The use of multimedia in kindergarten. Multimedia presentations in the educational process of dow

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Anisimova Valentina Sergeevna MBDOU "Kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 19 "Firefly" Gubkin, Belgorod Region

The development of information computer technologies makes modern specialist 21st century new demands. Not only high professional skills are expected from him, but also the ability to use modern methods training and pedagogical technologies fundamentally changing the educational environment, enriching and making it more active, reflective and transparent for the entire pedagogical community. Impossible to imagine modern development societies without information and communication technologies. The computer quickly enters the life of every child and becomes a good teacher's assistant when working with children. It's no secret that the material that is interesting to the child is well absorbed. The computer carries a figurative type of information that is closest and most understandable to preschoolers. Movement, sound, animation attract the attention of children for a long time. Children receive an emotional and cognitive charge that makes them want to consider, act, play, and return to this activity again.

The use of modern information and communication technologies in the educational process in a preschool educational institution is one of the newest and most actual problems in modern preschool pedagogy.

Direct educational activity plays a huge role in educational process Preschool, therefore, it is very important to maintain a constant interest in children in it, to activate the cognitive activity of each child.

Currently, there are many traditional teaching methods that can be used in the educational process to enhance cognitive interest: viewing illustrations on the topic, conversations, teacher stories, observations, experimentation, etc. But there are also innovative teaching methods, one of which is the use in educational multimedia presentation process.

The role of information innovations in working with preschoolers is great. ICT helps to interest, activate children not only in cognitive, but also in speech terms. One of the main means of expanding children's ideas are multimedia presentations.

The presentation is a training mini-cartoon; electronic sound book with beautiful pictures; An excellent tool to tell your child about the world around you without leaving home and without flying to distant countries. The principle of children's electronic presentation - "having fun - learning!" The purpose of the presentation is visual support of the teacher's activities.

In our work, we have been using multimedia presentations for a relatively short time, but we have already identified many advantages of this technique: the use of such presentations stimulates the cognitive activity of preschoolers; characters, illustrations, tasks on the screen attract the attention of children, arouse the greatest interest and are stored in the memory of each pupil for a long time; presentations make it easier for children to learn difficult-to-perceive material.

We use multimedia presentations when conducting GCD on: familiarization with the outside world; formation of vocabulary grammatical categories and connected speech; formation of the correct sound pronunciation.

Looking through the presentation, the child easily and unobtrusively gets acquainted with the diversity of the animal and flora, begins to recognize the sights of the world, transport, professions, tools, etc.; remember information faster and better; imitates sounds, repeats words after the speaker, and therefore develops his speech; classifies the world, combines different objects and things into one view or divides it into components; learns to compare picture and sound; models such life situations that cannot be or is difficult to see in everyday life.

Direct educational activities in kindergarten has its own specifics, it should be emotionally rich, bright, involving a lot of illustrative material, using sound and video recordings. In this we are helped by computer technology with its multimedia capabilities. We actively use developments in this area. The use of multimedia presentations makes it possible to make direct educational activities more interesting, emotional and memorable for children not only of older age, but also of other age groups.

Most of our presentations are based on a surprise moment: familiar cartoon characters come to the children and offer to go on a trip and learn a lot.

Also, the use of multimedia is allowed on different stages acquaintance with the topic: at the stage of acquaintance with new material; at the stage of fixing the material covered; at the stage of knowledge control.

In the process of work, we developed educational and visual aids, united in a series called "Our land is our native Belogorye" . Along with speech, they also solve patriotic tasks within the framework of using the regional component. Using presentations, we conduct virtual tours to the places we can't visit ("The capital of our country" , "Animals of the North" , "Space" and etc.).

The greatest interest in children is caused by tasks that are included in each presentation, and, as it were, sum it up. When fixing the material covered, the basis of the presentation is the tasks on the topic covered ("Find the Extra" , "Say one word" , "What is missing" and etc.) In the process of observation, we found that children perform tasks proposed on the screen with greater activity and interest than similar tasks in notebooks.

Most Liked Presentations ("My hometown" , "Victory Day" , "We read Pushkin's fairy tales" and others), children offer to show outside of class, which allows you to consolidate the material, and the knowledge gained remains in memory for a longer period.

While watching presentations, children get a lot of positive impressions. At home, they tell their parents about what they saw, together with them they look for additional information in encyclopedias, the Internet and share it in kindergarten. This creates an atmosphere of cooperation, the relationship of the teacher, parents and children. Thus, even at preschool age, children learn to acquire knowledge independently, increasing their cognitive activity, which will play an important role in further schooling.

