The psychological nature of the conflict in the story first love.

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The writing

I. S. Turgenev’s story “First Love” appeared in 1860. The author especially valued this work, probably because this story is largely autobiographical. It is very closely connected with the life of the writer himself, with the fate of his parents, as well as with wonderful and vivid memories of his first love. As the author himself said, “in my first love, I portrayed my father. Many condemned me for this ... My father was handsome ... he was very good - real Russian beauty.

In his work, Turgenev clearly traces the emergence and development of the protagonist's love. Love is an amazing feeling, it gives a person a whole palette of emotions - from hopeless grief and tragedy to amazing, uplifting joy. The young hero is going through difficult period- your first love. This feeling changed his whole life. All the feelings of the young man fascinate the reader, make him feel the authenticity of the story told by Turgenev.

With what force the author conveys the violent manifestations of the feelings of a young man who, for the first time in his life, is faced with such a complex and incomprehensible phenomenon as the inability to control his thoughts and feelings. The image of Zinaida is also amazing. Throughout the story, her image undergoes a strong metamorphosis, she turns from a frivolous and careless creature into a strong one. loving woman. The feeling of the father is also shown with great force, dooming him to hopelessness and tragedy. Suffice it to recall how Volodya's father beats Zinaida's bare hand with a whip and she kisses the mark left on her hand from the blow.

First love was a serious test for the young man. But, despite the tragedy of the situation, he managed to remain as pure in soul as he was before. This is evidenced by the following lines: “I did not feel any malicious feelings towards my father. On the contrary, he, so to speak, has grown even more in my eyes.

Fokeev Nikita

The work analyzes the content of the 16th chapter of I.S. Turgenev's story "First Love" and determines its role in revealing the ideological concept of the work.



  1. Introduction. Goal setting……………………………….2
  2. Analysis of the episode…………………………………………….3
  3. Conclusion………………………………………………...6
  4. Literature……………………………………………………7

I. Introduction. goal setting.

Love... What is it? The arrow of Eros that pierces the human mind and drives you crazy? The tricks of the goddess of love Aphrodite? Or maybe this is a reward to humanity for everything it has created? Or punishment for breaking God's holy commandments? Thousands of philosophers for the entire existence of the human race have fought and will fight over this riddle, because every person in the world has loved at least once. And each in their own way. Those people who love with all their hearts, sincerely, selflessly, surrendering completely to the power of feelings, are born to become creators. One of these creators was Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. This a famous person amazed and amazes his readers with the versatility of his feelings. His understanding of love is very colorfully conveyed in his works: love for nature (“Notes of a Hunter”), love for a serf (“Mumu”), love for a man and a woman (“Asya”, “First Love”) - and this is the shortest list his works.

I want to dwell in detail on I.S. Turgenev’s story “First Love”, since I think that I and my peers are waiting for this great mysterious feeling, which “...excites the soul and interferes with sleep” (M.Yu. Lermontov). How to understand that true love has come to you, and this is exactly what will turn your whole life, your whole life, how to grab this

an elusive thread, how to have time to say that most important word, because “Happiness has no tomorrow, he does not have yesterday either ... he has a present - and that is not a day, but a moment. It is unlikely that I will find answers to these questions, all this is very individual. But Volodya's feelings, his experiences, in my opinion, are close to a modern young man.

In each of his works, Turgenev leads his heroes through a test of love. In Turgenev, only a loving, deeply feeling person is viable. I am impressed in the writer by the fact that the characters of the characters, their psychology, their views are not revealed immediately, but gradually, by half-hints: through details, a portrait, replicas of dialogue, author's remarks. Hence the importance of each episode, each word spoken by the characters.

The purpose of my work– analyze the 16th chapter of I.S. Turgenev’s story “First Love” and find out what role the episode of the game of forfeits plays in revealing the ideological and thematic content of the story.

II. Analysis of the episode.

Why specifically chapter 16? I believe that it is here that Turgenev penetrates into the depths of the human soul, comprehending its dialectics. In this episode, the analysis of the psychological state of the characters becomes the main thing, the secrets and mysteries of the previous chapters are revealed, the characters of the characters and their future destinies are outlined.

So chapter 16...

