Aspects of the implementation of fgos for children in preschool. "implementation of GFS in dow" (from work experience)

Encyclopedia of Plants 23.09.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

Modern policy in the field of education, including in the field of preschool education aimed at achieving its quality. In accordance with federal law"On education in Russian Federation» modern preschool education is the first level of the general education system. He plays a leading role in the upbringing and development of preschool children. The management activities of a modern preschool educational institution (hereinafter referred to as DOE) should be aimed at bridging the gap between the existing and the necessary (desired, required by society) state pedagogical process, achieved and required quality of preschool education .

The realities of today in the system of preschool education are associated with the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (hereinafter FSES DO). The implementation of GEF DO involves the creation of a certain type of conditions:

  • creation of personnel conditions for ensuring the quality of mastering the basic educational program dow,
  • creation of program and methodological conditions for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for DO (design and implementation of the main educational preschool programs, work programs of educators and specialists),
  • the creation of a developing subject-spatial environment, as a condition for children to master the content of the main educational program of the preschool educational institution.

The creation of the conditions outlined above is ensured by the managerial activities of the head of the preschool educational institution. In this regard, we will define and describe the necessary management mechanisms for the implementation of GEF DO.

Regulatory framework for the implementation of GEF DO

One of the fundamental management mechanisms for the implementation of GEF DO is the reliance on regulatory requirements . The regulatory framework for the implementation of GEF DO includes documents that reflect the requirements of the modern educational policy of the state in the field of education:

  • Strategy for Innovative Development of the Russian Federation until 2020,
  • Federal target program for the development of education for the period 2016-2020 (hereinafter FTsPRO),
  • Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) dated October 17, 2013 N 1155 Moscow “On approval of the federal state educational standard for preschool education,
  • An exemplary basic educational program for preschool education (approved by the decision of the Federal Educational and Methodological Association for General Education (minutes of May 20, 2015 N 2/15) .

The strategy until 2020 sets the following requirements for the professional competence of a teacher:

  • ability and readiness for continuous education, continuous improvement,
  • retraining and self-training, professional mobility, striving for something new;
  • ability for critical thinking;
  • ability and willingness to reasonable risk, creativity and entrepreneurship, ability to work
  • independence, willingness to work in a team and in a highly competitive environment.

The requirements identified in the FTsPRO become the basis for the head of the preschool educational institution to build a management system for the development of human resources, which ultimately ensures the implementation of the goals and objectives of the Federal State Educational Standard.

The Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for the period up to 2020 defines the creation of conditions for the effective development of Russian education aimed at ensuring the availability of quality education that meets the requirements of modern innovative socially oriented development of the Russian Federation. One of the tasks of the FTsPRO is the development of modern mechanisms and technologies for general education. The solution to this problem is provided by the support of innovations in the field of education on topical issues, including in the field of education of children with disabilities and disabilities, as well as the implementation of the Concept for the Development of Mathematical Education in the Russian Federation, as well as the concepts for the development of other subject areas, which fully correlates with the first level of general education - preschool education. Indeed, in the content of the Federal State Educational Standard in the educational field " cognitive development» the tasks of pre-mathematical education of preschool children are highlighted (the formation of primary ideas about the objects of the surrounding world, about the properties and relationships of objects of the surrounding world (shape, color, size, material, quantity, number, part and whole, space and time, movement and rest, causes and consequences, etc.).

All of the above allows us to determine the first management mechanism for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard road map design in accordance with the strategies and goals for the development of preschool education in the Russian Federation and in a particular region, and its further implementation. The content of the roadmap includes the following areas:

  • management of the implementation of the GEF DO, including the following activities: designing the main educational program of the preschool educational institution, motivating teachers to participate in this methodological activity, preparing a presentation of the PEP for posting on the website of the preschool educational institution, organizing the development of work programs for the educator and specialists, managing the creation of conditions for the implementation of the PEP;
  • methodological support for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, including the following activities: familiarizing the teaching staff with the navigator of exemplary educational programs of preschool education to select the content of the invariant part of the main educational program of the preschool educational institution, organizing the activities of Creative groups in designing work programs for educators and specialists, organizing a system of methodological work that ensures the readiness of teachers to the implementation of the strategies of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education (an activity approach to the organization of the educational process, a personality-oriented model of interaction between an adult and children, ensuring the subjective position of a child in the educational process);
  • information support for the implementation of the FGS DO, including posting on the website of the educational institution information on the implementation of the "roadmap for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for DO" for the current period, the creation and organization of the website of the institution and teachers' blogs to inform the public about the results of the implementation of the main educational program of the preschool educational institution, educational activities.

