How to sew curtains for a summer residence: ideas for windows. Curtains in a wooden house Rustic curtains

reservoirs 23.06.2020

If you are a happy owner of a country house, then you probably faced the problem of choosing curtains. Of course, you can always go and buy this piece of furniture, but it is much more pleasant to enjoy your own creation. Moreover, everyone can sew curtains for a summer residence with their own hands. The main thing is desire and a little perseverance.

Where to start?

Before you start sewing, you should choose the style of future curtains. There are a huge number of them, they are all diverse and attractive in their own way, however, for country houses more often choose the Provence style - a variation of the Country style.

Provence style

Curtains made in this style instantly fill the room with comfort and warmth. The fabric must be natural. You can use cotton, linen, cambric or chintz. Also, for the Provence style, the presence of ribbons, frills and other elements is very important.

Consider several options for curtains: classic medium-length curtains, floor-length curtains and "Roman" curtains.



Following the law of Provence, despite the heavy fabric, the curtains should be airy and simple. Since these curtains will most likely hang in the kitchen of our cabin, they need to be as practical as possible.

The only requirement for the fabric is that it must be natural. All kinds of floral patterns are welcome.

We will sew curtains from two halves and a simple lambrequin.

Before buying fabric, you should measure the width and length of the windows. Also, you should decide whether the curtains will reach the window sill or not.

As mentioned earlier, the fabric should be natural, the choice of color depends on your taste.


We cut the already finished fabric, which completely covers our window, in half vertically, since we need two identical curtains. The upper edge should be processed, taking into account the thickness of your cornice, that is, there are no specific parameters, you yourself choose how to attach future curtains. Then, we tuck and stitch our curtains. If you have a bright and interesting fabric, then sewing a lambrequin is not necessary at all. You can simply tie bows or tie our curtains with a bright ribbon. Please note that in the photo below there is no lambrequin, but thanks to interesting fabric the curtains look attractive.

However, making a lambrequin is not a problem. Just make neat gathers on the canvas, the width of your curtains. Another photo of curtains with a lambrequin.

Long curtains to the floor

If medium length curtains are perfect for country kitchen, then long curtains to the floor, suitable for other rooms.

Sewing such curtains is no more difficult than sewing curtains, however, we need more fabric.


Again, we measure our window, but this time from the eaves to the floor and a little more. We choose any beautiful natural fabric.


Let's analyze the simplest and most popular style of curtains - curtains, consisting of two equal canvases. We do the same as with the curtains. Also, you can add white or lace tulle. Ribbons and lambrequin will only decorate our new item interior.

Photos with examples

Roman blinds with a simple pattern

The peculiarity of these curtains is that they are folded into horizontal folds according to the principle modern blinds. Making these curtains is also quite easy. The only difficult moment is the structure on which the fabric rests. You can make a difficult system yourself with the help of rails, but I advise you to make the task easier. I suggest using old blinds.


Consider the option of reworking old blinds. For this option we need:

  • Themselves old blinds;
  • Fabric measured exactly across the window;
  • Thermal adhesive tape "gossamer";
  • Glue for fabric;
  • Brush for glue;
  • Scissors;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Ruler.


First, you need to measure the window. When we found out how much fabric we need, we add a margin for hem (about 5 cm.)

The second step is blinds. Take a close look at the mechanism. Learn how two thin cords work. We need to remove the cord that turns the slats of the blinds.

The third step is fold planning. The number of pleats depends on the length of your curtains. They look best when the distance between the slats is about 30 centimeters. Lay the fabric on a flat surface and put our mechanism on top. Remove excess slats.

The fourth step is to put our canvas in order. We make folds with the help of the web tape.

The fifth step is to glue the blinds. We do this very carefully. To glue the lamellas evenly, it is better to mark their places with a pencil.

The sixth step is to let the glue dry a little and hang our Roman blinds. Since we have left our design, this is easy to do.

You can enjoy the result.

We considered three options for future curtains for your country house.

All the options shown are very practical and convenient, in order to sew curtains, no special efforts are needed. And the result will exceed all expectations, you will not only decorate your summer cottage, but also get valuable experience and pleasure from the process. Good luck in creativity.