"Maidanov came this time before anyone else - he brought new poems." Last time, when Maidanov brought his poems, Volodya appeared in the company of young people - admirers of Zinaida. These "new verses" are a sign by which the author wants to show readers that something new has happened in Zinaida's life. (As we later learn, Volodya's father appeared in her life, who managed to tame her. And something very important happened: the appearance of a new man in itself meant an intensification of the competitive struggle for the lady's heart). Zinaida wants to tell the whole society about her love: “The whole society was there, in full force ...” This quote further exacerbates the expectation of something new, completely strange, unlike the former Zinaida.

The compositional center of the chapter is a fairy tale told by Zinaida, from which we understand that she fell in love. As you know, love changes a person, his essence. The main character of the story adjusted her entire environment to suit herself (“... you are all ready to die at my feet, I own you ...”), and here we see that the mood of the “gathering” has changed. “The games of forfeits began again, but without the previous strange tricks, without foolishness and noise - the gypsy element disappeared.” Special attention I want to pay attention to the words "the gypsy element has disappeared." Gypsies are a people of free life, prone to nomadism, reckless and cheerful, but at the same time persecuted by everyone and the owner of a difficult life. The disappearance of the "gypsy element" indicates that the freedom and violence of the heroine ended, and Zinaida found her tamer.

What is Zinaida talking about? O beautiful love majestic, proud, fatal Queen to a commoner. And immediately a comparison comes to mind with another Turgenev girl - Asya - "No, Asya needs a hero, an extraordinary person - or a picturesque shepherd in a mountain gorge." But let's see, in what scenery does the action take place? Sheer romance: music, a quiet splash of water, "a sky with big stars and a dark garden with big trees", the fountain is "long, long, like a ghost." And all the whims of luxury: a magnificent palace, gold, marble, crystal, silk, lights, diamonds, flowers, smoking. Here the dialogue between the heroine and Dr. Lushin is very significant:

Do you love luxury? Lushin interrupted her.

Luxury is beautiful, she objected, I love everything beautiful.

More beauty? - he asked.

It's kind of tricky, I don't understand.

Beautiful and wonderful…

According to the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov, beautiful - pleasing to the eye, pleasant appearance and l and: attracting attention, spectacular, but empty; beautiful - that which embodies beauty, corresponds to its ideals. I understood that beautiful - more shape, and the beautiful is the content, it is something deeper, more serious, moral, subtle. But Zinaida did not understand this difference. Is this the result of her upbringing? The disorder of life, bad manners and slovenliness of the mother, tallow stubs, broken knives and forks, gloomy Vonifaty, promiscuity in acquaintances - all this comes into conflict with the pure, romantic, sincere soul of Zinaida. “How much evil, dark, sinful is in me ...” (Chapter 18) “Everything is disgusting to me, I would go to the ends of the world, I can’t bear it, I can’t cope ... Oh, it’s hard for me ... My God, how hard it is!” (9 chapter). And the love of flattery is also due to a lack of education, because of a petty bourgeois desire to feel better than others, higher, cleaner.

The same interesting game words we meet in chapter 21. After a meeting with Zinaida, the father answered Volodya’s question, “Where did you drop your whip?” replies: “I didn’t drop it, I threw it away” (my breakdown). To drop is to do it by accident, and to throw it is on purpose. The detail is small, but it tells us a lot about the character and feelings of Pyotr Vasilyevich.

From the collision of Zinaida with Malevsky, we understand how disposed she is to Volodya, how subtly she understands experiences young man how much society appreciates him and how much he knows how to empathize. For the sake of this 16-year-old boy, the girl expels the most secular person, the count, from her house, showing amazing rigidity and determination. A cold look and a cold smile are not at all in Zinaida's character. But quite in her character is the ability to forgive even the most bitter insults. This clash with Count Malevsky will not pass without a trace for the heroes of the story, it will turn into a tragedy for both the Zasekins and the Volodya family. No wonder the author writes about a premonition of misfortune, misfortune: “everyone became a little embarrassed ... from ... a heavy feeling. No one talked about him, but everyone was aware of him both in himself and in his neighbor.

