Lofant Anise: Growing from seeds. Lofant Anise (PHOTO) Useful properties landing and care

Gardening 14.06.2019

It all started quite innocently)
I wanted to deal with the purchased Lofant bags

For convenience, I numbered them and began to study the question.

It can be seen that on №1 and №2 it is written that Mexican mint is written.
№2 and №5 - mixtures.
№4 and №7 - It is written that Korean mint.
№3 and №4 - suspiciously similar to each other.
№3 - some kind of mint golden anniversary
№6 - some kind of mint flaming sunset.

I will immediately clarify that I needed Lofant, possessing medical properties (for tea), and that is why I climbed into the network for information to clarify which Lofant from the purchased I need.

First source - Wikipedia.
Wikipedia offers such a list of the main types of multicrees / Agasthek / Lofant.

From all this list, the link with information is only one Lofant - a multicrees with wrinkle. I go on the link
and that's what is written there:

Yes, it seems that I'm looking for. Summary:
Multicrees, he is Lofant, he is agasthek.
Especially valuable is his Dosage variety,
Agastache Rugosa. / Multicolor wrinkled / Lofant Tibetan / Korean Mint /

This species is considered the only one therapeutic species Lofant, the rest - decorativee. There is still anise - but a little later later .

Among my seeds, "Korean Mint" are named only two - №4 and №7. But №4 is very similar to №3, how can I distinguish the "Korean Mint" from other variety of Lofant? And what do I have more types of Lofanta, how can they be used? I climbed to look for information on ...

But again, someone united Tibetan and Anise Lofhants, and claims that they have absolutely identical properties:

And the second time I bump into the fact that they write that the Tibetan Lofant has white flowers, and anise - lilac ....
Where is the truth???

The most joke is that anise lofant is generally out of classifications !!!
And the firm "Aelita" manages to sell it under the guise of Issop (anise)! Although these are different plants.

More Lofant Anisova called:

Slavsman anise, Issop Giant, Anisian Medisop, Big Blue Issop

And he is trying to "combine" and with Tibetan, and with Fennelhel, and with a historical ... in general, a full burdock)

So what is he?
The only source explaining from where this Issoop Anisian writes what is what(and then without Pruf!):

"This plant you will not meet in the wild. Do not mention it encyclopedias and reference books. The fact is that Lofant Anisova brought the breeders. This healing perennial from the family of licorious is very useful, has wonderful aromatic, honey and honeycomb and medicinal properties. Lofant Anisian is a relative of Melissa and cat mint, but he acts on viruses, microbes and mushrooms are stronger than they. "

But still, I did not understand what variety from which this anise lofant was derived and it is possible to apply it as Tibetan.
And how to distinguish them all from each other.
And what I have for the seeds, in the end.

It is less understandable that No. 6 is 99% Lofant Mountain. And that is not a fact, but suppose.

Questions remained as:

1. Mexican Lofand # 1 and number 2? How to distinguish it from the rest?
2. No. 3, Golden Anniversary, is it Lofant Fennelheleva or Anise?

Photos of my "Yellow Lofant"

3. And what is Lofant Anisian? From what kind of type of Lofanta did he occur and do the medical properties of the Lofanta Tibetan? How to distinguish it from the rest?
4. №4 and №7 is it really Korean Mint (Lofant Tibetan)?
5. What is the mixture number 5?

Answers to these questions I am extremely important, because I have to know exactly what I will dry and brew in tea.

Help hall is very welcome!)))

UPD 2.: I also found a beautiful about the "Golden Jubilee" (which was or a fennelhelev, or anise, but look like Tibetan, but not for sure))) Now he became Mexican! (Watch pictures in the frame in the "Soil" paragraph)

UPD from March 2018:
Because many ask about the results of the experiment - I will answer here.
Added a picture with seeds, for the old rumbled.

