How to paint an outdoor wooden staircase. How to paint a wooden staircase

Encyclopedia of Plants 25.06.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

Country country house, or city house in rural style, or simply country house with an added attic are equipped with wooden staircases. The tree fits perfectly into the interior, gives warmth and comfort. But how to take care of the safety of solid wood and prevent damage, decay, cracking and the appearance of bugs? This requires painting a wooden staircase. In addition, a neatly painted staircase will sparkle in a new way.

Choosing a composition for painting stairs

The industry produces many coloring mixtures designed specifically for wooden surfaces:

  • stains;
  • varnishes;
  • paints;
  • enamel.

Oil paints

They are divided into thickened and ready-to-use. Thickened paint must be diluted with drying oil, which exists in two forms - natural and artificial. Paint diluted with artificial drying oil does not cover the surface so well and protects it less from aggressive external environment. If you already use such a mixture, then for painting the stairs in the house. Whereas the coloring mixture formulated with the additive natural drying oil, guarantees reliable protection tree. It can be used outdoors.

Varieties of varnishes

Conventionally, all wood varnishes are divided into two groups: light and black. Light varnishes include oil and oil-resin. To black - pitch and bituminous. Black bituminous varnishes form a thin black film on the wood surface. They are considered the most moisture resistant. Nitrocellulose varnishes give the wood a pleasant sheen.

Work algorithm

Before starting work, decide how you want to see your staircase - with visible wood or completely painted over texture. If you prefer to admire beautiful divorces natural wood surface should not be primed. Also decide how to paint the stairs - varnish or paint. Coloring the stairs with texture preservation:

  • Prepare the surface, clean the required areas.
  • Treat with stain. This wonderful substance is able to emphasize the texture of wood and bring out its best lines and patterns.
  • After the stain has dried, the surface can be varnished or painted with translucent paints.

If you have chosen a varnish coating, remember that the varnish must be applied in several layers. But before applying the previous layer must dry completely! Sand the places where air bubbles appeared. Advice:

Use matte or semi-matt varnishes, as irregularities on a wooden surface do not shine through them so much. Whereas glossy ones will only emphasize the flaws.

In addition, in places that are especially prone to abrasion, the glossy varnish will quickly fade. Dense coloration:

  • Thoroughly clean the ladder from dirt and dust. If necessary, clean the burrs, putty the cracks. When the putty is completely dry, carefully sand the repair site.
  • Prime the entire surface. The primer is done in order to allow the paint to better set.
  • Now you can paint. Wood is best painted with alkyd or alkyd-urethane paints.
  • Optional: Coat the stairs over the paint with a layer of clear lacquer.


You should not use glossy enamels, as they are rather slippery, and this is a big minus for stairs.

Before you paint the stairs, it may be necessary to remove the old paint. Previously, the surface was mercilessly scraped with a spatula, spending a lot of time and effort. Now the industry produces various flushing compositions. You only need to put on gloves and wet the wash area. Wait as long as the instructions require, and wipe off with a rag. There is another way to get rid of old paint- heat treatment. Using a building hair dryer, the wood is heated and then the paint is easily scraped off with a spatula. To fix the material, we suggest looking at very interesting video with a story, the better to paint a tree. If you have any questions - ask.


The better to paint wooden stairs on the second floor of the house with your own hands?

Modern residential buildings often have several floors or an attic, the entrance to which is carried out by internal stairs. Often flights of stairs and sites are being implemented. To create an interior in the same style, a wooden staircase to the second floor can be varnished or painted with environmentally friendly paint. In this article, answers to the question of how and with what to paint the stairs with your own hands.

Finishing a wooden staircase

There are two types of finishing wooden stairs:

  1. Transparent - in this form finishing coating the wood texture is left open. Under a layer of colorless varnish, the unique pattern of natural wood perfectly complements the overall interior decoration of the interior in the same style as the overall design.
  2. Opaque finish - this type of finish applies a tonal finish layer of the coloring composition to the wooden surface continuous layer, covering the wood texture.