On the eve of warm days and holidays, more and more urban residents are moving to their summer cottages and country houses to be closer to nature. And many of them spend a lot of time not only on the establishment of life in the country, but also on the interior. Today we will talk about curtains for giving, what they are and how you can make them yourself in one style or another for the kitchen and other rooms.

Naturally, the curtains in the country should look beautiful and match the style of the room. But there is also a number additional requirements for country curtains:

Creating a rural atmosphere

Now in textile stores you can buy country curtains in any color scheme, style and from different fabrics. But many housewives want to be original and prefer to sew them with their own hands. Most popular style window textiles all over the world - rustic. But even it has several types.

Russian village

To embody the Russian country style, you need to take a simple natural fabric, for example:

  • cotton;
  • chintz.

You can take both with a characteristic Russian pattern, and plain fabric with small ornaments. Option - curtains made by patchwork.

In order to sew country curtains from flaps with your own hands, you must first measure the windows, determine the parameters of the curtains and make patterns. It is best to choose large elements so that the curtains from behind a large number the seams were not very heavy. Patchwork provides for the use geometric shapes- squares or triangles, light and dark details are perfectly combined.

From thick cardboard, it is necessary to cut out parts without seam allowances and number them so as not to get confused when connecting. Attach patterns to the wrong side of the fabric and trace around the contour with chalk or a marker. Each part must be cut, taking into account the seam allowances of the order of 0.5 cm. And in order for the seam to be from the inside, the parts are connected by applying them face to face. Seams are done by hand or on a typewriter, and then be sure to iron. To hide the underside of the curtains, you need a gasket. The edges can be decorated with ribbons, braid or lace.

Russian-style curtains are suitable for windows and doors in the kitchen and even in the bedroom.

French (Provence)

Rustic style in French is also called Provencal after the name of one of the provinces. To create it in the country with the help of curtains, you can take chintz, cambric or linen.

Apart from sewing machine and textiles, you will need:

  • threads and satin ribbons to match the fabric;
  • pattern paper;
  • centimeter tape;
  • crayon;
  • sharp scissors;
  • pins.

In order to take into account possible errors, textiles for work must be bought with a margin of up to 15 percent. The minimum width of the fabric should be 3 meters. Before work, you should measure the window and adjust the dimensions based on the measurements.

If there is a desire with your own hands to give in the Provencal style, you will need two parts with a transverse strip. Each half in width should have a length of 80 cm, and along a transverse strip - up to 20 cm.

Work should begin with a pattern:

To keep the curtains open, you need to provide tiebacks, they can be made from pieces of the remaining fabric in the form of flowers, ribbons or cords.

American (country)

American rustic country style is also very popular all over the world. To sew curtains for the kitchen in this style, you need to choose natural textiles in such shades:

  • with a cell;
  • with floral designs;
  • dim.

But the use of synthetic fabrics that mimic natural ones is also allowed. They are good in the country because they do not fade, do not fade, do not wrinkle and do not shrink.

To calculate the material, make all measurements. To determine the length of the curtains, you need to measure the distance from the cornice to the window sill or the bottom of the battery. To the resulting figure, add 6 cm from the bottom for the hem and 3 cm from the top for the turn. To determine the width, double the length of the cornice.

The simplest pattern is in the form of rectangular canvases. You should cut the fabric, and in order not to use pins, you can set the long stitch mode on the machine to mark the folds. Sew a braid to the folded edge at the top, then process the seams on the sides. Put the edges of the braid into the seam, and leave the ends of the cords. If you pull on them, you can adjust the degree of drapery of the product. Now process the bottom of them on the ledge. This will great solution for country kitchen.

Mediterranean style curtains

In addition to the rustic, Mediterranean style can be called a suitable style for country houses. Its distinguishing features:

To embody this style in sewing curtains for country house you need to prepare:

  • the cloth;
  • scissors;
  • tape measure or measuring tape;
  • needles and pins;
  • threads;
  • sewing machine.

In order to sew curtains in this style for a country kitchen, you need to make preliminary measurements. The basis is a model based on two canvases with pickups.

Attach a cloth to the window, check the location of the pattern and evaluate appearance against the backdrop of the interior. Then measure the window in width, and add the same amount for the fabric. If the window width is 2 meters, then the material will need 4 meters.

