When the lavender blooms. Amazing lavender - when does it bloom and where does it grow? Properties of lavender - harm and benefit

landscaping 13.06.2019

It is impossible to pass by the area where lavender grows. And the point is not even in the luxurious purple bushes, but in the enchanting aroma that they spray around the neighborhood. And for a moment, frozen near this magic, you are already rushing home at full speed, inspired. You need to find out as soon as possible: how capricious is the lavender plant, is it difficult to plant and care, what does it hurt? After all, the fact that from now on it will also be in your garden is a matter already resolved.

Description: varieties and varieties of lavender

Lavender - evergreen, enough unpretentious plant widely used in cosmetology and medicine. The aroma of lavender has a calming effect and helps to reduce headaches. But not only medicinal properties are valued in lavender. It is widely used in perfumery and cosmetology. Lavender has not bypassed cooking, because this plant has a specific spicy taste. And in everyday life, dried lavender sprigs are used as a reliable remedy for moths.

There are many varieties of lavender. Which one to plant in your garden - choose according to your taste

More than 25 types of lavender are known, but most of all in garden culture several varieties are popular.

lavender angustifolia(English). It is a bush no more than a meter in diameter. The leaves of this variety are medium-sized, narrow, gray-green. Blooms in June and July. The variety is unpretentious and tolerates low temperatures well.

lavender broadleaf(French). This variety of lavender is considered the ancestor decorative varieties. Differs from other varieties in wide colors inflorescences, as well as a very strong and not always pleasant aroma.

Lavender hybrid(Dutch). This variety is considered the largest. Its bushes can grow up to two meters. It is a natural hybrid of narrow-leaved and broad-leaved varieties. Blooms in July. Its frost resistance is lower than that of narrow-leaved. Refers to industrial grades.

Dutch lavender has the most beautiful flowers

Serrated lavender. One of the most heat-loving varieties. Prefers to grow indoors rather than outdoors. It is the owner of soft silvery leaves and inflorescences of large flowers of all shades of purple.

Planting a plant

Can you propagate lavender? different ways: cuttings, dividing the bush, layering, seeds. Lavender seeds can remain viable for many years if you follow the rule: store them in airtight containers.

Attention! Lavender seeds need to undergo pre-treatment - stratification. To do this, the seeds must be kept at a temperature of +5 ° C for at least two months. Most often, for this purpose, the seeds are mixed into wet sand and placed in a refrigerator.

Lavender seeds can be sown directly outdoors, but certain requirements must be met.

lavender seeds

The best time to sow lavender outdoors is October. It is sown to a depth of no more than 4 mm, the soil needs to be slightly compacted. If the weather is dry, then the seeds can be watered. In winter, the area sown with lavender should be covered with snow as much as possible.

Seeds can also be sown outdoors in the spring. To do this, first, in March, you need to remove the seeds in the refrigerator for stratification, and in May, sow in open ground in a previously prepared place.

Advice. Choose a place for lavender in a dry and sunny area. This flower does not like waterlogging.

lavender care

Lavender should only be watered when the soil dries out. Excessive moisture leads to root rot, but overdrying lavender is not recommended.

In autumn and spring, shrubs need to be hilled, and cutting lavender significantly prolongs the life of the plant. A small pruning can be done immediately after the lavender has faded, but a more significant shortening should be done only in late autumn, leaving up to 4-5 new green shoots.

Trim bushes - this will not only give them more decorative look but will also benefit the plant

If your lavender will winter in open field where the temperature drops below -25 degrees, take care of a warm shelter. To do this, it will be enough to cut the bushes before wintering and cover them with branches. coniferous trees.

Attention! Covering lavender with foliage, as is usually done to protect plants from freezing, should not be done, this may result in rotting of the plant.

Fertilizer and top dressing of lavender

At the beginning of flowering, lavender can be fed with a solution of Agricola-Fantasy fertilizer (it is diluted in a proportion of 2 tablespoons per 10 liters of water). The consumption of this solution is 3-4 liters per bush.

To make lavender bloom better - feed the plant with mineral fertilizers

Instead of "Agricola" also use a solution organic fertilizer"Rossa universal", dissolving 2 tbsp. spoons in 10 liters of water. And the third feeding option: 2 tbsp. l. Dilute nitrophoska and half a liter of liquid mullein in 10 liters of water. The consumption of the last two solutions is 10 liters per bush.

Plant propagation

Propagate lavender by division, cuttings or layering.

Reproduction by division perhaps when there are already lavender bushes on the site. In summer, lavender produces a lot of young shoots. It can be rooted. To do this, you need to cut and spud the plant in such a way that all the free space between the stems is densely filled with earth. And by autumn, the bush can be divided.