Varnish compositions for finishing wooden stairs

Varnish compositions for wood structures are special compositions that form a durable layer with a matte, transparent, shiny surface.

The properties of varnish compositions are quite different:

  • Lacquer compositions based on alcohol resins- these finishing compositions are different short term drying. In 2 hours the coating is completely dry. Polishing the finish layer also does not cause any difficulties. But alcohol-based formulations have significant drawbacks: low moisture resistance and insufficient frost resistance. These restrictions allow the use of compounds only in warm rooms.
  • Lucky based on nitrocellulose– improved varnish formula allows the use of the composition for outdoor and internal works.
  • Formaldehyde varnish compositions- the most common for finishing structures of internal wooden stairs. The varnish perfectly covers the surface, allows you to achieve a high quality finish.

Important! A huge minus when using this composition is a persistent unpleasant odor that does not disappear from the room for a long time.

  • Alkyd varnishes– made with the addition of various oil formulations, which are well absorbed into natural wood. Upper layer alkyd varnish coatings are resistant to mechanical stress, however, the coating quickly becomes unusable - it quickly wears out. Such compositions should cover wooden stairs, which are of secondary importance, which are rarely used.

Opaque types of coating

Opaque coatings can be applied in several coats, completely hiding the texture and imperfections of the wood. Before application finishing compositions it is required to completely clean the previously painted surfaces, to carry out a preliminary set of works on priming and puttying. Putty is able to hide small cracks and imperfections in wood, a primer layer increases the degree of adhesion of the coloring composition to the surface.

Tools for applying finishing compositions

For work on finishing stairs in the apartment with my own hands, you will need: bristle brushes and flutes; drying oil; primers; turpentine; varnish or paint.

Advice. Before the beginning finishing works work brushes should be carefully prepared, they are soaked in drying oil, then washed in turpentine.

Surface preparation

Before applying the paint composition, it is worth cleaning the surface of dust, paint or old varnish, remove dust, putty the stairs and cover with a primer.

Important! Varnish or other coloring composition should be thoroughly mixed before use.
The composition is applied to the surface with wide strokes, then the layer is leveled, while the brush is held slightly inclined.

Painting stairs: video

When installing a wooden staircase, it must be taken into account that it is exposed to external influences and that it has served much longer, it must be covered with a protective compound.

How can a staircase be affected?

The tree is affected by:

  • Humidity;
  • Temperature;
  • Sunlight;
  • mechanical friction.

If you want to protect your staircase and give it a more finished look, all you need to do is paint it. Can be painted with stain, paint, varnish or special enamels.

How to paint a wooden staircase in a house

Before discussing the principles and rules of painting, you first need to decide what to paint and what to protect from. To do this, the ladder must be carefully studied and the main negative impacts to which it will be exposed and, on this basis, choose a protective coating.

First, let's look at how paints, varnishes and enamels for wood differ from each other. It is worth mentioning paints separately, but a little later, now we will deal with enamels and varnishes.

Lucky. Their beauty is that they bring out the natural texture of the wood, dry quickly, and are easy to apply.

There are varnishes on alcohol based and on cellulose. Alcohol consists of resin in organic solvent, it is used for interior wooden surfaces, as they are not frost-resistant enough.

Cellulose varnishes are designed for external surfaces, which are located outside the house, they make the protective film more durable, and do an excellent job with frost and moisture.

Varnish(varnish with the addition of resinous substances), used as a booster after varnishing, it adds shine to the surface and emphasizes the texture.

Enamel(lacquer without color mixed with pigment). Enamel paints the surface desired color and well protects it from adverse effects. Apply it with an aerosol.

Impregnation. Emphasizes the color of the tree and protects it from fungi, mold, adds fire-repellent properties to it. For stairs, oil and wax-based impregnations are used.