Creation of conditions for the implementation of GEF DO

Management mechanisms for the implementation of GEF DO also include the creation of the necessary conditions for this: personnel, material and technical, program and methodological, methodological, as well as the use of the necessary resources, that is financial security of the implementation of GEF DO.

Human resources management is designed to ensure the staffing level, the appropriate educational level of teachers, the improvement of their qualifications through an external training system and in-house professional development (through a system of methodological work). The educational level of teachers must comply with the requirements of the Professional Standard "Teacher" (pedagogical activity in the field of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education) (educator, teacher).

In the professional standard, highlighted professional competencies teaching staff , on the formation and development of which should be directed managerial activity head of the preschool educational institution:

  • the ability to organize professional activities, built on the basic laws age development preschool children, stages and crises of development, socialization of the individual, indicators of individual characteristics of development trajectories;
  • the ability to carry out professional activities in the conditions of updating its goals, content, changing technologies;
  • the ability to create a safe and psychologically comfortable educational environment;
  • the ability to master and apply modern psychological and pedagogical technologies based on knowledge of the laws of personality development and behavior in a real and virtual environment;
  • the ability to cooperate with all participants in educational relations.

The realities of today indicate that teachers do not fully comply with the requirements of the Professional Standard. And it is possible to solve this problem only by creating in an educational institution innovative methodological work.

AT modern conditions in the system of methodological work in a preschool educational institution, a number of acute contradictions can be traced, the resolution of which is considered as driving force its reformation.

These are contradictions between:

  • increased requirements for methodological work in the context of updating educational practice and its real state in the practice of preschool educational institutions;
  • the need to expand the arsenal of forms of methodological work and the lack of diversity of the latter in the actual practice of educational institutions;
  • the need to carry out methodological work on a diagnostic basis and not always an adequate approach to the selection of the content and forms of its implementation.
  • the need to develop a preschool educational institution in modern conditions and the lack of development of the system pedagogical conditions implementation of methodological work aimed at developing the professional competence of teachers.

All of the above allows us to say that the creation of a new model of innovative methodological work in a preschool educational institution, the selection of productive forms of its organization, the definition of approaches to its design is one of actual problems in the management system for the implementation of GEF DO.

Below we present model for constructing innovative methodological work in a preschool educational institution in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard (Table 1).

Table 1 — Model for constructing innovative methodological work in a preschool educational institution in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

The model for constructing innovative methodological work is a prerequisite for the process of updating the system of methodological work in a preschool educational institution in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

This model included the grounds for updating the methodological work in preschool educational institutions: the content of the regional-municipal policy in the field of updating methodological work, the priorities of the educational institution in updating methodological work, the rating of the educational institution, human resources for the implementation of innovative methodological work, the educational needs of consumers educational services.

From the point of view of the morphological aspect of the composition of the model, we single out the main goal of updating the methodological work as the main element: improving the quality of educational services in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard. The priority areas in the strategy for updating methodological work are defined as: increasing the level of competitiveness of teachers in the educational services market, methodological, scientific, methodological and didactic support of the educational process in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. Definition of the main goal and objectives, priority areas in the strategy for updating the methodological work, it made it possible to identify the necessary and sufficient conditions:

  • selection of innovative content of preschool education and organization of its assessment by teachers;
  • designing productive forms of methodical work;
  • standardization of forms of methodological work, focused on the development and development of innovative programs and technologies by teachers of preschool educational institutions, to increase their professional competence.

To implement the entire system of work embedded in this model, it is necessary to specify the functions of the subjects of innovative methodological work: leaders of methodological work and teachers. The relationship of all the identified positions will allow us to design such a theoretical model for constructing innovative methodological work that will ensure the development of human resources. Thus, the managerial mechanism for the development of human resources lies in building a system of innovative methodological work.