1. All Lustians failed from the list. Did not put the last bundle.
2. In connection with the birth of a child, two seasons The garden was almost abandoned, so the markers with names drowned in weeds and broke out, so the purity of the experiment was a bit broken.
3. No. 1, No. 2 and the Golden Anniversary have an identical smell of Anisa. For brewing in tea is not suitable, very specific smell. The golden anniversary did not survive on the third year. The one grew up (in the photo above) is just he was.
4. I suspect that Korean mint (second bottom) has also grown. The smell is also anise, although the leaves are slightly different.
5. Mint dusting sunset was externally not like everyone else. 2 twigs rose, and unfortunately did not survive the winter, so I did not try it ((((
So all commentators who wrote that almost all of these lops are the same and identified them as "Agasta Rugos (?), He is a multicolaser - turned out to be right.
But I still hope to find the very, useful and without anise odor.)))

Lofant Tibetan (age 3 weeks)

So, in Latin called Agastache Rugosa, or a multiloser wrinkled. The plant of the family is clarotonic, growing in the Far Eastern regions, in China. It has white collected in black, flowers, unlike the rest of the Lofant. A few years ago we brought the seeds of this plant with Altai and now we grow Lofant Tibetsky In our garden.

Useful properties of Tibetan Lofant

Lofant Tibetan is one of the main medicinal plants in chinese folk medicine, It has a lot of healing properties, and what is important, can grow in our Ural gardens. The people of Lofant got the name "Northern Ginseng" and he fully corresponds to it. Used overground part of adult plants. The green mass of the Loffant Tibetan is rich in vitamins, essential oils, flavonoids, has a very pleasant fragrance.

Due to its unique composition, Lofant Tibetan with regular use normalizes the metabolism, gently stimulates its own human immune force, soothes nervous system, restores sleep. Actively applies to normalization arterial pressureFor the treatment of diseases of the digestive system, kidneys and respiratory organs. Outdoor use in skin diseases, hair gives excellent results. I note that Lofant is not addictive and has no negative side Effects. But I think that you need to be cautious people suffering from pollinosis and other types of allergies.

How to grow Lofant Tibetan

Video from Alexei Sedoy about how he grows Lofant Tibetan for bees:

Grow Lofant Tibetan on your cottage plot very simple. To start . Immediately, I will say that other types of Lofant have no healing properties, and may be of interest only as aromatic and decorative plants.

Increases Lofant's raw yield biohumus fertilizer

Sowing seeds of Lofant Tibetan I spend in mid-March in peatlights of 3-5 seeds in one tablet. Containers with tablets cover transparent film. After a few days, shoots appear. It is advisable to provide seedlings good lighting And timely watering. After the first pair of real leaves, the plant is desirable to preferably feed the weak solution of complex fertilizers, such as Kemira or Fertet. It must be done to ensure that you want to eat the necessary food, because it is not enough in peat therapy, but it is sterile environment for germination of seeds.

Seedlings of Lofant Tibetan at the age of 4 weeks

In mid-April, seedlings from tablets I transplant in 200 grams. Glasses with a soil, after removing the shell with a pill. Seizians will be in them before landing for a permanent place. You can do it in the second half of May, when stable warm weather will be established. I land Lofant on the ridge according to the 50 * 50 cm scheme, and abundantly irrigate. Sometimes the house seedlings of the Lofant pulls out, but it is not scary. When landing in a bed next to a bush, it is enough to plunder a small peg of 20-30 cm, and gently tie up young stems of the Lofant to it, ensuring sufficient freedom to the plant. Pretty soon young landings will give the first increase. Stems and leaves will become markedly larger and will be very similar to nettle. After landing in the ground further care It is regular loosening, irrigation, feeding. If necessary, grown upstarts can be slightly dipped.

In July, Lofant will start blossoming, and this process stretches until the end of August. It was at the end of August that the main part of the Lofanta can be sized, leaving small, unworthy plants on the garden. They will be able to stay there until snow. And you will have the opportunity to tear the fresh leaflets of the Lofant for a cup of tea.

We collect and dry Lofant Tibetan

Sleeping stems need to be carried out at an altitude of 10-12 cm from the ground in dry mad weather. Then I take a few branches in the beam and in pairwise binding the bundles. In the attic, we strengthen the crossbar, throwing through which, shut "Parks". From the bottom under the raged downside beams of the Lofant, you can unwell a clean film, because It will crumble ripe seeds. They can be collected and the next year to use for sowing.

