with such a material.

IN last years He received the distribution of a private house element called a veranda or terrace. In the construction of these structures, to increase the operational period, it is important to observe the list required requirements. Special attention should be paid to flooring, after determining the material and its characteristics.

Select the material for the floor of the terrace

By an embodiment of the terrace can be divided into three types.

  1. Closed - having fully sealed walls that can be performed in solid form, with glazed windows or made of monolithic or cellular polycarbonate. From the point of view of preserving the floor material, this option is the most profitable.
  2. Semi-closed - having a part of the wall or a solid fence around the perimeter of the site. This reduces the effect of atmospheric factors on the floor material, but it will not be able to completely level it.
  3. Open - having a fence that does not prevent the penetration of precipitation, wind into the inner space of the terrace. With this method of execution, the negative impact on the sexual coating is maximally.

Based on the above, given the operating conditions of the floor, one or another type of coating should be chosen. Otherwise, the forces and funds spent on construction will be in vain.

The following factor affecting the choice of the floor of the floor arrangement of the veranda is the form of the foundation of the building and the presence of the underground - the free space separating the floor of the site and the ground. As a rule, for light buildings, additive to the house, use a columnar or pile base. Sometimes ribbon, less often monolithic. Depending on the type of foundation, the floor arrangement is selected.

Ceramic tile

Slab materials still find wide application For veranda sites, terraces and arbors. They are distinguished by relative simplicity of laying, pricing availability, the presence of anti-slip coating options, which makes the operation of the specified buildings safe at any time of the year. Due to the high mass of the material itself, the adhesive seam and the leveling concrete layer is not recommended to perform a decoration with ceramic tiles of wooden floors.

As a rule, this option is used in the presence of a monolithic foundation. The tile floor does not require additional finishes with paint and varnishes and rather durable. Sonsistent disadvantage of this type is weak resistance to shock loads - fallen tools and various massive items can lead to a split tiles. In this case, not a complex replacement process allows you to quickly restore the coating.

A wide selection of tiles allows you to diversify the options for finishing horizontal surfaces. High abrasion resistance contributes to the use of tiles in places with high load, for example - porch. If the terrace is combined with the entrance to the main building, such a choice is justified.

A more characteristic way to arrange the floor of the street veranda of the house is the use of genital wood boards. Natural material emphasizes the individual style of the owner of the house, wood is available at a price and is widespread. An essential disadvantage of natural geepar is low resistance to moisture and various biological factors. This must be taken into account when preparing and implementing the installation process.

At the same time there are rocks with higher moisture resistance. Many of them belong to the exotic group that negatively affects the cost. The most affordable for the ordinary buyer is larch - the most common in Russia conifer breed. Her wood is completely not afraid of water and can serve for a long time. But it requires processing with special oils and varnishes to preserve the natural species.

Decing for terrace and veranda

In recent years, a new composite material broke into the construction markets of Russia, called Deconge. It is boards or tiles made of crushed woodworking wastes mixed with molten plastic and molded at high pressure.

The benefits of Decking are:

  • immunity to moisture, fungus and mold;
  • high (up to 50 years) Durability of the coating even on open verandas and balconies;
  • the presence of many variants of the working surface from smooth, imitating the texture of the tree on the end sections, to corrugated;
  • easy installation, available for doing with your own hands.

In this case, the presence in the mixture of natural components from wood limits the atmospheric durability of the material. In particular, with long-term operation on the illuminated, sunny side The deconing surface can change the color, which is restored by special, additional processing. This aspect requires periodic attention to coverage and financial expenses.

Floor manufacturing technology on the terrace

After reviewing the abundance of materials used for laying floors in extensions, consider the main mounting methods available to perform with your own hands.

Tile floor

As noted above, the tile is well used in the arrangement of attachments located directly entrance group. A concrete monolith is suitable for such a sex. In the case of the surfaces of the surface level of exceeding 1-1.5 cm, it should be pre-produce a leveling screed from a cement solution. The same way They come to raise the future platform for proper height to the entrance to the room at home.