The use of multimedia presentations in practice has shown that their systematic use in the educational process in combination with traditional methods and techniques increases the efficiency of work on the activation of cognitive interest in children. This is confirmed by the following factors: children perceive better new material; knowledge gained in the classroom is most vividly remembered by children due to the visual and sound accompaniment of presentations; children learn complex topics more easily ("Space" , « solar system» and etc).

Thus, we can say that the use of multimedia presentations in a preschool institution makes the educational process simple and interesting for children, and also helps to increase its effectiveness. The use of information computer technologies allows you to optimize pedagogical process in a preschool institution, individualize the education of children and significantly increase the effectiveness of educational work.

List of used literature.

  1. Gorvits Yu.M., Chainova L.D., Poddyakov N.N., Zvorygina E.V. etc. New Information Technology in preschool education. M.: LINKA-IIPESS, 2008
  2. Kukushkina O.I. Computer technology in the context of the profession: student education. Educator of the preschool educational institution - M., 2011. - No. 3.
  3. New pedagogical and information technologies in the system of preschool education. / Ed. Polat E.S. M.: Academy, 2009.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

urban district of Balashikha

"Kindergarten of the combined type No. 43 "Amber Island"



Topic: "Using multimedia presentations in direct educational activities with kids preschool age»

Educator: Gasanova E.A.

The teaching staff of Kindergarten No. 43 played an important role in my professional development and development, where my teaching skills continue to grow in an atmosphere of creativity and professional duty.

Today, society needs an educator - a competent, wise, master of his craft and an example for the child. The kindergarten in which I work is stably functioning and developing. I have been working in this institution for the second year, and every day I see in the eyes of children a manifestation of curiosity, imagination, communicating with each other, my children invent games, fantasize about unknown world. my task pedagogical activity consider creation favorable conditions for a full-fledged living by a child of preschool childhood, the formation of the foundations of the basic culture of the individual, the comprehensive development of physical and mental qualities, preparation for life in modern society. Our society is making new demands on modern man, one of them is the ability to navigate in the information space.

Computers in school classrooms today are no longer perceived as something rare, but in kindergarten they have not yet become a well-mastered tool for teachers. Therefore, a preschool educational institution, as a carrier of culture and knowledge, cannot stand aside either. In my work with children, the most interesting for me was the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) as a means of increasing the efficiency of the educational process.

This direction of development of the educational industry, emphasized in state documents, is recognized as the most important national priority.

We, educators, must keep up with the times, become a guide for the child into the world of new technologies, give the opportunity to become participants in a single educational space RF. This requires the introduction and use of information technology in preschool educational institutions.

Main tasks:

Development and implementation of multimedia support technologies for the educational process;

Creation of a bank of computer training programs, didactic and teaching materials on the use of information technology in the work of preschool educational institutions;

The introduction of ICT in the educational process has many advantages

Enables the expansion of the use of e-learning tools, as they transmit information faster than using traditional means;

Allow to increase the perception of the material by increasing the amount of illustrative material;

The use of multimedia presentations provides visibility, which contributes to the perception and better memorization of the material, which is very important, given the visual-figurative thinking of preschool children;

At the same time, graphic, textual, audiovisual information is used;

On the this moment technology of multimedia support of the educational process is priority in our preschool.

I use ready-made presentations in various educational areas: "Cognition", "Communication", Artistic creativity”, “Socialization”, “Fiction”, “Safety”, “Health”.

For example:

    Educational area"Knowledge" - the theme "Wild Animals", "The World of Animals", which describes appearance, the habits of the animal, and the qualities that it possesses.

    Educational area "Artistic creativity" - the theme "Russian artists" acquaintance with the paintings and paintings of artists. As well as acquaintance with Russian folk crafts.

    Educational area "Safety" - topic "Rules traffic» - strengthening the knowledge of children about the observance of the rules of conduct in a big city.

    Educational area "Health" - topic " Useful vitamins"," To be healthy, you need to go in for sports.

In our multimedia piggy bank, a collection of presentations is collected to help teachers and with further replenishment of the kindergarten website for parents.

My practice has shown that with the systematic use of multimedia presentations in combination with traditional teaching methods, the efficiency of work increases significantly, namely the quality of assimilation of the material, the development of memory, imagination, and creativity of children.

However, when organizing directly educational activities using multimedia presentations, it is necessary to take into account health-saving technologies:

    Temporary restrictions. Since I have older children, this is no more than 10 minutes. All presentations I use have 10 - 15 frames.