Division of a lavender bush

Most suitable way for propagation of lavender grown in the home environment - propagation by cuttings. To do this, lignified annual shoots should be divided into cuttings no more than 10 cm and rooted.

Propagation of lavender by layering

Most easy way reproduction, which is suitable even for novice gardeners - this propagation by layering. With this method, in the spring, 2–3 shoots are carefully bent and placed in a groove 3–5 cm deep, fixed, sprinkled with earth and watered. These shoots need to be watered a little more abundantly in order for the formation of lateral roots to successfully occur. A year later, the shoots are already completely independent, and you can transplant them from the mother bush.

Diseases and pests

Monitor plant health and remove insects

From garden pests on lavender, you can find a rainbow beetle eating leaves. It must be collected from plants by hand. But more often lavender is subject to the dominance of pennits, which do not cause any damage to the plant, but pretty spoil appearance, because they cover their larvae with a layer of white foam that looks very much like saliva. Caring for penny attacked lavender is very simple. It is enough to wash off the foam with a jet of water.

Lavender: combination with other plants

It is known that odors have big influence to the human subconscious. Therefore, when growing flowers, it is important that the flower bed not only pleases the eye, but also enchants with aroma. When planting plants, it is important to take care not only that the appearance of the flowers complement each other, but also that the floral aromas do not mix. This means that you will have to be more careful in choosing the flowers that you want to plant, otherwise you will hardly be able to relax or recharge your energy in your garden.

Lavender looks very good next to contrasting plants.

Lavender pairs well with sage and catnip. She also looks amazing next to the yarrow and garden hydrangea, liatris, or surrounded by grown herbs and perennials.

Lavender in landscape design

So easy to plant and care for any beginner gardener, lavender is perfect for landscaping. A significant advantage of lavender among other plants for landscape design gives a bright and intense color of different shades, from soft pink to bright lilac. This makes it possible to accentuate the grace of any corner of your garden.

Lavender in landscape design

Advice. Use decoration to highlight the originality of your flower garden.

There are several options for decorating the garden with these flowering shrubs.

  1. Perhaps the most famous and common way is to plant lavender along paths and sidewalks. This design of your site makes it possible to visually limit, as well as create a clear division of the garden into zones.
  2. The second option is to plant the bushes in such a way that the lavender will grow in accordance with the order of the cells on the chessboard. But to perform this type of landing will only work on a completely horizontal surface.
  3. Another in an unusual way to emphasize the originality of a garden plot or flower garden is the formation of a "carpet" of these shrubs. If you decide to choose this option, you need to immediately determine the height of the lavender and cut it regularly at this level in the same plane. Such a carpet will not be like a soft grassy one on which you can comfortably sit, but planting bushes in this way will allow the lavender to brilliantly show its color.

Often lavender is planted along paths and fences.

Of course, lavender in landscape design is not as common as planting roses or all kinds of loaches, but this is precisely what will emphasize the uniqueness and originality. decorative design your garden.

Growing lavender is perfect way highlight your garden or flower garden with color, shape, and also complement it with an elegant fragrance that will impress everyone who passes by.

How to properly plant lavender: video

Lavender in the garden: photo

Lavender is a beautiful plant that captivates with an elegant, delicate aroma. It has gained wide popularity among gardeners for a very long time. Fluffy lavender bushes, full of bright spikelet inflorescences - a great plant for borders, alpine slides and rockeries.

Sure to get a luxurious flower bed, will have to try. Lavender requires regular maintenance.

The set of activities should include:
- soil loosening;
- elimination of weeds;
- watering;
- pruning;
- application of fertilizers;
- preparation for winter.

Lavender is a thermophilic plant. Therefore, it is far from possible to grow this perennial in open ground in any climatic zone. In a cold climate, bushes should be planted in flowerpots and, at the first hint of a cold snap, promptly transfer them to a warm place. As a pot culture, you can grow any variety of lavender.

Place to land

The key to successful lavender cultivation is right choice landing sites. Most of all, the plant will like open areas well lit by sunlight.

Bushes will take root in the shade, that's just plentiful and long flowering cannot be achieved.

plant roots sensitive to high level soil moisture. Therefore, it is worth refraining from planting lavender in wetlands and areas where they lie too high. ground water. If there is no other option, you can try to build a hill and plant bushes on it. Excess moisture near the roots is easily eliminated with a drainage layer.