The external system of advanced training should correspond to the category of the teacher, the features of his professional activity. For example, an advanced training program “ Pedagogical activity in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, for the teacher of a group of children with disabilities - "Theory and methods of raising and teaching children with disabilities", for the head of the preschool educational institution - "Innovative methods of management".

Material and technical conditions for the implementation of GEF DO must comply with the requirements set forth in the Exemplary Basic Educational Program of Preschool Education. The conditions for the implementation of the Program should ensure the full development of the personality of children in all major educational areas, namely: in the areas of socio-communicative, cognitive, speech, artistic, aesthetic and physical development of the personality of children against the background of their emotional well-being and a positive attitude towards the world, towards themselves and to other people.

These requirements are aimed at creating a social development situation for participants in educational relations, including the creation of an educational environment that:

  1. guarantees the protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children;
  2. ensures the emotional well-being of children;
  3. contributes to the professional development of teaching staff;
  4. creates conditions for developing variable preschool education;
  5. ensures the openness of preschool education;
  6. creates conditions for the participation of parents (legal representatives) in educational activities.

Program and methodological conditions include the design and implementation of the main educational program of the preschool educational institution.

The federal state educational standard for preschool education defines the requirements for the structure of the educational program for preschool education and its scope:

  • The program determines the content and organization of educational activities at the level of preschool education.
  • The program ensures the development of the personality of preschool children in various types of communication and activities, taking into account their age, individual psychological and physiological characteristics and should be aimed at solving the problems specified in paragraph 1.6 of the Standard.
  • Structural divisions in one Organization (hereinafter referred to as Groups) may implement different Programs.
  • The program is formed as a program of psychological and pedagogical support for positive socialization and individualization, personality development of preschool children and defines a set of basic characteristics of preschool education (volume, content and planned results in the form of targets for preschool education).
  • The program is aimed at creating conditions for the development of the child, opening up opportunities for his positive socialization, his personal development, the development of initiative and creativity through collaboration with adults and peers and age-appropriate activities; on the creation of a developing educational environment, which is a system of conditions for the socialization and individualization of children.
  • The program is developed and approved by the preschool educational institution independently in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education and taking into account the Exemplary Basic Educational Program for Preschool Education.

When developing the Program, the preschool educational institution determines the duration of the stay of children in the institution, the mode of operation of the institution in accordance with the volume of educational tasks to be solved, and the maximum occupancy of groups. The preschool educational institution can develop and implement various Programs in groups with different lengths of stay for children during the day, including groups of short-term stay of children, groups of full and extended days, groups of round-the-clock stay, groups of children of different ages from two months to eight years, including mixed age groups. The program can be implemented during the entire time the children stay in preschool.

Management mechanisms for designing the main educational program of a preschool educational institution are:

  • security high level methodological competence of teachers included in the design process,
  • motivation of teachers to this species activities,
  • determination of approaches to assessing the quality of the developed basic educational program of the preschool educational institution (definition of criteria, evaluation indicators).

As one of the mechanisms for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, we singled out the creation of methodological conditions. Under the methodological conditions is meant the management of the design of work programs by teachers with calendar-thematic planning by weeks in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. The work program design management system includes a teacher motivation model, increasing their methodological competence through a system of methodological work (organization of theoretical seminars, problem-project seminars, master classes and other productive forms of methodological work). Such a system of intra-company advanced training should be built on a diagnostic basis, identified professional difficulties of teachers.


Thus, as the mechanisms for managing the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, we have identified:

  • regulatory and legal support for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard, design and implementation of the "road map",
  • creation and development of personnel, material and technical, program and methodological, methodological conditions, financial security for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated “On Approval of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education. 1. Approve the attached federal state educational standard for preschool education 2. Recognize as invalid the orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation: 3. This order comes into force on January 1, 2014 of November 23, 2009 state requirements for the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education” of July 20, 2011 “On approval of federal state requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the main general educational program of preschool education”

Improving the social status of preschool education Ensuring by the state of equal opportunities for each child in obtaining high-quality preschool education Ensuring state guarantees of the level and quality of education on the basis of unity mandatory requirements Preservation of the unity of the educational space of the Russian Federation regarding the level of preschool education