For installation on the terrace, you should choose a tile with a corrugated facial surface, which increases the adhesion with her soles of shoes and protects against slippage even in winter. The coating flooring is carried out using tile glue for external work. The main tools serve a toothed spatula with rectangular teeth and rubber cosyan.

The mixture prepared in advance is placed and smoothes to obtain the same seam thickness. The gaps between the tiles are better not to leave to prevent the accumulation of dirt and getting water. The position of the placed coverage elements is controlled by the construction level.

Massive board

The coating of genital circular boards is placed on any type of base. For high-quality mount, the base in the form of a lag is a cross-section of 150x150 mm. Building material from natural wood is treated from:

  • fire;
  • moisture;
  • mold;
  • insects;
  • impact of ultraviolet.

It is impregnated by long versions of spraying, painting rollers and brushes, as well as dipping in independently made baths from edged boards and polyethylene filmwhich fell out the bottom and sides.
Processed and dried boards are styled in one layer.

The mount is carried out in the following ways.

Paul Decing

The decopping floor design is represented by adjustable lags, transverse bars and artificial gender. To determine such a coating for the terrace (veranda) without familiarization with the process is quite difficult.

Video Installation technology.

General installation rules.

Flooring of the terrace

To put the floor of the terrace for a long time pleased the owners and created a homely comfort even outside the building, it is necessary to care for the coating. Natural wood materials are necessarily covered by weather-resistant varnish, special oils and verses. You can simply paint the wooden floor.

For decoration large squares It is convenient to use a greasy roller, which allows you to get a uniform application and reduce the flow rate of the LKM. With intensive operation of the surface, it is recommended to apply at least three layers and periodically, once every three or four years to update it.

Thematic material:

Thus, options for the floor arrangement of the terrace are quite a lot. The choice depends on the foundation of the extension, preferences and financial capabilities of the owner.

The trim of floors on the terrace, the veranda and in the gazebo has its own characteristics associated with the large patency of the premises. The choice of flooring for the terraces and the veranda depends on many factors: the degree of openness of the room, the presence or absence of heating inside (including a warm floor), the arrangement of an extension. What requirements are presented to street flooring, and what materials you can finish the floor on the veranda or terrace, read in the article.

How to choose outdoor flooring

Most often, terraces, verandas and balconies are unheated premises. The temperature in them is rarely different from the temperature outside. In addition, the premises of the semi-open and open type will certainly be encountered with adverse weather phenomena (precipitation, winds, solar rays). Therefore, choosing materials to finish the floor in these rooms, you should pay attention to the floor coverings for the street. It is they who will fully respond to the requirements submitted below.

So, the floor on the veranda, the terrace, the balcony and in the gazebo must have such qualities as:

  1. High degree of wear resistance. The veranda and terrace are often a passing premises leading to the garden. Therefore, the wear resistance indicator plays a big role.
  2. Moisture resistance. It is better to choose moisture-proof materials. So, they will not "break" under frosts in winter. In addition, they will be able to protect the base from moisture (it is imperative if the basis is wooden).
  3. Frost resistance. In addition to the fact that the coating should withstand low temperatures, it must withstand its oscillations.
  4. Chemical resistance. Often on terraces and verandas go to shoes or leave footwear in rooms. Therefore, the floor here is washed quite often. Often, the coating has to be disinfected, washing using household chemicals.

In addition, the coating should not be perfectly smooth. In winter, the smooth floor will be covered with ice, and in the fall and in the spring it can be easily slipped due to precipitation.

Terrain porcers: pros and cons

Outdoor porcelain stoneware is an excellent solution for finishing floors on the street or in extensions with a large cross. Such material differs from ceramic tile by what is tied throughout the thickness. Thanks to this, the porcelain stoneware does not fade, and its coating does not lose its color in mechanical exposure.

In addition, the porcelain stoneware has such advantages as:

  1. Strength. The porcelain coating can withstand a load of 30 tons, which is two dozen times the similar indicator at the concrete floor.
  2. Durability. Hanging porcelain is extremely difficult. The monolithic structure of the material makes it extremely durable and wear-resistant. The estimated service life of the material is 50 years.
  3. Frost resistance, sun rays, insect, chemicals.
  4. Waterproof. Material is absolutely waterproof. This is due to the zero porosity of the material.
  5. Fire safety. Porcelain stoneware does not ignite and does not burn.