Despite the fact that Lofant Tibetan is perennialThe practice of his cultivation showed that the Ural frosts are destructive for the underground part of the plants. Survive only individual specimens, and are restored for quite a long time. While the newly planted young bushes are already growing at all. As a result, every year I am preparing Lofant's seedlings, and I do not hope for last year's plants.

How to choose a landing place?

If you are a happy owner of six acres, then choose especially nothing, because there is no free earth most often. But to highlight a small garden for 10-20 lofant bushes, I think you can. My acquaintances, for example, sit down the Lofant Arbor, and it provides them with a gentle and beneficial air during the rest in the gazebo, pleasant evening tea drinking, and in the composition with more shorter bright colors, very spectacular decorative View Recreation areas in the garden.

I tried to grow lofant in different parts His garden, on different soils and with varying degrees of shading. I can say that he will grow everywhere, wherever you planted Lofant's seedlings. But still, the letters of light sandy soils in the sunny place of the site were more comfortable for the Lofant. When landing in the well, I add some compost, ash and a pinch of complex mineral fertilizer. It must be said that in the shadow Lofant grows significantly worse than on the solar or slightly pronted areas. In the shade of Lofand, of course, it will also grow, but it will be low and may not even bruise. In the ideal conditions, by the end of August, we have meter spreading plants, abundantly covered with leaves and inflorescences that incredibly love bumblebees and bees. Lofant Exceptional Money! Just a find for beekeepers. And also a find for those who take care of their health through what nature gives us using plants grown in their garden. It is possible to make canceled herbal fees and therapeutic teas from garden plants In the composition with Lofant Tibetan. Well, isn't it a miracle: grow your medicine yourself?
It is only necessary to have a desire, patience and hard work, as well as learn how to competently compile herbal fees, taking into account your needs.

This plant you will not meet in the wild. Do not mention it encyclopedia and reference books. The fact is that Lofant Anisian brought breeders. This healing perennial from the family family is very useful, has wonderful aromatic, honey and medicinal properties.

Lofant Anisian is a relative of Melissa and cat mint, but he acts on viruses, microbes and mushrooms are stronger than they.

When Lofant blooms, a strong anise flavor is spread around, because in its aboveground part contains about 1.5% essential oilwhich consists of 70% methylhavicol.

What is this plant, Lofant Anisian? This is a long-term herbaceous bush with four-piano stems 1-1.5 m of height. Leaves heart and lonelytoliste with gear edges. A bush consists of 4-5 stems, on which 8-10 color lines grow in the form of a sapphire color, the length of each 14-16 cm.

Over time, the number of stems doubles and the bush grows up to 1.8 m. Flowers on black grinders, blue-purple. The flowering of Lofant from June to August, but the beginning of the bootonization can be observed at the end of May. But if you systematically cut the flowering branches, then their amount will only increase with time, as additional branches grow. In this case, the bees will be able to enjoy the Lofant of 3-4 months. In one place, Lofant Anisian grows 5-6 years without loss of flowering quality.

It is not difficult to grow lofant anise. He is unpretentious, but it grows far from any soil, drought-resistant, tolerates small frosts. Lofant Anisian seeds, seedlings and division of the bush. The fastest and most common way of reproduction - seeds, directly to the ground.

The soil for growing anise lofant should be easy fertile. It does not grow on marshy, sandy and overly lime soils.

When the lofant is reproduced by the division of the bush, it is digging and divided into parts so that each had a piece of root and 4-5 renewal kidneys.

For seed reproduction Lofant, you need to know that the germination of its seeds persists 2-3 years. In the fall, with a depth of 25-30 cm at a depth of 25-30 cm, it is advisable to make fertilizers (potash salt 15-20 grams per square meter, superphosphate - 2-3 grams per sq.m., manure - 1-2 kg per 1 kV. m). In the spring, the prepared area is harrowing and leveling. Seed seeds in March in loose, wet soil. At a depth of no more than 2-2.5 cm, with a framework of 70 cm. Shoots appear after 12-14 days. The first 3 weeks they grow slowly, so at this time they need to pay special attention - Wrap, pour. In phase 5 of the present leaves, Lofant is gaining strength, has a good root system And begins to grow very quickly. If necessary, shoots thin.