Lavender is demanding in terms of acidity and soil structure. Therefore, if in doubt, it is better to be safe - before planting, add a little wood ash or lime to the soil. These are effective soil deoxidizers. And to ensure the porous structure of the soil is enough regularly add compost to the bed. It will not only loosen the soil, but also supplement it with nutrients.

Features of planting lavender

Planting lavender is a responsible process. Adult bushes do not tolerate transplanting well, if you have to do it, then carefully and only with a voluminous clod of earth. It is better to immediately determine where the bushes grown from seeds, cuttings or layering will be located.

The distance between adjacent instances should be approximately equal to their maximum height. Then the bushes will be lush. And to get a slender green hedge, you can cut this parameter in half. This way you can achieve maximum solidity of the block of plantations.

cuttings Lavenders take root pretty quickly. The landing algorithm is simple: deepen a couple of centimeters into loose soil mix, cover with a film and regularly moisten the soil. Rooted cuttings are carefully dug up and transplanted to the chosen place.

Layers are rooted branches of a plant. For getting planting material one of the lower shoots should be bent to the side in the spring. Fix the place of contact with the ground level and sprinkle with soil. When a lump of roots forms, carefully cut off the layer with a sharp knife. Sprinkle the cut with crushed coal to protect it from decay processes. Everything - the layering is ready for landing.

Sowing lavender seeds

Lavender is difficult to propagate from seeds. But if you can't get mature plant or twigs, you can try and sowing seeds.

Very important stage - stratification. Lavender seeds need to be kept at low temperatures for some time. Here you can go in two ways: plant them at the end of autumn immediately in the ground or carry out artificial stratification. The first method is only suitable for warm climates. In severe frosts, the seeds may die. Therefore, it is better to opt for the second option.

For artificial stratification, the seeds must be mixed with a small amount of sand, poured into a container, wrapped in polyethylene and refrigerated. Keep them there for at least a month and a half. Better is longer. In this case, seedlings will appear faster. Then you can sow the seeds in boxes (at the end of winter) or in greenhouses outside (at the end of spring).

When sown with seeds, it will take a whole year to bloom.

In the first seasons, seedlings will only develop, increasing root system. And only in a year, and maybe even in two, they will please the gardener with pretty spikelets-inflorescences.

Soil treatment near the bushes

Lavender does not like dense soils. Her Roots need good air circulation.. In addition, of course, you need get rid of pests next to lavender. Therefore, loosening the earth and weeding should become a regular procedure.

You can do it easier - organize a good mulch layer on the bed with lavender. As mulch, you can use rotted foliage or decorative multi-colored substrates. But in any case, near the base of the trunk, the soil should remain uncovered. This will keep the plant from rotting.

Lavender should be watered very carefully.

Abundant irrigation can lead to root rot and yellowing of the above-ground part of the plant. Drought is also bad for the plant - lavender will not die, but flowering will not be as luxurious as we would like. The ideal watering regime is as the soil dries.

Pruning lavender bushes

This stage of lavender care cannot be called mandatory. But only pruning can achieve the formation of beautiful lush bushes. Therefore, do not give up a useful procedure.

The first pruning must be carried out immediately after the spikelets-inflorescences wither. You need to shorten the shoots by literally a couple of centimeters. At the end of the warm season, more cardinal pruning is carried out. But here, too, do not show excessive enthusiasm. If you shorten all the branches to the level of the lignified part, the bush may die.


Excellent fertilizer for lavender mineral complexes, which are sold in all garden and flower shops. They should be applied during the flowering period. Concentration - 2 tablespoons per bucket of water. The resulting solution needs to spill the soil around the perimeter of the bushes.

Nitrogen fertilizers are responsible for the development of green mass (2 tablespoons per bucket). Therefore, they are indispensable at the beginning of the growing season (growth). But in the second half of the summer they are forbidden to use. Under the influence of nitrogen, the growing season is significantly extended. As a result, the plant does not have time to prepare for wintering.

The use of fertilizers can be completely abandoned if there is a thick layer of compost mulch under the bushes.

Decaying under the influence external factors, it will supply the plant with nutrients throughout the season.

Preparing for winter

For lavender bushes that will winter in the open field, you can organize a reliable shelter. Indeed, in warm climatic zones you can do without it - according to experts, l avanda will survive the winter well, even if the temperature drops to -25 ° C. If frosts are expected stronger than this mark, insulation is necessary. In addition, it will not be superfluous to play it safe in cases where the winter may turn out to be little snowy.

At the end of the season, lavender bushes are pruned.. Branches are laid on top of the bed (preferably from coniferous trees). But the usual insulation in the form of a layer of foliage is not suitable. Lavender can rot under it.