Determine the length by measuring from the attachment point of the upper edge of the curtain to the level of the desired length. When calculating fabric parameters, add about 20 cm for seams, hemlines, and the part of the fabric that will be attached to the cornice. It is better to cut the fabric on the floor or big table. If the curtains are made from two canvases, then the fabric is taken twice as wide and carefully divided in two.

On all sides (with the exception of the upper edge), make folds and fix with pins. Sew all the bastings so that the canvas has a neat look. Bend the upper edge to the wrong side, fix it and stitch it too, and from the outside the seams can be closed with braid. Top hem is used for fastening. Then make pickups from improvised materials.

Other interior solutions for summer cottages

With the help of the arch-curtains, you can decorate the window opening in the kitchen and in other areas of the house. It will look very attractive. You can make such an arch from a single piece of fabric. It should be large enough so that its ends hang down to the windowsill or below.

There are two ways to create an arc shape:

  • Cut an arc at the bottom of the canvas. The edge of the arch is finished with an oblique trim and can be decorated with a ruffle. At the top, the arch is laid in opposite folds;
  • Cut two arcs at once. Stretch one along the cut, sew a ribbon to it for attaching to the eaves. And the fabric that will be cut along the oblique will hang down in the form of soft folds. The edge of the arch will run along the arc below, it should be sheathed and can also be decorated with a frill.

If in the country house, in addition to the kitchen, there is a bedroom, a living room or other rooms, then there you can hang long curtains with pickups in rustic style. Additional decor can be:

  • cords;
  • beads;
  • buttons;
  • satin ribbons;
  • fabric or lace frills.

There is nothing difficult in sewing curtains for a country house. You just need to choose the right fabric, taking into account all the features of the room and its style, and then it will turn out to make it even more comfortable and attractive.

Every housewife knows: the house will sparkle with new colors if you change the design of window textiles. Curtains in Vacation home able not only to hide the life of the household from prying eyes, but also to cheer up, emphasize the style of the interior. The article describes various options window decor.

The dacha is distinguished by its warm and family atmosphere, which, among other things, is supported by curtains in wooden house.

With the help of textiles, you can change the interior at no great cost.

Curtains for summer cottages and country houses: features of choice, solutions in different styles

When choosing curtains for a cottage, you need to remember the conditions in which they will be. For example, in summer the windows are often open. This means that drafts arise, and the curtains will be blown out by the wind. To avoid this, you need to choose short curtains or make a pickup that fixes the curtain in a certain position.

Curtains in a country house save from the heat and contribute to the creation of comfort.

The decor of the windows should not interfere with opening and closing the window, that is, the cut of the curtains should correspond to the double-glazed window. If the house is on sunny side, then the rays of the sun will interfere with the owners. In this case, blinds or double curtains (light veil plus thick fabric) will cope with the protection function. If, on the contrary, sunlight overlaps a tree growing nearby, the fabric should not interfere with the flow of light.

A wooden house outside the city is nice place for the city dweller, where you want to return and spend the whole weekend.

As summer version short chintz curtains are suitable for giving. If it's about winter cottage curtains should be tight. Next, options for curtains in different style solutions will be considered.

wooden walls and natural curtains convey the feeling of nature and the freshness of the forest.

Curtains for cottages in a rustic style: description, options, photos

Rustic style, or Provence, reflects the spirit French province. It is associated with the sun, the sea, the colors of nature. Curtains in Provence style are sewn from linen, cambric, thin satin or chintz. It is good if the base of the fabric is white, and prints with natural motifs are applied to it, for example, fruits, vegetables, large flowers or a scattering of small flowers. Since the colors of nature are very bright on sunny days, fabrics with muted pastel shades are usually chosen for the Provence style.

The design of the house sets you up for relaxation, and the decor of the window opening also plays an important role.

The color of the curtains will be organically combined with textiles or furniture upholstery.

A colored curtain can be decorated with a frill or frill made of a plain fabric that matches one of the shades of the print. The most common option is curtains of two panels about 80 cm wide and a transverse strip on top (it will close upper part windows 40-50 cm).

Draperies look good with garters, while the type of fastening with braid or rings is most suitable.

Another option is double panels (a narrower one-color panel is located on top of the colored panel). Tiebacks are sewn from a fabric that is combined with the main material. Pattern for such simple curtains you can build directly on fabric.