It is in chapter 16 that Volodya feels loneliness for the first time, becomes a witness to someone else's happiness and finally becomes convinced that he is not Zinaida's chosen one: “I felt a strange excitement: it was as if I went on a date - and remained lonely and passed by someone else's happiness.

But not only our hero suffers. Happiness passed by all Zasekina's admirers.

(no wonder he was the only one who offered her a hand and a heart):

Would you lock her (wife) up?

I would have locked her up.

Well, what if… she cheated on you?

I would kill her.

Well, suppose I were your wife, what would you do then?

I would kill myself...

And he really couldn’t survive the refusal: “And Belovzorov ... went missing, they say, he left for the Caucasus.” (Chapter 20) Apparently, he left to seek death ...

The girl's reasoning about what her fans would do if they found out about her chosen one is very informative. Belovzorov, of course, challenged to a duel. A gloomy romantic, feignedly tragic, full of sarcasm, the poet Maidanov would have written a long iambic. The prudent Nirmatsky would lend money for interest, and the vile, two-faced Count Malevsky would offer a poisoned candy. It is here that the premise of the subsequent tragedy lies: only an anonymous dirty letter thrown to Volodya's mother, the wife of Pyotr Vasilyevich (Chapter 19), will act as candy.

As we can see, Turgenev's "hidden", "secret" psychologism is clearly manifested in chapter 16. The writer does not directly depict all the feelings and thoughts of his characters, but allows them to be guessed by external manifestations. He saturates his narrative with the depiction of the actions of the heroes, it is they who tell us what the hero feels at this time.

We saw in Zinaida a pure, searching, passionate nature, capable of empathy, bold self-denial and protest.

We saw the beginning of the misfortune that will befall our heroes: it is the dream told by Zinaida Zasekina that will push Count Malevsky to a low deed and will cause her to part with Volodya's father.

And we revealed the secret of Zinaida's strange behavior, her "chameleonism", the reason for sadness and tears, the reason for her drastically changing mood - she fell in love.

Thus, chapter 16 is an important episode in revealing the ideological content of the story.

III. Conclusion.

The story "First Love" Turgenev published in 1860. Many contemporaries perceived the heroine of the story as a girl "devoid of any moral sense." D.I. Pisarev admitted that he did not understand her character, and N.A. Dobrolyubov wrote that “No one has ever met such a woman, and would not want to meet.” “The heroine of this story,” as stated in the review of Moskovskie Vedomosti, “is nothing more than a coquettish and extremely capricious and far from being a moral person.”

Turgenev himself once said: “Of all my female types, I am most pleased with Zinaida in First Love. In it, I managed to present a really lively face: a coquette by nature, but an attractive coquette.

“This is the only thing that still gives me pleasure, because this is life itself, it is not composed ...” (I.S. Turgenev)

IV Literature:

  1. I.S. Turgenev "First Love". - M., "Drofa", 2002.
  2. I.S. Turgenev "Asya". - M., "Drofa", 2002.
  3. M.Yu. Lermontov "Works". - M., Pravda, 1990. t1
  4. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova " Dictionary Russian language" - M., "AZ", 1992.
  5. F.A. Brockhaus, I.A. Efron " encyclopedic Dictionary". - M., "Eksmo", 2007.
  6. The newspaper "Literature" No. 16 dated 04.23.01.

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Analysis of one episode.

(I.S. Turgenev "First Love", chapter 16)



Fokeev Nikita, student 9



Tikhonova T.N., Russian teacher

Language and Literature

1 qualification category

Turgenev, reviews of which are given in this article, was first published in Russia in 1860. It tells about the emotional experiences of the young protagonist, his first true love, which had to face dramatic and sacrificial relationships between adults.

History of creation

The story "First Love" by Turgenev, with reviews can be found in this article, was written by the author in St. Petersburg in early 1860.

As the writer himself admitted, the work was created by him on the basis of his own emotional experience, as well as events that actually took place in the writer's family. Turgenev later admitted that he described everything as it was, trying not to embellish anything. One of the main characters was his father. Later, many condemned the writer for such frankness, and especially for the fact that he did not hide the fact that all these were real events, and not fiction.

Turgenev himself was firmly convinced that there was nothing wrong with this, since he had nothing to hide from the public.

The plot of the story

Turgenev's story "First Love" received mostly positive reviews. Both from readers and literary critics.