In general, caring for lavender is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Using compost mulch will save you from weeding, loosening and fertilizing. Therefore, the gardener will only have to cut the bushes in a timely manner so that they grow strong and bloom profusely.

Types of lavender

Many associate lavender bushes with the same purple. In fact, shades of different varieties conquer diversity. There are specimens with blue, white, pink and even greenish colors.. And that's just the main palette. And there are even more shades of inflorescences-spikelets. But coloring is not the only difference between different varieties of lavender.

According to the generally accepted classification, there are two broad groups: English and French.

English lavender- the owner of narrow leaves and elongated spikelets-inflorescences. It is worth noting that it was this species that received the most wide application. Such varieties winter quietly in middle lane without needing to be dug up in late autumn.

french lavender- a more capricious plant. Outwardly, it is similar to the previous species, but its leaves are wider and the inflorescences are shorter. Traditionally used as a pot culture. After all, even slight frosts down to -15 ° C can instantly destroy the plant.

In the large family of Lamiaceae there are a lot of plants that have both amazing decorativeness and an extraordinary aroma, and others. useful properties. If the summer resident wants his site to be decorated with lavender, planting and care in the open field - key moment on the way to success.

A perennial essential oil crop up to 60 cm high with spike-shaped blue or purple inflorescences has become a symbol of Provence. Lavender is grown in the Mediterranean, and in Russia there are plantings of it in the Crimea and on Black Sea coast Caucasus.

Can a heat-loving plant take root in the middle lane? How to tame culture for a gardener in Siberia or the Urals?

Among the plants related to lavender, there are many that, as a result of cultivation on household plots completely assimilated, becoming part of the native flora. And some of them are well-known wild plants. This is motherwort and oregano, thyme and catnip and lofant.

For the southern heat-loving beauty climatic conditions our country is not always comfortable. And yet planting lavender in the ground is possible. The main thing is to choose the right place, time and follow the rules of care.

Terms of planting lavender in the ground

Of all the varieties of lavender, the most frost-resistant and unpretentious is recognized Lavandula angustifolia or narrow-leaved lavender.

Under shelter, she can survive frosts down to -35 ° C, which is quite comparable with winter temperatures not only in the central part of the country, but even in the Urals or Siberia.

Lavender is propagated by seeds and vegetatively using parts of an adult bush, rooted cuttings or layering.

In the first case, like many other decorative perennials:

  • at home, small seeds are sown for seedlings in early spring;
  • upon the onset of stable heat, seeds can be sown on the beds;
  • planting lavender in the ground in the fall is carried out to obtain plants for the next year.

Helps bring bloom closer vegetative reproduction. In this case, seedlings with their own root system enter the soil in the second half of summer or autumn. Specific dates directly depend on climatic and weather conditions.

In the middle lane, planting lavender in open ground and caring for it are subject to the rules common to all regions. Seeds should be planted in warm soil when the sprouts are not threatened by spring frosts. And before that, in order to accelerate germination, they are stratified in a refrigerator.

In the central part of Russia, such conditions for sowing develop by the second half of May. In regions to the north and east, the soil warms up even later. Unfortunately, our summer is short for lavender. Seedlings very often die without surviving the winter. Therefore, planting lavender in open ground in the Urals, for example, is preferable to seedlings obtained as a result of winter or early spring sowing, or seedlings obtained from an adult bush.

Planting lavender in the ground seedlings

At the end of February or in March, when the stratification period ends, the seeds are sown on the surface of a mixture of fertile garden soil and sand. It is useful to pre-sterilize the substrate and sort out large inclusions.

Crops are sprinkled with a thin layer of sand and placed in a home greenhouse. Germination takes place in the light at a temperature of 17–22 °C. To maintain moisture, the soil is periodically sprayed with warm water, and the container is ventilated to prevent mold. The first sprouts should be a signal that the plants need additional. When the seedlings get stronger, they swoop down, seated at a distance of 5 centimeters.

It is convenient to use before planting lavender in the ground peat pots. In them, the plants develop well, their roots are protected from decay and do not suffer during transfer to the garden.

At the end of May, it's time to plant in the ground and care for lavender in the Moscow region. For plants, dry, ventilated and well-lit places are chosen, the soil on which has a pH level of no higher than 6.5–7.5. The site is dug up on a bayonet, along the way introducing loosening earth, humus and, if necessary, dolomite flour.

Seedlings are carefully transplanted, leaving at least 70–90 cm of free space between plants, it will definitely come in handy for growing bushes. During planting, the tillering point is slightly deepened, then the soil is compacted and thoroughly shed.