At the same time, the material has a high degree of thermal conductivity and sound insulation. The disadvantages of the material include its high enough cost. In addition, only a solid foundation is required for covering a porcelain.

Than you can cover the floor on the veranda

The choice of flooring on the veranda depends on whether it will be closed, or will be in an open-air. In the first case, the finish flooring should be frostive (often such extensions are not heated). In addition, it is often precisely on the veranda, guests and residents of the house leave shoes. Therefore, the coating on the veranda should be moisture-resistant. If the veranda is open, then the material must have all the properties as the street coating: even if there is a roof over the veranda, it will not fully protect the floor from sunlight and precipitation.

Given the above requirements, for the floor trim, the veranda can be chosen:

  1. Wood. This is a classic country houses. Wood floor heat and eco-friendly. It is better for the veranda to choose wood of coniferous or exotic rocks resistant to high humidity and UV rays. Oak differs special durability, but such a coating will no longer be cheap.
  2. Bulk floor. Such gender is distinguished by high performance and decorativeness. In addition, the installation work is performed quickly, without dirt and dust. The base under polymer coating Maybe from concrete, wood.
  3. Tile coating. Ceramic tile is suitable for indoor, semi-open and open arbor: it is well withstanding the mechanical effects and temperature differences. But this coating is cold enough. In addition, builders do not recommend putting the tile on the pile foundation. Separate with tiles can be concrete.
  4. Rubber is lightweight, moisture-resistant, soft and warm, attractive material that does not slide. The rubberized coating advise you to choose if there are children in the family. Cover the floor with such material with your own hands. But it should be remembered that the installation of the rubber type (crumb, granules) depends on the installation method.
  5. Frost-resistant linoleum. Linoleum is the most affordable material. In addition, it is possible to store the floor with your own hands, which will save on the services of builders. But still, linoleum has mediocre performance: in a few years they will have to replace it with a new coating.
  6. PVC panels. It is resistant to abrasion, fireproof material. The modern market offers material in various colors, with different patterns and textures. But it is not advised to lay it if the veranda is located on the south side of the house.

If the veranda is glazed and has a warm floor, then for decoration you can choose a waterproof parquet or laminate. Suitable for such floors and carpet.

Wooden floor on the terrace

Wooden floor has long become traditional for a private house, cottages. The tree looks incredibly attractive and expensive, is ecologically pure Material. The correctly selected tree of the tree for the terrace will not only look attractive, but also serves more than a dozen years.

If the floor is getting bored, then the tree can always be painted: the paint will not only change the appearance of the coating, but also protects the terraced coating from the sun, moisture, insects.

Today it is fashionable to paint wood into white, which looks stylish, and is suitable for any interior. In addition, you can use to finish the floor on the terrace Special boards - Deoping. Decing is the same wood, but processed by a special composition, which protects the board against rotting, increases the resistance of the floor to abrasion. Decing coating can be both classic - brown and green, gray. The choice of colors and textures is extremely large.

It is better to choose for flooring on a derangement terrace with a relief surface: the foot on such a coating will not slide.

In addition, builders advise preference to composite materials: a composite tree, in addition to wood, combines polymers. Such, half an artificial floor board, will be much stronger than the usual.

Deck Plastic Terrace Board: Advantages and Disadvantages

Plastic deck board is an alternative to an expensive tree: it also looks spectacular and attractive, such as Decong. This board can be used to finish floors in rooms, where the likelihood of contact with water is large. In addition, the deck plastic board is hollow inside, has a small weight, which allows you to use it for finishing floors on pile foundations. Installation of boards can be made with your own hands.

However, plastic deck board:

  1. It has an attractive appearance and anti-slip texture. At the same time, over time, the board does not fade and does not fade.
  2. It has a long service life (on average, 30-50 years).
  3. Resistant to abrasion and temperature drops.
  4. Undemanding in care. Paul can be washed with ordinary soapy water.