The plot of the story "First Love" by Turgenev, reviews of which are in this article, is a memoir of an elderly person. At the end of his life, he recalls the very first romantic feeling that visited him in his youth.

At the center of the story main character named Vladimir. He is only 16 years old. Together with his family, he lives in the country estate of his parents. There he meets the charming 21-year-old Zinaida Alexandrovna Zasekina, a princess who settles in the neighborhood. He immediately falls in love with beautiful girl, which, moreover, gives him signs of attention.

On his way there are many obstacles. First, Zinaida is surrounded a large number of other young people, each of whom seeks to win her favor. And secondly, his feelings are not mutual. Zinaida is capricious, has a playful character, she often taunts the hero, ridiculing him for different reasons. For example, for his comparative youth.

Secret of Zinaida

The story "First Love" by Turgenev, "reviews of which are given in this article, captivates the reader. Especially when it turns out who was the true object of love of Zinaida herself. This is Vladimir's father, whose name is Peter Vasilyevich.

The protagonist secretly observes the scene of a romantic meeting between his father and Zinaida, which, however, ends in a break. Pyotr Vasilyevich decides to leave the young girl. However, his wife becomes aware of the affair of the spouse. The family leaves the estate.

Soon Pyotr Vasilyevich dies. He suffers from a stroke. At the end of the story, the main character learns that Zinaida has married Mr. Dolsky. He is going to see her, but does not have time. Princess Zinaida dies during childbirth.

Prototypes of the heroes of the story

As already mentioned, Turgenev's story "First Love" is based on real events. In the reviews of the work, you can find direct indications of the prototypes of the main characters.

The prototype of Peter Vasilievich is his father, whose name was Sergei Nikolaevich Turgenev. His personal life was not entirely successful. He married by calculation on a woman who was much older than him, but more wealthy. The writer's mother is Varvara Petrovna Lutovinova. When they got married, she was 28 years old, and Turgenev's father was 22.

Sergei Nikolaevich never felt love and tenderness for his wife. Therefore, after several years of a relatively happy family life, he began to frankly stare at other women. In this he succeeded, Turgenev's father was popular with the opposite sex. His most famous mistress, with whom he had the longest relationship, Ekaterina Lvovna Shakhovskaya. Shortly after breaking up with her, he died in relatively young age. He was only 40 years old.

Father Turgenev's mistress

Princess Shakhovskaya became the prototype of Zinaida Alexandrovna in Turgenev's story "First Love". You can find reviews about the work in this article. She was a poetess, the young Turgenev himself was really in love with her, but she preferred his father.

Her fate developed as described in the story. Soon after parting with Sergei Nikolaevich Turgenev, she married Lev Kharitonovich Vladimirov. Six months later, they had a boy. Shakhovskaya had a hard time giving birth, a week after the birth of the child, she died.

Analysis of the work

In the analysis of the work "First Love" by Turgenev, it is worth noting that the author was best able to depict the birth of a bright and great feeling that every person visits, as well as the development of love that emerged from a fleeting youthful enthusiasm.

The author claims that love can give a person a huge range of different feelings. And they may not always be positive. Love gives not only delight or peace, but is also able to settle hatred and anger in the soul.

In this work, you can follow all the stages of love. The protagonist at first experiences moments of happiness and rapture, then a feeling of black jealousy. And also annoyance and disappointment when it turns out that his main rival is his own father.

Narrative Features

Simplicity of presentation is one of the main advantages of Turgenev's entire prose. The reader does not have to constantly build complex facts into a single chain. Instead, a simple plot creates an impression of realism and sincerity. All remarks sound very natural, because everything actually happened in the life of the author. For this reason, working on this story gave him such pleasure.

The story "First Love" by Turgenev, the analysis of which is given in this article, is divided into chapters. Each of them contains a certain, completely independent plot. Thanks to this construction, the writer can more easily convey his ideas to the reader, demonstrate the entire spectrum of the development of the feelings of the characters.

The climax of the story comes in chapter 12. It describes in detail the entire gamut of powerful and conflicting feelings that the main character has for Princess Zinaida. The reader has unique opportunity It's like looking into the souls of the characters. Find out what they really feel, how they experience the events taking place.