Autumn crops of lavender are practiced only in the southern regions, where the seeds do not freeze, and immature sprouts can immediately grow without fear of spring cold. After planting the seeds in the ground, the beds are watered, and with the first frosts they are abundantly covered with snow.

Planting lavender in the ground with cuttings, parts of the bush and layering

If there is an adult plant on the site, you can:

  • divide it, having received seedlings with growth points and a root system;
  • get cuttings that, after rooting, are easy to plant in the ground;
  • create conditions for the formation of stem layering.

The lavender bush intended for division is carefully spudded before wintering, and the shoots are cut at a height of 10 centimeters. In the spring, hilling is repeated, stimulating the formation of young shoots. The bush prepared in this way is dug up in the fall and divided into independent parts. Immediately, lavender is planted in the ground, in the fall the plant has time to acclimatize and prepare for winter.

In spring and summer, lavender shoots are used for cuttings. 8-10 centimeter segments of stems are planted in wet sand, deepening by 2-3 cm. In the greenhouse over the summer, the cuttings form roots. With further home care for lavender, planting it in open ground is carried out in May or early June.

To get layering, selected strong shoots are bent to the ground in the spring and dug in, secured with a metal pin at a depth of several centimeters.

During the summer, the layering is looked after by weeding the soil nearby and watering the places where the roots form. In autumn, such seedlings are separated from the mother bush and planted in a permanent place in the garden.

Care for lavender after planting in open ground

Lavender is planted for its fragrant blue-lilac flowers. But on young plants in the first year of life, all the buds are cut off without waiting for flowering. This will strengthen the planting of lavender in the open field, and make it easier and more efficient to care for them. Throughout the life of the bushes they need to be weeded and watered.

Lavender is a hardy crop, but it needs moisture to thrive. In hot weather, watering should be plentiful and frequent.

Mature bushes form a thick, dense cushion on the surface of the soil. It is problematic to loosen the soil under them, but it is very important to keep the area around it clean. A layer of peat mulch will help to save moisture and airiness of the soil.

Spring-autumn hilling helps to maintain crown density. It stimulates the formation of young shoots, gradually replacing aging branches. Pruning plants serves the same purpose. It is carried out after flowering and during it. For bushes aged 7 - 10 years, anti-aging pruning is recommended. During operation, all shoots are shortened to 5 cm in length.

For fertilizing lavender, mixtures with a predominance of potassium are used, which stimulate the formation of buds. applied in spring in moderation.

Southern crops, including lavender in Russian conditions, are at risk of freezing. To prevent this from happening, the bushes are covered with spruce branches before frost, nonwoven fabric or other air-permeable, “breathable” types of protection, and then sprinkle liberally with fallen snow.

Amazing Lavender Video

Lavender is familiar to many as an essential oil crop that has soothing properties and helps relieve headaches. An evergreen plant that requires an abundance of heat and light, grows naturally in the Canary Islands, India and the Mediterranean. Particularly popular given plant, successfully used in medicine, cosmetology, interior decor, is also used in domestic open spaces.

The endurance of lavender, the ability to endure heat and frost, make it possible to grow such a crop on an industrial scale.

Lavender: description

Lavender at home is an effective insecticide: planted in gardens and vegetable gardens, it repels pests. In particular, the plant is not tolerated by codling moths and Colorado beetles.

In gardens and flowerbeds, lavender creates a chic backdrop, while emphasizing the individuality of other plants. Its harmony with roses is chic, as well as the combination of aromas of these two beautiful plants.

Outwardly, lavender, the cultivation of which is not particularly difficult, is a bush with an approximate diameter of 0.5 to 2 meters, with narrow, silvery leaves; flowers (from blue to dark purple) are collected in spike-shaped inflorescences. Dried twigs have a subtle, somewhat bitter aroma. Used at home as effective remedy against the moth. Look harmoniously in "folk" interiors: chalets, Provence, country.

AT Ancient Greece lavender was used for laundry and bathing, which gave rise to its current name: "lava" is Latin for "wash".

Varieties of lavender

In nature, there are about 25 species of this plant.

Lavender English or narrow-leaved. Has a strong fresh smell. The bush is about 1 meter in height and in diameter. The leaves are gray-green, narrow, small. The flowering period is in the middle of summer. Inflorescences are large, placed on long stems. The variety is quite easy to care for, adapted to low temperatures.

Lavender French or broadleaf. Considered the ancestor ornamental varieties. Has a wide range of colors. Flowering begins in May. The aroma is very strong, not always pleasant.