The disadvantages of the material include the fact that the plastic deck boards are very hot under the sunny rays. Therefore, such a coating is better to put on covered terraces and verandas on the north side of the house.

How to choose a terrace board (video)

The modern flooring of the outdoor finish coatings offers a wide range of materials for those who want to separate the floor on the veranda and the terrace. Today everyone has the opportunity to choose a coating that will meet its own financial capabilities and taste preferences. The main thing is that the coverage has answered all of the above requirements. Only then will it delight guests and residents at home with their appearance not one dozen years old!

ATTENTION, only today!

It should be understood that the floor on the terrace is subject to a variety of negative effects: moisture, temperature and humidity differences, mechanical loads, etc.

That is why there are not all wooden, plastic or stone floor coverings on the open terrace.

Flooring for the open terrace must meet certain requirements.

The main of which are:

  • High levels of resistance to moisture, so on. The floors of the terraces are constantly susceptible to various atmospheric precipitation;
  • Increased frost resistance. Of course, no one will dismantle the coating in the winter, so the floor must withstand low temperatures and lying snow;
  • Flooring should be non-slip and have an attractive view (although it is by personal choice of each);
  • Floor material must withstand mechanical loads (shock, abrasive, constant).

As a rule, for open and closed terraces, a separate foundation is performed, which is not associated with the foundation of the adjacent building. Very well, if the black terrace floor is represented by wooden lags or other similar supports. In this case, problems with the installation of outdoor coatings of different types of problems will not arise. But often terraced floors are performed directly on the ground base, which is not good decision In most cases.

When the terrace flooring is special attention is paid to countering moisture. For this can be used the most different solutions, among which you can select the following:

  • Creating a solid inclined draft base from concrete, the slope of which will be several degrees. It is also compulsory cladding of this base by frost-resistant tiles, and the water lead system is carried out along the perimeter.
  • Creating a solid raised inclined base with a waterproofing layer on which a choggy layer is mounted for drainage. Outdoor coating in this case are usually made of thick tiles.
  • Creating a base from a choggy submet to the soil. Outdoor coating are made of tiles on a crumb and sandy layer. If a column and fencing device is assumed, then the formation of a bar foundation is recommended, which will avoid water accumulation near the floor under the floor coating.
  • Creating a horizontal raised coating on lags. Between lags, it is envisaged for the presence of gaps for moisture removal into the ground or in special drainage tanks. Also recommended a column foundation.

Tile floor coverings on the terrace

To make a beautiful and durable floor on the terrace, sometimes use stone or ceramic tiles, porcelain stonewares and other types of slab materials. Their installation is recommended for a solid raised base from concrete. Laying tiles is performed on frost-resistant adhesive compositions. Seaming of seams is carried out using the grout, inert to the effects of moisture. Tile or porcelain stoneware should also have high frost-resistant and moisture-resistant characteristics.

Clinker tile.

If the tile material does not have such properties, then there is no particular point in the terrace on the terrace. If you plan to put a tile from a natural stone, then you need to prepare for the fact that it will have to care for it.

It is very dangerous if the tiled surface of the floor terrace in the cold season is icised.

Potted terrace coatings

In this case, it is difficult to advise to act with your own hands, work exclusively on an amateur or specialist. Various types of cobbled coatings can be used for laying on the terrace: clinker tiles, concrete slabs, terraced decoing, plates made of natural stone. Laying such materials It is best to carry out on a crossbank layer. It should be borne in mind that the tiles in this case will be subject to serious load on the break, so you need to choose the most strong models.

Crumbn drainage flooring for laying power coatings should have a thickness of 15-20 cm. Laying a crumb to layer can be carried directly to the ground base. At the same time, it is necessary to close the part of the Earth, which adjoins the foundation of the building using concrete Gameshet. In the case when the laying of the drainage layer is performed on the basis of concrete, it must be equipped with a waterproof layer (a standard rolled rolling robe) can be used. In addition, the waterproof layer created must be done under a slight inclination of 3-5 degrees.

Paved tiles.

