Is it possible to plant a willow next to the site. "harmful" trees and shrubs

Site arrangement 25.06.2019
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Everyone tries to plant near his house more trees. And it is right. Not only do they create a cozy shade and bear fruit. According to folk beliefs, trees are symbols of health, fertility and prosperity.

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What should be planted near the house?

First of all, plant a cherry. It is unpretentious, but in the spring it blooms beautifully, and in the summer delicious and healthy berries. This tree is very reverent in the East: It is a symbol of prosperity and brings good luck.

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It is advisable to plant cherries near the place where you plan to equip the brazier. From the point of view of attracting material wealth, it is best to make a fire during the flowering of the tree.

Juniper should be planted in front of the house

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According to legend, this plant is able to fight evil forces. And to clear the house of negative energy, you need to periodically burn several branches of juniper in the fireplace or in the stove.

Rosehip is very beautiful in spring

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But it is famous not only for its fragrant flowers and beneficial fruits. Rose hips are loved by sorcerers and magicians, because this plant symbolizes love, passion and strong family ties.

A positive effect on humans and larch

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It can be called a "green psychologist", because it helps to overcome melancholy, depression, causeless fears and anxiety. These trees help restore peace of mind. And in the fall they are simply irresistible!

It is useful to plant an acacia near the house

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There is a sign according to which this fragrant tree helps to get rid of infertility for men and women. In addition, it improves mood and relieves stress.

Few people are indifferent to pears. But it's not just tasty fruits!

The pear is a symbol of longevity, love and motherhood. Planted near your home, its positive energy will help you make friends easily.

Different people relate to spruce
Many consider her an energy vampire, and in some places they are sure that she forces men out of the house. They were even afraid to plant it near the house of the newlyweds, so as not to deprive them of their heirs.

But all this can be called idle speculation. Yes, spruce absorbs energy, but only in summer. In winter, she generously shares it. In addition, spruce protects the family from quarrels, regulates emotions, cleanses the lungs. And yet, it is not recommended to plant it near the house, but for a completely different reason. The fact is that the powerful roots of this tree can seriously damage the foundation of the house.

In many regions, it is customary to plant viburnum near the house. And it is right!

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This medicinal plant not only soothes nervous system: It is also used to treat certain diseases.

You can also plant a maple near the house

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It is believed that he removes negative energy, as a result of which the number of quarrels in the family is reduced. This tree brings longevity, love and prosperity to the house. Those who have a maple growing near their house will always be calm and confident.

Has positive qualities and mountain ash

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It protects the house from negative energy, evil spirits and evil witchcraft. Rowan helps to control feelings, and show them only when necessary. But for women after 40, it brings a second youth. The tree is best planted near windows.

Since ancient times, an apple tree has been planted near the windows of a young girl's bedroom.

Photo: maxpixel.freegreatpicture (CC0 Public Domain)

It was believed that she brings beauty, charm and happiness to family life. Many beliefs associate the apple tree with eternal youth and longevity.


Palm Sunday happens every year. And even people who are weak believers (or even consider themselves unbelievers) give each other “seals”. Even if the religious significance of such a gift is indifferent to them, the tradition marks for everyone the final and victorious onset of spring. And when the holidays are over, people often notice that the gift has given roots, and they begin to think about how to plant a willow from a twig. Not everyone will raise their hand to throw out a stalk that can survive. In addition, the idea itself is attractive: willow grows on your site. How to plant her so that she survives and delights you with “seals” every spring is the topic of this article.

The sacred meaning of willow

Willow and before the adoption of Christianity by Russia was considered a miraculous tree. She did not change her status even after baptism. In Orthodoxy, she took the place of palm branches, with which the Jews met Christ at the entrance to Jerusalem. It was used in drugs for infertility and fever, its powder was used to treat wounds, including those that did not heal for a long time. Cattle were driven out to pasture with willow so that they would remain healthy and prolific. It was believed that she was able to stop the storm if she threw a branch against the wind. There were rituals associated with the recognition of a witch - and in them the main " actor Again, there was a willow. in those days everyone knew, and be sure to plant it in the courtyard of the newlyweds in order to prevent distrust and jealousy in the family.