Protecting and strengthening the physical and mental health of children, including their emotional well-being Ensuring equal opportunities for full development of each child during preschool childhood, regardless of place of residence, gender, nation, language, social status, psycho-physiological and other characteristics (including disabilities) Ensuring the continuity of the BEP of pre-school and IEO Creation of favorable conditions for the development of children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics and inclinations, development of abilities and creativity of each child…

Combining training and education into a holistic educational process on the basis of spiritual, moral and socio-cultural values ​​and the rules and norms of behavior accepted in society ... Formation common culture personalities of children, including the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle, the development of their social, moral, aesthetic, intellectual, physical qualities, initiative, independence and responsibility, the formation of the prerequisites for educational activities Ensuring the variability and diversity of the content of the Programs and organizational forms DL, the possibility of forming Programs of various directions, taking into account the educational needs, abilities and health of children Formation of a socio-cultural environment corresponding to age, individual, psychological and physiological characteristics children Providing psychological and pedagogical support to the family and increasing the competence of parents (legal representatives) in matters of development and education, protection and promotion of the health of children

Directions for the development of a preschool child Educational areas in the FGT Educational areas in the GEF DO Social communication development Socialization Social and communicative development Labor Safety Cognitive and speech development Cognition Cognitive development Reading fiction Speech development Communication Physical development Physical culture Physical development Health Artistic and aesthetic development Artistic creativity Artistic and aesthetic development Music

Organization: MBDOU "Kindergarten "Rainbow" of a combined type"

Location: Republic of Mordovia, Ruzaevka

GEF is a document, which at the federal level determines what the main general education the program of a preschool institution, what goals, content it defines education and how the educational process is organized.

The introduction of GEF DO is a multifaceted process requiring coordination of activities educational organization and significant changes in educational preschool system. In this regard, in order to ensure the quality introduction of GEF DO in the institution, as part of the activities of the municipal experimental site in preparation for introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, we have developed and the project is being implemented Introduction to GEF DO in MBDOU Kindergarten "Rainbow" combined type of joint venture "TsRR - ds14". Designed the project identified the key areas of activity of the project participants, ensuring the preparation of conditions for effective introduction of GEF DO. This project is based on the implementation of the roadmap for introduction of GEF DO.

GEF Introduction DO in practice requires the implementation of a number of activities, determining their nature and sequence. Deadlines for the implementation of the action plan aimed at a smooth and high-quality transition of the joint venture "TsRR-ds14" for new educational standards are defined in 2013-2018.

Today I want to introduce you experience in the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard from the methodical service (work senior teacher of preschool educational institution). The methodological service of the preschool educational institution includes a senior educator, specialists of the preschool educational institution, experienced and creative teachers with the highest and first qualification category.

The methodological service of the preschool educational institution is organized by the methodological office and is carried out through the organization of methodological associations, a creative group.

The activities of our methodological service are carried out in three directions:

  • organizational and methodological,
  • information and methodological,
  • monitoring.

The purpose of the organizational and methodological direction is the introduction of effective technologies preschool education.

To implement the organizational and methodological direction, the following are organized: seminars, workshops, master classes, round tables, project activities, course training for teachers. Organization of mutual visits directly educational activities and regime moments. Conducted teachers' councils: « Introduction of GEF DO» where the teaching staff was introduced to GEF, by order "On the organization work on the introduction of GEF DO in kindergarten »; Action Plan and Schedule for introduction of GEF DO in the Republic of Mordovia, in the Ruzaevsky municipal district and in MBDOU " Kindergarten "Rainbow" combined type; teachers' council "Prospects for the development of preschool education for the implementation of GEF”, where the results were summed up work on the introduction of GEF DO for the academic year.

The purpose of the information and methodological direction is to ensure the professional activities of teachers in the implementation and implementation GEF DO.

To implement this direction, pedagogical readings are held, digital libraries, databases of teachers, bank of methodical developments organizations directly educational activities, regime moments. Ensuring information openness on issues introduction and implementation of GEF carried out with the help of replenishment of the DOW website and information stands.