Paint for painting stairs, the choice of the manufacturer

When using paint, try to take into account the type of wood, its color and the location of the staircase itself and appearance.

The type of wood must be taken into account, because many softwoods (stairs can be spruce, fir and pine) usually emit resins that significantly impair the adhesion of the paint to the wood.

If you have hardwoods, then you should not worry, they do not have such a property, so do not worry, there will be no problems with painting.

It is necessary to cover the surface with paint in several layers, it depends on the fact that the tree absorbs varnish-coloring materials well. As for the appearance, everything is simple here, loose wood absorbs more, dense and old wood absorbs less.

You need to choose a color that is most suitable for the external interior, but try not to spoil the natural look of the tree.

Although the paint is good in that it hides many of the imperfections of the wood and assembly errors. If you chose pigmented protective coatings, then before applying the surface must be covered with putty. But if you want to emphasize the natural color of the wood, then this will not work with paints.


  1. Tikkurila Empire (alkyd),
  2. Betolux (urethane-alkyd),
  3. Pesto (alkyd),
  4. Dufa (alkyd),
  5. Viva Color,
  6. Humbrol (enamel),
  7. flugger,
  8. dulux,
  9. Symphony.

The better to paint a wooden staircase

For the stairs in the house are well suited:

  • Alkyd;
  • Oily;
  • Cellulosic;

Alkyd paint- the paint got its name from alkyd resins. When dry, the paint gives a polymer film that perfectly protects the wooden surface.


  • Resistant to light;
  • Not afraid of moisture;
  • Not needed additional tools when applied;
  • Dries quickly;
  • Bright colors of paints that do not fade;
  • Not toxic.


  • Higher price than oil.

Oil paint Care must be taken when covering surfaces with this paint, as the paint is relatively toxic and respiratory protection must be used.

Such paints are usually diluted with drying oil. Drying oil can be of two types: natural and artificial. Artificial drying oil protects the wooden surface less well and is suitable for interior spaces, and the natural one gives the tree good protection and used outdoors.


  • Low cost;
  • Well protect the surface from moisture;


  • Poisonous;
  • Requires special protection when working with it;
  • Dries for a long time;
  • Poorly tolerates mechanical stress;

How to paint wooden stairs

Steps are always exposed to strong mechanical stress, so you need to choose a paint that can handle this perfectly.

You can combine two types of paint, since alkyd is more expensive and is designed for mechanical stress, this paint can cover stairs and railings.

And the rest of the part that I use is oil paint. You can even paint in two contrasting colors, that is, buy alkyd paint of one color and oil paint of another.

You can cover the steps with varnish or enamel, it rather depends on how you imagine your future staircase.

How to paint a wooden staircase

If you have chosen paint, then you should not relax, the choice of paint is only half the battle, you still need to apply it with high quality.

The painting process itself can be divided into three stages:

  • Preparing stairs for painting
  • Painting;
  • Applying a topcoat (optional, depends on the paint).

Stair preparation

  • We cover with putty all the irregularities;
  • We grind;
  • Cover with a layer of primer.

After the first sanding, you need to wait two days for the wood fibers to straighten out, and they can be removed at the next sanding.

Then you only need to proceed with the primer, note that the primer must be suitable for the selected paint. And if you cover the surface with varnish instead of paint, then a primer is not needed.

It is optimal to carry out all work on preparing and painting the surfaces of the stairs in disassembled form, but if the structure is already installed, then all work can be done on site. They usually paint from top to bottom (descending down the stairs) or from bottom to top if the exit is at the top.


If people already live in the house and there is a need to use the stairs, then you can paint “through the step”. When painting, you can use brushes, rollers - as you prefer. When applying paint, you need to paint along the wood cuts.

Finish coat

After the paint has dried, it is covered with a transparent varnish on top, which is applied in three layers. Just let each layer dry well and sand each layer to remove bubbles and paint defects.