Lavender hybrid dutch. Popular in South and Central Europe. Narrow-leaved tall (up to 2 meters) variety, characterized by large inflorescences located on long stems. Blooms in July. Widely used in industry.

Serrated lavender. The variety is thermophilic; in the conditions of the domestic climate is suitable only for indoor cultivation. Has silver, soft leaves. Inflorescences consist of large blue flowers.

Features of lavender care

Lavender at home needs time and some patience. The plant prefers sandy soil, straight sunlight does not require frequent watering. In the shade, the plant will take root, however abundant flowering will not please. It is not recommended to plant lavender near water bodies. Being a perennial plant, lavender needs pruning, the purpose of which is to form a beautiful lush crown plants. It is required to produce it in the fall (after the spikelets-inflorescences wither), shortening the bush to a height of 3-5 cm above the soil surface. Pruning should be done carefully, to stiff shoots.

Lavender, which is not difficult to care for, needs constant loosening. This will ensure good air circulation and get rid of weeds that are nearby. Also, the earth can be mulched, using rotted leaves, needles or wood shavings as mulch. Near the base of the trunk, the soil should remain open, which will protect it from decay.

Plant transplantation is carried out in spring or autumn, during the dormant period, before the onset of cold weather. For the winter, it is recommended to cover lavender with spruce branches or needles. If the plant is still frozen, the dead parts should be cut off. The bush will recover quickly enough.

Lavender Propagation Methods

Lavender cultivation is carried out in several ways: by seeds, layering, cuttings, dividing the bush. The seed method of cultivation is little used because of the duration. Lavender seeds need to be sown in a prepared container with sandy soil, moisturize and leave for 30-40 days; the recommended temperature is +5 ° C. After this time period, it is recommended to transfer the seed box to a warm, bright place, where to wait for the first shoots to appear. Landing in the ground is carried out in May.

Lavender, which is planted by seeds, will sprout better if stratification is done. seed. To do this, the seeds should be mixed with a certain amount of sand, placed in a container, which must be wrapped in polyethylene and placed in the refrigerator for a month and a half. This will ensure faster germination of the plant. At the end of this procedure, lavender seeds can be sown. That's the whole procedure.

Lavender at home, planted with seeds, will not bloom soon: at first, the seedlings will develop, build up the root system. The plant will be able to appear in all its beauty only in a year, or even two.

The method of propagation by layering is convenient and labor-intensive. It is required to prepare a groove near the bush, into which to bend several lower branches. The latter must be attached and sprinkled with soil. By next spring, the layering is ready for independent existence, it only needs to be carefully cut from both sides, dug up and transplanted.

When cuttings, it is recommended to use stiff annual shoots. They need to be cut into pieces of 7-10 cm and immersed in a loose earthen mixture, covered with a film and constantly moistened the soil. Rooted branches must be carefully dug up, leaving an earthen ball on the roots, and transplanted to a permanent place of growth.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

The method of propagation of lavender by dividing the bush requires some preparation. In autumn, the plant should be cut to 8-10 cm, and then sprinkled with earth. In the spring, sprinkle again: this will cause the formation of numerous shoots. In autumn, the lavender bush will be completely ready for division.

Planting new lavender bushes is carried out depending on the size of the latter; the approximate distance is 0.5-1.5 meters between each other.

Lavender in a pot - it's beautiful, it's fragrant, it's unusual! Growing such a crop indoors is somewhat more difficult than in open ground. AT this case important components of its qualitative growth will be compliance with temperature regime and meticulous care. A room copy of lavender is an order of magnitude smaller than its street compatriot, which does not detract from its decorative effect.

Lavender: growing at home

So, to grow lavender at home, you will need a deep and wide container due to the massive root system of the plant. The bottom of the pot should be covered with a layer of drainage; The soil for planting is recommended soft and well fertilized. Moreover, lavender does not like organic and nitrogen fertilizers; good growth will be provided by potassium-containing top dressing. Mineral preparations are recommended to be applied to the root area during flowering. The most optimal soil composition is as follows: 3 parts leaf ground, part of sand and two parts of humus. Sandy soil with lime added to it will create ideal conditions for lavender growth.

Potted lavender prefers cool, sunny locations. You will feel most comfortable on the terrace, on a cool balcony, on the outside of the window.

Watering the plant

It is enough to water the plant once a week (in the morning or in the evening), in the cool season - twice a month, using additional air humidification. To form a lush crown, watering is recommended to be done to a greater extent on the green part of the plant. Water should not be allowed to stagnate, otherwise the lavender at home will simply die.