However, there is also a disturbing sign: the old people, when asked whether it is possible to plant a willow, answer with almost a categorical ban. There is an opinion that the person who planted this tree shortens the age allotted to him, and will die in the year when the willow trunk becomes as thick as a shovel handle.

Will the branch be accepted?

Church rules prescribe burning "seals" at the end of the holidays or drying them, since it is impossible to plant a willow from a branch consecrated in the church - it will not be accepted. However, those who did not know about it successfully grew quite lush plants in their plots. True, it will not work out of a twig, but a bush is quite. People who can boast of success in this matter give the following advice:

  1. It is most reliable to first plant a twig in a pot and grow it at home for a year, with abundant watering. It should be planted "on the street" next spring - then the tree will definitely be accepted.
  2. If you immediately plant a branch "in the wild", you need to choose a very wet place, preferably - on the shore of the reservoir. Then there is a good chance that not a bush will grow, but a willow tree. How to plant, there are no special secrets: just dig in without damaging the roots, and cover with a greenhouse from a cut plastic bottle.

However, all successful experimenters note: if the branch is not looked after, then in most cases it is not accepted.

Choose a place

So, you have a seedling or you have prepared a cutting yourself, and you are interested in a full-fledged, lush willow. How to plant the material so as not to lose it? First of all, choose the right site. It should not be brightly lit: the willow loves the shade. So it can take a place near the north wall of the house, usually unclaimed due to the scarcity of the sun. As already mentioned, And not every site has a reservoir. But often in the country there are lowlands - and for willow this the best place. No less successful for her will be the proximity of compost or cesspool- always there high humidity. In any case, the tree will have to be watered often, unless the summer is rainy. But for him it is indifferent, it does not have to be fertile and rich. But acidity is important: alkaline soils will have to be acidified.

Willow: how to plant a cutting correctly

This can be done in the fall, when the leaves fall from the trees, and in the spring, when the weather is consistently warm, but the vegetation has not yet begun actively. Before planting a willow, a recess is made; it should be no closer than half a meter from another row of trees and from neighbors in a row. The "hole" is pierced with a rod to the length of the handle, the earth around is trampled down or rammed. A seedling is inserted into it and densely sprinkled with soil.

A little different will have to act in the fall. Firstly, a simple hole cannot be dispensed with. The landing site is dug up three meters in diameter and freed from weeds (this is especially true for perennials with powerful roots - nettles, sleepweed, thistle). A hole is dug with a volume of about a cubic meter. The bottom is laid out with sawdust or bark, spilled with fungicide from pests and seasoned potassium nitrate- to increase survival in the winter. Compost is laid out on top, a seedling is placed, sprinkled with soil and mulched.

For the tree to survive

When the willow gets used to the new place a little, you need to water it (if there are no showers and a natural source of water) at least twice a week. In the first year, regularly, twice a month, the tree is fed with mineral nitrogen and liquid organic matter. A couple of times a season it is worth pollinating both it and the ground around it with a repeller for insect pests. If you want to form a bush, but more magnificent - bend the lower branches to the ground, secure them with flyers and sprinkle fertile soil with compote. The branches will take root and form additional trunks.