Video on how to paint stairs

2. Second tint

3. Primer

Having a two-story a private house I want to create a cozy atmosphere in it. Finishing the walls and floor always helps to achieve a feeling of fresh and new space, beautiful furniture creates the right conditions for life. However, there are a number of nuances that play an equally important role in home improvement. Having a staircase leading to the second floor, it is necessary to ensure that it does not stand out from the design of the entire room, is functional, beautiful, and safe for use by any member of the family.

Because to the choice coloring matter it is worth preparing especially carefully for it.

span handling requirements

In any two-story country house there is a staircase. Conducting repair work, do not forget about her. Painting such an element is very important, because it is necessary to choose the right substance for processing, and carry out the process itself in accordance with certain requirements. If we talk about spans, you need to know the following nuances:

  • for long-term operation of the stairs, it is important to process it correctly, otherwise the material may begin to break down and deteriorate;
  • in the process of finishing flights of stairs, they use: antiseptic solutions, fungicides, stain, impregnation that prevents fire, primer, paint with varnish;
  • any agent is diluted before use, which gives the optimal consistency that can be applied to the material;
  • to achieve an optimal appearance, at least two layers of any substance are needed.

If the work is carried out in the house, then the processing will be small, associated with giving the product an aesthetic appearance, emphasizing the pattern of wood. In such cases, there is no need to prime the surface, it must be cleaned well with sandpaper and a stain should be used, which will give a more pronounced color. The stairs inside the house are most often opened with varnish, which can be of three options:

  • matte;
  • glossy;
  • semi-matt.




With the help of the matte version, it turns out to more accurately emphasize the texture of the wood, and the glossy one emphasizes the beauty of the product itself more. When choosing a varnish for work, it is important to pay attention to the composition, it should not contain harmful substances and minimal odor. In this case, it is not necessary to use paints and other substances intended for external use, because they have a pungent odor that is harmful to others.

Modern varnishes and paints are almost odorless. If possible, it is better to buy a solution ready for use, or dilute it on the street. If you need to use a dye with a quick drying term in your work, then you need to be prepared for the fact that all strokes must be accurate and even, there will be very little time to correct them, all smudges must be eliminated immediately, otherwise they will spoil the external impression of the repair.

When the lift to the second floor is carried out from the street, you can use paints and other compounds for outdoor use.

If you choose the wrong paint, then the result of the repair will be a damaged product.

Types of coatings for different coatings

Vacation home can be completed with stairs made of wood, metal or concrete. For each of the materials, it is important to choose the right type of paintwork.




Oil paint

Suitable for decoration inside the house. The alkyd variety lies well on the surface, the urethane-alkyd variety is used for cases where the surface has already been painted, pigmented helps to hide flaws and flaws. Such paints can be thickly ground, in the state of a powder that dissolves with drying oil or ready-made. Drying oil can also vary, it can be artificial and natural, the second option is preferable in quality, and the first in price.

The artificial type of drying oil helps if you need to paint the stairway indoors, and the natural one can cope with outdoor loads.



Drying oil


The best option for processing wooden stairs in order to emphasize the beauty of the wood structure. The varnish is easy to use, it has a fast drying rate, and does not cause difficulties in the processing of the material. There are varieties: oil - in which mixed vegetable oil with artificial, which are additionally mixed with resin of natural origin. When such a composition dries, the surface becomes dense and has a shade of yellowness. This type of varnish is used only indoors, because it will not withstand more significant loads.

Alcohol varnish - has a proportion of alcohol that interacts with a resin of natural origin. This option allows you to apply several layers almost simultaneously. It turns out a very stable coating that is not damaged by any external influences.

Of the minuses, only low water resistance can be noted.



Cellulose nitrate varnish helps cover the surface with a dense, colorless and odorless layer that dries quickly. The scope is considered to be a tree.