Already in the first year, the seedlock grows up to 120-150 cm of height and blooms to autumn. On the second year of Lofant's life for the summer 2 times with a solution of superphosphate (20 grams of 10 liters of water for 2-3 sq.m.).

You can suite Lofant seeds in the fall, under the winter, then the plants blooms earlier and gives a lot of seeds.

And for the second year, as soon as snow comes down, Lofant starts growing quickly. In one place when need care It can grow up to 10 years. And you can grow it in the room and on the balcony.

In March-April, the Lofant seedlings are grown. For 30 minutes, the Lofant seeds are supervised in a pink solution of mangartee, dry and put on the back in the fridge to the very top. Seying seeds into a steady ground to a depth of 0.5 cm, having done a pre-groove. Pulley, sprinkle the earth and cover with a transparent film or glass for 5-6 days, until the first searches appear. Pour shooters between rows, add drop in the water boric acid To protect plants from a black leg. After 25-30 days, when they are 4-5 leaves.

At the end of May, when sustainable warm days begin, the grown seedlings can be replaced in open sad, while retaining the distances between rows 20-25 cm and 60-70 cm. After the Lofant landing, regularly spend the weeding, loosening and plunge.

Useful and therapeutic properties of anise lofant: Application

Science proved healing properties Lofant anise. It is used in traditional medicine many countries. Almost almost there is such a disease in which Lofant would not help. In addition, no contraindications for its use does not give any complications and internal use.

Made of Lofant drugs are used for immune protection of the body, with nervous disorders and cardiovascular systems, liver diseases, pancreas. Lofant removes the inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract, the urogenital system and men, and women. It is especially effective in the treatment of colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma. It is useful to do inhalation with him, medical and wellness baths for children and people with weak health. The clinics have achieved positive results in the treatment of a number of skin diseases.

The drugs from the Lofant purify the body from the products of metabolism, toxic substances falling into it with air, water, food, help to remove heavy metals. They are recommended for improper metabolism, as well as those who live in conditions of atmospheric and radiation pollution.

Cosmetic preparations, which include Lofant, smooth wrinkles, making the skin of the face elastic and young, and also strengthen the roots of the hair on the head.

For internal use, they make such an infusion from the Lofant: 2 tbsp. Spoons of crushed raw materials lofant poured 2 glasses of boiling water, insist for 20 minutes, filter. This infusion is recommended to drink 120-150 ml 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. Children dose reduce. For external use on the same amount of water take twice as many raw materials.

For treatment, it is cut during flowering an overhead part at an altitude of 20 cm and dried in the shade. Store in paper bags.

The young leaves of the Lofant are very helpful. They are rich in vitamins, microelements, phytoncides, etc. They are used to prepare salads, soups, okroshka.

All parts of the Lofant are used as an aroma. True, an anise aroma may not like some hostesses, but it is acting positively on respiratory system And precisely because of it, Lofant is added to tea, kissel, compote, marinades, home tinctures, wines. However, it should be remembered about a strong aroma of the plant so that, as they say, do not overdo it.

Lofant is an excellent honey. Flowers contain a lot of nectar, so they give constant medical care for 4 months. Bees take a bribe until the end of August - September, when natural honeymows are already very small. Lofant honey golden, fragrant, healing.

Here is such a valuable plant - Lofant Anisian. We recommend everyone to settle it on your gods.

Lofants call more mint and multicolars, but I have already become accustomed to the lops. Although often call them in Latin Agastache (Agastache), but Latin - for internal use. And if there is a need to say to someone: "No, it is not a kittnik, but ...", then - Lofant.

I really like the lopstes for their dyed-natural look; I love such plants.
However, the grade of the Lofant "Golden Anniversary" - conventionally dyed because of the rare golden color Leaves, which look perfectly in a flower bed against other plants with green leaves.