Laying of paved coatings on the floors, on the terrace is performed using traditional technology Mounting paving slabs, which provides for the creation of thick seams between the individual tiles and their backing of large-scale sand.

As a rule, the use of such technology allows you to drain enough water so that it does not fall on the terrace.

It is worth noting that during the operation of the floor covering, it is often the need to clean the seams from various contaminants, as well as swelling with new sand.

Terrace floor covering with boards

Perhaps this is the most convenient option for lovers to work with your own hands. The floor covering for the terrace using boards is a traditional and very popular solution in our country. It is worth noting that for installation in the conditions of an open terrace, specialized deck wood is well suited, which is less susceptible to various negative impacts. In addition, special boards created on the basis of wood fibers, pulp and polymers can be attributed to the same category. These are the so-called terraced boards that can have different dimensions, colors and shapes.

Elegant wooden coating.

Good workers I. performance features It has a terrace board, obtained by high-temperature impact in the factory. In special units, wood heat is heated to a certain temperature, as a result of which the wood sinters inside, so in the future it does not absorb water and starts to carry out steam. Similar indicators have boards from different wood breeds, which were subjected to deep antiseptic impregnation in the factory conditions. Of course, it is rather difficult to impregnate with your own hands with your own hands to achieve deep impregnation.

Stacking boards on the floors, on the terrace with their own hands it is recommended to perform on wooden lags whose height is 15-20 cm or more. Between the individual lags, it is necessary to observe a step of 50-60 cm, which will allow you to use a greater thickness on the terrace. From the bottom of the wooden lags should be based on the foundation base.

Of course, before performing flooring from the boards, the lags need to be treated with antiseptic and water-repellent compositions.

Need to take into account that when used wooden Lag. It is necessary to make a soil under the terrace with their own hands with a bias immediately in two sides so that the moisture cannot accumulate in large quantities under the terrace.

Rubber tile for open terraces

In recent years, a rubber tile is becoming increasingly popular. It is worth familiar with the technology of its manufacture.

There are examples of the use of rubber tiles on the terrace.

What is the floor better?

It is quite difficult to talk about what kind of floor covering is best suited. It can be bolder to declare that any floor covering mounted with your own hands is suitable for a floor for a terrace device if it meets all the above requirements.

It is very important that the selected floor of the floor has answered all the requirements. Even better if the flooring is anti-slip and not allergenic.

On the modern market A huge amount of materials are represented that can potentially be used as an outdoor coating on the terrace or veranda, therefore, with the choice of a suitable model, there will be no problems. And it's not difficult to install it with your own hands.

The terrace is an outdoor platform, which is a "transshipment point" between the house and the street. The choice of floor covering for it is not a simple task. The terrace is open to rain, snow, summer heat and winter frosts. Therefore, the material for its coating must maintain its functionality in complex, almost outdoor conditions. And, of course, possess high aesthetic qualities.

Floor coatings for the terrace must have the following properties:

  • High frost resistance. This characteristic is ensured by a low water absorption - up to 3%. Materials with such an indicator are not impregnated with moisture, it does not freeze in frost and, accordingly, cannot lead to cracking and damping of the coating.
  • Moisture resistance. The floor on the terrace is exposed to atmospheric precipitation. Therefore, the materials used to cover should not absorb moisture, to deform from it, subjected to rotting.
  • Strength. Any coverage that "works" in atmospheric conditions should have greater strength than home coatings. Otherwise, in 2-3 years it will have to change it.
  • Low abrasion. From this indicator, the durability and the appearance of the terraced floor directly depends. The minimum abrasability class of materials that are permissible for the terraces - IV.
  • Anti-skid properties. They are important to ensure the safety of people, especially when walking on wet or out of the floor of the terrace.
  • Resistant to ultraviolet. If the terrace does not plan to install a canopy, then the sun's rays can reduce the intensity of the coating color. This is not happening if you use materials with a high degree of protection against UV rays.

All these characteristics are inherent in the following materials, which are considered the best to cover the terraces:

  • decing from DPK;
  • ceramics (clinker, porcelain stoneware, ceramic tile);
  • concrete slabs and tiles;
  • stamped concrete;
  • stone slabs;
  • wooden boards.