Polyester varnish - forms a thick and dense layer on the surface, resistant to any kind of attack, including water. Epoxy varnish is used with a hardener, they are resistant to moisture and alkalis, but they do not tolerate atmospheric phenomena. Polyurethane varnish– very durable and wear-resistant, considered the best choice in the case of stairs made in wood. The downside is the high price, but the quality is worth it. The less expensive one will also differ in the worst indicators of wear resistance, this is a varnish on water based;


It is obtained by combining varnish compositions with pigments. It helps to give the best color and gloss to the surface, but does not withstand the influence of moisture, which is why it is rarely used as a composition for painting steps.

Enamel on wood and metal

Enamel for concrete

Mordants with impregnations

A kind of antiseptic that helps protect the tree from fire. After applying the stain, often the surface is varnished. The color of the wood darkens from it, which is important to consider when choosing a varnish.


Wood stain - antiseptic

Oil for stairs

Consists of natural oils with the addition of wax. Oil can serve as a varnish substitute, it adheres well to wood, and creates a durable protective layer. Steps become not only protected, but also beautiful. Due to the bactericidal properties of the oil, the tree is reliably protected from fungus and mold.

When planning the painting of steps in a residential area, you need to know exactly what type of paint and varnish composition is appropriate in these conditions.

The subtleties of coloring various coatings

For wood flooring

To paint a staircase made of wood, the first step is to prepare the surface and understand what kind of wood you have to work with. If there is a need or desire to leave the texture of the wood, then the coating must be well cleaned and stained. Once it dries, you can apply varnish or translucent paint.

In the event that it is necessary to completely paint the wooden surface, then it is cleaned and puttied to remove all the flaws from the top layer of the steps. After sanding, a primer must be applied. On previously painted surfaces, a urethane-alkyd paint is used. When the new layer lays down well, you can safely paint the entire product. If the painting came out uneven and ugly, then all the applied color must be removed with a washing solution.

stairs conifers, especially from pine, it is necessary to get rid of the resin before the main work. For this, the use of a 25% solution of acetone of a technical orientation is suitable, which must be applied with a brush. Only after that the product is washed and dried.

If you need to apply varnish, the best option there will be a sprayer, but the work can be done with a wide brush.

Coloring of concrete products

Applying paint to the surface of concrete helps not only to make the staircase more attractive, but also to protect it from damage. negative factors. If the staircase is not yet ready, then you can add paint to the concrete solution to improve the characteristics of the future product. When you have to work with the finished product, you need to choose a paint for concrete. As an additive to the solution, you can use a pigment that is not afraid of moisture and the sun. For best performance, it is recommended to use white concrete.

If you need to paint the finished staircase, then use special paint for concrete, it can be:

  • water;
  • acrylic;
  • polyurethane.




Before applying, you need to sand the surface, primed, choose a color for finished product and paint it with a wide roller.

For metal stairs

Before painting the ladder, it is important to treat it to remove any signs of rust, for which you can use a grinder with a nozzle, sandpaper or thinner. The next step is to degrease the surface and coat it with a primer. In those areas that contained rust, you need to go through the primer especially well, and after waiting for it to dry completely, you can start painting.

For coloring metal product it is necessary to use enamel or paint that has a significant degree of resistance to phenomena environment and erasing. For a painted staircase, you can try to apply a new layer on top of the old one, in case of a positive result, you can continue, but if the result is unsatisfactory, then the old layer must be completely removed.

How to choose paint?

To decide on the choice of paint, it is important to clearly understand for what purposes it is. Compositions are for outdoor and indoor use. If you want to preserve the texture of the wood, the color of the coloring matter should be as close as possible to the product. If there are irregularities on the surface, you can hide them with a composition with a dense pigment. different types colors are applied using appropriate means. Usually on the packaging of each of the coatings there is an instruction for use.

Alkyd enamel and acrylic paint are applied with a roller or brush. If the work is carried out outdoors, then for the same options it is better to use a spray gun. For work with stairs inside the house, oil paints or eco-friendly options with a natural base are used. After using them, the surface becomes no less wear-resistant and beautiful than after using more harmful analogues.