    Using a multimedia projector, the distance from the screen to the chairs on which the children sit is 2 - 2.5 meters. (Institute of Age Physiology of the Russian Academy of Education) or a computer monitor at a distance of 50-70 cm.

    Regularly carry out gymnastics for the eyes and physical minutes.

I would like to conclude my speech with the prospects for the introduction of information and communication technologies in my own practice:

Thank you for your attention.

Federal Law "On Education in Russian Federation» dated 09/01/2013 determined the new status of preschool education, which became the level of general education. The federal state educational standard preschool education, which is a combination mandatory requirements to preschool education.

« The standard was developed taking into account all the best that has been created for last years in Russian preschool education. It tightens the requirements, first of all, to the professionalism of management and at the same time provides conditions for professional and personal growth in pedagogical creativity, aimed at ensuring that the life of children and adults in preschool educational institutions is full and creative» [Vladimirova N. Yu. Analysis of the work on the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education // Pedagogical excellence: materials of the V International Scientific Conference (Moscow, November 2014)]. I agree with this statement, the quality of the educational process in DO depends on the educator, his skill, creative approach to work.

The use of multimedia technologies in preschool education becomes powerful technical means learning, this is a huge help for the educator in developing classes, holidays, making manuals, preparing information for parents, maintaining documentation, and preparing reports. Modern information technologies give us the opportunity to exchange experience, get acquainted with periodicals, select necessary material for classes. Thus, ICT has become widely preschool education. It is impossible to conduct a lesson without the use of visual aids. My little experience has shown that classes using multimedia equipment have advantages over traditional ones.

Benefits of ICT

Of course, this does not mean that the use of information technology is reduced to teaching children how to use a computer. This is only a means to make educational activities varied, rich, and the child in it has become a direct active participant.

At present, multimedia is one of the most dynamically developing and promising directions information technologies. They involve the simultaneous use various forms presentation and assimilation of information through audio, video images, text animation. The use of multimedia technologies opens up new opportunities in the organization of the educational process, in the development creativity pupils, arouse interest in children due to the realism and dynamism of the material.

The presence of multimedia equipment in our kindergarten: a computer, an interactive whiteboard, a projector and a screen - enable educators and specialists to create an educational environment that is interesting and informative for children.

My work with the use of multimedia equipment began with participation in the City media education project "Vzglyad". Educators, speech therapists, teachers of additional education in kindergartens and school teachers from various districts of the city take part in this project. The aim of the project is to solve the problems of spiritual and moral education through the implementation of thematic media programs using special media technologies for various age categories of pupils.

The task of the educator is to, having selected media material, build the discussion process in such a way that the consciousness of what is goodness, compassion, love for others, friendship, etc., will arbitrarily wake up in the soul of children, and also teach children to reason, express their opinion, learn to feel and empathize. The media material in this project is cartoons, videos, audio recordings, etc. This project is interesting for educators because the developed materials are available for use by all participants.

Information about the project can be viewed at

In his daily work I use multimedia technologies in the form of computer programs and presentations. We have the opportunity to create films or presentations, taking into account the characteristics of our students, the goals and objectives set in a particular lesson. The use of multimedia technologies allows you to simulate various situations from the environment social environment. The subject of multimedia presentations is the most diverse. I widely use presentations in the classes on familiarization with the world around them, they make the lessons more emotional, attractive, arouse a keen interest in the child, they are an excellent visual aid and demonstration material, which contributes to the good effectiveness of the lesson.

Multimedia presentations, including animation, bright visuals, music and video effects with an interesting plot, are able to hold the attention of the most restless preschoolers. With the help of such techniques, it is easy to create an atmosphere of travel, walks, show the beauty of native nature, cities, etc.

Using multimedia while working with fiction makes it possible to make each lesson unique, varied, visual. I use audio recordings of works of art, show illustrations by famous artists for works, select musical works on the topic. Literary quizzes are very interesting.

Convenient to use technological maps in modeling and appliqué work. You can make them yourself or use the developed ones. Modern computer technology makes it possible to use and traditional benefits, processing them and transferring them to the screen or interactive whiteboard.

The use of an interactive whiteboard helps to develop in children: attention, memory, fine motor skills, thinking and speech, visual and auditory perception, verbal and logical thinking, etc. Developing classes with its use become much brighter and more dynamic. Interactive equipment allows you to draw with electronic markers and fingers. I use the interactive whiteboard for classes on the formation of elementary mathematical representations.