What trees can be planted near the house: signs A good sign is to plant cherries near the house. it unpretentious plant, which needs the very minimum of care, while it blooms beautifully and smells good in spring. Cherry is considered a symbol of fertility and prosperity, this tree is especially revered in the East. It is believed that it is a charm that brings good luck. It is said that a fire under a cherry during its flowering period increases wealth. You can plant cherries in the place where you are going to cook kebabs and other summer dishes on a fire and barbecue. it good decision in terms of attracting wealth. In some countries, juniper branches mark the path from the house where the deceased was recently to the cemetery. In some regions, it is believed that it is impossible to plant juniper near the house for this very reason. But they mark the way to the cemetery with flowers much more often than with juniper branches, while similar types of flowers have not harmed anyone yet. Juniper is one of the most powerful plants that protects against spell casting, damage and evil forces. If you plant it near the house, the plant will protect all members of your family. It is believed that it should be placed in front of the house, and not in the backyard. The needles of this plant can be burned indoors from time to time to drive out negative energy from there. Rosehip looks beautiful at any time of the year. In addition, he protects the well-being of the family near whose house he grows. It attracts love and strengthens relationships in the family. This is an extremely positive-minded plant that will not bring you anything bad. The main meanings of wild rose in magic are love, passion and strong, stable family ties. Larch looks especially attractive in autumn. Its influence is necessary for those who constantly experience causeless doubts, fears and anxiety. Larch, if planted near the house, helps to cope with depression, melancholy and other problems. psychological nature. It helps to look at life positively and restore mental strength. Acacia has a positive effect on procreation. It treats infertility in both men and women. If you can't have a baby for a long time, try planting an acacia tree near your house. In addition, it relieves stress and improves mood. The pear is a symbol of motherhood and love, stability and longevity. It can be planted near a residential building, because it also gives positive qualities- the ability to communicate and make friends. It is believed that spruce is an energy vampire, and it is impossible to plant this tree near the house. But it is not so. Spruce absorbs energy during the summer and shares it in winter. It is indicated for those who experience a winter lack of vitality. Spruce near the house protects the family from quarrels, helps to restrain emotions, removes the unpleasant feeling that everything is not going as it should. But it’s still not worth planting near the house, because its roots can even bring down the house. Place coniferous trees away from buildings. In some regions, spruce is believed to drive men out of the home. This refers to the birth of only daughters, widowhood and divorces. They were afraid to plant a spruce near the house of the newlyweds, because this could deprive them of their heirs. But in regions where coniferous trees are most common, they do not believe in such signs. Kalina - a good option plants to plant near the house. It calms the nervous system and helps to recover in case of illness. Maple near the house will help you remove negative energy, quarrel less with your family members. It brings longevity, love and wealth to your home. The life of people living in a house near which a maple grows will be calm and measured. Maple brings peace and confidence. Rowan will save your home and family from black witchcraft, evil spirits and any negative energy. It develops psychic abilities, especially in children. Mountain ash teaches you to control your feelings and show only when it will be beneficial. If you are thinking about whether it is possible to plant mountain ash near the house, there will be no negative connotations about this tree. For women over 40 years old, mountain ash can give a second youth. It also brings the ability to enjoy the physical side of love and good luck in relationships with the opposite sex. It is best to plant rowan near the windows. An apple tree is a great option for planting near the windows of a young girl's bedroom. She gives beauty, charm, self-confidence, good luck in love and happiness in family life. The apple tree is also associated with eternal youth and longevity. A good tree for planting near the house are also all fruit trees, such as peaches. Is it possible to plant a fern near the house? There are many signs about this, both good and bad. Fern destroys negative emotions and prevents quarrels. If there are conflicts in your home between husband and wife, parents and children, given plant will nullify them. In addition, the fern has always been considered to bring money and good luck, reliable protection from evil spirits. At the same time, the fern is one of the most mysterious plants. Many legends are associated with it. Bad omens about this plant consider it an energy vampire and a bait for diseases. Logically, this is understandable. Fern often causes allergies, absorbs oxygen and is completely unsuitable as houseplant. On the site, its shortcomings will not be noticeable. What trees can not be planted on the site: signs It is believed that planting oak on the site is very Bad sign which portends the death of the head of the family. In addition, the aura of this tree perceives only healthy and physically strong people. Oak favors warriors, war veterans, but, like thuja, even they are not recommended to plant it on their site. Birch - very powerful protective agent. But it should grow outside the fence of your house, near the gate, and next to the birch you can put a bench to communicate with this tree. Then she will not let evil into your house. To the question of whether it is possible to plant a birch near the house, the signs answer that spirits live in its crowns, and they are far from always kind to people. A walnut can be planted on the site, but not near the house and outbuildings. The point is not only in signs, but also in its branched root system, which can damage the foundation. It is believed that the one who plants the willow dies in the same year. Moreover, you can not plant a willow in honor of the birth of a child. The same applies to aspen and willow. It is believed that these trees bring death and grief. If signs play a decisive role in the question of whether it is possible to plant a willow on a site, then it is better to choose other trees. Poplar is also planted away from home. It perfectly eliminates negative energy, but being too close to housing can do harm. It also has a building-damaging root system. A pine tree can take away your crop and destroy all plants that are close to it. But here it's not so much about magic, but about the fact that pine has its own characteristics, and you need to place it wisely. The energy of this tree is quite positive. Is it possible to plant thuja in the yard? Signs say that girls who live in the house will not get married if thuja grows on the site. In many cultures, it is a tree of sorrow and sadness, which is loved by the departed. Thuja is often planted in cemeteries. On the other hand, the smell of arborvitae is believed to ward off evil spirits. Most of signs that do not allow planting certain plants near the house are not associated with magic, but with the practical experience of ancestors. Most of the plants have positive energy, with rare exceptions. But if certain tree causes you negative associations, you should not plant it. What happens is what they believe in, and if spruce for you is a plant that is often planted near graves, then it is so, and, despite the positive energy of the tree, spruce in the yard will not bring you good.