In order for the tree to retain its texture, it should not be primed. It is best in this case to use not paint, but varnish of a matte or glossy variety. You can use a transparent version or tint it, which can significantly affect the appearance of the product. For interior work, it is important to choose paints or varnishes that dry as quickly as possible. For external works you can take compositions with a smell, but they differ in better performance.

For maximum effect, it is better to apply an additional protective layer that will protect the surface from abrasion.

Wood construction: painting technology

In order to color wooden steps with your own hands, you must follow the technology that has been tested by many generations. The principle of operation is the sequential execution of actions:

  • Prepare the surface for the upcoming painting. With the help of small sandpaper you need to clean the tree along the fibers.
  • Identified cracks and defects inside the steps and other parts of the stairs should be filled with putty for wood.
  • After the plaster has dried, clean the surface of dust and particles with a vacuum cleaner.
  • The next step is a primer, which helps to impregnate the wood and better contact with the new coating.
  • Processing continues with the application of paint or varnish using the selected device.

Painting with a brush is the most popular, so you should consider it more carefully. It is necessary to start from the areas that occupy the most area: railings, steps, stringers. The direction of movement of the brush is from top to bottom to avoid streaks. Dial a large number of paint on the tool is not worth it, but it should be held at an angle of 45 degrees.

In order for the product to have a complete look, it is painted over from two to six times, waiting until each layer is completely dry. In order for the paint to dry quickly, the temperature and humidity must be optimal.

Excessively hot or cold weather will cause cracking and poor performance.


Before you start painting a wooden staircase, you need to find out what kind of wood it is made of. This moment will play a key role in preparing the material for the process. Needles: cedar, pine, spruce have high level resin content, resulting in poor material-to-ink contact. Hardwoods do not have such features, so it is easier to work with them.

If the staircase is made from fresh wood, then it is important to understand that such material will more actively absorb paint or varnish due to the large number of pores. When working with old wood the necessary procedure will be the priming of the surface, without which the new coating will not fall on the product.

An important step before painting is the puttying of cracks, which helps to avoid leakage of paint or varnish in them. If you have to work with a transparent composition, then it is important to use putty to match the color of the stairs. Only after the putty has dried and the surface has been sanded can it be primed. For optimal results, this process is best done twice. As soon as the second layer dries, you can paint the stairs.

Before painting a wooden staircase, you need to decide in what way and how it is better to do it. Basically, the stairs leading to the second floor are made of wood. Service life in in kind such a product is small. Often it is necessary to make repairs and maintenance of stairs. It is better to do this not only with the help of specialists, but also with your own hands.

Painting a wooden staircase: surface preparation and materials

The stage of preparing the stairs for painting is probably the most important stage. Painting a wooden staircase is not a complicated process at all, every owner of the house can handle it.

Painting a wooden staircase, made with errors, can nullify all efforts. A number of important nuances should be taken into account.

Before you paint the stairs, we determine the best way to do it. AT modern times you can choose materials for every taste.

The material for painting a wooden staircase is distinguished by its composition and properties, color scheme, toxicity and protective properties

Stair preparation before painting:

  1. The very first step before painting is leveling uneven surface and quality elimination of defects;
  2. If your plans are to keep the product in its original version, or only make a light tint, for this you need to sand the stairs and get rid of dust;
  3. The next step is to treat the surface with stain or impregnation;
  4. Before painting, you need to determine the composition of the rock from which the staircase is made;
  5. If the wood is young or damp, it is necessary to apply several types of varnishes or paints in several layers;
  6. Before painting a product from stronger rocks, be sure to prime it well.

Pre-training has its benefits. Each type of wood reacts to staining in its own way. It's also important to know if you're going to keep the natural grain of the wood and make it colorless, or if you want to drastically change the color and make it opaque.

How to paint a wooden staircase in a house: painting options

Not only the appearance of the product from the outside, but also its service life will depend on the quality of the staircase painting. Correctly painting a wooden staircase with your own hands is no less important than installing the staircase itself.