It is much easier for children to navigate in space, to memorize the concepts of "left", "right"; consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes and forms, reinforce counting skills in the form of interesting interactive tasks. It is very convenient to use an interactive whiteboard for teaching children graphic dictations. They really like tasks for attention and logic using the exercises created on the interactive whiteboard. Using an interactive whiteboard, you can simulate situations in which children remember the rules of behavior on the street and at home. In free activities, children are very interested in just drawing on the board, they are fascinated by the creation of huge drawings, both individually and as a group. Small sketches of the "shadow theater" develop fine motor skills, train fingers.

In working with parents, we use multimedia when designing visual material, when holding parent-teacher meetings, round tables, project activities. We involve parents in the preparation of multimedia material for children's performances in front of their peers. Usage modern technologies allows you to diversify communication (joint activities, holidays and games), increase the interest of adults in obtaining useful information about raising children, about how a child spends time in kindergarten.

I consider it appropriate to use modern information technologies in kindergartens, subject to the regulated and safe use of technology in working with preschool children.

Thus, multimedia equipment is an effective technical tool with which you can significantly enrich the developmental process, stimulate individual activity, develop the cognitive processes of children and broaden their horizons, educate creative personality adapted to life in modern society.

One of the recent innovations in the work of kindergarten teachers has been the active use of various multimedia tools. Technologies do not stand still, and it would not be entirely correct to refuse to use them in work. Multimedia presentations in kindergarten using computers or projection screens can be seen more and more often in a variety of preschool institutions. A video presentation, a presentation using graphics and textual information (for example, a presentation in verse) requires a modern teacher to have some skills in working with technology and the ability to handle some programs for editing and playing presentations.

The rapid introduction of computer technology in all spheres of human activity has also affected the education system. New information and communication technologies (ICT) make it possible to increase the level of the teacher's information culture, and, consequently, his professionalism. What is "information culture"?

information culture- it's comprehension contemporary painting of the world, the widespread use of information flows and their analysis, the implementation of direct and feedback links with the aim of adapting them, adapting to the world around them, competent command of the languages ​​of communication with a computer, understanding its capabilities, place and role of a person in an intellectual environment.

Recently, multimedia presentations have been widely used in pedagogical activity.

multimedia presentation (from Latin praesentatio - public presentation of something new, recently appeared, created) - an informational or advertising tool that allows the user to actively interact with it through controls. The purpose of a multimedia presentation is to convey to the target audience complete information about the presentation object in a convenient form.

The ability of a computer to reproduce information simultaneously in the form of text, graphics, sound, speech, video, to memorize and process data with great speed allows specialists to create multimedia presentations for children, electronic children's books and encyclopedias.

What are the possibilities in teaching preschool children are fraught with multimedia presentations?

Unlike conventional teaching aids, media technologies significantly expand the opportunities for parents in the field of early development, contribute to the successful implementation of the intellectual and creative abilities of the child; allow not only to saturate it large quantity ready-made, strictly selected, properly organized knowledge, but also, which is very important in early childhood, they are taught to independently acquire new knowledge.

Multimedia presentations make it possible to present educational and developmental material as a system of vivid reference images filled with comprehensive structured information in an algorithmic manner. In this case, various channels of perception are involved, which makes it possible to store information not only in factographic, but also in associative form in the memory of children.

The purpose of such a presentation of developing and educational information is the formation of a system of mental images in children. The presentation of material in the form of a multimedia presentation reduces the time of learning, frees up the resources of children's health.

The use of multimedia presentations in the classroom makes it possible to build an educational process based on psychologically correct modes of functioning of attention, memory, mental activity, humanization of the content of education and pedagogical interactions, reconstruction of the learning and development process from the standpoint of integrity.

“The presentation is an educational mini-cartoon, it is an electronic sound book with beautiful pictures, it is an excellent tool for mothers to tell their child about the world around them the way she sees it herself, without leaving home and without flying to distant countries.” Victoria Kuznetsova

Compared to traditional forms of teaching preschoolers, multimedia presentations have a number of advantages.

Tatiana Vozmishcheva
Article "The use of multimedia presentations in working with preschoolers"


« Using multimedia presentations in working with preschoolers»

Considering modern life, the education system, makes new demands on the upbringing and education of the younger generation, the introduction of new approaches that help expand the capabilities of the teacher, the use of new methods of presenting information in the educational process.

Computer training is a new way of teaching a modern child preschool age. One of its varieties is usage information and computer technologies, firmly included in all spheres of human life.