Every spring on Palm Sunday, people, even those who are far from religion, try to bring at least a few willow branches into the house. It is believed that this symbol of spring and renewal will bring peace, prosperity, happiness and prosperity to the house. However, it often happens that a branch in a vase gives roots, and it is already a pity to throw it away after the holiday.

Therefore, many have a logical question - is it possible to grow a real adult willow from a twig. In the article, we will consider this issue from all sides, and find out: how to plant a twig, and how to take care of it, so that a real beautiful willow grows in the yard.

A little about the meaning of willow

The tradition of bringing several branches of willow into the house in spring has an ancient sacred meaning. Our ancestors, who lived in ancient times in Russia, believed that the twigs are able to drive away evil spirits from the house, bring joy, happiness and prosperity to the home. In addition, many signs are associated with willow: for example, in the old days, people could determine what summer would be like, find out the weather from these branches.

Also, willow was used for medicinal purposes, medicinal potions were prepared from it. All these, as well as many other useful qualities, made willow such a revered and, one might say, symbolic plant in our country.

In addition, the tree also has an ancient religious significance: it is believed that it was with willow branches that the Jews met Jesus Christ when he entered Jerusalem. Therefore, for believers, the importance of willow is difficult to overestimate. Well, for people who are far from religion, willow is valuable, first of all, for its decorative effect, freshness, and, well, as a symbol of spring.

Modern Scientific research made it possible to detect a rich content of salicylic acid in willow, which made it possible to rightfully consider the plant medicinal. In addition, willow is a wonderful honey plant. The plant can also be used for the construction of a picturesque hedge, decoration water zone, and for other design and landscape purposes. But what it looks like, you can see in the photo.

On the video - how to plant a willow from a twig:

Though church rules and recommend burning willow branches immediately after the end of the holiday, but few people already follow these precepts. It is believed, by the way, that it is impossible to plant branches from a willow consecrated in a church: for religious citizens, this fact can become an obstacle to growing a tree.

However, for most people, after all, religion does not play a big role now, so it is quite acceptable for them to try to grow a beautiful willow on their site. After all, at proper fit and proper care, the twig will definitely be accepted, and in a few years it will grow into a lush sprawling bush. Let's take a look at the main points proper cultivation willow from a twig.

So, experienced gardeners strongly recommend planting a twig, even if it has already successfully taken root, not immediately in open ground, and for starters - in a pot. Thus, at home, the bush will get a little stronger: the main condition for this is abundant watering. But which hose for irrigation to choose, and how to do it right, is described here.

The twig should spend a year in a pot, after which it can already be planted in open ground next spring. Such slowness practically guarantees that the branch will be accepted in the ground under open sky necessarily. If, living in a warm climate, you decide to plant a branch immediately in open ground, it is important to choose a humid place for the plant.

This may be a site near a pond, another body of water: the willow needs in large numbers water. In this case, there is even a chance to grow a full-fledged tree, and not a bush, as is usually the case.

Planting in open ground is not too difficult: it is necessary to dig a branch with roots into the ground: this should be done carefully so as not to touch the roots. After the branch is in the ground, it must be covered from above with a plastic bottle with a cut off top. This measure will help protect the branch from damage by rodents, as well as protect against return frosts.