The purpose of the monitoring direction is to obtain analytical, diagnostic and prognostic information; ongoing interim monitoring of the status and performance educational process.

To implement the monitoring direction organized: questionnaires, surveys of participants educational process.

Among the teachers, a survey was conducted on the internal psychological readiness for the transition to the new requirements of the Standard. Readiness was -98%, in relation to unsatisfactory indicators work in progress methodological and psychological service of the Department of Education.

A very great help and support on the transition to new Standards is provided by the methodological service of the Office education Ruzaevsky municipal district. At the municipal level, methodological associations, workshops, consultations of educators and preschool specialists were held in the current academic year. education on the introduction of GEF.

As part of introduction of GEF in the current academic year with working group, we developed and approved:

a) "Road Map" on introduction of GEF DO, where actions are defined step by step introduction of GEF for the 2013-2018 academic year.

b) schedule of activities.

Conducted analytical work on issues of evaluating starting conditions introduction of GEF, requirements for the quality of DO services, monitoring of readiness in order to determine the level of readiness of DU and teachers.

In SP "TsRR-ds14" the working group developed the main educational preschool program education. According to the standard, the content of the program ensures the development of the personality, motivation and abilities of children in various activities and covers the following areas:

  • socio-communicative development;
  • cognitive development;
  • speech development;
  • artistic and aesthetic development;
  • physical development.
  • the system of the child's relationship to the world, to other people, to himself.

According to GEF expanding conditions for parent participation (legal representatives) in educational activities.

The formation of a close connection and interaction between the educator and the family provides favorable conditions life and upbringing of children, the development of a harmonious personality of each child. Realizing this, we are very active work with the parents of students.

Along with traditional forms of cooperation ( meetings, conversations, questioning, consultations, days open doors) more and more fun leisure activities are used, to which parents are invited not only as spectators, but also participants. Also recently, joint ventures have become very popular. childish-parent projects, the most striking were such as "Mini Museum", "Healthy family", “I will save my health - I will help myself!”, "Magic World of Theater".

As part of the meeting of parents (legal representatives) with the new Preschool Standards education and law "About education in Russia» parental meetings: "Goals and objectives of development educational organizations under the new legislation”, as well as advising parents on the implementation of GEF DO.

The priority direction of our preschool educational institutions - sports and recreation. In the current academic year Special attention we devoted the area to physical development, since the development environment of our preschool educational institution allows us to introduce GEF DO in this area in full. The creative team of our kindergarten developed a program "Grow up healthy, baby!" (on educational areas of physical development) recommended by the republican expert council for implementation on the basis of the joint venture "Tsrr-ds14".

AT GEF preschool education it talks about the conditions necessary to create a social situation for the development of children, corresponding to the specifics of preschool age, and interaction with parents on issues child's education, their direct involvement in educational activities, including through the creation educational projects with the family. So way, as part of the implementation of this condition and the introduction GEF DO in the direction "physical development", all of our kindergarten lived project "Young Olympians - 2014", as a result of which our children's Garden in the municipal standings took 2nd place. In commemoration of this significant event, in our children's garden, many children and parents took part in the "Small Olympic Games".

In the gym kindergarten maximum conditions for the physical development of children have been created. It is equipped with modern sports equipment: children's simulators, slides, crawling arches, correction balls various shapes, hoops, skipping ropes, balls in enough, ribbed correction paths for walking, tunnels for climbing.

In addition, activities are being implemented in the garden to form a healthy lifestyle in the form of KVN, mini - health promotion projects, exhibitions of drawings, thematic talks.

The groups have sports corners with various sports equipment. They serve to satisfy the preschooler's need for movement and familiarize him with a healthy lifestyle. lifestyle. The task of the teacher is to teach children independent motor activity in a limited space and the correct safe use of physical culture equipment. Sports corners we place it like this way so that they contribute to the manifestation of the physical activity of children and are freely accessible, implementing the principles of safety and accessibility of the environment.

Gymnastics after daytime sleep in combination with air baths helps to improve the mood of children, raise muscle tone, and also helps prevent posture and foot disorders. Corrective paths available in each group also contribute to the prevention of flat feet.