Curtains for giving in country style: a description of how to sew it yourself, photo

Country is the style of the American province. It is associated with the spirit of old America: cowboys, gold diggers, lumberjacks. The country interior is rough, simple, made of wood and stone. Curtains for a country-style cottage are often sewn from checkered fabric or polka-dot or striped materials. The general impression is unpretentious, not deliberate. This, of course, is not a novelty, but the good old classics of the genre.

It is important to choose natural materials for curtains, observe a sense of proportion when choosing a decor.

Roman blinds are used independently in a laconic interior.

The length of country curtains is usually small, because wide wooden window sill can be used for functional purposes - as a shelf or kitchen worktop.

Curtains for an elite country house can be rolled, it is very practical. This type of curtains is manufactured industrially; few people can reproduce it at home.
strength. Cafe curtains are short curtains that cover the top of a window or half of it.

Roller blinds can be complemented with curtains to create an interior in any style.

It is not difficult to make such curtains yourself. To do this, take rectangular pieces of fabric. Before starting work, the windows are measured, and then the desired length of the curtains becomes clear (to
hem allowances are added to it). And the width is calculated as follows: the width of the window opening is multiplied by 2. The fabric is folded along the edges and from the bottom, and the top is processed using a special roller blind with eyelets. On these hinges, the curtain will be attached to the rings of the eaves.

Considering the style of interior design, you can choose the appropriate curtains that will be favorably emphasized. general form premises.

IMPORTANT! Since cotton fabric shrinks, you need to buy a little more fabric and decant it (treat it with a hot iron, steamer or wash it).

Curtains in Russian folk style: colors, shape or model of curtains, photo

blue cornflowers, blooming lavender, bright sunflowers are the sources of inspiration for the design. Russian folk style is associated with bright joyful colors and a cheerful print. Ribbons, braided lace, embroidery, and patchwork technique are often used.

This style is distinguished by a special brightness of colors.

The traditional option for the location of curtains is the upper curtains and curtains covering the lower part of the window. For sewing curtains, the inexpensive “cheerful” chintz familiar to everyone is suitable.

You can also take linen and cotton.

A great option - curtains in patchwork technique. For her, you will need pieces of fabric - plain and with different prints.

They should be combined with each other, and in the selection you need to focus on your own taste and sense of color.

It is necessary to make a template - a square or a rhombus with a side of 10-15 cm, and cut out all the details according to this template with a seam allowance of 1-1.5 cm. Then the parts are successively connected by machine seams. A lining is sewn on the back to hide the seams.

INTERESTING! Linen with its rough structure is perfect for Russian cross stitch.

How to choose curtains or curtains for a summer residence?

The textile decoration of the windows should be combined with the rest of the decoration of the house, match the furniture, wall decoration. It’s good if the curtains echo the shade or texture with kitchen utensils, padded upholstered furniture. If the windows are small, do not clutter them up. complex shapes curtains to avoid
lambrequins and frills.

Vertically elongated windows can be visually brought to a more harmonious appearance by closing the top of the window with a transverse curtain.

It's good when the curtains for the dacha are related to the season. If the cottage is year-round, in winter you need to hang curtains made of dense heavy fabric - they will help maintain a comfortable temperature in the room.

Classics can also be made in a wooden house, if you pick up thick heavy curtains.

Do-it-yourself curtains: how to quickly sew curtains for a summer residence, what to hang curtains on

If the summer season is taken by surprise, and the cottage is not yet ready for living, you need to act quickly. A simple option is rectangular curtains. About how to calculate the amount of fabric, it was
described above. It is worth dwelling in more detail on the processing of the upper edge and on the selection of the cornice.

It is worth remembering that such material requires frequent maintenance, especially in a country house.

An unusual option is wide loops on which curtains are hung on a cornice. Thus, both the hinges and the cornice will not be covered with curtains. To do this, you need to take a braid or make strips of the same fabric about 10 by 25 cm.

Loops are sewn to the top edge every 20 cm.

You can process the upper edge with a special curtain tape, or you can make a drawstring and thread the cornice right through it. The width of the drawstring (in fact, the usual hem) depends on the diameter of the cornice.

The interior in Provence style is characterized by forged details, including cornices with beautiful curved tips.

Country is characterized by an abundance wooden elements, so the cornice can be made of this material (or plastic, with an imitation of the structure of a tree).

The cornice is usually placed above the window, but if you want an extraordinary option, you can place it just below the top edge of the window frame.