Location selection

For willow, it is very important to choose a suitable site, since the tree is quite demanding on external conditions. It is important that the place is not too sunny: the modest willow loves shady areas more. This also has its plus, since it is possible to take willow unclaimed by others light-loving plants places in the garden.

It is best to place the plant near a reservoir, and in its absence - in a lowland. Willows need moisture and won't mind being close. ground water, unlike most other horticultural crops. You can even plant a twig near a cesspool or compost pit- here will be needed by the plant humidity, and at the same time - food. However, wherever you place a branch, in any case, it will need regular frequent watering: this must be remembered. Of course, except for those cases when there are frequent heavy rains.

On the video - information about the willow:

Willow is undemanding to the composition of the soil: the level of soil fertility is not important for this plant, but it is important that the soil is acidic.


A willow twig can be planted both in spring and autumn. In the first case, planting is done when the branch has not yet “hit” into active growth, and in the second - when the leaves fall from the trees.


Before planting, you need to dig a hole. Make sure that the hole is located no less than half a meter from neighboring trees: it is not recommended to allow too close proximity. The resulting hole must be pierced with a rod along the entire length, and compact the earth around. A willow branch is inserted into this rod, after which the whole structure is sprinkled with soil.

On the video - planting willow in the spring:

Attention: the lower part of the handle must be cut obliquely to expose big square for absorption useful substances from the earth.

What they look like and what is the description Pansies, can be read in the table of contents


If you have chosen autumn time for planting willow, then the scheme of actions will be slightly different from the previous one. A simple hole in this case you can’t do it anymore: you have to dig up a fairly decent piece of land - about 3 meters in diameter. It is also important to free this area from weeds and weeds. Pay Special attention for the elimination of perennial weeds: wheatgrass, nettle, gout.

A hole in the autumn must be dug with a total volume of approximately 1 m3. Put drainage from sawdust or tree bark at the bottom, then pour fungicide on this layer, and sprinkle with potassium nitrate, which will help the plant survive the winter. You need to lay a small layer of compost on the drainage, then plant a branch, sprinkle with soil, and mulch everything on top around the root circle. How to choose a surface drainage pump for dirty water, will help to understand this

On the video - landing in the autumn:

Autumn planting is suitable if there is a lot of snow in the area in winter and the climate itself is humid. If the climate implies a winter with little snow, then it is best to plant willow in the spring, otherwise it may freeze.

Willow cuttings can be planted as traditional way- vertically, and obliquely or even horizontally. As a result, the end result for all methods will be the same, so each gardener chooses the most convenient option for him.

If you plant cuttings in the fall, then before frost they must be covered with moss or dry straw. This precaution will allow fragile branches to survive the harsh winter.

For germination of the roots, the cuttings must be held for some time in water. To do this, it is recommended to use melted or spring water, but not tap water. In cooled boiling water, the cuttings are also unlikely to take root, since nutrients no longer exists in this water. You should not wait until the cuttings grow long roots: you should transplant the seedling into the ground already with small roots.


Let's find out all the main points for caring for a willow growing in the garden.

The plant, of course, needs watering. But during the rainy season, watering can be limited, or even removed from the list of current care procedures. And in summer period the minimum regularity of watering is twice a week. If soil moisture is sufficient, willow begins to grow very quickly, reaching the height of an adult plant in a short period.

In the first year of life after rooting in the garden, the willow must be fed with a nitrogenous composition, as well as liquid organic matter. You need to do this twice a month.

About twice a season, the plant needs pollination. And in order to prevent pest damage, periodically spray the ground around the willow with fungicides.

If you want the willow bush to be dense and lush, experienced gardeners recommend the following procedure: you need to bend the lower branches to the ground, and fix them in this position with flyers. Then you need to sprinkle the bent branches with soil with compost. Thus, the branches will be able to take root in the ground, forming additional bush trunks.


Willow can be propagated in two ways:

  • seeds;
  • vegetative division.

Let's talk more about these options.

seed way

After about a month from the beginning of flowering, the willow seeds ripen. They are located on the very fluffy buds for which the plant is so valued. The seeds are shaped like a light parachute, which are easily carried by the wind around the surroundings.