Lavender is an evergreen perennial shrub. Its height ranges from 60 to 90 cm. The lower branches are very branched and have many grassy shoots. The leaves are opposite, 2.5 - 6 cm long, up to 1 cm wide. The root is woody. Lavender has very beautiful flower stalks. Their color varies from purple-lilac to white, blue or pink. Flowers are collected in spikelets. From June to August, the plant enters the flowering phase, and by September the seeds ripen. Lavender seeds are small brown nuts.


Lavender has 45 species. Let's get acquainted with the most popular of them:

  • Lavandula angustifolia or real lavender. They call it English, spikelet, narrow-leaved. Usually, when talking about lavender, it means this species plants. The shrub grows into different sides by 1 m. He has the same height. In dwarf subspecies, the height is about 30 cm. One inflorescence is located on the stem of the plant. (Photo 1)
  • Lavandula tifolia or broadleaf lavender . This species is characterized by a pronounced aroma and the presence of three inflorescences on one stem (photo 2).
  • Lavandula intermedia Emeric. It is called Dutch lavender, hybrid or lavandin. This is a hybrid obtained naturally from the above two species. It is more thermophilic, therefore it is cultivated in the south and in the center of Europe. The plant is quite large. Its height is about 2 meters. The bush also grows up to 2 m wide. Its long inflorescences are characterized by curvature. This type of lavender blooms in July. (photo 3)
  • Lavandula pedunculata. It is called petiolate lavender. She has very unusual bright purple flowers. This species belongs to ornamental plants. It is grown in Spain, Portugal, Morocco. Well, the Russians can grow it on their windowsill. (photo 4)
  • Lavandula dentate. Translated, it sounds like jagged lavender. This type of lavender has rather large flowers, and its soft, rugged leaves are cast in silver. She loves warmth very much, so she can only be grown in a pot on the windowsill. (photo 5)

Where does it grow?

Lavender is a Mediterranean plant. In our country, lavender is grown in the Crimea, the Caucasus, in Krasnodar Territory. Lavender is cultivated in Moldova and Central Asia. It is found in India, Arabia, southern Europe, the Canary Islands and Africa (south and east).

spice making method

The collection of raw materials begins seven days after the flowering of the plant. Suitable spikelets with flowers. Harvest time is in the morning when the flowers are already open. Cut spikelets are dried in a suspended form. For drying, use a dark and well-ventilated area. The sun is detrimental to lavender flowers. Under its influence, they fade.

But the leaves are harvested before the lavender blooms. Dried raw materials are used in powdered form. The taste of the spice is spicy, tart, slightly bitter. Lavender has a very strong scent.

You can dry lavender at home by hanging it outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.


Lavender is a honey plant, which is very fond of bees and butterflies. Lavender honey is very tasty and healthy, has a unique aroma.


Lavender is a medicinal, essential oil and ornamental plant. In general, lavender is a hardy, drought tolerant plant. Insect pests find it completely unattractive. The life span of lavender is approximately ten years.

Nutritional value and calories

100 g of lavender contains the following components:

Chemical composition

  • Essential oil: about 4.5%
  • Tannins
  • Ursolic acid
  • Resin
  • Gerniarin
  • Coumarin
  • Triterpene compounds
  • Borneol
  • vitamins
  • Minerals

Beneficial features


  • Lavender can cause allergic reactions. Therefore, before taking it, you should make sure that your body can tolerate this plant.
  • Lavender is a powerful plant. In this regard, before using it, it is necessary to consult a doctor.
  • Lavender should not be used by pregnant women, especially during the first three months.
  • The use of lavender after an abortion is strictly forbidden.
  • Do not use lavender and medicines containing iodine and iron at the same time.

Lavender has very strong properties, so you need to consult a therapist before using it.


In cooking

Cooks use only two types of lavender to prepare their masterpieces: broad-leaved and medicinal.

  • Lavender is used in various salads, sauces.
  • It is flavored with vegetable and fish soups.
  • Lavender goes well with meat dishes, especially lamb.
  • It is used in the preparation of desserts and for their decoration.
  • Lavender flavors alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.

At home, you can make lavender sugar, which can be used in the preparation of confectionery or simply added to regular tea. You need to put a sprig of lavender in sugar and leave it there for a week. The container must be sealed. After the allotted time, the sugar will be saturated with the spicy aroma of lavender.