Walking for preschoolers is always a joy! And walk in areas with small architectural forms- double joy. On the walking areas we have sandboxes, slides, mushrooms, houses, "Health Path", a sports area where children play in summer period and others. In the cold season, constructions of snow are erected on walking areas together with their parents.

Another important point that I would like to dwell on is speech therapy and psychological services in our kindergarten, since their existence solves one of the problems GEF DO - ensuring equal opportunities for the full development of each child in the period of preschool childhood regardless of psychophysiological and other features (including disabilities). Teachers-speech therapists and a teacher-psychologist constantly improve their skills by participating in methodological associations, webinars, competitions, etc.

For successful implementation GEF DL developing a subject-spatial environment should be saturated, transformable, multifunctional, variable, accessible and safe. What we are trying to observe: by freeing the central part of the group, we provide conditions for the physical activity of children and the possibility of their choice.

Based on readiness monitoring introduction of GEF we have made a list necessary equipment, means of education and upbringing, which is necessary for the implementation of the Program for all age categories of children.

"Introduction of GEF in preschool educational institutions"

If we teach today the way we taught yesterday,

we will steal from our children tomorrow.

John Dewey

The preschool education system is undergoing a major transformation. The paradigm of knowledge, skills and abilities has been replaced by the federal state educational standard, which is based on the preservation of the uniqueness and intrinsic value of childhood as milestone in the overall development of man.

GEF began to implement all preschool institutions, and our preschool educational institution was no exception.

What measures for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard in the preschool educational institution were carried out in the middle group No. 1:

1. Initially, we got acquainted with the project "Introduction of GEF DO".

2. Completed training at the FGBOU VPO "BSPI" under the programs: "FSES of preschool education: key features and implementation mechanisms" and " Information Technology in the professional activity of a teacher.

Listened to online webinars of candidates of pedagogical sciences studying and implementing GEF DO.

Participated in the work round table on the topic: "Introduction of GEF DO" at the general garden level.

3. Updated methodological literature that meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

4. We reviewed and designed the subject-spatial developmental environment in accordance with five educational areas: artistic and aesthetic, physical, social and communicative, speech, and cognitive.

Fulfilling the requirements for equipping the group, conditions were created for the implementation various kinds activities with children:

Center for Sensory Development.

Center for Mathematical Development.

Center visual arts.

Activity Center ( game center).

Center "Be healthy!".

Corner of nature and experimentation.

Center for theatrical activities.

Center for the development of speech, reading fiction.

Center "Little Builders"

Center for Musical Activity.

According to the new standards, the developing environment in the group is accessible, meaningful, multifunctional, safe, variable, corresponding to the age characteristics of children.

We also revised the development environment of the group site:

Purchased a new transformable sandbox for playing with sand and water;

Set up a table with benches board games;

House for role-playing and theatrical games;

We designed a flower garden to foster love for nature, all living things and the formation of labor skills;

A bench with a canopy is a place for solitude, reading and viewing fiction;

Machine - for role-playing games.

5. In the process of developing a working educational program for middle group, which is compiled on the basis of an exemplary basic educational program, using the variable educational program "From birth to school" edited by Veraksa, Komarova, Vasilyeva and the main educational program of a preschool educational institution, based on laws and regulations.

6. Defined targets for monitoring the achievements of pupils. We make out individual cards development of pupils.

7. We develop individual educational routes for pupils.

8. We have designed and are replenishing children's portfolios and the portfolio of the educator.

9. Revised the organization of the NOD. main feature organization of educational activities in preschool educational institutions for present stage- this is a departure from educational activities (classes), raising the status of the game as the main activity of preschool children; inclusion in the process of effective forms of work with children: ICT, project activities, game, problem-learning situations within the framework of integration educational areas.

10. As we all know, we will not be able to organize our educational work without our main partners - parents. In the interaction of the work of the two structures, we take into account a differentiated approach to each family, social status, family microclimate, as well as parental requests and the degree of interest in raising their children.

Our main task is to “turn around” to the family, to provide it with pedagogical assistance, to attract the family to our side in terms of unified approaches to raising a child. Therefore, we were obliged to inform parents about the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard. The introduction of the GEF allows organizing joint activities using traditional and non-traditional forms of work.