However, despite the abundance of ripening seeds, it is difficult to grow an adult willow from them, since the seeds have a low germination rate. Usually this method is used only by breeders in their laboratories. But how to plant Thyme seeds, and how to do it right, will help you understand this

Vegetative way

This method is just used in the "amateur" breeding of willow. The vegetative method involves the usual cuttings, followed by rooting of the shoot that has taken root. It is important to use healthy strong shoots for propagation, with whole skins.

For propagation, it is recommended to use cuttings of one year of age, since they are the most survivable. Such cuttings can quickly take root, and have the greatest chance of growing into a full-fledged tree or bush. It is best to start breeding winds in the spring, since in this case you do not have to worry about winter storage planting material.

On video - vegetative reproduction willow:

We examined the features of growing willow from a branch on personal plot. As you can see, it's not that hard to grow a real tree from a small branch if you put a little effort into it. But when the twig takes root safely and begins to grow actively, you will be able to admire a beautiful tree strewn with fluffy buds directly from your window every spring. Such a spectacle, of course, will delight and cheer you up.

The trees near the house look very aesthetically pleasing and beautiful. They keep you cool on hot summer days blooming trees exude a pleasant delicate aroma during flowering. However, not every tree can be planted near your home. Of course, first of all, factors such as climate and soil, the location of communications and the foundation of the house should be taken into account. So, for example, tree roots should not touch plumbing systems or wires, especially trees with a powerful root system. It is also not recommended to plant trees close to the fence or to the house: their branches may break. In addition, the tree can destroy the foundation of the house with its roots, and the roof with its branches. It is also important to know that trees are best planted at a distance of two meters from each other: this way their branches will not intertwine.

In addition to such obvious factors, one should also take into account the energy that any tree radiates. Some trees will bring good luck and happiness to the house, a person will feel calm and peaceful next to them. Other types of trees are a kind of biovampires: they can take away bad energy from a person, leaving room for a new one. Communication with such trees is useful, but in moderation. And certainly you should not plant such trees near the house, which are associated with various troubles and failures, or poisonous plants. In this article will be discussed about what kind of energy this or that tree has and whether it is worth planting it near the house.


Cherry - very useful for humans fruit tree. In spring, it blooms with delicate white flowers, and at the end of summer it pleases with pleasant-tasting fruits. At the same time, she is unpretentious, she does not need special care. In many countries, cherry is considered a tree of good luck. According to legend, she brings prosperity to the house, and a fire under cherry blossoms will only increase wealth, so it is better to plant her near the place where you plan to cook something on a fire. When planting cherries, it is important to remember that they prefer moist fertilized soil.


Rowan has long been considered a female tree, acted as a symbol of fertility and motherhood. According to legend, she can give a woman youth and beauty, can help develop extrasensory abilities, and normalize her mental state. It can be planted not only at the house itself, but also at the gate. Then the mountain ash will protect the house from bad energy and damage. It is highly recommended to plant mountain ash near the windows, then it will bring love and good luck to the house. This is a very hardy tree. It will decorate any yard, especially in autumn and winter. For mountain ash, it is better to choose a damp, shaded place.


Many people believe that spruce should not be planted near the house due to the fact that it contributes to divorce and in every possible way ousts men from the house. Previously, it was categorically not allowed to plant a spruce near the house of the newlyweds - it was believed that they would not have heirs. Nowadays, there is a belief that if you plant a fir tree near a house, someone will die in this house. It is also categorically not recommended to plant several fir trees in a row: it is believed that how many fir trees are planted, so many people will die in the family of the person who planted them. Basically, these beliefs are common in regions where spruce is quite rare. In addition, it is believed that spruce can absorb energy. She really does this all summer, but in winter she returns energy back, so spruce near the house should be planted for such people who are prone to breakdown in winter time of the year. Spruce can prevent quarrels between loved ones, but it should not be planted close to the house, as spruce roots can destroy the foundation. Best choice for spruce sandy soil and bright places, at a distance of 10 meters from the house.