Country style is easy to recreate in a wooden country house due to natural materials decor.

Original ideas for creating curtains: examples and photos

Many people like the retro style, it evokes pleasant memories. For example, childhood with his summer trips to the village to his grandmother. Related to this interesting ideas curtains for a summer residence. Filet lace is an ancient technique that is still reproduced in the interior. You don't have to look for handmade lace (and it's very expensive, too).

You can find ready-made factory-made lace fabric that imitates manual work.

A spectacular option is the upper curtain, in which the lower two-thirds consist of filet lace. It shines through due to the airy structure, so it will not be an obstacle to sunlight.

Curtains create the mood of a room.

Another beautiful decorative option: curtains decorated with fabric flowers. You can buy them, or you can make your own. Snow-white curtains with an ornament also look spectacular and cute if you decorate them with magnetic ties on both sides.

Suitable for windows of any shape and look good with any type of fastening.

It is worth taking the time to choose, buy or sew original curtains for the country house. After all beautiful interior pleases the eyes of the hosts, delights the guests and creates a harmonious environment in which it is pleasant to relax.

When choosing curtains for wooden house it is important to consider style, strength natural light and texture of the fabric.

VIDEO: Curtains in the interior of a country house.

50 options for curtains for summer cottages and country houses:

An apartment decorated in a similar style will look more like a cottage in one of the provinces of Great Britain or France, or even a Russian hut. The design of the room will radiate the flavor of the village and thus become more comfortable and warm.

Quite often, people who live in megacities for a long time give preference to the rustic style, and strive to at least immerse themselves in the amazing atmosphere of the village, thus getting closer to nature itself.

Often, the kitchen is decorated in this style, because it is in this room that all the inhabitants of the house often gather. The central element of style, of course, are rustic curtains.

Design styles

Depending on which direction you prefer, curtains, like any other textile, can differ in color, finish or cut.

If you prefer dark colors like red or brown, then it is best to design in English style, because it is he who has such saturated colors. If you have not yet decided on the choice of curtains, we suggest visiting the site here you will find an overview of curtains for every taste, all styles and colors are presented. Unusual design options in the interior and combinations with decorative elements.

You should select products in the patterns of which there are more stripes or cells. It is also acceptable to use curtains with small ornaments.

Country style is suitable for those who want their home to look more like a small hunting lodge. Making such a design, experts prefer products from natural stone and an array of wood.

Textile products should have restrained colors and shades. Quite often, patchwork technique is used, which creates a special atmosphere.

The Scandinavian style is suitable for people who like the cold style of the North. Rustic curtains for the kitchen in this style should be sewn from textiles in lighter shades, with a small pattern.

It is also possible to finish the curtains with ruffles. But at the same time, it is worth remembering that everything must be in moderation, you do not need to be too zealous with ruffles, otherwise you risk adding too much theatricality and drama to the room.

For apartment owners who want the design to be more refined, luxurious, delicate and even somewhat feminine, the French style is ideal. Designers recommend using as many textiles in pastel colors as possible.

When you make a French style, you get unique opportunity experiment with shades. Opt for mint, lavender, or sandy tones.

A small room will look especially good with this design, because due to the large number of light colors and the shade will add light, which will visually expand the space.

The Russian rustic style will evoke memories of a small warm house in the countryside, where each table is decorated with luxurious hand-sewn lace tablecloths.

At your request, you can decorate furniture with similar tablecloths or add curtains with lace and embroidery. Drawing can be both simple and quite complex. It all depends entirely on your preferences.

What fabrics do you prefer?

If you decide to decorate the room in a rustic style, then you need to use natural fabrics. Rustic curtains are best purchased with materials such as linen, cotton or chintz. However, when choosing a fabric, one should also take into account such a nuance as the location of the curtains.

If you are going to use them in the kitchen, then synthetic fabrics will be the most acceptable option for you. This is due to the fact that in the kitchen the curtains are subject to gradual pollution and the accumulation of various odors.

And since natural materials absorb dirt and odors too well, it is not advisable to use them. Please note that the rustic curtains of which the photo is presented below are made of synthetics, but at the same time they look quite natural.

But if you still want to use natural fabrics, then you should make sure that they are impregnated with a special repellent impregnation that will prevent dirt from penetrating into the texture of the fabric.