Try to surprise your guests with an unusual dessert: make lavender ice cream. You will need 3 cups of cream (35% fat), to which 2 tbsp. spoons lavender flowers. Put this mixture on fire. Remove when it boils and leave for 15 minutes so that the lavender transfers its wonderful aroma to the cream. Whilst the creamy lavender base is infused, beat 4 egg yolks with 1 cup of sugar, then continue beating while adding 2 teaspoons of flour. Strain the cream to separate the lavender from it and pour in the egg mixture. Put everything on a slow fire, stirring with a whisk. The mixture should thicken. After that, it should be filtered through a sieve. Put our still liquid ice cream in the refrigerator, and then in the freezer.

In medicine

  • From lavender, you can prepare a useful syrup that will help cure colds and laryngitis, relieve headaches and heart palpitations. You will need fresh lavender inflorescences in the amount of 200 g. They are poured with 0.5 liters of boiling water and insisted for a day, wrapping the vessel with something warm. The mixture is filtered, the inflorescences are squeezed well. Fresh flowers are taken again (in the same quantity) and poured with the resulting broth. The procedure is repeated. Further, 0.5 kg of honey or sugar is added to the strained broth. The mixture is put on fire. It should be boiled with constant stirring until the syrup becomes thick. Take this delicious medicine half an hour before meals, 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.
  • Lavender decoction can be used as an antispasmodic.
  • A bath with the addition of lavender decoction will relax and relieve fatigue after have a hard day. It is no coincidence that lavender is called the "aroma of relaxation."
  • For insomnia, you can take 100 g of lavender flowers, place them in a bag sewn from cotton fabric. Before going to bed, warm this bag on a regular radiator of a home heating system, wrinkle it a little and put it near the pillow. To store such a bag, any plastic bag is suitable.

Teas and decoctions with lavender will help with insomnia and nervous disorders

Lavender is the most common additive in bath salts and scented candles.

At home

  • Lavender is used as ornamental plant on the garden plot. She can beautifully emphasize the border. It has been successfully used in landscape design.
  • Lavender is a plant that the Colorado potato beetle does not like. Therefore, it is used in the fight against potato pests. It is enough to place lavender bushes between your plantings.
  • Another use of lavender is the decoration of the room and at the same time its aromatization.


The most famous varieties of lavender are Alba (its flowers are white), Beechwood Blue (purple-blue flowers). Rosea has pink inflorescences, while Gem has dark purple inflorescences. Lavender also has representatives of a dwarf variety: Nana Alba (white inflorescences), Little Lottie (pale pink flowers).

The lavender fields in France look breathtaking. One can only guess about their wonderful aroma.


Lavender loves sunlight, so if you want it to please you with long and abundant flowering, you do not need to plant it in the shade. As fertilizers, those that contain potassium are suitable. But nitrogen-containing fertilizers and manure are undesirable for lavender - there will be few flowers, and many leaves.

There are two ways to grow lavender.


Before engaging in the direct planting process, the seeds must be hardened. To do this, they are simply placed in the lower compartment of the refrigerator, where they spend a month. Next, the seeds are mixed with sand. They need to be constantly moisturized. After another month, we start landing. Sand and lavender seeds are placed in their designated place and sprinkled on top with a small layer of soil. Lavender blooms in 1-2 years. The first years of life, the plant spends all its vitality on strengthening its root system as much as possible.

For growing lavender seeds in a pot, see the following video.

Branches and layering

To do this, in an already adult plant, a branch is bent to the ground and sprinkled with soil. To immobilize the layering, it is recommended to press it down with a small load. After a few months, roots appear and the layers can be separated from the main bush. It is cut off with a sharp knife, and the cut is treated with crushed coal to avoid rot.

At home

If you still decide to grow lavender on your windowsill, then keep in mind that the pot for planting should be about 30 cm in diameter and 2 liters in volume. Place the pebbles at the bottom of the pot. This will provide the plant with good drainage. Add a mixture to the soil, which contains crushed eggshell(small amount), sand and peat. Temperature environment must be at least +15°. Do not forget that lavender is a photophilous plant.

  • The name of the plant lavender was derived from the Latin lava, which means in translation wash. It was added to the water when taking baths.
  • Bulgaria ranks first in the industrial cultivation of lavender. This country produces about 140 tons of plants per year.
  • The ancient Egyptians used lavender to embalm pharaohs. It is known that when opening the tombs, archaeologists found urns, opening which they felt the wonderful aroma of lavender. It has been preserved after 3 thousand years.
  • During the Middle Ages, it was believed that lavender warded off witches and evil spirits. The French even carried bunches of this grass with them and attached it to front door to protect your home from all evil spirits.
  • Lavender is considered the flower of love. Therefore, it was used in love magic. In addition, lavender is believed to promote prophetic dreams.

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