And, of course, fascinates me the smell of lops!
I really love fragrant,.

It doesn't matter to me than smelling Lofanta - Anis, camphor, mint or cheese.
I do not use Lofints as medical plants And for, but just like to smell them very much. Go to the Lofhants, spend your hand on their fragrant twigs and enjoy the fragrance ...

Growing Lofanta

For early summer flowering Lofant Seeds sow at seedlings at the beginning of spring.

Heat-loving drought-resistant lops, love hot sun and prefer open place in the garden.
This plant is suitable for poor, drained soils. Lofant grows poorly on heavy and overwhelmed soils.

Unfortunately, many types of Lofant are not frost-resistant, they are successfully winter only under a mild winter. Therefore, the Lofants often grow as annuals or make a reliable dry shelter for winter.
Experts advise to cut off almost the land of the stems at the Lofants at the very beginning of autumn (until mid-September). In this case, the plants wake up root kidneys, which are well winter.

Young lops of some species are very much reminded. For example, quite a few Loffant seedlings of a historical, I once failed in the spring from the place of last year's sowing, until she was unwound: what it smells so pleased? Such a "weed" view of youth.

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Lofant ( Lophanthus. anisatus.) – this grass is very popular in Eastern medicine.

She is attributed to various magical properties and many consider Panacea almost from all diseases.

Depending on the growing area, it wears different names: anisessic Issop, licorchny mint and this is not full list. These names are based on the characteristics of this plant. Leaves and flowers of the Lofant have a mint-anise flavor.

Mint-anise fragrance characterizes the plant


This is perennial herbate plantwhich grows in the height of more than meters. He is a representative of the family of clarotonic (licable), because its inflorescences are represented in the form of spikes.


  • The Lofant Anisian four-headed shoots and oval leaves, the length of the sheet - up to 10 cm, and the width is up to 4 cm, on the edges are served off.
  • The plant has blue, orange or white flowers depending on the type.
  • Its fruit is a nutty-shaped shape of a dark brown.

So looks like a young lofant


Lofant has more than 25 varieties, but the most popular and in demand for medical purposes and in everyday life are:

  • anise lofant with bluish or sunny inflorescences;
  • tibetan lofant with white inflorescences;
  • lofant Barbera has bright orange inflorescences.

W. anise Lofanta Inflorescence lilac

Tibetan Lofanta has white inflorescences, he can compete with ginseng in its qualities

Lofant Berbers Orange Inflorescences

Where is growing?

Tibetan Lofant is growing in some areas of India, China, Himalayas, Tibet, as well as in Siberia and the East of Russia. The birthplace of this plant is Small Asia, namely savanna and semi-deserts. Also in the wild, this plant can be found in the USA and Canada. Small plantations are in Crimea and Moldova.

Method of manufacturing spice

  1. Cut off fresh greens throughout the growing season;
  2. Plants are binding to bundles and dried under a canopy;
  3. Store Lofant in banks, paper bags or linen bags.

The spice from anise Lofant is very popular, because it gives special piquancy dishes and opens up new taste. It can be used for fish, meat or vegetable snacks, and also add it to sweet baking.

And the jam from Lofanta has simply amazing taste.


  • the plant has a very strong aroma, which resembles the smell of mint;
  • light-affectionate and drought-resistant;
  • grows on lung soils;
  • can grow in the same place under 5 years;
  • young shoots of the plant appear in March;
  • buds begin to appear at the end of May;
  • begins to bloom in early July.

Chemical composition

The table shows the main minerals of dry grass anise Lofant:

Beneficial features

  • protection and strengthening the organism immunobiological system;
  • improves metabolism;
  • reduces and normalizes blood pressure.

Lofant anise is rich in vitamins P and C, tanning substances, essential oils, alkaloids and antibiotics.

Lofant is used for rapid recovery after surgical operations, childbirth, to enhance immunity and to remove chronic fatigue syndrome.

For residents large cities With a bad ecology, Lofant can become an excellent tool to protect the body from harmful effects. ambientand will also contribute to the withdrawal of poisoning substances and heavy metals From the body.