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Rustic style curtain design photo

The dacha issue has always been relevant, and recently there has been a growing trend towards a complete move to the private sector, away from noisy highways and the bustle of big cities. Preference is given to houses made of natural materials, and most often this material is wood.

Building features

The growing fashion for wooden houses is not surprising and is quite understandable. After all, houses made of logs or timber are environmentally friendly, the walls “breathe” in them, and the material itself creates an atmosphere of comfort and warmth, sometimes even without internal and external decorative cladding. Wood as a natural material conveys the unique beauty of nature, often does not need additional ennoblement. The naturalness of wooden furniture cannot be replaced by any synthetic material.

For this reason, wooden houses do not go out of fashion, despite the saturation construction market the latest artificial materials.

wooden details interiors are durable, they are easy to restore and replace. Even in modern cottages made of stone and concrete, preference is given to wooden flooring, ceilings or walls. Wooden window frames, they are more environmentally friendly than plastic ones and create additional visual comfort.

On the present stage construction of suburban wooden houses is under individual projects and assumes the presence of spacious rooms that require exquisite design. However, wooden houses "with history" from the old housing stock of villages are sometimes not inferior in beauty and comfort to their newfangled counterparts. Even if you have a small log house at the cottage, at right approach in the design (and possibly with some re-equipment) you can turn it into a fabulous corner in the bosom of nature.

Interior decoration of a wooden house will sparkle with all colors, if the interior design is based on the general “woody” style of the space. The tree itself dictates color schemes and furnishings with natural shades. This does not mean that all interior items should be made of this material. On the contrary, wood goes well with fabrics, stone and even metal elements. The styles of Chalet, Country, Ethno or Provence will look most appropriate here. Styles, as you know, are formed from pieces of furniture, wall and floor decor. Decoration is in a special place window openings.

window decoration

Curtains in the interior of the room play a huge role, giving completeness to the design and an atmosphere of comfort throughout the space. Choosing curtains for a private house, it is important to consider not only the material of the fabric, but also the appropriate type of this piece of furniture.

Let's look at a few of the most good options for window decoration of a wooden country house:

  • Classic curtains. A well-known person is perfect for a country house classic version curtains, consisting of two sliding canvases and curtains of tulle or organza. Classic never goes out of fashion, so standard windows will always look at home cozy.
  • Modern textile looks expensive and often does not need additional decor, but in skillful hands designer can turn into delightful curtain compositions. Curtains on rings, drapery of light fabrics, clips, tassels and other decorative elements can add chic to any interior.

However, it should be remembered that the design of a wooden house dictates its own conditions, and some ideas that are suitable for other houses may not be appropriate here.

  • Fabric blinds. Roman blinds are at the peak of their popularity. Easy to install and operate, they are in perfect harmony with any interior, giving the room an element of luxury. Do not require costly work for the installation or purchase of additional products in the form of cornices. The roller that raises and lowers the fabric is attached directly to the frame. The mechanism of the blinds allows you to adjust and adjust the flow of light in the desired position.

  • Roman curtains will be a wonderful decoration not only for the rooms of a country house, but also for the veranda. Since this type of curtain requires dry cleaning with a vacuum cleaner or brush, it is not recommended to use it in a room with high humidity(kitchen or bathroom).

Roman blinds are perfect for non-standard windows, tightly close the window opening, can serve as part of the ensemble, replacing curtains, and also combined with curtains.

  • Roller blinds- This is a great option for those who are looking for simplicity and conciseness in the interior. Easy to use, unpretentious, they can serve as a canvas for applying your individual drawing. They differ from Roman blinds in the folding mechanism. The former are more reminiscent of the classic design of blinds, while the latter are folded into a roller. But both of them are a convenient and practical option for replacing both curtains and curtains, while also being functional.

Choice for different rooms

Of course, for each private room you need to choose your type of curtains, colors and fabric material. But there are several nuances, given which it will be easier to make your choice:

  • for the bedroom, as well as the children's room and living room any curtains covering the entire window opening to the floor will do. This is a classic design of window openings, it will look great in the interior of rooms, with the exception of skylights. Classic style chiffon French curtains are emphasized, they can be combined with curtains made of thicker fabrics. And also for all rooms and premises, you can choose the appropriate type and color of blinds.