We informed our parents about the GEF:

On the general meeting on the topic: "A very important conversation";

Through visual information (available to parents):

* wall newspaper "Federal State Educational Standard";

* booklets "Targets for preschool education";

Joint creation of a developing subject-spatial environment in the group and on the site of the preschool educational institution;

Joint participation in competitions, exhibitions, holidays, entertainment;

Open Day. Visit to NOD.

"We take the best from the past and work for the future.

Implementation of GEF DO in the practice of preschool educational institutions

Now the main topic is the implementation or introduction of the GEF DO in the practice of preschool institutions. There are a lot of questions for educators: why this document appeared, how it was created, what will change in our work with the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard. I tried my best in plain language for teachers to state the essence of the FSES DO, and also developed a questionnaire to identify teachers' ideas about the FSES DO. I bring to your attention given material. I sincerely hope that it will be useful to you.

GEF DO - Federal state standard preschool education is a document that all preschool educational organizations are required to implement. Entered into force on 01.01.2014.

This was preceded by the following work:

1) Order of the Ministry of Education and Science on the development of GEF DO;

2) A working group was created consisting of Asmolov, Skorolupova, Volosovets, Karabanova, Rubtsov, Sobkin - people with different opinions and positions.

What was discussed by the working group?

- requirements for the program;

— requirements for conditions;

- requirements for the results of socialization.

The developers have the following questions:

1) Isn't the Standard a risk to the education system?

2) What is the uniqueness of the Standard?

3) What will be the results?

4) Does the Standard bear increased financial burdens;

5) What new things will the Standard bring to self-valuable preschool life? And etc.

What is expected from the Standard:



Tolerant attitude from parents;

Reduced paperwork;

More educational programs available;

Learning to count and write should be in school;

– Desire to learn – PC courses

- obedient child i.e. a child prepared for schooling


- for early and accelerated development;

- the state is responsible for education;

- the main thing is the health of children;

- in addition to the educational program, the development of the child in other areas (creativity)

What is the reason for the development this document?

Two grounds for the introduction of GEF DO:

1) Law "On Education of the Russian Federation";

2) The current socio-cultural situation.

GEF DO is based on the following documents:

1) Convention on the Rights of the Child;

2) Law on Education of the Russian Federation;

3) the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

4) Government program"Development of education for 2013-2020"

The Law on Education of the Russian Federation provides:

1) availability and free of charge of preschool education. Ensuring pre-school education is mandatory, because this is the first level of general education and it is the responsibility of the state, for the family it is a right.

2) Publication of the Standard in 2013.

4) Cancellation of the provision on 20% of the cost of paying for the maintenance of a child in preschool;

5) Increasing requirements for educators (with the introduction of the Standard, teachers of a new level should appear);

6) The law provides for the receipt of preschool education outside of preschool organizations;

7) The rights and obligations of parents are fixed - the priority for upbringing is for the family.

Parents are included in the educational process as partners, and not as third-party consumers of educational services.

GEF DO establishes the right to receive affordable and free high-quality preschool education + financial support (a place for a child in a kindergarten).

Until 2009, there were Temporary (exemplary) requirements for the content and methods of preschool education. In 2009, by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science, FGT was introduced to the structure of the PEP, in 2011 - to the conditions for the implementation of the PEP. In 2013, by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 1155 on the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Basic concepts of GEF DO:

1) Unity of educational space:

Ensuring uniform conditions and quality of education, regardless of the place of study, excluding the possibility of discrimination in the field of education (organization of advisory centers, short stay groups);

2) educational environment - a set of conditions purposefully created in order to ensure the completeness of education and development of children (networking: museum, school, etc.)

3) developing object-spatial environment;

4) the social situation of development.

What is the difference between FGT and GEF DO?

2 groups of requirements:

- to the structure of the OOP;

To the conditions for the implementation of the PLO;

— 10 educational areas;

80% - obligatory part of the program;

20% - variable


3 groups of requirements

Toward the OOP structure;

To the conditions for the implementation of the PLO;

- to the results of mastering the OOP

5 educational areas:

Physical development

cognitive development;

Artistic and aesthetic development;

Social and communicative development (social and personal);

Speech development

60% - obligatory part of the program;

40% - variable

In GEF, the main thing is not the result, but the conditions. This is the standard conditions. Conditions are the social situation of the development of the child - the established system of interaction of the child with the outside world, represented by adults and children. If the conditions are created, the Standard is implemented.