Birch has long been considered a symbol of Russia, so this tree was treated with respect. The birch was groomed, cherished and many signs, both good and bad, were associated with it. It was believed that this tree is very capricious and helps only those who "like" it. It can protect against evil spirits, give a boost of energy to sick people, but it is not recommended to plant it close to the house, as the ancestors believed that various evil spirits, mermaids and drowned people could hide in its foliage. It is believed that if a birch hangs over the roof of the house, then the inhabitants will expect illness and various troubles. It is best to plant a birch near the fence or near the gate (ancestors believed that this would scare away the evil eye) and find a damp place for it, as this tree loves water. Then she will protect the house from damage, help to cope with depression and save dreams from nightmares. In addition, birch is a volatile tree, that is, it destroys many types of pathogenic microbes, especially during rain, and its juice is very good for health.


Oak has long symbolized courage and male power. This tree patronizes men. It is believed that it is undesirable to be near the oak for weak people or women, as it helps strong and ambitious people. Oak is especially good with veterans: he will gladly share a part of his strength with them. Many signs are associated with oak: for example, it is believed that if a double acorn fell from a tree, then it must be preserved, since this is a kind of talisman. In addition, the oak was considered a conductor between the world of the living and the world of the dead: the expression “gave the oak” meant that the soul climbs up through the branches.

However, this tree cannot be planted close to the house. Usually an oak is a fairly tall tree, so during a thunderstorm it can attract lightning to itself, and its powerful roots can damage the foundation. Therefore, oak is best planted at some distance from the building.

This evergreen bushy tree has long been infamous. Initially, thuja could be found on the graves, and so it became famous as a "cemetery tree". This tree is a symbol of sorrow, and many signs are associated with it. One of them says that if the thuja grows higher than the house next to which it is planted, people will begin to die in this house. The thuja is of great danger for girls and girls, as it will take away their happiness, and they will not be able to find a chosen one.

However, if you really want to plant a thuja, you should opt for specially bred dwarf thuja breeds. They will not grow too tall, which means they will not outgrow the house, and the sign will not come true. It is important to remember here that such a thuja should not be planted under a window - this can invite trouble and bring misfortune to the house.


The bright foliage of this tree will decorate any yard in autumn. Maple is considered the most friendly and sociable tree. According to beliefs, it brings prosperity to the house, helps smooth out conflicts, and prevents quarrels in families. The emergence of these superstitions contributed unusual shape maple leaf: it is somewhat reminiscent of a five-fingered palm. It will be useful to communicate with this tree emotional people and people who have experienced severe emotional distress. A maple tree planted near the house will protect the house from evil forces, but if a young tree begins to dry out, then the inhabitants of the house are in trouble.


Pine - conifer tree, which is a kind of biovampire. It should not be planted near the house, as it will bring misfortune to the inhabitants. It was believed that murders and suicides occurred more often in such houses, next to which pine trees grew. Also, pine could be found in cemeteries, and this tree was not only planted on graves, but also wreaths were woven from it, which provided this tree with a bad reputation. Pine can also adversely affect intra-family relationships. This tree - "loner" predicts such a situation for its owners, which means that in the house near which the pine tree grows, such quarrels will occur that will bring the spouses to divorce.

However, pine can also be beneficial. To do this, it must grow in the forest, but not near the house. A person, when communicating with such a tree, will give him all his emotions and experiences, but this cannot be done too often.


This tree attracts with its interesting flowers and leaves, and its spiky fruits can be used for medicinal purposes. Chestnut is a selfish biovampire. He can only take away the energy of a person without giving him anything in return, so you should not plant him close to home. On the other hand, communication with chestnut helps to establish mental mood, cast all sorrows away.

An important point - you should not grow a tree from a chestnut fruit. Ancestors claimed that a chestnut grown in this way could bring various diseases to the person who planted it. This will happen as soon as this chestnut outgrows its owner. It is better not to take risks and grow this tree from a seed or purchase a seedling.


Poplar is most often seen in the city. This tree is famous for the fact that it can absorb a huge amount of negative energy. At the same time, it does not give anything in return, and all the collected negative emotions go into the ground through its roots. Poplar is not recommended to be planted near the house for the reason that the negative collected by it can one day break out and harm. In addition, poplar has a powerful root structure capable of damaging the foundation. It is also strictly not allowed to plant this tree near the house where the allergic person lives, since poplar fluff can provoke an allergy attack.