  • for kitchen in a wooden house, short (just below the windowsill) light curtains are perfect, in harmony with overall design. They can be complemented with tulle or, conversely, Roman blinds. Lambrequins sometimes look good on kitchen curtains, they are able to hide non-standard forms windows, soften corners, give a more festive elegant look. Curtains with all kinds of decorations in the form of bows and ribbons are also suitable here - they will come in handy in a Provence and Country style kitchen.

  • for attic rooms and verandas unpretentious and practical blinds will be the best choice. They are easy to care for, perfectly shade the room, have mechanisms for adjusting the solar flux. They can be combined with other curtains and serve only as protection adjacent to the window, or they can be independent part and color point interior. Blinds, of course, are suitable for the bathroom if there is a window.

Material selection

by the most the best option for a house made of wood are curtains made from natural fabrics. They will look even more harmonious if the canvas is flax unpainted. Cotton curtains are practical and durable, easy to care for.

Tulle or organza for curtains in combination with blackout curtains will well complement the decor of the window, will not obstruct the light, and will give the room an elegant look. Light curtains of this type can be draped, they are perfectly combined with fabrics of any material and are attached in different ways.

Heavy curtains made of dense fabrics will organically look in the interior of a certain style. For example, Chalet or Classics. They give elegance and strict luxury to the interior, can be made of linen or satin, combined in color with curtains or with some interior items: sofa cushions, bedspreads, furniture upholstery.


Not so long ago, a variety of curtains made of a special fabric appeared on the Russian market. Blackout. The fabric is made according to the original Finnish technology, the advantages of which is to impart opacity to the material. Such curtains perfectly cope with straight lines. sunbeams, are suitable for bedrooms located on the south side to prevent overheating of the room and protection from too bright rays.

Such curtains are also relevant for summer white nights, and for midday rest. In addition, this fabric has a refractory element, which is a big plus for a wooden house. The fabric is very practical, easy to clean and resistant to any deformation.

Color solutions

The choice of this criterion is important, because the interior of a wooden house differs from the interior of city apartments that we are used to. Wooden walls and floors suggest the warm atmosphere of a country house or a respectable chalet. The color scheme here is varied, but natural. Electric and neon colors will not work here, synthetics will look ridiculous and flashy. You should be careful with decorative elements, complex ornaments and patterns.

The main exception to colors for a wooden house is the color of black curtains. Such curtains will look like a heavy gloomy spot against the background of wooden walls.

But the curtains of natural shades will fill any interior with freshness. Green or coffee will create coziness and twilight, and snow-white curtains will visually increase the space. Light blue shades and colors of the brown spectrum from coffee to chocolate are distinguished by ease of visual perception. A geometric ornament in a large or small cell may contain brighter colors, such curtains will fit into the style of Provence and Ethno.

Room styles

The styles most suitable for decorating a country wooden house are presented in three main directions: chalet, ethno and country.


Chalet style is modern version dwellings of alpine shepherds from a long forgotten past. Modernity has brought its own unique chic to this style of interior, leaving simplicity and elegance. In such a house, as a rule, large wide windows, spacious rooms. This style is characterized by natural materials and colors. Linen roller blinds of a milky or beige shade are perfect. Heavy beautiful curtains made of chocolate-colored wool will protect from the wind and create comfort, even if the wind is only expected. It is worth choosing curtains for such an interior either to match the wood or, conversely, in contrast. Snow-white airy tulle will perfectly refresh and complement the picture.


Ethnic motifs are the main direction of this style. As a rule, ethno style in wooden houses is a borrowing of the decor of Scandinavian countries or the Russian North. Interior decoration with ethnic patterns, stones, wood accessories is welcome. Curtains for this style are selected mainly from dense, even somewhat coarse materials: wool, linen.

The color scheme can be different, up to bright colors in folk patterns. This element will effectively emphasize the natural beauty of the tree.


The style includes elements of Ethno, but with an emphasis not on nationality, but on rural life. So, Country can be represented in the form of a Russian hut, an Indian hut, an American ranch. The main thing is to withstand one direction, otherwise the interior will turn into a set of unrelated attributes.

Curtains of this style, as well as ethno, are characterized by national motifs, light fabrics for curtains. Classic heavy curtains are unacceptable here, except for curtains stylized as some part of the rustic interior according to the designer.

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