Hero Skins

It is also important that almost all the characters in Turgenev's story are in development. The father of the protagonist is vividly and contrastingly presented. At some point, the reader may even sympathize with him, because his life is doomed. He is married to an unloved woman, and all his relationships on the side are doomed.

The image of the main character, Princess Zinaida, also changes dramatically throughout the story. Her image is undergoing a process of evolution. She transforms from the frivolous girl she was at the very beginning into a truly loving, strong and independent woman.

Interestingly, in the end, she turns out to be not so frivolous as she might seem at the very beginning of the story. Toward the middle of the work, she appears before us in the form of an unfortunate girl who is doomed to suffer in this life because of love. Literally from the inside, she is constantly tormented and gnawed by the thought that her love for a married man has no future. However, she steadfastly and courageously endures all the hardships that befall her. This says only one thing - during the romance with Pyotr Vasilyevich, she turned into a wise woman who knows the value of her feelings.

The main character of the story

In fact, the main character of the story is a real child. Youthful maximalism it prevails over many rational feelings. For example, he wants to kill his rival, who prevents him from reuniting with Zinaida Alexandrovna.

However, when he learns that he has to compete with his own father, all his stormy mood passes. He forgives everyone around and looks at the situation in which he finds himself in a completely different way. Agree, the act is very naive and childish in its own way.

According to the story by I.S. Turgenev "First Love"

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev wrote the story "First Love". It's about two young

people in love. The main characters are Zinaida and Voldemar. In this story, I liked its good and touching title "First Love". By its name alone, it attracts young people.

The story is very rich in content. When I started reading, I didn’t even take my eyes off the book, I was so interested in all the moments.

Most of all I liked their beautiful and wonderful love. The brightest moment I remember in this story is their love at first sight, it just struck me. Now in our time there are very few people who fall in love at first sight. I was very sorry at the end of the story of the main characters who fought so hard for mutual love. And their love did not take place only because Zina was poor, and earlier time It was such that the rich only married the rich. Parents could not allow an unequal marriage. I believe that the most beautiful thing in the world is love.

Istomina Nadia, 9th grade.

Essay - review

based on the story by I.S. Turgenev "First Love"

I read Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev's story "First Love", which I liked very much. This story tells about a boy who fell in love, but they were not destined to be together. Vladimir was 16 years old, and Zinaida was 4 years older than him, but, as they say: "All ages are submissive to love." After reading “First Love”, including other stories, I realized that in the days of great writers, love was real, strong, for the sake of love they threw everything, overcame various obstacles, just to be closer to their love. But the most important thing that struck me in this story is that the author himself experienced this story, and then wrote this work, in which he could tell everything about the experience, called "First Love"

Turgenev said that: "Love is experienced." "First Love" is one of my favorites.

Guselnikova Alena, 9th grade.

Essay - review

This story just blew me away. It is very surprising that the first love really happens. And it is so unique and unforgettable. So many years have passed

and he still remembers her. This love was great, and in this love there was no equal. Unfortunately, they could not be together. Zinaida died, although, I think, their marriage with Voldemar would not have taken place anyway, because. the young man's parents would not have allowed this, because Zinaida was not rich.

Bobrovnikova A, 9th grade.

The writing

Description of the portrait.

The writing

I really liked the story "First Love". I read it with great pleasure. I pondered every meaning of these feelings conveyed by Turgenev, he was so able to convey his feelings, his sincerity in this story. I didn't just read, I ate the pages with my eyes, I couldn't part with the book until the last page. I was more and more fascinated by reading, well, what will happen next. You can't stop reading this story. Once you start reading it, you can't put it down. This wonderful writer, one might say, put his whole soul into this story.

I was very worried when I read the conclusion of the story. I was very sorry that Zinaida and Vladimir, the main characters, did not work out. Ah, if not for Vladimir's father, if not for his antics, they would have succeeded, I'm sure of it. I

I think they would be amazing a beautiful couple. Well, what can you do, because life is so complicated, and sometimes it is very difficult to fix something. In our time, I think, such stories are very necessary, because our young people really do not understand this yet, and such works will teach us how to act.

Baranova Nastya, 9th grade.

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