How to paint a wooden staircase in a house so that it lasts long enough? This question worries many, and especially those who live in wooden houses with wooden stairs.

If the wood is not processed in time, then it will soon dry out, become covered with dirt and dust. And this will lead to the formation of fungus, which will subsequently lead to rotting of the stairs. To prevent this from happening, you need to use protective materials. Such as: paints, varnishes, stains, oils and various impregnations.

Painting with a protective material will emphasize the natural structure of the tree, which will give originality to the whole structure.

What are the benefits of all these types of painting:

  • The design has a complete look;
  • Protection of wood from moisture;
  • The ability to prevent the appearance of rot and mold;
  • Insect protection;
  • Help to hide surface imperfections;
  • Increase the wear resistance of the surface.

Also, the restoration of the stairs inside the house is carried out with special putties. If you are concerned about the condition of the wood grain, then paint can be used. It will hide all the imperfections of the tree.

Paint for wooden stairs: basic requirements

Paints for wood are divided into three varieties: paint on acrylic base, alkyd and oil paints. Acrylic paints are flexible and do not bad smell. They can be used inside the house. However, they deteriorate at low temperatures. Oil paints contain drying oil, so they are toxic. Alkyd paints dry very quickly, forming a protective film on the surface of the product. It is moisture repellent. They are mainly used for outdoor painting.

Paint for wooden stairs can be any of the above. However, for ourselves, we must choose the one that matches our composition, from which the staircase is made.

Correctly paint the stairs, after all, acrylic paints. It is the most environmentally friendly product. It has no pungent odor and protects the surface from moisture penetration. Shades of different colors can be mixed and get any color.

Acrylic paint is different bright color which remains on the painted surface for a very long time

Advantages of acrylic paints:

  • Elasticity;
  • No unpleasant odor;
  • Environmentally friendly materials;
  • Allow the tree to breathe without closing the pores;
  • Frost resistance;
  • The ability to mix colors with each other and get any shades.

This paint has its drawbacks - a high price. Which prevents many homeowners from purchasing this particular paint. Wood paints are very popular. This allows you to expand their range.

How to paint a softwood staircase

Almost half of the structures are made mainly from coniferous wood. Especially common valuable breeds wood such as oak or pine. Pine board simple and maintenance-free. If you tint it correctly, you can emphasize the natural beauty of the tree. Pine construction is the most common among many owners of wooden houses.

How to paint a pine wood staircase? This question can make a professional smile. Since, they believe that painting a pine staircase will not be difficult. However, this is not quite true. In order for the product to serve for a long time and have a high-quality coating, you need to apply a lot of knowledge and effort.

The peculiarity of pine is that it is impregnated large quantity resins. And therefore, not every paint will lie well on the tarred area. For painting wooden stairs at home, they use: varnishes, enamels, waxes, oils and impregnations.

Painting stairs with polish will preserve the natural color and pattern of the wood, as well as provide a glossy or semi-gloss finish.

For painting pine stairs use:

  • Fire-retardant impregnations made on a water, alcohol, wax and acrylic basis;
  • Stains that tone wood;
  • Varnishes that create a durable protective layer that does not hide the naturalness of wood;
  • Enamels without a particularly pronounced odor, quick-drying;
  • Paints that create a decorative, protective layer.

Pine wood is not as durable as oak or cedar, but it is quite durable. It is more common, accessible and not expensive. Its color is different from others, it is pleasant, light golden, almost white. If you want your garden staircase to last a long time, paint it properly.

Painting a wooden staircase with your own hands (video)

There is a statement that the tree is beautiful in itself and it is not necessary to paint it. This is not true. The tree really has a very attractive appearance, but it is vulnerable to insects, mold, dirt, fire. Therefore, a staircase made of pine or other coniferous wood must be painted. Painting must be done in time to prolong the life of the product. But what color you will paint your stairs, you decide.

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