An increase in emotional upsurge, an increase in the amount of acquired knowledge of children is facilitated by the use of ICT, which accompanies overcoming intellectual passivity. preschoolers, increasing motivation and cognitive activity, as well as the effectiveness of educational activities. Works foreign and domestic researchers (S. Papert, B. Hunter, E. N. Ivanova, N. P. Chudova, etc.) confirm the feasibility use ICT in the development of cognitive abilities. The relevance of introducing ICT in preschool the institution is also conditioned by the new GEF DO.

Today, ICT is an integral part of the learning process. preschoolers. For children of the new generation, this is accessible and familiar, and it is also convenient for a modern teacher.

Educational and educational activities in kindergarten have their own specifics. Directly educational activity should be emotional, bright, with the involvement of a large illustrative material, with using sound and video recordings, highly dynamic, which contributes to the effective assimilation of the material, the development of memory, imagination, creativity of children. All these are the possibilities of computer technology with its multimedia.

Of greatest interest are multimedia electronic educational resources (EER, allowing to carry out polysensory influence, using both visual channel (text, photo, video, animation, and auditory (audio recordings). These include computer presentations.

The term " presentation" stands for presentation, demonstration. multimedia presentation is a combination of computer animation, graphics, video, music and sound, organized into a single environment. As a rule, it has a plot, script and structure organized for easy perception of information. The purpose of computer presentations- convey to the target audience full information about the object presentations in a convenient way.

Forms using the presentation depend on the content of the activity and the goal that the teacher sets in joint activities an adult and a child, in time for directly educational activities and regime moments.

Have been widely used presentations in the Microsoft Power Point program, developed to lexical topics, for projects, holidays, various events, used as from Internet resources, recycled, and own, copyright.

Determining the readiness of the child to assimilate and use of knowledge(readiness for schooling) provides educational and educational activities organized with the use of a computer, with high dynamics, contributing to the development of memory, imagination, creativity of children, effective assimilation of material, increasing the child's interest in independently solving the problem posed to him, developing cognitive ability.

The computer not only demonstrates phenomena and objects, but also recreates the necessary auditory situations, which can significantly increase the creative and intellectual potential of children and consolidate the acquired knowledge. However, being an additional source of information, the educator should not be replaced by a computer, only its addition is possible.

visual material, used in presentations, slide show, allows the teacher to build an explanation in the direct educational activity logically, scientifically, influencing three types of memory children: visual, auditory, motor. movement, sound, animation attracts the attention of the child for a long time and helps to increase the interest of children in the material being studied, which can be considered in stages, returning to the past and dwelling in more detail on issues that cause difficulties.

At presentation development it is necessary to provide the child with reliable information about the world around him, select tasks in accordance with the age of the child, taking into account the zone of his current and immediate development, build from simple to complex.

Using too small, unsharp photographs, or photographs overloaded with unnecessary details contribute to the development of negative emotions in the child. The illustrations should be large and realistic, evoking positive feelings in the child.

Content presentations should be mobile and quickly change in accordance with the level of development of children, and have an educational focus. It must be remembered that the computer is a powerful new tool for intellectual development children. This requires careful organization use computer for educational purposes in preschool institutions of both the classes themselves and the entire regime as a whole in accordance with the age of the children and the requirements of SanPin.

While creating presentations there is a need to know and take into account some features of visual perception and attention of children. For presentations a monophonic background that does not distract attention is most preferable preschoolers from the content of the slide, calm, non-irritating colors. Light achromatic colors, yellow, yellow-green, green contribute to the least fatigue of the eyes. Moderate usage special effects helps to keep the child's attention on the computer screen, increases interest, creates a positive emotional mood. Overindulgence can have the opposite effect. special effects: some effects are uncomfortable for perception and tire the eyesight, children quickly become fed up and tired, the lesson is delayed. To maintain health while using presentations it is necessary to carry out physical minutes, dynamic pauses and gymnastics for the eyes.

Application of training presentations contributes to the discovery of new educational opportunities, increasing the effectiveness of the process of learning and development of the child, supporting educators in a state of constant creative search.

Thus, it can be said with certainty that the multimedia presentations is a state-of-the-art technology that educational work, learning and comprehensive development of the child's personality becomes more diverse and effective.


1. Gabdullina Z. M. "Skill development work with a computer in children 4-7 years old "- Volgograd, 2010;

2. Kalinina T. V. Management of preschool educational institutions. "New information technologies in preschool childhood» - M, Sphere, 2008.

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