Consider in detail all these options.

Option 1. Decine made of composite materials

To cover the terraces, a very convenient material is a specialized terrace board. It is made from a wood-polymer composite (DPK) consisting of plastic (20%) and crushed wood (80%). Composite board - a good alternative natural wood, combining the aesthetics of the tree and the frequency of plastic.

Boards from DPK look almost like natural, but to care for them is much easier. They are easy to wash, they do not require special care. The DPK material is pleasant to the touch, there are no cracks and bitch, it does not slip - thanks to the longitudinal furrot.


  • high moisture resistance;
  • the heat resistance - withstands the temperature from -45 ° C to + 80 ° C;
  • the presence of anti-slip grooves on the surface;
  • does not need additional processing and coating;
  • simple installation (disassembly);
  • simple care.

The lack of composite decoing can be attributed to the visual and tactive difference from the natural tree, which, despite the efforts of the manufacturers, is still traced.

On the this momentDecing is the most popular outdoor coating for the terrace. However, we recommend such a terrace board only in specialized and tested stores, for example in This store offers an excellent price / quality ratio and has proven itself well.

Option # 2. Ceramics for terrace

The most suitable ceramic products for the floor of the terrace:

  • clinker;
  • porcelain stoneware;
  • ceramic tile for external work.

Clinker tiles (paving) is used to finish the terraces on the ground or on the screed. In fact, the clinker is a checked brick that has absolute frost resistance and does not absorb moisture. It happens with a smooth and corrugated surface, different colors: from neutral white to saturated red. The shape of the clinker tile is square or rectangular, with straight or beveled edges.

Porcelain stoneware - frost-resistant and reliable tilecombining ceramics and granite in its composition. It is distinguished by a variety of design, due to the ability to imitate different materials: natural stone (any - from granite to marble), wood, leather. For terraces, only unpolished porcelain stoneware is suitable, with a rough surface. Laying is carried out on the prepared concrete slab, on the frost-resistant glue.

Ceramic tiles are also used for terraces. But it is necessary to choose it more carefully than clinker and porcelain. It should be frost resistant (look for the designation on the package!) Specially made for paving on the street. Suitable products with a rifer, structured surface. Despite the high decorativeness, the tile with a glazed, brilliant surface to use for the terraces is strictly prohibited. Suitable degree of abrasion - IV or V class.

Advantages of ceramic products:

  • high frost resistance;
  • durability;
  • resilience resistance under the influence of atmospheric precipitation and UV rays;
  • a variety of textures, forms, colors;
  • simple care;
  • easy repair (if necessary, replace each tile separately).


  • when performing paving, it is necessary to observe the bias so that water does not accumulate on the coating;
  • in the seams between the tiles may be seized moisture, deforming the coating;
  • low impact strength;
  • porcelain stonewares and ceramic tiles when icing become slippery (this deficiency can be circumvented, if you use special rubber mats with a non-slip effect).

Styling ceramic tiles lead on raised terraces, which are a reinforced concrete slab with an aligning screed. For fixing tiles use special glue for outdoor work.

Option # 3. Concrete slabs and tiles

The terrace platform can be formulated from concrete slabs or soil tiles. Laying is carried out on a cement-sand base. If the terrace is a raised concrete platform, then the plates can be glued with it using adhesive mixes For outdoor work. However, laying on cement-sandy solution Preferably, especially when using large concrete slabs.

With the help of large-sized concrete slabs, you can wind the large platform, spending quite a bit of time. Plate shape is rectangular or square. Common Dimensions: 60x60 cm, 50x50 cm, 60x45 cm, 30x30 cm.

Modern concrete slabs imitate a penetrated natural stone or ceramics. Plates with unusual are particularly popular figure surface. For example, with stamped lines visually separating slabs for several bricks - to styling ceramic blocks.

Concrete or smaller paving slabs are distinguished by a large design variety. They can be any form: rectangular, square, diamond, polygonal, complex wave-like. On the surface there are often different embossing in the form of lines, cracks (crewly), lights ("under the skin"), geometric figures, colors, etc.