Walnut can be planted near the house. This plant is not liked by various insects, including flies. Walnut is a strong tree that generously shares its energy with others, although some people are convinced that this tree attracts death. However, it must be planted carefully: there is an opinion that if a nut hangs over the bedroom window, then the person who owns the bedroom will suffer from headaches and nightmares. In addition, this tree is very capricious in choosing its place of residence, therefore, to plant a nut, you need to choose a sunny place, closed from the wind, and you can’t replant it often - the tree will wither and die.

bird cherry

Bird cherry is a gentle, sensual tree. It will please the eye with its delicate fragile flowers, exuding a pleasant aroma, in the spring, and in the summer it will provide the owners with slightly astringent, but pleasant-tasting fruits. This tree will help calm the soul and will gladly help people who want to find a soul mate or establish a relationship with a loved one. However, this tree is best planted at some distance from the dwelling. People believed that if the bird cherry sprouted from under the foundation of the house or its roots go under the house, then family quarrels will begin in this house, up to death.


Aspen is a mystical tree. Our ancestors associated many legends with this tree. From this tree it was impossible to cut down a hut, make any decorations, furniture, and in general, somehow bring this tree into the house. At the same time, it was believed that the dead and various evil spirits were afraid of this tree. Nowadays, aspen is highly discouraged from planting near the house. It is believed that it contributes to various troubles and misfortunes. Moreover, the tree itself can bring misfortune in the literal sense. Aspens are more susceptible than other trees various diseases and rot, so the wood can easily break and fall on the house.

Apple tree

This tree, which blooms with delicate white flowers in spring and brings tasty fruits in autumn, has long been revered by our ancestors. The apple tree was personified with fertility, eternal life, and its wood and fruits were used in various magical rituals. This tree appeared in many parables and legends as a symbol of life. An apple tree should be planted near the house, especially it should be allocated a place opposite the windows of the room in which the young girl lives. The tree will support her and generously endow her with energy and beauty, and perhaps even help attract her betrothed.

The apple tree is an excellent donor, but the truth shares its energy more readily with women than with men. It will help awaken love and feelings in a woman.


This graceful tree is especially beautiful in autumn. Larch is a rather generous and friendly tree. It can soothe, fill a person with energy. First of all, larch near their home should be planted by people who have many fears and are prone to nervous overload. The tree will relieve anxiety and depression, help to cope with various nervous diseases, and return an optimistic mood. In the house of a person who planted a larch, kindness, comfort and peace will always reign.


Juniper blooms with white flowers, and its wood has a pleasant bitter smell. This is a volatile plant, so it has a beneficial effect on environment. According to legend, the juniper is a biblical tree, and therefore it has special charms that help to resist misfortune and damage. However, in ancient times, the juniper was exclusively a cemetery plant, so if the owner decides to plant a tree near the house, he needs to do it behind the building. In this case, the tree will protect him from evil forces. Otherwise, juniper can, on the contrary, attract uninvited guests to the court.


A very unique tree. It can give a person very tasty fruits, but the rest of this plant is poisonous. Yew is considered a sacred plant; in ancient times, amulets and arrowheads were made from its wood. Now this tree is used as decorative element, but few owners want to see this tree in their yard. The fact is that the yew has a special, “repulsive” energy, besides, this tree needs a lot of space, and even grass rarely grows under it, since the falling poisonous needles are unfavorable for other plants.

So, each of the plants has its own character and its own special abilities. Depending on these abilities, the owner determines which trees can be planted near the house and which ones are better not to plant. Basically, many plants have energy aimed at maintaining a person, normalizing his state of mind, but there are exceptions. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that many signs of our ancestors that do not allow planting certain types of trees near the house are not associated with magic, but with the experience of many generations. Each owner is free to choose which tree to grow in his yard, but when choosing, be guided by his internal state. For example, if a person feels that the tree he has planned to plant will bring him misfortune, then he should not try to go against his inner beliefs and feelings. Such a tree certainly will not bring him happiness.

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