The social situation of development involves three groups of requirements:

1) Spatio-temporal - space and toys;

2) Social- system relationships with adults and peers

3) Activity - children's activities: motor, play, communicative, construction from various materials, fine arts, perception of fiction and folklore.

The main condition is the number of children in the group.

What are the conditions for:

1) Psychological and pedagogical;

2) Personnel;

3) Logistics;

4) Financial;

5) To the subject-developing environment.

Personnel conditions are the main ones. In this regard, it is being developed professional standard teacher. It is planned to be introduced by September 2014.

Evaluation of the professional activity of the teacher:

- the dynamics of the development of the integrative qualities of the teacher;

- positive attitude of the child to kindergarten;

A high degree of activity and involvement of parents in the educational process and the life of the kindergarten.

Requirements for the results of mastering the program:

The main result is the socialization of children.

1) The result of socialization;

2) The personal results of the development of the child, and not the result of learning.

GEF DO provides for 1 group of results - personal (subject, meta-subject and personal at school).

The results of the development of the program are described in the form of targets:

* Initiative

* Independence

* Self confidence

* Imagination

* Physical development

* Volitional efforts

* Curiosity

* Child's interest.

The targets are not subject to the evaluation of the results.

What will be assessed:

1) Pedagogical process;

2) Conditions (social situation of development);

3) Pedagogical personnel.

Naturally, despite the absence of such forms of control that are available at higher levels of education, both teachers themselves and parents want to understand what the child has managed to achieve. Here, unlike other standards, we are talking only about personal results. In this regard, it is allowed to monitor the dynamics of the development of the child, but it is needed not for evaluation in itself, but for identifying the ways in which the teacher can allow the child to develop, discover some abilities, overcome problems. It is the teacher-psychologist who should be engaged in such monitoring. Such a study can be carried out only with the consent of the parents or legal representatives of the child.

OOP structure requirements.

PEP is defined as a program of psychological and pedagogical support for the development, socialization and individualization of a child's development, and not learning. Individualization is a set of partial programs implemented in a preschool educational institution.

BEP is written for 1 year, peer review is carried out by the education authority. Until 2015, we are working according to previously developed programs.

OOP OOP is designed around the Exemplary OOP, not based on it. On the basis of the PEP, preschool educational programs are developed for teachers.

The sample program is an educational and methodological document funded by the state. Now they are being processed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, new ones are being created. The developers of the GEF DO oppose a single program - there should be a choice.

1) Options for the schedule of classes;

2) Partial programs;

3) Forms of planning;

4) Daily routine, vital activity;

5) Methodological support;

6) Curriculum;

7) Monitoring.

Readiness of preschool educational institutions for the introduction of GEF DO

1) Developed and approved by the PEP DOO;

2) The regulatory framework has been brought into line with the Federal State Educational Standard;

3) Job Descriptions developed in accordance with GEF DO;

4) The list of partial programs is defined;

5) Local acts have been developed;

6) The model of interaction between preschool educational institutions and social partners was determined;

7) Plan of methodological work for the introduction of GEF DO;

8) Professional development of teachers was carried out;

9) Providing personnel, financial conditions.

Dear colleagues! I have developed a questionnaire for teachers on the topic of GEF DO.

The purpose of this survey: to identify teachers' ideas about the Federal State Educational Standard.


What is GEF DO? When did it enter into force? What is the reason for the development of this document - GEF DO? What documents is the FSES DO based on? What rights of citizens are enshrined in the Federal State Educational Standard? What is the difference between FGT and GEF DO? Taking into account what should preschool educational organizations implement the GEF DO? The adoption of the standard will lead to an increase in social status (specify):

* - childhood

* - families

* — preschool institutions

* - educators

What will be called educational activities after the introduction of GEF DO:

1) occupation

What is positive, in your opinion, transferred from FGT to GEF DO?


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