  • strength;
  • durability (minimum 25-30 years);
  • a variety of sizes, shapes, colors and surface structures;
  • the ability to create various patterns and ornaments from tiles;
  • simple installation;
  • easyness in dismantling and recovery (for example, if necessary, laying communications under the coating, it suffices to remove several tiles, and then lay them on the place again, without changing new).


  • when paving, it is necessary to observe a bias for water flow;
  • in winter, the surface of the tile can be slippery;
  • with incorrectly prepared foundation, uneven tiles drawders are observed;
  • the complexity of choice, as high and low quality tiles in the store may look equally.

Thanks to the introduction into a concrete mixture of coloring pigments, the coloring of the tiles may affect the imagination. Now it's not just gloomy gray tones! In a free sale there are tiles of absolutely any color: from white and yellow to saturated red and deep blue.

Option # 4. Stamped concrete

This is a decorative concrete, the surface of which can copy the plates of natural stone, blocking, wooden parquet, bricks, river pebbles, ceramic tiles. Such a surface can be performed on raised terraces, base - railway plate.


  • durability;
  • strength;
  • the possibility of imitating any material;
  • a solid concrete surface does not allow moisture to be seeded;
  • easy to care.


  • in summer he is heated strongly;
  • when using smooth stamps, the surface of the concrete can be slippery;
  • long installation process.

Stamped concrete - one of the most modern options receipt decorative coating on the terrace. To create a stamped surface on the plate slab, a layer of special concrete is applied, on which the "printout" is performed using polyurethane stamps. After stamping, the concrete surface may look like an old pavement or elite European paving. In this case, all properties of concrete (durability, strength, frost resistance) are fully saved.

Option # 5. Stone plates for facing the terrace

The stone tile is capable of harmoniously combine the terrace with the nature of the nursery. If the terrace is raised reinforced concrete slabYou can use a thin stone tile, 1-2 cm thick. If you want to design a terrace on the ground, large plates are suitable, 3-6 cm thick. In this case, the base will serve a rubbed or sand pillow.


  • high aesthetics;
  • durability;
  • if abrasion does not change the appearance, beautifully agrees.


  • stone heats up in the sun;
  • when dried on the surface, cracks may appear;
  • seams are easily polluted.

When choosing a stone tile for the terraces, pay attention to the moisture resistance and the degree of abrasability of the breed. The most resistant open areas are plates from granite, basalt, shale, syenitis. On the covered terraces you can use sandstone, travertine, limestone.

Option # 6. Wooden boards

Tree is a traditional material for the terrace. Wooden boards create durable, beautiful and warm to the touch coating. As a rule, it is satisfied, laying boards and wide rails on the framework of the lag and runs. Possible laying of antiseptic thick boards on the rubble base.

For open terraces, it is recommended to use boards from moisture-resistant solid rocks: larch, teak, oak, Merbau, Kumaru, Iroquo. They have an increased density, therefore are not subject to rotting, resistant to insects, long retain the initial appearance. Such properties can be given the material artificially, by means of heat treatment. In the process of heating to the combustion temperatures, wood ceases to absorb moisture, so it does not rot, it does not crack, it is not deformed. Thermal processing technology is used for spruce, pine, ash, beech, birch.

Advantages of a wooden surface:

  • warm surface;
  • depreciation properties;
  • high decorativeness;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • a large range of colors, sizes, board structures.


  • changes color under the influence of UV rays;
  • difficulty care;
  • regularly requires treatment with antifungal coatings.

In the manufacture of the terrace use planed boards (processed by antiseptics and antipirens) or special terrace (deck). The last option is the best. Terraced wooden boards (Decing) are made only from solid wood varieties (in other cases, heat treatment is used). Their edges are rounded, the fastening of the spike groove is not provided. Decing elements are laid at a short distance from each other, thanks to which the atmospheric moisture flows free through the gaps. The surface of the boards can be not only smooth, but also a corrugated (with grooves) - it increases anti-slip properties of wood.

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