Lofant is rich in vitamins, tanning substances and essential oils


  • allergic reactions;
  • individual intolerance of the plant.


Although Lofant Anisian possesses therapeutic properties, but not everyone can use it, you first need to consult a doctor.

  • patients with oncological diseases;
  • people who have a tendency to hypotension or thrombophlebitis;
  • during pregnancy;
  • people suffering from epilepsy;
  • with frequent muscle cramps.


The plant consists of 15% of essential oil, which helps to remove toxic substances from the body, because 80% of methylhavicol has. It is also characterized by bactericidal properties.

Lofant oil can remove toxins and has bactericidal properties.


In cooking

  • from the plant, fragrant jam is obtained;
  • for sweet pastry baking;
  • boil compotes;
  • for preservation and salting of vegetables;
  • used for liqueurs and homemade wines;
  • in the form of seasoning;
  • like handbags for vegetable, meat or fish dishes.

Lofant is used as seasonings to salads from vegetables or fruits, as well as a variety of meat dishes, because it has a universal character.

When cooking compotes, horses or jams often add lofant to reveal the taste of berries.

When adding a lofant to drink with berries, taste becomes more saturated

In medicine

  • produces a sedative effect;
  • has a soothing effect;
  • removes strong headaches;
  • in atherosclerosis and hypertension;
  • normalizes pressure;
  • lowers blood cholesterol;
  • with a terretous dystonia;
  • helps to fight gastritis;
  • when problems with the liver;
  • in colds;
  • slows the aging of the body;
  • in external use, it has a beneficial effect on the skin, and also helps speed up the healing of burns or wounds;
  • enhances lactation in nursing mothers.

The decoction of dry leaves of the Lofant helps in atherosclerosis and hypertension


The infants of the grass Lofant are widely used:

  • in pancreas diseases;
  • when problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • for diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract;
  • after transferred stroke or infarction;
  • with bronchial asthma and bronchitis.

Stem, inflorescences and foliage of the plant are used in the manufacture of drugs. For increase male potency Leaves need to be consumed in a fresh form.

Lofant's infusion will help cure many diseases

Recipe Tincture:

  • dry color of the Lofant (50 grams) or fresh (200 grams);
  • half-liter forty-portus vodka.

Need to pour the grass with vodka and let it be in dark place About three weeks, every day you need to shake.

When the tincture is ready, you need to strain through the siete and take it inside twice a day on one teaspoon for half an hour before eating. The course of treatment is one month, followed by a week and again begin treatment.

This tincture has a beneficial effect on the body:

  • reduces blood pressure;
  • strengthens immunity;
  • beneficially affects the work of the heart;
  • eliminates the trembling of the limbs.

You can use tea from Lofant to strengthen the body, this drink will be especially useful for people after a heart attack. You should take one tablespoon of grass on a cup of boiling water, give half an hour and you can drink it with honey. Such tea should be used three times a day to obtain the desired result.

Lofant tincture can be purchased in pharmacies

At home

  • it is used for decorative purposes, because the plant has a beautiful view;
  • the plant is an excellent honeymoon, because among the bees it enjoys great popularity;
  • it is indispensable in cosmetology, it is added to creams, face and hair masks.

Lofant Anisian is part of therapeutic cosmetics


  • Astrakhan 100;
  • Summer resident;
  • Premier;
  • Snowball;
  • Dandy.

Prime Minister and Frant have lilac flowers, and the rest of the varieties are white inflorescences.

At the varieties "Premier" and "France" lilac inflorescences


The growth of the lofant anise begins in early March, the ripening of buds is in May, and bloom usually occurs in early July. It is quite easy to grow the plant, you can even put it on the balcony or in the room.

Lofant can multiply seeds

Lofant can be grown from seeds or seedlings. In the spring you need to put in the ground to a depth of 3 mm. Between the cultures in a row should be left 10 cm, and between the rows - up to 45 cm. When shoots appear, only strong shoots should be left.

The plant grows well and does not need special care, because it is drought-resistant. It should be registered several times Lofant and occasionally water. With insects, you do not have to fight.

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